The Offer

Story by interloper on SoFurry

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#3 of The Red Ones

Down on his luck and in debt to a local crime lord, a man grudgingly accepts a very unusual approach to repaying him...

(Author's Note: If it were not for Guri, this story would not have happened. It was written at his request, and we discussed and exchanged ideas on many parts of it. Also, as you can probably tell, it exists in the universe of the Red Ones, at a point on the timeline before creating them was outlawed.)

Terek was no stranger to dubious situations. As was the case with most of his type, the aggravating factor was money, and not having enough of it. His skills had never been the type that fit particularly well on resumes, and the type of jobs he did qualify for didn't exactly sit well with the lifestyle he was interested in: a nice place to live, enough flash to impress, liaisons that weren't just trashy rutting with some anonymous Red One in an alley somewhere. So, he'd decided to take some risks that seemed more than commensurate with the possible rewards.

Predictably, then, the first money that had gotten him in trouble was that which he'd found himself owing to the government. They'd caught him, unsurprisingly, dealing in contraband: to wit, several conspicuous art objects that had been "liberated" from their well-to-do owners by some other like-minded entrepreneurial individuals. Since it was technically more of a white-collar crime, and not one deserving of the ultimate sanction, he'd merely faced confiscations and fines - not, however, at a level that he was readily able to pay. Still, there were other ways to make a quick buck - such as gambling, for example, which seemed more than reasonable given his reputation as a card shark. Unfortunately, his reputation was more in his own mind and among his equally-inept friends, and the net result was that he'd lost his initial stake and was even further from paying off what he'd owed. In retrospect, perhaps he shouldn't have doubled down on the situation, pulling an easy loan from a less-than-reputable source and trying to win it all back. He'd lost that, too, and while he'd scrounged around for other work after that, he hadn't exactly been able to keep up with the payments, and the interest had skyrocketed - as had the frequency of certain unsavory characters coming to his door with more and more vociferous demands. He couldn't pay what he didn't have, though, and by the time he'd awakened on that fateful morning, he truly had no idea just exactly how much was currently owed. He'd naively figured that eventually, they'd see that he'd never be able to make good on it and just write it off, maybe throw a beating his way and be done with it.

What he hadn't expected to wake up to, though, was three bulky gentlemen wearing slate-grey suits and fedoras that matched the color of their feline fur sitting squeezed together on the nearby couch, having unceremoniously let themselves in. Terek felt his heart sink into his chest, and it somehow managed to fall even further as the gentleman in the middle, who he recognized as the loan shark that had floated him the initial loan, pulled a sizable length of steel pipe that had somehow been concealed within his suit jacket and thudded it meaningfully in his hand.

"You see," the man had said, in an eerily measured and genteel tone, "we're not unaware of how the world works. It has been made more than clear to us that the sum we are owed will not be recovered through more traditional means, as by now the amount of that sum had climbed to something quite remarkable. Unless... you wouldn't, by chance, happen to have 300,000 credits lying around with which to resolve this particular predicament?"

Terek, of course, shook his head, as that amount was certainly more than he'd ever had at one time, and possibly more than the total he'd accumulated in his business dealings to date.

"Ah, well. I suppose, then, I'll simply have to give you a somewhat less pleasant set of options. Now, I can assume from your unsightly quivering, that you think I'm here to see you injured... made an example of."

Terek gulped nervously, but nodded.

"Makes sense. And if, say, your debt had been minor enough, 25 grand or so, perhaps we would have tuned you up a little, given you some more incentive to get payment together. The problem with you, though, is that your debt seems to have gone much higher than your ability to pay. Even with some additional motivation, the sum total of assets that you could scrape together, even if I gave you several years, would probably only put a small dent in it. What that means, of course, is that since you lack the wherewithal to pay us directly, you will have to pay us back in some other way."

He gestured to one of the other men, who placed a manila envelope down on the coffee table, shaking it slightly until a handful of photos edged out from the opening, seemingly portraying a handful of random people. "The first way, of course, is to do some things for us directly. Thing it makes little sense for those of us in our organization to risk. High-risk robberies. Assassinations. The kind of thing that makes you a Red One if you get caught. However, complete them successfully, and we take a huge chunk out of your debt. Do a good handful successfully, and we part ways, your debt paid in full. Oh, and I suppose if you're caught, it'll be cancelled too - not that it will do you much good if that happens."

He paused, looking directly at Terek, a tight little grin flashing a meaningful glimpse of teeth. "So, that's one way. However, as your debt being called in coincides precisely with another need of ours that has recently come up, there is another option. You see, our organization, of course, has a diverse set of businesses, and one of the others caters to clients with certain specific, expensive tastes. In this case, a particularly expensive and particularly complicated one. You see, what he wants is a... plaything, of sorts, one that he can form to his specific image, and interact with in a way that's not precisely standard."

"A... plaything?"

"A female plaything," the man replied, and Terek gulped again. Killing people, serious crimes like that, he knew were things that were not at all in his nature, but the other option wasn't sounding particularly better.

Unsurprisingly, the man didn't seem particularly fazed by Terek's expression. He reached into his coat, withdrawing from it several folded sheets of paper, which he set down on the table next to the envelope. "So, option two. You sign a contract with him, and undergo the conversion process he specified, which, from a legal standpoint, would make you a proprietor. However, for all practical purposes, you will serve him exclusively - and by exclusively, I mean of course that you will be his pet, his plaything, to generally do with as he pleases. You will be kept in his house, you will at most be dressed in underwear if he even allows that, always be at his beck and call, and obey his every command and whim. Play along with that scheme, though, and your debt is whittled down through your compliant service. I get paid a finder's fee up front for converting you, and your proprietor fee also goes to me every time you are fucked, which means that eventually your debt will be paid - relatively quickly, in fact, given that such a service commands a premium several times higher than the basic rate. And so, some months down the road, assuming you have any shred of free will left, you should be able to go on your merry way - and with the built-in capability of an honorable profession for the first time in your degenerate life."

He walked over to a nearby table along the side of the wall, shoving a vase onto the floor and setting down the papers, as well as a small pen made from a smooth, polished metal. "I'm sure you can see by now that the choice is simple. You will serve us in one way or other - either with extreme risk and potentially violence, or submissively on your knees. True, your life will change dramatically either way, but surely you must have known that was your fate the moment you walked into this room." He paused for a moment, glancing between the two objects on the table. "Of course, judging from your apparent personality, I really can't see you taking the violent route, so I think it's probably best if you just sign the papers and get it over with. In fact, unless you want to feel depressed right off the bat, I wouldn't put much stock into actually reading them. It hardly matters what they say, does it? Everything spelled out is legal enough for the contract to stand, and as you can technically choose other options to get square with us, you're not actually being extorted into it. In fact, if you somehow really do have that 300,000 you can pull from somewhere, turn it over to us, and this all goes away, but if not, I'd suggest you get signing."

Terek looked down at the two sets of documents lying on the table, bleakly contemplating the various options. He certainly didn't have the 300,000 - if he did, after all, he'd probably never have been in his situation in the first place. There was no way he could scrape even a tenth of it together on short notice, though, which left...

"I'm guessing I can't refuse both of those options..."

The man gave a short, sharp laugh at that. "Hey, it's not like you get to refuse entirely. You can voluntarily sign that contract, or you can refuse to, implicitly choosing the other one. And, well... we got into your apartment. How hard do you really think it will be to grab you off the street? We do that, stuff you in a van, and the next thing you know, you're in front of a bank wearing a ski mask and holding an automatic weapon. Once you're there, like that, there's no running away from it, and either you succeed, or you end up someone's bitch anyway - or, more accurately, the entire city's bitch. You take that risk and succeed, like I said, you're home free. Sign the papers, though, and there's no such risk. No risk of being killed, No risk of becoming a Red One. Humiliated, maybe, and certainly fucked, but there's no risk in it. Unpleasant for a while, but then it's over. Maybe, someday, you can even make enough to have the conversion reversed and go back to your male self. And really, given your luck at gambling, I can't imagine you not wanting to go for the sure thing this time."

The loan shark, of course, was right - Terek knew better, at least, than to gamble with his own life, especially since trying to take on ventures like that without a set of skills he certainly didn't have... well, those would be long odds, indeed. Not to mention, being a woman still meant survival, and humiliation was something you could walk away from, something you could live with. Killing someone, though... that was another weight entirely, and one that Terek knew was beyond his capacity to carry.

So, as predicted, he walked around to the other side of the table, the other two men moving to stand close to him as he approached their boss, probably to ensure that he didn't make any desperation strikes of his own. He flipped through the pages, not really bothering to read them - after all, as they'd already mentioned, what would really be the point of rehashing the specifics of the fate he was resigning himself to? - and signed on the bottom of each one. Then the loan shark had folded up the papers and tucked them away, one of the men to his side had pulled out an injector gun and pressed it to his neck, and that had been that.

The next few weeks passed in variable stages of heavily-drugged consciousness. For the actual change, of course, he'd been all the way out, but even afterwards they'd kept him - her, now - on heavy doses of something, probably to ensure that she didn't make any efforts to sneak away from what was surely a private, no-questions-asked medical facility where the procedure had been done. She had vague memories, of wobbling about on differently-angled legs, of pissing from a considerably different place, of trying to ignore the weird feeling of fur and clothing brushing against the new rows of breastlets and their attendant, distressingly sensitive nipples. It was mostly a blur, though, her head lost in a pharmaceutical cloud, and by the time the haze even partially lifted, she'd found herself in the wide leather backseat of some sort of car as it was driven along a winding, tree-lined road - and then another injector, and another period of time that passed blankly by.

When she'd finally awakened, rubbing her head and shaking off the last of the cobwebs, she found herself in a small, canopied bed, made up with deep purple sheets of a fine, satiny fabric. It was situated in a small, high-ceilinged bedroom with cream-colored walls, or at least three of them were - the other was a wall-length mirror, probably there, she figured, to serve as a constant reminder of her current state. Aside from that, the only other things in the room were a small end table and a short, narrow chest of drawers, both made from the same sort of dark wood, lacquered and neatly polished but otherwise unadorned.

Terek got gingerly out of bed, realizing as she did so that she had, in fact, been naked under the sheets, and try as she might, she couldn't keep herself from staring at her reflection in the mirror, out of curiosity if nothing else. Even a quick glance left no doubt about just how much things had changed. After all, as the loan shark had intimated, it hadn't just been a direct transformation, with everything else remaining the same. Of course, any feminization surgery changed some things to bring out a more female appearance, but this transformation had gone quite a bit further.

Of course, the most obvious things were easy enough to predict: the slight hint of bare-skinned ridges trailing off between her legs, and the puffed-out rows of breastlets turning her chest into a landscape of rolling hills and valleys, with a soft pink nipple rising noticeably through the surrounding fur at each peak. The rest of her body, though, had been almost as dramatically rewritten. It hadn't just been the softening of the original form with more feminine curves, but everything seemed to have been reshaped, from the bones on up. From ear-tips to toe-paws, she was nearly a foot shorter, petite and towards the thin side of normal in a significant departure from Terek's original stocky, reasonably muscular stature. The muscles that he'd half-prided himself on, of course, were gone along with his cock, replaced by subtler female ones that looked fit and sleek rather than particularly strong.

