The Gourmand

Story by Theo Winters on SoFurry

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A fun little story I did for Tombfyre a few years back. This one features good old fashion growth, macro, gluttony, vore and even planet eating (something I'm rather found of). Hope you all like this one!

The Gourmand

By: Theo Winters

Written for Tombfyre.

Tombfyre was bored, and there was no doubt about it. He sat on the couch, his chin resting in his paw as he watched the flickering television. The fat dragon let out a long sigh as he looked back at the phone, wishing that at least one of his friends had been willing to get together that afternoon, but no one had been interested.

Leaning back on the couch he tried to focus on the TV, but nothing on the half a dozen channels interested him. It was just the usual afternoon weekend shows, and there wasn't even a single cooking program on!

Just the thought of a cooking show made him hungry for a late (and third) lunch.

He pulled himself up off the couch and let out long groan as his body took his weight. His red scales sagged under his fat as he rose to his full ten foot height. His stomach rumbled with each step he took to the kitchen, stooping slightly to duck inside, pulling his wings in tight to his back so he could maneuver in the cramped room.

Digging his paws through the fridge he pulled out what he would need to make a sandwich. He started with two slices of bread side by side and covered them with mayonnaise, then a layer of meat, then a layer of cheese, followed by more meat, lettuce, then condiments. He then repeated the whole stack three more times. By the time he topped it off with two final pieces of bread the sandwich was nearly a foot and a half tall.

He paused for a moment to lick his fingers and claws clean, then picked the meal up in his paws and downed it in two fast bites. He chewed quickly and gulped it down in a few moments, leaving his mouth empty and his belly filled.

Filled, but still hungry as it rumbled even louder than before.

With a smile he started to prepare a second sandwich, making it twice the size of the first one and using up the rest of the meat he had. He also added a whole bag of potato chips to the middle of the huge stack of food.

He griped the three foot tall sandwich and forced it into his muzzle, ripping through it with ease. Each bite sank into his stomach, pushing his belly out further until it touched the counter as he finished the last bite.

Tombfyre let out long burp that rattled the walls of his kitchen and rubbed his belly. "That was good," he said as his belly rumbled under his paw. He looked down, surprised to find that even after all of that he was still hungry.

He idly rubbed his belly as he started to pull out cans of soda, and downed each one with a few short gulps. As he drank them he looked around the kitchen, but found nothing that would satisfy his growing hunger.

Stepping out of the room he picked up the phone in his large paw and hit the speed dial for the local pizza place. He ordered a dozen of his usual pizzas, a family sized with everything on them, along with as much soda as the delivery man could carry.

Once the order was placed, Tombfyre let out a second burp and stretched out his arms, feeling his stomach rumble again. With a surprise he felt his horns hit the ceiling, sending a shower of plaster down on his scales.

He pulled his head down and looked up, frowning as he saw the holes in the plaster. The ceiling had always been high enough for him before, giving him enough clearance, even if only by a few inches. Now, as he rose to his full height, he felt the back of his head press against the roof.

With a loud growl his stomach reminded him that there were more important things to do than to worry about then his sudden growth spurt. Returning to his kitchen he ducked inside and pawed through what food was left, pouring bags of chips into his muzzle, each one going down in a single gulp and then followed by a full can of soda.

He was on the last soda when a knock came at the door. Without even thinking about it he shoved the whole can into his muzzle and ate it, can and all, in one gulp.

Waddling over to the door he had to hunch over to keep himself from hitting the ceiling with his head, neck and shoulders. He grasped the handle with his paw, finding that it was smaller than he remembered, and with a pull he opened it wide.

On the other side was a young lion dressed in the uniform of the pizza place, and holding a stack of stack of boxes in his arms. Three cases of soda were stacked up next to him, each case holding a dozen 2-litter bottles.

The lion looked up at the huge dragon and gulped a bit. "Tombfyre? I have your pizzas," the lion said as he looked over his customer's fat bulk, realizing that the dragon was nude, but his sagging belly hid it.

