Just one more hand

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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Well there I was minding my own damn business when GabrielClyde shoves the seed idea of a story in my head, where it grew until I had to write the damn thing down to harvest the story out of my brain and let me work on other stories. Curse you pony!

Anyway this went from a little quick mood piece to something a lot longer than I planned and certainly more involved. I hope people enjoy

Las Vegas - city of bright lights, dazzling shows, and casinos. A jewel in the desert, an oasis calling to those weary travellers from all over the world. So much fun could be had within the city walls, many millions of tourists came in every year, world-weary and heavy of shoulder and pocket. They often left happier and lighter of shoulder... and definitely of pocket.

However, as with any city, it had its dark corners, and Tyron's was certainly as dark as it could get. A combined casino, brothel and strip joint, with a surprisingly tasty buffet, open twenty-four-seven. Over the years, many thousands had found their way inside, and a few had the bad luck to run into the owner, Guile. His real name was Roy, but the gator had been Guile to his employees and colleagues for so long that no-one called him anything but. He didn't have friends, just marks and resources. He was a user and taker who had ruined many a life, all the while grinning such a friendly smile that it was hard to believe his true plans... right up until you were in his debt too deep to get out.

Jarred had been one such unfortunate. The pony had wandered in one day, a teenager just turned legal. His eyes wide as he watched the strippers grinding and dancing, his blonde cheeks aglow with the blush of the truly innocent. He had stood out like a polished pearl a top a small pile of garbage. Guile had been drawn to him instantly, and after a few friendly drinks (on the owner, of course), he had been convinced to play a friendly game of poker, house rules but friendly. The blonde pony had started out well, winning a few small hands. Each time, the gator grinned and said, "Wow, you have got to play just one more hand, give me a chance to break even. Just one more hand."

All the while Guile had talked to the pony, asked about his life drew out every detail he needed. The equine's parents had met an unfortunate end a few months earlier, he had almost no family and certainly no-one to come looking for him. The perfect prey a rare delight that the gator would never pass up on.

Of course as the drink flowed and the night drew in, the darkness closing around the blonde sorrel pony like a cloak, he forgot about the door and the outside as he focussed on the cards. He began to lose, and sweat began to drip down his naked thickly muscled neck, and before he knew it, he was out of cash. Still, he just needed to win one more hand, and surely his luck would change. Guile graciously opened up a line of credit, his warm smile never leaving. The poor pony never noticed the smiling reptile's sharp teeth as he focussed on his cards. His debt grew and grew until the night ended, and the gator owned everything the pony had, including his ass. For the final hand, the gator had let the pony use his virginal ass as collateral, then after winning the hand, the gator had taken the equine virgin firmly by the hand. Jarred hadn't resisted; he had been led to the gator's room where, in one painful night, his virgin doughnut was split and reamed by thick green meat.

Next night, the pony had begun to work off his debt, working as a stripper and whore for the gator. He danced, he sucked, he was fucked, and all for a wage just above the cost of his room and board. The pony wouldn't be debt-free until his fine body was of no more use to Guile. Many of the other whores and strippers of Tyron's had similar stories; as the days drew on, the pony submitted to the despair of his life and became just another one of Guile's conquests. The truth was that Guile's greed and personal tastes meant he often spent more money than he made and the hustling of stupid customers was all that kept the place in the black. The gator had resisted several offers to buy the place from the owners of the slots place next door, who wanted to expand their business.

It was two years later that Cory wandered into the place, his curly tail wagging softly, his eyes wide and his innocent cheeks blushing as he looked at the perfect bodies grinding on the stage. As Jarred danced with another of the strippers, the new husky watched sipping on a beer carefully, and Guile watched him from the bar weighing up the newcomer with hungry eyes.

The Husky had that slight chunkiness of a young Husky barely turned to adulthood. His fur was neatly groomed, his hair combed so very neatly. His clothes were a smart shirt and dress pants, freshly pressed and ironed; they signalled to the gator of a mama's boy escaping her apron strings. A perfect mark for the gator - young, innocent, and yet with a few strings he could tug to get the boy to do what he wanted.

Grabbing a couple of beers, the gator turned on his most friendly of smiles and wandered over to the young unsuspecting canine. "Hello, and welcome to Tyron's. I hope you like my establishment - here, have a drink on the owner. That's me, by the way - Roy, but my friends call me Guile, and I hope I can count on you to do the same."

Blushing and taking the offered beer, the Husky looked up at the gator, the huge green reptile dressed in a sharp black suit and tie, his huge gut almost busting out of his shirt as the buttons strained, like the heroes they were, to contain the massive gut. "Hello, Sir... Thank you, I do like this place, it's so... exciting."

