Carnal: Mother-lover

Story by Avanti Halfhorse on SoFurry

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#11 of Carnal

Ah, the strange, strange world of modern music. (Then again, you should read the mythologies of some cultures. Loki from Norse mythology is my favourite, but to be completely honest I am saving that weird story for another time.) From surgically altered starlets with asses from the uncanny valley to modern black rap having the topic diversity of Emo poetry through to Kanye West turning an extra-terrestrial love song into an intergalactic rape anthem with such lyrical jewels as "bathe my egg in your milky way" and "Imma disrobe you, then I'ma probe you, See, I abducted you, So I tell you what to do"(Thank you Kanye West for making it creepy), music of the 2010s has left a lot to be desired when it comes to interesting ideas, but we can be grateful that songs like 'Motherlover' exist to keep giving us writers of porn and furry smut ideas for our stories. Yes, that's right, this story is inspired by a comedy song that had little intent of being taken seriously. (Just be glad it wasn't one of the other songs by Lonely Island like 'Jizz in my pants' or 'Dick in a box'.) So any music reviews or movie proposals, along with comments and complaints to [email protected] and always remember; a Midas touch is a great way to dispose of nuclear waste whilst making profit the whole way.

"I'm a Mother Lover, You're a Mother Lover, We should fuck each others mothers," -Not Avanti Halfhorse ("Mother lover" by Lonely Island if you wanted to know.)

He sat at his desk with his nursing textbook open to the section on wound management as he tried to study. It was a Sunday and with his exams coming up it was a opportunity to study. The problem was it was near-impossible for him to focus. It was spring and with the natural inclination of his instincts to think about sex, his recent break-up floated in his mind. With an annoyed growl, he threw his pen at the wall in defeat. No matter what he did he couldn't focus. It seemed fortunate that he didn't get long to stew in his annoyance and he was brought back to the real world when his mobile phone rang. "What do you want Rory?" He asked after answering his phone. "Doug, I need a favour." "As I told you last time; I won't bail you out of the watch house again." "Ouch, that hurts." "Need I remind you that I had to bail you out last month?" "No and I don't need bail." "So what have your drinking buddies handcuffed you to this time?" "I didn't go out drinking last night!" "So which one of your booty-calls tossed your naked butt out into the street?" "Would you stop interrupting me you oversized house cat?" "Alright you fuzzy mutt," he asked as he leaned back in his chair, "what do you want?" "I need you to take my mum to lunch for me. It's her birthday and I can't get away from work." "Did you forget your mother's birthday again?" "Fuck you, I didn't forget. I have an emergency at work so it's all paws on deck and I can't get away. I'd postpone, but you can't postpone reservations at the Orange Grove." "Shit, the Orange Grove? How'd you get a reservation there?" "By booking six months in advance. Can you help me or not?" "Maybe if you warned me six months ago. I don't have that sort of money." "I have $500 in the bottom drawer of my dresser, take that." "$500? Where'd you get that sort of money?" "It's called full-time work." "Fine, I'll take your mum out to lunch. I could use a break from studying anyway." "Good. I'll call her up and tell her that you're taking her to lunch." "But I get to keep the change from the $500." "Ugh, fine. The reservation is for one o'clock. Try and dress up for lunch." "I have class, unlike you, wolf." "Being a feline doesn't give you instant class." "Bite me." "I don't have time. Try and not be this bitter with my mum." "Now why would I be bitter to your mother when she's so nice?" "Now you can bite me Doug. Just remember; one o'clock." "Talk to you later Rory." He hung up the phone. Rory had been his best friend since first grade. They had done everything together as kids, despite seeming to have polar opposite personalities. Rory was a loud, unrefind wolf whilst he was a quiet and studious mountain lion. He remembered when Rory's dad died ten years ago, on Rory's mother's birthday of all days. Since then, Rory had always done something to help his mother have a good birthday, even if he sometimes forgot until the last minute. This year however he hadn't forgotten, planning for this day six months ago. Doug knew this because Rory reminded him every day that he wasn't to let him forget. He looked up at the clock on his bedroom wall and saw that it was 10:43. This gave him time to have a shower and pick out some nice clothes before going over to Rory's mother's place to pick her up.

"I'm so sorry mum, but with this cable recall we're working overtime to pull out all the faulty cable and reinstall the new cables on the site." "I know dear, Doug has told me you've been doing 14 hour days this last week. There's no need to apologise." "Don't be stupid mum, it's your birthday and I won't let the reservations go to waste. Doug has agreed to take you to lunch as we planned, so I'll just have to take you to lunch once things calm down at work." "You don't have to Rory, you're so busy nowadays as it is." "Mum, it's your special day and as your son it's my duty." "Rory, you have no such responsibility." "Fine, then I want to do it because I enjoy doing it." "You are a good boy, aren't you?" "Like you raised me to be any other way." "You should get back to work, those cable aren't going to replace themselves." "Alright, have a happy birthday. I'll call you later to make sure Doug didn't short change you." "Rory, you know Doug's a good boy and a proper gentle-male." "I want to make sure you enjoy your birthday mum." "I'm sure Doug will take care of me. Now you should get to work, I have to go have a shower." "Okay mum and again, have a happy birthday." "Thank you Rory." She heard the other end hang up before she returned the handset to its cradle. Ever since his father had died, Rory had always made an effort to make her happy, especially considering today was anniversary of the accident. Her husband had been a fire fighter who died in the line of duty when the burning house he was in collapsed. She put the thought from her mind as she looked at the clock on the kitchen wall. Ten minutes to eleven. If she had to guess, Doug would be here to pick her up in an hour, which gave her ample time to get ready. She had always admired Doug, he was a mountain lion who had been a good friend to Rory since they were both young cubs, especially after his father's death. He was someone she could rely on to keep her son out of trouble most of the time. As he had grown up she had often caught herself wishing she was Rory's age, especially with how much Doug was like her dearly departed husband; a kind, compassionate and intelligent gentle-male. He was also quite handsome now that she thought about it. NO! She shouldn't think about such things. She couldn't think about such things! Doug was the same age as her son! She'd watched him grow up alongside her own boy. He was like an adopted son to her. But the thought of having a young, handsome and virile example of feline masculinity in her bed was an alluring one.