"Thank you," the dragon said, hardly noticing that his clothing had ripped from his growing body as he reached out to take the stack of boxes. They filled his arms, the warmth radiating into his scales as the smell filled his snout. His belly let out a new rumble as he took them inside.

The delivery man followed him, bringing in the cases of soda one by one. By the time they were all inside and the door closed behind him Tombfyre was already into his third pizza.

"Um, you're going to need to pay for those," the lion said, looking at the seated dragon, his head nearly touching the ceiling as he loomed nearly fifteen feet tall.

"Of course," the dragon said through a full mouth. He reached to the table to pick up his wallet, and pulled out a wade of cash. "Here you go, you can keep the rest," he said as he guzzled down a bottle of soda.

The delivery lion took the money, counting it quickly and finding that it was almost twice as much as he was owed. "Thank you," he said with a smile as he pocketed the money.

Tombfyre waved a paw at him and smiled as he started to shove in a fourth pizza. The lion watched him in awe as he gulped down the whole pizza and threw the box to the side.

"Um... would you like some help?" the lion asked, shifting a bit as he watched the dragon stuff himself with the soda and pizza.

He paused in his eating, tilting his head to the side as he bent it lower to keep it from hitting the roof. "That would be very nice," Tombfyre said as he gulped down one more soda. "If you could rub my belly for me?"

The pizza man nodded, and walked over to the fat dragon, sinking his paws into the soft belly. He rubbed it gently as he felt it shake and rumble as Tombfyre continued to down the pizzas and the sodas. As he rubbed the expanding belly, the lion thought about what he had been told about the dragon before making the delivery--that once he had actually eaten the delivery man from one of the other pizza places in town.

At first he hadn't believed it, but on seeing the dragon he wasn't that sure anymore. Still working his paws over the large red belly, the lion leaned in and started to nuzzle the scales, tickling the expanse of flesh with his mane.

Above him Tombfyre laughed as he hunched over more. His body was still growing as he worked the tenth pizza down his throat and chased it down with two bottles of soda, one held in each of his large paws.

The lion was glad that Tombfyre lived on the ground floor. At the dragon's current weight he would have crashed through the floor if he was anywhere else. The lion pressed himself close to the dragon's belly, rubbing his whole body against it. He nuzzled at the deep belly button when it started to shake as Tombfyre let out a huge burp.

"That was a big one!" he said as he looked up at the dragon, surprised to see that he was almost folded over, his back and shoulders pressing against the ceiling.

"But I'm still hungry," Tombfyre said, rubbing his belly as it rumbled again. The lion watched as Tombfyre reached out and picked up the last of the pizzas and shoved it into his muzzle, gulping it down and licking his fingers clean.

He was impressed. In less than fifteen minutes the dragon had eaten everything he had brought, and grown to nearly twenty-five feet tall and almost filled the whole of the room.

The lion kept rubbing the shaking belly as Tombfyre sniffed at the pizza boxes, then picked up one and started to lick the grease off the lid. With a shrug he took a huge bite out of the box, and gulped it down.

"Wow!" the lion said, purring happily.

Tombfyre licked his lips and ate the rest of the box. "It tastes pretty good, like warm pizza with a hint of pepper," he said as he picked up more of the boxes and starting to down them one at a time.

"Try one of the soda bottles," the delivery man suggested.

The dragon nodded and picked up one of the large plastic bottles and gave it a quick bite. "Oh! It tastes like a jawbreaker!" he said as he gulped down the rest of the bottle. In just a few more minutes the remains of his order had vanished into the dragon's ever growing belly.

"What else can you eat?" the lion asked. He enjoyed encouraging the fat dragon.

Tombfyre looked around the room, and then picked up the couch, taking a huge bite of it as his belly started to rumble again. Without saying another word he started to chew on the rest of the couch. He reached out to pick up his television, swallowing that in one bite. With every bite, he ate more of his furniture until the only things left in his room were the huge dragon and the delivery man.

"There's nothing else to eat," the dragon said, lowering his large head to the ground. He was almost forty feet tall, with the sides of his huge body pressed tightly against the walls of his apartment.

