The Institute

Story by Maulkin on SoFurry

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#1 of The Institute

This is the story of a high-school aged snow leopard who is put through a program to correct "bad behavior" after he is wrongly convicted of a crime. There will be no yiffing.

"For the last time," I said, leaning my head against the bus window in exasperation, "I didn't do anything wrong! The judge got it wrong! Geeze, it's not like I expect you to be able to cancel my sentence, but at least you could be nice!"

The bus driver did that creepy thing that all bus drivers seem to be able to do and looked unerringly through the mirror and looked me right in the eyes. Well, I suppose ‘looked' isn't the appropriate word; it was more like a combination of glare and leer, a unique mixture he seemed to have designed and perfected for the express purpose of making teenagers uncomfortably aware that he was at the wheel and if they tried anything he wasn't at all afraid to crash this bus into the nearest wall. A thoroughly unnecessary look, since attacking him was the farthest thing from my mind; I just wanted the ride to be over and to finally get to... well, wherever the heck we were going.

"Shut it," the dog says gruffly, giving a small grunt as he scratches himself. "I've been doing this job for ten years, and I damn well know a guilty kid when I smell one. And you smell just like a thief that wasn't careful enough." He gave a sniff as to emphasize the point.

I rolled my eyes. "Selling drugs. I've been charged and convicted of selling drugs. Or did your sniffer miss the smell of hemp that must be oozing out of my every pore?" I asked sarcastically.

The dog at the wheel gave a huff. "Guilty is guilty, I don't give a shit. And I wouldn't act like alpha of your pack-"

"Snowleopards don't have ‘packs', idiot," I mumbled under my breath.

"-and be a bit more respectful. I've seen punks like you broken in days where you're going, and kissing ass may be your only hope of staying sane," he finished gleefully, missing my comment.

I shifted nervously in my seat, sitting up straight. "Wait, what? What do you mean by ‘break'?" I asked carefully, trying not to offend him.

The dog just laughed. "Betcha thought this would be a cakewalk, didn't ya? Haw, this place makes Juvie look like after school detention. Sure, you're not as likely to get attacked by another inmate... but they'll have you locked up tight in there, no doubt about that. I don't know exactly what they do in there, but I do know that most kids that come out aren't the same."

The fur on my neck stood on end. "Wh-what do you mean?" I asked, unable to keep the nervousness out of my voice. What the hell had I signed up for?

The dog grinned from ear to ear, displaying every one of his yellowing teeth. "You'll see soon enough, no need for me to ruin the surprise." He just laughed for a few moments after that, and then fell silent. I knew I wouldn't be getting anything else out of him.

Over the next hour of the trip I began to have very serious doubts about my decision to sign up for this program, and wondered if Juvenile hall would have been a better choice. At the time I had thought that anything would have been better than Juvie, so when the judge offered me the choice to either go to go there or go through this ‘alternative program', I immediately signed up for the latter. The papers I signed said something about "behavior modification" and "social experiments", but I didn't read too deeply into the details; again, anything was better than Juvenile hall. And that was the thought I focused on as the bus pulled through the electric gate in the chain link fence that surrounded the foreboding facility.

The entire building covered roughly an acre and a half of land, and the fence stood about 150 feet from the building. It was an ugly place made of drab brick and concrete, without windows and only one door that I could see. The bus pulled to a stop about a hundred feet in front of it, and out from the lone door walked a lion. Man, was he big; he was easily seven, seven and a half feet tall. His shoulders were about three or four times as wide as my body, and the legs under his uniform seemed to be built roughly along the lines of tree trunks. Still, he smiled pleasantly at the bus driver (who scowled back at him), and called out, "Got another one for us?"

"Yeah, yeah," the bus driver grumbled, pulling out a clip-board and a pen. He opened the bus door and handed the clip-board to the lion, saying, "Don't go too easy on this one, he badmouthed me the entire trip."

I scowled at this, but the lion just laughed. "What, did he call you a bad-tempered and ill-mannered mutt with dubious hygiene habits? ‘Cause that isn't badmouthing, buddy, that's the truth." The lion laughed heartily, and I couldn't help but crack a smile. ‘At least this guy's nice‘, I thought... maybe this wasn't a bad choice after all.

The dog was less amused by the jibe, but apparently decided he didn't want to anger the much larger lion by responding. "Just sign the damn papers so I can get out of here," he grumbled, not meeting the lion's eyes. The lion obliged, his amber eyes scrolling down the form and his immense paw signing the necessary spots with a comically small pen (small compared to his paw, at least). A couple moments later he handed the board and pen back with a surprisingly kind smile, and stepped past the dog and into the bus.

