Lizard Heat
Someone asked for (commanded) submissive DILFs with slits and I obeyed. (U-U) Be gentle, it's my first story of this kind.
You can blame this one on Krispybear. He mentioned me in a tweet to
Kokuhane, so naturally, I stalked the ghost and saw that he had infected some writers to write submissive DILF stories for him and then issued a command to bring him DILFs with slits. I thought myself immune to his possessive powers, but yeah... I got infected as well and the result is my first DILF, scalie, slit story.
It's pretty rough and probably could use at least five more revisions but I figured I'd toss this out there to get some feed back and do more "research" before I write another one.
Anyways, enjoy!
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Frank pulled up into the drive and noticed no other cars were here. "Typical", he thought as he dialed his boyfriend.
"Hey, I'm at your house. Where are you?" the puma asked over the sounds of clattering machinery.
"Sorry man, I'm still at the gym," the voice on the other end of the line responded.
"How much longer are you going to be?"
"Well, I still have my arms and back, so-"
"So a while," Frank cut his boyfriend off.
"So about forty five minutes."
"In forty five minutes RST then," Frank said jokingly, but not.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just go in and make yourself at home. I'll see you then."
"Hurry up, I bought some of that stuff you like," the puma said just before ending the call with a smooch.
Frank and James had been friends since the gator moved here with his dad back in elementary school. It took Frank's parents time to accept that he was gay and that he was going out with a reptile. It helped that they already knew that the alligator was a good kid and that the reptile was a veritable hunk who their, comparatively chubby, son somehow managed to score. James' dad was far more accepting when the pair came out to him. Mr. Lafayette just smiled and said he would always love his son and the puma no matter what. Then the daddy gator told the pair that he too was gay and proceeded to recount some of his own adventures and lessons, embarrassing his son so much that Frank could feel the young gator's body temperature rise.
The puma got out of his car and walked up to the front door. This house was like a second home to Frank, so much so, that he had been give a key to the house while he and James were in middle school, partly due to the fact that James' kept forgetting his and would get locked out. So, it was no surprise for the gators to see the puma to just walk in like he lived there.
Frank dropped of the package he had gotten for James on the kitchen island and started to rummage around the fridge for something to eat. He made his way to James' room, munching on a sandwich he found, but stopped when he passed the bathroom. Forty five minutes Reptilian Standard Time meant the cold blooded gator wouldn't be home for another hour and a half, so he had time to kill and a nice soak in James' large, jetted tub sounded like a nice idea. The puma finished his sandwich and started undressing as he closed the bathroom door.
Mr. Lafayette woke up from his nap when he heard a door close. With his car in the shop for the day, he didn't feel like going into work and had the dealership drop him off at home. Since all of his friends were at work, he decided to just laze about in a tight, white wife-beater and black basketball shorts.
The groggy gator made his way to the kitchen calling out for James and then Frank since it wasn't uncommon for the fluffy cat to be around also. No one answered, but he heard someone in the bathroom and figured it was James probably soaking after getting back from the gym. He'd ask his son for a ride back to the dealership to pick up his car later.
The sandwich Mr. Lafayette left in the fridge was gone so he settled on a pudding pack and was about to watch some TV until he saw a bag sitting on the kitchen island. Upon further inspection, it looked like a six pack of those small energy drinks. The bottle read, "Lizard Heat" with "Get's your blood boiling!" as a slogan. The old gator chuckled to himself at the silly name and slogan, he never understood what the kids were into now a days, but he wasn't above giving it a try. He cracked opened the bottle and downed the whole thing in one gulp as he plopped himself on the couch and flicked on the TV.
News about the weather was going on when he started to feel a pleasant warmth in his gut and slowly spread throughout his body. After about a minute, that warmth grew to an arousing heat in his loins and he found himself wiggling his hips. His breathing was getting heavier and he could feel himself getting hard.
The daddy gator's mind was still hazy from just waking up and the heat wasn't helping. Without really thinking, and not caring, a paw slipped into his shorts and started rubbing over his slit. He could feel his dick growing inside him and wanted to stroke himself off. His other paw was busy rubbing over his gut and his thick chest, enjoying the heat emanating from within.
