Story of Matthias and Ian Steele - Chapter 3

Story by Blackmist-Squamata on SoFurry

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#3 of Matthias and Ian Steel (Father/Son)

Chapter 3 - The next day

Hello /b/, I need some advice. Last night--my dad and I­--

"Uggh, no, no." Ian groaned, erasing the sentence and began anew for the fifteen time.

Anonymous (ID: 09d0m0c) 6/26/12(Thursday: Hey /b/ros, I need some advice. Last night I learned my dad and I are into gay incest. I love my dad and all, and we are close, but I don't know if I should do anything with him. Pic is of us. Thanks, OP.

Ian stepped away from the table and back to the oven, deciding this morning he was in the mood to eat a lot since he skipped dinner the night before, and still needed to train Josh, and Lance. He prepared his protein shake for him-self, bacon, eggs, and some potatoes to help push him through the early morning routine. His mind was not caught in a maelstrom as it was before, sleeping on it all, he felt much more relaxed and confident, albeit still uncertain.

Anonymous (ID: d439nd0) 6/26/12(Thursday): Do it faggot.

Anonymous (ID: 02d7v9sd) 6/26/12(Thursday): Are you and your dad hot? Tits or Gtfo, anon!

Anonymous (ID: oui308efw) 6/26/12(Thursday): Do you and your dad love each other?

>> oui308efw: Yeah, we're really close. He didn't offer, but--I think he will. I don't know what I should say. I mean, can you really date a family member?"

Anonymous (ID: 7hf23098) 6/26/12(Thursday): I have sex with my sister, and it's fine. Just don't make it public or anything. And don't date unless you are carful, and love 'em; or just want to fuck.

>>7hf23098: How long have you done it for, OP?

Anonymous (ID: 7hf23098) 6/26/12(Thursday): Since we were 15. We just got curious, and we fucked. She has a boyfriend so we don't do it much anymore, only when she visits. If you like your dad a lot, and you're safe, do it man. Keep it in the family, /b/ro. OP out!

Anonymous (ID: m080vz8z) 6/26/12(Thursday): Try talking to God now and then you sick, perverted faggots. You will burn in hell for all eternity because god all ready knows you're condemned; he's giving you the mercy of becoming Anhero before you do anything to bastardize his eternal love.

>>m080vz8z: Oh boy, here we go, some fat bitch with a hysterectomy probably who hasn't even seen a cock in years.

>>m080vz8z: Fuck off faggot; we keep it in the family on /b/!

>>m080vz8z: U Jelly?

Ian smirked and turned his face away from his laptop screen for a moment, thinking of the advice from OP, and looked up at the roof. He did love his dad, a lot, and he was sexually attracted to guys like him--but it was still so odd, the idea wanting to fuck his dad, someone he never had any sexual attraction to, directly. Ian admittedly thought of his dad more like his coach, and even then, after last night--seeing him in his full glory had warped Ian's idea of what he wanted.

Ah man--come on Ian, you want to date someone, just fucking--do it with your dad. No no-- wait, Ian, you can't fuck your dad because he's all ready dealing with mom's shit.

Ian rubbed his temples, I don't know if dad can even keep it up long enough to screw, anymore! But--do I really want to be with my dad, if I had the chance? Uggh, for fuck sakes!

Ian snorted and laughed with him-self at the way it sounded, and he turned around as he heard his father coming downstairs. Matthias was dressed in his full camouflage attire, and Ian nodded to him, bobbing his head as music blasted away at his eardrums.

His father nodded back, heading to the fridge to grab a premade protein shake he had concocted the night before, sitting at the table, drinking it. Ian said nothing at first, finishing off the food, dressing the plates with the arranged parcels, and sat them down at the table. He sat across from his dad by his laptop, drinking a glass of NO Explode, while he read over the replies to his forum, laughing softly.

"What are ya laughing at?" Matthias asked with a bit of a smile, "And good morning. Thanks for the wakeup call."

"Oh--just some stuff online, people arguing," Ian answered coolly, looking up to his dad, "How is the food? I tried something new with the bacon. Just eat a little; you need to watch your figure."