She caught herself before her thoughts became too carnal. It would have been rather inappropriate for her to start masturbating in the kitchen to thoughts of her son's best friend. What she needed was a cold shower to clear her head. Yes, a cold shower, as she had done many times before when such thoughts crossed her mind. She was too old to consider such things as dating, flirting, sex. Then again, it had been ten years since her husband had died, ten years since she had been touched in such a way. Her husband had been an amazing lover, making her feel things she never would have thought were possible; the amazing sensation of his paws, his tongue, his body pressed against her own. Oh how she missed him. It had been so lonely these last 10 years; working and raising her son all alone. Perhaps she should start dating, especially since Rory had moved out. A shower, what she needed was a shower, a cold frigid shower. Her head was going so many different places that she was having trouble staying on task. Doug would be here in just under an hour. She hastily made her way to the bathroom and took off her dressing gown. She caught the reflection of herself in the bathroom mirror. She didn't look bad, even if she was dressed in the old underwear she wore on her days off. She ran her paws over her breasts, her belly, her hips, her thighs and all were still rather shapely and attractive, even if her belly was a bit pudgy. With the right underwear and the right dress, she could make herself attractive enough to woo any handsome male, a handsome male like Doug. NO! Not Doug! She shouldn't think such things! She should stop thinking about Doug's handsome physique. She had to stop thinking about Doug's attractive body. She had to stop thinking about him pressing his naked body against her own. Paws and tongue upon her breasts, firm cock rubbing against her warm, wet sex.

As quickly as she could, she discarded her underwear to the floor, jumped into the shower and turned the cold water on full. The shock of the the ice cold water had the intended effect, flushing from her mind all thoughts of a carnal and sexual nature, replacing them with screaming thoughts of cold unpleasantness. After only a minute, she could bear the cold no longer and jumped out of the shower, fur soaked to the skin with the oppressively frigid water. After turning on the hot water to try and make the shower more tolerable, she looked at herself in the mirror. Her fur was a drenched mess hanging from her body and dripping water on the floor. She looked abysmal in her current state, in no way attractive and more importantly, she no longer felt sexually ambitious. As she waited for the shower to warm up, she wondered what was wrong with her. She'd gone through her heats before and they'd never been this intense. She was almost 40 years old, but her doctor had told her at her last check-up she still had a few years of fertility left if she still wanted pups, albeit a dangerous one. She was too old to safely have children now. Maybe her body was desperate, knowing that her fertility would wain soon. That was most likely it; the desperate whimpers of a body longing to have one more child. As she stepped into the now warm shower, she gave her stomach a caress, remembering how it had felt when she was pregnant with Rory. But there was no way that she could give Rory a sibling now, even if he was old enough to be their father, just like Doug. Ohh, thinking about Doug was a bad idea. His name alone made her knees weak. She thought about shutting off the hot water for another cold drenching, but it seemed a bit late for that now, her left paw grasping the paw-rail in the shower whilst her right paw massaged her pussy lips. It felt good to have her tender labia massaged by her digits. She was no stranger to masturbating, but it hadn't felt this good in a long while. The warm caress of the water along with her fingers roaming over her tender opening and the thought of Doug being the one fucking her until she was pregnant making her moan and whimper in ways that she hadn't done in years. She knew it was wrong, but it was the taboo nature that made her long for it more. She was having no trouble imaging the whole scene in her mind; Doug hugging her from behind with his paw cupping her sexual mound as he fingered her. His other arm held her chest whilst he nuzzled and licked her neck between the occasional kiss or nip. Oh how she wanted to surrender herself to this physical and sexual embrace, to let herself go as she hadn't done in the longest of times, to let herself be vulnerable to a male again. Her fantasies moved away from the idea of being fingered and onto being fucked, with Doug holding her in an impassioned embrace, fucking her slowly and in a way she hadn't felt in a decade. "Oh Doug," she moaned as she pushed her fingers as deep as she could get them. "I need you to fill me with your cubs." That thought, the thought of her son's best friend filling her with his fertile sperm was what she needed to bring herself to orgasm, howling as her body clenched desperately around her fingers, squeezing them to milk every drop of phantom semen from them. "Doug!" She howled as the last of her orgasm rippled through her body.

She stood there, back braced against the wall of the shower as she panted, doing her best to calm her racing heart. She was glad that she had the paw-rail gripped tightly, because she'd have trouble standing up without it. Her body felt empty; devoid of the throbbing cock buried in her body that she longed for, but having released her sexual stress she now at least felt calmer and more level headed. The perverse images that had filled her thoughts had now abated and when she thought about lunch with Doug she was less worried that it would end up filled with sexual tension.

Crap! She had forgotten about lunch! She muttered to herself that she was going to be late for lunch, all because she couldn't control her urges. She thought about what she'd wear as she quickly lathered up her fur with shampoo. She had picked out a rather uninspired blouse and skirt which she had planned to wear when her son was taking her to lunch, but unconscious thoughts told her that this might be a bit too unappealing. Sexy wasn't an option, she didn't have anything of that sort in her wardrobe and it might have come off as seeming desperate anyway. No, she had to do this tactfully, cautiously and with subtlety. She knew how she had to approach this, she only hoped that she would still have time to pull her little plan off.

Doug pulled up in front of Rory's mother's house and checked his watch, just in time to see it roll over to midday. He was on time, which he was glad of since it had taken him longer than he expected to get dressed. He had found his good royal blue slacks without any trouble, but he was forced to raid Rory's wardrobe for a matching shirt. The pastel blue long sleeve shirt certainly matched his slacks, but he really wasn't fond of the colour as well as it being two sizes too large for him. However, if he kept it tucked in, no-one should be able to tell. After parking the car, he gave his appearance once last check in the rear-view mirror before he got out and walked up to the front door. He had run out of his favourite deodorant the other day, so he gave his armpit one last sniff to check he didn't smell too much before knocking on the front door. "Coming!" He heard Rory's mother call out from inside. "We have time," he called back. "It's only just turned 12." "Regardless, I'm not going to leave you standing on my porch," Rory's mother said as she opened the front door. "What sort of host would I be if I just left you waiting out here?" Rory's mother stood there smiling at him as she held her dressing gown closed. "Hello Doug," Rory's mother said as she stepped back to let him in. "I hope taking me to lunch isn't interrupting your studying." "It's okay Mrs Breavy," he said as he walked in, "I haven't been able to focus that well lately." "Well let me finish getting ready and you can tell me all about it," Rory's mother said as she closed the door. "I don't think you want to worry yourself about it," he said dismissively. "The problems of being young." "Melissa?" Rory's mother asked. "Was Melissa," he sighed. "You know how young love is." "Well it is her loss," Rory's mother said as she followed him into the living room. "I know that you'll make a female very happy one day." "Probably," he sighed sadly as he sat on the couch, "but at the moment I'm not too interested in dating some other floozy any time soon." "We can talk about it over lunch," Rory's mum suggested to him as she walked out of the room, "but let me get changed first."

Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh how she wanted to hear those words. He was single and wounded, in need of a loving female to help him feel better and make him forget his pain. This whole thing felt like it was becoming far too easy, but she knew she couldn't rush herself. She had spent the last half hour making alterations to a dress, adjusting the hemline from three-quarters length to end just above her knees. Underwear had been a bit more of a problem since she hadn't exactly had a reason to buy anything except plain, practical undergarments. A thought did cross her mind, but it was risky. She could get away without a bra since the dress had been designed so one wasn't needed, but what would she do about underwear? The thought of going without crossed her mind, but she felt she was too mature for that despite how giddy the thought of it made her feel. She dug through her underwear drawer hoping to find something sexy and just as she was reaching the bottom of the drawer and reconsidering not wearing any underwear, she came across her 'emergency knickers'. Her little sister had bought them for her when Rory moved out as a joke and suggestion that she consider dating again. The red silk g-string had immediately migrated to the bottom of the drawer after she tried it on once and found it to be far too uncomfortable for everyday wear. However today seemed to be a rather appropriate day considering her task. She discarded her dressing gown and took one last look at her naked body, admiring herself before she stepped into the g-string and slid the rather sparse underwear up her legs. This time as she let the fabric and elastic press gently against her body, it didn't feel as uncomfortable as it had last time. They didn't seem to pinch or rub uncomfortably against her mound this time. She wondered if she should thank her little sister for the gift, but got the idea that if she did that, she would end up being asked a series of rather awkward questions to answer. She posed in front of the mirror in the red silk g-string, relishing the feeling of the fabric titillating her wanting sex. The urge to rub the smooth fabric through her pussy lips were strong, desperate to sate her pressing need for another orgasm. She stopped herself giving into this desire, knowing that something better than her fingers was waiting for her in the living room to take her to lunch.

He checked his watch again. 12:15. Mrs Breavy said she just had to finish getting ready, how long could that take? Then again, females always took longer to get dressed than males. One of those great mysteries in the differences between the sexes. "Doug!" Mrs Breavy called out to him from her bedroom. "Can you come here and help me with something?" "Alright," he replied as he got up and walked towards her bedroom. "Nothing too hard I hope." "Oh no, nothing like that," she said to him as he opened the door and stood there, stunned. He saw Mrs Breavy sitting on the corner of her bed and facing away from the door, the back of her dress unzipped. "Um, everything alright Mrs Breavy?" He asked with a gulp, nervous to see her in such an exposed fashion. "Please, call me Jenny," she said to him as she looked over her shoulder at him. "Do you think you could help me zip up my dress?" "Sure Mrs Breavy," he said as he cautiously walked into the room, "shouldn't be a problem." Careful not to pinch her with his claws, he cautiously grabbed the zip on the back of her dress and slowly began to pull it up. He noticed the silk threads of a g-string disappear behind the closing fabric and as he closed the dress up near her shoulders, no bra straps were being covered by the black dress. Of course that wasn't the only thing he noticed. His sense of smell was nowhere near as sensitive as hers, but he could still sense the gentle whiff of the perfume she was wearing. He couldn't tell what sort of perfume it was, but it was a nice scent. "You smell nice," he said without thinking as he finished zipping up the dress. "Thank you Doug," she said with a smile. "I'm trying a new shampoo." "It suits you," he managed to mutter. "You're still holding the zipper Doug," she giggled. "We aren't going anywhere if you don't let me go." "Sorry," he muttered as he let go of her dress, "kind of zoned out for a minute there." "Then it's probably be best if I drive if you're going to be zoning out," she said as she stood up and gave her tail a quick wag. "We can take my car if you like." "Might be an idea," he muttered as he shook his head to try and clear the mental fog. "Are you almost ready Mrs Breavy?" "Please Doug, call me Jenny," she said to him as she picked up her handbag. "You make me feel old when you call me Mrs Breavy." "Sorry Mrs..." He caught himself about to make the same mistake again. "Jenny. Sorry Jenny." "That's okay Doug, you'll get used to it. Now shall we go to lunch?" "Yeah, sure," he sighed, feeling stupid for making that simple mistake. "Are you sure you feel okay? You seem so distant." "It's a number of things," he muttered. "Perhaps lunch will help clear your head," she suggested to him as she took his arm in hers. "Now come Doug, the Orange Grove awaits."

As she drove towards the restaurant, she would occasionally glance over at Doug, who seemed to be lost in his own little world as he gazed out at the passing suburbia. "Penny for your thoughts?" She asked him, yet when his concentration wasn't broken, she asked again. "Doug, are you okay?" "Huh?" He asked. "Something wrong?" "Whatever your problem is," she replied, "it's certainly leaving you withdrawn." "You really shouldn't worry about it," he said dismissively. "Come now Doug," she comforted, "you know you can always talk to me about your problems. Besides, something tells me it's not something you can talk about with Rory." "True, I can imagine his solution." "So what's wrong?" She asked as kindly as she could. "Melissa and I broke up," he admitted. "I suppose the whole thing's left me a bit distant." "Not a good state of mind to be in at exam time and I can imagine how Rory would be no help." "Consider me old fashioned, but I don't believe random sex solves emotional problems." 'I don't mind old fashioned,' she thought to herself, wishing she could say it aloud. "I don't know where my son got that idea from," she said to keep the conversation going. "It wouldn't be an idea that either his father or I taught him." "He probably got it from my mother," he replied. "Seems like her sort of logic." "That it does," she replied as she pulled into the car park of the Orange Grove. "I still think we somehow swapped children." This make him chuckle and it pleased her to hear him laughing, even if it was restrained. "Rory's not all bad though," he pointed out. "At least he's paying for lunch." "That's good to hear. I'd hate to think he'd putting you out of pocket on your student income." "Come on Jenny, like you wouldn't be worth it." She felt a blush crossing her cheeks as she parked the car. She knew he meant as a friend, but she fantasised that it was more sexual than he might have intended. She just hoped that he wouldn't sense something was afoot.

The perfume from her body wash was incessant. He couldn't stop smelling it, even though it was only a subtle smell. He had smelt it all throughout the car trip and now as he sat opposite her in the restaurant when his nose was awash with dozens of other smells, he could still smell the perfume amidst the chaos of odours. He took a slow sip of red wine, using its odour to clear his nose of her perfume's fragrance, only to have the it return the moment he put the glass down. As long as he could smell it, the fragrance seemed to cloud his mind. "You were too good for Melissa." He gave his head a shake, realising he had to return to reality. "I'm sorry Jenny, I lost my focus again," he apologised. "That's okay," she said as she looked up from her menu, "I was just saying that you deserve someone better than Melissa." "A few people have said that," he said with an annoyed sigh, now feeling able to focus on his menu. "Rory said you would buy her all sorts of gifts and she never seemed happy with your generosity." "That's right," he sighed, wishing she'd change the subject. "Sounds like that nag was a gold-digger to me."