The change in fur pattern was nearly as dramatic. Gone was the rough grey-black speckled fur that had seemed neither impressive or ugly, but just adequate enough. It had been replaced by the unmistakable pattern of the traditional Siamese cats of antiquity, with short, fine cream-colored fur over most of her body, fading across a smooth gradient through brown along her extremities and face to a dark, jet black on her hands, feet, nose and ear-tips, and accompanied by the thin blue proprietor's stripe in certain usually-visible areas. By any measure, it would have been exotic, but at the moment it lent itself to a strange sense of otherness that went beyond the change in sex and other transformations.

Even stranger, she realized when she looked back up, was her face - while everything else had looked so different, she had hoped that perhaps there would still be remnants, even if feminized, of the old Terek appearance in her face. That, however, had been reshaped like the rest, not just feminized but rearranged, the angles of the muzzle shifted and the cheekbones raised, and a dozen other subtle details besides; even her eyes were brighter and wider, with ice-blue irises instead of the usual, typical green. In short, looking back at her in the mirror was essentially a total stranger, something that Terek was sure would have been far more terrifying if she hadn't been halfway-petrified by all of the other changes. It was more, in fact, a sense of creeping dread: the Terek that he'd known all his life was suddenly, irrevocably gone, no trace left in her new body save for perhaps a few remnants somewhere in her genes. In its place was something new, and something wholly unmistakable as anything but a woman.

Not, of course, that it was a particularly troubling-looking woman - in fact, the female figure in the mirror was the picture of petite, demure beauty, surely an image crafted precisely as the person she would be answering to desired. There was still somehow at least enough masculinity left in Terek's thoughts that she could clearly appreciate the beauty facing her, the beauty that she ostensibly was - if Terek had still been a man, she knew that she would have been on top of her newfound form in a second. Trouble was, though, that Terek was most definitely no longer that man, and was more than well aware that such aggressive male behavior would now be something that wouldn't be driving Terek, but rather something that would certainly be forcefully directed her way.

Terek glanced back at the reflection, sighing as she suddenly felt much less enamored with it. After all, she knew exactly why she'd been redesigned that way, knew the kind of thing that she'd been signed up for. And as much as she wanted to feel defiant about her contractual near-captivity, as much as she wanted to feel furious at the loan shark and the man who had all but purchased her and brought her here, she knew that she couldn't. If this was where the story of her life had brought her so far, it was one in which she had willingly penned most of the pages. Terek had committed the crimes, gotten into debt, made stupid decision after stupid decision until he'd gotten so far into it that there had only been one barely palatable one left open to him. And, at least so far, it seemed the far better of the two: instead of wielding a weapon and staring danger, death, or the horrid consequence of being a Red One in the face, she was instead standing in a nice, bright room, her fur clean, well-brushed and free of tangles, and aside from being naked, feeling remarkably unmolested. Of course, that particular part would probably soon change, but it was hard to see how it could possibly be worse than the other possible fates that could have awaited had she chosen differently. This was hardly a situation she'd wanted to be in, for sure, but if this was to be the consequence for everything Terek had done wrong to date, it seemed like it might, at least, be a tolerable penance.

She walked over to the chest of drawers, noting that there were only two of them, and upon opening them each in turn, she made the depressing realization that this was probably the full extent of clothing she would be provided to wear in her new position. Which was to say, of course, that it wasn't much at all: both drawers appeared to contain nothing but several neatly-folded rows of panties, most of them sheer or frilly or otherwise adorned with features designed to arouse. That would, apparently, be the extent of her covering, providing just the barest modesty for her most intimate female parts, while leaving the remainder of her new form on display for whoever had purchased her contract. Still, as depressingly inadequate as it was, it was still more clothing than Red Ones were allowed, and at least provided the slightest shred of dignity. In fact, in a certain way, it was probably kind of efficient - after all, she was under no particular illusions about what she was surely there for, and so there was little reason to fuss with more clothing than necessary while fulfilling that. Besides, from what she could feel the place was precisely climate-controlled, and even in her bare fur she'd felt perfectly comfortable.

She picked some at random, a black, silky-feeling pair that probably offset her new fur color even more, casually pulling them on and snugging them into place like she'd been doing it all her life, strangely comfortable with how it felt to wear them. Obviously, drugged or not, they'd done something in the interim to help her adapt seamlessly to the new form. In fact, the more she thought about it, the more everything felt pretty much normal, with everything in its place. Terek had always wondered a little, before, how it would feel to change like that - would everything just feel phenomenally different? Would there be some sense of a phantom penis, that you could still feel but couldn't touch, like someone who'd lost a limb? And yet, there wasn't anything like that at all. While she could still conjure up some memories of her old self, could see in her mind the male Terek fucking or jacking off, there seemingly wasn't any accompanying memory of the sensations. Terek knew, of course, that part of the transition was reprogramming certain nerve connections to serve the sensations and sexual responses of the new form, but she hadn't realized it would be so extensive. Aside from those memories, it felt, somewhat creepily, like she had always been a woman - despite knowing mentally just how dramatically things had changed, from a physical standpoint, absolutely nothing seemed to feel out of place.

She glanced back at the mirror for a moment, still goggling at the disjunct of the appearance she remembered and the appearance that she now represented, before the sound of footsteps approaching drew her gaze towards the door, and she turned to face it as she heard the knob rattle before the door swung slowly open.

Two men stood in the doorway, wearing seemingly identical costumes: something akin to tuxedo-style dress suits, but more tailored and form-fitting, and white masquerade-style masks adorned with intricate fleur-de-lis patterns against their identically sleek, shiny black fur. Something about some of their other contours, though, didn't seem quite right, and there was definitely something wrong with the silhouette that the tight crotches of their pants betrayed, but in other ways they were certainly muscular enough. Even in his original form, Terek probably would have been hard-pressed to take on one of them, let alone two; in her current form, there wouldn't have been even the slightest chance. Somehow, though, she was fairly sure that they weren't there for entertainment - even silent, there was something about their demeanor that marked them more as servants than as masters.

Sure enough, after passively evaluating her for a few moments behind the masks, one of them stepped back and pointed his arm off to the side. "Walk now," he said, his voice clipped, with an unusual, warbling trill to it. "He awaits."

So, this was it - she was about to meet the man who had proposed this particularly perverse solution to her predicament, and to whom she would have to answer to for the foreseeable future. Still, there really wasn't any other choice at that point, so she stepped forward, tried to conjure up enough of Terek's previous nonchalance to keep from feeling too exposed in her near-naked state, and walked out the door between the two fancily-dressed servants.

As she walked, the two of them matched her pace to either side, feeling like imposing mountains of men against her new, foreshortened stature. They accompanied her down a short hallway, plushly appointed in much the same style as the room she'd awoken in, and she counted at least three other doors similar to the one she'd exited on each side before it emptied out into a considerably bigger room.

The room that the three of them entered looked like it was modeled after some combination of throne rooms from both the eastern and western empires of antiquity. The high-ceilinged room was dominated by the assembly in the center: a velvet-draped, multi-tiered dais topped with a medieval throne, polished steel adorned with gold leaf and interwoven with sparkling gems. Piles of pillows embroidered with golden and silver thread surrounded the base of it, and the lower tiers contained curved, oriental-style couches. The entire thing was covered by a cloth canopy, similarly adorned, in the style of a desert prince. There was a length of purple, velvety carpet that provided the approach, but aside from that the room seemed to be mostly empty, bare floor made of polished marble. Off to the side, a pair of gilded, decorative screens concealed a small portion of the room behind them, and there were several doors on the far edges of the room behind the throne, a few decorative sconces, and not much else. The throne, of course, was meant to be the main attraction - and, ostensibly, the man sitting atop it.

The man in question, oddly enough, at first glance reminded Terek just a little bit of himself before the changes he had undergone. He was older, by maybe a decade or so, with features that just barely hinted of knocking on the door to middle age. Despite that, the rest of him looked decently fit and trim, although that could have spoken to wealth as much as effort - even for those unwilling to undergo such a radical shift as Terek's, or even afraid of changing their fur pattern, there were far simpler procedures to easily alleviate the paunch that often developed along with the accumulation of years. That seemed to be the extent of the changes, though, as the man's fur was a decent grey with white flecks, common enough as to be all but anonymous, with eyes that were a thoroughly default shade of green. Even with the trappings of wealth that he obviously sported, he was the kind of man that Terek probably wouldn't have noticed if he'd walked right by him, but here in this room, sporting a commanding gaze and an easy, confident grin, he seemed to all but dare anyone present not to acknowledge him as the center of attention.

He reclined casually on the ornate throne, seeming completely unconcerned by his even more casual state of dress: a cream-colored dress shirt, unbuttoned, open, and fashionably rumpled, and a pair of snug, coal-grey boxer briefs that did little to disguise a bulge that hinted at a certain level of endowment. For some reason, Terek's gaze paused there for longer than it ought to, before lingering similarly on things that normally would have escaped notice in his original form, like the stoutness of his chest, or the solidity of his forearms. It was accompanied by a strange, almost stirring sensation from within her new body, something that felt almost akin to the nervous butterflies that could have reasonably accompanied such a strange and unknown situation, but something about the sensation was both distinctly different, and several inches lower than where Terek was used to feeling it.

The men by her sides led her forward a few more steps, before the man on the throne held up his hand, and the man on her right stopped her with a firm hand on her shoulder. He released it a moment later, though, and both men abruptly kneeled down, taking a knee to either side of her.

"We are pleased to present her," the one on her left said in his warbling, slightly unsettling voice. "The first of many."

"Yes," the man on the throne replied, his voice, a smooth, commanding baritone. "The first of many, perhaps, but right now the one and only who I wish to see before me." He leaned forward. "Ah, and what a sight she is. Remind me to find a way to thank that elusive Dr. X - one glance seems to show that his reputation lives up to the hype."

Looking back from his servant, he fixed her with his confident gaze, grinning widely, and Terek felt herself gulp involuntarily. However nondescript his looks, it was hard to deny that the man had a certain natural sense of command.

"As for you, my dear, tell me your- no. Don't speak - not yet. I want to appreciate the... other aspects of your beauty first." He moved his hand in a gentle, circular motion. "Turn around for me, slowly. I want to appreciate this work of art from every angle."

It felt weird to hear the man refer to her as a thing, work of art or not, but the two burly servants were right there on either side of her, and it hardly seemed at all wise to question the man's words for now. If there was one thing Terek had been good at, it had been finding ways to weasel out of situations that in all fairness should have brought him far more harm than they actually did, and one of the components certainly had been the ability to keep a cool enough head and a very long fuse. After all, he'd seen people who got pissed off and pushed back at loan sharks similar to the one he'd had to deal with. And then he hadn't seen them, ever again. There were far worse things, Terek knew, than having to pirouette around with someone watching.

