The Personal Ad

Story by ropistike on SoFurry

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Some willing AV

Rory held onto the pole of the subway car as it rattled along the dark tracks. He exhaled, the sound lost among the bustling noise around him. The large crowd of people around him was making him uncomfortable, especially considering where he was heading.

He absentmindedly crumpled up the little paper he had in his pocket, finding himself unable to take his hands off of it as he stared out the window, waiting for a station sign to come into view. When it finally did, he hopped off of the train, pushing ahead of the others blocking the door. He climbed the stairs to the moonlit street outside, the street illuminated by the countless streetlights that stretched down as far as he could see.

The city was cool, but not cold. Rory adjusted his sweatshirt as he unraveled the note and re-read the street address he had written down. He was only a few minutes away from the building on the note, and his heart fluttered with a combination of excitement, nerves, and anticipation. The rest of the walk seemed to flash by, as a moment later he found himself looking up at the door.

Rory, took a deep breath, not letting himself turn back now, and bounced up the stairs, getting a little giddy. He opened the front door and was met with a panel that listed all of the rooms in the building. He triple-checked the note and buzzed room 926, took a step back, and waited for a response.

A voice chimed in on the little speaker in front of him. "Yeah?" A voice asked.

"It... uh, It's Rory?" He stammered, clearing his throat, "We talked yesterday, I'm... I'm a little early..." He went on, hoping he wasn't rambling.

"Hey Rory." The voice responded, sounding cheery, "Just a second, I'll buzz you up."

"Thanks." Rory said, waiting until he heard a soft hum from the door and was able to pull it open. He stepped into the hallway and looked around the room, spotting the elevator a few doors down and pressing nine once inside.

At the ninth floor he stepped out, looking down to his left and right until he spotted a room number near the one he was looking for. He rounded a corner and immediately found room 926. He hesitated in front of it for a moment, his heart racing. He was still a little unsure how exactly to approach this situation. He gulped, reaching out, and knocked on the door. After a couple of seconds, he heard soft steps from the other side of the door, saw a shadow pass over the peephole, and the door opened.

The otter that stood on the other side grinned upon seeing him. His fur was a light coffee-colored brown, donned in a tee-shirt and long blue jeans. He had small rounded ears with puffy fur at the back of his head, and had a long thick tail. He stepped back and waved Rory inside. He returned the grin and slowly walked into the apartment, the otter closing the door behind him. Rory looked around quietly, almost surprised to find the apartment looked very... normal. He was not sure exactly what he was expecting, but it felt comforting to see the otter had a living space very much like his own.

"Glad you showed up." The otter said, walking up next to him, the grin still spread across his face. "The name's Owen, by the way." He extended a paw in greeting.

Rory took it and shook, feeling his nerves ease even more. Owen had a very calming presence. "Thanks Owen... It's great to meet you too." He paused, swallowing, "I've uh... I've never really done anything like this before... Just so you know...." He added, his face getting warm.

"That's okay buddy, I've done it a couple of times myself. I'm very gentle." He gestured to a door on the other side of the room. "The bedroom is right there, I'll walk you through it all before we get going. Does that sound good?" Rory nodded, and they made their way across the apartment.

Owen's bedroom was predominantly blue, adding to the calming effect Rory had been feeling since coming in. He wondered if all of it was intentional. Owen closed the door behind them and hopped on to the bed, laying on his back and patting the space beside him. Rory climbed on the mattress, remaining in a sitting position as he felt a little too awkward to lay down beside a guy he just met.

"So, since you responded to my ad, I'm guessing you know what's going to happen. I'll be able to shrink you down ye big." He said, holding his paws a few inches apart. "I can coat you, or you can coat yourself with some lubricant.... and... I'll guide you through the trip." He finished off, patting himself at the base of his tail as he said so. "We can come up with a safe word too."

Rory felt excitement as Owen detailed the night. He still felt a little disbelief at the whole idea, it was not something he had ever experienced before. The more he looked at Owen, the more he couldn't wait for it to actually happen. Owen went through it a little more before they agreed on a safe word. Once Owen began to undo his shirt, Rory felt his heart leap. He began to do the same.

Owen stripped down to his underwear before rolling over on the bed, placing a paw on Rory's shoulder. "Sometimes people like to warm things up before the ride." He said, hoisting himself up on one elbow. "What do you think about that?"

