I heard the crowd start chanting my nickname over and over again "clutch! clutch! clutch! clutch!" clutch fever had caught on, and i fed off this excitement. i was going to need all the help i can get for this next batter.
The Clutch
He lay there for a moment, clutching the sides of his head as his ears rung and the acrid scent of ozone filled his nostrils. he tried to call out, but found he could no longer hear himself, or anything for that matter.
He's a border collie named clutch. you'll see soon where he got that nickname. enjoy! i was driving along with my friend clutch, a black-and-white border collie with a red left eye and a blue right eye.
Clutches of the Dragon
Who can escape the clutches of the dragon? certainly not this guy ^_^ contains: m/m, transgender (m to feminized m), dragons, heavy domination / mind alteration themes and transformation. the listing jarred trent horberton out of his stupor.
Emancipation: Clutching
"he'll be full soon, never take too many from a clutch after all."
The Harpy's Clutch
"but you know my clutch day now." kassia blushed. "if you ever feel like stopping by and using me again...
The Dragon's Clutch
"then it is accepted, the clutch about to be laid will be witnessed and accepted by the protesting members as kephis' clutch.
The Clutch of Dragons
"then i'll give you another clutch, then another...
A New Clutch
And when she was done laying, he would have a chance to try and fill her again with the next clutch. what a perfectly lovely way to greet his new clutch into the world.
Leiana's Clutch
"i told you this was my fourth clutch, silly! i know what i'm doing." "but it's new to me, so i don't know what's normal yet." hana knelt down next her friend and took the taur's paw in her hands.
A clutch of sixteen: ten males, six females. inheriting your prowess, though not many can compare to the original." she smirked. i hear a clucking sound in my left ear. mother's stifled laughter.
For the One in the West - CH 1
"would you like a clutch love?" yerick looked back up into stela's piercing blue slitted eyes. he wanted nothing else than to have a clutch with his love. "of course."