Slave of Alduin Chapter 1

Story by GuyBroDudeKing on SoFurry

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#2 of Slave of alduin

?Alduin would now choose his slave, i a world wich the humans and mer have fully accepted the leadership of the dragons.

Agvar, a simple 15 year old nordic orphan boy who was studying in a mage college built on he ruins of helgen.

It had the architecture of a normal castle, it looked like the mage college of winterhold.

He liked all destruction spells, but he was the best at electricity.

His favourite spells were those with electricity, they were draining a lot of magical energy.

But he just licked how it was glowing, and the way it moved, hypnotic.

The school was actually normal compared to the others, his school wasn't about making the best mage. It was about knowledge, no matter if it was about conjuration, destruction or resurrection.

His teaches were nice too, so were his class mates.

Currently they were teaching history, they were learning about "the great return".

That made Agvar curious, the return of what ?

Finally the teacher was beginning to talk.

"The great return is about, as it says, the returning of alduin, and how he killed the dovakiin 24 years ago.

A violent murderer who was killing our dragonlords for no reason, oh, well it seems that you can go home now, everybody grab an example of the book and read it." the teacher was faster out of the class than all of the students.

When Agvar grabbed one of the books an began to walk out of the school, he could see a small map with all important dragonlord castles, each built on the cities of the old jarls.

He didn't know how a dragon even looked, not many people did, even thou they were the rules of all of tamriel.

Agvar took all of his equipment and sat down under a bridge, witch might seem sad.

But he is a mage, he knows how to make fire and everything to survive, he has a good live actually.

And sometimes people would smile at him and give him free food, he was able to get his own by hunting, but it was to relax for a short time.

With his magic he lightened up a torch and began to read the book.

Physical description of alduin was the first thing that was in the book.

Then personality and then a story of how he defeated the dragonborn and conquered the empire.

He took over the world in just 3 month.

Alduin also rebuilt his old nordic ruins.

From what he has read in the book, Alduin had to be a humiliating, dangerous and merciless ruler.

Witch was of course true.

The time has passed away quickly, he had devoured the book with his mind and was tired of staying awake so long.

He was thinking about Alduin, if he was ruling the dragons and the dragons were ruling tamriel, why aren't we seeing dragons flying around ?

"Tomorrow I will do some research that. It might be really interesting" he said to himselg before going to sleep.

He was dreaming, he was traveling through the realms of existence, to autherius.

Agvar was dreaming of sovngarde, the place of the slain.

Flying around, not touching the ground, then he flew further, into fog.

In the fog that he was in, he began to feel cold, he was no longer in sovngarde.

Now he was in some cave, he couldn't see anything.

It felt like he was freezing to death, until something touched him from behind.

He turned around, but couldn't see its face, but he was sure it was looking at him.

It pushed him onto the ground and laid down, around him, warming it.

Now he was travelling backwards, through walls of stone.

He was awakening, in a sitting position, the way he had fallen asleep.

The sun was shining and the dog of the guard was sleeping next to him.

His college had a sun clock on the biggest building, where the teachers lived.

He still had 2 hours before school starts.

He had a friend too, only 1.

Agvars best friend, Illiares, an Aldmer born in skyrim.

Both were friends since childhood, Illiares was 1 year older.

In comparison, Illiares was far superior in all arcane arts.

He didn't notice that Illiares was standing next to him, until he pushed him over.

"Is there a reason you are always here ? I already told you, you can seek refuge in my room."

Illiares said with a strict voice.

"Hey buddy and no, I do not want to, I'm ok with this bridge, I don't need help.

He smiled at Illiares, he might seem unfriendly, but that was just his way of talking, he was actually a friendly guy, very tolerant and intellectual.

Agvar stood up and smiled at his Aldmer friend.

"So, why are you here ? You need something right ? Otherwise you wouldn't have come to see me 2 hours before school would start."

Chuckling Illiares answered.

"Its nothing I want from you, I wanted to give you something, its a ring, it enhances the regeneration of mana, I do not need it since my Aldmer blood is superior in magic that any other race."

A typical sentences for an Aldmer, but he was right.

Agvar took the ring, it was a gold ring with a ruby in it and sometimes there was a little blue spark cycling around the ring, but that was all.

"Yea, thanks. So...was that all ?" he looked ad Illiares.

"It was, I know that you know that these items aren't allowed at test, but if you are running in the wild, a little bit extra is beneficial. And besi-"

Illiares words were interrupted by students talking loud, he could see they were all gathering at the big cycle in the middle of the sky theatre, a theatre without roof.

"Hey, common its something important !"

Without letting Agvar respond, he dragged him to the theatre.

50 students and their 12 teachers gathered in the theatre.

They were waiting for something.

"Ok students, a dragon is coming to your college, bow down if he lands, or he will slaughter us."