Terek complied, shuffling her feet as she turned around in place, albeit not in a particularly graceful or feminine way. As she did, though, for the first time she felt really... naked, far more than she had before. By herself, it had fostered curiosity, and the other servants had shown little to no interest in her form at all, but now that someone was watching her, Terek felt all too aware of her bare fur, and the scant coverage provided by the one thing she wore. She was unquestionably on display, giving the man before her a good look at just about every part of her, and while the panties provided the most basic level of modesty, they were snug enough that they certainly displayed the form that their contours hugged. Having been a man so recently, Terek of course knew exactly which parts the man would be looking at, and for exactly what purpose. Sure enough, once she had made a couple of revolutions and turned back around, the man's grin was even wider, and his bulge was more defined, the fabric visibly straining around what lay beneath.

It was at that point, with her eyes weirdly fixating on the bulge again, that the situation seemed to come even more into focus. After all, she wasn't there merely to twirl around and be eye candy. The man was clearly aroused, and there was very little that stood between them - a few paces, perhaps, and the barest minimum of clothing that could easily be tugged down or pulled aside. That meant, she knew, that in a matter of minutes, or even seconds, they could go from this passive introduction to, she supposed, actually having sex. Terek knew the mechanics, of course, but not from the female perspective - heck, she didn't even know if the weird butterfly feeling even was arousal, or whether it meant that the interior parts of her would actually be ready to accept a feline cock and the barbs that surely came with it. That being said, though, she knew that her acquisition and transformation certainly hadn't come cheap, and only the the rashest, most impulsive of men would do something to risk that investment. And given that the last thing the man before her seemed was rash, she had a feeling that whenever he decided to have those particular designs on her, he would do something to be sure that she was good and ready.

Sure enough, the only motion the man made towards her was to stretch his hand out in her direction, arching his fingers inward in an unmistakable beckoning motion. "Enough of that. Come here and let me get a closer look at you."

Terek stepped forward to slowly close the few paces between them, even if her movements did betray a certain hesitation. The cumulative alien things bubbling in her mind were getting harder to ignore - the feelings of her changed body, the weird, archaic throne room, the fact that the face that glanced back at her from a mirrored surface within the tableau was still that of a total stranger. And while she hadn't been pounced suddenly, she still didn't quite know what would come next, once she was close enough for the man to put his hands on her.

She did her best, though, to shake that hesitation off. This, she knew, had to be her fate, and the only way to get out of it was to go through it, to endure what came next until it was done, until the big number with a bunch of neat little zeroes was entered into the loan shark's ledger and whatever this was supposed to be ran its course. Then she'd be out, back into the world, and whatever happened could easily fade into a memory of unpleasantness that she no longer had to consider. There was, of course, the sobering thought that the notion of Terek as a man was all but gone - given the society's need for women, changing one back was enough to get the doctor in question his own Red One status, as a high-profile case that Terek had seen on the news had demonstrated quite clearly a few months back. On the other hand, she would have her life, her freedom, and even a new way of making money if she were really willing to stoop to it. And, when you got down to it, what was there really to worry about? Objectively, it came down to the fact that Terek now had a particular thing between her legs, something that the man before her wanted to stick his own thing inside. True, emotionally there was probably more to it than that, but at its core it was still a business transaction. Some number of times, he would push inside her and do his thing, a number would increment, and once it incremented enough she could be done with him. All she had to do was endure it. And it seemed, at the moment, something that could be endured easily enough - she still had her wits about her, unlike the desperate psychosis that seemed to overcome Red Ones, and to her friends and family, she would simple be gone for a while, something that in her line of work had happened before and would bring up few questions. There was no one she could be embarrassed or humiliated in front of except for this man and his servants, and how could she really feel shame in front of someone who she really didn't care what they thought of her? She had the form the man wanted, and could probably perform the tasks that he demanded, and if she had to do it all wearing only panties or nothing at all, well... there were plenty of situations Terek had been in before that had been far less pleasant than merely being naked. All she had to do was be honest, do what was asked of her, endure for a while, and then leave. If she could keep from overthinking it, keep it as simple as that both physically and emotionally, she knew it could all work well enough.

The sound of the man clearing his throat brought her abruptly back from her thoughts, though, and she quickly closed the last couple of steps between them, stopping directly in front of the throne and, not really knowing what else to do, standing more or less at attention with her arms at her sides. If there was an innate sense of feminine modesty, it hadn't really transferred over along with Terek's sex, leaving only that vague, diffuse sense of unease at being watched as the man panned his gaze pointedly across her chest. Then again, if all he wanted to do was stare, it was probably preferable to doing other things. The only downside was that it caused her own eyes to follow, and looking down again at the rows of breastlets that had taken the place of Terek's biceps only served to reinforce the alien feeling of inhabiting a body that seemed no longer his own. It was something that Terek knew, though, she would eventually get used to - she would have to, if she was to endure the way that she'd planned. Keep it simple. Strictly business. The body just a new set of tools for the tasks she had to complete to get out of the situation.

As she continued to look down at her transformed body, though, it felt harder and harder to stay cool and rational about it. Even when he'd found his way into, and then out of, any number of various scrapes, Terek could always at least count on what he had - his skills, his abilities, his quickness and coordination and cunning. Always knew they would be there to work for him when he'd needed it most. Now, Terek had her mind, sure, but as for the rest, it was still a big question mark - smaller, weaker, with who knew what sort of other changes in ability. She still didn't even know how it performed in anything but the most basic of actions, how it would react to certain sensations or how well it could stand up to abuse. And that was before even contemplating how she would react when engaging in the main thing she was there for. In a vacuum, the act was simple and mechanical, but she knew that such a simplification was just as much delusion as fact. Terek had been with enough women, watching them writhe in pleasure and pain and who knew what else as they flashed through an emotional gamut almost unheard-of in men, that it wouldn't be quite as simple and transactional as she wanted it to be. Even just standing in front of him, close enough to touch, it was hard to look at him in the dispassionate manner that she wanted to - it was far too easy for her to dwell on his penetrating green eyes, or to ignore the exotic spice of his masculine scent, something that Terek would barely have noticed in his previous form, but something that his new one seemed to focus on and appreciate in an entirely new way. Just being there was enough to leave her feeling slightly muddled, suddenly unsure of her objective plans as feelings she still couldn't quite define flitted around uneasily in her belly. It was a sensation that was only magnified when the man reached out and ran his fingers along the line of her short muzzle, tracing back to her furline with a touch that seemed far too intense for something that barely seemed to brush her.

After a moment, though, he brought his hand back to cup the bottom of her muzzle, nudging her head from side to side as he looked her over with a critical eye, finally smiling in apparent satisfaction. He didn't remove his hand from her muzzle, though, instead tightening his grip just enough, not to the point of discomfort, but enough to ensure that her head would remain fixated on him as he spoke.

"Ah, yesss..." he said, his smooth voice rumbling for a moment into something almost reminiscent of a purr. "The form that I've sought after for quite some time. You can get any number of proprietors to agree to an exclusive contract, they're a dime a dozen really, but someone willing to change themselves to such an extent, to give up their own fur and their own face... now that really is quite something. I would ask Antok how he was able to manage such a thing, but I doubt I would really want to know..."

"Actually, um, it's fairly simp-" Terek tried to reply, but the hand on her muzzle abruptly rocked upwards, causing her teeth to clack together and nearly making her bite her tongue, which she somehow managed to move back just in time as the hand wrapped the rest of the way around her muzzle.

"Mnhh! Whh the hll?" Terek tried to get out through forcibly gritted teeth, but the man simply held a finger up to his own muzzle before replying.

"First things first, my dear. I'm sure you understand what the agreement you signed is about. The first and most important part of it is that, as the owner, I am in charge. Simple enough, yes? Which means that when I want to hear you speak, I will ask you a question, and then you will answer it. Understood? Nod if you do."

Terek nodded, at least as much as she could against the man's grip, which was mercifully released a second later.

"Okay, let's try this again. What is your name?"

"Um... you don't already know what it is?"

The man grinned, although not in the most pleasant way, making sure to show just enough teeth. "Of course I know what it is. After all, I am the one holding your identity card in escrow, as you agreed to for the duration of our private contract. However, I didn't ask you to inquire as to whether I knew your name or not. I asked you to say your name to me, and I am still waiting for you to do so. Keep in mind that I am not someone who is much accustomed to waiting."

Terek nodded again. "Yes, I- my name is Terek."

"Yes, Terek. Hmmm... not such a ladylike name. Not very kittenish at all, is it?"

"Well, I was originally a man, after all-"

"Yes. I realize that was a question, technically, but you really should be able to tell when one is rhetorical, yes? I may have reasonable means, the sort of means to arrange for you to be here, but it's a fair ways from that to the riches you'd need to court someone who was female from birth. Of course, there are some that want the next best thing, and some babies that are clandestinely transformed at just a few months of age, but acquiring one is an instant ticket to being a Red One yourself. And why bother with such a risk, really, when you can get what you want along with a contract that makes everything nice and neat and legal? But, I digress... and in any case, I didn't bring you here to be ladylike, per se. If I had, you'd be wearing a pretty, frilly dress and I'd be having one of these nice men teaching you the steps to a ballroom dance. We both know, though, that you're here for a decidedly different purpose."

Terek remained silent, as she didn't really want to immediately find out what it meant to disobey the man's arbitrary rules. She did bring up a hand to rub at her muzzle where he'd gripped it, though. Just an annoyance. Endure it, get paid, get through.

"Which, I suppose, brings me back to that original question. Why would you agree to this? I don't get the sense that you're here because you're innately turned on by such an arrangement."

"I needed the money."

"Really? Something that pedestrian?"

"Well, specifically, I owed a certain someone, our mutual friend, that money, and he offered me things I could do that would repay him. This, believe it or not, was the best of the bunch. The things I do with you pay him back. So, tell me what you want me to do, I'll do it, my debt gets paid, and once it's all paid up..."

"Ah. So, a mercenary, then. That will make this interesting." He leaned in further towards her, his grin bearing even more teeth. "Tell me, standing here so calmly, being so direct about your fate... just how carefully did you read the contract you signed?"

"I... glanced over it, I guess. I didn't exactly have a lot of time to go through it."

"Well, you signed it, so that's good enough - and it means I will get to enjoy the look on your face just a bit more. I am getting ahead of myself, though. First things first. You must have read enough of the contract to know that you will be my... pet, yes?"

Terek nodded, although the way the man had said it had left her feeling a certain sense of unease. Just what, exactly, had that contract stipulated? There had been the transformation, and some other stuff, but she couldn't remember anything but a few mostly innocuous snippets.

"And the first thing that any good pet needs is a collar. So, Brint, if you would...?"