Putting his hand over his heart, the gator put on an air of mock pain, "Sir?! Oh, you wound me; am I so old that people call me Sir now?"

Cory's jaw dropped in honest embarrassment as he rushed to make amends for the upset he had caused. "Oh please, I meant no offence, Mr Guile... just, my mother always taught me to respect my elders..." As the gator's smile fell again and that look of hurt came back, the Husky rushed to add, "Not that you look old, you are just older and... and... sorry."

Chuckling, the gator sat down by the embarrassed Husky and handed him the beer. He might be too young to drink legally, but Guile had an arrangement with some of the local cops, and the bartender knew to let young fools drink so they overspend and over-gamble. "Here you go, my boy. Now, what do you think of my dancers? You get to see guys as fit as that back home?" Of course, he knew the Husky didn't; his accent and attitude screamed southern states and that meant this was possibly the first time the boy was getting to explore his bisexual urges.

"I... I... no, we don't, at least, not that I've seen, S... Mr Guile." The Husky replied, his eyes being drawn back to the blonde pony in a g-string, the fabric not enough to contain the huge equine cock, the tip of which could clearly be seen. Looking up at the equine's face, he saw a flash of sadness, and almost pity, in his eyes.

"Ah, such a shame; everyone should enjoy the sight of the male form almost nude," Guile replied, and then took a sip of his beer. He was drinking his usual alcohol-free drink; after all, he needed his wits sharp to entrap this Husky. Looking the boy over, he sighed softly, the boy was clearly well cared for, and that would mean parents and (potentially) lawyers. Which would mean he couldn't keep the cute little canine. Still, he could fleece him for almost every penny he and his parents owned and get to take that plush Husky butt for its inaugural rutting. "Of course, if you are able to stay, we have some strip shows later where you will get to see these boys as God intended. In fact, if you have enough cash, you could get some private one-on-one time with any of my fine studs."

Cory coughed and spluttered at the thought of spending some alone time with the well-hung pony grinding in front of him. His honest face flushed with the burning heat of the furnace of his embarrassment. "I... I could?"

"Sure, it's just two hundred dollars for a half hour with any of my boys," Guile replied grinning from ear to ear, or would have done if he wasn't a gator and actually had ears and not just internal eardrums behind his eyes. "Now that's cheaper than almost any other establishment you care to find."

Looking down a little sadly, Cory mumbled, "I only have seventy dollars on me."

Guile paused and gave a thoughtful look, closing his mouth so the young Husky wouldn't see him licking his teeth as he salivated at the night's prospects. The boy was nibbling already. He should be able to catch this fish; all he had to do was be careful not to scare him off before he got his hook deep into the boy. "Well, I can't offer you a discount, we do take credit cards though."

The Husky didn't look up at the gator he kept his gaze firmly at his feet, which was impressive, considering the well-hung, nubile horse grinding a mere foot away from him. Guile knew what that meant; the Husky didn't want his mother seeing a charge against the card from a brothel. "Or... well, this is a casino, and this is Vegas, after all. Maybe if you risk that seventy dollars you could win enough for a half hour, or hell, maybe even more. Two thousand, and you get one of my studs and a room for the night. I've never have a customer leave in the morning with anything but a smile on their faces. You know how to play poker?"

Cory nodded and looked up at the gator. His eyes showed he was unsure but considering it, as the stallion in front of him danced off the stage, his pert buttocks twitching as a new dancer was announced to take his place. The equine looked back at the Husky over his shoulder, eyes full of sadness, although for someone as young as Cory it was easy enough to wishfully misinterpret that look as one of wistful desire. "I used to play with my grandfather for matches."

"Well, there you go! Look, just play a couple of hands and see how it goes, you can pull out any time you want."

Before Cory knew it, he was sitting at a poker table with the gator and a couple of others. Rick and Barton, two employees - not whores, but professional gamblers paid by the gator to work the room and encourage genuine customers to gamble further. They knew what their boss was planning for this puppy, and they didn't care; this wouldn't be the first or last time they had helped someone get hustled at this table.

The Husky handed over forty dollars for some chips, and then the game started. The gator signalled for another beer for the Husky as they all began to play. The first few hands the gator and his cronies let the Husky win. Soon, the canine had won the money he needed for a half hour. Guile chuckled and said, "Looks like you got our number, boy. Of course, you will enjoy half an hour, but you could keep going, see how far your beginners luck takes you. Just two thousand dollars for a night you will never forget." As he spoke the gator waved Jarred over, the pony was wearing nothing but his tiny silver thong and was carrying a small tray with two beers on it. He placed one carefully in front of the Husky, their eyes catching for a moment, causing Cory to blush.