"Hey there, are you the one coming in today?" the lion asked, but the way he asked it made it sound less like a stupid question and more like a polite pleasantry. He held out a paw and gave me a disarming smile, and with an inward shrug I reached out and shook it. Or, rather, he shook his paw in the same direction that I seemed to want to shake it; I doubt I could move it with just one arm, even if his was completely relaxed.

"Yeah, I'm Jamie. It's nice to meet you," I said automatically. The instant I said it I feel silly, but then I realized it actually was nice to meet him. He had a charisma and confidence that I found pleasant.

The lion chuckled, pleased. "Well isn't that nice, a new kid who's polite and friendly. It's a nice change from the usual kids who come in here," he said, and without warning gripped the back of my shirt and lifted me bodily from my seat.

"Hey!" I said in surprise and shock, suddenly a good deal less comfortable. "P-put me down!"

"Huh? Oh, right," he chuckled, and set me back on my feet. "Sorry, it's a habit - most new kids try to make a run for it, even though they can't possibly make it across the courtyard without me catching them. Never mind making it to the fence and over it, and then across the miles of empty plains." He climbed off the bus and waited for me. "But still - if you do try to run, I will carry you all the way there. And I won't be very happy at all. So, do you promise not to try and make a run for it?" He asked the question with a raised eyebrow and gave me a look that showed he was dead serious. It wasn't mean or cruel, it was just something he would do to make sure I followed the procedures. It was strangely comforting. I nodded, and he smiled. "Good. Go on, straight to the door," he said, stepping out of the way and pointing.

I kept my promise and walked to the door without incident, but found it locked when I tried to open it. Before I could ask, he said, "Heh, it only opens for a Caretaker - that is, someone like me." He tapped an electronic pad on his upper arm that I hadn't noticed before, and then pushed his hand against a pad next to the door. A locking mechanism clicked to life, and then a small green light next to the door handle turned green. "Go on," he said, nudging me gently on the shoulder, and I reluctantly walked beyond the threshold. The crack of the lock as it clicked back into place gave me a small jolt, and made me realize the full reality of the situation; I wouldn't be getting out unless someone let me out.

"Welcome to your new home," the lion said, patting my shoulder comfortingly.


So, what are you in for?" the lion asked after we passed the inspection at the front. It hadn't been very intrusive, to my surprise; a free-standing metal detector at the door and then a few passes with a smaller, more thorough one was the extent of their search.

"You don't know? I figured you would have been given a brief before being sent out to pick me up. You‘d want to know how dangerous I was, after all" I said, surprised that he would need to ask. I walked beside him down a long hallway, which was surprisingly comfortable - the floor was clean beige carpet and the walls were painted in creamy pastels. It was all illuminated by soft, diffused lights that were affixed to the walls at regular intervals. We even had to leave our shoes at the door so we wouldn't get the floor dirty.

The lion chuckled. "Smart cub. Yeah, I know why you‘re here, but I wanted you to admit it. So, tell me what you did to get in here."

"Chose the wrong lawyer," I grumbled, but the lion seemed to think this was a joke and laughed.

"That's clever," he said appreciatively, "but really, you did something wrong to get in here and I want you to tell me what it was."

I sighed. "That's the thing, I didn't do anything wrong," I said, somewhat annoyed. "My friend - well, ex-friend, now - hid his stash of drugs in my locker without my knowledge, and the school found out. When the police found out that the bags they'd been finding out on the streets matched the ones in my locker, they figured I was selling drugs. I claimed that the drugs were my friend's, but of course I had no proof of that. When the police investigated my friend they didn't find anything." I sighed, shaking my head.

The lion raised an eyebrow at that. "Hmmm... No offense, but I'm not inclined to believe you - you've had a while to come up with a convincing story, and the evidence against you is pretty damning. But it's not my place to convict you - the court did that, and I'm just the one who has to administer the punishment." With that, he put a hand on my shoulder and made me stop, and opened a blank door on his left. He steered me in with his right hand, saying, "Here we are, this is the first step in your rehabilitation."

I walked in, peering curiously at everything. There were several tubs arrayed in rows in the center of the room (the floor there was a corrugated rubber mat, presumably to prevent people from slipping if it got wet), some sinks along one wall, a raised sort of table in the far right corner that looked a lot like the kind you'd find in a doctor's office, and some cabinets on the far wall. The far left corner of the room seemed to have been walled off, and had a single door leading into it.

"Umm, what is this place, a bathroom?" I asked, scratching my head and looking around. Didn't look like any bathroom I'd ever seen, but that was the only thing it resembled.

"In a manner of speaking, yes," the lion says with a chuckle. "This is where you will be bathed, along with several other cubs in this facility."

"Is there a toilet?" I asked, ignoring his choice of the word ‘cubs'. The toilet seemed to be the only thing the ‘bathroom' lacked, even though it seemed to have an abundance of everything else.

