Confusion part 8

Story by zenman on SoFurry

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#8 of Confusion...

Note: David dose not belong to me he is XtigerX's character so please ask him if you would like to use David.

The Painful Confession:

Zen looked in Richards's eyes and backed away from the window.

Richard still smiling at the young snow leopard.

Zen moved away from the window and curled in his bed.

"I shouldn't have...why did I let him? What if he tells David any ways? No, no...."

Zen mind was rushing not knowing what to think.

Zen heard the door open and he froze. ‘Oh no it's Richard again!' Zen thought as he pressed him self in his bed.

"Zen are you home?" It was Mark.

Zen lifted his head and looked at his door. "I'm in my room."

Zen heard Mark talking to some one.

Mark went up stairs and into Zen's room.

"Hey are you ok?"

"I'm fine, leave me alone."

"But I brought Moon."

Zen looked up and saw Moon through his tears.

"Are you alright Zen?" Moon asked sitting on the bed next to Zen's legs.

"I'm fine."


"What did you want?"

"Oh ummm...oh yeah I just wanted to tell you I never slept with Mark we only go out to bars and stuff we came close to it one time though but it never happened."


"I just wanted to let you know that."

"Well you should really talk to Mel about that, I'm not the one married to him."

"Ok..." Moon looked at the bed and then looked back at Zen


Moon gestured his hand so Zen would look at the center of the bed. Zen froze; he didn't do any thing with the sheets because he was crying so much.

Moon didn't want mark to hear their conversation because Zen looked sad about some thing, so he whispered "What were you doing?"

Zen stared back at him then looked down. "Nothing..."

"Zen you can tell me."

"I don't want to talk about it now...."

"Ok just tell me when you are ready."


‘Why is moon more of a father figure than Mark?' Zen looked at the two and rolled over not talking to them. Mark and Moon just looked at each other and Moon motioned Mark out of the room. Moon saying they will be back later left the room.

A tear fell from Zen's eye as he recalled the event that just occurred. Hours passed and Zen washed every thing. He went back to his room and looked out the window only to see the badger staring him down. Moving away from the window Zen wrapped him self in his blanket and went to sleep.

Moon looked at mark not knowing what to say to the husky. The otter roaming the house trying to think of the right words to say to both the huskies. Moon sat on the couch and placed his head in his paws. Looking at the clock Moon noticed it was only 9:30. ‘Why did we come so early?' Moon thought to himself.

Zen came out of his room 30 minuets later and went in the kitchen. Looking at the clock he saw he only had two hours left before he had to leave and commit his second offense toward David. Zen got some water and sat at the table looking back to the day before and asking himself, ‘How could I have done this...' Glancing up at Moon he saw that the otter was giving him a concerned look. Zen looked away and left the house.

Looking at the house next to his he saw that the badger was on the porch. Zen gasped and looked away but it was too late. "Hey Kitten, come here." Zen walked a little faster but the badgers words made him stop in his tracks. "I guess you do want me to tell David you are cheating on him." Zen looked at the badger with eyes full of sorrow.

"Now get over here now." Richard demanded. Zen looked down walking slowly to Richards yard. After a very slow walk Zen reached the porch and looked at the badger.

"Go in side and to my room." Richard said having a slight grin.

As the small snow leopard made his way in the house he noticed that Richards belongings were everywhere. ‘Are his parents letting him put his stuff any where?' Zen thought. "What are you looking at?" Richard said as he grabbed Zen's arm. Zen tried to pull his arm away but the badger had a strong grip. Zen looked away from the badger and thoughts of David came into his mind. ‘I miss you David...' Zen couldn't help but think.

Richard pulled Zen to his room and closed the door, locking it. "Now kitty, on your knees." Zen looked away and started to move down. Zen looked up, "Richard I can't do this." Richard scolded Zen a little and then brought David back up but this time Zen snapped. "Now kitty undo my pants and rub my sheath." Zen undid Richard's pants but instead of rubbing his sheath he grabbed his balls and squeezed. Richard's eyes widened as he yowled in pain. Standing up Zen punched Richard hard in the face and ran as the badger fell to the floor.

Reaching the door Zen found that he needed a key to get out. Looking for another ways out his eyes came on the window. Looking at Richard starting to recover Zen kicked him in the stomach and opened the window, then leaped out. Using his claws he clung to the side of his house and leaped from wall to wall going down with every leap.

As he reached the floor he looked up to see Richard looking down at him and turning into his room. Zen made a dash down the street not looking back.

Reaching Perlita's house he looked at thought. ‘I can't go in there....she'll know some thing is up.'. -Ring, ring- *click* "Hello?......really?! Thank you so much...ok bye."

Zen turned and ran home.

"Mark where are you?" Zen yelled as he ran through the door. "In the kitchen." "Can you take me to the hospital?" Mark went in the front room and looked at Zen. "Sure."

Zen pulled Mark out to the car and they drove fast. Reaching the hospital Zen jumped out and went to the elevator. Reaching the desired floor Zen went down the hall and into David's room.

"David?" Zen went in slowly. " that you?" David said in almost an exhausted voice. "Yes it's me love." Zen went to his side and gave him a big hug. "Are you alright?" Zen asked worried. "Yeah I'm fine, just a little tired from all the meds they got me on." Zen sighed with relief. "How have you been Zen?" Zen broke eye contact for a moment. "I'm fine." David looked at Zen with a slightly cocked head. "Are you sure?" David asked moving closer to Zen. "Yeah I'm fine." Zen was trying not to break eye contact again. "Zen, I know you better than that...what's wrong?" Zen looked at David and sighed. "David...."


"I'm...I'm sorry.."

"For what?"

"David...-sigh-...I wanted to know what happened..."

"What did you do?" David asked worried. "You didn't hurt your self did you?"

"...." Zen started to tear up. "David.....I..."

"You what?"

"I yiffed.."

David looked at Zen....shocked. "W-what did you say?" David sat up and was face to face with Zen. David was looking at Zen wide eyed. "D-did I hear you right?" David grabbed Zen. "Please tell me your lying....please Zen...tell me this is just a joke..." Zen looked away. "I'm sorry David..." David lay back not knowing what to do. "Who did you yiff?" Zen looked away and started to cry. "Zen, Who did you yiff?, please tell me."

"I don't want to hurt you."

"Just tell me...please?"

"I yiffed....Richard."

David stared at Zen, not moving, hardly breathing. "Z-Zen...." David's facial expression was a mix of sadness and anger as the tiger started to cry.

I can't believe I did this to them...Sorry guys...And sorry for such a long time in posting this...I forgot about my stories. but I'll try to make them a little longer than this one and less time in posting them.

Hope you guys liked it and hope to see comments.