
Story by KarthDracona on SoFurry

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#2 of Short stories

A short 'erotic' piece in the truest term of the word. No sex, no 'fucking', mainly intimacy emotion and messed up minds and interaction.

I'm...nervous. Worried that the bite of the rope may hurt, or leave noticeable marks in the skin. If that were to happen, would I be in trouble? Or, am I in trouble already?

"Take your clothes off."

I try to stay in control, not let my hesitation show; and as she slowly slips out of her clothing, I am surprised at how compliant she is. My eyes wander up from the pool of clothes, up along her long slender legs, over her milky thighs and further up embracing her generous breasts. She'd done what she promised, almost. Wearing a one piece swim suit, her delicate form is apparent beneath the tight embrace. I stare at her and she grins, her expression gives me the feeling that she's saying 'got yah!'

"You never said what kind of one piece" she teased, defying the stereotype of Japanese girls all being shy and quiet.

This girl had trapped me from the very first moment we met; she tricked me into this meeting and now she sealed the deal. There was no way to go back now, I've taken it too far and I'd let her lead me all the way. If I believed in God, would I end up going to Hell? Or was my fate already determined the day she found the book in my satchel?

I only came to Japan around three months ago, after only recently finishing my degree; I guess all that can be said is that I got lucky when I was offered a job teaching English at a college. It has been a steep learning curve despite any previous knowledge I had, there are always differences in what you can find out through various sources and what you learn first-hand. The language barrier was only a minor issue; I could speak a fair amount, but found Kanji hard to grasp. As lessons go, they prefer you not to speak Japanese at all, if possible. The first three months (as I settled in) passed by without any incident until this week when, I noticed she'd began to behave...differently.

It was Monday, the lunch time break; and I had just remembered that in my last class, I left my satchel under the desk. Usually that wouldn't matter, but this time it contained a book, but it wasn't just any book. No, it had a plain black cover with just the title 'R?pu o Manande' (Learning the Ropes), in gold on the front, it wasn't graphic - but still very risky business if it was found; and I_was...unlucky. As I slid open the door to class 3-2, there, sat at the desk with the book open in her hands, was Sakura Haruno; class rep, honour student and worse still, the owner of Itadakimasu's daughter; a porcelain doll, painted with a cherry blossom blush - just sat, transfixed by the book...all I could think was..._fuck.

I was about to turn and leave, when, she noticed me in the doorway. She quickly came to her senses, realising she still held the book she fumbled frantically at shoving it back into my satchel that now lay open on the desk, standing up, her cheeks flushed deeper than before as she gathered her composure and bowed.

"I, I didn't mean to be rude. I-it was just there and...I was curious" she stammered.

I looked at her and tried to remain neutral so she couldn't make the connection that I was the owner. She looked at the floor as I approached the desk, closed the satchel and picked it up, teachers shared the desk and I couldn't allow it to be taken by someone else, in Japan the teacher goes to the class not the other way around.

"I didn't mean to. I swear! I would never usually..." Sakura trailed off into thought.

I slipped the book into my satchel bag and left the classroom. I didn't say a thing, but maybe I should have to put her mind at ease. I didn't. I was too embarrassed, no; I was scared that she'd be able to tell it was mine if I said something, if the words came out wrong, or if my voice betrayed me.

The rest of my day went by without any issues, my last class was particularly boring and I was relieved when the bell sounded and freed me from the silent audience that held me hostage for so long. The final goodbyes and idle lingerers that asked questions eventually dissipated and I could leave, after stopping by the teacher's lounge where I had left my satchel under my personal desk. But, I didn't expect Sakura to be waiting outside the door as I sauntered out.

"You didn't tell anyone, did you? About what I did, I mean..." she paused.

She accidently bumped into me as she fidgeted and rocked on her heels; stumbling Sakura knocked my satchel to the ground when she grabbed me to steady herself and I had moved in to prop her up. It was like a scene from a bad thriller; my satchel fell in slow motion, the clasp exploded open and all my books and documents spilled out on the ground like the guts from some animal. There, closest to the satchel, shone the golden title of the book.

