The Dragon Master

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#56 of Commissions

Commission for shy001

After the events of Donell getting the powers of a shadow dragon, he becomes obsessed with the power, blocking off everyone in his life and acting coldly, Drake, with Shiron, Ranshiin and Greedo decide that the best way to loosen him up is to get a few loads off of him.

"Dragon Master"

The sky was dark outside Donell's window as he sat alone in his bedroom. He wore no clothing, rather preferring to bask in the strength and purity of his more draconic form. He unfurled his fingers in front of him and lifted them from the carpet on the floor, pouring his concentration into making the shadows dance across the floor from the light his power produced. As he pulled, a form like an anchor rose from the carpet; a form made of pure energy, flickering with darkness and shadow.

He understood his power now, and he embraced it. He could feel the power teeming through his body as he manipulated the shadow anchor into a variety of new shapes; a star, an orb, he even caused spikes to come out of the orb, which he amusedly tossed across the room toward the wall, causing it to vanish into the solid surface. It more frustrated them than amused him though, he wanted real physical manipulation with his shadows. But that, like everything else took practice. He sighed and rested back on his palms as he tried to use his powers strictly with his mind, but after a few minutes he gave up on that too, feeling a throbbing in his temples as he finally rested his concentration and dropped back to resting on his elbows instead, staring up at the ceiling. He had lost all track of time from the moment he got back, and with that loss of time came a loss of caring about what Drake was doing, or Shiron for that matter. He just wanted to learn how to use his powers faster, he'd come to enjoy it, he wanted to know more, he wanted to know everything there was and how to do it. He waved his hand and made the orb of darkness appear in his palm and he stared at it; such a small thing, radiating with such power. Its warmth enveloped him, aided him like a campfire in the night, and it felt like an extra layer of protection for him. More than anything, ever since learning his true potential, everything else just seemed so... insignificant.

"Bro?" A knock at the door accompanied Dragor's voice, alerting Donell to his presence.

"Yeah?" Donell asked. "What is it?"

"Hey, dinner'll be in about twenty minutes. You might want to wash up before you come down, we haven't seen you come out of your room all day."

"I'll come out when I want to come out." Donell said coldly.

He could hear the huff of annoyance from his dragon brother, then a growl preceding his words again. "Well fine." He said. "You can go hungry. But I'm going to tell you from experience Don that the power you've inherited has a dark side to it. You can become drawn into it, you might never want to escape it, but you will have to someday."

"Yeah right." Donell said to himself, then spoke up for his brother to hear. "I'm just not feeling hungry. That's all."

"Well at least take a shower." The dragon responded almost immediately. "Tomorrow's Duo's turn at cleaning the house, and I don't think he'll be happy if you stink up the place before he can."

That comment made Donell suppress a laugh he hadn't felt in a while. "I"ll take that into consideration." He said with a groan, finally dropping his body to the floor. He lay there for several minutes, simply staring at the ceiling. He sighed and ran his fingers along his face; he wasn't in a full dragon form, he'd retained some of his former canine aspects, but his features had become more jagged than they had been. As his fingers rounded his mouth, he felt teeth now protruding from his lips starting with his lower canines and as he dragged his fingers back he felt teeth emerging from either side of his mouth, while leaving several in between. As he reached his ears he felt a tuft of scales behind his head that added like patchwork to his white fur. Black dragon scales littered his form like splotches over his shoulders, down his back and down to his thighs. He didn't mind these changes, in fact he welcomed them, but he also began to wonder what Drake would say about all this, or if the Weregarurumon would even want to talk to him after seeing him like this now...

The smell of food filled Donell's nose, a rumbling of emptiness in his stomach made him realize that his hunger pangs were more ravenous than before. If he didn't obey them, he would not want to be held accountable for what could happen.

The canine dragon exited his room with a pair of shorts clutched in his hand. As he stepped across the hall toward the bathroom, a movement caused him to jerk and stop in his tracks. He looked up to see Duo in the hallway, the older drake's eyes scanning his brother's body. "Finally come out of the cave?" He asked.

"Yeah, I guess." He said. "So, what was it like when you first got your powers?" He asked.

