Slave of Alduin Chapter 3

Story by GuyBroDudeKing on SoFurry

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#4 of Slave of alduin

Their flight wasn't very long, they landed in a little town called riverwood.

All the people living in this town were greeting Alduin, with fake compliments.

"Oh Alduin, rightful owner and ruler of this world, i'm honoured that you have come to me."

The new blacksmith of the little town, he was clearly lying, he was actually afraid he'd die any time.

All the people were literally bowing and some were even praying to him, until he told them to leave them alone, at this point there were only the blacksmith,Agvar and Alduin around.

"You will make my slave an amulet out of Ebony and make it look like a dragon .If you do a good job, I will let you live. Then send it to the next enchanter in town."

Agvar wasn't quite sure if a necklace is necessary.

Alduin was saying the truth, he would have killed him.

"Slave, go to the next cloth trade and buy cloth that will keep you warm, but also let everybody know you belong to me, Ru hond ahrk zu'u fen krii hi"

Agvar walked to the next store, leaving the blacksmith and Alduin alone.

When he was inside the two merchants were talking about alduin, that they are afraid.

"Hey, I need to buy some cloth-" he was then interrupted by the female merchant.

"Don't you see that Alduin is out there ! We are not selling anything !"

She was clearly afraid, but had no reason to be angry at Agvar.

"Well, I'm Alduins slave and he told me to buy cloths here..."

The male merchant walked forward.

"Ok, what do you need ?"

Agvar though about what his master said, he needed to stay warm, but also like a slave.

He has chosen something, it took him 20 minutest, but it would be worth it.

Then the nord slave went out of the store.

The necklace for Agvar was finished, it looked like a dragon and had 2 diamonds and 3 rubies in it.

Alduin heard that his slave was returning and was surprised about his dressing choice.

It was something that normally women were wearing, it was something used in 'roleplaying'.

Agvar was wearing an armour witch had a lot of free room, such as his stomach, the upper part looked like an ebony armour witch had only 1 should armour part and arm part on the left arm.

The lower part looked a simple slip with armour plates.

And ebony boots, witch were had a special leg part to protect the sides of the legs.

His stomach was completely free.

On top of everything he was wearing a wolf cloak, to keep him warm.

Alduin was very surprised of the choice Agvar made.

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"Hm...Interesting, did you have other intentions than just cleaning me, Aar ?"

He was not sure how to take that, he assumed it was a compliment.

"Yes, I though that I should be able to fight, and I thought I look more dangerous in this armour."

Agvar was right, he did and yet he still could be identified as a slave, as property.

Perfectly in time, the enchanter came back with Agvars amulet.

"Here, I did all I could. Resistance to magic and less need less energy to cast.."

The enchanter was exhausted and Alduin looked pleased.

"Yes indeed, give it to my slave. Rok fen med nii" Alduin spoke.

Agvar took the amulet, he didn't feel much difference than before.

It looked very expensive, he liked it and replied "Thank you." Agvar even smiled a bit.

Now that Agvar was properly dressed, and received his accessory they went off.

This time the young nord again didn't know where they were heading.

Agvar could see where they were heading, it was whiterun.

He hadn't visited this place yet, now he can.

But there was a slight difference in whiterun, dragonsreach had a big opening in the roof.

A dragon was ruling over whiterun.

When they landed inside, Alduin shoved his slave from his back and began to talk to the orange dragon.

"So you have a slave I see, he doesn't look very strong. sahlo mun" the orange wyvern said.

Alduin just chuckled "But he is stronger than your mun. We will let them fight"

Agvar wasn't even able to get ready when an icebolt was fired at him, the armor blocked it but it hurted a lot.

The heavy hit made him feel dizzy, he had to find out where the target is, it was a mage in a black robe. This was a good opportunity to use his forbidden spell.

He only raised his left hand towards the opponent and charged his attack.

Around him, the wood was getting black and the flowers were dying.

Then he released his lightning.

He didn't know what happened next, the impact was very loud and bright.

After a second he looked around and his opponent was lying on the ground.

Both Alduin and the other dragon looked a the corpse.

"This attack was very powerful, it penetrated him. Tiiraaz, zu'u hind nii fund lost laat lingrahiik"

Was the only thing the orange dragon said as a response to the quick battle.

Alduin looked at his slave and told him to go into a pub, and wait until its dark.