Terek heard a rustling behind her, and the man on her left stepped forward into her field of view, reaching behind one of the couches that flanked the throne and coming up with a curved, velvet box. Brint handed it to the man on the throne, bowing slightly as he did so, and the man accepted it, opening the cover carefully and setting it aside to reveal what lay within.

Inside was an ornate ring of golden metal, set slightly apart in the form of two hinged semicircles, the inside decorated with a thin cushion of crimson velvet, while the outside was studded with large, oval pale pink and deep purple precious stones, not absolutely the priciest sort, but each one was expertly cut and set, glinting with an intense inner fire. They were set regularly around, except along the middle of one of the halves, where a small protrusion of metal extended outwards a few millimeters instead. The free ends each bore half of a solid-looking clasp, and set in the center of the box's padding, encircled by the collar, was a tiny jeweled padlock and an equally diminutive key, looped into a thin, gold chain.

The man lifted the collar out of the box, and it jingled slightly as he did so, the motion revealing a couple of metal charms that had been concealed beneath it, one dangling from each half of it - a circle hanging from below the metal protrusion on one side and a heart from the middle of the other, both in brightly-polished brass, and both seemed to have something etched into their surface. As the man turned the collar around in his hands, and the charms came more closely into view, Terek was able to make out the content of the etchings. Some of them were decorative, but the script in their centers was ornate yet clearly legible. Within the heart, the word "Aurora" was carved, and within the circle, the inscription "Rakal's."

"Beautiful, is it not?" the man said, looking between her and the collar.

"Um, yeah, sure, but... what are the tags supposed to mean?"

The man grinned back at her, but it was a grin that seemed to have a certain intent behind it. "Ah, a question with a simple answer. As I said before, Terek is such a depressingly masculine name, and certainly not befitting of what you've become. Therefore, I have chosen one that I think is far more appropriate for you. As for the other tag, it should be obvious that Rakal is the name of your master."

Terek looked back at the tag dubiously. "But Aurora... that's, that's the name of a-"

"A pet. Precisely. However, a question was not asked, and you answered nonetheless. That is something that I am quickly tiring of. So, while I was going to let you examine the collar for a few minutes, perhaps even give you the honor of putting it on yourself, I think we'll just put it into place right now."

Rakal stood, taking one of the halves in each hand and reaching out towards Terek, causing her to involuntarily flinch back. In response, Rakal paused, laughing.

"The collar isn't there to choke you, my dear! In fact, it was machined precisely to perfectly fit your new form as comfortably as possible, with just the right circumference to stay in place without constricting or chafing. It is there to remind you of your place in our arrangement, and to help you... live up to it. You will wear it, though, so you can either stand still and let me place it on you, or Brint and Brant can wrestle you to the ground and hold you still so that I can secure it around your neck. Choose that path, however, and you may find me less accommodating afterward."

Terek sighed, not particularly loving the idea of wearing a band of metal around her neck like an actual pet, but knew that it was just one more minor aspect to endure. As a result, she stayed still, looking impassively back at Rakal's chest as he slid the collar into place along her neck, centering the heart in front of her and the circle in the back before bringing the two halves together. True to his word, the fit was snug but comfortable, resting gently against her neckfur. She was less enthusiastic, though, at the metallic click that signified the padlock securing the clasps together, a sound that meant the thing surely wouldn't be coming off any time soon.

Rakal stepped back for a moment, seeming to admire his handiwork. "Yes... I would say that it looks just perfect on you - sets off your fur, and that clear, sparkling fire in your eyes. Just precisely as I had planned." He paused, though, his gaze drifting lower. "The lingerie, though, not so much. Such an... unimaginative color. I'd been curious as to what you'd choose, but I do think we'll have to find some that are brighter and more ornate. Plenty of time for that later, though." He stepped closer again, running a finger along the surface of the collar, tilting his head down close enough that she could feel his breath against the top of her ear as he spoke.

"Now, I think, you begin to see the significance of the collar and the contract, yes? It signifies that you are mine - that I am your master, and that you belong to me. That for the duration of this contract, you are my pet, my property, her to entertain me, and to be used by me as I see fit. Not abused, mind you, at least not the legal definition of such, but you will be my plaything, and you will play by my rules. Ah, but that sounds so... clichéd, doesn't it? Just words in a tawdry, naughty little game, when this really ought to be considered so much more than that. I suppose I should elaborate on what I mean, though. You see, you aren't just mine in some abstract or contractual sense. No, you were made to be mine, made to be my perfect little pet, and when I say that, I'm not just talking about giving you some exotic fur color."

Suddenly, she felt his hand on the back of her neck, his fingers gliding slowly down through her fur along her spine in a firm, petting motion, and she felt her back her back arch naturally along with the motion, pushing her chest out and causing her breastlets to rub up against the fur of his chest, the alien sensation of soft fur against bare nipples causing her to gasp for a moment, a sound that morphed into a shivery, aborted purr as his hand continued its motion until the palm seemed to nestle perfectly into the small of her back, just above the base of her tail.

"You see," he breathed, "nearly every aspect of you was designed with me in mind. Like the way the redesigned curve and musculature of your spine is designed to bring you close to me in nearly every position that provides for full-body contact. Or the way the dimple that forms when your back arches is perfectly contoured for the shape of my hand when I use it to hold you against me."

Suddenly, the hand darted lower, and Terek let out a surprised little yelp as Rakal's fingers clamped down on one of her buttocks and gave it a good, firm squeeze. "Or the way that each of your cheeks was sized to be perfectly encircled by one of my hands. Even the muscular and adipose tissues were specifically distributed to provide the precise combination of yielding and resilience that I like to feel." As Terek's mind struggled between a sense of indignation at the sudden grab and the weird twinge of excited tension that it had ignited in her belly, she was confused enough that she froze, barely showing any reaction at all - even when Rakal's hand released, only to run a couple of his fingers along the crotch of her panties in a deliberate, lingering stroke.

"And I haven't even gotten to the really fun part, yet. You see, you are designed to be perfectly contoured to me, both outside and... in. Even your most feminine of parts is designed around my own masculinity. That innermost part of you is designed to be impeccably snug around me, to be filled and perfectly stretched only around my own precise shape. And of course, like any other proprietor, your most sensitive bud is not proudly displayed, like a true-born female, but cleverly dispersed and buried within your inner walls to provide only the barbed kind of pleasure. Yours, of course, are placed at the exact depth that corresponds with just the right amount of pressure provided by the specific length of my spines, enhanced by even more nerve-center connections that usual, meaning that my presence inside you is all but guaranteed to drive you wild. One good rake will leave you shivering, moaning, and able to do nothing more than beg for another taste of their delicious points; one more, and however you attempt to resist or hold back, your climax is all but assured. Your entire body, in fact, is designed around me - to please me, and be pleased by me, to worship and be sanctified at the altar of my manhood. Even your olfactory centers are especially attuned to be excited by my pheromones, your taste buds specifically altered to enjoy the taste of my seed - and, in what I consider an especially inspired idea, one which I believe you may be the very first to receive, the hooks and padding on your tongue are specially armored and arrayed to lick along my length, spines and all, to provide me with a pleasure that no other woman can give. In short, you are my custom, perfect plaything, and you will soon find that in your new form, there will be no greater reward than being allowed to sate my desires."

He gave her one more firm, deliberate pet along her back, one more casual tracing along the surface of her panties, the touch more intriguing somehow than arousing, subtle but just barely sensual enough to elicit her to moan lightly into his chest. Even though it didn't actually seem to produce any arousal, his touch did manage to stir that strange, shivery sense of excitement, pressing confused sensation in places and ways that Terek had never before experienced, just enough that despite that strange, groping closeness she was actually beginning to feel somehow intrigued as she felt that new part of her yield to that exploring touch for the very first time - and then, just like that, he pulled away, backpedaling a step or two before plunking back down onto the throne in the same easy, casual pose he had adopted earlier, and leaving her standing alone, dazed and puzzled as the cauldron of alien feelings swirled around inside her. Terek had known, of course, that things would eventually come down to something sexual, but nothing like that - not some strange, subtle teasing that left her not knowing how to feel at all. And that was even before she factored in what Rakal had said...

Was it true? Had he really customized her form to such an extent? It was certainly something that was possible - she knew that proprietors routinely took on forms designed to be appealing to the widest clientele, and the changes to the Red Ones went far beyond a heat regulator and a new coat of fur. None of the things that Rakal had mentioned was really anywhere near cutting edge - pricey, perhaps, to do it all, but if he was willing to go to the extent he had to bring Terek to him in the first place, he probably had few qualms about spending some extra credits to get exactly what he wanted. Still, it was more than a little perverse, and it made her form feel yet stranger - not only was her body all but unrecognizable, it was literally molded into a form designed not for her own needs, but entirely for someone else's. While it was true that, ultimately, nothing had really changed in what she had to do, Terek was starting to wonder in earnest just what, exactly, she had gotten herself into.

She looked back at Terek, waiting to see what he did next, but for the next minute he just looked at her, smirking, apparently waiting to see how she reacted to what he'd just done. Without his hands on her, though, the feelings subsided somewhat, and as she looked impassively back at him, he continued speaking, reverting back to his normal tone as though nothing in particular had just happened between them.

"So! Now that you fully understand the work of perfection that your body has been sculpted into, what do you think?"

"What do I think? Er, you sure you want an honest answer to that?"

"Of course."

Terek paused before continuing. She obviously wasn't exactly... happy about the situation, but then again, there were ways to be honest without being confrontational, and reasonable honesty had worked relatively well thus far. "Well... it is a little creepy, you know? I mean, how would you feel if someone literally transformed your body in a way that was designed completely around fulfilling someone else's desire? Which, fair enough, is probably the job I signed up for, although I assume that when the job is over, I'll still be like this, which is kinda unsettling. And, all that being said, I've occasionally done business with people who had far more troubling tastes - I mean, you're interested in adults, so at least there's that. For all that planning and customization, though, it does seem a little odd that you'd choose someone like me, though."

"Oh? And why is that?"

"Why? Well, you've got the body, sure, but I'm still, personality-wise, like an average guy probably. I get that not a lot of people agree to a transformation like this, but there was probably still someone you could have found with a more... feminine personality type."

"Ah, I see. And that, of course, is where you are mistaken. I didn't acquire you for your social graces or your witty repartee. In fact, your personality is largely irrelevant. Hmm, how to explain... oh, yes. I think we're at a good point for that, in fact, so perhaps a more direct demonstration is in order."

Rakal reached a hand down along the throne and opened a small compartment on its side, withdrawing two small black objects that looked remarkably like key-fob remote controls. "Very well, then. Let's start with... this one."

