Losers Serves
A wager's a wager...roight, maytey? :P
Losers Serves
This is a commission to two Australian hosses, whom I'm sure many of you know as a productive writer and a patron of furry arts...big thanks to them to making this story happen! My replacement didn't arrive yet but I borrowed something from my mom for the weekend...(don't ask...), so at least I managed to get this one out of the way.
Hope you like the read and do give me comments and love : )
Our cast:
Tennis Hoss - by whitefeather is
Got any balls to play with? is
Nelson Darkstar
Their art belongs to them and the artists : )
Rest is Gruffy of course
Jockstrap research by SecondGruffy.
Gabe panted, his ears flat, dripping sweat as much as the rest of his lean body, coat soaked with the stuff while his eyes followed the trajectory of the green sphere bouncing off the hard floor, propelled by a muscled arm ending in a carefully crafted hand.
"Told you," Dragonnan panted roughly, the fellow dark-coated stallion glaring at Gabe with eyes bleary from sweat and the sunlight beating down on them on the court, "don't mess around with me, maytey if you ain't wanna lose something precious."
Gabe neighed and smacked his tail against a thigh with a hollow slap, his stringy tail braided and tied with an athletic band so that it would not be on the way while the two horses leaped across the court.
"Humph," the hoss breathed out, "I got pretty close though."
He spoke triumphantly, convincingly enough that it made Dragonnan's smirk wane just a little. He was well aware that his victory had not been taken easily. He could tell if only by the rapid thump of his heart, and the slight ache in his calves and glutes. The hoss had really made him prance after the ball this time around, and he could not deny it. Gabe was getting good...but for now, Dragonnan stood victorious.
Dragonnan stopped his idle game with bouncing the ball on the tack and his palm and captured the ball mid-air, and smiled again.
"Not close enough yet," he said.
"I like a challenge," Gabe spoke, rolling his shoulders that were even now gaining an extra grilling from the sun, even with the white tennis shirt he wore, besides the shorts.
Dragonnan's broad smirk revealed the blonde-maned stallion's buck teeth. He folded his arms across his chest, one hand holding the victorious game ball, the other still keeping onto his racket.
"I know you do...but the ball's in my court now, as agreed."
Gabe gave the shortest of nods before he strutted off over to the side of the court, to pick up the small bag containing his water bottle in its cooler and a towel, both of which he rapidly used to make himself feel a bit more at ease in his coat while standing under the glare of the sun and the victorious hoss. Dragonnan seemed unconcerned, his ears already flicking cheerfully while he measured the court with his keen eye. Maybe he was playing through some of his passes...thinking how to improve on his game. Where to have his hooves fall next.
Pro shit, Gabe thought, and nickered quietly to himself.
"I know what we agreed," the brown-coated hoss replied after a full minute must've come to pass between them, "and I'd rather we got to it right now. Still got places to be today y'know."
Dragonnan chuckled and tossed the ball into the air, his other arm following and with clockwork precision he struck the ball and made it land onto Gabe's right butt cheek with a neigh-inducing slap.
"HURRR!" Gabe grunted, tail jumping up before his packaged tail landed from the strange posture to drop again onto his cloth-covered rump. "That's mean."
"It's mean to imply you're in a hurry when you have to pay up a wager," the stallion replied while he strutted over to his fellow horse of masculine variety, "and since I left my stuff in the locker rooms, I think it's best we head there. I have to slip my racket somewhere safe."
Gabe snorted and flicked his ears sharply at the smirking stallion's direction before he lifted his head indignantly and slung his towel over his shoulder.
"Alright then. But you better make it worth all this running."
"I think it will be," Dragonnan mused as he watched the stallion trot off the tennis court and onto the gravel path that connected the courts onto the flat-roofed building flanking them that served to store both the maintenance and game equipment and provide changing and mingling areas for the visiting players. He knew the bar was already open...a nice cool beer might be just what he needed right now.