Of all the things he had expected to hear, he never would have expected Jenny to use the phrase 'gold-digger'. "What'd you say?" He asked, feeling that he should make sure that he had heard her correctly. "I'm saying that nag of a girlfriend you had was a gold-digger and it's her inappropriate behaviour that damages good men like you. The only reason that she'd come back to you is if you started earning six or seven figures." The candid and straightforward answer she had just given him was certainly a shocking one, the sort of thing he'd expect to hear from Rory, not his mother. "Gold-digger?" He stuttered. "Don't tell me you don't know what a gold-digger is." "I know what it means, I just never expected to hear it from you." "It's an older phrase than you think Doug," she said with a chuckle. "I heard my mother saying it. Perhaps you give your modern rap artists too much credit when it comes to their originality." "That's a possibility," he said as he chuckled as well.

He was laughing with her and this was a good sign. It meant he was opening up and the more he opened up, the more enjoyment he would have. "You shouldn't feel bad," she comforted, "you discovered what sort of person she was before she had the opportunity to take everything." "Would she really do that?" "Trust me Doug, I've seen a few gold-diggers break a good male's heart in my time. And you're a boy who deserves better." 'Someone like me,' she thought to herself, too afraid to reveal her intentions just yet. "You think so?" "Doug, you are the kind, caring and respectable sort of male that I married all those years ago." 'The sort of male who I would let fuck me on this restaurant table right now,' she thought as she crossed her legs, trying to resist the urge to touch herself. "I'm sorry Jenny," he hastily apologised, "I didn't mean to make you remember Rory's father." She smiled as she looked at the nervous mountain lion. "Doug, you worry too much. I know Rory has always tried to make me forget our shared pain on my birthday, but ever since Rory moved out I have been genuinely thinking about dating again. The time I spent with my dear husband was amazing, there's no doubt about it, but I must accept that he is gone and I am lonely without my son living at home." "If that is what you feel will make you happy." The idea that made her happy at the moment was the idea of him pumping his hot seed into her body and getting her pregnant. She realised crossing her legs had been a bad idea, carefully rubbing her sexual lips together each time she squirmed in her seat. It had been less than two hours since her fun in the shower, but as she sat there with the object of her sexual fantasies sitting opposite, she knew she had to go and vent some of this tension before she ended up fingering herself at the table. "Can you excuse me a minute Doug?" She asked as she uncrossed her legs and stood up. "I should go to the restrooms before lunch." "I'm not going to stop you," Doug said as he smiled at her, "and I won't order without you." "You are such a gentle-male," she said with a smile as she walked past him, running her paw over her cheek. "I'll be back as soon as possible." "Don't be too long," he cautioned as she walked away. She knew she only had a few minutes and though she considered having a long, pleasant session with her fingers, the thought of being away from the object of her desire seemed somewhat cruel to her and she wanted to return to his company quickly.

She had left the table and yet he still smelt her perfume hanging on the air, as if it was now floating around him. He gave his head a shake to try and clear his mind of the thoughts that seemed to be floating on the edge of his consciousness. Thoughts of a female crossed his mind, sexual thoughts, very sexual thoughts and they certainly weren't of his ex-girlfriend. "Can I take you order sir?" The waiter asked, startling him back to reality. "Think you could get me a bottle of ice cold water?" He asked with a sigh. "I promised I wouldn't order until my friend returned." "Are you sure your date has not abandoned you sir?" "She's not my date," he replied. "She's my best friend's mother." "Is that so?" The waiter said on the sly. "Then I shall return when your friend's mother comes back to take your orders. Otherwise, your water will be here shortly." "Thank you," he muttered under his breath, the sexual thoughts that filled his mind now taking a new shape, that of Rory's mother.

She leaned against the door of the toilet cubicle with her paw to her chest, feeling her racing heart within her ribcage. It was an intense rush of urge and emotion that filled her body and made her knees weak. She wanted ever so much to end the charade that she was playing, but she knew she had to hold herself back. If she didn't resist her urges she might scare him off. She certainly didn't want to do that, she wanted to be bearing his child by the time next Sunday came. She pulled her dress up so that she was not likely to make a mess of it and pushed her g-string aside. She ran her fingers along her tender slit, enjoying the sensation of the cool air on her bare, wet sex. Oh how she wanted him now, even if it was just to watch her standing there as she slid her fingers into her wanting body and begged for him. She heard the door to the women's restroom open and she held her breath, nervous about who had just walked in and hoping whomever it was would not notice her in this vulnerable state. Despite the risk, her fingers were still working her slit, thrilled by the thought of him coming in to find her in this needy state. Part of her wondered what was wrong with her; she was fingering herself like crazy when a stranger was in the cubicle next to her, but this worry didn't stop her, it only caused her to bite a finger on her left paw as she tried to gag her whimpers, hoping the person in the next cubicle wouldn't notice what she was doing. All hopes of being silent went out the window as she gave herself a sudden orgasm, whimpering and whining as she felt her desperate body massaging and squeezing the two digits buried within her crotch. She felt so lewd as her paw became damp with her orgasmic juices, her sensitive ears hearing the occasional drop as it hit the floor tiles beneath her. She tried her best to regain her breath as quickly as possible, hoping to get out of here before whoever was in the neighbouring cubicle was finished, but the sound of a flushing toilet told her otherwise.

The knock on her cubicle door startled her, especially since she was leaning against it. "You okay in there hun?" A calm voice asked her from outside. "Yeah," she panted, her heart racing impossibly fast, "I'm just a little nervous." "Never thought of having a good fingering to calm the nerves," the stranger chuckled, "but I'd be nervous about having a date with such a cute puma as well." Oh God! She'd been found out. What was she going to do now? "Please don't tell him," she begged the stranger. "I don't want to scare him off." "This is our little secret sweetie," they replied, "but take my advice; the next time you get nervous, you should probably ask him to help calm your nerves. He looks like he'll happily assist you." That thought made her smile guiltily to herself as she heard the stranger leave the restroom.