He pressed a finger down on one of the buttons, and a moment later there was a slight sensation from the back of the collar - not a shock, or anything like that, just a gentle little buzz. A split second after the buzz, though, Terek felt a weird little twinge that started at the base of her tail, and suddenly shot down both of her legs. As soon as it did, some of her leg muscles tensed, but not into any configuration she was used to. Her knees buckled as the motion yanked her out of a standing position, and for a moment she was afraid that she might topple over. The moment the falling sensation hit, though, some level of instincts kicked in, and Terek learned quickly that her new body was lithe and agile, with an excellent reaction time and a truly catlike sense of balance. Instead of toppling forward, she quickly drew into a feline crouch with her hands landing softly in front of her, rocking back readily onto her haunches, muscles tight and ready to pounce. Useful to know, but it was far more troubling that Rakal had something that made her legs completely give way.

"Wha- What the hell was that?" Terek said, trying to stand back up from the crouch. Halfway up, though, and her muscles tensed weirdly and dropped her forward, collapsing her back down into the crouch again. She tried a couple more times, to similar effect. Curiously, though, when she was in the crouch, her muscles felt perfectly stable - and when she tried to bound forward on all fours instead, everything worked perfectly. In fact, all of a sudden, her muscles seemed to feel far more comfortable in that sort of position, just like... just like Terek's feline ancestors, probably. As she realized that, a new wave of panic roiled through her. This was more than just some prostitution job, more than just obedience and play-acting. This guy was actually trying to make her into a pet!

"Are you insane?" she yelled, looking up at him. "What the fuck did you do to me?"

Rakal just looked back impassively. "Now, now. Such language seems out of place coming from the mouth of something so beautiful. I suppose it's time for the next one, then."

He pressed another button on the remote, and the collar buzzed again - followed quickly by a slight, weird thrumming sensation in her throat.

"What are you dkkktt-" she tried to say, her voice suddenly crackling and fuzzing weirdly as the feeling in her throat seemed to vibrate in a strange counterpoint against her vocal cords. "Ttkk... to... mrgrrrrg... grmmm... mi... Mya?!"

Terek tried again, but now every word that tried to form was blurred and twisted in her throat into something else completely. "Mrowl, grrr... Miaow!" When she heard the result, she paused, stunned. Whatever was happening in her throat, everything she said now sounded like cries of the actual, feral felines that they had ascended from!

"Ah, yes, I think you understand now," Rakal said, grinning down at her with an expression that to her seemed positively malevolent. She growled back, letting the low sound rumble in her throat, her eyes flashing indignant anger back at him. Yes, she'd signed up for something, perhaps even something humiliating, but this went far beyond the bounds of anything she had expected, or for that matter, anything reasonable. There was a difference between even using someone for sex, and taking away their ability to even speak!

"So, as you are currently restricted to more... appropriate sounds, I suppose I'll be the one to continue. As you can surely guess, I did have them make just a few more customizations to you. I had thought, before, that I would just do such things through training, rewards, punishments, and the like, but that seemed far too tedious an exercise. Why bother with it, in fact, when science can do the job just as easily? A couple of minor modifiers to certain parts of the central nervous system, and now your behavior is just right for what you now are. And now that that's settled, and you are unmistakably aware of your place and your status, I think I will allow myself the entertainment of outlining the specifics of the arrangement that we will have."

Terek continued to glare at him, eliciting a sigh in response. "Still upset about that, are we? It's not as though you're actually an animal. You still have your thoughts, yes? And besides, both of those things can be switched off at the push of a button. I am a busy man, after all - my businesses require most of my time during most working days, and this is simply my reward and relaxation afterwards. Assuming that you are properly obedient, and not showing the marked defiance that you do now, you will be liberated from such measures when I am away, and you will be able to walk around, and to voice your thoughts and concerns to my servants. However, while I am here, you are to be my pet - and so, whenever I am here, those new behaviors will be enforced. So, I would encourage you to relax, so that we can move on to explaining your new role in life." He held up the other remote for a moment. "If you insist on being that way, though, I suppose we can move onto more... direct entertainment."

Terek still glared, but did what she could to direct it down at the floor as she tried to bring out that ration al part of her to counteract the seething anger and humiliation that raged inside her. A pet? An actual fucking pet? And yet... not exactly. It was just a more rigorously enforced act, right? Terek was still a person, still thought like a person. It wasn't really all that different from just being disabled in certain ways, and temporarily at that. And if she was going to be trapped in there anyway, did it really matter? She was there, ultimately, to get fucked, and that worked as well on all fours as anything. The talking thing was dicier, but neither one of them put her at any immediate risk - if she could just get past how humiliating it felt to be kept down like that, both were things that could be endured and tolerated acceptably enough.

Which meant, if she kept cool, she could stick to the plan. It wasn't entirely unlike things that Terek had also endured, in any case. Terek was used to dealing with, and occasionally double-crossing, some not-nice people. In that previous life, he'd been stripped naked, tied to chairs and bannisters, punched, beaten, clawed, even had a divot of fur singed off by one particularly aggravated former client. This was stranger than those, and promised to certainly be longer in duration, but she could handle it. Keep it simple. Play it cool. And so, when she looked up at Rakal again, her face still hinted slightly at indignation she couldn't quite suppress, but was far more under control.

"Ah, good - I see you have decided to come to terms with it." Rakal smiled expansively, and then gestured at the servants to either side of her. "Brint. Brant. I think that we will be just fine now, so you may go about completing the other preparations." Terek heard them answer affirmatively, and saw them vanish from the corners of her vision.

"You might think me unwise," Rakal continued, "to sit here without their protection, with that aggravation in your eyes. However, as I am sure you can tell, I can handle myself quite reasonably, and your stature was chosen in part to be reasonably easy to control. Not to mention, your claws have been blunted - not entirely, but enough to prevent you from causing any sort of serious damage. Were you to attempt to pounce on me, it would be easy enough to force you down into my lap - and then, I suppose, you would get to see what my spines feel like without adequate preparation." He looked down at her, watching as the resentment in her eyes faded slowly back towards impassivity. "I see, though, that such a scenario will not be a concern."

Rakal tossed the remote up into the air a foot or so, swiping out a hand to snatch it effortlessly out of the air at the apex of its arc. "Anyway. On to how this will work. While I doubt you will refer to yourself as such in your head, at least not yet, the most important thing to remember is your name. Aurora. When I call it out, you will come before me. Delay and hesitation will be unacceptable. Nod if you understand."

Terek nodded, chafing a little at the name, but keeping her glare in check. Just another minor inconvenience.

"Good. So, as you well know, you are here to act as my pet. You will do so in a way that is entertaining to me. I'm not much interested in seeing you do things as a normal person - if that was what I had wanted, it would have been far easier to just make an exclusive contract with whatever proprietor I fancied. No, what I want from you is behavior befitting that of a domesticated pet - something along the lines of those cute little cat things those odd Human creatures sometimes have hanging around them on the rare occasions they visit the orbital trading hub. I know full well how some of our peers feel about such things, which is probably part of the reason why the Humans visit so rarely, but there's always been something... intriguing about the concept for me. It is true, though, that disturbing a feral's habitat is illegal, and taking one as a pet is 'becoming a Red One' sort of illegal, even if there's nothing sexual involved. This, then, truly is the best possible option - better, even, in certain ways. After all, I can have oh so much more fun with you..." He reached down, running a hand meaningfully over the bulge in his trunks.

"Ah, but what does that mean? I imagine you're not all that familiar with the fuzzy little things. Really, though, it just means that I want to see you act in an... animalistic sort of way. Roam around on all fours. Roll around in the sun beams that filter in from the skylights. Curl up in my lap to be stroked and petted. Groom yourself a little with your tongue, especially along your upper thighs - I know you're more than flexible enough. Bat around some stuffed toys, make cute purring sounds, that sort of thing. Really, in a way, you ought to think of it as a sort of vacation. No more debt, no more worry, all you have to do is frolic around in a nice, cute, kittenish way, and your form is already so cute that whatever you do, you're already halfway there. And as you do those things, you will quickly learn those I love to see you do the most, and if you remember to do them, you will be rewarded. Oh, and of course, when I desire such things, you will service me sexually - but we'll get to that in a bit."

Rakal gestured over to the screened-in area off to the side. "So - rewards and punishments. Do what I want, learn quickly, entertain me as I desire, and there will be rewards for you. Take this, for example. Behind that screen is a squat toilet, where you will do your business, in that animalistic position, of course. Please me, and that business stays concealed and private. Cross me, and the screens are easily removed. Similarly, please me, and afterwards you get to go back to that private room, and its adequate furnishings. In fact, at the end of this room lies the door to my own bedchamber, with a lavish bed as comfortable as you can imagine - please me greatly, and you will be invited to share it with me. Displease me, though, and you will be treated as a true pet, sleeping here in the open atop a bare cushion. Other privileges can be similarly revoked - you are allowed some underwear as a token of modesty and enticement, but displease me and you can go around naked on all fours with your nethers on display. And of course, should you truly displease me, there is also the hunt."

Rakal glanced over to the side, and Terek followed his gaze to look at the two servants working on something in the corner of the room. "Ah, yes. Brint and Brant - not their real names, of course. In exchange for a tidy sum, they are my loyal retainers, and each has undergone a bit of a minor transformation as well. I'm sure you've already noticed that their profile is... different. For the moment, they have agreed to give up their testicles, and the ability to ejaculate - such a pleasure with you is for me and me alone, at least for now. They can also achieve climax only at my command. However, their other functions remain fully intact. And if I tell them to hunt, wherever you are, they will track you down. You are faster and more agile, but there are two of them, and one or the other will eventually catch you and drag you back here for a truly entertaining display. You see, their equipment is custom-designed in regards to your inner dimensions as well - specifically, they are designed to push up against the limits of how much you can safely be stretched, in both length and width, a sensation which on its own I am sure would be overwhelming. Couple that with spines designed to rake you far deeper than mine, not just stimulate your sensitive points but ravage them... well, I'm sure you've seen something like it before. Some woman, probably a Red One, writhing in thrall to a merciless cock, desiring neither pain nor pleasure but having both simultaneously forced upon them - the pain especially. Become too defiant, and that is how you will be humbled. Keep in mind that those parts of you are designed for resilience, capable of rapid enough healing that they can withstand the deepest of repeated rakings close to indefinitely, and as I control their climax, I can have them thrust for as long as I desire them to. Cross me greatly, and perhaps I see if they are capable of breaking your spirit entirely before I allow them their limited release. Be obedient, however, and you need only taste the pleasure that I am capable of bringing you. Unless, of course, one day you are feeling adventurous..." He paused, chuckling to himself in a particularly unsettling way.

"So, simple enough," Rakal said, turning back to her. "Do the right things, and your stay here will be pleasant enough. Just remember the most important part: that while I am here, you are my pet, and you act the part to the extent of your abilities and allow yourself to be treated as such. Brint? You can bring it, now."

Brint walked over, holding two dishes that he placed carefully off to the side, next to one of the couches that flanked the throne. Terek realized immediately that they were designed to be some sort of pet dishes - both were done up in golden metal, and both had the name Aurora etched into the rim. One of them was empty, while the other was filled with clear water.