Among other things, surely, the tennis horse thought while they reached the building after only a fifty yards of walking, slipped through the door for the gents' dressing area, and entered the muskiness of the locker room. They came across a middle-aged coyote in the process of changing a pair of striped pants into tennis shorts as well as a kangaroo checking the strings on an antique-looking, darkened racket that could've been some sort of a family heirloom, Dragonnan thought with humor. There were no other occupants as for now, and the horses could not hear water running in the showers beyond a frosted glass door leading to the washing room, but their destination was elsewhere yet.
"Let's put that borrowed racket back into storage," the blonde hoss spoke in a voice loud enough that the furs in the room would hear.
"Thanks for lending it to me, coach!" Gabe replied.
Dragonnan winked as he dug out the key from his zippered pocket and opened the door on the far end of the room to let them into what was marked "STORAGE" and really amounted to a walk-in cupboard filled with various depilated pieces of tennis paraphernalia, stacked on old, musty shelves and lit up by the single bare bulb that he flicked on once he'd opened the door.
"I'll still recommend getting you a custom fitted racket if you're serious about the sport!" Dragonnan chimed in.
"Can you give me some advice on that?!" Gabe questioned.
"Sure!" the tennis stallion replied cheerfully just as he turned to close the door.
Gabe's noisy breathing become louder in the confined space, and he flicked an ear when he saw the other stallion's expression once the door was shut and Dragonnan turned about to face his fellow player in the room, tennis racket resting against a hip.
"Well, now...if that didn't convince them..."
"We'll be in trouble," Gabe said.
Dragonnan licked his lips.
"Bet you're dropping already at the idea of someone walking in...or knocking on that door and wondering what the bloody hell is going..."
Gabe grabbed the front of his tennis shorts and gave himself a squeeze.
"You read my mind, maytey."
"Naughty," Dragonnan clicked his tongue, "you know what that means?"
Gabe nodded solemnly.
"One for each point you won me with."
"You've learned that lesson well," Dragonnan replied, still trying to sound measured while really, his mind was racing as wildly as his heart and it was already hard to keep his thoughts from spilling into all sorts of remarkable directions that threatened to sweep him away.
"Humph," Gabe mused as he dropped his racket onto the floor.
"Present for me, hoss," Dragonnan said, "drop 'em, maytey."
"Whoever invented tennis must've been gay," Gabe opined as he made a slow act of turning around, which showed Dragonnan the full extent of the stallion's body, from his lean neck to the curve of his back and the flare of his rump covered in that white, smooth cloth with his tail poking out from over the elastic in its own sweaty package, "these clothes..."
"...fit you juuuust fine," Dragonnan neighed as he adjusted his own growing bulge in his shorts.
Gabe dropped the shorts and stepped out of them, which only served to reveal his muscled hocks and the rump lined with the white elastics of the Pike jockstrap with a narrow waistband, just perfect when you wanted a lot of frontal support but wanted to keep your pelvis free to rotate...like when running after a diabolic green ball being propelled through the air by a smirking stallion who knew what he'd get if...and when...he won.
"Shirt, too."
Gabe glanced over at the stallion and shrugged ruefully.
"Really want me naked, eh, maytey?"
Dragonnan snorted, both nostrils chuffing hot air like tea kettles.
"If you don't get starkers soon I'm gonna just come over and stick my cock in your arse and bugger you up."
The shirt followed the shorts on the floor with due haste, and then Gabe chuckled and smacked his tail invitingly against his now practically quite bare rump which became all the more pronounced when he leaned over and put his hands against one shelf covered in strange old point counting cards. His back arched and his ass, two chocolate halves and the tail tantalizing covering the taint and crack between them were in Dragonnan's open view, and the sweaty stallion knew he liked what he saw.
"Come on..." Gabe shifted weight from one leg to another, to make his ass wriggle, "twenty points...one day I'll get it down to 10...and then your ass is mine..."