"Me? Well..." Duo paused, then rubbed a massive hand along his neck. "I think I spent a little bit of time obsessing about my orb too much." He chuckled. "I sort of spent three months just hovering effortlessly around everywhere I went."

"Really? The power of wind let you do that?"

Duo nodded. "Yep. Of course it caused problems having a constant vortex of wind under me that I couldn't see and feel, but everyone else could. Breakfast cereal all over the place in the morning, terrible hair days for anyone I passed. And I was such a little jerk about it too, like it was everyone else's fault that they existed in my space."

"So why didn't you keep it up?"

"Well over time it got a little trying on father." He said. "Could you imagine him trying to be a king with a son doing nothing but floating on huge tornadoes of air all the time? Not easy I bet. He gave me a swift kick in my prideful ass and I sort of learned there's a time or place for it."

Donell nodded. "Umhmm... and do you know the difference between you having your powers and me having mine?"

"What's that?"

"I don't have dad to kick my ass about it." He smirked as he stepped through the doorway into the bathroom and slammed the door behind him. "Now go away!"

"I saw you naked." Duo teased and heard a grunt of anger from behind the door. "He'll get over it." He assumed as he started toward the steps. "Just got to give him some time. Hey, Don, dinner'll be ready here in a few minutes, come on down after you're showered and we can talk more about this. Okay?"

"Yeah, whatever."

"At least I didn't tell him about Dragor's little spat with his powers." He chuckled as he wandered downstairs.

Donell gazed at his reflection in the mirror, he had retained this form since coming out of the form of a massive black dragon when he was defeating that demon two weeks ago. Perhaps this was the limit of his transformation. His eyes shimmered back at him in the low bathroom lighting. He turned around and gazed at the trail of black down his back that actually unfurled into full-on scales. He turned back around and examined his teeth, that had become more jagged than they were as a full dog. He stepped back from the mirror and crossed his arms over his chest, summoning his shadowy powers, causing brilliant wisps of wings to appear from his back and lurch down over him. His hands and wings both then ignited with a blast of glowing dark purple energy that then settled themselves as he regained himself and called to have them retract. As the remnants of energy vanished from his hands he chuckled at his reflection. "Well, I guess that's it then." He said before pulling the shower curtain aside and stepping inside. "Ahh! Ahh! Hot!"

The shower lasted longer than Donell had expected, mostly due to the fact that he could hardly feel the water splashing between his scales, by the time he stepped out he realized he had been in there for nearly an hour. Pulling on his shorts as he dried himself was not much of a good idea either as he nearly slipped several times in his hurry to escape the bathroom and make his way downstairs.

Dragor and Duo were still seated at the table, their plates only half emptied, but knowing them, they were on their third helpings already. Donell sighed as he slid into his spot at the end of the table silently and grabbed the serving tray.

"It's cold." Duo warned as Donell scraped a glob of food from the tray and splattered it lightly on his plate. He shrugged as the dog went to take a wordless bite. The brothers each frowned and looked at each other.

"So. Tomorrow's Monday, are you looking forward to getting back to your life?"

"Why?" Donell asked. "My life's changed now, right? I'm dad's newest dragon-son, aren't I?"

"In... his world, yeah." Dragor said. "But I mean here. Aren't you excited to be getting back to classes? I'm sure Drake would like seeing you again."

"What has he been up to?" Duo asked.

Donell shrugged. "Not sure, I haven't talked to him." He said, taking another bite, clearly enjoying the meal despite it being cold. "Not even sure if he'll want anything to do with me after all this."

"Are you kidding?" Dragor laughed. "He was tearing his fur out worried about you while you were gone to that other dimension, he's not going to let a simple change to your physical form change his opinion of you..."

"I don't want to talk about it." Donell said, roughly cutting his brother off. "Let's just see if I'm into the idea of going to school again first, alright?"

"I'm sure you'll change your mind when Drake comes by to pick you up tomorro--"

"And I don't want to hear anything else about Drake!" He insisted. "Come on, all you two do is harp about him, I thought you both hated him for taking my mind off my studies anyway. Why the change of heart?"

"I was the one who fixed you up though." Dragor corrected him.

