Back to Business

Story by Argyron on SoFurry

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#7 of Airplane Mode (Ember's Trilogy)

I finally write another story and of course it's a sequel to the trilogy that was supposed to be over. Curses!

I am actually super ashamed that I wrote this, but when I woke up this morning (which was almost twelve hours ago... god damn do I procrastinate) I sort of had this idea locked into my head. And on top of that, November has been bugging the hell out of me to write another chapter in Ember's story. Anyway, I tried to make a nice little tie-in at the end for more, but I'm HOPING that this is the last one I write. I expect that is also a lie.

Please leave me comments and lots of love below if you enjoy the following story.

As always, the following story contains homosexual acts between two males that may not be suitable for all audiences. It is requested by the author than anyone not of age to quickly turn back from reading this smut now by hitting the back button on their browser. By not listening to these terms, you are stating that you are of legal age in your country and you are okay with the possible situations that you are about to read. You will also not hold the author responsible for any physiological trauma that this story might cause to your fleeting heterosexuality. Listen, it's okay, you can be bisexual too.

Airplane Mode (Ember's Quadrilogy)

Part 4 - Back to Business

By Argyron

The wolf sighed as he looked through his endless list of emails, trying to catch-up with the work he had missed while out of the office the last week. He thought back to his weekend out west side longingly, the endless hours and time spent flying now more like a short vacation as he scrolled down the list. He would have to stay late tonight just to catch up.

A couple of the letters caught his eye as junk mail that had slipped through, a quick click and a press of the delete key to get rid of them. A few others he quickly threw into folders, knowing someone else had already answered them or he didn't care enough to see what they had to say. Still, that left more than a handful where his expertise would be needed. He hovered over one in particular for a moment, the subject of which simply said, "The Peterson Account." He thought about opening the message, wondering if the writer had something to say about his visit out west. The wolf thought better than opening the message here in the office, a blush streaking across the fur on his face as he remembered the trip.

Ember had just closed the glass door to the small office, dropping the blind as he did to stop others from seeing in. He had been in these situations before and whenever the blinds were up, morale went down for everyone that saw. He wanted to make sure that was avoided this time around.

Turning about, he looked at the tiger sitting behind the wooden desk. He was young for his position; that much made obvious by the way he left his footpaws up on his desk and wore a cocky grin. In a few minutes, the feline might not have the same expression.

The wolf took a seat in one of the two chairs across from the cat, looking around the room as he pulled up his briefcase and started to speak. "Thank you for taking the time to discuss this with me in private, I think you'll be happy you did." He pulled out a handful of documents from his suitcase and looked up.

"Yeah, well, I just figured that whenever some suit comes down from above and asks to speak privately, I could give him some respect. You know wha' I'm saying?" He sat up in his chair as he spoke, spreading his paws over his desk, keeping his grin.

Ember put the papers down on the desk and set his briefcase back on the floor. "Quite." Now was the hard part, he looked back up and breathed in deeply in preparation for the anything that was about to happen. "Well, Mr. Locke, let me start by saying I am sorry but your services are no longer needed."

The grin instantly dropped from the tiger's face, his eyes going wide as his mouth dropped open. The wolf remembered even seeing his claws extend from his paws as he dug into the plastic cover over the center of his desk. "Excuse me?" He had an angry tone in his voice, the frustration clearly building as his fur pricked.

The canine kept his cool, this was not his first firing and it certainly would not be his last. In fact, he was scheduled to let three other members of this feline's team go later that day. "Yes, well it seems that after a review of last years performances they found several problems in your profile." The lupine spread out the papers in front of him, several photographs coming into view as he did that showed the cat either jerking off behind his desk or looking up pornography. "We have a very strict policy regarding looking up adult material at this office, and these images are proof that not only have you looked at such material while on our time, but also have engaged in acts deemed unprofessional by your associates." He then tapped a couple of the other papers next to him. "Furthermore, our I.T. department has sent us the following message transgressions between you and a user named 'KnottyRotty9'."

"Oh fucking hell!" He screamed, picking up the papers as he switched between the photographs, tossing them onto the ground. He read a few of the messages too, his eyes only getting bigger and redder with fury as he looked through the material. "This is BULLSHIT, I didn't do any of this!"

Ember put his paws over his face rubbing at his amber eyes before brushing backwards over his own ears. "Mr. Locke, while we are always on the side of disbelief first and are willing to take several chances, I must remind you that this is not the first time you were caught in the act before." He then pulled out a second set of papers from his briefcase, this stack much smaller than the first.