"Oh...!" She blushed again, which I had begun to find cute, before she'd ran away as I gathered my things.

The next day I was in just to mark papers and attend a staff meeting, which took up most of the day; Valentine's Day was coming up and the school was planning an event which they felt I had to be a large part of, being the only white teacher at the college. I'm more than happy to learn more about Japanese culture, so they didn't really need to make it mandatory for me to attend.

It wasn't until the end of the day that things took a turn; I hadn't seen her all day but for some reason as I was leaving, she smacked me on the back as she ran past me and through the entrance gates; smiling as she looked over her shoulder and waved goodbye. Once I got home and changed, I noticed an interesting mark where I had been slapped, a red heart-shaped ink stain that had been slightly smeared from the brush of her was going to be a pain in the arse to wash out of my white shirt.

Wednesday, Valentine's Day; It seemed like a good opportunity to ask the principal about what Sakura did without drawing too much suspicion and showing an interest in learning about Japanese culture was never bad. I knew some of the major things, but something small like the ink mark eluded me, until I asked the principal about it before the morning began, explaining that I had witnessed a student do it to another as they left the school. She explained that, in Japan the colour red is used to express a desire or intent, and the colour is not seen as love or romance like in western countries. But, a heart shape still implies love. I found this fascinating and a surprisingly direct way to say something without any words.

While my mind dwelled on Sakura, the festival seemed to pass by like clouds on a windy day, I wandered the grounds checking on the various activities and stands the students had organised. It was the usual thing really, some plays, some bands, tea rooms and a little Cosplay in places; it wasn't the culture festival or sports festival, so all the themes were all based around love which for some reason meant a lot of maid style cafe's in the classrooms. I couldn't suppress my humour at how the students perceived love as costumes and tearooms as I passed by the various class rooms, shaking my head. I'd reached class 3-2 and found myself walking in, it was a nice change of scenery; all the girls were pouring melted chocolate into small heart shaped moulds while the boys were melting bars of pre-bought chocolate ready to be moulded.

"Koniichiwa gaijin-sensei!" called out a girl from behind the curtain hung in the corner, her head peeking out from around the edge.

Usually I should be offended by being called a Gaijin, an alien or non-Japanese. But this class was special; they had a better grasp on English and our literature, compared to the others classes. I know I shouldn't have favourites, but I cannot help myself from liking this class the most. The girl popped out from behind the curtain in a shrine maiden costume, followed by a couple other girls who go to the moulding table and collected the prepared chocolates. They left, leaving the boys behind to take over the chocolate making as the other girls get changed I leave, sliding the door closed behind me.

"Sensei," I turned to face the familiar voice of Sakura.

She stood in front of me, dressed in a shrine maiden costume and holding an empty tray, her face flushed with the same cherry blossom tone as Monday. She turned away and rustled about in her costume before turning back and looking at the floor as she held out a gift tied off with a bow.

"P-please don't open it until you get home!" and with that, she rushed into the class room and slammed the door behind her.

That evening, I returned to my apartment after a couple of drinks with the other teachers. As I took off my jacket I remembered the gift Sakura had given me earlier, it was in bad condition, all crumpled and bent, I took care to unwrap it. Inside I found a palm sized heart shaped chocolate, which I could assume to be a large version of the Giri-choko they were giving out earlier that day, but there was something underneath the clear box that contained the broken chocolate: a Polaroid. I wish I didn't look, perhaps if I had not it wouldn't have led to what happened next, or what was to come. I flipped over the small square and found myself transfixed upon the image of Sakura stood in front of a mirror in just her underwear; I could tell it was her despite the camera blocking a lot her face. Flustered I dug around my pockets for my lighter and set the photo on fire, my fingers flinched once the flame reached them and I watched the flame fade into the air in a fleck of smoke and ash which settled upon the upon the wooden floor.