The lion looked around the room, then up at the wall of red scales. "Well... you could eat me..." he suggest with a soft purr.

Tombfyre lowered his head, looking at the young lion. He was only in his twenties, and had his own belly on him, but nowhere near the size of the dragon. The lion shifted a bit, fluffing out his black mane as he smiled up at the large dragon.

Tombfyre's tongue flicked out and took a taste of his fur. "You do taste good," he rumbled, his thick face spreading into a wide smiles.

"Then enjoy your meal," the lion said. He closed his eyes and let out a long purr as he felt Tombfyre's paws on his belly, lifting him into the air. He opened his eyes long enough to see the dragon's wide open mouth and throat as he slipped into his muzzle. With a gulp he felt himself slide down the dragon's throat, his tail sliding through the dragon's lips like a piece of pasta.

Tombfyre rubbed his belly as he felt the lion settle inside of him, but it was soon followed by a heavily rumbling as his stomach demanded still more to eat.

Not one to argue with his hunger, he looked around the room to find more food, but found that he could barely move now. His body was so big that every time he moved he felt one of the walls around him shift and creak.

He decided that if he was going to get something to eat he would have to go outside, and there was really only one way he could exit his apartment. With a wide smile he started to flex his shoulders and push with his legs. The ceiling protested for only a moment, but with a crash he shoved through it, rising up into the apartment above his and pushing into the third floor. As he rose to his full height he ripped through the roof and rose over his apartment building.

Looking around at the building as it crumbled around him, he smiled and started to shovel the debris into his muzzle, chewing it fast and gulping it down. In just a few short minutes his building was gone, eaten down to the foundation.

Tombfyre rose to his full sixty foot height, flexing out his wings as he rubbed his large belly, looking around his complex for more to eat. There were still dozens of buildings, but there was also the parking lot next to him, filled with cars.

He reached down, picking up one of the cars in his paw and bit into it like a candy bar. He chewed at the glass, metal and plastic, thinking about the taste as he swallowed it down. It was a sharp taste, like cheese, and it was good. He tossed the second half of the car into his muzzle and chewed it happily. He gulped it down and picked up two more, forcing them both into his muzzle and chewing them with a deep rumbling.

With each car he ate as he moved quickly through the parking lot, he got even more hungry. At the same time he got that much bigger than he had been before. By the time he had eaten the last car he was over a hundred feet tall.

By that time the police had finally arrived, two cars pulling up to the dragon's feet, their lights flashing as the men inside started to get out. Tombfyre wasn't in the mood to let them, so instead he picked up both cars and swallowed them whole, officers and all.

He let out a contented burp, and turned to look at the rest of his apartment complex. With one large paw he ripped off part of one of the half dozen remaining buildings and chewed it happily. As it sank down into his belly he scooped up more of the buildings, working his way around the complex, eating every apartment, and some of the tenants, one bite at a time.

Even after all of that he was still hungry. His belly shook as it rumbled loudly enough for everyone to hear, asking for as much food as the dragon could eat. Looking around himself he was surprised to find that he towered over almost everything else he could see. He was almost two hundred feet tall, and he had no idea how many tons he had to weight.

He started to walk along the road, each of his steps shaking the ground under him. With every step he reached down and scooped up more cars and small buildings. More police arrived, trying to block his way, but he bent down and took them all in one huge bite, taking quite a lot of the road in the process.

Once they were out of the way, at least for the moment, he continued on his way. A dozen miles away he could see the skyline of the city lit by the setting sun. He saw the glass of the towering buildings glittering in the sunlight, and it made his mouth water.

Licking his lips he picked up speed. He fanned his wings out so he could take longer, almost jumping, strides. The wings caught the air, but he was far too fat to actually get off of the ground and fly.

Half an hour of walking and eating later Tombfyre finally reached the city, and realized he was almost as tall as some of the skyscrapers. He looked down at his huge body, and twisted to see his rear end (his swinging tail cutting down buildings as he turned), he guessed that he was over five hundred feet tall.