As Jarred placed the other beer in front of Guile, the gator gave a lewd smile and reached out a scaly hand to grasp the pony's tight buttocks, squeezing hard enough to make the pony gasp. "Mmm nice and tight, I have spent a few nights with Jarred here myself, and it took days for the smile to fade from my face."

The carrot of a night with the studly pony was dangled tantalisingly in front of the young Husky, who had finished three beers, and the gator could safely assume the pup was really feeling the buzz by now. It was quite a large carrot, and the gator had made a lot of money from customers wishing to taste that particular treat. Canine eyes wandered over equine perfection, the little thong not even half what was needed to contain the equines maleness, Cory caught glimpses of the mottled pink and black member.

Guile and his partners had spent the time studying the Husky, learning his tells. A good card or hand made the Husky stick the tip of his tongue out; an unwanted card got a very slight snort. It was too easy - the young male may as well have walked in pulled his pants down laid over a table and let the gator fuck him raw. As it was, he would relish the night, take his time and enjoy his conquest.

"I think I'll try one more hand; after all I can still back out, right?" The young canine's voice held a slight tremor.

"That's right. Hell, what kind of guy wins just a couple of hands then walks away? A real man knows how far he should ride his luck," growled Rick with a wink to the Husky as he rolled a cigar around his mouth. The Doberman could scent a mark like sharks could taste blood in the water, and like sharks, the three had their mark encircled. The best part: He was totally oblivious to the shafting that was awaiting him. Rick didn't care who got shafted, so long as it wasn't him, and that he got the money he was promised.

The night wore on, the beers kept flowing Jarred was made to bring more, keeping the Husky's eyes away from his cards. After a few more hands, the Husky's luck began to change. As the three sharks stopped circling and started to nibble, Cory soon lost all his winnings. However, that was ok, because as Guile said, "Sometimes you lose a few hands; a real man takes his loses and fights back." The 'real man' line worked on so many young males, it was almost unfair... not that they cared about what was fair. Tease a young male about being a real man, and they would do almost anything you told them to.

Of course, Cory agreed to one more hand, then another, and another. His seventy dollars were soon gone, and he drew out more on his card. The beer continued to flow as they drained the life blood from the canine's bank account. It wasn't long before Guile started to up the stakes, baiting the young male into betting higher and higher. All the time, he poured glass after glass of 'free' beer down the boy's throat. Free beer, the true cost of which would be far more than anyone would have ever been willing to pay...

Until eventually, after hours of bad hands, the Husky finally stuck out his tongue and the gator knew he had a good hand. Glancing at his friends the gator nodded, his own cards were almost too good to be true, a full house aces and tens. The gator raised and the Husky whined "I don't have enough chips."

Barton, the black bear, shrugged. "Then fold, boy, or put up something of equal value."

"I don't have anything else on me," whined the Husky.

"Well, I wouldn't say that. I mean, this is Vegas after all, and some things you can sell here that you can't sell legally elsewhere." Guile tried to keep the lewd grin off his face as he spoke, but it proved too much. Fortunately, the Husky was to busy trying to figure out what the gator was suggesting to notice the predatory look in his eyes. "After all, just think what you are trying to win the money for. I could give you two thousand, and if by the end of the game you can't pay me back with cash, you pay me back... the other way."

Cory practically choked on his beer as he gator finished his sentence. "You mean, you lend me two thousand dollars, and if I can't pay it back, you get... my ass for the night?"

Guile shrugged his shoulders, "hey you said you needed more cash, I'm just trying to help you out, and it's not a small sum for one night, especially when it's already past two am. However, if you are not willing, all you need to do is fold and cash out."

"But... but.." whined the Husky, looking at his cards his face contorted as he struggled to come to terms with getting what he wanted and what he had to risk to get it. "I... ok, I'll do it."

"Excellent; here's your chips. Now... you gonna call?" The gator slid a small stack of chips over to the Husky. Cory pushed the chips in to the pot and called. Guile licked his lips visibly in anticipation as he put his hand down. "Read 'em and weep, boys ... full house aces over tens."

Rick and Barton both threw their cards down making suitable disgusted sounds which left the Husky with trembling paws looking at his cards. Guile smiled and reached out a paw to the trembling puppy, "I believe you may have to..."

"Four eights and a queen," squeaked the Husky his innocent eyes wide as he cheered and pulled a huge pile of chips his way, as the three card-sharks jaws dropped.

Guile tried to rally. It must have been a fluke; true beginners luck, he told himself, just made the eventual defeat of the canine sweeter, and the rutting he would get that much rougher. "Wow. Well done, son. Though you are still down quite a bit; you'll need to play another hand or two to break even."

Cory ran a paw through his neatly groomed hair, ruffling it up a little as he did so. "Okay, then... one more hand."

