The Ad

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#57 of Commissions

Commission for shy001

After being accused of being a virgin on his first days of college after encountering bullies Zeke and Tony, Max decides to place an ad to set it right. Little does he know that the pair themselves respond to his ad, and become fast 'friends'.

"The Ad"

The community college didn't dismiss classes like my High School did. Instead of a loud, nauseating bell that rang to dismiss students from one long lecture hall to another, there was a light gong of the hour, and we were expected to traverse to our proper classes at the proper time. I guess that's what I liked about going to college, they trusted the students to stick to the curriculum that they had applied to. I was more of a Math whiz when I was in school, so it fit that my next class, at nine fifteen would be for Trigonometry. I checked the watch hanging from my wrist and saw I had a good twenty minutes before the class started in auditorium A-9, plenty of time to explore a little bit.

I decided that I should probably go use the bathroom, the experience with my first day of classes yesterday found that professors didn't much like it when students excused themselves in the middle of the lecture to take a piss, and I certainly didn't want to disappoint my first day of Trig because the soda I drank ten minutes ago decides it wants to be let out halfway through the class. The bathrooms were easily seen with markings all around pointing the students to them, and I was glad to briefly escape the chaos of the hall into the warmer; albeit slightly smellier bathroom. My nostrils went off like an alarm, and instinctively I snorted as the smell entered my nostrils. Being a husky, after all, my senses were pretty keen. My eyes flicked to the stall doors, but I found no feet hanging over the toilets within, the smell must have been from a last class or something. I could barely hold my breath long enough to go to the bathroom, so I just bared the smell as long as I could and scurried over to the sink.

A white and black framed face stared back at me in the mirror. Thick framed glasses had been my choice of eyewear today because my contacts had gotten lost in the mail. I pressed my middle finger into the center of the spectacles and sighed as I stared into my own light blue eyes. "Well, at least you made it to college." I said to myself before I took my glasses off and ran my hands under the tap, splashing the water over my face and mostly forgetting about the stink that was still a choking hold in the bathroom. I looked at the windows and saw they were cracked open, so this must have been some pungent aroma. Just then, I heard the door open and I grabbed a paper towel from the sink to dry my muzzle off some.

"Holy hell it stinks in here." The wolf exclaimed as he walked into the bathroom. He was taller than me by a good six or seven inches. His mane was tied back in a ponytail behind his head. He had black fur and green eyes which really set him apart from what I was used to seeing in wolves. But his size was slighted by the man following behind him; another dog, but a great dane instead of a wolf. He was taller, but slimmer than the wolf, and he had to duck somewhat under the tall door frame in order to step into the bathroom. He wore a green tank top shirt and jeans while the wolf wore a black hoodie and a matching pair of black jeans. I could see the slight outline of a red shirt under the hoodie, but I couldn't make out what kind it was.

"You're right. Why the hell did we come in here?" The dane asked.

"You didn't have to come in." The wolf snorted at the dog. "I needed to take a piss, that's all." He looked at me and scoffed. "You the one that let the stink bug loose in here?"

"N-no." I stammered without really meaning to as my eyes shot from the wolf to the dog and back again. "Talk about reek-city." I chuckled. "And here I thought college was supposed to be different than high school, right?"

"Yeah, right." The wolf said as he snatched my glasses from the sink.

"Hey! Those are mine." I tried to move forward, but was quickly bumped back by the dane's hand.

"Jesus, look at these things. I bet you could see the surface of Saturn with these things, right?"

"Well, technically, Saturn's a gas planet. Like I could see anything through that layer though huh?" I tried to laugh it off, but got a sharp glare from him.

"Boy. A stinker and a nerd huh? Did I tell ya college was going to be this stupid, Tony?" He asked the dog.

"Well... no Zeke. You told me college was going to be great."

Zeke sighed. "Moron." He said and he tossed me my glasses back. "So, you got a name, poindexter?" He asked.

"Max." I said.

"Ooohhh such a rad 90's name." He guffawed at me as he waved his hand back and forth facetiously. "What is it short for some nerd name, like 'Maximus' or 'Maximillian'?"

"No. Just... regular old 'Maxwell'." I answered as I wiped the fog from my glasses and put them on. "And I'm not a nerd." I said. "I'm just waiting on my contacts."

"It doesn't matter. You'd still be a nerd, just... a nerd that wears contacts." He said.

"Is that a fact?" I asked, feeling my temperature rise as my temper did. "Well... 'Zeke' and might I say that's a truly surfer kind of name, so I'll level myself to your intellect: Like, dude. You know the thing you tried to like do to insult me? Well it was totally gnarly, but so, like, last decade."