"Um... I..." He began, intending to ask exactly what Owen had in mind until he turned to see the otter leaning his head in towards his own. Rory froze once Owen's face was just inches from his before gulping and moving in. Their lips locked together and Rory felt Owen's tongue flicking against his lips. He parted them and felt his heart skip a beat as the tongue slid into his mouth, locking aginst his own.

They kissed. Rory returned the kiss as Owen guided his body down onto the bed, the otter laying on top of him, paw rubbing against his shoulder. Rory felt the otter's breath against his face as the short soft fur of Owen's lips brushed against his own. He laid back, enjoying the embrace and feeling Owen's body warmth against his chest until the tongue retracted, the otter's face breaking contact from his own.

"Ready?" Owen asked in a whisper, looking into his eyes. Rory gulped before nodding, his eyes flicking down to the otter's tail, knowing what was ahead of him. "Alright then. Close your eyes and lay back. You won't feel a thing."

Rory complied, shutting his eyes and trying not to fall asleep as the otter ran his paws up and down his body. He felt nothing, wondering when the shrinking would take place and how the otter accomplished it. He waited, tense, before sneaking an eye open and gasping. It had already happened, the otter was leaning over him, propped up on one elbow, grinning down mischievously at him.

Rory leaned back, watching as Owen moved his head down. The otters lips pressed against his body, the tongue slipping out, brushing against his chest. Rory shivered at the sensation of warmth that washed over him. The hot flesh slipped over the front of his body, a trail of saliva left in its wake. Rory gasped as it lapped over him, feeling at a bit of a loss when Owen pulled away. He touched tentatively at his stomach, his hand gliding over his own skin due to the slobber left on him.

Owen moved away temporarily, the movement of the massive otter on the bed caused a slope that nearly made Rory stumble in towards his enormous rear end. He caught himself on the blankets, watching as Owen return, a small clear bottle in his paw. He squeezed some of the lubricant into his paw, reaching it down to begin coating Rory's body in something more lasting than his own drool.

Rory sat there, letting the otter's paw glide over him, spreading the lube across his skin, everywhere but his lower legs. Once he had a rough coating on him, Owen took his paw away and began working his underpants off. Rory watched, transfixed, as he spread the lube over the places that the otter had missed.

Once the giant was completely nude, he rolled over, scooping his paw under Rory's legs and lifting him up. Rory gasped and clutched at the fur as Owen lifted him up so high that he felt vertigo. He shut his eyes as the wind hit him, the otter moving him to a different location. After a moment, he felt solid ground under his feet and let go, looking around in awe. The otter had put him on the floor, and Rory could not get over how enormous everything around him looked. It seemed like the roof of Owen's bedroom was impossibly high, like several large buildings could fit within the bedroom. Owen himself stood over him, fully exposed. Rory blushed, unable to tear his eyes away as the Otter crouched down to talk to him.

"Alright, you ready?" He asked, waiting for Rory to nod nervously in response. "Alright then, just hold your ground, here we go."

Rory wondered what he meant by that until the otter took a few steps toward him, until Owen's entire body was directly above him. Rory gasped, looking above him to see the pitch darkness of the otter's tailhole. A huge paw reached under his crouched body to lift the massive tail back as his furry body shifted, getting off of his feet and onto his knees, into a position where he could easily lower his butt to the floor.

Rory gulped, holding his ground as he looked up, the giant furry mass descending down upon him. He could feel the warmth above his head, and decided last minute that his arms should probably be first to make the plunge. He held his arms up, his fingers touching the warm fur-less flesh and almost cringing at the excitement that it was actually about to happen. He kept his eyes open watching his hands disappear into the darkness above him as a gentle pressure absorbed them.

He grunted, needing a small amount of force to keep his arms from bending due to the pressure, made easier by the lube that covered almost every inch of his body. The warmth slid down over his arms as the otter continued his crouch, his head was just barely free from the otter's rear. Rory licked his lips in apprehension, Owen keeping up the speed of his descent, knowing that increasing the speed would likely cause Rory to falter in keeping his body stiff enough for insertion.

The flesh pressed against his forehead and Rory lowered his eyes so that his head was straight, his field of vision right between the otter's knees. He fought to keep his body straight, the pressure occasionally trying to get his knees to buckle. Owen's tailhole slowly enveloped his head, the flesh creeping down over his eyes, over his nose, and over his mouth. He sneaked a quick breath before the muscle slid over his mouth, cutting him off from the air. He kept himself calm, knowing that the otter would pull him loose if he began to struggle, so he remained still, enjoying the sensation of the tight passage slowly slipping further down his body.