The lion gave a strange grin, and pointed wordlessly at the walled off corner of the room. I nodded gratefully. "Thanks, that was a long trip over here, I need to go," I say, and walked towards it. When I reached the door, however...

"It's locked," I said, frowning. I look for an "occupied" sign on it, but the door was featureless. The lion chuckled, and came to stand next to me. "Sorry," he said, putting a firm hand on my shoulder and steering me to the odd table thing in the other corner, "only caretakers can use that." He tapped the pad on his shoulder with his free paw, and from the locked door came a sound like the one a car makes when it tries to lock an already locked door. "Now," he stopped next to the table and turned to me, "I need you to take off all of your clothes."

"Huh?" I ask, and shake my head in confusion. "Look, I don't mind getting a uniform, but I have to use the bathroom. Can't you just-"

"I must insist that we put you in your new uniform first," he says, holding rooting me to the spot. He gave me that same ‘no bullshit' look that he used when he told me not to try and run.

I sighed. "Okay, fine, but I really need to pee after I get my new uniform," I say, grumbling as I pull off my shirt and pants. I stood there for a few moments in just my briefs, shivering slightly from the sense of exposure and looking at the lion. "Well?" I ask, confused as he just raises an eyebrow at me.

"All of it," he says, nodding to my underwear. I sighed, and decided it was easier to obey than try to figure out why the facility would need to supply me with my own underwear as well. A moment later I was standing there in nothing but my fur, my tail curled up between my legs for the sake of modesty. Finally, he said, "Okay, now up on the table," patting the padded surface for emphasis.

"But I thought I was putting on my uniform," I say, standing there and cocking my head in confusion.

"You are. Now, please get up on the table. I won't ask again," he says, not unkind but firm. I roll my eyes and climb up on the table, still holding my tail over myself for modesty.

"Good," he said, and bent down to fiddle with a cabinet built into the table. "You're a size 28 or so, right?" he asked, moving something around.

"Yeah," I said, trying to stay warm. It was surprisingly cold in the room; I supposed it would be warmer when the bathes were filled with hot water. He came up a moment later with this white rectangle in his hand that looked like a thick piece of folded plastic sheet. "Lift your butt," he said, the strange grin back on his face, and as he unfolded the item I realized what it was.

"A diaper," I say, my mind coming screeching to a halt. "I'm going to wear a diaper."

"Yup," he said, nodding. He held the diaper out, waiting for me to do as he asked. Several moments passed as my mind attempted to digest this piece of information. Finally, it clicked.

"WHY THE HELL DO I NEED TO WEAR A DIAPER?!?" I yell out, frightened and thoroughly confused. This was getting too weird for me to handle.

The lion was unperturbed by my outburst, but put a firm hand on my chest as a precaution. "Calm down right now," he said slowly, making sure I heard every word. "Now, you will not struggle as I put this diaper on you. If you do, I will have to restrain you. Do you understand?"

I was silent for several moments, my lower lip trembling and my mind a screaming blankness. Then my mind apparently decided that I should be screaming as well, and that a bit of thrashing and flailing wouldn't go amiss either.

"Figures," the lion mutters with a sigh, easily pinning me down with one large paw and strapping me down with some belts that had been hidden in the padding. "They always freak out at this part. Ah well, this should do the trick," he said, pulling a hypodermic needle out of the cabinet below me and quickly injecting me with the contents. I immediately felt my strength flee me, and with it the energy to fight. I pant, and after a few seconds of vertigo manage to ask "W-what was th-that?"

"That," he says, capping the needle and throwing it into a biohazard container, "was a drug specifically designed to both weaken your muscles and increase the pain response. It tends to make our charges more compliant and easy to discipline. Like, a spank for that outburst you had right there," he says, giving me a light swat on the side. But it didn't feel like a light swat; it felt like a real spank, and I gave a whimper at the sting. It even continued to burn afterwards for a few moments. "Now," he said, rubbing the spot gently to sooth it, "Apologize for being rude and not listening to me."

I looked at him as if I was confused for a moment, and then blushed. "I'm sorry," I mumbled, not meeting his eyes.

"Good cub," he said, and then reached up and rubbed the spot between my ears. Despite my fear and confusion, I found myself closing my eyes and purring contentedly.

The rubbing stopped after a few moments, but I even gave the lion a small smile. "Thanks," I mumbled, starting to relax a little.

"Of course," he chuckled, patting my bare chest, "I always reward good cubs. Now, if I take off these straps, will you obey me and let me diaper you?" he asks, smiling kindly. I consider refusing for a moment, but find that even if I didn't want to wear a diaper... I also didn't want to make him mad. To say nothing of being spanked again, I was starting to... well, I liked the lion. He was always kind, and even when he had to do things that I didn't like he tried to soften the sting of it. That was more than could be said of most people.

"Okay," I said softly, nodding.