Matthias cocked his eyes brow and sighed, glaring at Ian who merely smirked, motioning for him to eat it. He took a bite and chewed for a moment before swallowing. "It's actually pretty damn good, what did you do?"

"Coffee grinds," Ian replied with a smile, "Pretty wicked, huh? My friends thought it sounded weird, but whatever, I like it. Then again, it's obvious I am into weird shit all ready!"

Matthias chuckled as he slid more bacon into his mouth, chewing at the salty, sweet slices of meat before looking over at the coffee machine, and grunted, "Where the hell is my coffee you little bastard?"

"Ah shit, I forgot! They have it on the tap at the old folk's home; want me to drive you there?"

"You want a black eye?" Matthias retorted with a smirk, while his son waved him off, mumbling something.

Ian stood up and quickly moved over to the machine, filling up filter, poured in the water, and pressed the on button. He turned around and headed back to the table, sitting down while music played quietly from his laptop into the dining room. Outside it was bright and sunny, there was a nice wind to keep it from being sweltering, and Ian was really enjoying the air of North Carolina, commenting to his dad about it.

"Yeah it is good, isn't it? Florida was just too hot some days." Matthias agreed. "I do miss the beaches though."

"Well, let's visit it sometime," Ian suggested with a hopeful smile. "We should go next summer, assuming we're still here."

"Oh, that reminds me: do you want to see your family for the holidays? I did not get to ask you last night because of--you know." Matthias cast a glance up at his son who flicked his tail slightly, remembering the night.

"Oh," Ian looked down at his plate, flicking his tongue and tapping his tail against the ground. "Well--not really, I don't want to be around mom, or her new boyfriend. When I did meet him, he was a jackass. Mom and I had a fight about it--if you remember. I'd rather be with you, dad."

"Yes, I remember it." Matthias nodded, "She was damn adamant about making you like that piece of shit."

Matthias frowned and looked down at his plate, feeling a surge that ultimately extirpated his good mood away. He sighed and dropped his fork, standing up and walked to the coffee machine to look watch the dark liquid drop into the jar. Every time he thought about it, he just felt so immensely pissed off and he could not contain it, and he remained motionless in front of the machine until it was finished, and poured him-self a cup and sat down with a heavy slam.

Ian looked up at his dad, resting his head in his hand in distress. Ah fuck, he's pissed off again. There goes the day, again.

His father frowned continuously throughout breakfast and Ian did not know what to say to his dad, not with last night still on his mind. He was never good at helping him calm down, even before his parents divorced, his father always exploded into anger. The only person capable of doing it was his grandma, only because she knew how to get through to him when he was angry, before he shut down completely.

His dad stabbed at his food angrily and Ian rubbed his head with his hands, groaning.

"Dad, can't you just forget about them?" Ian pleaded, "I mean--yeah it's fucked up, but stop letting it bother you every day. It's been a few months now."

Matthias snarled suddenly and glared at his plate as he stabbed his fork hard into it with a resonant screech. "You try losing someone you've been with for almost twenty years, and try moving on in just a few months! You can't just forget about it, Ian, that shit isn't easy!

"Yeah, well, I've never dated anyone so I don't friggin know! But dammit dad, just kick the dude's ass or something! I can't stand seeing you pissed off every two days, and always shouting around the house! It is hell!"

"Urrrgh, you think I haven't tried!?" Matthias snapped, putting his hand down hard on the table, "I want to kick that fucker's ass but if I do, I could lose my god damn job! I cannot do anything but be pissed off about it, Ian! I have no one to turn to!"

"Does the family know?" Ian asked further, "Aunt Edith and everyone? I mean surely they can at least do something about it, or mom pretty much kicking you out!"

"Yeah they know what the fuck she did. They are acting like it's my god damn fault for being a bad husband, and father!" Matthias snarled, slamming his hand on the table, "That family--they're all about sticking together, no matter who did something wrong. So FUCK them!"

"Dad, you're not a bad father, what the hell are they going on about? I mean shit, after last night, you're the most understanding one out there!" Ian objected with a louder tone and his own resentment for his family building, "Aunt Edith is just being nepotistic!"