Guile grinned and began to deal. The boy still owed him two grand or his ass; if he could clean him out, the boy's ass would be his, and it wouldn't be long before the Husky forgot exactly what he put up to get the cash, making the eventual moment when he took the boy to his room all the sweeter.

Frustratingly for the reptile, the Husky's luck held for the next hand, and the next. The gator hardly noticed his own chips as they began to run across the table. He just needed another hand to turn the Husky's luck. The stakes had been raised again and again, the pot going from hundreds to thousands of dollars. Then it happened: A straight flush, clubs, eight to queen. As the Husky got his cards, Guile saw the pinkness of a tongue-tip appearing. The Husky thought he had a good hand, but the gator knew the odds of him having a royal flush were tiny; he could count on his four-fingered hands the number of straight royal flushes he had seen in his life.

The gator shoved in all his chips and gave the Husky a grin. "You got the nerve of a real man to call me, boy?" One last challenge to the boy's emerging manhood before he made him his bitch. His heart leapt as the Husky pushed all his chips into the pot. The other two folded immediately. Guile lowered his hand taking his time so he could savour the look on the Husky's face as he realised he had lost it all. "Straight flush," he announced triumphantly... only the Husky didn't look scared, upset, or broken. He was grinning, and suddenly Guile saw it - the predatory look in the Husky's eyes. He knew that look; he saw it in the mirror every morning.

The gator's eyes went down to the canine's paws where he watched as the boy laid out an ace, king, queen, jack and ten of hearts. "Royal flush," smirked the Husky as he reached out to pull a giant pile of chips back towards himself, the gator looked down at the empty table in front of him as realisation finally dawned.

"You think you can hustle me in my own joint and get away with it, boy?" he snarled, the smile completely gone from his face.

"Hustled? Maybe. Cheated? No. Now, let's see... I believe the total the house owes me is two hundred and forty seven thousand dollars. Oh, but here's the two grand for my ass." The Husky smirked as he tossed a couple of chips the gator's way. "I'd like my cash now please."

Guile gulped as he looked around. The place was billed as a casino, but it was far more brothel and strip joint than Caesar's Palace. He didn't take more than a few thousand dollars on his best nights, even with the gator using near slave labour. He had expensive tastes, and most of his cash was in his lavish home. He couldn't pay up that kind of money quickly, if at all. Still, he glanced at Rick and Barton, and his grin returned. "Oh, I think you were cheating. I think me and the boy's caught you with cards up your sleeves and threw you out on your ass. Besides, you gotta be twenty-one to gamble in Vegas. You got ID on you, son?"

Cory glanced at the other two sitting at the table and the grinned as he pulled out his wallet and flashed his drivers license. "Twenty seven years young, though you'd be surprised how many people buy my young and innocent act. It's this bone structure I got it off my mother. As for cheating, well you know your friends were fairly cheap to buy off, which is why my sponsors found it easy to buy them off. They are not going to side with you."

"S... sponsors?" Guile asked as he got a sinking feeling in his stomach. He glanced at Rick and Barton who gave him the same less than sympathetic smiles he had seen the two give every single one of his victims.

"Oh well, some of your old... victims sought me out." The canine laid back in his chair. "They didn't appreciate what you did to their sons, emptying their pockets and filling their asses." Standing up the Husky repeated, "I'd like my cash now please."

"I... don't have the cash to cover that, it'll take me a few days..." the gator mumbled, his eyes low and defeated. He'd been set up and he'd fallen for it, hard. He knew that he wasn't going to get out of his debt without paying.

"Oh, I don't like the sounds of that. You owe me a lot of money, and as a casino, the house should be able to cover all the house debts. Maybe I should take it out of you in trade, huh?" The Husky leaned down and winked at the gator, who looked up, eyes wide in horror, and then the canine laughed. "Ewww, no... not your leathery fat ass. I'm talking about your boys. I know most of your workers are in debt to you, right? My sources say your workers are in hock to you by about one hundred twenty grand. So take my winnings out of that debt and put the rest of the cash from the till and safe in a bag. I think that sounds like a great deal, huh? Saving you, like, fifty or sixty grand, depending on how much you actually keep in your safe."

Guile said nothing, he just stared into space as he thought of losing all his indentured workers. He would have almost no staff left, certainly not enough to open for several weeks with staff he would actually have to pay. It would take years of work to turn the place back into a money-maker. His mind spun as he tried to think through a way out of this. "How about we play one more hand... double or nothing, I lose, you win this place... I lose, you walk out with ten grand for your time?"

"One more hand?" Asked the Husky, "just one more hand?"

"Yeah just one more."

