Jessie Raiye: Reunion

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#8 of Jessie Raiye

Jessie moaned in pleasure, wiggling under her soft covers. She had awoken from a pleasant dream about her and Derrick and she needed to release her tensions. Her panties were bunched up around one ankle as she rubbed her stocking-clad legs together, enjoying the sensation immensely. Slowly, she stroked her member up and down with her soft paw. Teasing her tip with a claw, the young vixen moaned loudly.

Her mind was clouded with thoughts of Derrick, including images of what she was sure he would look like without his clothes on. Those images were fuelling the sexual fires racing through her small body as she panted in lust, arching her back slightly. She had never felt this good pleasuring herself, she could tell her release would be a strong one. Her stroking speed increased, wanting to release this sexual tension. Soon, her moaning and panting began to reach their peak, signalling the verge of her climax. Soon, she would finally cum...

A suddenly loud knock on her door startled Jessie as she reached her climax. Crying out loudly, Jessie arched her back as her spooge covered her paw and sprayed down onto her stockings. Panting in the afterglow of her strong orgasm, Jessie rubbed her thighs together.

"Getting some early morning release?" Amanda laughed from the doorframe of her daughter's room. She had opened the door when her daughter hadn't responded to her knock.

"Dreaming of Derrick all night gave me quite the condition," Jessie blushed as she smiled at her mother.

"Get cleaned up and get dressed up good. Something very special is happening this afternoon, and I want you to look good, okay?" Amanda smiled happily, looking at her daughter. "And try to keep your hands clean, if you get my drift. I don't want you reeking of girly cum, okay?"

"Mom," Jessie whined, embarrassed. "Don't say things like that."

"Remember, I have seen your girly cock and even sucked it. So you shouldn't be embarrassed talking about that sort of thing with me anymore. You can tell me anything."

"Okay mom. I'm gonna get cleaned up," Jessie smiled, slipping out of her bed, before beginning to undress.

"Be careful with those stockings. Cum is hard to get out of them if it gets smushed in."

Jessie rolled her eyes as she carefully removed her thigh-highs. Laying her stockings gently on her bed, she quickly stripped off her remaining clothes before rushing naked into the bathroom. As she adjusted the water temperature, Jessie glanced over into the mirror, pouting softly.

"I need to get some breasts. I've got nothing."

Sighing sadly, she jumped into the shower and began washing her long auburn hair. Lather rinse, repeat. Amanda had always said girls had to wash their hair at least twice. Jessie did it three times before putting in some conditioner. She soaped up her body, making sure to get every inch of her squeaky clean. She contemplated whether she should actually clean inside of her tail-hole, something she had never thought of doing before. At the last second, she decided against it. Besides, it was doubtful that Derrick would be over that day, let alone actually fucking her.

The thought of Derrick caused a stir in her small member, which quickly ballooned to full erection. Reaching down to stroke it with a soapy paw, Jessie stopped herself. She had just finished washing herself and didn't want to have to do it again in order to get rid of the spooge and the scent of her girly cum. Sighing, Jessie had to turn her mind away from thoughts of her boyfriend as she rinsed the conditioner out of her hair.

Fluffing herself dry, Jessie then rushed back into her room. Looking around, she sighed loudly.

"Mom, what should I wear?"

Amanda rolled her eyes. She was down in the kitchen but she could still hear Jessie. She loudly responded. "As long as you are wearing a full outfit, it doesn't matter. Just try and look nice."

Jessie rolled her eyes, before grabbing a pair of low-rider jeans from her closet. Throwing them on her bed, she decided that she didn't need anything on her foot-paws. She was just going to b hanging around the house, and she did quite enjoy the feeling of the carpets between her pretty little toes. Jessie grabbed a blue-grey halter top to kind of match her jeans and tossed them onto her bed as well. Next came the lingerie. This was the hardest part, because she loved all of her lingerie so much. Finally, she decided to go with something that was the opposite of her simple, plain outfit. She picked a pair of pure silk orange boy-short panties with the word "SEXY" printed across the bum in sparkly black letters. She decided against a bra, for she had nothing to support, and it made her feel sexy to be going braless.

Slowly, the young vixen dressed, making sure she looked absolutely perfect, even in her simple outfit. Just the slightest hint of makeup to highlight her feminine face, and just a little teasing of her hair before she was done primping. Blowing herself a kiss in the mirror, Jessie skipped out of her room and down the stairs to the kitchen.


"Are you sure she's going to like me?"

Amanda smiled, placing her paw on top of Kayden's as they sat at the kitchen table, waiting for Jessie to come down. It would take her at least a few minutes to get dressed, so they had some alone time.

"Yes Kayden, she'll love you. She's always wanted a real father in her life, and now she'll have one. I wouldn't be surprised if the lack of a father figure is what made her who she is now."

Kayden chuckled. "So, don't you think it would be better for her not to have a father?"

"Every girl needs a father," Amanda smiled, before giving Kayden a quick peck on the nose. "Most girls choose their mate based on their father."

"So did you choose me based on your father?"

"Well, not really. If anything, I chose you because you were the opposite of my father. My husband was much more like my father."

Kayden nodded softly, before his ears picked up the patter of paws down the stairs. "Here she comes. Should I hide?"

"And then jump out and yell surprise? This isn't a surprise party Kayden."

"Kayden?" Jessie echoed as she stepped slowly into the kitchen.

Kayden nodded, his eyes wide as he looked at his daughter. There was no sign of masculinity, not in her movements, her appearance or her voice. She truly was a female, and a beautiful one at that. She looked so much like his late younger sister that Kayden had to bite back his tears. "Wow ... so you're my daughter? Jeez, I got a total hottie for a daughter."