That was the head teacher, a strong mage with a lot of courage, he has already slain various beast, dremora, feral werewolves and even a draugr death lord.

If he showed fear, witch he was, they were in trouble and needed to follow his advice.

Agvar could hear wings flapping, all people bowed down, preparing.

He did the same.

Then finally, he felt the ground shaking and claws scratching against the stone ground.

The dragon has landed.

He began to speak with the deepest voice Agvar has ever head, the ground was slightly shaking.

"The leader of this college will now step forward."

He didn't ask, he commanded.

The head teacher, obeyed the dragons words.

Agvar was still looking on the ground, he didn't want to draw the dragons attention.

"I-Im not worthy of your presence, how may I assist you my dragon overlord ?"

He clearly was in fear, not anger him.

*Wait...dragon overlord ? I know dragon-lords, but not dragon overlords, maby its just a higher ranked dragon...*

Agvar was deep in his own thoughts, trying to Imagen the dragon that was speaking.

He came to the conclusion that it was probably one with red colour.

A legendary dragon, how humans called them.

He was thinking so much that he didn't half of their dialogue.

"Students, one of you will receive something that is without price, something that only one of you will ever have, those of you who think they are worthy to receive it, step forward."

Nobody was moving.

"W-Well I g-guess some of them are shy" he clenched his teeth."Common, somebody"

Still, nobody was moving.

"It seems your students do not believe to be worthy,kusah"

Agvar knew a bit dovahzul, kusah meant interesting.

The dragon looked around. "Show me your best student."

He commanded.

"Illiares, step forward." The head teacher said.

The young Aldmer stepped forward to the dragon, but didn't look him in the eyes, he looked to the ground.

"You are the best student then ? pruzaan prustiik."

"Y-Yes.... I a-am."

Agvar didn't want to look, to draw the attention of the dragon towards him.

The dragon overlord looked at him for a second, then he said something Agvar didn't expect.

"That's enough. Go back to your position" Illiares just bowed and walked back to Agvar.

"Illiares, did you do something wrong ? I didn't want to look." Agvar was curious.

"Shh, quiet." Illiares responded quietly.

Both didn't notice that the dragon was looking at their direction.

Agvar risked a small look at the dragon, just a short one.

When he looked, he almost froze and quickly looked back on the ground.

The dragon not only looked at him directly in the face, it was not a legendary dragon.

It was the one dragon that ruled them, it was alduin.

This was very bad, he should have looked, not even talked.

Agvar closed his eyes tightly and hoped that the dragon overlord Alduin wasn't looking anymore.

But it got worse.

*Pleasepleasepleaseplease don't call me out ! Anything but not that !*

Alduin chuckled a bit.

"Why don't you come out and talk a bit with seemed that you like talking. Krastuv mal mun." The insults of Alduin himself only weakened him, he said Agvar was a disgusting little human.

He was shaking as he stood up and shaking more and more the closer he got.

Agvar was sure that alduin could smell his fear.

*Please, something happen, divines help me ! Something get me out of here ! I want to break out of my human shell and just fly away *

Of course praying was useless in this situation.

He had reached the devour of worlds and just stood there, he could feel Alduin staring at him.

As if he was about to be eaten.

"You don't want to talk anymore, but you seemed so talkative back there...Zu'u vis sahlon hin faas Hi laan wah ru hond dreh ni hi ahrk iliis los zu'u viilt ?"

It was both, at test and an intimidation, the words that alduin said in dovahzul.

"I'm not a coward.. I don't run away..."

Agvard only understood half of it, something like, why dont you run away.

But that was enough to impress Alduin a bit.

"Hm... you speak dovahzul, I did not expect that from a weak human like you.. In what arcane are are you good, prustiik ?"

Agvar wasn't the best, but he knows some good destruction spells, even some forbidden spells.

"Destruction...I'm good in destruction." He was still shaking, he felt like these were his last breaths.

A small pause was followed before he said something he wasnt allowed to say.

"I...also know some forbidden spells...." he then said.

The head teacher immediately interrupt their dialogue "Agvar !-"

But Alduin stopped The head teachers upcoming speech "Quiet ! Do not dare to interrupt my dialogue ! Zu'u vust krii hi viilt mindok !"

The head teacher shrieked back and stayed quiet and all the students started shaking in fear.

"Forbidden spells ?" The black dragon moved his head closer.

"Please...explain." His voice has changed from a strict to a more friendlier but still humiliating voice.

Alduins head closer made him feel extremely uncomfortable, but he had to continue.

"I don't have names for them...i made them..." His spells were extremely powerful even thou he wasn't the best but if you know how to use soul gems and concentration then you can create every spell.

"A spellcrafter..and a young impress me... tell me about them. Tu'ur gir"

Alduin got back into his previous position, a proud position you'd expect from a dragon.