"Bloody likely," Dragonnan tried to sound boastful, but in his current horny state it was a meek effort, all things considered, when he knew what he was just about to do, "and you better count 'em too maytey...and don't want to get lost, do we?"
Gabe lowered his head and let his shoulders roll.
"Can take anything you throw at me."
"Except my high passes," Dragonnan replied with a questionable, as much as predictable quip, just as he raised his racket as if about to make one of those deliveries just now.
He almost hit the lamp hanging off the ceiling, but his gently directed hand changed the angle so that he wasn't going to plunge them into darkness before the racket made contact across Gabe's ass cheeks.
"One...one for that pass I missed..." the horse replied, voice level and not letting any possible discomfort be reflected in it.
Dragonnan's cock throbbed. When the fellow hoss had suggested such a bet to him, he'd been somewhat reticent, but to actually wield the power to spank a grown man and get off on it...he'd found a quickly acquired taste, which he found to be even sweeter than the last time they played around with their green balls and rackets.
"Two...nhhhh....that's just the beginning," Gabe grunted indignantly.
Dragonnan trained his racket and let it fall over the stallion's right rump cheek, hard enough that it was sure to leave an interesting grid pattern onto the hoss' hide before it'd fade into a twinge of soreness and heat.
"Three...for every time I saw your sheath jump when you hopped for a return..."
Dragonnan nickered. Watching those tight packages in jocks and shorts bounce when lean, athletic males jumped up and down on the court had always been an extra attractive reason to head to pass some balls ever since he had acknowledged his flavor for male cock and booty of the masculine, sweaty, taint-musky variety such as the one presented for him now. The stallion's jock kept his balls and cock tucked away, so that he could only see a path of fuzzy skin at the very base, from where it'd spread to support those big nuts that were safe from the spanking.
"Ngh...four...for thinking about your armpits...ah...five...missing that one pass because your tail was raised for a moment in that jump and I know what's under there...eh..."
Dragonnan stared at the horse's banded tail and imagined how it looked undone...strands of long hair that fell over the sexy curves of those glutes and had a habit of gluing onto them if there was any kind of moisture there, whether it was sweat or water or...anything else...
"S-six...remember that time you sat on my muzzle and I just sniffed and.-..nghhhh...sevehn...ah...yeah...you like rosy cheeks...eight...wow, that was quick - ah!"
Dragonnan panted.
"...eight...how I rimmed you until you begged to be fucked..."
The horse wielding the racket had to stop his action, simply so that he could massage his thick horsecock through his pants. He might've not had qualms about it, not really, but hearing about his own slutty requests after being suggested to minutes of huge, wet horse tongue licking and lapping on his doughnut and making his insides squirm until the big horse was practically on all fours and asking for it, tailhole winking and -
"Uuuh...noice...nine...bet I'm gonna shoot nine globs of cun..."
Swat! The left ass cheek got gridded, and the tail jumped over the stallion's rump as the pain flared and then faded away so that only pleasure remained.
"Ten...halfway there...wish I could grab my flare...you know how big it gets..."
Dragonnan wasn't sure who exactly this treatment was going to punish more...Gabe, for losing the game, which meant swats from the racket that had conquered him, or Dragonnan, who had to make himself wait for his other rewards, and listen to the cocky horse's endless tirade of sexual puns and blatant dirty talk. Sometimes Dragonnan had threatened to gag him with his smelly tennis shorts...but since the horse had only told him to bring it on, and he'd probably enjoyed it too much, anyway, Dragonnan had decided that he'd continue the sweet sexual tournament for that little moment longer and let the horse speak up his kinky mind.
"No jerking off," Dragonnan said, as he lifted the racket.
"Eleven...hnmmph...does that count for you too, maytey?" Gabe lifted his sweaty head to glance at his willing tormentor, and give him a wink.
"Uuuuuuh twelve...that's how many inches you know I've got and the've all dropped for ya...bet you wanna see and play..."