He poured the last of the ice water into his water glass and watched as condensation grew on the outside. As he stared at the water dribbling down the side of it, he wondered to himself if drinking wine was the best thing to do when his mind was already clouded by other things. "You look lost in thought," someone he recognised as familiar said behind him, catching him off guard and forcing him to turn to see who it was. Yet as he turned to his left, he saw that there was no-one there and as he turned to look to his right, he saw Jenny was already sitting down in her seat. "Something wrong Doug," she asked him as he stared at her for some unknown reason, unable to take his eyes off her as he sat there slack-jawed, "or are you planning on eating flies for lunch." He drank his glass of ice water in on gulp before he gave his head a shake, the cold chill running down his throat temporarily clearing his head. "I'm just thinking I should lay off the wine," he muttered in reply as the brain freeze made him wish he hadn't drunk the ice water so quickly. "My head's a mess as it is." As he took a deep breath, his head filled with the potent scent of her perfume again, flooding his mind with thoughts ever so lewd and sexual. For a moment he could almost swear Jenny was sitting there without her dress on. He blinked and she was dressed again, but the way she sat made it seem like she was sitting there in her bare fur. "You haven't been drinking all the wine have you?" Jenny asked him with a chuckle. "It's still my first glass," he replied with a casual gesture to the glass, only to knock it off the table. "Shit," he swore as he tried to catch the glass, bouncing it off his paws once or twice before it landed on the floor. "Damn-it!" She laughed as he picked up the now empty glass while a waiter came over with a towel to clean up the spill. "Are you okay sir?" The waiter asked him as he sat up. "I'm fine," he groaned as he leaned back in his chair, feeling like a complete idiot. "Shouldn't be drinking anyway." "Don't be hard on yourself," she comforted him as she reached over and put her paw on his, "it happens to the best of us." "I still feel like an idiot," he muttered. "Rory's done that once or twice before," she said to him as she gave his paw a squeeze. "At least you didn't spill any on my dress." "I could buy you a new one," he replied, "using Rory's money of course." "That's true, but what about lunch? Do you expect me to sit here in my underwear?" 'Oh God yes!' Wait, did he say that or think that? SHIT! His mind and body weren't working properly. "Doug, did you hear what I said?" Crap. His mind was drifting again. "Madam," the waiter said to Jenny as he stood up, "I can tell you that such a female as yourself would look beautiful either way." He gripped his leg as he resisted the sudden urge to jump over the table and punch the waiter in that smug face of his. Why was he feeling so jealous over Jenny? She wasn't his girlfriend, he was just taking her to lunch. If she got a date with the waiter, she'd probably have a nice time. But he didn't want her to fuck the waiter. She was his girl and he was going to fuck her. GAH! He was thinking it again! His vivid imagination was going overboard, the thought of her laying on the table as he fucked her in front of that smug waiter until he couldn't fuck her any more. He wanted to watch her pussy leaking his cum when he was finished fucking her. "And what would sir like for lunch?" He snapped back to reality and for a moment felt completely naked. "Sorry what?" Jenny giggled at his awkwardness, putting her paws to her muzzle to muffle her laughter. "Your order, sir," the waiter reminded him. "Rump steak, medium," he said as he quickly checked the menu, "with the salad." "And a drink sir?" "Water thanks, 2 bottles, ice cold." "Certainly sir," the waiter said as he took the menu. "Your meals shall be with you shortly." "Excuse me Jenny," he said as he got up and hastily took off to the restrooms.

"I hope your dining companion is all right," the waiter said to her as they both watched Doug scramble for the restrooms, almost knocking several people over in the process. "I think he's just a little nervous," she replied with a knowing smile. "It wouldn't have something to do with your perfume would it?" The waiter whispered in her ear. "A possibility," she replied, "but I think our scents compliment each other quite well." "Then perhaps I should notify you that it is illegal to have sexual intercourse on the premises." "Are you suggesting that I am that sort of female?" She asked, knowing that she should be offended by the waiters suggestion, but unable to shake the feeling that it was something she would do today. "Of course not madam, but as someone who sees all sorts of couples dining here, I can tell that the two of you seem to be desperately lusting after each other." "Are we that obvious?" "More obvious than you imagine."

He stood at one of the basins in the males restrooms and splashed cold water on his face. What the sweet hell was wrong with him? He felt like a teenager suffering the mad hormones of puberty. He hoped that no one noticed that he had been sporting an erection so stiff it verged on painful. He especially hoped that Mrs Breavy... Wait, that wasn't right. He hoped Jenny hadn't seen it. That thought made him feel the most embarrassed. He wasn't even sure why he felt ashamed by the thought of Jenny seeing him with an erection, especially when he wanted her to see it in a more intimate fashion. He splashed some more water on his face and looked at his reflection in the mirror. The mountain lion who looked back appeared drenched and exhausted. It was taking every fibre of his being to resist leaping across the table and fucking Jenny right there on the floor of the restaurant. He was running out of self-control and if he didn't do something about it soon, he'd probably go insane. Masturbating in the restroom of a restaurant certainly wasn't something he'd thought about before, but given his circumstance he didn't have much other choice. He was somewhat surprised to find a condom machine in the restrooms of such a posh establishment, but he didn't care much for figuring out why, he just put a dollar in the machine and grabbed the packet as it dropped down the bottom. Were the situation not so weird, he would probably thank Rory for this trick for wanking without the messy clothes, then again it was weird when Rory told him in the first place.

After ducking into one of the toilet cubicles and locking the stall door, he put the toilet lid down and used it as a seat. He noticed that he was so horny that some precum had soaked through his boxers and was now making a stain on his slacks. As he unbuckled his belt and undid the button at the top of his slacks, he hoped that no one would notice the stain. After pulling his slacks and boxers down to his knees, he ripped the foil package with his teeth and hastily unrolled the condom down the sensitive length of his cock until the ring rest against his sheathe. As he rubbed his cock to check that it was nestled properly in the condom, the stimulation began to fill the tip of the latex sheathe with his precum. Whilst he wasn't as diverse in his sexual experience as Rory, he was no young, virgin cub either. Yet as he began to stroke his cock, he realised he had never been this aroused before in his life. He wasn't sure what was driving him so sexually crazy, but his urge to mate was a strong one. The moment he closed his eyes he was immediately overwhelmed with sexual ideas and had he been in a better state of mind, he could have noticed the obvious pattern to his fantasies, but with such a strong sense of lust filling his blood he had no hope of connecting the images that filled his mind and the scent that assaulted his nose. Thoughts of Jenny filled his mind, laying upon her bed at home, dress pulled up to her waist and g-string discarded on the floor. She lay there, legs spread as she parted her canine labia with her fingers. She wanted him to fuck her as much as he wanted to fuck her and there was no way he was going to turn down such an opportunity. In his mind neither cared for foreplay and as he imagined shoving his cock deep into her tight pussy, she cried out his name. His fingers were a poor substitute for her tight wolf cunt, but with his vivid imagination he neither noticed nor cared. His paw slid up and down his cock with about the same speed that his hips thrust into the Jenny of his fantasies. She was desperate for him; whimpering, moaning and howling as she surrendered herself to him, and though he too wished to growl and purr with her as he did in his mind, he knew he'd risk getting caught. His realistic fantasy didn't remove him from his reality; that he was jerking off in the restrooms of a fancy restaurant. The thought of fucking Jenny without protection was a potent one and as he filled the condom with his feline seed, he imagined it pouring into her unprotected womb, his fertile sperm seeking out her ova and causing her to become pregnant with his cub. "You're my bitch now, aren't you Jenny?" His imaginary self demanded of her phantom in his mind. "I'm your bitch," his imaginary Jenny whimpered, "ready to become heavy with your pups." "And so you shall," he growled with a smile.