There were no pictures in this stack except for one of a deer boy on the front cover. Ember remembered the case all too well, the actual file being one of his very first. The tiger had been caught several years ago engaging in homoerotic acts with the buck in one of the closets and a report was made. Each page of the document described what had been seen as well as each furs' side to the story. The fur in charge of the case believed the tiger's side and so they fired the other poor fur. The canine had spent months on that case, arguing against his senior that the tiger should go, but his boss decided otherwise.

The tiger stood up to look over the older material. "I... But..." In all the efforts to find the right words, he was left speechless. His paws crinkled a few of the papers as a break of silence filed the room, say for the cat's heavy breathing. Ember did his job and waited patiently until the feline finally asked, "Who submitted the photographs?"

He looked up from the crumpled up and tossed about papers. "The photographs were submitted anonymously to our headquarter office three months ago. We have no further information in who sent them and we will not be investigating." The wolf reached over and grabbed his stuff before getting up to leave. "If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me, I believe you already have my information. " He turned around and put his paw on the door, ready to pull it open. "Oh, and you have until Friday to get all of your stuff our of this office. The details are in the documents I gave you."

The wolf's fur prickled as he suddenly felt a paw on top of his own, a body pressed right up against his back. "I think I have one final thing to say." He felt another paw on his stomach, claws pushed against him.

The memory instantly vanished as he heard his named called calmly from behind, "Hey Ember!"

The wolf turned around in his chair, bushing his tail in front of him to hide the growing firmness in his pants from just a moment early. "Hey Gina," he hesitated with a clumsy smile. "What's up?"

The panda shifted on her feet and motioned towards one end of the office. "The boss said he wanted to see you now to go over your recent trip invoices." She looked a little worried as she examined his expression. "Hope I didn't catch you at a bad time."

"No, no, it's fine!" He swung back around to his desk and grabbed a blank manila folder from on top of his desk, which contained all of the receipts form his trip as well as a document on how much had been spent in full. The wolf got up and stared walking with her. "Besides, got to get these approved sooner or later."

"Great," she added as they both walked down the isle towards the office doors. "So how was your trip?"

And with that, the two had a nice small-talk conversation about where he had flown to and what he had seen. The canine was a little bit relieved that the bear had taken over most of the conversation, which meant he would not have to discuss all of the adventures that had happened. He thought to himself how lucky that was. Most of those adventures being anything but office-friendly.

When they arrived at his bosses big, wooden door, she waved at him before going back to her desk. He knocked and heard the voice from within call him in. Turning the knob, he entered into the rather spacious office.

"Shut the door behind you," said the horse sitting behind the desk. Ember obeyed and then waited until he was told, "come sit down in one of my chairs."

The wolf padded across the floor, walking several steps before reaching the center leather chair of three in front of the long, wooden desk. He sat down and looked up at the marble-colored horse in front of him. "Sir, I've documented the expense report as per usual and I'd be happy to go over anything you thought was out of the ordinary."

The stallion looked over at the canine, his long and stern face showing no signs of emotion. "I did not call you in here to talk about some work expenses, pup." He had a deep, throaty voice as he spoke that sent shivers down the canine's spine. "I wanted to discuss your actions while you were on this business trip."

Ember watched as the horse stood up and started walking around the room towards his big windows. "Sir?" The canine tried to keep his calm as he felt a raging red blush streak across his face. The room stayed calm as the incidents on the business trip came back to him.

Ember felt a paw down his pants, rubbing softly against his private bits while simultaneously pushing him back against the feline's groin. He squeaked, losing his voice like he always did when a much bigger, more dominant male held him.

The feline heard him, a claw hooking into his underwear as he snarled, "What's that boy? Like being touched like all the pictures you threw on my desk?" He pulled aggressively down, taking with his paw the underwear and the pants as they thumped onto the floor. "Well then get ready for a rough ride." He had his paw back on the wolf's package, feeling the sheath and balls firm up as he nipped at the wolf's neck.

Ember tried to keep his calm, breathing heavily through his mouth as he felt those paws on his body. His legs were shaking, he could not help himself, and then he kept feeling those slacks and that bulge grinding against his tail. He stayed as quiet as possible.

The paw on his midsection slowly drew back around his waist, groping his left cheek forcefully along the way. He then listened closely as the sound of a belt buckle jingled in his ear before another thump against the ground. The feline shuffled a bit, and out of the corner of his eye he caught the tail whipping around as clothing was tossed across the room. The paw returned to his rear for another firm grab.