"Doesn't make me feel any less fucking worse!" Matthias growled, putting his face in his hands, "Feeling like a bad father, a bad husband, having no one here other than my-self to deal with this! It's fucking hard as hell!"

Ian crossed his arms as his father's thunderous voice banged in his ears, and he looked away, angry with him for directing his anger the way he did.

There was a ring and Matthias reached into his pocket, pulling out his cell phone and snarled, "Speak of the FUCKING devil!"

"Just ignore it," Ian quietly suggested, "I don't think you--"

"Hello Rebecca," Matthias growled, his breathing becoming deep and filled with growls. "Yes, I talked to Ian about it--no, no he does not want to come visit this year, Rebecca--well fuck, you ask him, not me! He IS your son as well! No, YOU don't fucking take that tone with me, I don't need your bull shit at this hour, god dammit!"

There was a loud amount of chatter on the other end of the phone and Ian watched with disgruntlement. Matthias's eyes widened and he blew up into the phone, shouting loudly, "Well you know what, Ian is right here, why don't you talk--oh, oh you're busy? Oh, ok, that makes perfect sense, Rebecca, you dumb whore!"

Ian recoiled in his seat and sighed, closing his laptop as his father began to argue with his mom loudly in the dining room. Matthias exchanged curse words with her, vehemently, before finally telling her that he had to get ready for work, and shouted at the top of his lungs something in a fit of ire. He hung up the phone with a hard crash on the table and continued shoveling some food into his mouth, his ire heavily aggravated. After a while, he opened his mouth, asking him if there was anything to be done about his mom's behavior, or about the family ignoring it.

Matthias glared at his place, "Anything to be done? How about letting your mother know how much she fucked me over, or how much of a god damn bitch she is!"

"Well you just told her, no need for me to!" Ian snapped, "I can't tell her anything because she won't even talk to me! I tried calling her, and she keeps putting me off for that guy's kids!"

Matthias slammed his hand down on the table and stood up with his plate, tossing it into the sink, breaking the dish, and grabbed the counter, closing his eyes. Ian fumbled around for his cell phone, looking at the time and noticed it was only nine in the morning, and stood up a bit from the table. He grabbed a thermos from the cabinet and made him-self a quick energy drink, passing by his dad.

"I'll be back later." Ian mumbled as he walked past his dad towards the door.

"Ian--I am sorry," Matthias sighed, feeling ashamed of him-self, looking over his shoulder. "I didn't mean to yell at you."

Ian pause, looking at his dad. "I know, dad. I'm sorry that I can't--you know, do anything to help you."

Matthias frowned and shook his head with disgruntlement. "It's not your job, Ian, and you're only seventeen. At this age, you should not even be concerned over this shit. Even with the shit last night--it's the last thing you need on your mind."

"It's fine dad--it's weird, and all, but it is cool. Least I know someone who I can share the interest with, right?"

Matthias gave a slight shrug. "I suppose that is just great, isn't it?"

Ian looked down a little bit and then up to his dad. He leaned over to him, wrapped his arm around his dad's shoulder, and gave him a one-armed embrace. Matthias sighed out and closed his eyes as he squeezed his son tightly in his bulking arms, taking in deep breaths to steady him-self, and try to rid him-self of his acrimony towards his wife. Matthias slid his hand down his son's back and sighed, taking the coffee to his lips again and looked down at his son. He thought about something and then chuckled, making Ian curious.

"What is it dad?"

"I just remembered, I found something a week ago--heh, you might like it."

"What is it?" Ian asked, scratching his jersey with a more relaxed feeling.

"Well--on the topic of porn, it was a particular video from Broadsword studios. This one was hard to get, and I had to order a digital copy from Germany, actually. Ever heard of Summer Night--"

"Oh shit, no way!" Ian's eyes widened as he interrupted his dad, "Dad, no way you got Summer Night Influx! That video was banned!"

Matthias laughed with a widening grin, "God damn Ian, you really are deep into this, arentcha?"