"One more hand is a game for marks, and you know it," Cory replied with a smirk and then nodded to Rich and Barton. "Start bagging up the cash guys." The Husky turned to see the crowd of prostitutes and staff all watching, waiting to find out what the new owner of their debt would do next. "Erm your debts all cancelled so stay or go, your choice I guess." Mumbled a slightly awkward Husky as the bear and doberman were pulling cash out of the till and safe and stuffing the bag full. That was Cory's payoff his customers had spent a lot more than that buying the other two and the barman off, a good thing too or he'd have been too drunk to cheat without getting caught.

Most of the whores and staff had stopped working and were celebrating, Jarred was conspicuous by his absence. The pony had rushed to his tiny room, He pulled on a faded pair of jeans over his thong and a slightly scruffy t-shirt. It took him just five minutes to pack up everything he owned and then he picked up his bag and turned to the door. That's when realisation truly hit him, he may be debt free but everything he owned was in that bag and amounted to two changes of clothes and about thirty dollars. the bag slipped from his hand and his legs began to fail him, he half sat half fell onto his dirty mattress. Placing his head in his hands the equine began to cry, it wasn't fair, he was free but had no where to go. His only real option was to stay and work for Guile until he had enough cash to start over.

"You know I didn't expect you to be this upset when you got your freedom," Jarred looked up startled to find the Husky standing in the doorway holding the bag of cash he had just won.

Shrugging Jarred tried to wipe away the tears, "freedoms for those with a home to go back to, I guess I could try and find work in some other brothel but it'd just be the same."

"I never thought about it that way, it was just part of my instructions, break the bank release his staff." Muttered Cory as he stepped inside the room.

"Well you did, so thanks I guess." Shrugging the pony leaning back on the wall behind the bed.

"I... came here to thank you actually," Cory said pulling something out of his pocket. "For this, it was very brave of you." The husky held up a napkin with the words, 'it's a con get out now', written on it in black ink.

Jarred looked at the note, he hadn't tried to warn anyone in over a year, not since the last time Guile caught him. The gator was more than capable of punishing a whore that stepped out of line and the pony had learned that lesson the hard way several times. Then the pony had seen the innocence on the Husky's face and... he knew he couldn't just let Guile use him. "I... "

"... thought I was someone else? That was kind of the idea, my employers have been studying Guile for a while," replied Cory with a smile. "That just makes your gesture so much more noble."

"Great I'm the noblest whore in Vegas," snorted Jarred the bitterness of several years as a sex slave coming to the front of his mind.

Cory was smart enough to not respond to the pony, he knew the rage wasn't aimed at him. A big part of him wanted to wrap his arms around the young stud and let him know that everything would be ok. Instead he waited for a minute or two and then said, "truth is I wasn't hired by people wanting revenge, someone wanted to buy this place and knew all they needed was one big hit to his finances and Guile would have no choice but to sell to them. I just said it was revenge to rile him up a bit more, besides he's a bastard I wanted him to feel like he was getting some justice."

"There ain't no justice in this world, the last two years taught me that," spat the horse.

"Nope, no justice, not really." Cory's eyes wandered over the pony, out of his thong and in the squalid bedroom he felt an attraction far different to the raw lust he had when he first saw the almost naked stallion. "Look... I have an apartment, not far from here. If you want a place to stay while you get on your feet you are welcome to my spare room."

"What'll it cost me?" Jarred asked cautiously.

"Nothing, rent free until you get on your feet, or hooves." Replied the dog hoping that a little humour would lighten the mood.

"Yeah rent free... what'll it cost me," Jarred had learned the hard way that anything that seemed to good to be true was always a trap. Everything in life had tried to bite, fuck or control him, he saw no reason why the Husky would be any different.

"Nothing, look cards on the table here I find you sexy as hell. I'd love to spend some time with you, to enjoy your body." Cory admitted knowing that lying was not an option. "However, if you don't want to do anything with me the offer still stands ok. I'd like sex, would even like to try a relationship, but mostly I just want to help someone in a bad situation, paying it forward so to speak."

"Paying it forward?"

"You think Guile is the only evil cunt in the world? I got my past too and it ain't all puppies, kittens and candyfloss." Cory offered his paw to the equine. "Someone once helped me out of a really shitty situation for no reason than to be nice. So what do you say?"

Jarred looked up at the husky, those eyes seemed to hold a genuine honesty that the pony found hard to say no to, "I guess that's ok."

Grabbing the pony's paw and helping him to his feet Cory had to ask, "so about spending some time enjoying your body... I mean if you ever want to take me up on that you just have to say."

The pony didn't reply he just grabbed his bag and followed the Husky. He knew it wouldn't be long before the Husky would use his dependence to get what he clearly wanted from the equine. However, in the mean time he could get a few nights sleep and at least it would just be one guy, instead of a string of guys. His ass had gotten used to taking several cocks a night, one more would hardly be a problem.