Just tall enough to make a meal of the city itself!

He wrapped his arms around the nearest skyscrapers, a building that was only slightly taller than he was. With a heave he ripped the whole building from it's foundation. He lifted it high above his head and forced it into his muzzle, chewing at the glass and steel as each bite shrank the building until it was no more.

Moving to the next tower he did the same thing, but this time he broke it in two and started to suck the steel out from the center like it was candy nougat. His long tongue flicked around the inner walls of the building as he pulled out every last piece of support inside of it. Once it was empty he crumpled up the shell of the building into a tight ball and threw it high it the air. Arching his head back he caught it in his muzzle and added it to his mass.

Tombfyre took down the next skyscraper, then the next. Each one was going faster than the last as he continued to grow. Soon only the last, and tallest, building was left. It towered high in the air, eighty floors tall, and the dragon was nearly a third taller. He arched his neck down and started to gulp the tower down while it was still attached to the ground. With some careful maneuvering he managed to press his lips to the earth before biting through the base of the tower and throwing his head back to swallow the building whole.

He let out a loud belch that shook the whole city (or what remained of it) and looked around, smiling as he saw a dozen news helicopters circling him like bugs. He had no idea just how tall he was, but he suspected it was close to two thousand feet.

With a lunge he snapped at the flying helicopters, trapping two inside of his muzzle. He could still hear them flying inside of his mouth as he gulped them down, barely crumbs to his large body.

Using his paws he started to scoop up the remains of the city, shoving them into his muzzle as, bite by bite, he leveled the whole town. After another hour nothing was left of the once thriving city but the dragon who had eaten it all.

It was as the night fell that he felt something hitting his leg. It was like being poked by small twigs, annoying but not painful. Bending down, he laughed when he saw that the army had arrived. Fifty tanks were lined up at the edge of the former city, hitting him with their guns and cannons, but having no effect on his huge body.

This made him smile as he thought about the best way to deal with them. He leapt into the air, his huge rump crashing down on the line of vehicles, smashing them all flat. He pulled himself to his feet and scooped up the remains of the vehicles and gulped them down with a pleased rumble.

Tombfyre looked around and spotted the next city in the distance, his new height allowing him to see over the mountain range between him and it. He started walking towards it, scooping up the ground and road with his paws, eating the pawfulls with every step.

It was as he was cresting the hills that he felt something hit his side and explode. Craning his head to the side he saw that the air force was taking it's turn. A dozen fighters were coming towards him, firing missiles as they neared. Each of the rockets exploded against his fat body, but they only managed to tickled him.

The dragon laughed, reaching out to swat the planes out of the sky, sending them to the ground like something from a fifties monster movie. He caught two of the jets in his paws, and shoved them into his muzzle.

He continued on towards the next city, catching a jumbo jet as it tried to fly away from him. He ate it in three lazy bites as he finally reached his destination.

This time there wasn't as single building that was to big for him to eat in a single bite. In almost no time at all the city had gone into his belly, making him larger still. By the time the last morsel had gone down his throat he decided that he had reached a mile high. Of course at that size it was hard to tell, nothing could compare to the fat dragon.

His eyes turned to the sky as he heard the sound of something falling towards him. In the air above him he saw the trail as something fast and small was rushing towards him. He opened his muzzle wide and moved his large body to catch the object. It hit right in the center of his mouth and slide right down into his huge belly.

With a rumble it exploded inside of him, expanding in his belly and forcing out a huge belch. The belch was followed by huge ball of fire and a tower of smoke that trailed out of his nose.

Tombfyre coughed, waving a paw over his face as he realized that he had swallowed a nuclear bomb! He felt his belly, wondering if there was any damage; it responded by rumbling more than ever before.

He growled sightly, angered that someone would try to use a nuke on him! Turning his head, he looked to the southeast and licked his lips. He started towards the distant coast, his huge form waddling over the country side, but still making good time. He made a point of eating any city he found along his way, soon taking whole towns in just a few bites. He also ate two more nukes that were fired at him.