He held himself straight for as long as he could, once Owen's anus had claimed his shoulders, his body had begun slipping in at an increased rate. Rory held the experience close to him, focusing on the sensation of the tailhole encasing his body, crawling down chest, stomach, and waist. It was then that Rory's knee's buckled, as the angle of his body was making it difficult to keep himself steady.

Owen continued his descent, Rory held in place until he felt his knees touch the ground. Owen's rear claimed the final few inches of upper legs before he felt the otter's tail resting on his feet behind him. Rory kept himself still, enjoying the experience of being held in place by the tight flesh. He shifted slightly, not wanting Owen to release him just yet, but enjoying the feeling of the hot rectal muscles clenching in on his body gently. He listened to the intense muffled silence, the occasional squishing scrape against his ears was an overwhelming stimulus. He tried to extend his arm, his hand slipping just deeper into the otter's body, the tube ahead of him seeming endless, the warmth more and more intense the higher up into the otter he went.

It had only been a few seconds total, but he knew he'd need air soon, so he began squirming, enjoying the folds of flesh rubbing against his skin, sending spasms between his legs that made him moan silently into the flesh with enjoyment. He felt one final clench from Owen before the otter began to raise his rear from the floor, Rory's legs straightening out behind him once again. He began slowly slipping down from the otter's tailhole before Owen's paw closed around his legs and started to pull.

Rory felt his body slip back out into the chilly air and into Owen's other paw, waiting to catch him. He gasped and took a deep breath. It had not been overly long within the otter's body, and he was already yearning for the intense warmth and complete darkness once more. Owen moved his body in front of him, placing him gently on the bed again, where he lay sprawled out, watching the giant man grinning down at him.

"Ready for round two?" He asked, dabbing a little more lube over his body. Rory nodded vigorously, itching to be back. The temperature out here seemed freezing by comparison to where he had just been. Owen seemed just as eager as he slowly climbed onto the bed to join him, his body towering over Rory's, who stared above him to watch his giant furry form pass over his view. The otter's thick tail brushed against him as it was dragged onto the bed, knocking him over as it rubbed over him.

Owen landed on the bed on his stomach, rolling over onto his back as he reached for Rory's body, coming up just short. Rory stood up and walked a couple of steps, falling into Owen's palm and allowing him to gently grasp his body and lift him into the air, suspending him over the huge otter. Rory watched as Owen spread his legs, his thick tail spread on the bed, base up, his tailhole now exposed to the light.

Rory watched as his body was lowered down to the otter's genitals, Owen's paw pulling them back, stretching the anus as the other paw lightly placed his feet against the flesh. Owen swiftly slid his feet into the tailhole, his body sliding in up to his knees before the other paw gently released his body to lay on the otter's thick tail. The paw holding back Owen's genitals released them as the otter reached for something Rory couldn't see. The furry sack hanging down ahead of him, brushing gently against his legs. Rory watched, his feet engulfed in the warmth of the hole right below him.

Owen bent back towards him, his genitals hanging down even more, pressing against him as the otter brought a string down against Rory's body. The otter tied a gently knot around his chest, the cotton string pressing against his armpits. "Keep your arms down so this doesn't slip off of you, okay?" Owen asked, his voice echoing way down on the other side of the bed. Rory shouted his understanding and tucked his arms down in front of him, parting the otter's genitals from his own until the paws resumed their places. Once the tailhole was stretched out once again, his descent into the otter's body continued.

He cringed in pleasure as his body was slid inside Owen's body once more, only this time, his feet were first, and he was able to witness the sight of it from start to finish. The darkness claimed him up to his waist, his genitals engulfed in the tight squishy tube making him gasp as they slid against the walls. He kept his arms against his body, allowing the anal walls to claim them, pressing them agaisnt his own body so that the string had something to pull when it was time for him to be released.

His trip continued. The slick tube slid up his body this time, getting closer and closer to his head. The farther in he was pushed, the more obscured his vision became. The only thing of interest in his view was the depth into which he was being claimed, with Owen's body taking up most of the rest of his sight, the massive furry's body more reminiscent of landscape than a living being.