I should have waited, if not until the next day then at least until I had relaxed or sobered up a little more. But I threw on my jacket and headed out the door with my briefcase to find the closest taxi available and find the girl's address in my file of emergency contact details so I could direct the driver. I don't know what I was thinking as I walked up to the front gate and pressed the intercom, demanding I be let in to talk to their daughter. They would be shocked, or at least their maid was. It turned out that Mr and Mrs Haruno were out for dinner, leaving Sakura behind in the care of the house maid.

"Konbanwa sensei-sama," the maid bowed to me while she greeted me and I bowed in return, to be polite after I effectively forced my way through the gates.

"Please, to come this way," the maid struggled to say in English, which made me smile, since she tried.

Following the maid into the living room she guided me to a chair then turned away towards what I guessed to be the kitchen as I took it upon myself to sit down. The room was magnificent, a clash of western and traditional Japanese culture that somehow found a neutral ground together. The room was filled with eighteenth century furniture and bookcases packed with literature and poetry, they even found a way to fit a traditional fireplace into the room. But my marvelling was cut short as the maid entered with a tray occupied by a fine teapot and two cups, behind her was Sakura, acting very shy.

"Arigato Hounjhi-san," Sakura whispered as she sat opposite me and the maid set the tea down before leaving the room.

I watched Sakura for a few moments as she poured the tea then used both hands; palm up, to push a teacup towards me. She settled back into the couch and crossed one leg over the other, for some reason she was dressed in a pleated skirt and a blazer, the motion flicked her skirt up, flashing a glimpse of her underwear as she grinned from behind her teacup.

"So Sensei, you came all this way after seeing my photo?"

"Yes. No, what are you doing Haruno-san? You should not be giving things like that to men, especially not teachers."

Sakura's face flushed with her faint blush and a sly smile crept across her lips "But, you read Takimoto too, don't you Sensei?"

"What? No. This isn't about me! What are you trying to pull?"

She looks confused "Pull? What do you mean?"

Unbuttoning the top of her shirt, she pulled it and her blazer forward with a finger; to create a glimpse of her cleavage " this?" she teased.

I covered my eyes with a hand, unable to stop myself form peeking between fingers as I leaned back into the seat.

"No, nothing like that; why are you doing this?"

"What do you mean? Sensei."

"The mark, the chocolate...the photo..."

Sakura's tongue slowly traced her mouth, running along her top lip and following the curve in the corner of her mouth to slide back to the centre of her bottom lip before returning inside.

"The book."

"The book?" I exclaimed, dumbstruck.

"Mmn, yes. It was one of Takimoto Sensei's, right? I hadn't read it yet. You shocked me; I never thought I would meet someone like me...with the same thoughts, feelings. I can't talk to anyone about it, but maybe, you..."

Sakura looked at me solemnly as she removed her blazer and set it beside her, leaning forward and allowing a full view inside her blouse so my eyes would linger upon her cleavage.

"No. I-I can't, it's not right. I just read when I can."

"But, isn't that why you came here? The photo..."

"No! I came here to tell you to be more careful..."

Sakura stopped dead and stared at me desperately as she leaned back and crossed her arms.

"Oh...So you can't teach me then?" she pouted.

I sighed and shook my head, which made her even more disappointed.

"Why? A-am I, not good enough? Not attractive enough...not English..."

"It isn't that...Sakura...I'm your teacher and I haven't been with someone that way, for a long time."

She bit her lower lip and looked around the room, shifting on her seat.

"But, I...I need this...I need something...else...don't you?"

Sakura lifted her skirt to mid thigh, revealing something stuffed into the rim of her stocking I had previously not noticed the wire that led out from a stocking; her flush convincing me, as it deepened when she noticed where my gaze lingered.

"I...need it..." Sakura whimpered.

I was, am, weak. She is strong, she knows what she wants and had the confidence to go for it, and I gave in to my temptation; for so long I had ignored what I desired, until I saw the outline of the small remote from which the wire led from. But, I am still weak.