Leaving Tyron's forever was surprisingly easy, he didn't look back and hardly exchanged a word with any of the others. They had been a part of his life, but a life he wanted to leave behind, the last thing he had wanted was a long goodbye. Jarred was amazed by the luxury of the apartment the husky owned. The canine made a very good living off playing poker, his innocent and youthful looks meant that many of his opponents underestimated him, to their detriment. This wasn't the first time he'd hustled someone to order and it probably wouldn't be the last.

The night was so old it was actually morning and the two didn't say much. The husky just showed the pony where the guestroom was and then retired to his own bed. The two slept until very late in the afternoon, Cory counted the money he had earned and exchanged some emails with the people who had hired him. Guile had already sold the casino to them. That would mean the gator would probably start out as a gambler again and the husky might cross his path again.

The Husky ordered some take away food for the two to eat, Jarred felt guilty at not being able to pay his share. Cory just shrugged and said he knew a few guys at a few casinos and he might be able to get the pony a job dealing cards or tending bar. The second night came all too fast and the pony found it almost impossible to sleep. Laying awake in his bed he thought about what his new friend had said, part of him still didn't trust the Husky. However, he had to admit so far he hadn't tried anything at all, he had let him know that he wanted the stallion but that it as Jarred's choice.

Of course he knew one way to find out what the canine had in mind would be to accept that offer and see how the Husky tried to use him afterwards. Cory wasn't bad looking either, unlike most of his former clients, young and handsome, with just a little bit of chunkiness to him. Before Jarred got stuck in Tyron's the pony would have found himself drawn to a canine like that. Of course the intelligence and confidence was nice to, combined with the simple truth that he had saved the pony from a lifetime as an indentured servant, it made for one attractive package. He knew he could do far worse, he'd sucked and rode cock for far less than a night and a meal in a place like this.

Jarred found himself standing in the doorway to the Husky's room, Cory was snoring lightly snuggled down in his blankets. His peaceful expression seemed almost angelic in the dim light, his grey fur framing his white face, a small white mark on his forehead, a pretty diamond of white. The naked pony took a few steps forward, the plush carpet muffling the thud of his hooves as he stole closer to the slumbering Husky.

When it came down to it Jarred was ok with the idea of having sex with the Husky, there was only one problem, he was a top and always had been. As well equipped as he was the pony was a terrifying prospect for most lovers, none of his clients had wanted that, they always wanted his mouth or ass. As he slipped down to his knees beside the bed he decided that he could grin and bear it as he had for the last two years. He owed the Husky for saving him, for giving him a place and he should thank him the way he clearly wanted to be thanked.

Reaching and gently pulled the blanket down away from the husky, the canine mumbled and turned onto his side. His eyes were still closed but it gave the pony a chance to study the canine's body, eyes wandering down the grey and white chest, somehow fitting with the monochromaticness of the dimly lit room. Nicely proportioned arms, legs and chest, his stomach slightly pudgy, giving just enough softness and curve to his slumbering form to arouse something inside the stallion. Maybe it was that the curves gave the husky a comfortable look, his fur was plush and Jarred couldn't help but speculate how it would feel to snuggle up behind Cory, as he slid his thickness into the canine's curved rump.

He could feel a slight breeze flowing over his erect maleness, eleven inches of thick pony muscle hung unreguarded between his legs. Part of him thought he should wake the Husky, but mostly he just wanted to enjoy this moment for himself, when Cory woke up he would have desires and wants, until then the pony could do what he wanted. Leaning closer he scented along the canine's chest and stomach, careful to avoid touching for now just breathing in the clean and slightly musky fragrance of another male. The equine's heart began to beat faster in his chest as he felt the need rising in his blood, for so long his needs had been subservient to another's, the thrill of taking joys for just himself was intoxicating. It led his actions, making him bolder, pressing his muzzle to the husky's plump sheath and balls, huffing deep warm moist stallion breaths, drinking in the muskyness. Cory moaned softly but his eyes remained closed, his slumbering body however, began to respond to the attentions, his sheath swelling and a pink tip appearing.

A thick powerful equine tongue lapped over the emerging cock-tip causing Cory to moan deeply in his sleep. Jarred savoured the flavour, a clean cock was a rare experience for him most of his customers had spent hours getting horny and sweaty before buying time with him. A fresh clean cock was a wonderful change and he found his hungry lips latching on and suckling on the growing maleness eagerly.