"I want it tonight!" Ian demanded with a light laugh, "Seriously--dad, hand that shit over! You know what happens when I do not get my way, right? I mean, I don't want to, but I'll slap your shit up if I need!"

"The fucking HELL you just say? You think you got a big enough pair to take me on?" Matthias snorted and shoved his son's head, sending Ian almost over the table, but he recovered and sat up right, "Dammit man, don't push me so hard!"

"You can watch it later you little shit. Go train your friends. And, Ian, just remember--no one knows that we're into this. Got it?"

"I know, dad." Ian nodded. "I won't tell anyone."

His dad waved him off and Ian disappeared out the door, walking rather briskly down the sidewalk, his snout held high as he looked forward. He was excited, his scaly tail swaying quickly at the thought of getting to watch Summer Night Influx, and he was not sure if his dad was going to watch it with him, or not. He shrugged the idea off, not caring either way, just more so excited to see it.

? ? ?

It was the night before the cook out and Ian, having worked his friends in their training regiment, had invited his friends back to his house to spend the night. Lance drove them home and Ian and his friends banded together to order a great deal of pizza and side dishes to support their hunger. Josh was still hyped from the NO Explode, and Lance was vigorously wagging his tail and full of energy into the later part of the day. When they headed home Ian's dad was still at work, and the pizza had not been delivered yet, being only eight thirty, they decided chill out in the living room.

"So dude," Josh began as he reclined on the cool leather upholstery Ian's father's chair, "My fucking arms feel like rubber--holy shit."

"Yeah, seriously dude. How the hell do you keep up with all this shit? I mean, how many years HAVE you been doing it?"

"Oh about three," Ian said calmly, reclining on the sofa, "I started when I was sixteen. My dad got me into fitness and I played for my high school football team for a while, before I decided to do online classes when we moved."

"Damn," Lance huffed, laying his head back on the edge of the couch, "I am beat!" The dog rolled over onto his side, taking a pillow of the couch as he lay against the cool wooden floor of Ian's living room, and Josh was busy texting on his phone again. Ian chuckled, thinking over what he intended to do them that weekend, which would consist of teaching them to do cartwheels, and back flips. He pitied them, knowing how much of an ass buster it was going to be.

"Ah man my legs feel like jelly," Josh mumbled, "Where in the fucking hell is that pizza? And hey, someone put something on the TV. I am getting aids from the silence."

"Word," Lance mumbled, "TV is good for recovery."

"TV is good for keeping you bitches busy," Ian snorted, turning on the TV and navigating to Netflix, playing South park in the living room. He laid back and looked at his phone, checking for texts and received one from his mom, sighing grudgingly as he opened it

Hey baby, its your mom. This is my new number.

"That's it?" Ian mumbled, rolling his eyes as he deleted the text message after saving the number to his phone.

"Whats up man?" Lance asked, "Your mom, again?"

"Yep," Ian mumbled, "She--uggh, she is sometimes such a fucking bitch, dude. God, today, she pissed my dad off SO much. He was shouting and shit in the kitchen."

"Ouch." Lance said, rolling onto his back. "Yeah my dad and mom sometimes fight, but they're not as bad as they were a few months back."

"I'm glad I live with my grandparents," Josh chimed in, "My parents are a bunch of kids. My grandma still acts like she was in the military."

"She is friggin cool," Ian said with some envy, "My grandmother just spends all day in the living room fighting with my grandpa."


"Oh my god, fuck yes!" Ian quickly jumped from the couch and ran to the door, opening it, and his smile dropped when Carl stood in front of him, wearing his sunglasses.

"Hello Ian, is your dad home?" Carl asked slowly, adjusting a pack of cigarettes and putting one in his mouth, "I would like to talk to him."

"About?" Ian asked, "And he is not present. He is at work. You're out awfully late, Mr. Oswold."

"Doing my job, because I have one to do." Carl said with a more smug tone, narrowing his eyes behind his glasses. "I've heard reports your father has been shouting in the house on occasion, and the neighborhood wants to know if there is something they should know. As in, is he dangerous? Will he harm someone else in the neighborhood other than his wi--"

"Let me stop you right fucking there. My dad has never hit anyone out of anger, and secondly, you do not need to spread FUCKING rumors about my dad! It is not your damn business!"