" is a mixture between lightning storm and life drain...while I'm using it, it drains the life and magickal energy from anything in a 10 meter it doesn't deplete my mana that fast..

And the other one is a from of telekinesis.. it is a lot stronger...I could use it to brake bones.. using it feels like having long arms...i was able to crush a steel armour with it..."

That was enough for alduin to feel impressed, even from a little human..

"I have made my decision. You will come with me. Uv dir"

*Come with me or die...*

Where would he take him ? Would the thing he will receive be there ?

With an exhausted voice he accepted Alduins offer, even thou it was no offer.

It was maby a good idea to impress him, he would have probably been slaughtered.

And he was lucky too, these were the only spells he knew that were forbidden.

They were forbidden by the arch mage ministry because they were too dangerous, therefore they were not allowed to write them in any book.

"Yes..i will come with you..I'm honoured"

Agvar was actually honoured, Alduin has chosen him instead of his friend.

But why was it important that he knew these spells and understood a bit dovahzul ?

"Climb onto my back Mun, we will fly to a distant location"

Flying ? Was it that far away ? Well, he had to obey, so he climbed onto his back.

There wasn't really any spot where he could sit, his scales were sharp, and like spikes growing out of his back so he just grabbed the biggest scale and held onto it, standing on other scales.

He wanted to say goodbye but at that moment Alduin the destroyer began to swing his wings.

Agvar had trouble holding but didn't fall off.

The big scale he was holding on felt like it was unbreakable.

After a few wing swings they were so high that a fall would be fatal.

The black dragon now began to fly forward, towards the mountains, very fast.

Winds were cooling Agvars hands and body rapidly down, he could feel them anymore.

Now he was shaking again, this time more because of the cold than the fear of falling down and the adrenaline flowing through his veins.

The relieve was in sight, a small cave on a high mountain seemed like a place to hide something.

That must be the place where they are heading.

Finally reaching the cave he immediately jumped down to warm his body and his hands with a magically powered flame.

Alduin just chuckled at him.

"Normally I would have let an unworthy human like you walk the way to the mountain and climb here, but I didn't want to wait another eternity, dii yun aar"

Agvar didn't understand what he said, but it was probably an insult.

"You may speak now." Alduin looked at him, with his glowing red eyes, piercing his very soul.

"I-I have a question....actually two, where are we and...what will I receive ?"

He wanted to get straight to the point, that would reduce the risk to say something that might insult the dragon that had the power to kill him instantly and was ruling the world.

"We are at my lookout, here I watch over most of skyrim and you already received your reward."

He was now chuckling with a deeper and more evil voice, clearly laughing at Agvar.

"...What do you mean ?" Agvar was really confused now.

"Hefhah, You are my slave. That is what you receive, you have the honour to serve me in any way. You'll do everything I tell you. I've you behave I will give you a bit more freedom, you major function will be cleaning up here, at the moment. dii sahlo mal aar"

Agvar was shocked, that meant he was not able to go back, he had to stay.

He bowed down, he was now more exhausted and sad, vanishing the flame that warmed him up.

"You don't talk back that is something I do like, Aar"

Aar probably meant slave.

Now his thoughts were getting worse, he was only wearing a robe, only a robe, nothing more, not even underwear. He had forgotten to put them on.

Agvar knew that Alduin was not interested in these things anyway, he had heard they cant reproduce and therefore have not reproduction organs.

But was more worrying was that, if he had to stay here forever, or a long time he would freeze to death.

Before he could ask any questions about cloth, Alduin flew away.

Leaving Agvar alone.

He looked around, the cave was mostly empty, there wasn't even a bed.

There were only some tools, a broom a smaller broom a bucket and a sponge...and a hammer and chisel...what were these for ?.

The cave was clean yet, so he had time to meditate and think.

He sat down on the edge and created a firecycle to sit it.

It felt like it was summer and the sun was shining.

Meditating while keeping the fire alive was a challenge, but he got used to it after a few minutes.

Was that the way the rest of his life would be ?

-End of chapter 1-

Slave of Alduin Chapter 2

Meditation, meditation for 2 hours. Agvar had come to a conclusion. He will just serve him, it won't be that bad A Dragons desires are just do dominate, he will just obey and do as he is told. It was a privilege to serve not only a dragon, but the...

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Slave of Alduin Prologue

The times that were changing the world haven't always been like the this. There was once a time, when men and mer ruled over tamriel. Kings have fallen and risen so have their kingdoms. But these times were different back then, back...when Alduin...

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Wrong/Right Feelings chpt2

Yay, 2dn chapter, 8 followers and 1 friend request ^^ thx for the early support * * * "A-Aces...j-just do it already.." Jessie was breathing heavy, moaning as he waited for Aces to start. Jessies cock was already pulsating, the knots were swollen and...

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