The lion grinned. "This is going easier than I thought it would," he said, unfastening the straps and letting them retract into the table. "Now, lift your legs, that's it..."

I lifted my legs with some effort; they seemed a lot heavier than they had been a few moments ago. Still, the lion helped me hold them up long enough to slip the diaper under me and then let them down again. "Good cub," he said, kissing my forehead. I raise an eyebrow at this, but the way he said it was, well, comforting. I decided not to comment, and just watched as he diapered me.

After he had the diaper positioned under my bottom correctly, he pulled out a small white canister and poured a liberal amount of soft, silky powder onto my crotch. I almost immediately catch the sweet scent of it, and he confirms my suspicion a moment later. "Baby powder," he says as he rubbed it in, working it all the way down to my butt. When he tried to rub the powder off on my chest fur, however, I gave a whimper.

"What?" he asked, surprised. "You're gonna smell like it anyway, and that helps keep you smelling fresher." I gave him a pitiful look but it was no use; he wiped his paw off on my fur, leaving me smelling like a cub. I shook my head at that, and suddenly had something more important to worry about.

"What's all this for?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me. "Why are you treating me like a cub?"

"Welllll," he said, laying the front of the diaper flat across my crotch and stomach, "it's sort of a way for you to start over. You never knew your father, right?"

I nodded. He'd abandoned me and my mom when I was born and I had never seen the man.

The lion nodded to himself sadly. "Well, a father is a very important part of any boy's life. He teaches his cub how to act right, how to choose honorably. He teaches him to be a man." The lion pulled the sides of the diaper up snuggly, making sure they weren't off center.

"Now, you never had that kind of person in your life. Sure, teachers and other dads may have done a bit of this for you, but they clearly didn't do for you all that a real father would have. You didn't learn about right and wrong, you didn't learn how to behave properly."

"But I didn't-" I started to say, but he placed a finger against my lips.

"Let me finish, cub. We're here to rebuild that relationship from the ground up. And, so, we must start at the earliest point at which a father should be taking care of their child; babyhood. Hence," he paused to snuggly attach the tapes to the front panel, "the cubby treatment."

I was silent for several seconds, digesting this. "Sooo... you think I've got bad character, and so you're going to raise me as if I were a cub so that I'll have good character," I said slowly.

"Yup, that's pretty much the gist of it," the lion said, nodding.

"That's stupid," I blurted out.

The lion chuckled as he adjusted my diaper, pulling it up snuggly. "Maybe, but it also works. We've had a 90% success rate since this place has opened, and that number has climbed to 95% in the past year. Indeed, most of the failures are due to caretakers not following the established regimen. I, however," he said, patting my belly and reminding me that I had to go to the bathroom, "am not such a caretaker."

I gave a whimper and tried to hold it in, and then asked a question I already knew the answer to. "Ummm... can I use the bathroom now?" I ask, smiling meekly.

The lion grinned. "You're wearing it, cub. You're gonna be using that instead of a toilet from now on." I whimpered and grabbed at his forearm, giving it a weak tug.

"Please," I whimpered, tears coming to my eyes.

The lion smiled at me pityingly. "I'm sorry cub, but those are the rules. I can hold you while you do it, though, if that'll make you more comfortable," he said, gently grabbing me under my arms and picking me up. He immediately pulled me into a hug. Despite myself, I gave a purr - even though he was making me use a diaper, the affection was strangely comforting. It seemed to sate a hunger I didn't even know I had.

"Th-thanks," I mumbled, and rested my chin on his shoulder

"No problem little guy," he said, rubbing my back soothingly.

After a few moments the pressure became too great, and I couldn't hold it any longer; my bladder let loose and soaked my diaper, the stain slowly moving from the front and to the back. It didn't help that the wetness made several cubbish designs appear all over it, as if mocking me for wetting my diaper like a little kitten. I gave a whimper of defeat and closed my eyes, tears leaking out and leaving tracks down my face.

The lion noticed my misery and tucked my head under his chin. "Shhh, shhh, it's okay," he said, rolling me over so he could cradle me in his arms. "I've got ya, you're gonna be okay, shhhhhh..."

The tears didn't last long, but the reality of the situation still weighed me down. "Am I really gonna have to be treated like a cub while I'm here?" I mewled, my voice cracking.

He didn't even hesitate to give me the hard answer. "Yes, cub," he said softly, rocking me gently. "It's for your own good. If we didn't do this you would be even more miserable living a life of crime and debauchery."

"But... but I'm not a criminal!" I whined, lifting my head and looking him in the eyes. I knew my face was still wet with tears, but I forced myself to look determined and said, "I didn't do anything that I was accused of! I've never even touched drugs in my whole life!"

