Hunting Wolves

Story by Soren on SoFurry

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Short story about two hunters encountering a wild anthro wolf.

Hunting Wolves

My first short yiff story in a very long time. Enjoy!

"We had never hunted this area before. It was new ground, but still familiar forests. I was focused on finding my predator, either a black bear or a mountain lion. My partner didnt care either way; he just wanted some time away from his wife."

"After three hours of cross-country hiking, we took a break. As we are sitting there on this log, I notice some odd tracks. I set my Cheez Its down and leaned closer to inspect the markings. They were very canine, but had a deeper imprint, and wider pads. The toes were spaced out further, and the clawmarks were wicked deep. I never recalled ever having seen wolves this big in this country...actually, I never recalled ever seeing wolves at all. I had heard they were moving south from Canada, but they wouldnt be here yet."

"My partner, Jim, peeked over my shoulder. He made an offhand comment about Sasquatch and a werewolf, and went back to his coffee. I decided it wasnt important, packed up, and we started hiking again."

There was a different smell in the air. Hunting season drew people of all types into his territory, bringing with it smells of all kinds. But this smell was different. It was intoxicating. It stirred him from a deep sleep, removed him from his dreams of raping and killing wildlife, and unsettled him.

The massive wolf rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling of his damp cave. "This cave is bullshit. Damp ass bullshit." He yawned and raked his paws through his salt-and-pepper chest fur.

The scent that wafted into the cave forced the anthro-wolf to his feet. He stretched his back, and gazed outside. Whatever it was that was tickling his senses would be found soon. He would find it, and take it.

"I paused. A twig snapped somewhere in the distance. Over to my left, I think. I kept my head on a swivel as I slowly creep forward to clear a patch of trees and maybe catch a bear shitting in the woods."

"Just around the trees, a meadow opened up for me. Oh look. NOTHING. I let my rifle sag down to the end of its sling. Jim walked over to me. 'Tough shit. Lets keep moving'. I begrudgingly follow."

The scent was getting stronger. He mustve been getting close. He kept surveying around as he tracked, just in case some idiot wayward hunter saw him. Not that he had an issue silencing a person, he just wanted to wait until HE was ready.

The wolf melted into the shadows of a bank of trees, and snuck under to the other side, where a meadow spread out before him like a dining table. Across the meadow should be more trees, and then the river. That would be good. Nothing like eating next to a relaxing river, then rinsing the blood out of your fur before it cakes up.

Suddenly, a tiny sound...then light whispers. The wild canine perked up, rotating his ears to pick up the location. He targeted to a spot across the meadow, where two lone hunters stalked.

"I am so done walking by this point. It had been about 5 hours. We shouldve been close to our tree stand by now. Jim and I consulted our GPS."

That was it. That smell. Blood.

He lifted his head up slightly to clear the meadow grass. They were there. One male, one female. She was definately on her cycle, and he could smell it. It reminded him of sex, hunting, and killing.

He slunk forward a little, easing into the meadow grass. He felt a slight breeze, and realized his cock was trying to escape his sheath. 'Go away' he snarled. Blood smells great. This blood smelled like sex. And that was one thing he prized more than killing.

The lone wolf darted through the native grasses, using boulders as cover, until he was just a few meters from his prey.

"Do you ever get that feeling you're being watched?"

A shadow crept past. Like lightning in the desert, the shadow became a wolf.

"I traced my finger along the river on a paper map. That GPS of Jim's was useless. I felt like we were between these two areas, but the meadow was all wrong."

"I glanced up from the map in time to see a ghost launch from the woods, straight at me. Its eyes glistened like yellow gems set into a black sheet of velvet. I felt claws dig into my neck, and hot saliva on my face. I stared up into those eyes in partial shock, and somewhat impressed that this animal snuck up on me."

The apex predator had pinned his prey to the dirt. He drank in the smell that had ripped him from his hide. The blood signal. He licked the female's face, and savored the sweat and dirt.

"Get the hell off her." Jim said, leveling the rifle at the animal. The wolf looked up at him sideways. He smiled a toothy, wolfish smile. When he spoke, his voice was smooth and low, with an unnerving quality not unlike a serial killer may have.

"If you shoot me, I will clench my fist, ripping her throat out. Toss that thing aside, because it wont do you any good." the wolf glared at Jim. Jim glared back. He slowly lowered the rifle. "Thats it. Now throw it away."

Jim tossed the rifle into the bushes.

"I looked up at him. I wasnt sure if I should plead with the wolf, or with Jim. All I knew was that there were five very sharp claws in my neck, and a big ass werewolf holding me down. What the hell is going on?"