"I meant after all that." He scoffed. "I mean, it's not like I don't have a ton on my plate now, learning these new powers... also something you guys contributed to... are a huge new priority for me. I don't think you guys can even get where I'm coming from. I was actually sort of normal once. And now that I'm really buying into this, you two are wanting me to go back to the way things were? I'm sorry, the world doesn't work like that. Right?" He scooted out from the table and started to walk away. "I've got to go practice. See you guys." He said as he walked away.

"What'd I tell you?" Dragor said. "All that power's just gone straight to his head. He's as tight-assed as a virgin."

"To top it off, I think I made things worse with a cold meal." Duo frowned inconsolably.

Donell had retreated to his room again, he stripped off his shorts and seated himself once more to try to manipulate the shadows around him. He slowly clutched his fingers, allowing the shadow to once again start swirling around him, his eyes shimmered brilliantly in the darkness; he would learn to use these powers at a whim, he would prove to his father and his brothers that he could be strong too. He just had to.

The morning was brisk as Drake made his way up the street, after a long weekend he was looking forward to seeing Donell again. The horizon was orange like fire as it cast its light upon the street on which he walked. He stared at his shadow stretching across the ground in front of him, then at the bundle of random flowers in his hand. "This is stupid." He said to himself. "This is the first time seeing your boyfriend in two weeks and you're bringing him flowers like you're going to a school dance or something."

The green-furred wolf turned onto the familiar street and saw the house only three buildings down. As he approached it, he inhaled sharply, he was almost alarmed at how nervous he was, but as soon as he and Donell walked to the campus he'd feel much better. He rapped on the door soundly, a dog barking in the distance caught his ears and after a few moments, the door opened and Duo appeared, momentarily catching the wolf off guard.

"Oh, hey Duo." He said. "Is Donell home?"

"Yeah I suppose he is." Duo answered. "Not sure if it's a good thing or not though."

"What do you mean?"

Duo frowned and shrugged. "Well, ever since the day he came back, he's acted... different." He explained. "He's spent almost every day, all day in his room practicing his magic. He barely comes out for meals and even then, he's cold and distant to us." He sighed and leaned against the doorway. "Between you and me, I think that boy seriously needs to get laid."

Drake couldn't help the blush under his fur at the very idea that Duo was suggesting. "We-well I'll try to help him out there." He said.

Duo snickered. "It's funny to see you get all hot and bothered." He said. "Definitely not like the Drake I knew before Donell."

"So... where's he at? I figured we'd at least walk to school."

Duo shrugged. "I don't know. He wasn't in his room this morning when I popped in to check on him. I thought maybe he was headed to school a little early."

"Huh. That's not like him." Drake said. "Well, I guess I'll go see if I can catch him there then. Thanks Duo."

"No problem." Duo said as he retreated back into the house.

Drake laid the flowers on one of the seats that lined the porch and stuck his hands into his pockets. "Where could he have gone?"

Approaching the end of the street, a flashing of white lights behind him followed by a sudden burst of windy energy made Drake's fur flutter momentarily. Turning around he could see Shiron standing behind him by a few feet. The tall dragon smiled at him and bowed his head. "Good morning, Drake." He said.

"Shiron. What's up?" He said. "What brings you here?"

"Oh, just coming to check on Prince Donell."

Drake smirked. "Y'know. I'm never going to get used to him being called 'Prince' anything."

The dragon chuckled. "Neither will I. But we've been sensing a strange overuse of his power, so his majesty had sent me to check on his son."

"Why not come himself?" Drake asked.

"Lord Dranzer; as powerful as he is, does not possess the power to shift between dimensions as easily as we do. He normally sends me, Greedo, or Ranshiin to investigate matters on other worlds. Speaking of, the other two should be arriving shortly."

"Well, I don't know what's up with Donell." Drake admitted. "Duo said he's been a bit obsessive about his powers lately. And then he took off this morning before I even showed up. So I don't know what's up with him."

"Ah. Yeah." Shiron said with a sigh. "That happens, with new power tends to come with the temptation to use it all the time. It binds itself to our kind, tightens us up like a noose and just doesn't want to let go, it takes a lot to loosen up I remember when Dragor started using his powers, it took a lot of..." He paused mid-sentence, and a look of amusement crossed his face. "Oh. It might just be that simple." He said.