Agvar could have sworn that he was smiling.

He hadn't seen a look like this before, it didn't seem like a friendly smile, more like a lusty or proud smile.

The young nord was no longer in dragonsreach, he now was in the bannered mare.

But he didn't have any money, so he just sat there.

People weren't even looking at him.

Feeling lonely, he just looked outside the window, until someone talked to him.

It was a he, a Breton. He just smiled and spoke.

"Your armor looks funny, you have parts of an ebony set on you and you're unprotected where you should be protected. You're not the close combat guy are you ? Oh, I bet you are a battle mage."

Someone was finally breaking the silence that had bothered him.

"Yes, I am and I wear this armor like that, because I need to, im also a slave." Agvar just chuckled.

He knew the response that would now come.

"But slavery is against the law, you should tell it Doljusk, the jarl of whiterun."

Doljusk meant ironclaw in the dragon tongue.

"Well, I can say that my owner is actually treating me well, I'm ok with that."

Agvar answer was true, he was treated the right way.

He leaned his head against his hand and looked outside of the window again.

"My name is Julduris. And yours ?" Agvar had a funny response "My name is Agvar, the battlemage, slave of Alduin, lord of all dragons." at first he was chuckling, until everybody was looking at him

"Stop looking at me !" The people just turned around and started whispering.

Julduris was convinced that they feared that they would get punished for angering Agvar.

"Is that true ? Slave of Alduin ? Is he really nice to you ?"

The slave of Alduin chuckled again "I didn't say he's nice, but he treats me fair, I can't complain."

"What are your duties ?" Julduris was really curious.

"Well, I'm only his slave for like 1 day, I started yesterday. To this point I think ill only clean his lookout and his scales and I'm also travelling with him..for some reason."

"You're cleaning his scales ? And he doesn't even hurt you ?!"

Agvar was slightly confused. "What do you mean ? Of course, I even sit on his stomach to clean his lower scales."

"Well, the deal is most people die when getting too close, you have the opportunity to kill him."

He was surprised from that sentence, he didn't want to kill Alduin, now that he looks at what might be his future live, as someone who earns respect from other humans.

"I will not try to kill him, he has not done anything to hurt me, if you want to kill him, do it yourself."

"That's something i'd expect from a slave, weak little shi-" Julduris' words were cut off.

Cut off by gauntlet slammed against his face.

"Do not call me weak, I am not."

"AH.. You broke my nose !" The injured breton crumbled together and screamed in pain.

Agvar was about to walk out of the door, when a big nord held his hand in front of the door, blocking the way.

"Where are you going little guy... did I hear right that you're a slave...and slaves don't have rights.."

Agvar did not even give a response, he grabbed the bigger nords throat.

He didn't know why he did the following, but it felt good, he charges a lightning bolt and sent it through his neck, blood splattering everywhere.

The people were screaming, terrified by Agvars murder.

It felt so good to hurt someone all the sudden.

Agvar was now outside and took a deep breath, then you looked at himself.

At his hands first, then at his legs, he didn't know why, but it felt amazing.

He felt amazing.

Agvar sat down at a big stone next to the small river.

He thought about learning levitation, so he can float, just like the god kings in morrowind could.

Also, he had his hand open, charging lightning in them, some guards were looking at him.

Eventually, the day was over, it was now evening and Alduin was standing in front of him.

Agvar didn't notice him until he spoke.

"I heard what you did to that human, good job, now come I will give you treat when we are in my cave.Hi fen med nii"

The nord mage climbed onto his master and they flew away, to Alduins cave.

Slave of Alduin Chapter 4

Agvar was curious about the 'treat' he will receive, it will probably some accessory or cloth. "Do I have to be naked all the time ?" Alduin chuckled "Yes, I do not wear clothings either.Zu'u los ni zopaak do dii kopraan". \*Im not ashamed of...

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Slave of Alduin Chapter 2

Meditation, meditation for 2 hours. Agvar had come to a conclusion. He will just serve him, it won't be that bad A Dragons desires are just do dominate, he will just obey and do as he is told. It was a privilege to serve not only a dragon, but the...

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Slave of Alduin Chapter 1

Agvar, a simple 15 year old nordic orphan boy who was studying in a mage college built on he ruins of helgen. It had the architecture of a normal castle, it looked like the mage college of winterhold. He liked all destruction spells, but he was the...

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