Carl laughed and flashed a snobbish smile. "It certainly is our business if he's shouting at eight in the morning! I've had ten complains in the past two weeks about his outbursts, and frankly, I am sick of it!"

Ian raised his snout back, glowering. "Oh, really? So, do you just hang out by the window and listen in, or are you wiring my house, Mr. Oswold? Because you live several houses down, and my dad only does it in his upstairs bedroom, in the bathroom. I can barely hear him outside."

By this time, Ian's friends were all ready listening in and the two approached the door, standing by Ian's side as he glared at Carl, who laughed once more and shook his head.

"I am captain of this Neighborhood. And I won't let some little kid talk to me that way." Carl flicked his lighter, lighting his cigarette and blew some smoke at Ian with a frown. "If your father keeps up his shouting I'll be forced to--"

"To not do a god damn thing!" Ian snapped, his tail tensing up as he exposed his teeth at Carl, "You want to go Zimmerman on us, Mr. Oswald? You bring it, I'll knock your old ass out in a heartbeat."

"Oh really? That's big talk for some little drop out, spending all day running around abandoned buildings like a punk with his little pot head friend! I see you over there, Josh; I am going to talk to your mother about you too!"

Carl snorted and pulled out his cigarette, pointing his finger at Ian and opened his mouth to deliver another warning. However, before Carl could reply, Ian slammed the door in his face and stomped away from it, tossing his wallet down on the table, "Pay for the pizza if it comes, I need to calm down!"

Ian stomped into his room, shut the door, gripping his fists, and took in a deep breath, exhaling with a long, slow, "Ooooooh that annoying fucker!" He felt a fiery anger rush through his body, his tail writhing beneath of him and his scale blood red from all the adrenaline he was feeling. He cracked his knuckles and paced in his room, shaking his head, "Oh that stupid son of a bitch. I swear to god I'll kick his ass! Where the hell is dad?"

Ian ripped out his cell phone and vigorously texted his father, slamming the phone shut and stuffed it back into his pockets. He spent a good ten minutes in his room breathing through the ire. He had relaxed enough afterwards; pizza boxes, breadsticks, and some soda greeted walking out into the living room with his scales still deep crimson. He grabbed some plates from the kitchen, a few glasses and set them down before rushing back to grab a metal pan, filling it with ice, and set it down in the living room.

"Yo man," Lance asked slowly, "You ok dude?"

"Oh yes, I am fine now. That stupid shit had no idea how close he was to getting his head knocked off!" Ian shook his head, laying out several slices of pizza on his plate and took up the bleu cheese dressing, "Man--fuck that guy! GOD I hate him!"

"Yeah, mom hates him too." Josh said with a roll of his eyes, sitting next to Ian on his right side. "Just as much as she hates his wife. That woman comes over every weekend to my mom's book club, talking about some kind of rapture book where the world is in Armageddon, and people randomly disappear and shit. Don't worry though dude, he has 'never' made anyone leave, partly because no one fucking cares what he or his little hobbit wife has to say."

"Oh for fuck sakes, THAT book!" Lance groaned, "My dad fucking bought the set!"

"No way." Josh looked up, "You're kidding! I thought your dad was like--Baptist, or something?"

"I dunno, he's something." Lance said, shaking his head as he put a slice of pizza into his mouth, chewing hungrily, and all three commenced into silent eating. Ian's mind was pounding with fury, and he recognized he had inherited his dad's temper, smirking to him-self as he thought of them both jumping Carl. He glanced down at his phone and saw another text, opening it up to read it.

That fucker came by? Son of a bitch. I'll kill him when I get home.

Ian snickered, Haha, ok dad. There is pizza here. My friends are here too, that ok?

"Ah, man, haha!" Lance laughed as Kyle screamed out at Cartman, and Ian laughed as well, waiting for a reply from his dad.