"Well, I think the best way to deal with Donell's changes, or at least to help him deal with his own, is by helping him get a load or few off."

"What?" He repeated in a more sardonic tone. "Are you suggesting sex is the solution to his magical obsession?"

Shiron chuckled and crossed his arms. "Exactly."

Donell grunted as he was thrust against the tree back-first. His paws instinctively moved up as his waist and hips moved out, greeting the center of Greedo's crotch as the dark brown and white dragon pressed himself into the canid/dragon hybrid. His head leaned forward and his tongue grazed Donell's softly furred cheek.

"G-Greedo, what are you doing?" He asked, trying to resist the urge to pant and lose himself to the dragon, but his hands still found Greedo's hips and he more held on than he pushed him away.

Greedo's shimmering gold eyes glanced at the newest dragon and he growled, his claws making their way to Donell's chest, he abruptly ripped his shirt open, exposing the dog's nipples to the cool air. "I'm doing what I must." He said with a purr, grinding himself even harder against Donell's body, pinning him against the tree until he couldn't move an inch. "I think you'll enjoy this." He said as he craned his neck down and wrapped his tongue around Donell's left nipple.

"Ahh! Nnn...Gre-Greedo..." He panted a bit more loudly than he intended as the dragons claws worked their way down his back. The suction on his nipple spawned an immediate reaction and Donell moaned loudly, he grasped the dragon's wildly spiny mane and Greedo's claw grabbed his leg, pulling it upright and flush against his body. Donell's arousal pressed hard against the dragon's own hidden shaft as it began to swell against his pants. "M-maybe we shouldn't..." He stammered as he felt Greedo fiddling with his belt and button, effortlessly releasing his fierce arousal, which bobbed into the air and then slapped against Donell's stomach. "Nnh..."

Greedo's tongue lifted from the dog-dragon's nipple and he grinned a bit. "It doesn't look to me like you're objecting to it." He said. "My 'prince'." He grinned before returning his mouth to Donell's nipples, this time focusing on his other one and making him moan a bit louder.

Donell remembered this park, this was where he and Drake had gone to have sex before his brothers had so rudely interrupted a few weeks prior. Where he was awakened with his shadowy powers and became his draconic form. But he didn't care, for once, his mind wasn't on using his powers. Greedo lifted his lips from Donell's nipples with a pop and pressed them firmly against his canid muzzle. The dragon's claw continued to glide along Donell's leg, grasping at the pants that hugged his waist. With a tug, the dragon pulled them further down as Donell's hands grabbed Greedo's hips and began to pull down on his too. His warm length of flesh slipped from its confines and grazed its slickness across the dog's stomach. Donell let out a muffled moan and their lips parted, a trail of saliva dripping between their bodies. Swiftly, Greedo's finger pressed upward and into the space between Donell's cheeks, making him cry out while at the same time the dragon returned his attentions to the dog's nipples, biting them softly and layering the area with his tongue. He hissed and whimpered, his firm body pressing against the dragon's as they grinded together, sweat and musk aided in the heat of the moment as Donell felt his back against the tree again and again.

Greedo grinned wickedly as he pressed his digit, then two up into Donell's ass, making him tighten up and howl out in pleasure as a pristine stream of white began to gush forth, covering his own stomach as well as shooting into Greedo's chest as the two continued to play. Donell had barely stopped twitching when he felt himself brought down from the tree and into the cool grass. The dragon's tongue found its way back into Donell's mouth and they continued, even as the shots abated, the hybrid was still in extreme heat and he was still hard as a rock as Greedo finished stripping the both of them in a fevered return to crossing their shafts like swords. Greedo wordlessly grabbed Donell by his shoulders and turned him over settling him on top. Not once did their lips part, though Donell found it harder to breathe with the dragon holding him down against his body. Pushing back some, Donell could feel Greedo's cock pressing gingerly at his ass, and then he could feel Greedo's strength pushing him down toward it. He didn't have any lube, but the dog didn't much care about that, he leaned back and let out a muffled moan as he felt the flesh penetrate him. "Mmmghmmm..." He moaned into Greedo's mouth as the dragon began to thrust himself deeper and deeper into the hybrid ass on top of him.