By the time the sun rose over the horizon he was on the outskirt of Washington D.C., and almost three miles high. Dropping to his knees he opened his muzzle wide and dug it into the earth around the center of town, taking all the monuments, the Capital Building and the White House in a single huge bite.

Once the centers of power were inside of his belly he started to eat the rest of the city, taking his time as he worked around it. He made sure to leave the Pentagon in one piece, but with a hundred foot deep trench around the whole building.

After he had taken the rest of the city into his body he dropped to the ground and looked at the lone building. He dug his paw under it and with heave he lifted it clear of the ground. Raising it up to eye level he tisked at the people inside. "Don't try any more nukes," he said as he opened his muzzle wide and shoved the building inside. He didn't even bother chewing, he just gulped it down whole.

Tombfyre looked around, and decided that he would head down the coast. Each step covered nearly a mile, and every few minutes he came upon yet another city. Each one he found he quickly ate, soon taking them in just a single bite as he got closer to the panhandle of Florida, and nearly seven miles tall.

By the time he reached the Gulf of Mexico the sun was almost above him, beating down on his huge back as he blocked it out for most of the islands. He made short work of Miami and started to eat the outlaying islands, taking each one with a single bite.

Once he was finished with the keys he turned his eyes back to the peninsula, licking his lips as he thought about how big a meal that would be. He bent down in the water off the coast and started to lick at the shoreline, tasting the mix of salt water and earth that made his stomach quiver with anticipation.

He opened his muzzle wide and bit down into the coast, feeling the land part for his powerful jaw. Arching his head back he gave the land a few quick chews and gulped it down, rubbing his belly as it stretched out.

Bending back down he licked at the new coastline, tasting the flavor of the bedrock as the ocean water rushed in to fill the gap. Taking a drink of the salty water he took a second, even larger bite of the state.

Slowly, bite by bite, Tombfyre removed Florida from the map. He found it delicious, with just a hint of oranges in the background.

When he finished his meal and rose back to his feet he was excited to find that he had grown again. His head actually rose above the clouds as he looked down at the land around him. He decided that he must have nearly doubled in height, standing fourteen miles tall.

Narrowing his eyes he looked to the east, watching his shadow stretch across the Atlantic as the sun set behind him. He could almost make out a sliver of land on the horizon, just out of his reach.

"I could go for some Italian food," he said as he stroked his rumbling belly. His voice was just as large as he was, and it echoed around the globe.

Moving to stand on solid land again, the fat dragon crouched down and jumped into the air. He arched through the upper atmosphere and landed in the center of the Atlantic with a huge cannonball. The waves crashed around him, rising over his head for a moment before crashing back to earth, sending out a title wave that swamped the east coast of the Americas and the west coast of Europe and Africa.

Tombfyre rose to his feet, surprised to find that even in the middle of the ocean the water only came up to the bottom of his belly. He sloshed around in it, bending over every now and then to take a huge gulp of the salt water as darkness fell over him.

It took, in his opinion, far too long to cross the water. It was almost an hour that he went without any food, and his belly was starting to get angry at him for it. It was with some relief that he started to see the coast nearing him.

He stepped over the small gap between Europe and Africa and started to walk through the Mediterranean. With only a few more miles to go he saw Italy as it spread out before him. Licking his lips he dropped into the water, and with one huge bite carved a channel through the country. With two more equally as large bites he finished the rest of it and licked his lips.

Still he was hungry, and he turned his attention to the large islands near where Italy once was, and ate each of them in one bite. Once they were gone he turned to look at mainland Europe. With a loud belch he bent over and started to eat a passage to the north. Bite by bite he carved a new channel for the water to go. He angled a little to the west so he could eat Paris, saving the Eiffel Tower to pick his teeth clean before eating that as well.

By then he was nearly twenty miles tall, and growing larger with each bite. Soon he chewed his way into the English Channel, and without hesitation ate England in a single massive bite.

Turning back around he started on the rest of the continent, making a dozen passes as each country vanished inside of him. When every last one was gone inside of him he sat down in the ocean that was left behind and looked at the rest of the land around him.