"Speaking of that... you will be treated as a pet, as I stated, in most every way. Those are your food and water bowls - while I am here, you will eat and drink out of them from your rightful place at my feet. Don't worry - the food will be normal, the same as mine, cooked by my own chef, simply chopped up into nice bite-sized pieces that you can pick up with your muzzle when you bury it in the bowl. Using your hands, of course, would displease me. Also, one of the doors to the side leads to an antechamber with a nice, luxurious bath, but you will no longer bathe yourself. Either I or the servants will bathe and groom you as a pet would be, keeping your fur smooth and lustrous. Sometimes, we may even go for a stroll around the grounds of my mansion, and you will do so on all fours, with a lead clipped to your collar. Acclimate well to these things, and I will be pleased. Resist, and... well, you know all about that by now, I'm sure."

Rakal leaned back, setting one of the remotes down on the arm of the throne as he spun the other around in his fingers. "Beyond that, I suppose, there's just one more thing, although really, it's probably the one that will be the most... fun. Like all proprietors, of course, you have a heat regulator implanted in your belly, ready to stimulate the hormones necessary to ease and facilitate a proprietor's main business. Unlike most proprietors, however, I am the one who holds its master control. Right now, it is of course set to off, but it can be rapidly switched to any level I please." He glanced at the thing, and then back at her, his smile positively predatory. "Of course, just cranking the thing up would be far too easy. Sure, I could do that, and make you mad with desperation and completely vulnerable to any of my advances. In fact, I could just as easily pounce on you, overpower your sexy little body, and force myself into you. But really, what would be the fun in that? No - those higher settings might be useful for punishment, perhaps, or on those days when I myself am desperately horny and merely wish to use you as expediently as possible. For an everyday setting, though, I think something in the middle might be just perfect. I'm sure some adjustment will be necessary, but I will find that sweet spot - one that makes you just the right amount of playful, excited and eager and ready, with just enough of that tantalizing heat to make you want, but not quite absolutely need, my attention. You see, I don't just want to take you. I want you to choose to be taken, to beg and cajole and excite me until I finally deign to satisfy those kindled desires. Of course, you won't be able to use words to do so, but that's the nice thing about animals - they have so many more enticing ways of using their body and their wordless vocalizations to indicate their eagerness. I'm sure, once the heat sets in, you'll quickly figure such things out - and if all else fails, you could always just rest your muzzle in my lap, and provide some encouragement with your tongue, yes? Ah, but that's far more than enough talk for now." He pressed something on the remote, and Terek heard the faintest click sound from somewhere inside her, followed by a wave of of strange, tense sensation the thudded for a moment in the very center of her belly and then radiated quickly outward through her chest and abdomen. "It is time, my cute, sexy little Aurora, to entertain me."

Terek waited for a few moments, feeling... something... starting to build within her, but Rakal made no motion to grab her - in fact, no motion at all. After another moment, though, the message finally hit - he hadn't, at least not yet, meant the word in a sexual context. For now, he really did want her to just entertain him, apparently, as he had mentioned, by being like a cat, whatever that was. Terek, of course, hadn't actually been involved in the parts of the trades where things had moved off-world, and so hadn't seen the Humans or other species firsthand - they only came down to the surface whenever there was a diplomatic summit or something, so it was rare for any person on the ground to have any contact with them. Terek though she'd seen a picture of a cat once, maybe marveled at how it looked at least a little similar, albeit much smaller, than their own feral ancestors, but all she knew about how they actually behaved was whatever Rakal had said about it. Thing was, there wasn't really anything around, at least not yet, to do anything with, and Terek really had no particular desire to lick herself, well, anywhere. So, what did that leave? Well, bounding around on all fours - which, she realized, would at least serve the useful dual purpose of allowing her to test out her body a little more and see just what, exactly, it was capable of, even in its oddly hobbled condition. Would that really be enough to entertain him, though? It was certainly possible - he had seemed to want things like that, and had Terek still been a guy, a woman doing, well, just about anything while only wearing panties probably would have effortlessly kept his interest. It was time, then, to see if Terek's new form had the same inherent effect.

Terek put her body in motion, moving about the room in a series of bounds that grew less and less hesitant. She probably could have just crawled around instead, but that seemed to be even more submissive than absolutely necessary - and besides, whether or not it was due to reconfiguration brought on by the collar, the crouch-leap-pounce motion actually felt surprisingly natural to her muscles. As silly as it must have looked, a grown woman pouncing around like some messed-up animal, it at least served to quickly confirm her theories about her new form - just as Terek had anticipated, it was light, lithe and fast, with a tail that reacted to her motions more quickly than it had before, giving her movements a keen sense of balance even in midair. As strange as the new form of movement was, it was actually quite reasonably quick and flowed together well, and within a few more jumps she figured out how to land a pounce, plant, pivot, and bound off in a different direction in a single, fluid motion. Put all together, it meant, if nothing else, that she had speed to her advantage, and a way to dodge around and maybe even escape if things really got dicey. Of course, that lighter frame meant that she probably wasn't that strong, even for a female, which meant that once someone had their hands on her, her options would be limited. That meant, certainly, that the threat of the hunt was real, and would be hard to win out indefinitely if it came to that. It also meant that if things got truly bad and she really did have to escape, it would have to use the element of surprise, and would have to succeed on the first attempt, as if she was caught, it would probably be all over. Not to mention that even if she did escape, she would be rather conspicuous having to pounce around everywhere, and there was still the trump card of the heat regulator - if Rakal cranked it all the way up, she assumed that she'd end up behaving like a Red One, which would probably nip any coherent plans in the bud. So, put all together, however she felt about this unexpected new deal, it did seem all but unavoidable.

At least, she thought, with Rakal silent as he watched her bound about, it did give her some time to think about how she really felt about it all. It was true that the situation was worse than she'd thought, not just about sex and fawning over some guy, but losing her freedom, her voice, having to communicate and move around on all fours like some lowly animal. It seemed far harder to resign herself to that than to just be used for sex or something. While pride and honor hadn't exactly been top priorities for Terek, there had at least been a sense of basic dignity, of being treated at least as a person, that this all seemed to violate. At the same time, though, the whole situation felt so ridiculous, so detached from reality, that it was hard to take that sense of humiliation seriously. In fact, from a certain perspective, it was actually oddly liberating - after all, if Terek had jumped around in his underwear like a feral in public, people would have laughed at him, or thought that he was absolutely nuts. Here, though, no one was laughing - the servants looked studiously straight ahead, while Rakal looked on with obvious, attentive interest. Really, she could do any number of silly things, and probably be met with the same response - heck, for that matter, given that she was all but unrecognizable as Terek, she could do just about anything without harming whatever reputation he'd previously built. In fact, due to the questionable nature of the transformation, her identity was probably off the books, or radically transformed as well - which meant that, once her time here was completed and that one serious debt paid off, she could probably walk away from the other various people who might have eventually wanted a piece of the old Terek. She didn't love the name, true, but maybe she really should just try taking on the name Aurora for a while - if it did pan out, it actually might be a new start, a path to a better future than the one Terek had previously had in front of him.

The trick, of course, was getting to that future. And that, Terek realized, was where her current aggravation was. Even using that notion to partly set aside the humiliation and focus on the logic of what needed to be done, progress to her goal meant wiping out that debt. Which meant that she needed to get paid, and that meant, however she felt about it, that sex needed to happen as well. She knew that the proprietor system, which she was now ostensibly a part of, was transactional in nature, and that payment was received for each penetrative encounter, registered by some sensor that was placed within her body. Naturally, she'd assumed that that would be her primary purpose - that the man would put her in heat, have sex with her repeatedly until her was tired, and that would happen, day by day, until her contract was paid up. Quick, easy, efficient. She hadn't planned on having to be entertaining, whatever that meant, and she also knew that prancing around while he watched wasn't going to further her goals. The problem was, she still didn't really know how to even tell if she was ready for sex to even happen, and whatever the heat regulator was supposed to do, it hadn't seemed to do all that much yet beyond make her stomach churn. Not to mention, as she'd just assumed being there with her body available for use would be enough, she hadn't really thought about how to be alluring or entertaining. She did know, though, that she couldn't just bounce around in circles aimlessly - already, Rakal was beginning to look a little bored with it, and while she had somehow managed to handle her current level of humiliation, she wasn't eager to encourage any additionally humiliating punishment.

Still, what could she do? Jumping around like an animal wasn't great, but at least it felt somewhat... neutral. In a way, the same, really, could be said for just being there and taking it - just a physical act that didn't really reflect on Terek one way or the other. The other things, though, were harder to act, and meant taking on and adopting that Aurora persona in a way that was more fundamental than just using it as an excuse or convenient alias. Forcing herself to purr, or to run her tongue along her thighs, just felt like... not a betrayal, exactly, but a radical departure, something wholly at odds with Terek's original character. True, it was something that she probably could force, could make into an act, but even that gave her pause - if she really did do things like that, really gave into that persona, could she pull it off and still remain Terek? That was a question she didn't have an answer to, but it was one she would have to deal with if she wanted to keep Rakal happy. Of course, she could try to just go physical again, and perform another act with her tongue, but that gave her pause as well - whatever Rakal's claims, there was a reason that oral sex was a relative unknown in their society. A man's spines were undeniably hard and sharp, wherever they were, and while certain parts of women were specially designed to handle them if properly prepared, other parts of women, and for that matter men, were not. Even masturbation with a bare paw was destined to end in blood, and while their were specialized gloves and other purpose-built devices designed to handle it, they were usually too cumbersome and complicated to bother with - especially when all you needed to do was walk around town for a while and be all but guaranteed to find a Red One to have fun with. She had to do something, though, before Rakal got bored enough that he decided on something even less pleasant for her to perform.

It turned out, though, to be less of a problem than she thought, as it was only about a minute later that whatever process the heat regulator had begun finally began to kick off in earnest. The weird, amorphous, almost queasy feelings that had been rumbling about in her belly managed to transform into something else entirely: a deep, easy warmth that settled rapidly in along her belly and crept slowly up her chest, transforming as it went into a feeling of energetic, nervous sensation that raced a strange, electric tension along her extremities. She suddenly felt filled with unusual energy, and the world seemed to somehow come into clearer focus - not visually, exactly, but more vivid, more alive somehow. The carpet felt softer and more present beneath the pads on her hands and feet, and she felt aware of every tuft of fur that brushed together as she moved. After a moment, the clarity faded slightly, but the energy did not, making her leaps even more abrupt and aggressive, coming down like she was actually pouncing on something and not just the ground.

And then, mid-leap, her body gave off the feeling that it just wanted to move... differently, somehow, and she felt good enough that she just let it. As a result, instead of coming down into a pounce, she tucked into a roll, tumbling over and mewing in surprise as she came out of it and rolled over onto her back, righting herself by turning her shoulders over first and then twisting the rest of her body over in turn, an acrobatic stretching motion that felt as good as it probably looked, made even better by the sensation of her fur, and occasionally her nipples, brushing against the surface of the carpet. In fact, it felt so good that she rolled back over and did it again, a move that quickly found herself rolling around on the floor, flexing and arching her back as she luxuriated in the pleasant, shivery stretching sensations, calling out happily in a way that her voice modulation converted into a series of contented purrs.

