For the One in the West - CH 2

Story by Jasriella on SoFurry

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The second chapter of Yerick and Stella's loving relationship. It's among my first ever erotic stories and I don't know if I'll ever really continue on this or not.

Yerick and Stela laid together near the mouth of their cave. The three hatchlings fast asleep curled up together where their nest used to be. Yerick marveled at the bond the three hatchlings had with each other. They were nearing fledging and had very little squabbles amongst each other. Yerick remembered his time as a human, how siblings constantly fought and argued with each other. He'd even heard of wars being fought between brothers over control of their lands. There seemed to be no such sibling rivalries with dragons. Just a strong bond that grew stronger as they grew together.

Stela brushed her snout along Yerick's neck as they laid together watching the sun set from inside their den. The hatchlings would soon be leaving the den to find a life of their own. They would always be welcome back but soon the den would be crowded if they stayed as another clutch would bring new hatchlings. Stela wanted more hatchlings and Yerick was more than willing to oblige, but right now it just wasn't time the hatchlings they had now weren't yet old enough to fully survive on their own and still had much to learn of life. Yerick taught them all he could although Stela inherently knew much more about surviving as a dragon. It seemed she was teaching him as much as she taught the hatchlings.

Yerick wanted very much to fill Stela with his seed once again. He could while she was with eggs and did many times but after laying her eggs he had to stop soon or risk having multiple clutches and starving the land around their den of food to feed the crowded den. There was a balance Yerick learned. Having young was a wonderful thing but he had to make sure he didn't over-hunt the area around their den. So to keep from overpopulating he had to let his seed out somewhere else instead of Stela's slit. They were very creative.

That night Stela was exceptionally horny. Her belly almost ached yearning for eggs once again. She told Yerick that it was possible for her to lay eggs without his seed but they wouldn't be fertile and not to worry if she ever did. She began to wonder if she continued to deny herself Yerick's seed that she might lay a false clutch.

Yerick curled his wing and rolled to his side exposing his belly to Stela. His penis was beginning to peek out from his slit and it was all the encouragement Stela needed. She had taken a liking to mating on the ground. Dragons normally mated in flight except for the few that had gotten hurt and were left to stay on the ground. She also had taken a great liking indulging in individual pleasuring. It was a human thing as dragons never really mated for pleasure but Yerick wasn't dragon born.

Stela moved her head over and began licking Yerick's penis tip. The moment her tongue brushed him his shaft sprang to life emerging from his slit fully erecting and his knot formed. Her tongue traveled up and down the length of his shaft as she tasted him savoring every bit of the sweet flavor. She then focused her tongue around his tip pressing down and rubbing her tongue against the sensitive part making Yerick grumble with pleasure with each stroke. Her paw found his knot and she massaged the round bulge as she licked him.

Yerick couldn't hold back and in minutes muffled growls of pleasure escaped through clenched jaws trying not to wake the hatchlings as he hit his peak of orgasm. Cum surged from his shaft as his groin spasmed from pleasure and Stela happily watched his seed pumped all over his belly and the ground. She cleaned her lover's belly of any cum and Yerick laid there catching his breath as she finished.

It was Stela's turn and she rolled onto her back and spread her hind legs exposing her slit to the midnight sky. This was the lovers' first go at oral mating and Yerick was excited to finally get to make his love writh with pleasure beneath his jaws.

Yerick moved beside his love and laid down on his belly facing Stela's tail and moved his head between her legs admiring her slit. Such wonderous things came from there. It was a wealth of pleasure and brought eggs which gave them three beautiful hatchlings. Dipping down he savored her sweet scent and brushed her lips with his forked tongue. Stela gave a start at the warm wetness that slid over her and watched as he licked. Yerick remembered that women had a sensitive spot that made them have orgasms without penetration so maybe dragons did too. He pressed his paw against her slit opening her lips and there was a small nipple that lay exposed and he brushed his tongue along it. Stela groaned from the shocking pleasure and her tail writhed. He continued licking her clit and Stela's groans began to intensify. Her tail thrashed and Stela cried through clinched jaws as she clawed the rock floor doing her best not to be too loud as orgasm overwhelmed her.

Stela's pleasure excited Yerick and his penis slowly erected once again and it painfully pressed against the ground. Standing up Yerick moved to face his love and step over her but Stela rolled back over and stood.

"It's my turn to be on top for once."

Yerick laid back down and rolled to his back. His shaft pointing along his body raised and ready as Stella moved and stood over him, her slit just above his shaft. Slowly she lowered herself onto him taking his length inside her. Yerick relished in her warm wet pleasurable inner walls as her slit engulfed his length. A slight push and his knot was inside her and she sat her belly flat against his. Slowly she began rising and falling sliding his shaft inside her as his knot pushed in and out of her making Yerick breath heavily from the pleasure that began throbbing. She kept going and his pleasure surged as he made a futile attempt to try and tell her he was about to pump his seed. He wanted so badly to fill her but they didn't want another clutch just yet with a den of hatchlings already but his attempts to tell her turned into rumbled gurgles of pleasure. Stela thought if she stopped now his pleasure would fade but it was already too late and when Stela lowered herself to keep his length in her it was just enough to push him over the edge and he began pumping his seed as a light orgasm filled his groin to his shaft.

Stela thought stopping then would work but felt her belly begin to warm as his seed filled her and she looked down to her lover's shaft as it pulsed with each pump of cum. Some seeped from her slit down her shaft and a look of satisfaction and disappointment filled her as much as his cum did. Yerick felt horrible for going against their plan and felt he let her down by not being able to hold back his orgasm. It was a feeling the couple shared.

"I'm sorry just kept going and...."

Stela realized he felt as disappointed in himself as she did in herself and leaned down and licked his snout.

"It's ok. We'll make it work. Maybe it's our punishment for our over-indulgence."

"I suppose."

Stela raised herself from him and moved into the cave laying down with their hatchlings making a half circle around them with her tail. Yerick rolled himself back over and joined her completing the circle. The couple laid their heads beside each other and together watched their young sleep. Stela thought for a moment and relished in the thought of having more beautiful little jewels like the three they watched.

"If you had ever asked just once that you wanted another clutch I would have given you one."

Yerick's heart lifted and the love he felt for her flourished. Stela's love and devotion astonished him and he wondered if he would ever be able to survive without her. He would do anything for her and without he would lose the will to live.

"All I want is to keep you happy and safe."

"You know nothing makes me happier than your love and our hatchlings."

Stela licked Yerick's snout and slowly began drifting to sleep. Yerick watched as his love faded into a blissful slumber and uttered two soft words before falling asleep himself.

"Thank you."

For the One in the West - CH 1

"You realize young Yerick that once you've changed there is no going back?" Yerick thought for a moment that if the sorcerer was able to change him into a dragon that it was probably possible to be changed back. The sorcerer was already doing him a...

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