He sat there for a minute as he caught his breath, his head was as clear as it had been a few hours ago, before he had picked up Mrs Breavy. Things seemed to make a strange sort of sense to him now. The scent which haunted him wasn't perfume, it was more organic than that, a scent he hadn't really smelt before today. It was an aroma he recognised, even if it was on some primal level; the scent of a wanting female. As he weighed up the situation he concluded that he only had one option; lunch would have to be cut short. If he didn't, there was the real risk he would end up living his recent sexual fantasy with his best-friend's mum.

Would that be a bad thing? Okay, stupid question. There was no doubt in his mind that Rory would kill him. Rory was very protective of his mother, which he could understand; he'd be more protective of his own mother were she more like Jenny rather than the male-hunter that his mother was. But Mrs Breavy was a proper she-wolf and he wanted to see her happy. She had been devastated by her husband's death all those years ago, becoming withdrawn and depressed as a result. He remembered coming downstairs once when he was sleeping over to find her crying at the kitchen table. He had been her shoulder to cry on, a comforting presence in her time of need. She was an amazing female, one who deserved a good husband, someone who wouldn't take advantage of her. Someone who could take care of her. She wasn't a 'one-night stand' sort of she-wolf and he wasn't a 'one night stand' sort of mountain lion. He felt sure of himself now, knowing how he was going to handle this situation. Though he desired to explore where things would go if he let nature take its course, he knew he shouldn't just act on sexual impulse. Mrs Breavy was a wonderful female who didn't deserve to end up with a broken heart. He was going to have to keep calm whilst he explained himself and it wasn't going to be easy. He cleaned himself up, removed the sticky condom and wrapped it in some toilet paper before fixing up his boxers and slacks. He discarded the condom in one of the bins before thoroughly washing his paws and returning to the restaurant.

Lunch had not yet arrived when he returned to the table. He felt a sense of relief knowing he wouldn't have to wait until after their meal to talk. "You were gone a while," Mrs Breavy said with a smile. "I was worried that I'd have to send the waiter off to find you." "I wouldn't run out on you," he replied, trying to ignore the call of her sexual scent, "especially without paying." "You're a real gentle-male Doug," she said as she gave him a grateful smile. "Mrs Breavy, for the moment please call me Douglas," he said as seriously as he could. "We have something important to discuss."

He wanted to use his full name and call her Mrs Breavy; this was serious. "Okay Douglas, what is it?" She asked as seriously as she could with her sex starting to tingle as his scent assaulted her sensitive nose. He took a deep breath as if to clear his head. "Mrs Breavy, are you trying to seduce me?" She was surprised at how quickly he got to his point and felt that his precise question deserved a precise answer. "I am." After she admitted her guilty secret, they both sat in silence as they reached an awkward point in their conversation. A silence she felt she had to end. "Does this make you feel uncomfortable Douglas?" She couldn't look at him as she waited for his reply, preferring to focus on her place setting. It was a nerve-racking few minutes before she got her answer. "I am more confused than uncomfortable," his reply began. "You are a wonderful female who deserves a male that loves you greatly, so why choose a young mountain lion like me for a one-night stand?" Ooh, that suggestion made her furious! As if her intentions were to fuck him and then toss him from her bed the next morning. The nerve to suggest such a thing! She bit her tongue so she didn't immediately say something she'd regret. "Douglas," she said after taking a minute to calm herself, "my bedroom habits are nowhere near as liberal as your mother's, so I can assure you that my motivations go beyond a simple need for carnal satisfaction or reproduction. When my dear husband first passed away I was very lonely and to help myself cope, I focused on raising our son. Since Rory has moved out though, the house has been so empty and my loneliness has returned. I chose to focus my attentions on you because you are a male whose company I would enjoy and who I feel would make a great father." She watched his reaction carefully, unsure how he was going to respond to her statement. "You mean biologically?" He asked for clarification. "I mean generally. I do see you as the sort of person who would be a kind and understanding father." "Sounds like you're comparing me to Mr Breavy." "Perhaps I am, but you two are different in many ways. He was kind, he was caring, but he kept to himself. You have no issues telling me what's on your mind and as such we're talking about this, where he would have remained rather silent on the subject." "Mrs Breavy, please do not suggest I am without flaws and problems." "I am aware. They gave me pause before my mind became filled with ideas of Eros, making it hard to think of much else. You are my son's best friend and have been so for long that I see you as another son. If we move forward to a genuine relationship, I risk alienating my own son, destroying our friendship and dividing two very good, lifelong friends. The dangers and risks are appalling, but my life is so unhappy at the moment that I want to take that risk. I can understand if you think I'm some desperate, depraved, old, greying wolf trying to re-live some fantasy of her faded youth, but please don't dismiss me so readily." "Do you want another child so badly?" "I regret not pushing my husband harder for another child when he was alive. Even if Rory's old enough to be their father, he still should have a baby brother or sister." "Mrs Breavy, this is a big decision and something I'll have to think about, especially about becoming a father when I haven't finished university yet. I'd never be able to live with myself knowing that I knocked you up and left you to care for my child on your own." "I know you're loyal Douglas, it's sometimes your greatest flaw. You stayed with that nag of an ex-girlfriend for far too long because of it. Our relationship can just stay the same, we can forget everything that happened today outside of going to lunch." "You still want me to be the biological father of your child though?" "We can do it via a sperm bank and Rory doesn't have to know about your, err, contribution." He sat there in contemplation for a minute and she wanted desperately to know what thoughts were going through his mind. The moment that their lunch arrived was an unwelcome one for her, but the presence of his food at least brought him back to reality. "I don't know if I can give you an answer now," he said as he looked at the plate before him, "especially on an empty stomach. Do you mind if I think about your question for a while?" She could only nod, not really able to speak as her nerves got the better of her.