As they kissed, Donell sensed another presence and felt a new pair of claws come around his torso. It was Ranshiin, a lighter brown set of scales entered his line of sight and he could hear the other dragon whispering into his ear.

"Now you didn't think Greedo would have all the fun, did you?" He said as he parted Donell's lips from Greedo's and replaced them with his own, his massive bone prodding against the small of Donell's back as it was perfectly clear that Ranshiin was naked as well.

It was a dream come true for Donell, who had always had a crush on these two. He could feel his cock sliding along Greedo's stomach, then he slid back and felt the dragon's girth press against his opening and penetrate him again, making him moan. Ranshiin too pressed his cock to lie directly against Greedo's as he tried to accompany the first dragon's shaft into the hybrid as well.

"Ahhh! Nnnf..." Donell whimpered at feeling two cocks trying to slide in. "T-too... much..." He whispered as he moaned, Greedo's tongue sliding over his nipples again.

"Good thing I came prepared then." Ranshiin said as he reached back and pulled a small vial from his discarded clothes. He poured the contents over his shaft, Donell could feel the cool liquid press against his ass each time the dragons both pressed forward. Ranshiin stroked his and Greedo's members together, focusing on the tips as he also slipped his finger past Donell's pucker.

"Nnnnghhh..." Greedo moaned out, feeling the cold slickness and the warmth of the guiding Ranshiin's claw as they both pressed forward, slowly pushing apart that resistant ring of muscle. He could feel Donell's fingertips digging into his chest as the hybrid was beginning to burst at the seams when finally there was a gentle pop, and the strain vanished.

The two dragons began to ride Donell roughly, each of them pressing in deeper, and harder than before, trying to get as far into him as possible without tearing him apart, which was only about halfway for each. Donell craned his neck up and arched his back as his re-invigorated shaft twitched and began to shoot small beads of cum, coating Greedo's chest and stomach making his flesh a bit more slick to slide upon. The dragons writhed and growled as one. Greedo found himself grabbing Ranshiin's ass, helping to push the both of them harder into the hybrid.

"AHH!" Greedo was the first one to give in, suddenly letting loose a heavy volley of liquid into Donell. His grip tightened on Ranshiin's ass, but he managed to bite his lip and continue as the throbbing and flooding within Donell continued. Suddenly, Donell came too, unleashing another torrent of white across Greedo's chest, shooting up as far as his face as their bodies rocked together.

"Grrrrraaahhhhh!" Ranshiin cried. The orgasm from the younger hybrid had pushed him over the edge and he too began to flood Donell's ass. After some time, the pressure between them was so great that they literally popped from the warm confines and finished up their mutual loads against his ass and each other.

"I thin--think I came twice there..." Donell said, panting and covered in sweat under his fur as the other two dragons helped themselves off of him and all three lay on the ground, glistening in the afterglow and their own fluids.

"Ahem." A voice alerted all three of them to Drake and Shiron who stood, also naked a few feet away. "Are we interrupting something?" Shiron asked.

Drake chuckled, his thumb sliding along his thick erection and bouncing slightly as it fell off the end of his shaft. "Well it looks like it, mind if we have a little fun with him?"

Donell looked awkwardly at Greedo and Ranshiin then askance to the other two as Greedo responded. "Sure."

"Take him for a bit, we could use the rest."

As the two approached, Donell raised his arms and was hoisted back to his feet and pressed flat against Drake's body. Taking full advantage of the position, he grasped the wolf's nipple with his tongue and suckled it into his mouth. Immediately, Drake moaned, and his tongue fell from his mouth as he noticed Shiron already playing with his used ass. Shiron smirked as his digits easily pushed against Donell's tender hole and Donell immediately felt his erection growing again. The dragon's tongue glided along the flesh up under the hybrid's tail, making him shiver and wince in delight as his arousal came full and began to rub against Drake's vivid arousal. As their bodies pressed together, Drake's cock was like an arrow going straight into Donell's stomach, and he continued to drive the wolf wild by biting and tugging at his nipples. "Ahhh..." He whimpered, feeling the warm lips of Shiron's mouth wrap around his cock and slowly began to move toward him and away, fitting Donell's entire length into his mouth effortlessly. It felt like it was swimming, the motion of Shiron's tongue drove him wild as his back turned against Drake's chest and the wolf began to drag his claws down Donell's torso. Donell moaned as Drake's paws hoisted up the flesh of his ass and squeezed, his thick, heavy meat pressing between them with the intention of breeding the living daylights out of him. Drake rumbled and nipped at Donell's neck, his hot breath washing over him. He could feel Drake's cock pressing urgently against his pucker and that sent him over the edge.