Despite the ruggedly good impression though, Zeke looked at me like I'd lost my mind, both he and Tony began laughing so hard that their voices began to bounce off the walls. My cheeks felt warm as they doubled over laughing. Angrily I snatched a paper towel from the dispenser and stormed out of the bathroom, listening as their roaring continued even outside, much to the embarrassed glances that the passers by gave it and me.

I'd spent way too long in that bathroom, I found myself running to find my next class and skidded into the room five minutes late. The professor; a short, chubby bearded bear stopped in the middle of a sentence and glanced up at me. Pure annoyance radiated from his eyes as everyone else then turned around and noticed me. I quietly closed the door and started down the steps toward an empty seat I spotted at the end of the third row.

"Excuse me, but what are you doing?" The professor stopped me before I reached my seat.

"Ah... this is Advanced Trigonometry isn't it?" I asked, suddenly unsure if I'd entered the right class or not. "Pro-professor Plumb--"

"My students have all arrived on time. Surely there must be some mistake, are you sure you should be in this class?"

There was a long, awkward pause where I felt like everyone was staring at me. I searched for a clue, any sign that would allow me to sit down; there was none. Slowly, I turned and started up the ramp again. After a few steps, I could hear the professor starting back into his lecture.

The cafeteria provided to the students wasn't by far the worst, but it certainly wasn't like home cooking. I found a single table with a few chairs around it that weren't being used. I threw my burger and tray onto the table and threw myself onto the seat.

"Hey stinky. What's up?" The voice made my skin crawl and I glared up to see Zeke and Tony approach my table and sit down without an invitation.

"Oh look. It's Jekyll and Hyde." I said with an eyeroll as I took a bite of my burger.

"Wait... weren't they like... cool or something?" Tony asked Zeke.

"I always thought so."

"Sure, if you like a nerdy young scientist who moonlights as a psychopathic murderer, then I guess he could be cool." I said. "What do you want?"

"So, we were wondering... a little bet me and Tony have. When was the last time you went out on a date?"

I froze a bit, the question had caught me off guard. I couldn't tell them the truth; I hadn't seriously been on a date since I was a sophomore, and I didn't have the heart to tell her that I was on a date with her due to a bet with an old friend named Clay Warner. I hadn't really even--

"When's the last time you had sex?"

Tony's question made my blood run cold. I started to get up, but Zeke nudged me back into place. "I bet you he hasn't even been laid." Zeke scoffed.

"Not that it's any of your business." I said cooly. "I don't like you. Either of you." I said. "And I think you've been enough a pain in my ass today. Don't you?"

"Oh, I think you'll know when I'm enough of a pain in your ass." Zeke growled.

I shoved myself away and got up. Leaving the two of them and the rest of my lunch behind. I hadn't known them for more than ten or fifteen minutes and already they had gotten on my bad side; who were they to ask if I'd had sex? Why would it matter anyway?

"Mom, Dad I'm home." I said with an exhausted sigh as I came through the front door. I made my way into the kitchen and opened the fridge. Snagging a bottle of tea I cracked it open and took a long drink before trying again. "Mom? Dad?"

I know it seemed silly, still living with my parents being in college, but it was the cheapest way. I strolled out of the kitchen and glanced around the living room before spotting the note on the coffee table:

"Max, we've been called away on business. We will be gone until next Monday night. We trust you, and expect you on your best behavior. We'll call you tonight, leftovers in the fridge.

Love, Mom and Dad"

I sighed and discarded the note; of course they were out of town, again. Ever since I turned eighteen they had spent almost every two or three weeks away from home. This time for two weeks. It didn't matter much, I usually found something to occupy my time.

I stepped into my room and left the door open as I glided on my chair and landed in front of my monitor. A simple tug of the mouse, and the machine sprang to life; the computer I bought from a long summer of doing chores and working a full time summer job. I clicked up the web and watched the images roll by. I rolled the mouse wheel and hit the link to Craigslist. I wanted to see what interesting things I could find in the Personals ads.

It was at that moment I came up with my idea; I'd make an ad, specifically to give myself to someone. I was smart, careful, capable, what would stop me? My fingernail tapped against my canines as I pondered the number of weirdos and crazy people who would respond to this message. "Oh, what the hell." I said to myself as I hit the option to create an advertisement in the Personals. I pondered for almost an hour on what to say, I finally settled on what to say and began to type it in. As I typed, the words came to me a lot easier than I'd expected.