Once she had satisfied that instinctual feeling, though, she realized just how ridiculous it had probably looked and sounded. It was certainly not how she had anticipated acting - apparently, whatever the heat regulator actually modified, it had further-reaching effects than just preparing her, well, pussy for the main event. She pulled back into a crouch, looking back up, and realized that she was staring at a bare wall to the side of the room's entrance. She quickly spun around, looking back up at Rakal to see just what his reaction had been to what she'd done. His glance, though, was far from being one of ridicule - in fact, he seemed even more intently focused on her than before, seeming barely to have moved. One prominent part of him, though, had done quite a bit of moving - the bulge from before was now clearly the outline of a shaft poking up from his lap, straining at the fabric tented narrowly around it. Of course, as soon as she saw it, she realized that it made sense - rolling around like that, with her back to him, meant that she'd probably put on a show that the old Terek would have enjoyed, even if she hadn't been aware of doing it. Even so, despite what he'd seen, Rakal didn't seem to be budging an inch from his seat atop the throne - something that, Terek soon realized, was actually becoming a problem, and not just because she was eager to begin paying off her debt.

What she had felt, it seemed, wasn't the culmination of the heat becoming active, but merely some sort of intermediate part of the progression, and now things were shifting around even more rapidly. The tension in her limbs faded a bit, fading back towards her spine, which began to take on a renewed itch to arch and stretch. And each time she quickly gave into that itch, each time she let herself undulate through that flexing, hip-rocking arch, it sent a renewed burst of energetic anticipation into her belly, each one both building on that dwelling, permeating sense of unusual warmth, and driving it gradually and steadily lower, until soon it had settled squarely between her hips, tensing the entire area with new sensation.

That sensation, after pulsing confusingly for a moment in a way that Terek's mind was still struggling to parse due to its novelty, began to resolve itself into what rapidly became a newfound sort of... awareness, she guessed, of what was down there. Earlier, in fact all the way up until that point, those feminine parts of her hadn't really been that noticeable at all - because of the complete transformation, even the sense of what was missing had been more intellectual than anything else, and the twinned pink ridges were now the extent of what lay outside, far less noticeably present at any given time than Terek's previous equipment. As for the rest of it, it had been even less noticeable still, some nebulous thing that was generically part of her insides but otherwise indistinguishable from whatever else was in there. Even the external bits hadn't felt particularly sensitive, and even with the panties snug against them, it had felt just... normal, without anything notable to distinguish it from any other part of her as she moved about. In fact, it wasn't until Rakal had grabbed her, until his presence had managed to stir something down there, that it had felt at all sensitive to the touch, and even that had faded quickly once his hands had ceased their insistent prodding.

All of a sudden, though, those parts were no longer anonymous and indistinguishable. In fact, it almost felt like an entire new bank of nerve endings had just been turned on, flooding a part of her mind with newfound sensation that was novel enough it actually took her a few seconds to realize that the feelings were emanating from her own body. Now, instead of feeling like not much of anything at all, she was keenly aware of the soft, external ridges between her legs, feeling them nestled comfortably against the crotch of her panties, feeling the shift of the silky fabric as it rubbed so deliciously subtly against them with every playful motion of her hips. And it wasn't just that - it took a little longer for her mind to figure out what it was, but the sensation curled inward as well, resolving into... she wasn't quite sure what. For a moment, Terek almost thought that it felt like the penis he had had before, but warped and inverted and tucked up inside her somehow. That wasn't really it, though - the feeling was far more diffuse, and strangely separated, like the sensitive exterior of the shaft had been unfurled into multiple parts, parts that had been flipped around and oriented inwards towards each other, somehow tantalizingly close but not quite touching. If she moved in certain ways, two areas of sensation felt almost like they brushed against each other, but the feeling was subtle, almost ghostly, like someone running a finger against the very uppermost edge of her fur - just barely enough to be felt, just teasing enough to quickly long for a touch that was more definitive, more stimulating. All it really did was create an itch, a warm, tingling, lingering itch, and every motion, every tantalizing barely-there brush of sensation, caused it to build and build while providing the exact opposite of relief. In fact, it was made even more tantalizing by another sensation that quickly joined in - beads of moisture that seemed to form at random along the edges of those parts, those inner walls, tickling incessantly as the warm drops became full enough to trail down from where they were formed, randomly nudging more tantalizing, tensing, and not in any way relieving sensations along her entire length, from the edges of her increasingly wetted ridges to a strange, especially ticklish place much deeper within her belly. It didn't take long for her to realize that this was what people talked about when they described the sensation of heat - that gnawing, swelling itch, that ever-growing need to feel something in there, something to rub along those sensitive walls and provide the full, complete sensation that the tickling echoes had primed her to desperately desire. True, it didn't seem like it was driving her rapidly into a state like the Red Ones got into, but the need continued to build nonetheless. As perverse as it was, and as much as the bit of male perspective left in her protested angrily, it was no longer just about penance, or money, or getting things over with. Terek really, truly wanted to feel someone inside of her, someone rubbing every tensed, sensitive itch all the way to her core, and as aggravating as Rakal's dominating displays and nonchalant, masculine confidence were, she knew that he had exactly what she needed, and all those annoying qualities suddenly didn't seem to matter as long as he just came over to her and satisfied her far more aggravating itch.

Okay... simple enough, right? Rakal was already captivated by how she was beginning to react, so all she really needed to do was make him more than aware of her condition, and surely his own arousal and instincts would do the rest. So, during her next arching, flexing roll, she made sure to end up facing away from him, and letting her body finish up in whatever way felt the best - which resulted, apparently, in her face and shoulders nuzzled comfortably up against the plush carpet, her back fully arched, and her legs splayed out to either side for stability, her hips seeming to naturally cock themselves up at a specific angle that suddenly felt perfectly comfortable. It also meant, she knew, that her butt was jutted up to give Rakal an intimate view of her perfectly sculpted posterior and the snug panties that tantalizingly covered it, complete with what she was sure was a clearly noticeable and spreading wet spot on the crotch that should unequivocally demonstrate her readiness. The position, in fact, stretched so sublimely, so shiveringly comfortably, that she didn't even have to try and manufacture some sort of sensual moan - instead, it thrilled through her diaphragm unbidden, throaty and purring and undeniably feminine, the sort of sound that would have driven the male version of Terek wild, but that version was long gone now, and in its place was someone who was both arousing, aroused, and rapidly filled with another surprising sensation - a thorough, panting, and overwhelmingly female sense of readiness.

At least, Terek thought, with the dwindling part of her mind that wasn't currently given over to taking in the complex and increasingly unmanageable emotions and sensations, what was happening to her had the potential to make everything even easier than she had anticipated. Having never actually experienced heat before, it was impressive to see just how facilitating it was - the twist of a dial, and in not very much time at all, her body went from being basically neutral to a willing vessel for copulation. True, if she let herself think about it, it was a little terrifying that a little remote could have such overwhelming power over her, but then again, as there was another that controlled her speech and her ability to stand upright, the impact seemed muted in comparison. In fact, in her current situation, it actually came in handy, as she didn't really have to act, didn't have to pretend at seduction or arousal that she knew nothing about. Thanks to the heat, her body seemed to be capable of taking care of things just about on its own, so all she had to do was let it do what it wanted and wait for Rakal's inevitable action. And then, pain or pleasure or whatever else happened next, she would have her first installment towards her eventual fiscal escape. That, really, was the most important part, but it was becoming harder and harder to keep focused on that, the coherence of her thoughts drifting as the undeniable sense of need continued to intrude more and more insistently into her thoughts. It was an itch within her body, but the feeling seemed to be increasingly accompanied by an itch within her mind as well. The sensation and tension, flowing uncontrolled through her nerves, were getting harder and harder to bear, her mind becoming just as harried and tense, just as in need of a relief that someone, anyone, needed to provide.

Thankfully, when she lifted her head up a little and glanced hopefully behind her, Rakal was no longer seated, but standing just in front of the throne. His eyes, while not meeting hers, were nonetheless fixated on another part of her - perhaps the tail waving sensuously back and forth instinctually, or the part just beneath that she was shamelessly presenting to him - in fact, she guessed, she could probably have even been in public, and even that level of shame probably couldn't have counterbalanced the feelings surging through her. Her eyes quickly gravitated lower, to the fully extended bulge that Rakal was slowly, casually pawing at, the nature of what was concealed there, awaiting her, quickly established itself in her thoughts. It was, she knew, the source of her relief, and while Terek before would never have found something like that attractive, apart from perhaps his own, the female part of her mind was well-established enough that the anticipation of what the bulge meant added to the building anticipation without even a hint of conflict related to Terek's previous attractions.

"Ah, yes, now that's what I like to see," Rakal said, taking a step closer. "Such incredibly direct enthusiasm."

Something wasn't right, though - instead of smiling, his face shifted to a neutral, thoughtful expression, his head cocked slightly to the side as he seemed to consider something.

"In fact, maybe a little too much enthusiasm. After all, this is your first real experience as a woman, and unless you've suddenly become a consummate actor, I seriously doubt..." He trailed off, glancing back towards the throne, and at the remote that lay on one of its arms. He leaned in to examine it for a moment, before straightening up and turning back to her. "Hmm... yes, I think I see what's going on. Of course. It truly is your first experience, the very first time your body has been flooded with those hormones. Being unaccustomed to them, it would make sense that you would be far more sensitive to their effects, and thus a middle setting on the regulator, for now, corresponds to something considerably higher."

He sighed, lightly, before continuing. "Not quite what I had planned, but something that can be made use of pleasurably nonetheless. I think, then, that I'll just let it serve as an additional reminder of your place, of the power I have to exercise over you should I desire. After all, this setting isn't even to the halfway point of the dial. If I truly wanted, I could have access to you, at any time, with no resistance whatsoever on your part. But then again, if that was all I had wanted, I could have just kidnapped a Red One I found attractive - no one really cares where they are or are not, as long as someone's using them. I don't want a randy, desperate slut, though. I want a pet, to entertain and seduce, without words and without simply resorting to need. Still, I dialed in the setting, and I suppose I will have to live with the results." His grin reappeared, and it wasn't exactly the pleasant kind. "That's not to say that we can't have some fun anyway. Well, I'll have fun, at least. Perhaps you will too, but then again, with the spines,... oh, yes. It will be very, very interesting to see how you experience your first taste of them..."

Terek stayed in her back-arched, semi-prone position, her body not really feeling any desire to move from it, as Rakal stepped forward and kneeled down just behind her. Her muscles tensed, anticipating his touch, but for the moment he just stayed there, tantalizingly close but still frustratingly distant in the most important way.

"Yes... looking back at me oh so plaintively. Very well, then. I will show you the reward that you will soon receive. Keep those eyes on me, now - I want to see how every part of you reacts to such a revealing."