"Ouch thirteen...that got me tail bone...hmmph...I like a sore arse but not like that..."
Dragonnan swallowed.
"Fffffourteen...you wish you had that many inches..."
Dragonnan's flare rubbed almost uncomfortable against the elastic of his own athletic support and while it wasn't two inches past one foot in length, it was still a considerable hoss weapon, and he planned to use it soon to its fullest.
"Fiiiifteen...hmmmh...bet you wish you'd get to do fifteen more, hoss..."
Dragonnan squeezed harder on the racket handle, but did not betray his desire to keep tanning the horsebutt until his hide would be like saddle leather.
"Sex...heheh...teen...hmm...me poor balls..."
"Uuuuh, seventeen...barely legal spanking there, hoss..."
"Eight...ah...teen...hmm...too many syllables, don't you think?"
"Nine - uh...twenty!"
The last smacks from the racket were hard enough that they really made the stallion's breath catch in his throat. As the pain shot over his spine, and the heat spread, his ears vaguely picked up a clatter that was followed by a whinny and a body crashing onto his.
"Game over," Dragonnan growled into the horse's ear and bit it, hard, arms going around his toned chest, obscenely bulged groin rubbed onto the warm and sweaty crack. The horse being rammed neighed but welcomed the arrival of his foe with a private smirk, moments before his head was held high and he winked in victory.
Dragonnan licked and bit on the horse's lean neck, the sweat simply too tasty to resist, the scent, sublime, and the abs he felt under his fingers were like stepping stones on the way onto the hard, warm bulge in the elastic mess pouch that contained the horse's wares.
"Hmmm...there you go, hoss...feel it up...taste stallion meat..."
The horse licked the sweaty hide, tracing a tendon while he squeezed fingers hard under the big, thick, flared tip of Gabe's hot cock. The fleshy snake throbbed aggressively and the touch made its owner breathe out happily, his ass pressing onto the stallion's much welcomed pole.
"You know how it tastes...dontcha..." Gabe teased as he was mauled by the whinnying stallion's hot breath and teeth, "uh, easy there, horse...gotta start easy before you gallop..."
Dragonnan maintained his gasp and twisted the hoss' shaft in his fingers.
The tennis coach hoss nommed on a corner of the stallion's ear and humped onto the big flat rump with gusto.
"All dropped 'n nice...would ride this if I wasn't in need of your ass so much right now..." Dragonnan huffed while he kept on dry-fucking the horse rump and fondling Gabe's belly, "gotta ride ye hard nghhhh..."
"Think ye can ride me, hoss?" Gabe teased. "Strong enough to tame me?"
Dragonnan jammed his fingers lower in the stallion's stretchy punch until he found the big, blessed pears of his fruitful loins. The tennis horse squeezed Gabe's balls with as much urgency as he had touched the stallion before as well, and brought another long, keening nicker from his captive partner's lips.
"Yeah, maytey..."
"Gonna drain these pony balls and make ye lick it up," Dragonnan drawled, wanting to sound like a dangerous outland stud.
"In ye dreams."
"You know my dreams," Dragonnan's fingers pumped along the horse's warm, silky length, "you're in them tail up in the...nghh...air..."
"Thought that's your place..."
Dragonnan bit on the stallion's neck and suddenly stepped back, hands falling onto his waste with almost as much grace as when his digits handled his racket on the field.
"Not today it ain't," he growled as he got rid of his shorts and stood there in just his jock, the pale grey of its waistband standing out from his own coat.
"Let's see it," Gabe growled, still one hand on the shelf as he remained bent over, the other one stroking through his pouch.
Dragonnan snorted and tugged on the side of his mesh pouch. The straps stretched wide, and he still needed the help of his hand to tug and bend his cock out from under the side strap, followed by his balls, so that the horse's entire manly tackle flopped out and stood in proud, harsh attention.
