Wet Dreamers

Story by Infoscan on SoFurry

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Wet Dreamers

It was the middle of the night at Camp Minnewanka in the Canadian Rockies. The cabins were darkened. No one was about. The only sound outside was the gentle lapping of Lake Minnewanka against the pebbly shore.

Andrew sat up in his bunk and looked out the window. The moonlight illuminated the silhouettes of the mountains. He couldn't sleep. It happened occasionally, as it did to just about everyone else in the world.

Andrew was on the top bunk. He could hear the guy below him snoring. Loudly. It would probably keep him up longer than the Coke would. He rolled over and tried to go to sleep on his belly. No luck.

Great. Andrew rolled back over and ran a paw through the messy brown fur on his head. He, a brown bear, was rather rotund as were just about all the other campers. Camp Minnewanka was a fat camp.

Despite being fed arugula and other healthy things he preferred not to think about for the past few weeks, Andrew didn't think he'd lost much weight. He didn't feel any different, any lighter.

The worst part was his parents packing him off to fat camp. He was in high school! No one gets sent to fat camp willingly in high school! It was embarrassing.

So was what the kid on the bunk was doing now. The panda was moaning and groaning as he dreampt. The sounds begin to form into words: "oh, oh, harder, harder" - that kind of thing. If there was ever a good time for camera phone blackmail, this was it.

Andrew hadn't talked much with the guy on the bunk below his. He didn't really know his name, either. Jared? Jordan? Jonathan? He knew it was something along those lines, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"Ohh, fuck me," the guy below Andrew said, almost loudly enough to count as a yell. Andrew was shocked. He'd never heard anything like this before. It was the kind of thing you only found out about through giggly whispers in the high school hallways.

Somewhat annoyed at the racket, Andrew threw off his covers and climbed down off the bunk. He was amazed that no one else had heard the noise. The floorboards were cold against his feet. There was a draft; the cabins weren't well insulated.

Were he not covered in fur, Andrew would have been beet red after seeing what he saw next. The guy on the bottom bunk had a hard-on tenting up the blankets in a big way and he was thrusting hard up at something Andrew couldn't see, making the mattress squeak. And in the throes of his exciting dream, that panda was drooling all the way down to his pillow.

Andrew pulled out a duffel bag from under the bunk. Everyone had their name written on theirs. He wanted to know what this guy's was. It was Jonathan, in black magic marker on tape. Mystery solved.


Andrew nearly smashed his head on the bottom of the top bunk when he jerked up in surprise. He was certain he had heard Jonathan call his name before descending back into unidentifiable mumbles and groans. Then it happened again.

"Andrew!" Jonathan said once more, loudly but luckily not loud enough for anyone else sleeping in the room to hear.

Now there was no doubt in Andrew's mind that Jonathan was dreaming about him. Overcome by a devious curiosity, he gently pulled back Jonathan's covers to reveal Jonathan's impressive member poking straight up from under his tight underpants just below his bulbous belly. Jonathan's was, without a doubt, the biggest cock that Andrew had ever seen.

And it smelled so good. The scent of Jonathan's natural scent coming off his meaty member was too much for Andrew to bear. He had to get a closer look. He pulled back Jonathan's underpants.

Even in the dim moonlight, what Andrew saw was like nothing else. Jonathan's cock was thick and fat, but also long. Gingerly, Andrew put two of his fingers around the shaft. He could feel the veins inside it beating rapidly. "Ohh, Andrew," Jonathan moaned.

Precum began dribbling down over Andrew's fingers. Clearly, whatever he and Jonathan were doing in dreamland was starting to heat up. Andrew pulled Jonathan's cut foreskin taught and Jonathan immediately thrust up at him, a strange gurgling sound coming out of his mouth. The panda nearly rammed his cock right into Andrew's face.

Not that Andrew didn't want Jonathan to ram his cock into his face, of course. Andrew replaced his two fingers on Jonathan's shaft with his whole fist. He didn't do anything, just kneeled there feeling the member's warmth in his paw. Jonathan was getting into whatever was going on in his head even more intensely as the flow of his precum intensified and he began thrusting faster.

Without even really thinking about it, Andrew started stroking Jonathan off. He did it slowly, so as not to wake Jonathan up. Andrew was so into what he was doing he didn't even notice that he himself had a raging erection begging to be dealt with.

Andrew leaned in and stuck his tongue out. He gently licked the head of Jonathan's cock, catching some of his precum. It didn't taste like anything very interesting so Andrew withdrew and just kept stroking Jonathan. As Jonathan's pace increased, so did Andrew along with him.

Even though Jonathan was still fast asleep, he and Andrew managed to stay at roughly the same speed. As Andrew stroke him, Jonathan's head lolled off to the side and his tongue rolled out onto the pillow. Jonathan, even if he didn't know it, was clearly enjoying what Andrew was doing to him.

Jonathan moaned loudly and thrust as hard as he could into Andrew's paw as he came. His seed spewed and spilled all over the bedsheets as well as Andrew. Then he woke up, his eyes snapping open.

"Ahh! Andrew! What the hell are you doing?" Jonathan hissed. He shoved Andrew away from the bed, hard. Surprised and embarrassed, Andrew just at on the floor not really sure what to say. But the words tumbled out of his mouth anyway.

"Well, I, um, saw that you were dreaming about, er, me. So I thought-"

A look of realization spread across Jonathan's face as he look down at Andrew. "Was I dreaming about you?" Jonathan asked. "And how'd I get so wet and sticky?"

"I was jerking you off as you slept," Andrew admitted in a whisper. "I couldn't help it. You were so-"


"Yeah, huge."

Jonathan considered this for a moment, then said, "Let's take this somewhere else, right now."


"Get up," Jonathan said. "Get dressed. Let's go."

"Okay, okay," Andrew said pulling himself off the floor. Andrew quickly pulled his clothes on. Jonathan led him outside.

The communal showers were between several of the small cabins in the camp. They were in a small, ramshackle building. The white tiles inside were more yellow-green thanks to years of decay. Florescent lights in the building flickered on and off as they struggled to stay lit. There were no changing areas, just one big gang shower.

Jonathan immediately turned on one of the showers. The sound of running water quickly filled the room. He ran a paw under the flow, testing the temperature.

"What are you doing?" Andrew asked Jonathan, confused.

"Don't want anyone to hear us, right?" Jonathan told Andrew.

"Right," Andrew said as he took his pants off. Underneath them, Jonathan could see he was wearing a leather jockstrap. It was a beautiful thing to be sure, but Jonathan wasted no time in pulling it straight off and tossing it aside.

Johnathan jerked opened his eyes in complete and total surprise. He'd just had the most erotic dream he'd ever had. It had been about Andrew jerking him off in the middle of the night as he slept. And it had been beautiful. His mouth was dry and his pillow was wet.

Then Jonathan saw Andrew standing over him beside the bunk with a paw around his cock and semen splattered everywhere. He quickly and firmly shoved Andrew away. "Ahh! Andrew!" Johnathan shouted. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Well, I, um, saw that you were dreaming about, er, me. So I thought-" Andrew replied from where he was sitting on the floor.

It dawned on Jonathan what was happening. Real life was playing out exactly like his dream had. Strange as it was, who was he to pass up an opportunity? The real thing was better than a dry - well, wet - run. "Let's take this somewhere else, right now," Jonathan told Andrew decisively.

"Okay, okay. Fine. I'm going," Andrew said as he pulled himself off the floor and quickly tried to get dressed.

"I know you want me," Jonathan said, eagerly leading Andrew as the brown bear followed him out the cabin door.

The End

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