"AHH! Ahh-shiiit!" He panted loudly as he jerked and came hard into the dragon's mouth. Shiron jerked back a moment and then came forward again, swallowing every drop that shot into his throat.

"That's it..." Drake encouraged him. "Very nice." As he spoke, his paw pressed against Donell's stomach and leaned him forward, the wolf's cock popped against his pucker and pushed inward, making Donell cry out as he felt himself get penetrated again. "Nnngh..." He panted as he then thrust forward, bouncing the hybrid into the air. "Oh yes..."

Moving his lips away, Shiron stood and began to teasingly wag his cock against Donell's face. The hybrid dragon took it after the third miss and pulled it into his mouth like a vacuum.

"Nnngh... yes..." Shiron hissed a bit as he began to press his length inward, impressively getting most of it in before reaching the back of Donell's throat and going partway down his esophagus. "Sh-it..." He panted as he slowly began to buck into him. At the same time, Drake began to work into fucking him from the rear, turning Donell into a makeshift accordion between them. It didn't take long before Donell felt like cumming again

"Nnnghhhh!" He gurgled, still choking on Shiron's length, as he suddenly released another, much lighter than before explosing of cum that trickled down onto the ground under him as he hovered there, dangling between his boyfriend and his ex, enjoying the feeling of being filled by both ends.

"Oh, man that... I can-can't take it..." Shiron panted before suddenly letting loose a heavy stream of cum that quickly bubbled to the surface of Donell's mouth and began to pour out of him like a broken faucet.

"F-Fucccck...!" Drake quickly followed up before throwing himself hard into his boyfriend and suddenly orgasming himself. "AHHH!" He shook and thrust in deep and hard, not letting a single drop escape the ass he was plowing. But after several minutes, the grinding began to slow down in pace as he finally edged off of his orgasm.

Donell's lips and nose were already draining with cum, and by the time the weregarurumon finally released his hold, another flood of white vacated Donell's body and splashed down in a large pool underneath all three of them.

It took some time for them to clean themselves and gather their composure after all that, but Donell was feeling better somehow. Somehow he had made the decision that he would not focus so much on his magic, but on his friends, who showed him that they really cared about him.

"You know, you're still going to have to apologize to your brothers for the way you acted." Drake said as Donell hugged the other dragons farewell.

"I know. I know." Donell admitted. "And I will as soon as I get home."

"We best be headed out as well." Greedo said. "I'm sure Dranzer is worried about us."

"Thanks you guys." Donell said. "And let me apologize to you guys first for the way I acted, I was just stupid. That's all."

"We know." Ranshiin said. "It happens to all of us." He looked to see Greedo vanish in a portal of white before opening up his own. "But we'll always be here if you need us."

"Thanks." He said, getting a kiss on the cheek from Shiron who bid him farewell as both he and Ranshiin vanished at once, leaving the two lovers alone.

"So." Drake said with a smirk. "Have a good time?"

Donell smirked and started walking away. "At least until I go home to apologize to my brothers, who are probably not going to talk to me for a month after the way I acted."

"Hey it could be worse." Drake laughed. "You could be subject to eating more of Duo's awful cooking!"


Tiger's New Doo

**"Tiger's New Doo"** "What's the matter with you?" Gray Wolf asked as he entered the cave and spotted his brother Tiger, lying on the floor, gazing at his reflection in a pool of water. Tiger glared at the wolf. "Nothing." He said shortly. "I...

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If He Only Had a Brain

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O'fur the Rainbow

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