"Let's see if ye ass ain't too tender after the racket."
Gabe slapped his rump and grinned.
"I used to lose with forty points for you...don't ye worry. My hole's already tingling..."
He lifted his tail just a little, enough to draw Dragonnan's eyes and get the graceful male to do the disgraceful thing of falling onto his knees so that he could worship the brown-coated horse's ass with his eyes, and soon his fingers. He traced the immaculate curvilinear form, from flares of the hipbones to the strong, firm glutes that he'd be envious of if his own weren't in such a toit shape themselves. The knowledge made Dragonnan grin proudly, even while fondling Gabe's ass and feeling up the cheeks he was keen to spread wide open with his cock.
"Look at it winking for you...poor empty lips..."
Dragonnan snorted hot air into the teasing stallion's taint and pulled the distracting tail up so that he could really put his eyes in the silky crack and the muscled horse doughnut hiding in the recess between those iron buns.
"Oh shaddap arsehole."
"Carrot biter," Dragonnan knew he hadn't come up with a particularly good comeuppance in the verbal department, but burying his muzzle in the horse's sweetly musked love crack was more than enough to silence the horse, beyond his gasps of surprise and pleasure, of course.
"HNMmmmeat me out...make it wet..."
He didn't have to put extra effort to it being wet - he was practically drooling anyway, spittle flowing into the crack and onto the warm hole he licked with his big, broad tongue. Each lap made it wink and tremble, as if inviting inside, and the strong, musky taste encouraged him even further, as much as the horse's hungry gasps. The craving was on, Dragonnan knew, had probably been there ever since he'd stuffed that hole full, and it was time to get a rematch.
"Oh fucking hell yeah...eat it like you mean it...eat that hoss hole..."
The stallion's meaty opening did not resist Dragonnan's fleshy tongue but allowed it to lap and slither all along its rims, making the puckered hole pulse with delight that warmed the stallion's belly and made him push back against the hotly slurping muzzle. His hot grunts were a further encouragement, but Dragonnan barely needed any by that time. He knew what he wanted, and to get a taste for stallion ass was one thing high on the list...right before...
"Hmmmh...get that pony hole wet..."
Dragonnan gave one final parting snort and a kiss before he stood up and spat a big wad of drool onto his palm which he promptly slathered onto his flared tip. The touch alone made him grunt, but it was nothing compared to the heat of stallion ass on his cock when he pushed onto the crack and thrust, hands grasping onto his tall partner's hips.
"Mgonna fuck you now maytey..."
"Fill me up if you can..." Gabe grunted in a final show of bravado, even with a cock kissing his ass lips and trying to pry its way in through his fleshy portal and into the tight confines of his horse rump.
"I'll bugger you till you neigh like a mare..."
"You can...nhh...try..."
The Aussie horse's ass could take a lot of beating but a cock belonging to a stallion rearing to breed a hole was not something it could resist for very long. The flare entered with a painful thrust, forcing both of them to stand tense and in place as the sensation passed, but it never lasted very long, in their shared experience.
"I'm doing more than trying."
His straining cock bore deeper in the hot, moist tunnel, creating a suction that generated a slurping noise that soon overtook most of the ruckus they could generate with their stallion mating. Once Dragonnan got settled in and stroked up a rhythm, the smack of their bodies together added up and things really started to sound raunchy, their bodies working to make a sweet bangle of Aussie hoss pleasure.
"MHmhmh...punching on my pony nut, Drag..." Gabe growled as he felt the thick, flared head poke and stroke across his prostate deep in his rectum before it passed back and forth over the spot that sent sparks of pleasure through his loins, "...keep that up stud...ngghh..."
Dragonnan pumped the hoss' bottom deeply, snout resting on his sweaty neck which he occasionally lapped while he drank in the scent, weight and warmth of the chocolate-coated horse. His body was as erotic as the feeling of their heated, urgent sex, that muscled form undulating beneath him to propel him into even deeper heights of intricate sexual haze.