He found that Cory was packing a rather nicely plump cock, the light lump of an unformed knot gave the pony pause as he realised that once the dog woke up he would want to force that inside him. However, he banished any unpleasant thoughts from his mind, focusing instead on the feel of the cock, the slickness of the hot flesh, the firmness between his lips, the tickle of husky hair on his nose and chin as his head bobbed faster and faster. Before he came to Vegas he had loved to suck cock, he'd serviced more than a few of his 'straight' friends in school, when their girl friends withheld services.

As he suckled on the hot meat he began to remember why he had loved it; serving another's cock making it swell driving pleasure into the fleshy pole, teasing the glans, meatus and frenulum with his tongue, until he drank a thick musky load down. His muzzle moved faster and faster, lips getting rougher, squeezing the meat between them, drinking down the copious amounts of pre that are the trademark of a canine lover.

He could feel the Husky's pulse under his tongue racing, and he could hear the panted breaths of Cory, as the eager equine drove the slumbering canine closer to the edge. Nothing could stop Jarred, and as two husky paws stroked his head Jarred closed his eyes, focussing on the cock It didn't matter that Cory had awoken he was going finish what he'd started. He would do what he needed to for Cory after, this was a selfish moment for himself.

Driving his muzzle at full speed, bobbing on the full slice pulsing length the equine felt a whinny of pleasure rumbling down his throat. The strong vibrations of the sound proved too much for the canine, with a audible gasp and a shudder he came, his cock shooting jet after jet of warm fluids into the equine's hungry maw. Jarred slowed his muzzle his lips sliding with slow languid motion,s as he milked the cock between them sucking out every last drop.

Eventually with a slurp he let the spent maleness slip from his lips. Cory panted and gasped and then looked at the equine on his bedroom floor and chuckled, "well I've been woken up in worse ways, though for the record I'd rather be awake to feel every moment with you."

Jarred didn't look up he wiped his mouth and like the good whore he believed himself to be he lifted himself just enough to slide onto the bed, pushing the husky back and placing a soft kiss on his lips. The Husky responded returning the kiss with excited passion, his arms slipping around the equine's shoulders, paws sliding slowly down the equine's back. Two horse hands slipped down the Husky's arms and then over Cory's flanks, fingers trailing through the plush fur nails, lightly scratching the skin beneath.

Breaking the kiss the canine nuzzled slowly over the equine's broad neck and then up to his ear where he whispered softly, "under my pillow."

Responding the equine reached out with a hand sliding it under the pillows through the cool cotton sheets. His fingers closed around a plastic tube and he pulled out a small bottle of lube. His trick had been prepared it seemed and the whore could take instruction. He squeezed a large dollop onto his paw and reached down to grasp the canine's cock.

Gasping at the coolness and the feel of strong equine fingers, running over his sensitive cock, Cory arched his neck and moaned. Then grasping the equine's shoulders he pushed the equine back a little and shook his head, "wrong cock." He whispered taking the bottle out of Jarred's confused hand and squeezing the rest of the contents onto his paw. He reached down to grasp the thick equine meat he had been thinking of since he first walked into Tyron's.

Moaning softly Jarred shuddered as two canine paws worked over his maleness spreading a thick coating of slick fluid over the equine phallus. Cory wished there was more light so he could enjoy the proper sight of equine perfection in front of him. He could also see the look of surprise on the pony's face. Leaning close the husky kissed the equine's cheek and then stole a surprise kiss from the pony's moaning lips.

Regaining some composure Jarred back out of the kiss and whispered, "I'm too big."

Cory couldn't help but give a soft chuckle as his fingers spread the lubricant to the very bottom of the equine's shaft and he took the opportunity to heft the thick leathery sack. "You're very well endowed, but I've taken bigger."

The pony's brow wrinkled in honest confusion, "Don't you want my ass?"

"I suspect too many people have been none to gentle with your ass," whispered the Husky softly as he stroked the pony member. "Besides I would rather be on the receiving end of something this beautiful."

"I'll hurt you," muttered the aroused but unsure horse.

"No you won't, but I won't force you if you don't want to rut, I can suck you dry and we can try again some other night," Cory's voice was sincere as he looked at the equine, with an empathetic look in his eye. "I am happy to enjoy you, but only when you are ready to be enjoyed and to enjoy me in return."

"I... it's been a long time," whispered the pony his voice trembling a little as he was caught between his desires and his fears. "I mean I'm not sure I can... "

Cory squeezed the hot member in his fingers and whispered huskily, "mmm feels like you could to me."

"No... that's not what I mean," replied the equine shaking his head a little. "I've only ever topped twice, years ago and I'm not sure I can control myself... make it good for you."

Letting out a soft chuckle Cory took a paw off the equine's cock and his warm palm caressed Jarred's cheek, leaving a trail of lube in his fur. The Husky leaned forward and kissed his lips lightly for reassurance and whispered, "you don't need to worry I'm sure it'll be good. I'm not a customer I'm a lover and right now I want to be close with you. It doesn't need to be perfect, I just want to make you feel good and that will make me feel good."