The lion raised his eyebrow at this. "Hmmmm... Well, you have certainly been much nicer and well behaved than most cubs who come through here, and you certainly don't give any of the usual signs that it's all an act... No criminal history either, which was surprising... But that doesn't mean you don't need this." With that, he shifted me around so he could easily tap the pad on his upper arm. Speaking slowly and clearly into the electronic device, he said, "Bring up the files for Cub Jamie. Open file "Family Life", and play the text in as an audio file."

There was a small beep, and a moment later a synthesized voice came out of it. "Subject name: Jamie. Subject's mother displays no signs of mental illness and has no criminal record. Psychological profile is largely unknown, but police assessment judges that she does not likely suffer from any major pathologies. Subject has shown himself to be above average intelligence, and shows both creativity and relatively high general knowledge. Subject's last IQ test was taken at the age of 15, and he scored 120."

I blushed, but the lion just chuckled. "You look cute when you're embarrassed," he teased, and I giggled despite myself. But the device continued speaking.

"His psychological profile shows that he has problems forming relationships with others, particularly with boys and older males. The subject's school record shows that he has consistently defied teachers and others in authority, though he has never done anything to get into serious trouble. When questioned by his high school principal about his behavior, his responses were apathetic and curt. Subject's-"

"End audio file," the lion said, and the device immediately fell silent. He looked down at me and raised an eyebrow.


I fidgeted uncomfortably, which was unusual because I didn't even care what my mom thought about my defiance. "I... Ummm, I kinda..."

"Cub, the person you say put the drugs in your locker... is he your only friend?" he asked gently.

I averted my eyes and nodded.

"And were you really friends with him, or did you just like him because he was as defiant as you were?"

I blushed deeply and whimpered, but remained silent.

"Cub?" the lion said after a few moments of silence. "Answer me, cub. Did you like him because you were genuine friends, or because he was defiant?"

I nodded, sniffling. "Yes," I managed to whimper.

The lion nodded as if this confirmed something. "Well then, even if you are innocent of the crime that put you here, I am afraid I cannot in good conscience let you out of the program. You need this, cub," he said, setting me back down on the table. As he untapped my diaper I couldn't help but think, ‘He's right. God help me, he's right."


"You okay there cub?" the lion asked after a time. I nodded miserably, feeling strangely hollow. The lion let me wallow in misery for a few more moments, and then sighed. "Come here you," he said, immediately picking me up and pulling me into a hug. He held one hand firmly under my naked bottom, and wrapped his free arm around me and held me against his chest as he nuzzled against the top of my head. I hesitated for a moment, feeling too vulnerable to open up to him... and then I realized how silly that was and how he was only trying to help, and hugged him back fiercely. I buried my face in the fabric of his shirt, crying openly as he held me there in a warm embrace.

When my tears finally died down and all that was left was the occasional sniffle, he patted my back and lifted me to eye level. "See? I'm here for you," he said, grinning. "Silly cub is getting worried over nothing," he teased, pulling me close so our snouts touched and then gently nuzzled me. I gave a genuine giggle at this, and even though my face was soaked with tears and my eyes were pink, I think he knew it was real. "Come on cub," he said, tossing the wet diaper into the garbage and carrying me naked to the tub, "let's get you bathed before I put you into your PJ's."

I nodded sheepishly to this, realizing that the bus ride over there had not been good for fur. I waited placidly as he set me down in the tub and turned on the tap, getting it warm enough to be soothing but not too warm as to burn. "Bubble bath?" he asked, holding up a bottle of clear pink liquid. I gave an embarrassed giggle and nodded, to which he grinned and poured in a good amount of the fluid. The water immediately started frothing where the stream hit it, and soon the thick, foamy bubbles rose to cover even my chest. I purred contentedly as the warm water worked its way into my fur, and sunk down until my nose was just above the layer of bubbles.

"Is my little cub enjoying himself?" the lion asked with a grin, pulling out a sponge and some shampoo. I nodded, half closing my eyes and sinking into a half dose. My purring grew louder as he worked the shampoo into my chest fur with his paws, and before I knew what I was doing I gave his arm an affectionate nuzzle.

"Awwww, you're too cute," the lion chuckled, using one hand to rub the spot between my ears while the other continued cleaning me.

Things became a bit uncomfortable as he worked his way down my body and had to wash clean my private areas, but he didn't do anything he shouldn't have so I didn't make a fuss. I gave a small mewl of surprise when I felt him ‘probe' around down there, but when the sponge came up dirty I realized that it was necessary. He eventually moved down my legs and continued his gentle cleansing, much to my pleasure, and soon I sunk back down and relaxed.

"Oh?" he said, lifting up one of my feet and chuckling to see the pink pads on their undersides. "What's this?" he asked.

I blushed, grinning. "Hush," I mumbled, "I always had pink feet and pink hand pads. I even have a pink nose and pink inner ears, see?" I said, pointing.