He bred the horse like a mare, head up proud, smacking thrusts so that his balls collided with Gabe's taint. Their balls bumped together, Dragonnan's making a long pendulous swing up to the horse's sweaty pouch. Pre-cum gushed into Gabe's jockstrap and drew it dark, the mesh glued onto his hot flesh.
Dragonnan's resolve was as crumbling as his whinnies were sharp, coming with more frequency as he pounded deep and hard.
"Here you...nghhh..."
He fucked the load deep into the horse, not stopping even when his flare seemed to swell to double its size and jam somewhere in a bend of a bowel he couldn't quite visualize, but what he knew was that he was spewing so much cum into the messy, tingling hole that he forced some of it out with a slurping noise and onto his own newly cum-splattered crotch.
"Aaahh...stallion milk..." Gabe groaned, the hot fluids flooding into his rectum and sending him into a series of warm moans while his own cock jerked...once...twice...but still not there.
"Blimey..." Dragonnan panted.
"My...turn..." Gabe breathed raggedly.
The stallion was almost too dazed to know what was happening, but the tugging feeling on his cock made his eyes pop open, just as Gabe bit his teeth together and moved forward to pull himself free of Dragonnan's thick, erect member. The flare popped out with a soppy slurp and a gush of seed that poured onto the floor...suspiciously blotchy as it was, already.
"Ouhhww..." Dragonnan moaned when his over-sensitive shaft was stroked by the stallion's hole once more.
"Quickly now, matey."
Dragonnan's earlier dominance changed into simple obedience, as he knelt onto the little puddle of cum he had produced, and came to face Gabe's wonderful, thick, so very pent up tool, glistening and oozing musk that filled his nostrils.
"Suck me dry, coach."
_ _
He was no stranger to gobbling on a cock, even if it wasn't his favorite thing, but the firm clutch of Gabe's fingers on his mane made him groan with heat around the thick flesh in his maw. Gabe seemed content to let him do it for most part, to simply drag his tongue over the sensitive underside of the flare and cover the rest of the shaft with his fingers.
"Touch my asshole, Drag..."
He found the warm crevice and the messy, oozing hole, pulsing still and flexing while Gabe's cock was stimulated by the heat of his stallion partner's lips. The finger that slipped in encountered cum and the warm sponginess of his prostate, once more being stroked so intimately -
He might've been used to sucking cock, but the gush of horse cum was still impressive enough that it felt like it was filling up Dragonnan's sinuses, or so it seemed, when the thick globs began to shoot onto his tongue and the roof of his maw.
Gabe's firm hand on the horse's messy mane made sure that Dragonnan had no choice but to stare up to the orgasmic stallion while he bred his stallion's maw into a cum hole with each pulse of seed from his fertile balls. He could even see the gulps on Dragonnan's extended neck...felt the suction...reveled in the attention, and pleasure, and how that finger massaged his pony nut while his tailhole clenched down on it hard.
"Bloody hell..."
"I think you'll definitely owe me a beer now, Drag," Gabe mused once the stallion reluctantly had stopped nursing on his flare, "loser's prerogative? Free pint?"
"I think I just swallowed a pint of you..." Dragonnan breathed, and got a puff of cum breath into his nostrils as he found himself burping.
"You really love milking a stallion dontcha?" Gabe winked.
"Only until the next game," Dragonnan replied.
Gabe grinned.
"How about you do a bit of cleaning up first though?"
His tail raised and his hands fell to his hips to pull his ass cheeks apart even before Dragonnan managed a quizzical look, and then the splattered taint opened in front of him in all of its messy stallion sex goodness...and he could postpone that beer for...maybe another fifteen minutes.
Or half an hour.
Or however long it'd take for him to get either of the two cocks hard for...whatever could be done with whoever got reloaded first.
Thank you for reading! Hope you liked this, and I look forward to your feedback! Also remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!