At fifty miles tall there wasn't anything he could not eat, and nothing that could stop him from eating it. After a moment of thought he turned to the south and started on Africa. The landmass vanished into the all-consuming muzzle of the fat dragon as Tombfyre ate it in only four long passes.

Turning towards the rising sun he crawled over the ocean and took Australia in a singe bite. He spent a few more moments to eat all of the islands around it as he worked his way to Asia.

Tombfyre worked over the landmass by circling around it, taking bites out of the edge and making it smaller and smaller until the last bite slid easily into his muzzle and dropped into his belly.

He lifted his head high and looked out over the shallow ocean at the last of the continents. It was then he realized that he was as big as Asia used to be, and he could almost see his own tail as it nearly wrapped around the planet!

Quickly he crawled over the Atlantic ocean until he reached North America. Greenland vanished in less than a bite, and Canada managed to fill his muzzle. He took the rest of the continent in a single bite. South America vanished in two more bites as the Pacific and Atlantic ocean finally became one.

There was only one landmass left on Earth, and Tombfyre set his sights on it. As he moved towards the south pole he started to shiver from the cold. To combat it he blew a huge gout of fire over the ice, and steam rose up around him. After a few minutes of fire the land of Antarctica touched the sun for the first time in centuries.

The dragon was pleased to see this, and leaned down to eat the revealed continent. It look three bites, more than he had expected, but soon all of it was in his belly.

Satisfied that he was the only person left on Earth he sprawled out over the global ocean, relaxing in the sun. That lasted only a short time until his belly started to rumble once more.

He rolled over, settling down on all fours as he started to crawl over the globe, drinking the rest of the ocean water. He had to dig his muzzle deep into some of the trenches to get every last drop of it before letting out a huge belch.

A rumble echoed though his body when he realized he had come nose to tips with his tail. His body now wrapped around the whole world!

With all the water gone Tombfyre could easily see the fault lines that made up the tectonic plates. As he saw them an idea jumped into his head.

Shifting his bulk around he moved until he was in front of one of the mid-sized plates. He forced his paws into the crust around the edges and digging his claws in he lifted the plate free of the Earth, uncovering the magma that filled the planet.

He lifted the plate high over his head and started to devour it. Once it was gone he looked down at the glowing red magma as it started to cool into a black crust. That would never do, he wanted to have it fresh.

He pushed his paws through the thin layer of warm rock, and once it was clear he bent down and started to lap at the liquid stone. The taste was outstanding, and it slid down his throat like a thick soup.

Shoving his head through the hole he started to gulp and suck at the magma, slurping it up eagerly. He paused every now and then to break off a piece of the crust and dip it like a cracker.

Tombfyre soon realized that he was no longer siting on the planet, but he was actually floating next to it in space as he continued his feast.

Before too long the last of the magma was gone, and the crust with it, leaving only the core of the planet. He took it into his muzzle and bit down hard, cracking it open like a nut. He swallowed each half one at a time, enjoying the feeling as it landed inside of him.

He leaned back as he floated where the Earth once was, and watched as the moon slowly orbited him. He decided it was best to finish his job, and with a few kicks swam his way to the lonely ball of dirt.

Grabbing the moon firmly in his claws he took a huge bite out of it, chewing it happily, enjoying the sound of the rock crunching in his teeth. He ate it like an apple, taking large bites of the surface until only the core was left. He sucked the remains into his muzzle and gulped it down.

He let out a loud burp as he rubbed his belly, feeling it press softly against his paws. He felt good as he orbited where the Earth used to be.

But he was bored again, and his stomach started to rumble. He looked around at the lights around him, focusing on a pinprick of light that was a distant planet.

Tombfyre smiled as he started swimming through space. He still had eight more planets to eat!


This story was written and copyright 2005-2009 by Theo Winters, reposting and archiving are allowed as long as this copyright notice and the author's name are not removed. This story can not be published without permission of the author. The character "Tombfyre" is owned by his creator, and is used with permission. Violators will be eaten.

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