He sat back and thought about his dad, still amazed at how accepting he was of Ian being into the taboo, and his dad as well liking it! It did make him smile to know he and his dad shared something like that, though normally they were competitive and got along, they had no parallel interests really. He looked up at the roof, tuning out the show as he thought about the video his father downloaded, and the idea of watching it with him. God that is fucking kinky, Ian thought to him-self, telling the internet I jack off with my dad. Un-fucking believable. I will be so OP, haha!

"We should all ask if our president is a penis-hungry hooker with a huge vagina. I'm Casey Miller"

"Haha!" Lance laughed again, even louder than before.

"Pffft, haha!" Josh laughed as well, sitting back on the couch, "Oh my god, I fucking love this episode!"

Ian snickered and looked down at his phone again, seeing no reply and shrugged it off, putting the phone away. After about forty minutes, his father came home from work, wearing his black military suit and nodded to his friends, waving to Ian. He did not look too happy, and Ian stood up, following him to his room and leaned against the door.

"Hey dad, ya have a long day?"

He sat back, shaking his head, "Ah man--my boss is such an ass hole. I spent all day negotiating shipments, patrolling the facility, moving package after package and now I am just tired."

Matthias sighed and stood up, stretching his arms behind his head, feeling the slight burn in his muscles after working them to near failure that night. He looked at his son. "So, aside from Carl, how was your day?"

"It was good, me and the friends just worked out," Ian explained with a wide, almost sinister smile on his snout. "They're exhausted from the regiment. They were not expecting it to be so heavy! Haha, man, they're going to be fun to make into my little disciples!"

"Haha, well, that's my boy, working them to death! Make sure you give 'em the ice packs, so they can recover." Matthias stretched his arms and pat Ian hard on the head, pushing him back, "Let me change into something comfortable and I'll come get something to eat. Get, go on, get!"

"Pffft, I'm going, you over-weight, crabby bastard." Ian laughed and ducked out of the room, avoiding a punch from his father and returned to his friends.

Lance and Josh were still adjusting to the sheer size of Matthias's stature, or the casual way he would ruff house Ian, and occasional shove him into the wall, or across the house. In this, Ian had playfully pushed his dad and Matthias retaliated by grappling his son by his shoulder, and threw him hard towards the couch, and Ian lands hard against it, his head hitting the wall so hard it shook the room.

"Whoa!" Lance said in alarm, sitting upright and moved to his friend, "Ian are you ok?"

"Ah hell, I didn't feel anything!" Ian said, rubbing his head and getting up, pointing at his father, "That giant ass can't do anything since he has glass hips!"

"You know what Ian," Matthias said with a snort, "Keep up that language and you can hit the bricks! I'm going easy on you in front of your little friends, but you keep it up, and I'll knock your snout through a window!"

"Oh man," Lance laughed under his breath, sitting back on the couch and looked at Josh who was snickering, texting as usual.

Ian turned his nose up at his dad, "Yah huh. So Dad, who all is coming to the cook out tomorrow?"

Matthias headed into the kitchen, grabbed his Jägermeister from the freezer and a cup of ice, "Oh some buds from work, and our neighbors. We will have about twelve people or so, so it will be a good day of cooking for you and I. We need to make sure we have plenty of hamburgers this time, and please, don't let Carl know."

"Oh fuck him," Ian said with a growl, "I hope that asshole just watches from the bushes, like he should be."

"Sweet jesus, Carl," Josh mumbled. "If he smells food you KNOW he'll want to be here. You have to invite him, or else he'll raise hell at the next meeting."

"I know, I know." Matthias growled, "I'll have to let him come--uggh, god I hate that man."

"We all do. I heard the Morrisons even had a fight with because he accused their son of being a drug dealer. All because he had a pot logo on his wallet." Lance rolled his eyes, sipping from as glass of lukewarm Sunkist.

"Oh, shit, dad. Carl actually called me a thug who spends all day in abandoned buildings."

Matthias cocked his eyebrow, looking up to the roof, "I'll kill him, I swear to god I will. And when I do, you all grovel at my feet for doing it."

"Please do," Josh chimed up, "You'll be doing god's work, Mr. Steele."

The night progressed by and Lance and Josh, both thoroughly exhausted, took off to the guest rooms while Ian lay down on the couch, due to them having school the next day.