The lion chuckled, still holding my leg up, "I know, but it usually turns brown or grey. I guess you're still a little cub..." Then he gave me an impish grin, and said, "I wonder if they're just as ticklish as a cub's paw..."

"Don't you dare!" I said, tensing up and trying to pull my foot back. But it's too late; he started tickling my foot with his free hand, dragging a claw up and down it maddeningly. "Ack! Noo!" I said between peals of laughter, squirming around in the tub. He managed to hold me above the water so I didn't breath any, but he just grinned and continued tickling my poor little foot mercilessly. After what seemed like hours but was probably just a minute, the lion stopped and grinned down at me.

"Guess what?" he said, grinning down at me.

"What???" I asked, panting heavily and caught between amusement and annoyance.

"My little cub wet himself again," he chuckled, pushing aside some bubbles to show how the water had turned a pale yellow. I blushed and splashed some water at him, but he just chuckled and pinned his hands at my side. "Let's drain this then, shall we?" he laughed, grabbing both my arms in one large paw and pulling the plug with the other. The tub drained in less that a minute, and soon he pulled an extendable nozzle from it's holder and started hosing me down. "I oughta punish you for getting me wet like this," the lion said in mock anger, giving me a playful (and gentle) noogie.

"Hey!" I cried out, giggling and trying to push the offending paw away. The lion just chuckled and pulled me against his chest, damp fur and all, and continued to rinse me down. I blushed at this, taking a strange comfort from the closeness.

"There we are," he said a few minutes later, turning off the tap and helping me to my feet. "Cub's nice and clean, and almost ready for a fresh diaper. Come on, towel time," he said, holding out a large, fluffy white towel. I felt a small twinge at the mention of the diaper, but shrugged it off and let the lion wrap me in the towel. A moment later I let out a frightened yowl as he suddenly lifted me off my feet and seemed to be tossing me around and rubbing me with the towel. After a minute of this he set me back on my feet, grinning. "Fastest way to get you dry," he chuckled, seeing the look on my face. Well, his method certainly got me dry; I looked at my arms and saw that my fur was standing on end as if I were in a lightning storm. "Come on little poof ball," he teased, leading me back to the changing table, "time to get you diapered again.

My second diapering was much less eventful than the first, and I laid on the table placidly throughout the whole process. I only gave a small whimper as he rubbed baby oil as well as powder onto me, and blushed when he gave my freshly diapered bottom a teasing pat, but was otherwise "sweet as a lamb", as he called me. After he helped me off the table and led me by the hand to the cabinets (which I had to waddle to, since the diaper was too bulky to allow me to walk normally), he swung one of them wide and peered into its contents.

"Hmmm," he said, going through some bright and soft looking garments, "I think you'd look nice in a onesie. I'd put you in a footed sleeper, but it's not cold enough to merit one." The lion pulled out something that looked like a loose, fluffy leotard with long sleeves and pulled it off its hanger. "Arms up," he said, and I obediently pointed my arms up so he could slide it down over my torso.

When he finished snapping the buttons down at my crotch, he adjusted the cabinet door so I could look at myself in the mirror that was built into it. "There, how do you like it?" he asks, grinning from ear to ear.

The onesie, as he called it, fit me perfectly; it was loose enough that it didn't hamper my movement, but snug enough that I felt like I always had a hand holding me up from under my diaper. But even more surprising was how young I looked; the light blue garment was covered in little teddy bears, pacifiers, and bottle designs, and even had a larger teddy bear patch sewn into the chest. The diaper underneath it was made clearly evident by both the added bulkiness and the little frills that showed around the edges. When I saw how I looked standing next to the lion, I realized that I really did look just like a cub. Maybe a cub of four or five, but still a cub.

"Ummm... it's really... cute..." I said, blushing but giving a small smile. I moved around a little and was pleased to find that the onesie was still supporting my diaper, and grinned. "But it's also really comfy, thanks."

"I'm glad you like it, cub," he said with a grin, and then picks me up and cradled me like a kitten. He nuzzled me affectionately (which again seemed to nourish a part of me I didn't even know I had), and said, "There's one more important thing you gotta remember, though - the moment you feel the urge to pee, you must do so - if you try to hold it, even unconsciously, I'll have to take measures to make sure you use your diapers as a cub would."

"Ummm, how do I just let it go if I don't even realize I'm holding it?" I asked, genuinely trying to be cooperative. I didn't much like the idea of using my diapers without any control, but... he wanted me to, and so I would try to. But how could I obey him short of constant focus???

The lion seemed to see my dilemma as he quickly patted my side. "Don't worry, you won't be in trouble if you accidentally hold it in, but I just want to give you the chance to do yourself what I would otherwise have to do to you artificially." He walks to another cabinet and opens it up, revealing several drawers. He opened one of the upper ones and pulled out a box about the size of a cigar humidifier. "This is a one use enema, but it has several, ah, ‘medicines' in it that will relax your anal and urinary sphincters - thus making you temporarily incontinent. This particular one lasts a month, but we also have half-year, full year, three year, and five year enemas."