"I tried to squirm, and the wolf clamped down on me. Jim may have tossed his rifle, but I knew he wouldnt have come without his sidearm. I was actually acutely aware of my own sidearm digging into my side.

"Now back away." the beast told Jim. Through gritted teeth, Jim replied a simple but forceful 'no'. The wolf grinned again, and shook his furry head.

In half a heartbeat, Jim pulled his sidearm and fired a shot at the anthro. The bullet tore through the wolf's shoulder. He let out a snarl, and immediately pounced on Jim, shoving him into the dirt. The firearm sailed away into the woods. Jim grunted at the weight holding him down. I watched the wolf tear into Jim's backpack and produce our climbing rope. With a few fancy flicks of the wrist, he had tied Jim's ankles together. I felt helpless, sitting there in shock.

I sat up and backed myself up against a tree. With shaky hands I pulled my jacket open and tried to dig out my Beretta. The wolfman caught me out of the corner of his eye, and before I could draw, he had me pinned down again. This time, I remember the sharp claws, hot breath, and then stars flew before my eyes.

When I woke up, I was flat on my back. Pine needles and dead leaves pricked my bare skin. The cold earth sucked my body heat away like a black hole. Now wait. I wasnt naked before. I sat up fast, the blood rushed from my head, and I had to pause. I was still wearing pants, but my jacket was gone, my belt (and Beretta) were gone, and my shirt was torn apart.

Jim. The dog tied him to a tree. He had blood on half his face, and looked like hell. I was about to go to him, but a warm paw grabbed my arm and I was suddenly face to face with the wild demon.

Before I knew it, he yanked me to the ground. I tried to rip away, but he sank in tighter, using his shoulder to push down on my chest. I wriggled sideways, trying to break free. The wolf dug his one knee into the ground between my legs, pressed up tight against my crotch. He used that leg to shove my shoulder up against a small tree. While i tried to beat him with my free arm, the wolf had my right hand tied to the tree my right shoulder was snugged up to.

God damn son of a bitch!

I found a renewed strength and began a very feminine kicking and flailing, but the wolf only squished me down harder. I heard Jim cheering for me, offering encouragement, but this fucking animal was too strong. I was wearing out.

I paused to take a breath, and the demon wolf sat partially up. He bared his teeth. His pearly, clean, sharp teeth. Suddenly, those teeth were around my neck. He clamped down around so hard he bottomed out. I could feel those razor tips digging into my skin, the blood oozing out to mix with his hot saliva. Jim yelled. I cried out in pain and shock.

I held very still. Jim continued screaming bloody murder at the wolf. I could see my friend boiling over with white-hot fury...God help this demon if Jim gets free.

The wolfman eyed Jim as he bit down a little more, causing me to yelp and squirm. I grabbed onto the wolf's arm with my free hand. He bit down again. I tried scraping at his back, but he was unfazed. The wolf picked me up slightly, and slammed be back down. I whimpered and grabbed a hold of his fur as he wrapped his arms around me and squeezed.

A SNAP echoed like a gunshot and I let an involuntary scream. My fucking ribs! The wolf held me tight between him and the ground. My heart was running faster than a refrigerator, and for the first time, I felt a primal fear settling into my gut. I dont want to die here!

Finally, Jim had quieted. The animal let my neck go. I laid there, immobilized in pain. I could feel the warmth of blood and spit on my skin. The wolf took my right hand, shook his wadded fur from it, and tied it to a stake in the ground. I glared at him. He stared back, his yellow eyes seemed to flicker happily like a well-fed fire. My blood stained his chin.

The anthro wolf stood up. I finally got a good view of the whole thing, not just teeth, eyes, and black fur. He stood about seven feet tall. He was all black, with some gray mixed in here and there and on his muzzle. He had human-like hands, with small pads and sharp claws. His feet were wolf paws, with slightly longer toes terminating in wicked claws. My eyes traced his firm chest, and followed the fur to his velvety balls and sheath. A pink tip exposed itself, and began growing when it realized it had an audience.

Oh God. I always fantasized about being fucked by a werewolf. I didnt want to enjoy it, but at the same time, I wanted it more than anything. I was in love with Jim, although he didnt really realize how much. I didnt want him to think I was a whore, but at that moment, I wouldve gladly whored myself out for that wolf's cock.

The wolf licked her blood off his lips. Delicious. He glanced at the male, tied up against the tree. He was never attracted to males, but the prospect of that tight virgin ass thrilled him. He knew this male had never been buttfucked because, well, he just didnt seem the type. So between the tight ass and the female's tight pussy, it was going to be a great afternoon.

He could see her pussy already glistening. She wants this.

First things first. He would have to mate her, to make her his. That way it was clear to this other male who she belonged to.