The cat was purring as he felt up the wolf. "I had a feeling you were more bark than bite," he teased, that paw slapping the cheek with a loud smack that echoed off the glass walls of his office. "But down here, we work on a fuck or be fucked basis." He guided his free paw up across the wolf's body, sending shivers through the canine's nerves as his extended claws traced the skin hidden beneath the fur. "I don't plan on getting fucked, so you're in for a ride."

As the paw reached up towards his muzzle, he watched as the cat pulled his blue and white striped scarf off. Cold air rushed over his neck, the wolf feeling strangely more exposed now than when his pants had been pulled down. The scarf was then used to tie up his paws above his head, the remainder shoved into his mouth. "That'll keep you quiet."

Up until now, Ember had been pretty fine with what was happening. He liked sex and this certainly was not the first time another fur had forced him into it. In fact, his erection was peaking out of his sheath, a testament to how much he enjoyed being dominated. But the thought of being tied was having a different effect on him, one of fear and loathing. He groaned into the scarf only to find his words muffled.

"Oh, just stay quiet and we'll be done soon, pup." The feline twisted him about and shoved him forward, laughing softly as he watched the wolf trip past the chairs and fall onto the desk. He clicked the lock on his door and walked up behind the canine, giving another powerful slap to that bottom.

"I want you to look at the photographs on my computer," his boss commanded as the reality of his situation pushed the haze of the memory from his thoughts again. He glanced over at the horse again, the stallion standing just as he had minutes prior. The wolf looked at those two brown eyes reflecting in the glass, each orb as cold and stern as ever. "Now."

Ember got to his feet, taking the folder with him, and walked the opposite end of the desk so as to not pass by his boss. He felt a certain chill in the air as he rounded the corner, and a fear built up in him as he wondered what he had done wrong. Passing to the other side, his eyes locked onto the monitor but he could not make out the image just yet because of the glare shield on the screen.

He stopped walking the instance he could see the image on the computer, someone had photographed him bent over the tiger's desk with the cat standing right behind him. He stayed silent, glancing at the words written into the email below.

Once bent over the desk, the tiger spat into his paw before forcing a digit straight up the canine's sphincter. The wolf's eyes went wide and from the expression on his face, anyone could see he was yelping in pain as best he could with the scarf in his mouth. The feline laughed loudly before taunting him again, "I thought you would be tighter. Must like having stuff shoved under your tail."

For a little while, that finger plunged in and out of the canine, slickening him up for what was surely to come. The cat looked over his work, pulling with his clean paw up on the lupine's tail as his other paw slapped the other cheek. A pink paw print could be seen just barely through the thick grey fur as the canine cried out something into the cloth. "You like it a little rough?" He asked without caring for the answer, giving another whap of his paw against the mound of flesh.

Then the tiger bent over, rubbing a paw over the hole as he examined more closely. He breathed in, or at least looked as those he was filling his nostrils with the thick scent of lupine. "Fuckin' rich." His muzzle pressed forward, and a flash of his tongue could barely be seen as he drew long licks across the crevice. "And tastes just as juicy," he added as his paws pulled on the cheek before he dived back in.

The cat took pleasure in tasting the wolf, his head moving up and down as his tail flicked happily behind him. He must have been trying to get that muscle in as deep as possibly, adding his own sort-of lube to the wolf as he worked the hole greedily.

The wolf quieted down, just taking the rimming as his cool nose breathed out. He was getting excited, his cock having fully dropped and now hardening up. The prick was stopped from rising any higher by the front of the desk, a clear glob of pre visibly beginning to drool form the tip as each string arched over to touch the wood veneer.

The tiger could clearly smell it, leaning back to look over his work and examine the fluids leaking from the canine. "You like that, don't you bitch boy?" The next whack of his paw against that rear left a certain sting there, the fur brightly lighting up from the paw-print shining beneath. "Well let's give you something more to drool about." He got up and smacked his feline dick on those buns, working his own erection to full as his maleness filled out. "Oh, and don't forget," he sneered while leaning over, "us kitties have really sharp pricks." The gibe was complimented very smoothly with him grinding his cock between those two buns, letting the wolf really feel what was about to spread him open.

Ember had reached the next image, which clearly showed the tiger on top of him and their two naked lower halves touching intimately. He could not see his own face, his head turned the other way, but the tiger's smile was clear as a bit of saliva drooled form his mouth downward. Even now, he could still feel those claws digging into his side.