20 Year-Old Virgin Wanting to Play

Hello there! I'm in need of losing my virginity, I want to unwind a little, cut loose. I'm a pretty shy gay guy who just wants to have a little fun. I'm new to this sort of thing and I'm not really much of a risk taker, so I don't want anything too rough for my first time. Just some nice, friendly company. If anyone is interested, please send me a response back.

I bit my lip before hitting the 'Submit' button. Immediately, I wasn't sure if I should have. I wasn't kidding. I wasn't much of a risk taker, but the events today, and with those two idiots calling me out like that... I just had to make some extraordinary chances. Besides, the idea of losing my virginity was something that turned me on.

I'd gotten a couple of responses before sunset. Some seemed creepy, even a few with some extremely raunchy... but not completely unattractive guys dressed in leather and less. A few videos that got me more excited than interested. It just didn't strike me as anything I was interested in. I ended the night not really making any responses.

The next morning, I made my way back to Professor Plumber's class. It was still an hour before his class began. He glanced at me over the top corner of his glasses, then returned his eyes to his paperwork. "Mister Marsh." He said calmly. "A pleasure to have you back."

"So you do know who I am?" I asked. "Then why did you--"

Plumber sighed and pulled his glasses off, looking at me. "I do not tolerate tardiness." He said. "To me, you could have been none other than some urchin hoping to steal a bit of my class lecture."

"Uh-huh... for advanced Trig. I get you." I said sarcastically.

Plumber smirked ever so slightly. "You're a bright kid, Marsh." He said, leaning back on his seat. "You're smart. One of the top students from your graduating class, that's why I accepted you into mine. But I can't have you coming into my class late, can I?"

I smiled. "Thanks. I won't be late anymore."

"Good, then I'll expect you in class tomorrow morning then."


"Well, my advanced class is every Monday and Wednesday." He explained. "Unless you'd like to be an aid for my standard class."

My tail wagged a little and I couldn't help but blush. I thanked myself internally that I had fur to cover it up and I ran my paw down to the back of my head. "R-really? Well that would be great."

"Excellent." He said with a grin. "Then please be back in about thirty minutes."

I had to resist skipping out of the room, I was so excited to be taking such a big part in his class. I swung the doors wildly open and saw them bounce back as they hit someone standing behind them. "Oh, shit!" I exclaimed and grabbed the door. "Are you all--" I paused noticing Zeke being picked up off the floor by Tony. "...right?"

Zeke shot me a dirty look. "Yeah, no thanks to you, nerd boy." He said.

"What is it with you two? You're everywhere I turn!" I shouted.

"Funny how the universe works, ain't it?" He said. "Just back off." He grunted and shoved me aside as he walked down the hall. I watched after him and then continued on after the two had left my sight.

After Plumber's class, I headed to eat my lunch. I hadn't seen neither Tony or Zeke in a few hours at that point, and the incident that morning had all but completely slipped my mind. Sitting down at the cafe, I pulled my phone out to check my email; I'd had over four hundred new emails, to my surprise. All of them different responses to my ad. I was surprised, I hadn't even included a photo of myself, but I had four hundred entries from different guys wanting to jump my bones. I scoffed at some of the email subjects: "Hai Stud" "Hey Cutie" "Want 2 Stuff U" even "Hung Horny and 40" but not many of them really piqued my interest, until I got about halfway through the list and I saw a message that said simply "Hey there." There was no sexual innuindo in the subject like all the others, so I opened it.

"Hey there!

Sorry, I'm not good at these stupid things, I don't really answer advertisements like this at all, but, I dunno. I guess I just wanted to give it a try. I'm twenty myself, and I know what it's like to be a virgin longer than our high school buddies due to our... tastes I guess. But I'm interested in meeting with you, maybe we could hit it off or something. I'm not much of a bottom if you're looking to stuff some other dude, but I can go at your pace, and if we don't click no hard feelings.

Hope you email me back!"

I smiled at the email. It seemed so genuine, that it had to come from someone who was a person and not a creepy desperate sex fanatic. I knew I had to be careful. A simple response would be best.

"Hi. Thanks for the response, I'm kind of new to this thing too but I guess I already said that in my post. And I'm rambling again. Sorry for the wait, you wouldn't believe how many perverted responses I got, but it was worth the risk when I read your message. When should we meet?"

I'd learned a lot about "Skyrider01" during the day. His responses to my emails were pretty much clockwork, and I found a reply from him about every time I checked my email, which made it harder to concentrate on my classes. He was local, graduated High School two years ago and to my surprise attended the same school as I did, though I didn't tell him that part of it. I felt like telling him I was a husky would really give away who I was. This went on for almost the entire week before I finally got the last message to seal the bargain:

"My number is 746-2092, why don't we meet up at your place? We can talk some more, and if you want, we can do more?"