They passed their meal in silence, Douglas eating his steak as she picked at her meal, now too nervous to really enjoy her meal. She hadn't felt this nervous since..., well she didn't want to think about it too much, especially as memories of emergency rooms surfaced in her mind. As neither really wanted desert, Doug paid for the meal and they went back to her place.

The trip home was an uncomfortable one as they sat in silence. It wasn't until she was pulling up her driveway that she felt brave enough to say something. "Despite my rather obtuse attempt at seducing you," she said as she parked her car in the garage and turned off the engine, "I still enjoyed seeing you and I enjoyed lunch." "You hardly touched your meal," Doug noted. "You could have taken me to that fast-food burger joint and I still would have enjoyed it." Doug chuckled as he undid his seatbelt. "I'll keep that in mind for the future." "I know you haven't had long to think about our conversation," she asked with caution, "but do you know what your choice is?" He reached over to give her paw a comforting squeeze. She feared the worst. "Mrs Breavy. I have just come out of a rather rough relationship and I think it best that I have some time alone to recover. In addition, you are a friend as well as the mother of my best friend, so I do not feel it appropriate to ruin these friendships for something I don't feel ready for yet. I could be a loving husband and father, but not yet." Those words cut her deeply. She knew this was the likely outcome, but try as she liked, the words were no less painful. "I understand," she said as she choked back her sobs, doing her best not to cry. "I don't think you do Jenny." Her ears perked up upon hearing her name and she looked up at him as the first tears rolled down her cheeks. "I will happily be the father of your next cub."

That was supposed to make her feel better? Sorry, I can't be your new partner, but here, have a baby for a consolation prize! That arrogant puma! "Douglas, get out of my car," she ordered him sternly as tears stung her eyes. "Jenny wait..." "Douglas, I am a grown female, I don't need your sympathy." "But..." "Douglas, there's nothing you could say to me that would make me feel better." "Will you just listen..." "No Douglas, now get out of my car." She went to get out of the car, but he grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her back into her seat so he could give her a kiss on the lips. Her mind was infuriated, but the sensation of his lips against hers along with his scent in her nose made her carnal instincts return, overpowering her rage and preventing her from committing justified assault against him. As he broke the kiss, she thought about stabbing him with her car keys, but this was just a token thought as she was driven neither toward lust nor rage. "You have one minute," she said as calmly as she could. "Say what you want so desperately to say and then get the hell out of my car." "I might not be ready to be your husband," he said, sounding nervous, "but could you accept me as your boyfriend first?" She sat there in silence, thinking his suggestion over. As he let go of her wrist to get out of the car when his minute was up, she grabbed his wrist in return to pull him back into the car. "I am not sixteen years old," she said in a quiet voice, "so I might be too old for a boyfriend." She turned to look him face on. "But you can be my lover on one condition." "I'm listening." "We work on this cub now." "It's Sunday. The clinic won't be open." "We're doing it the old-fashioned way." "I was hoping you'd say that." "My, aren't you the nasty mountain lion." "You suggested it." "That I did," she said with a chuckle, "and since I suggested it, it'd be best that I go get ready." "And what will that involve?" "I should take a shower since I've made quite the mess of my g-string."

The mood of the day had shifted so quickly. At the restaurant they had gone from almost fucking right there on the floor to being very serious and very chaste in less than a minute. Now that the tension had been dealt with, they wasted no time as the mood switched the other way in a heartbeat. "Fuck the shower," she growled at him as she closed the garage door with the remote, "I want you to fuck me on the bonnet, now." "That's not exactly comfortable," he said to caution her, having done just that with one of his ex-girlfriends. "Oh kitty, it's nothing compared to the discomfort of not having a good, hard fuck in ten years." "Now I know how you want it, there's just one problem." "No, there are no problems. You are going to fuck me on the bonnet of my car and help me have a pup, now." "Not if you don't let go of my wrist." After a pause of a few seconds, she let go of his wrist and he raced around the front of the car to embrace and kiss her hungrily. He'd always prided himself on being a gentle-male, even in the throws of passionate sex, but he wasn't interested in foreplay or teasing right now. As their tongues licked each other's lips and mouth, he was already lifting her dress so he could take off her g-string. "Fuck me with it on," she moaned as he nipped and kissed her neck, his digits having trouble grabbing the erotic underwear. "I can't," he panted, "it's in the way." She sat herself on the bonnet of the car and, holding her dress with one paw, pulled her g-string aside to show off the sight of her beautiful wet pussy. "How about now?" There was no thinking, all he wanted to do now was feel the sensation of a hot vagina milking his cock.

He didn't remember he was dressed as he moved closer to her, his fabric covered erection rubbing against her exposed sex as he desperately tried to penetrate her. He growled aggressively into each kiss, his thoughts drowned out by his animal passions. "Doug," he heard her pant as she managed to break his kiss, "your pants." Grr, she was right. His slacks were stopping him from sinking his feline cock into this wanting she-wolf, but not for long. With unsheathed claws, he put the palm of his paw on the head of his covered cock and sank his claws into the tented fabric. A slow pull tore the zipper from his slacks as well as tearing off the front of his boxers, leaving his cock exposed to the air. "Last chance," he warned as he rubbed the underside of his bare cock against her labia lips. Her response came as a growl whilst her legs wrapped around his waist to pull him closer, making him give an unintentional thrust and sink his cock into her. "Jenny wants a good fucking," she barked at him in a feral way. "She wants a belly full of your sperm." "Dirty bitch," he growled as he grabbed her rump with his paws, claws gently digging into her flesh.

Each time he thrust his cock deep into her, she would let out a yelp as his hips slapped against hers. He was no virgin, having had three steady girlfriends since he was sixteen, but in those years he had never had sex like this before. He had even considered his last girlfriend somewhat kinky, but what he did with that nag paled in comparison to this. This was carnal, animalistic, dirty and enjoyable. Her pussy was clamping down firmly on his cock with each thrust, trying to make him cum deep inside her leaving her fat with his cubs. And he was going to, when he was ready, not before.