‘Five years?' I thought, imagining someone staying here for five years. I gave a shiver that wasn't entirely unpleasant. "How many people stay here long enough to need five year enemas?" I asked.

"You'd be surprised," he said, ruffling my hair. "You'll probably be staying in here for five to seven years, but it's not uncommon for people to stay for over a decade. Most of them start off with the shorter lasting enemas, though, and they're only given the longer ones if they remain stubbornly continent. Which reminds me," he pauses, chuckling and giving my diaper a poke, "why aren't you wetting that thing?"

I gave a small ‘eep' and blushed, mumbling, "I don't have to go..."

"Really? Well then, it wouldn't matter if I tickled you, would it?" he said with a devilish grin, and before I could react he was tickling my belly mercilessly.

"ACK! Hehe- stop it - hehehe!" I stammered, curling up into a ball and thrashing around.

"No, I don't think I will," he laughs, grabbing both my feet in one paw and using some of the coarser hair on his tail to tickle my soles. I laughed even harder from this, and in a few moments my diaper was wet again. The lion gave a whiff, and then frowned. "Cub," he said, opening my onesie to reveal a rather soaked diaper, "you've been holding it in. You know what that means..."

I gave a whimper as the lion opened the box and pulled out the single use enema. "Please, I'll try harder," I mumble, but he just carries me over to the changing table and lays me there on my belly. After pulling down the back of my diaper and exposing by bottom, he ran a claw around in a jar of Vaseline and then rubbed the jelly around my tail hole. I gave a pitiful mewl at this, thoroughly unused to the sensation.

"Now, just relax cub," the lion said, pulling his claw out and then pushing the enema nozzle against my tail hole. "It won't hurt if you just relax and accept it."

A moment later I felt the nozzle of the enema push into me, and then a rather curious sensation of fullness as he squeezed the plastic bulb and forced the fluid into my bowels. "Now, hold that for a moment," he said, pulling the enema nozzle out and rummaging around in the drawers beneath the changing table.

"Please, hurry!" I whimpered, starting to cry as my tail hole began to tingle with the medicines. "I don't think I can- WHOAH!"

Something much, much larger than an enema larger pressed against my tail hole now, demanding entry. I automatically clenched in surprise, but that part of my body didn't seem to want to respond as it used to. My sphincter gave a few feeble twitches before finally relaxing, and the object slid in easily.

"There we go," the lion said with satisfaction, and I gave a start as I heard a short hissing sound and felt the object expand. I looked back over my shoulder and saw the lion holding a rubber bulb attached to a tube, which led to the thing that was plugging my anus. "An anal plug," he explained, saying it as if it were the most natural thing in the world. "An inflatable one, as a matter of fact. You have to keep the enema in for fifteen minutes in order for it to do its job, and if I didn't put this in and inflate it the enema wouldn't take full effect." He gave it several more squeezes until I felt a mild discomfort, and then pulled the bulb off of the tube and tucked the tube into my diaper. After pulling the back of my diaper up and making sure it was snug, he lifted me into his arms and hugged me. "There, now, was that so bad?"

"Yes," I mumbled, giving a small shudder as I felt the fluid shift and tingle other parts of my bowels. The plug didn't help matters; it felt like I had just eaten a very large meal, and somehow my stomach had migrated down to my bottom. With a whimper, I realized I was already wetting myself. That stuff certainly worked fast...

"Heh, there we go," the lion chuckled, noticing the wet spot and watching it grow. "Pretty soon you won't be able to hold it at all, and by the end of the month your bladder and bowels will have shrunk and the nerves you use to control those muscles will have atrophied from disuse. You'll be incontinent until we retrain your bladder."

"I will?" I asked, tears rolling down my cheek. "I... I don't wanna be incontinent..." I give a whimpering moan, not knowing what to do. Wearing and using diapers was bad enough, but needing them? Wetting and messing myself like a little cub? I bowed my head and squeezed my eyes shut, hoping this was just a weird, weird nightmare.

It wasn't a nightmare; if it were the lion wouldn't have picked me up again and nuzzled me gently, affectionately, showing the love a father has for his son. "Shhhhh," he whispered, rubbing my back with one paw as he held me up with the other, and tucked my head under his. "Shhhhh, daddy's here, daddy will always be here to take care of you. I'll always be there to comfort you when you cry, I'll always be there to change you when you mess, I'll always be your daddy." He continued to rub me, a slow, constant counterpoint to my whimpering, and eventually my crying and moaning petered off. But still, he continued. "There there little kitten, I gotcha, I'm not gonna let anything hurt ya...." The rubbing continued for several minutes until it became almost hypnotic, driving away my worries and anxiety with it's constant litany of gentleness. It wasn't long before I fell into a half doze, closing my eyes and leaning my head sideways against his chest, hearing his heart beat in rhythm with his rubbing...