I was nervous, my heart was pounding as I typed in the number. It rang twice before it picked up. "Hello?" The voice on the other end was real, and it was soft and sweet, I was surprised.

"H-hey." I said.

"Well if it isn't T.Y.O.V." The voice answered jokingly, and somehow that made my heart race. "I see you got my last email, what do you think?"

"Well, I still live at my folks' place so I can afford school." I said. "But they're gone this weekend, maybe we could meet up then?"

"Sounds great. Hey listen, I have a friend who was interested in joining. He's kind of pushy, but I told him you probably weren't into that..."

"It's fine." The words choked out of me before I could stop myself.

"Really? I mean, we're totally harmless, and if you don't want to do anything we don't have to."

"N-no, really. I'm good with it. We can meet, and see what happens. You got a pen? I can give you my address."

I didn't even give him an address near my house like smart people do to meet up. I just gave him my full address and he said they would be there by six. I nervously walked home with my hands in my pockets, I didn't even remember if I'd gotten any homework or any assignments to complete for my classes, I was just hell bent on getting home before they had a chance to show up. I didn't even know Skyrider's real name. This was stupid... I moaned as I reached my front door and fell into it in frustration. Why was I so desperate to lose my virginity that I'd invite strangers over to my house when my parents weren't even home.

It was nearly six when the butterflies really started kicking up in my stomach. I must have taken four showers just to make sure I was clean enough and was just finishing off drying when I heard the doorbell ring. I threw on a pair of shorts and a nice t-shirt before dashing to the door and throwing it open. "YOU!?" I exclaimed in shock.

Zeke was on the other side of the door, dressed rather nicely with a polo shirt and jeans, a leather jacket was slung over his shoulders. He smelled nice, he must have added some cologne too. He slid his sunglasses off his muzzle and chuckled as he looked at me. "Holy hell." He said. "I can't believe how this one turned out."

"Unbelievable!" I groaned. "So what, is this some kind of a trolling? Or were you not the one I was expecting?"

"Well T.Y.O.V. Why don't you tell me?" He smirked. "Man, of all the ads I could have answered, I found yours to be the cutest of them all. I don't think "jackpot" has enough to say about it."

"This is insane." I said. "And I guess Tony is your "friend" right?"

"You guessed it, he should be along in a bit." Zeke chuckled and looked around. "This is a nice place, so you're with your 'rents until you can afford to live on your own, huh?" He asked.

"Yeah." I admitted. "But I don't think this is--mmph?!"

My toes curled at the kiss. Zeke had backed me into a wall and planted one on me so quickly that I didn't even have a moment to breathe. He was so gentle, his tongue tasted so warm and salty as it slithered along the roof of my mouth and then tangled with my tongue. His hands were strong as they gripped my biceps. He smelled good but I couldn't breathe with this much cologne in my face. I couldn't help it, I grew hard so quickly and he pressed himself against me allowing me to feel his own bulge, which pressed against my stomach. It took a few minutes for me to recover as he parted his lips from mine. He sighed and smiled. "Just wanted to see if you were serious." He said.

"Got the stuff, I miss anything?" Tony asked, coming in through the door we'd slipped behind. "Woah! Ain't that Max?" I noticed a bottle in his hand, it looked clear like lube, which made me even more nervous.

"Observant." Zeke said. "But let's take this slow why don't we?" The wolf placed his palms on my chest, giving me a squeeze. "I don't think we have to worry about ol' Max here."

He kissed me again, and my heart radiated with heat as it pounded. I inhaled sharply as the larger wolf pulled me into him. I'd gotten used to his scent already, and already he had crept his hands down into my shorts and grabbed my bare ass; I don't think he got the same definition of slow as I did, but I didn't mind. My hands wrapped around Zeke's waist and I held him against me. He chuckled a bit as he parted the kiss again, he tugged my shirt up over my head and quickly tossed it aside. His hands retreated from my shorts and crawled up to my chest, he grasped each of my nipples, and I turned my head away slightly, allowing him the opportunity to nip and suckle against the fur along my neck. I moaned a bit, I had no idea it could feel so good. He wetly washed my nipples with his tongue as he pressed me against the wall a bit harder this time, using his fingers to drag my shorts down a bit. My cock felt the cool air in the room briefly before Zeke pressed himself against it with his warm bulge. Somehow he had gotten his pants opened and a pair of briefs met my crotch with warmth. I drew back his jacket, letting it fall off his shoulders, and land with a thump behind them. He leaned back momentarily to pull his shirt up over his head, revealing a rather well built physique that surprised even me.