"I, I guess you won't take -no- as an answer?" I sighed, watching as she shook her head.

"I will try to help, then. But, you will have to do as I say" I'd hesitated, but only for a moment. I knew I'd secretly wanted her, ever since that first blush...


On Thursday, I was suspended from college for a week because of 'upsetting the Haruno family', all they'd said was that 'they're displeased with me coming over without their knowledge' and that was it. The weekend just flew in after spending a day properly preparing.

So here I am, Saturday afternoon, sat in my lounge, Sakura stood in front of me in her translucent swim suit, her glow of excitement contrasting with the white sheen of the suit as I stand and approach her. I could try to deny the hidden thrill coursing through me, but what would be the point when my hands play with the rope so...naturally.

"Turn around, Sakura."

She happily responds to my words, her body is shivering. She could be scared, anxious...excited? I try not to think about it as I move up behind her.

"Lift up your arms."

Her arms rise above her head and as one bends to hold the other up straight, I wrap the doubled up length of rope around the top of her ample chest, then around the front, beneath them. I make an X shape on her back out of the ropes. I continue by looping the rope around the back of her neck and down between her cleavage, pulling one of the ropes one way, and the other the opposite to create a cupping sensation beneath the weight of her breasts. As I pull firmly on the rope, the entire framework tightens and makes her bust much more pronounced than before.


I stand surprised by her reaction, holding the rope in my hands and looking at her back.

"A-aah..watashi...w-watashi no mune...S-sono kizu yo. Bakka Sensei."


Tying off the ropes, I let the length hang loosely between my hands to her back and begin to measure out, within my mind, whether it would be long enough.

"B-be more gentle, Sensei..."

"Ok, but, the top part is done, so next is the bottom."

Sakura looks at me over her shoulder, her face no longer reminded me of her name but of something much more carnal in nature, the pigment turning to something like that of a demon's.

"Sakura, stand on your knees and spread your legs apart for me."

She looks away and lowers to the ground, kneeling with a straight back and only her lower legs lay against the ground, her legs slightly apart. I kneel down behind her and guide the rope down, tying a double loop around her waist, before continuing down between her legs to get a guide to where to tie the knot before continuing. I run the rope up along her front to her waist where I hook the rope around the other lengths, then retrace it back between her legs and up between her buttocks, tightening it with a quick tug, so that the knot presses against her crotch and the rope digs in between her cheeks. I hook the rope around the other lengths down her back and around her waist, tying off the leftover inches to keep it all together as I listen to Sakura's laboured breathes.

"It's done, Sakura."

She falls to her rear onto the ground, breathing heavily as I stand and walk a few steps away.

"Stand up, Sakura. Come over here."

I offer my hand out to her and she looks at me, then my hand, rising from the floor to hold onto it, she is so cute right now, her face is flushed with a beautifully pale crimson and her breaths remind me of why I love moments like these.

"Come. Look at yourself in the mirror, Sakura"

My hand guides her to her reflection and positions her perfectly in front of the full length mirror. She stares at herself with wondrous eyes as I lean down to whisper in her ear.

"You look, sexy, Sakura."

"Ah! N-nani?!"

I back away as she reacts, first with a raised hand as though she would slap me, then she stops as the motion causes strain on the rope and makes the knot grind into her crotch. Her arm tucks in against her pronounced breasts and she crosses it along the front of her breasts to hold onto her other arm.

"Mmn...s-so, this is what it's like?"

"Yes...Sakura. Do you like it?"

She nods, her tongue slowly tracing her mouth, running along her top lip and following the curve in the corner and around to slide back to the centre of her bottom lip before returning inside.

I smile, walking over to the coat hook where her long coat hung and lifted it off, she had all the power, allowing herself to come here, to be tied, she had chosen me and I had let her. I was falling for is odd how a simple blush can captivate you and lead you to wondrous places. Sakura stood in front of my full length mirror as I slowly approached her, the bright colour fades as she admires herself in the mirror, moving her arms to make the rope clench and bite into her willingly, she loves the feeling, and I know she does.