"My name is Jagg. These are my woods. This is my territory. You trespassed into my land, and not only will I punish you both, but you (he pointed to her) will be my mate." the wolf said.

Jim snarled at Jagg, and the beast simply smiled.

"Do what you want with me, just let Soren go." Jim spoke assertively. Jagg sensed the attempt at dominance, and shut him down with a solid thump on the head.

Soren cried out to her friend. Jagg returned to her and slid his body on top if hers.

"Just relax. This wont hurt as much if you dont fight." Jagg snarled into her ear. He slid his hand across her belly, pushing her shirt just up under her supple breasts. With a terrifying ease, he tore her jeans from crotch to knees, being careful not to claw her yet. She let out a surprised yelp, but stifled it with a sob when her ribs reminded her they were injured.

Jagg shoved the jeans to her ankles, binding her feet together. He ran his hand down her stomach, tickled her pussy lips with a single claw, then gently rubbed her inner thigh. Soren whimpered.

The wolf crouched down over his prey, and let his tongue cover her belly. It wrapped the stainless steel belly button ring, twirled it like candy, then flattened out and headed south. He made a guttural growl when he found her hot sex. He plunged his tongue into her tense entrance, lavishing himself with the slimy mixture of blood and cum, and relishing her bark and squirm. He could feel her push into him slightly.

"No...please dont...!" the helpless Soren begged. She rolled her eyes and tried to shut everything out. 'Im in love with someone. I want to have his babies. I want him to fuck me every chance he gets. Not this.' her thoughts ran to her fantasy future with Jim. Twenty years her senior, she loved that man with a fiery passion. She thought about him every night in bed, while massaging her sensitive pussy into a climactic finish. (New sheets all the time). But good Lord this wolf was fantastic. That wide tongue could caress, lick, curl, and penetrate like nothing else. Never had she been so torn!

Jim woke from his involuntary sleep, and saw the events. He cried out to Soren. She looked in his eyes. She saw something there that she hadnt seen before. He looked heated, ready to murder, but there was a softer emotion underneath. The passionate undertones in his voice spoke clearer than HD radio, and she felt a wave of heat race through her body. At the same time, he looked 'urgent'. Turns out, he was trying to wiggle around to conceal his pup tent.

Jagg continued lapping up Soren's juices, savoring her essence. After some time, he snuck back up to her, so they were face to face. Her eyes met his. He no longer seemed as much a menace. Dangerous still, but softer.

Soren tried to pull away, but Jagg held her solid. He licked her cheek slowly, nuzzled her neck. The old black wolf lapped at her earlobe, causing her to shudder. She whimpered yet again, muttered 'no' a few time. The wolf put his hand on her hip, feeling the perfect ridge.

"These", Jagg looked directly at Jim, "are child-bearing hips. Sexy, and perfect for my pups".

Jim snarled again. Jagg smiled and found her soaking entrance with his fingers. He plunged them into her, getting another animal noise from her. He wiggled around, twisted, seeking and finding, raking her wet walls. She squirmed and pulled against her ties. The bark of the tree scratched into her shoulder.

Jagg reached down to his sheath, which was now more of a convertible top, revealing his throbbing length. Precum drizzled from the swollen tip. Soren noted the knot, hoping he wouldnt try to stuff that in there too. But oh damn that was one amazing cock.

The wolf rubbed his cock against her hips and belly, smearing pre and her own juices. He watched her struggle with her bonds, as well as her lust. When their eyes met again, he found her entrance and rammed himself inside.

Soren released a scream not unlike a scared rabbit. Jagg pressed into her, his knot still knocking at her door. He needed this so bad. He knew the smell of her cycle woke him for a reason. He needed a mate. He needed a personal whore. He needed this shit.

With a little wiggle, Jagg had her arched. He pulled back and rammed again. She yelped. He pulled back, and pushed his length in again, trying to stretch her a little. He knew she was worried about his knot...but he wasnt worried. It would fit no matter what. He pushed harder, pulling her vagina apart. She arched her back further, trying to relieve the pressure inside, but he continued forward.

Soren moaned as the knot passed the barrier and Jagg's velvet ballsack was packed up against her. She felt him pulsing inside her, a good even rhythm of jerks and grinds. The great wolf moaned and growled low in his throat. He bared his teeth as his knot swelled, locking him inside her. She tried to pull back, but that was futile. Jagg dug his claws into her ass cheeks, then released and dug back in. She whimpered with each puncture.

Then a howl rang through the woods, tainted with whimpers and cries. Jagg unloaded his hot seed into her, filling her in an easy swoop. She relished the feel of the warmth, wishing it was Jim's human cock instead. The wolf pumped a few more times, then stopped, panting.