His lips returned to mine and he pushed me against the wall again. It didn't hurt, it wasn't forced, but I felt pinned against it. I didn't care though, my hands went down his muscular back and came to the waistband of his briefs I tugged down at them and he pushed up against me, I could feel my thighs squeeze his cock.

"You sure you're ready for this?" He said. "It'll probably hurt for your first time."

I blushed, feeling my cock soaking his pants as I stepped out of mine. "I w-want this..." I said nervously.

I'd had practice, a toy I played around with on occasion, but I was ravenously ready for the real thing. The kiss lasted longer now, my hands successfully revealed more of the wolf's rump and his cock eventually dragged itself out of hiding, bouncing against my balls as he pushed himself up against me, between my legs. I gasped a bit and felt Zeke struggle a moment to get out of his clothes.

"Tony. Give me the stuff." He said, gesturing to the dane who was unabashedly jacking off on the couch, his pants were already around his ankles and he was already using the lube to stroke his thick meat. He tossed Zeke the tube and the wolf doused a generous amount on his fingers before pressing them against my ass. I whimpered and grunted, feeling the cool liquid suddenly turn warm in my ass. He pulled my legs up and around him, forcing me to hold onto him and he began to press his warmth against me.

He grunted as he pushed against me, my ass screamed out in pain and I gasped as he made his way in. I hadn't taken anything so thick before, and I wasn't sure I'd be able to. I started to protest, but the wolf growled and suddenly I felt a pop, and the momentary pain subsided. Slowly, he began to push himself up into me, using the wall as his stopping point as he started to quicken his pace. The pain had long vanished and was replaced by an overwhelming desire to cum. "Ahhhh! Ahhhh!" I cried out loudly, suddenly feeling his warmth filling me the lube sloshed in my ass, making a soft squeaking noise as his flesh and mine intertwined. His breath grew more rapid and he kissed me again, more passionately this time. My eyes spotted Tony, who was really getting into it, pulling his shirt off and leaning back to masturbate, long, leaky streams of white coming off his tip as he watched the two of us go at it.

After a few minutes of this, Zeke changed positions, he pulled himself from my insides and lowered me to the floor. As he gestured me to kneel on the floor, I took the lead a bit and dropped to my hands, raising my ass. The wolf grinned toothily and grabbed my backside before re-entering me. I cried out and watched a trail of precum pour from my cock and onto the floor. Tony had gotten up too and was standing over me stroking his shaft. I obliged his position quickly and wrapped my muzzle around that cock, making the dane shudder and groan deeply. I couldn't take much more of this, I was leaking like a sieve, each pounding Zeke did to my ass brought me closer and closer to the edge. But it didn't take long for Tony to set off. He grabbed my head and forced himself hard down my throat as he growled and let off several guttural grunts. His body seized up and there was a sudden flood of warmth pouring down my throat. I gagged a bit, the taste wasn't like I expected, but I enjoyed it. "AHHHhah!" He sounded off as he pulled himself clear of my mouth and ended up shooting one or two loads across my snout.

"Ahhhgh! FUCK!" Zeke belted out next and I felt the pressure build up in my ass. I was still gurgling out cum, so it felt as though Zeke had shot clear through me and flooded my body there was so much of it. I felt Zeke's legs buckle and shudder, the head of his cock must have hit that soft spot in my ass, because suddenly my stomach clenched up and my own cock exploded under us, shooting cum in an uncontrolled wave along the floor and into my fur and face at the same time. I could feel Tony's cock dripping on my scalp, which intensified the experience.

"AAAHHROOOHHHH..." I howled out like a feral dog, cumming harder than I'd ever cum before. But this climax wasn't meant to last, and soon I collapsed on the floor.

"A-are you okay, Max?" Zeke asked, taking my hand and helping me to his feet.

I smiled a bit, I could see that the wolf genuinely cared about my well being, Tony placed his hands on my shoulder too and pressed his naked body against mine, almost sparking another erection, but I was just so spent that it wasn't even possible just yet. "Y-yeah... just a lot to take in." I said, and looked around. "And a lot of mess to clean up."

"Well, hey. You got all weekend, right?" Zeke asked, pressing against my front and giving me a soft kiss. "Who says you gotta clean it up now?"

I blushed a bit. "I-I guess we could spend some more time together." I said.

"And hey... me and Tony's dorm's open too." Zeke said. "If you wanted to stop by or... or stay even, I don't think we'd mind."

"Let's not rush things too much." I blushed, remembering the mess I'll have to clean up. "At least... beyond all this anyway."

I deleted my ad that night before going to bed with my new friends. I was no longer a virgin, and I thought I might as well keep these two around a little longer.


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