Flushing with embarrassment, relief, arousal and a half dozen other emotions Jarred replied, "I can't remember how it feels to have a lover."

"Then let me remind you," the Husky replied and then kissed the equine again passionately, his tongue delving into the pony's mouth, exploring and caressing. One paw continued to stroke slowly up and down the thick stallion hood as the other stroked his mane, running through the locks of Jarred's hair calming him. It took a few seconds but the pony began to return the kiss, hesitantly at first and then with greater passion, as his confidence grew.

Trembling fingers stroked through plush husky fur as he explored his lover, remembering the old thrill of feeling another's body, of wanting to feel more. The customer's at Tyron's had sometimes been gentle, but most just wanted the pony to make them feel good, to submit to them and make them feel superior. Many had been drunk, sometimes so drunk they hadn't been able to get fully hard and the pony had to work hard to get them ready. All that mattered was getting the other person to cum as quickly as possible to end the encounter.

What was worse had been the nights he had no customers and Guile had knocked on his door. At least while serving customers he had used the customer rooms, big comfortable beds, space to stand and move, various different sofa's, chairs and tables just perfect for bending a whore over. In his own room he just had that tiny uncomfortable bed with the stinking thin mattress. The gator had taken him there far too many times especially in his early days reminding him just where his position was.

Now he had hope that those days were behind him and maybe someday he would be able to get over them. Right then with the husky he was able to forget the last two years as their lips met in passionate embrace, their tongues danced and their nubile bodies writhed together. He found himself between the canine's well spread legs as the constant stroking of his maleness brought desperate urges to his mind. He felt the Husky's paws guiding his cock and before he knew it he could feel his flare kissing the pucker of his lover.

Lost to the passionate heat of the moment he gave in to his instincts thrusting forward, he felt the tight ring of muscle against his flare. For a moment it resisted his thrust, then it opened and his cock was surrounded in the tight depths of his lover. He heard a soft whine in the throat of the canine as they kissed and he paused, for a moment forcing himself to stop. He could feel the canine's depths spasming around the intruding rod as his lover tried to adapt.

The clenching and spasming drove sensations into his cock he had long forgotten about, waves of pleasure crashed down his shaft and through his body. He could feel the heat and pulse of his lover, taste the sweetness of his maw. All he wanted was to give in to his base instincts, to rut the male beneath him, make the Husky his mare. It took all the restraint he had not to just thrust his full length inside him.

Then he felt two warm paws grasping his buttocks and squeezing, taking it as a sign he thrust forward again. His cock slammed into the clenching depths of the husky until his hips pressed to the soft hips of the canine. The kiss was broken and Cory moaned softly, "mmm see I told you I could take you. Now please.... fuck me I need to feel it."

With that the husky returned his lips to the equine's kissing passionately his paws squeezing and tugging on Jarred's buttocks. The reassurance and passion were all Jarred needed, he gave in to his desires and began to thrust, slowly and hesitantly at first then with each thrust the pleasure and confidence grew. The soft moans of his lover tasted so sweet to his ears and tongue that he began to thrust faster and faster.

Their bodies writhed together, fur mingling as the equines hips thrust faster. The slap of his leathery sack on the husky's taint could be heard in between the gasps, pants and moans of pleasure. He could feel the hardness and heat of a cock as it pressed into his stomach, sliding through his fur as he continued to rut. Breaking the kiss he whinnied out into the night, he could remember the feeling now; of being strong and in control, a willing mare under him around his cock, squirming as he serviced them and made them want more. Unable to believe he could have ever forgotten the feeling, he began to mate faster and harder, giving all of himself to the moment, his thick cock slamming home deep inside his lover again and again.

The tingle of his balls told him that his orgasm was only seconds away, he wished he could hold it off and make this moment last forever. However, he knew that nothing could stop his body, nothing could stop him from claiming his mare. Giving in to his own bodies desires he let his orgasm take him, and it took him whole, his entire body trembled as he thrust hard, his thick cock erupting inside the Husky. Thrusting with wild abandon Jarred pumped his lover full with blast after blast of thick rich horse cream. His hips eventually coming to a rest against the canine's, he ground his hips to the dog's as the afterglow of a true rutting began to take hold of him.

Cory wrapped his arms around his equine lover holding him close. His own orgasm had not been far off, but he knew Jarred needed to be held far more than he needed to cum. He lay the pony's head on his shoulder and stroked the strong neck with both paws. The two lay together all night the husky whispering soft reassuring words to Jarred, until sleep finally claimed them both.