"Not the most flattering piece of literature," reflected the stallion. He turned from the window and looked over at the wolf with that same stern face. He pushed a paw gently at his tie and stepped closer. "While the email sort of pick's up after the first image, we really have no idea who instigated this whole sexual scandal." He came close to the wolf, his presence a looming shadow as he looked down. "All of upper corporate received that today and I've never had a harder time answers so many questions as to what sorts of fucks I'm hiring down here."

Ember stared up into those eyes, the whites of which seemed to glow wickedly. "S...sir?" he questioned with a dry mouth, the scratch of which was present in his voice.

"I've spent all morning explaining how you were raped, showing them the work you've found on the tiger before, but that fell on nearly deft ears after this email." He had a paw on the chair, gripping the fine leather enough to cause a squeal in the material. His brown eyes dropped down to the piece of furniture as he let go, his paw returning to his pocket. "Why don't you keep reading and see why."

Ember gulped as he watched the horse walk away from him, that long, flowing tail flicking like a whip. He watched his boss for a second longer, the fear of being fired burning in his chest as he saw the executive pick up a tumbler from the bar. His head swiveled back to the screen.

When the tiger had enough of simply rubbing bodies together, he pulled away with claws visibly tracing down the canine's side. The feline was laughing darkly as he watched the lupine's eyes tear up. "What, do these little prickles hurt a bit? Get ready for a real scratching then!"

Pulling back until their bodies were no longer touching, he lined himself up with the spit-slickened pucker. There was a purposeful pause before he plunged forward, clearly trying to be as ominous and threatening as his claws had just been, and then he slammed his hips forward.

The wolf's whole head shot-up even though his eyes were clearly strained shut, his ears folded back in submission as he screeched into the scarf. His muscles tensed, that much was easily visibly when he tried to spread his legs but was caught by his own pants. Even the whites of his knuckles could be seen as he gripped paws together in a shaking prayer.

"Tighter than I thought," the feline expressed as he held his body pushed forward. "Though for sure you were looser when I was fingering you, but I guess you only like taking little faggot dicks." Leaning forward, he licked the wolf's ear lightly before nibbling playfully on one. "Well let me show you how a real man feels."

The cat drew back, his whole length sliding free until everything was exposed to the cool air and only the tip was barely touching the slowly reclosing hole. He waited for those muscles to contract, to feel the newly created void, and then pushed his hips forward until a loud slap could be heard in the room.

The wolf never stopped shaking the entire time, his muscles straining again against the fabric of his bottoms, and his eyes never opened. He yelped a second time, though much harder to hear with the echo of the thrust resonating in the room and the ones that followed.

Each thrust happened quicker now, though the speed clearly slowed as the feline pushed his hips in and out. He started breathing heavier too, getting into it as he lifted himself up and closed his eyes. His tail flicked behind him. "Awh yea. That is the good." He ran his paws down the lupine's side, coming to rest on the canine's hips as he pushed in again and again.

As the wolf became used to the feeling of that cock plunging deep into him, he started to ease. His eyes opened for the first time, a few tears sparkling on the edge of his amber pools. He breathed with more ease too, his chest starting to find a rhythm as he was ridden. And then a smirk crossed his still stuffed lips, the first sign of his actual enjoyment.

The scent of his enjoyment must have triggered the tiger to open his eyes, though his body never stopped the back and forth motion. "Someone getting hard again?" He used one thrust to pull the two backwards a bit, his paw reaching under to feel the aching canine cock beneath that had returned to full mass. "I think someone likes getting buggered up the ass!"

The paw slowly started stoking over the wolf's sensitive bits, which in turn caused him to gurgle out a sound around the scarf. Presumably, an ample amount of saliva was starting to build up on the cloth that helped achieve such a noise, not that those sort of things mattered to the lupine at the time. He looked like he was in heaven, almost as though his own hips were thrusting back into the tiger's at this point.

"Yeah, you like this, fucking faggot." The tiger laughed and gave that ass another slap, really getting into it. He leaned over and sped-up his thrusting, really trying to seize the moment as his meat continued to slide in and out of the abused sphincter. Again, he nibbled on the canine's ears before licking down to his neck. "Awh fuck."

Another picture came up as the wolf scrolled down, this time with his face visible and a smile on it. Whoever had taken the photograph has also made sure that his cock was perfectly visible, even with the tiger's massive paw gripping it. From the tip squirted out some more pre, which had just barely been visible like a glint in the light. And of course, the feline's hips were pressed up against the lupine's own.