Another minute pasted and his dick still hadn't emerged but he was painfully hard. He wanted so badly to jack off that he couldn't wait any longer and slipped a couple of fingers into his slit. The daddy gator gave a low bellow of pleasure as he fingered himself. It was hot and wet with his pre and he could reach in just far enough to tease his head and the side of his shaft.
Frank was drying himself off when he heard a bellow and guessed that James was home early and found the Lizard Heat he had left in the kitchen. The eager puma finished drying off but didn't bother putting his clothes back on since they'd be coming off soon anyways. Besides, his cock was already started to poke out of his sheath as he thought about fucking the hunky gator. He did put on a small towel around his waist, just to tease the lust lizard.
Frank heard more bellows coming from the living room and made his way there, anticipation growing at the thought that James wanted to fuck out there. As the puma turned the corner he froze at the site he saw. Instead of the young, hunky alligator he expected to see, he saw the older daddy gator lying on the couch. The wife-beater Mr. Lafayette was wearing was pulled up exposing his chest and slight gut. The older gator wasn't as fit as his son, but James definitely got his genes from his father. Those big arms, broad shoulders and thick chest that the kitty loved to touch looked just as sexy on the daddy gator.
The puma let out a whimper sort of sound and he could feel his cock throbbing, fully hard and poking out against the towel. He noticed Mr. Lafayette wasn't wearing any underwear and the shorts the gator did have on were around his ankles, meaning Frank got a clear view of the gator dad with three fingers deep in his slit, breathing hard, and bellowing in pleasure.
Frank briefly wondered what had gotten into Mr. Lafayette until he saw the bag he left on the counter had been messed with and an open bottle of Lizard Heat was sitting on the coffee table next to the couch.
Mr. Lafayette glanced over at the hallway when he heard someone talking but didn't register what was being said. He recognized the tawny furred feline and noticed the fact that the fluffy cat was wearing just a towel that failed to hide his erection.
"Frank. I need your help," the gator husked.
"Mr. Lafayette? Did... did you drink-"
"Please!" the gator bellowed as he teased his cock head.
"What do you want me to do?" Frank tentatively asked.
By way of answer, Mr. Lafayette opened his slit with his fingers. "I... I need to get off and it's... it's not coming out." At this point, the older gator didn't care how, he just needed to come.
Frank was thinking with his dick before he realized he was on the couch and in between the gator's spread legs. Mr. Lafayette was bigger overall in size than James and the puma took this opportunity to explore the older gator's body, rubbing his belly, fondling his arms, and groping his chest.
Mr. Lafayette was panting hard. The heat intensified once Frank was on top of him. Everywhere the fluffy feline touched was on fire and it was wonderful. He couldn't remember the last time he got it on with another guy that had fur, he usually stuck to other scalies. The hottest part of his body was his slit. The puma had removed his paw from there and was teasingly rubbing his barbed member along it.
The older gator gave another bellow, he couldn't take the teasing anymore and wanted that cock in his slit. "Frank... please!" the older gator panted.
The puma purred when he heard the daddy gator asking for it. "Like father, like son," he thought with a smile. Frank wasn't about ready to give it up though, he wanted to hear the old gator beg for his cock.
Frank pressed himself against the gator's body and started to purr causing the gator to bellow and the vibrations to reverberate between them. Slowly, he started to lick the valley between Mr. Lafayette's chest.
"Fr... Frank," was all Mr. Lafayette could get out before moaning. The rough tongue grooming him left a hot, wet trailer all over his body.
"I want to hear what you want," the puma whispered.
"I want... I want to come," Mr. Lafayette husked.
Mr. Lafayette tilted his head back exposing more of his throat for the feline to lick.
"Mmhhh! And what do you want me to do?" Frank asked.
"I... I want you to make me-"
Mr. Lafayette was cut off when he gave a loud bellow as Frank chose that time to grind that barbed cock hard against his slit.
"What was that?" Frank asked innocently.
"Fu... Fuck me," the older gator said softly out of breath.
"I can't hear you."
The heat was intoxicating and he'd do anything for release. "Fuck me! God, I want your cock in me... please!" the older gator begged.