It only felt a like a couple of heartbeats before the only free part of him was his head. He tried to crane his head down to watch the sphincter close over his shoulder to cup around his neck, gently pressing in on him. He braced himself as the otter clenched his rear, each clench squeezing his entire body for a brief moment as he was also tugged just a little farther in. Rory felt his chin meet the flesh of Owen's tailhole, followed by his mouth. He took another deep breath as his face made the final plunge.

He felt his head slide within the otter completely, the sphincter closing up over the top of his head, bunching his hair together as the puckered flesh crowned around his head, another tug pulling him farther away from the exit. It had happened, he was now completely within Owen's body. The flesh encased his entire form, pressing against his sides as his toes felt the deepest chasms of the otter's body, guiding the way for the rest of his form as his descent continued deeper within the giant.

He let himself be guided through the tight winding tubes, encased in darkness and blissful warmth, his genitals rubbing continuously against the soft flesh. He felt his body forced deeper and deeper into the seemingly endless depths before his movement seemed to stop, the slack of the sting that held him becoming more taut. He felt a pressure underneath his shoulders, tugging him back up the way he had come. The lubricant that was spread across his body and the walls of the otter's rectum eased his ascent, despite the clenching flesh forcing him the other direction.

He was pulled up to the point where he could feel the sphincter on the tip of his head once more, the force continuing until his head was pulled free. He took a deep breath as the tugging stopped. He eased his eyes open once more, blinking at the bright light around him. Owen's paw was spread over his tailhole, rubbing at his rear and increasing the pressure that pressed in on Rory's sides. The flesh cradled his body, his shoulders still encased in the otter's flesh. After a few seconds of breathing time, he felt himself slide back thought Owen's rear.

He made the familiar trip into the otter, slipping back through the sphincter and into the dark warmth, the string trailing in after him. He squirmed gently, not wanting to signal to be released, getting as much enjoyment out of the sensation of shifting flesh as he could. He slid in to what felt like a distance of twice as deep as he had slid the first time, his feet meeting a sharp curve in the otter's innards before the string began to salvage him once again. The cycle continued for a long stretch of time, Rory having no interest in ceasing the activity, cherishing every moment his body was held by the blissful flesh.

Owen kept up the routine. The little human crammed into his tailhole barely squirmed, allowing him a level of pleasure that no other micro had ever endured before. He felt his tongue loll out of his mouth in bliss, one paw gripping the string tightly while the other rubbed between his legs, the sensation indescribable. All he had to do was pull the human back up to get a breath of air once the string became close to running out of length, each cycle taking about minute of time, round trip.

He kept it up for as long as he possibly could. Rory made no sign that he wanted to stop, but there was only so long they could keep it up before his shrinking spell wore off. He knew he still had plenty of time, but he knew it had to come to an end at some point. He put the human through one more rotation, clenching at his naked body gently as he slid down within Owen's tailhole, feeling his tiny living form slip deeper and deeper within his body. As it was the last descent of the night, he adjusted his grip on the string, letting Rory slide even deeper into this body, feeling the gently squirming body so far into his rear that he was having trouble placing exactly where within him the human was.

He pulled him out one last time, tugging him free farther than just his head this time, until the exhausted looking human was dangling in the string, shivering in the room temperature air. Owen cradled the tiny human in his paws, cupping them together to keep him warm as he undid the string from his body.

Stifling a yawn from the exhausting night, he placed the equally tired looking human down on his bed, gently placing his paw on top of him so he kept warm, knowing the temperature difference between the air and his own tailhole must be drastic. He remained like that, letting Rory fall asleep while he waited for the shrinking to reverse effect.

Rory woke up an indeterminate amount of time later. He vaguely remembered the otter cupping his body within his warm paws, gently brushing against his body while the two of the lay down in the same bed, once of the monumentally larger than the other. He shifted his body up, squinting in the darkness to try and get a bearing on where he was before he felt a furry paw on his chest.

He felt at the paw himself, realizing that it was the same size as his own hand. He was back to normal size, a warm furry body cupped up against his back with a blanket draped over the two of them. The otter was spooning him, apparantly rubbing his paw over his body in his sleep. Rory placed his head back down on the pillow, still extremely tired. He drifted off to sleep, vaguely aware of the otter behind him shift position and pull him into a tighter hug. The warmth was reminiscent of where he had been just hours before.

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