His boss had returned with a drink in paw, looking over his shoulder as he glared at the image. "I hope you understand how hard I had to work to explain why you looked so happy in this picture to the others." He let a paw rest on the wolf's shoulder as he spoke, the glass in his other one raised to his lips as he gulped down the hard liquor. "Definitely not easy when your employee clearly is enjoying what is happening."

He put the tumbler down on his desk and scrolled so that last little bit of the email was visible, but more importantly his paw drifted to touch the lupine's blue and white scarf. "Tell me, why would you wear the scarf you got brutally fucked in on your first day back from work?" His waited only a second for the answer, not that the wolf had one to offer. "My thoughts are that you wouldn't mind getting a bit of attention while on the clock, and while the other associates might not work in this office to see the scarf, you better believe I'll be forthcoming."

The wolf felt the paw play with his winter wear for a moment longer before sliding down to rest on the small of his back. He breathed heavily, unsure exactly what was happening even as he felt that same cautious air of losing his job. He watched as a paw rose up and pressed a button on the phone.

"Gina," he said to the box, "I want you to hold all my calls and stop everyone from coming into my office for the next hour or so. I am to be completely undisturbed, is that clear?"

"Of course," came the electronic response from the panda's voice. "I'll cancel your next meeting too." Then the speaker went dead as a paw raised off the button.

The stallion put both his paws on the canine's hips, each one with a digit latched into the pants. "You are to finish reading the rest of the story and stay silent until then." His paws tugged on the wolf's trousers, a small grunt from the horse as he watched them fall to the floor. "And don't mind me..."

Ember nodded his understanding, turning back as he felt two paws beginning to rub up and down his backside. He did not make a noise and just breathed quickly as his sheath again filled up to full mass. He wondered if this was going to be his new position, ironically filing others as rapists while getting fucked by his boss. The thought vanished as the paws worked his mound so effortlessly and with such experience, that for a second he simply whined and failed at the task.

His boss had fallen to his knees now, watching playfully as he worked the canine's underwear down and looked at the pink rosebud underneath. He flicked it with his digit and watched the muscle react; clearly enjoying what he was up to. When he heard the whine, the stallion looked back at that canine. Assertively, he ordered his employee, "I said finish the email!"

The canine blinked before looking back at the screen. He tried to ignore what was going on as he read the last little bit.

The feline was close, that much obvious by his turbulent pace and the way his testicles had started to draw up tightly against his body. And the cat was moaning loudly too, in between grunts of, "Oh fuck." With a final push, he slammed forward into that dog and held tight, his teeth biting down.

The canine made a face too as that dick was suddenly bashed into him, pressing his body back up against the desk as his dick was forced to point straight down. He looked pained at first, which slowly dissolved away as he huffed in an unsatisfied glow. He had not cum.

The tiger did not care, for he was already in his own blissful heaven that he tired to hold onto for as long as possible. His tail twitched with each pulse from his spiny member, and his muscles seemed locked in their current position.

With as little grace as his orgasm had entered, the feeling left. He pulled back with a lewd slurping sound, his shaft coming out of the hole one inch at a time. When the end slipped through, a little bit of silvery afterglow followed right into the wolf's trousers. He slapped that ass again before looking for his own pants.

The wolf was left like that, abused and tied up while the feline gathered his stuff. His smile had dissipated long ago, leaving him feeling awkwardly with his tail still held high in the air. He let that slowly drop down to cover his shame, hiding the foamy, bright pink pucker.

Once the feline had put back on everything he had taken off, he walked to the door and put a paw on the handle. He must have heard the wolf groan, for his head twisted back for just a moment. He took the time to say one final, "Fuck," before walking over. The tiger pulled the knot tied around the scarf free and then left.

With a look of shame, the lupine gathered his clothing before working to clean up the mess that had been made. He grabbed his briefcase, which was still next to the door, and then left.

"I finished," the wolf told his boss as he scrolled down to see one final photograph. He felt a tongue suddenly at his back entrance, pushing along the crack like he had just read the tiger doing.

The stallion slurped loudly before pulling back. "Good." He started fingering the tight hole with his paw as he looked back from the lupine's behind. "We're going to do everything in that email again or you're fired." He played with the hole a bit before continuing on. "Oh, and pack you bags and schedule another trip."

The lupine felt the tongue return to his ass as he shivered, wondering if this time he would be allowed to cum. He looked at the image as he felt the horse getting into it, a final picture of his abused rump with the flagged tail high in the air and the tiger picking up his clothing. He blushed, but unknowingly started wagging his tail.

A tongue was drilling deeper into his ass now.