Frank purred when he heard the alligator's plea. "Alright. But first..." He lifted himself up and repositioned so that he was sitting just below Mr. Lafayette's chest. He started batting and grind his dick into the gator's thick pecs. "I didn't bring any lube," the puma stated.
Mr. Lafayette blushed knowing what the feline wanted and knowing that he was willing to do it just so he could have that cock somewhere else in him. The gator opened his large maw and in one quick motion, took the puma's member and closed around it.
Frank gave a gargled roar-moan, not in pain, but in pleasure as the gator easily took his entire length into his mouth. It was hot and wet and wonderful as that broad tongue easily licked most of his dick and tickled his barbs. He had to stop just after a minute or else he would have blown a load in the gator's maw.
The daddy gator was growing impatient as the, comparatively, small kitten on top of him took his sweet time getting position. Frank was teasing his body as the puma moved between his legs. Both his paws were already playing with his slit, desperately trying to pleasure himself. Frank told him to put his paws above his head and he obeyed.
Frank was enjoying himself far more than usual at having the sexy alligator dad listen to him. The big gator made the sexiest sounds when being teased and that needy look on him was too cute. The puma decide to tease him just a little more, taking his dick and rubbing up and down the gator's slit with just his head. The daddy gator bellowed again and tried to bring his paw back down to his slit, but Frank slammed it away.
"No, no. This is mine to play with," the puma said grinding his dick into the gator's slit.
"Fuck! Put it in me!" Mr. Lafayette begged.
Mr. Lafayette gave a loud hiss when the feline finally pushed into him. Those barbs racking past his slit sting before they were inside rubbing against his dick causing all kinds of pleasure.
"Fuck your tight!" Frank husked as he slid in all the way.
The puma could feel the intense heat wrap around his member. The gator must really be on edge because as soon as he was in, he could feel the gator buck his hips trying to get some friction going on. Frank snickered and obliged, sliding out half way before driving back in. He didn't really need any lube, the gator's slit was already so wet with pre that Frank slide back in with ease.
Their dicks grinded against each other inside Mr. Lafayette with Frank's barbs providing pleasure that the gator's fingers, nor none of his previous lovers, had ever provided. The gator was having trouble keeping his breathing at this point, working just as hard to fuck himself with the feline's cock as the feline tired to get into a steady rhythm.
Frank couldn't keep up with the lusty lizard and after a short while, the feline was already collapsed onto of the gator, emptying his first load into the gator's slit. The heat, Frank's barbed member sliding against his, the sensation of the puma on top of him was enough to finally push Mr. Lafayette over the edge and after a few more bucks, he, too, was coming into his full slit, their loads mixing together and seeping out around Frank's cock.
The pair laid there together, Frank resting his head on top of the gator's large pecs, both panting and basking in the warm glow of their orgasms. It wasn't but five minutes though, before Mr. Lafayette started bucking his hips again. He was still hard, his dick still hadn't emerged from his slit, and that heat and arousal was building within him again.
James finally pulled into his driveway and parked next to Frank's car. The puma hadn't answered his phone so he figured the feline was probably using his tub again or busy teasing himself and getting ready. The thought of the puma's barbed cock in him got the reptile excited and he quickly grabbed his gym bag from the back seat and made for the front door.
The young gator froze when he entered the house. Upside down on the floor, back against the front of the couch, legs up in the air and spread apart was his dad, naked save for the wife-beater bunched up around his neck, while his boyfriend was busy plowing into a messy slit. James dropped his bag and pulled the stammering puma easily off of his dad and dragged the feline to his room with a warning, "You better not be tired."
"Hey! Wait, I need that," Mr. Lafayette called after his son and the retreating puma with the barbed cock. He was still hard and needed to come again.
James walked back into the room. "Go fuck yourself. The pussy is mine," James said as he tossed a dildo at his father. The young gator left his dad to his own devices while he grabbed the Lizard Heat and chugged down a bottle before returning to Frank.
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As always, let me know what you think. Any criticism is greatly appreciated!
I'm also open to some "research" material if anyone wants to point out some good stories about scalies and slits.