Jessie blushed. Amanda rolled her eyes as she gave Kayden a playful swat. "She's your daughter and she's only 13. "

"Didn't stop you Mom," Jessie retorted, causing her mother to flush scarlet.

Kayden laughed heartily. "That's fine. Besides, mother/daughter bonding is quite different than father/daughter bonding. Besides, I bet her dragon boy-toy wouldn't be too happy about me bonding in that manner with Jessie."

Jessie blushed as she glanced at her mother. "You told him?"

"I figured he'd want to know everything that's going on lately in our lives. Especially if he's going to be a part of it again."

Jessie started for a second, before beaming brightly. "Really? I'll finally have a real Daddy?"

"Well, as long as your sisters don't mind. I don't want them disagreeing with my courtship of your mother."

Amanda giggled. "Courtship? Come on, this isn't the Renaissance."

Kayden rolled his eyes, before muttering, "Yeah, whatever."

Amanda smiled softly. "Well, Jessie seems game. I've already asked Vivian, and she was happy with it. Now Lexi ... I don't know about her. She kinda has this hatred for men that I don't doubt will extend to you. But I think you'll learn to deal with it, and she'll learn to deal with you."

Kayden nodded, before flashing a shining smile. "How about we go spend the afternoon together as a family? Maybe do some shopping or go somewhere to eat?"

Both Amanda and Jessie's faces lit up, before they squealed in unison, "Shopping!"

Kayden sighed, rolling his eyes. "Jeez, what have I gotten myself into?"


Vivian sipped her tea calmly as she sat at the kitchen table. She had been home for half an hour and had expected to see her mother and Jessie around, but they were nowhere to be seen. Lexi had arrived home minutes ago, but had blown past Vivian and had rushed to her room.

"There's something wrong with that girl," Vivian shook her head softly, taking another sip of her tea. Then again, she had seen Lexi go through multiple stages and transitions, so perhaps this was just a new one.

The front door opened loudly, nearly causing Vivian to spill her tea as the laughter and giggles filtered in from outside. Vivian smiled, before putting her glass down and going to greet her mother and sister.

"Oh heys Vivian," Amanda slurred, leaning against Kayden for support. Jessie stood slightly behind the two, holding a bunch of shopping bags. Amanda jabbed Kayden hard with a finger. "This ish Kayden. He ish gonna move ins wit us, and he's gonna be sleeping with me in my bed."

Kayden sighed. "I don't know what happened. Me and Jessie turn our backs on your mother for two seconds, and she's gone off somewhere to get hammered."

Vivian giggled. "It's fine. Mom only gets hammered when she's really happy. Now, Jessie, think you can get Mom and your bags upstairs?"

Jessie nodded, letting Amanda lean on her as they carefully began the trip upstairs.

Vivian smiled, leading Kayden into the kitchen, her hips swaying enticingly. Kayden gulped, beginning to sweat slightly. Vivian looked almost like a younger version of Amanda. Hell, he figured, the two could be mistaken for sisters.

"If you were a few years younger, and not already claimed by my mother, I'd try and make you mine," Vivian smiled naughtily, sipping her tea in a suggestive manner. "In fact, I might still try to steal you away from her."

Kayden gulped, hoping that he wouldn't start some sort of war between Vivian and Amanda.

"She's fooling you Kayden," Jessie stated as she stepped into the kitchen. "Besides, if she really wants you that badly, Mom would probably just share you with any of us that want you."

Kayden couldn't help but blush brightly as Vivian nodded in agreement. He turned back towards the kitchen door as he heard a soft noise. Half expecting it to be nothing, he was shocked to see the third of the Raiye sisters, Lexi. However, both Jessie and Vivian were also shocked to see their sister.

Instead of the tomboy look that Lexi had been going for, for the past few years, she was now dressed much more girlishly in a knee length shirt and a cute sweater. She was also wearing some cute glasses, which she had actually needed to help her eyesight but just never wore.

"So, you must be Kayden?" Lexi asked timidly, smiling softly.

"Uh, yeah. Which means you're Lexi. Nice to meet you. Your mom told me about you, but well, I guess descriptions and reality differ greatly."

Jessie moved over and leaned in close to Vivian, before whispering, "Isn't this really weird?"

"I feel like I'm in the twilight zone," Vivian whispered back.

"Anyway, I got stuff to go pack. Sounds like your mom wants me to move in right away, as long as there are no objections," Kayden glanced at the three sisters, but since he was only greeted by smiles, he knew the answers were all positive. "All right, I'm off."

Vivian got up and walked Kayden to the door, leaving Lexi and Jessie in the kitchen alone.

"Hey Jessie, can I talk to you privately, in my room?" Lexi asked her sister nervously.

"Sure, I guess," Jessie shrugged. Without any further ado, Lexi grabbed Jessie's paw and practically dragged her upstairs.

Jessie Raiye: The First Date

Derrick grinned up from his position on the couch in the Raiye family living room. Jessie had just walked into the room, dressed up and expecting company, but she was caught completely off guard by Derrick being there. It was a complete surprise,...

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The Night Before Christmas

Silv sighed, leaning back in his chair. Christmas Eve, and he was all alone. His friends were all visiting family or doing something else in the spirit of the holiday. He wasn't super big on all the holiday mumbo-jumbo. It was a holiday for being with...

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Jessie Raiye: Derrick and Kayden

Derrick shook his head, sending loose water droplets flying. He had already been out of the shower long enough to get dressed, but water always seemed to cling to his head spines. Slowly shutting his locker in the change room, Derrick let out a quiet...

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