"L-let's go for a walk," I suggest, holding open her coat behind her, reflected in the mirror.

Sakura spins around and stares at me, her mouth parted in an adorable little O shape as if making a silent 'ooing' sound as the idea sinks in and her blush deepens again, her arms almost instinctively moving out to her sides so I can slip her coat on and do it up for her.

"I'll put your clothes in a bag and...Walk you home?"

She nods, smiling brightly "Hai! Goshujin-sama!"

I hide my rosy tint by picking up her clothes and putting them in a paper bag, still surprised at how willing she is, wondering if she even knows what she is doing anymore or if she has just lost herself to the feeling of the rope...I'd heard of it before, some people could become 'drunk' from being tied. The sensation made them lose their inhibitions and made them feel, exhilarated, the feeling of being helpless and giving themselves over to the trust of their partner.

"Goshujin-sama?" she stands behind me.

"M-master?" was her voice always -this- alluring?

I stand up and press the bag against her chest, the backs of my fingers grazing over the tips of her nipples through the fabric of her jacket which makes me freeze as she whines delightfully.

"Take this. We're leaving" I almost bark at her.

Her arms raise and wrap around the bag hugging it to her chest as I let go. She nods, walking towards the front door and slipping her feet into her pumps, luckily, the coat was long enough that only her shins and feet were easy to see. I take a deep breath and follow suit before leaving my apartment with her.

I take a detour on the way to her house, taking the quiet streets for the time of the evening and make my way to the local park between my apartment and her house, it is quiet, perfect for walking around the way she was dressed. I find a bench and help her sit down, knowing that the rope must have been quite torturous in an unexpected way especially when she sits herself down onto it and it digs in between her buttocks.

"I will get us a drink, you must need a break," I smile down to her as she nods, panting lightly.

As I walk away from the bench I could hear Sakura sigh, looking over my shoulder for a moment, it looks like she's crying...but I continue to the closest vending machine on the edge of the park and get a couple of green tea cans before taking my notebook out of the back of my pocket and ripping out the sketch of instructions I made for tying her, making little arrows for where she should pull the rope to untie herself before I walk back over to her.

"Here you are," I hand over the can of chilled tea.

"Thank-you sensei."

She seems to have calmed down, while she takes a sip of tea I slip the piece of paper into the bag and open my can to join her.

"I, I heard you sigh...and were you crying?" I ask in a rather defeated tone.

"N-no! Well...yes...but it, it's not what you think," she bites her lip.

"I'm finally be doing this. Thank you."

I smile and nod as we spend our time together enjoying the quiet of the park, looking at each other and just laughing a little. Sakura places a hand on my thigh and I stand up holding out my hand for her to give me her can.

"It is getting late, your parents will be worried and we haven't had any dinner..."

"Y-yes...ok," she smiles, handing me the can before she stands.

As we walk out of the park, I drop the cans in the felt awkward, I am only meant to be mentoring her, like a teacher and student, but she, she had her hand on my thigh. And, I liked it. This was wrong, so, so mind lingered on what we had done and I couldn't help but start panicking and before I knew it, we are stood outside her house gate.

"Ah. Here we are then...I have left you instructions in the bag to get yourself free..." I turn to walk away and feel a tug at my shirt.

"Is this it? Is this...everything?" I look over my shoulder to witness something I didn't expect, a timid Sakura.

" me back my rope, next time you see me...if you are interested."

I pull away from her grip and shove my hands into my jean pockets walking away in the direction we had come from, looking over my shoulder to watch her entering the gate and looking back towards me as she closes it behind her as I swallow, dwelling on the dryness of my throat as I walk home, with the events running through my head, wondering, what the fuck have I done?

A Step Too Far

She called me up at six and asked me if I was free to come over. And I, like a fool, leapt at the chance to be with her. I loved her so much and that was all I could ever think about when it came down to it, even if she did love other men besides me, I...

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