It had been too long. So long she had almost forgotten what it was like to have a flesh and blood partner fucking her. Though the sensation of the fleshy spines on Doug's cock was a foreign one to her, she was enjoying every moment they gently tickled and stroked her insides. She could swear she could feel the sensation of his cool precum mix with her own juices as each throb of his cock pushed a bit more into her. She knew she should be showing restraint; pregnancy at her age was dangerous, but she didn't care and each of his hard thrusts made her care less and less. "Don't pull out," she moaned as her own orgasm neared, "pump it deep." "Oh I don't intend to," he growled as he gave a couple of sharp bucks.

Her legs pulled him tight against her body as the shock of him bringing her to orgasm caught her by surprise. She wanted to cry out, to call his name joyously, but all she could do was moan in pleasure as his cock pushed deep into her. She imagined it thrust deep as it spilled his fertile seed into her, the millions of ambitious sperm hungrily seeking out her fertile ovum. As she lay on the bonnet of the car, utterly exhausted, she felt him starting to pull away from her. "Where do you think you're going 'dad'?" She asked as she redoubled the grip her legs held on his body. "I know you want to pull out now you're done, but this wolf-bitch likes to feel a cock buried in her after an orgasm." "I haven't finished yet."

He enjoyed seeing that nervous look in her eyes as he told her that he wasn't finished. "My my Mrs Breavy," he said with a hint of enjoyment, "you must be really pent up." "Mr Breavy was never what you'd call an animalistic lover," she panted as she lay back against the bonnet of the car. "At least, he was nowhere near as intense." "Well I have not yet finished the task you asked of me," he said as he gave a gentle thrust to highlight his point. "Unless you're having second thoughts." "You aren't trying to get out of your side of the bargain, are you?" She asked as she gave her passage a tantalising squeeze around his cock, "because you promised me your cubs." "And believe me, I'm going to give them to you," he said with a horny smile, "but I thought that you might want to move somewhere more comfortable." "Don't you dare think that my age has made me soft," she said with an annoyed growl. "I won't," he replied, "but you're moving anyway." With a sudden withdraw, he pulled his hips free of her legs, his cock coming out of her wet pussy with a slurp. The rubbery spines near the tip of his cock tickled the length of her passage as he pulled out, making her let out a whimper partly in pleasure and partly in disappointment. "On your belly, naughty girl," he ordered with a smile, "and the faster you show me your lifted tail, the sooner my cock goes back in that hot pussy of yours." He watched with a grin as she struggled to turn herself over as quickly as she could and put her foot-paws on the ground to hold her hindquarters up. She let out the occasional whine as she stood there, bent over with her chest against the car's bonnet and her rump pointed towards him. "Look at you, naughty puppy," he said as he ran a finger over her exposed slit, making her squirm and wag her tail. "You're a wet mess." "I need it bad," she whined at him. "I don't like feeling empty after an orgasm." "Then I'd better fill you up," he said as he grabbed her hips with both his paws, pulling her a bit closer before he thrust his cock deep into her wet tunnel. He heard the sounds of claws scratching against the bonnet of her car as she let out a needy whine, evidently enjoying the sensation of being filled by a cock again. "Don't stop!" She called out as head rolled back. "Don't stop until I'm a mum again." "That could take a few days," he warned. "And you'll fuck me good and hard each night. I'm a needy bitch, Doug, who wants your cock buried deep inside me until I'm fat with your cubs." "Trust me Jenny, I'll be fucking you until you enter labour." "Do you promise?" "Of course I do."

He knew what to say to make her desperate for more. The thought of being fucked every day for ten months made her giddy with excitement. She worried that she wouldn't make two months of sex every day, but she wanted to see just how long she'd actually last. It would at least be fun to try. Even though her body was still tender after her last orgasm, the feeling of his cock pistoning in and out of her body was still an amazing one, pushing her on to another messy orgasm. Though she wanted another, she knew that the important thing was that he reached orgasm, shooting his seed deep into her body in the process. She clenched as tightly around his cock as she could, savouring the ticklish sensation of the fleshy spines of his cock rubbing parts of her body in ways she had never felt before. She had always enjoyed the swell of her husband's thick knot within her passage, but she wasn't disappointed with the exotic sensation of the feline spines tickling over her g-spot. The problem became her rapidly approaching second orgasm. "Nooo," she whined as his thick cock continued to pound her wanting vagina, "not again." "Naughty girl about to lose herself again?" He whispered in her ear as he leaned over her back, his pace not slowing. She couldn't say anything now, yelping like a trained puppy each time he bottomed out, furry balls slapping against his fingers as they teased her clit, pushing her closer and closer to her climax. 'It's not fair,' she thought to herself as her imminent orgasm closed on her, not wanting to be denied the simultaneous orgasm she desired. She closed her eyes and tried to think of absolutely anything else. How she would explain to Rory that Doug was the father of her pup; what excuse she'd give the panel beaters as to why there were claw marks all over the bonnet of her car; how the compost heap in her backyard needed turning, anything to try and delay what was coming.

But that changed the moment she felt his teeth on the back of her neck.

She did her best to resist, but as he gripped the nape of her neck in his jaw, she couldn't stop the inevitable. As her claws scratched new marks in the paint, she howled as loud as she could, lifting her head from the bonnet of the car. "Yes!" She cried out triumphantly. "Fill your bitch! Give her your cubs!" His growl in the back of her neck told her he was about to. As her body involuntarily twitched around his cock, she could feel his cock throbbing as it pumped her full of his seed in hot spurts. She could feel her orgasm start to satisfy that urge in her loins, especially now that the object of her desires was aiming to get her pregnant. "Don't pull out," she moaned as she relaxed against the bonnet of her car, "leave it in like you're tied to me." "I'll stay in as long as I can," he comforted, "but I don't have a knot to keep me hard." "Stay in as long as you can," she yawned, surprised at how tired she now felt. "I'll do my best my little pup." She smiled at his comment, feeling a comfort, warmth and love she hadn't felt in years. "After a rest; shower and then lunch," she muttered on the verge of sleep. "I could kill for a greasy burger about now."

Carnal: Canine part 2

Ah, Carnal; Canine, one of my more philosophically interesting stories, at least in regards to the sex itself. However, the philosophies and ethical questions of bestiality aren't why it gets a sequel. Carnal; Canine made me create a character of such...

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Carnal: Guardian

Do you have ANY idea how many iterations of this story I have gone through? Pending me locating another attempt at it, this would be my fifth attempt. Surprisingly, I wasn't having trouble with the sex, I was having the hardest of times setting up the...

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Carnal 010: Canine

Well hello again my fellow connoisseurs of the furry arts, I come once again to present to you another fine example of my trade. What inspired this story? Well I am reading a book at the moment on how to write romantic stories for profit. Weird reading...

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