Jim simply stared at the pair. His cock was rock solid and ready for business. He wanted her pussy so bad...or maybe would even settle for her mouth. Either way, he needed warm hot messy something to stuff his dick into.

Jagg panted and looked over at the male. He smiled with his tongue lolled out to the side.

"You ready for your ride now?" Jagg slurred. Jim shrunk back against the tree. He wished it was an invitation to fuck Soren senseless, but he had a feeling it was more than that.

The wolf slowly stood up, leaving a thin string of cum from his still-stout dick to her pussy. He walked awkwardly over to Jim and simultaneously cut the main rope and lifted him to his feet. He dragged the tied man over to his wet mate and forced him down onto her. Soren gasped and immediately kissed Jim's cheek.

"Are you ok?" Soren whispered.

"Im fine. Im more worried about you." Jim replied.

"Shutup, both of you." Jagg growled as he positioned Jim over top of Soren. He reached underneath Jim and grabbed his cock.

"Let go you son of a bitch." Jim snarled. Jagg began working Jim's half-mast dick, running his soft hands up and around, tickling the tip, then lightly massaging from the head to the base. Jagg expertly cupped Jim's balls, rubbing the soft flesh and playing with the walnuts. Jim looked like he was in pain, but he actually was moving his hips with Jagg's hands. "Uuuuhhh stop! Please.....god no."

Jagg cut Jim's hands loose, allowing him to be on all fours freely. Jagg held Jim by his hips, steering the rock hard dick towards Soren's waiting pussy.

That was when all sexual hell broke loose.

Jim grabbed his dick and rubbed the tip all over Soren's pelvis, down to her wet entry, down further to her anus, then back up. He moaned as he rubbed up against her warm flesh. Jagg ran his hands up Jim's back, forcing him to arch and moan again. While Jim rubbed himself, Jagg maneuvered under him, towards Soren. He shoved Jim forward slightly to make room, and located Soren's waiting pussy. He lined up, then shoved himself into her wet hole, right up to his knot. Soren gasped and whimpered, but pushed herself onto him.

Jagg pumped her a few times, then pulled Jim back in line. Jim leaned down and found Soren's mouth. They kissed each other deeply, running their tongues along each other, nibbling on lips, not wanting to unlock even to breath. Jim held Soren's hips and slipped his dick into her. She rode with him. He pumped deep into her, taking his time on every stroke, making sure he rubbed every wall of her pussy.

Suddenly, Jim let out a bark. "Fuck NO!" he yelled as Jagg pressed his own dick against Jim's ass.

"Fuck YES." the wolf replied, and began pushing his thick length into the tight asshole. Jim howled with every inch Jagg took. The wolf continued working himself in further, digging his claws into Jim's hips to keep him from pulling away. Soren could feel every bit Jagg shoved into Jim, through Jim's shudders and howls.

Finally, Jagg bottomed out, pressing his knot against Jim's ass. He held in there, and began forcing Jim to fuck Soren.

Despite earlier protests, Jim began riding along. Jagg let him do the work. With a dick in his ass, and his own dick in Soren's box, Jim began ramming into her, growling as he went. He moaned and grabbed at Soren...she whimpered and rocked her hips to Jim's rhythm. The trio worked at each other; a mess of saliva, cum, blood, and sweat.

With Jim occupied, Jagg worked his knot around the deflowered asshole. He finally breached, shoving his entire length into Jim. Jim tried to buck, but Jagg dug into him. The knot swelled, locking them together.

Within seconds, Jagg released his hot cum into Jim's ass. The sudden heat spreading through Jim's guts sent Jim into a release. Jagg held himself in, not wasting a drop.

The men dropped exhausted into a pile on top if Soren. Exhausted, intensely satisfied, wet, and sticky.

Jim woke from a relaxing nap due to a bite from the cold wind. He lifted himself off Soren. She smiled up at him.

"Its fucking cold." Soren chattered, as she tried to pull her torn clothes over her. "Who cut me loose?"

A black hand passed a neatly-folded stack of clothes. "I did. You are my mate. I understand you cant stay here, but if you dont come visit me often, I will find you. I will take you wherever you stand. This is no joke. I will lay my life down for you." Jagg spoke in a softer tone, and never broke eye contact with Soren.

Jim glanced at Soren, who had mostly dressed. She gazed at the wolf, but didnt say a word.

Jagg darted forward and grabbed Soren's head. He nuzzled her face, slipping his tongue into her mouth. He nibbled lightly at her lips. As fast as the wolf had arrived, he was suddenly gone.

The two hunters stared at each other. "What the fuck just happened?"