"...aaand I think that's it," he whispered, bringing me out of my daze and reaching down the back of my diaper. I heard a small hiss of air and felt the plug grow significantly smaller, and a moment later there was an odd sucking sound. I tilted my head and saw the plug, mostly clean, in his free paw. My eyes widened - that thing was big! How did he fit that thing in my bottom, and how did he take it out without me even feeling it? Then I remembered - the enema. I gave a small whimper, and realized I probably wouldn't even feel myself going before it was too late.

The lion must have felt me stirring, because he immediately put his paw onto my back and continued with the gentle rubbing. "It's okay," he repeated, and a moment later I realized I was already messing myself. The enema seemed to have been mostly absorbed by my bowels, but it had moistened the stool enough that it flowed freely out of me and into my diaper. I cringed as I felt it building up and gave a whimper as it started forcing itself even higher. By the time all of it had been evacuated my diaper was sticking out several inches more than was normal. I gave a loud whimper at this, and wondered how I could have had that much... stuff... inside me. It did not feel nice at all, and I started squirming. "Change?" I asked, unable to form a more articulate request.

The lion patted my bottom gently, and chuckled. "Kitten's a big messer," he said, and gave me a playful nuzzle before laying me back on the changing table. I cringed as I felt the mass shift, but the lion just poked my belly teasingly. "Hey, not my fault you don't go regularly," he said, and started untaping the diaper.

"Whoah, that's not healthy," he said a moment later, coughing and waving his hand around after the mess was exposed to the air. He held his nose with one paw and cleaned me off with the other, and soon the soiled diaper was in the biohazard trashcan and my bottom was as clean as... well, as clean as a baby's bottom. The lion tapped his arm pad a couple times and I heard a machine turn on above me. "Fan and air vents," he explained, lifting my legs sliding a fresh diaper under my butt. "They keep this place smelling nice. If it weren't for them, well... let's just say it wouldn't be pleasant." I imagined that and shuddered; that single messy diaper had been enough to make the whole room smell, and I couldn't even imagine how bad it would be with many cubs doing that several times a day.

The lion just chuckled at the look on my face and powdered me up, then taped up the fresh diaper. A moment later I realized I was wearing a much thicker diaper than before. When I raised my eyebrows at this, he grinned and explained, "Cub is gonna need a thicker diaper if he's gonna be wetting and messing so often - gotta be able to hold it all in, after all. Also," he said, adjusting the diaper so it fit nicely, "it'll give you this adorable little waddle that most people find excessively cute. Be prepared for regular cheek pinching." He helped me to my feet and then snapped my onesie back up.

True to his word, I couldn't walk without a slight waddle. I gave a small smile at this, somehow tickled by the idea of waddling around like a cub. I quickly put on my poker face when I realized the lion was watching my reaction, but he just laughed. "Go on, admit it," he said, lifting me up high and nuzzling my belly playfully. "You love this - or, at least, a part of you does."

"Hey!" I said, caught off guard by the question. "N-no, of course I don't like it, that's silly..."

The lion wasn't convinced. He lowered me to his chest and tucked my head under his chin once more, and started rocking me back and forth. "Can't fool me," he murmured, holding me against his warm, soft chest. "I've raised several cubs, and I know when they start liking it. I know that you like having a daddy who will love you and take care of you, and you know you love it too. Am I right?" He held me there in his affectionate embrace, every bit a father to me.

"I... Ummmm..." I hesitated, not really used to saying stuff like that. I'd never been good at saying that I liked or cared for someone, so I was just glad he had said it for me and just needed my consent. After a few moments, I gave it.

"Yes," I mumbled, burying my face in his chest and hugging him as best I could. Tears rolled down my face freely, only to be absorbed by the fabric of my daddy's - yes, my daddy's - shirt. I nuzzled back, purring as he continued his gentle rubbing and nuzzling.

"There's mah boy," he chuckled, pulling me away from him for a moment to kiss me on the forehead. I gave a loud giggle at this, a cubbish squeal of joy as his warm maw met my fuzzy head and gave me a comically loud smooch, which he no doubt exaggerated for my benefit. "Now, let's go meet your brothers."

"B-brothers?" I asked, feeling like the floor had tilted sideways. Then I gave another peal of laughter, imagining it. "I have brothers???"

"Of course," he said, walking to the door. "I take care of several other cubs, and I'm sure you'll love them. Come on little Jamie, let's go meet them."

"I can't wait," I giggled, settling back into my daddy's arms and letting him carry me where he would.