Matthias exhaled with content and set the bottle down, a warm feeling in his gut, and his head feeling the light buzz of inebriation set in, making him feel much more relaxed and happy than before. He looked down at his bottle and flicked his tongue for a moment, realizing it was lower than it should have been, and he knew he'd only had a couple of shots of it. He looked at his son with a raised brow and sighed.

"Ian, did you get into my Jägermeister? There was less in there than what I remember last time."

"Uh--yeah, a little bit." Ian admitted with a laugh. "I love that shit. You should get me some for my birthday, since mom won't buy me it."

"Pffft, you're seventeen! However, if I do, you can ONLY drink it when I am around, understand me?"

"Yeah, I know dad, stop being paranoid about it." Ian teased with a laugh, kicking him-self up, reached for the bottle, and took a sip from it, setting it back down. Ian flicked his tongue and sat back, after a moment he took another sip of the licorice flavored liquor, flicking his tongue and took up another slice of pizza to his mouth.

The house was now quieter than before while Ian ate two more slices of pizza, washing it down with straight Jägermeister more than once, and some Seven up. His dad let him drink some of it now and then, but this time Ian was taking in more than he needed to, and he did not even realize that he had had six shots of it.

Before long, the onset of inebriation compelled him onto his back in a state of Ataraxia, and he clung to a pillow slightly. He lay on his back with his red tail swaying between his legs, his scales a brighter shade of red as he felt a sense of euphoria. Ian reached for the tall, ice-cold glass bottle again, taking another long sip from it, two straight gulps of Jägermeister before he set it down and fell back onto the couch, his head spinning as he let out a long, slow moan of ecstasy.

"Ah man-- hehe, nothing like Jägermeister to just really chill you out and shit! Ah dude, I feel soooooo boss right now, like--executive level boss! Word!"

"Dammit Ian, you're drunk." Matthias growled, grabbing the bottle and pulling it away from his son, rolling his eyes as son sniggered unremittingly on the couch. He sighed and stuffed the bottle under his leg while Ian continued to rock back and forth, occasionally humming something Matthias could not make out.

"So Ian, you excited about tomorrow? I think we should cook around twelve and get the back yard set up, unless your dumb ass is having a hangover."

"Yeah that's fine, man! And dude, I'll not be hung-over; I'm just a tiiiiny bit inebriated." Ian laughed and then pushed him-self up on his arms, feeling weak and sat up right, swaying a little bit, trying to speak clearly. "So dad--you ok? No more mom issues, right?"

"Yeah son, I am fine. She quit messaging me around ten."

Ian nodded and sighed, rocking to his right and left. "I wish mom wasn't such a bitch to you, dad. You don't deserve it! You're a great dad, ya know? I mean--hell, you're so awesome, you and I like the same porn!"

Matthias laughed and smiled warmly, shaking his head as he turned his eyes from the TV for a moment. "Thanks son, it matters a lot. And, Ian, before we get off track, did you go grocery shopping?"

"No, I forgot, sorry." Ian apologized with a childish laugh, opening his eyes to look up at his dad. "Ya know, training people is hard work, dad! It's like rolling you out to the car in a wheel barrel--it kills my back! Hehe!"

Matthias rolled his eyes and shook his head, grumbling under his breath.

Ian sat up with a laugh and looked at his dad with a grin, "Ah come on--tell ya what. I'll lay off, if you let me have that video you told me about!"

"What? Oh, no!" Matthias laughed, "Nah, not until this weekend, as I said!"

"Ah--dad, don't be such a cock block!" Ian protested with a laugh, "Come on man, seriously, let me know where you got it from! You went through my damn computer anyways!"

"A place of darkness, Ian. And no, you're not getting it until I have deemed you worthy!"

Ian protested to some level that Matthias had to admit was adorable, but he put his foot down and forced his son to bed. He fell asleep shortly afterwards, thinking in his head the thought of watching the video with his son, which was his initial idea. It would be good, he felt, bonding with Ian in such a way to help acclimate Ian to his interests, and Matthias too.