While his statement was perhaps an attempt to be dramatic, his action was the exact opposite - no striptease or subtlety about it. After efficiently and perfunctorily removing his shirt and tossing it casually aside, he simply shoved his hands into the waistband of his boxer briefs, pulling them out and then down in a motion that allowed his erection to spring up unceremoniously as it was released from the confines of the fabric.

Still, it was enough to make Terek start a little in response, looking at it warily. Terek himself, previously, had been about average in length and girth, and realistically Rakal was probably not all that different - there wasn't a high degree of variance among their species, in any case, save for direct genetic modifications of the type that Rakal's servants had apparently received. From her new perspective, though, it was more than imposing enough, with its meaty, red flesh, and its narrowly flaring conical tip, complete with the all-too-visible rows of translucent spines that grew closer together as they approached the tip's thickest part. Perhaps its modest several inches shouldn't have spooked her, except that its presence suddenly made one thing stand out in her mind incredibly clearly - the entire thing, spines and all, would shortly be inside her. Inside the dainty-looking pair of soft pink ridges between her legs, a part that suddenly seemed wholly inadequate in size to interface with what was before her. However her mind felt about it, though, it wasn't nearly enough to convince her body to move from what she now realized was a mounting position, one last instinctual remnant from their feral ancestors. In fact, the sense of unease was only able to maintain a toehold for some tens of seconds, before the other feelings shoved it out of the way - intimidating or not, that didn't change the fact that it was the only thing, right now, that could bring her that desperately needed sense of relief. And yet, even with that, even with the desperation that was surely obvious on both her face and body, Rakal still just crouched there, letting his erection gently bob in front of him as he watched and waited.

After a moment, though, he reached over and rested his hand on her butt, not really doing anything with it but letting it linger, stretching a finger out to trace briefly along the waistband of her panties. "Hmm... such a curious garment. The very last barrier, both concealing and revealing the very core of the feminine mystique - for all its fleeting modesty, it so clearly functions to betray your readiness. For a pet, though, it really is somehow superfluous, a pointless barrier to animal needs, there only to maintain the barest sense of modesty from your previous life. And yet... surely, by now, it must frustrate you, the one thing standing between the joining of what you have and what you need..."

It wasn't hard to interpret his message, and as soon as his hand moved away, she reached back to tug them down, trying to shift out of her awkward mounting position to get a better angle on them. She only managed to get partway into her motion, though, when Rakal caught her wrist with his hand, pushing it back down to its previous position on the ground. She started a little at the sudden motion, coupled with another a moment later as his other hand hooked under her hips and tugged them back up into position. Unable to maintain her twisted-neck gaze through it, she quickly found herself looking not at Rakal but at the pile carpet in front of her, and the motionless profile of the servants' polished shoes standing a few feet away.

"Now, now," Rakal's voice emanated from behind her, sounding slightly admonishing. "Like an animal, remember? One that would never consider lifting her paws from the ground for such a purpose, or possess the digits and dexterity required to perform the act. That sort of thing, though, is too fine-grained to effectively block without heavily limiting your coordination, so I suppose this part will have to be learned. I won't punish you this time, though - your increased frustration is punishment enough. However, if you want them removed, so that we can progress to what I'm sure by now you so desperately want, you'll have to find another way. You are, in fact, flexible enough to reach them with your muzzle and remove them in a much more... intriguing manner, but I wonder if that is still beyond what you are willing to perform just yet." He paused, the lingering hand returning to give her butt a light pat. "Or, perhaps, if you were willing to demonstrate your eagerness even more clearly, perhaps through the plaintive mewing of your beautiful voice, or hips so frenzied that they can no longer refrain from indicating the movements that they so long to feel, perhaps an owner's hands could deign to allow you that naked, animalistic presentation of your readiness before me..."

Ordinarily, even in that situation, Terek would have chafed at having another humiliating action suggested to her, but at that point the beyond-frustrating readiness had just about eclipsed every thought or need in her mind, to the point that humiliation wasn't even the slightest factor. If it meant that it would make the frustration be over, she was more than happy to provide. Well, perhaps not ready to try removing her underwear with her teeth, but she had no problem whatsoever rolling and bucking her hips in what seemed to be the most natural motion for them. The movement must have been convincing enough, though, as it only took a few moments for Rakal's hand to return, his touch enough to quell her movement and return her to her back-arched display. Then more of him followed, his knees seeming to hook around the outside of her own and push her legs close together. She was puzzled for a moment, but realized why a second later, when Rakal's hands slid under the waistband of her panties and pulled them off of her, not just down but along her legs and all the way off, but not quite gone. A moment later, they reappeared in Rakal's hand as he held them in front of her muzzle, oddly shapeless now that they were no longer wrapped around her. The crotch of them was clearly visible, though, and so was the slick sheen of moisture that coated them, giving off a smell that was almost overpoweringly sweet, and tinged with a strange sort of spice that she couldn't quite recall ever having smelled before. Probably, she realized, because it was now her scent, one remarkably different than the unobtrusive musk that Terek had had before. It was... attractive, in a way, tickling some half-suppressed memory of rutting as a man that her newly-wired senses could no longer accurately play back, but it seemed to stoke her arousal even further, if such a thing was possible. Apparently it was, as there was an even stronger burst as Rakal's hand moved in and pressed her crumpled panties up against her, literally rubbing her nose in it and sending the cloying smell of her own readiness flooding through her senses.

She mmphed into his hand, her whole body squirming in frustration and desire, but it was another sensation that caused her to stiffen. Even as the hand holding her panties nudged away from her face, the other pressed into the small of her back, arching her back to its maximum extent and leaving her whole body feeling taut as a bow before it pulled back. Before she could come to terms with the tension, though, his hand was being used to guide something else, all of a sudden, it was there.

Terek had been in similar situations before, although always on the other end, and had never given much thought to how it had felt for the female he'd been preparing for. In her new position, though, the feeling was as abrupt as it was alien. One moment, things had been... well, not normal, but much like they'd been before, and now that the panties were gone, all she'd really felt, down there, was the moisture on her cooling slightly in the air. And then, without even the slightest caress for preparation, there it was - a point, somehow firm and soft at the same time, brightly warm against her nether lips as it nestled in just between them and slid along their length. It felt... good, but also abundantly strange, intensely alluring and weirdly vulnerable all at once. The strangest part, though, was how yielding her body's response to it seemed - the outer lips, it seemed, were capable of little more than moving how the tip pressing against them dictated, the soft flesh nudging up and down and apart as the tip slip along them, more and more easily as it became fully coated with her moisture. On the next slide down, it pushed in a little further, and then a little more, her lips spreading easily around it until the very first row of spines nudged along them. As soon as they did though, Rakal nudged slightly back out again, tugging the spines along her outermost edge with a series of weird, subtle pinpricks as she felt her lips tug and stretch against them before slipping back off. Then he pressed in again, just a little bit further, and Terek stiffened - the tip was now just beyond the edge of where the lips seemed to end, transitioning into something even more sensitive that made the warmth of the tip feel like a throbbing, intense heat against that new flesh. She realized, as the sensation tensed through her, that they were on the very brink - one quick thrust, he would be inside her, and she would be having sex as a woman, her choice of payment cemented as undeniably and immutably as his presence inside her.

Terek braced herself for whatever was to come, but to her consternation, nothing did - Rakal just hovered there, his tip tucked just barely against her, hovering at the brink. Higher up, Terek heard the sound of Rakal chuckling to himself, which she realized probably wouldn't be good. She braced herself again, in a different sort of way, as Rakal began to speak while he went back to sliding the tip lazily back along the length of her nethers.

"Hmmm... you know what? I think I will actually give you a choice. True, it's probably not a particularly fair one, given your position, but I really am curious - seeing as how I so want a pet, how I so desire someone who can give in fully to their animal side, perhaps the best test is to see whether it is your animal or your evolved side that wins out when the chips are down. The choice is simple - if you can resist those urges, if despite it all you can master it with your conscious mind, if you can pull away from me and make it even to the exit of just this part of the house, I'll remove all the artifice, turn off the blocks entirely, remove the punishments and provide you with a soon-enough date upon which our arrangement will definitively end and I pay off the remainder of your debt. I'll even concede to calling you by your given name. It will be a far less interesting and far more conventional arrangement, but I am enough of a betting man to be willing to take that risk.

"Of course, I'm also enough of a betting man that I rarely make bets I don't think I'm going to win. I've already seen enough of your behavior to anticipate how this is going to go. So, if instead you indicate with your voice that you want to proceed, push back against me at all, or even stay in your position with the clear expectation of being mounted, than things will instead go exactly as I said before. Keep in mind, though, that I will not be servicing you as a proprietor, but as a pet, and pets do not get any say in how things are done to them. Once that choice is made, once I mount you, I will not stop until I am satisfied. I will not stop if you struggle or cry out. I will go at the pace that I want. If I want to slam into you as hard as I can, I will do so. If I want to pull out slowly to make you feel every single one of my spines as they drag across your flesh, then I will. I already know that nothing I can do in that way can actually injure you, so you will be taken exactly like an animal that needs a good mounting - and once an animal is mounted, the act continues until it is complete, without exception. Your only role is to take me in, to feel me inside you, and not act, but react, to what I am doing. You will feel pleasure, and possibly pain, and you will unquestionably get the relief that your body is so desperately seeking right now. It will be an admission, though, that the things that drive you are ultimately animal, and you will be treated as such for the duration.

"So, now that you know, I do wonder what choice you will make. I would make it quickly, though - if you stay there, exactly as you are, I will take it as invitation enough."

Terek whined in frustration, feeling Rakal's tip continue to probe enticingly at her, just inches away from plunging toward the place most in need of relief. Of course he would have to spring something like this on her! At the same time, though, it was an allure powerful enough that it even managed to cut through the heat-clouded muddle that had been quickly wrapping itself around her mind. The frustration of that itch was almost unbearable, Rakal's presence almost too tempting to take, but something about his tone told Terek that he would be true to his word. And if she could get out of this mess earlier, and without the level of humiliation that Rakal seemed to have planned for her, she had to try. Even if her entire body seemed to be fighting against it. Even if every part of her just wanted to lean back, let Rakal sink into her, and finally have that desperately needed relief.

Somehow, despite it all, Terek managed to push her arms back up, gradually raising her shoulders from the ground in a sort of half push-up, each inch of progress a tremendous effort as she seemed to fight against her own body. It was even harder to pull forward, and she almost wanted to scream as Rakal's tip slid away from its warm contact along her sensitive ridges, gritting her teeth as even the completely inadequate sliver of relief that contact had provided faded away. All she wanted to do was to sink back down, to give in and let Rakal give her what she needed, but she dragged slowly forward nonetheless, even though it took every shred of remaining willpower she had to do it. It was small wonder, she though, that Red Ones always seemed so out of control - if the insane, frustrating need she was going through only represented the mid-line on the regulator, she couldn't imaging how unbearable it would be to have it cranked up to its maximum level every single day!

As she moved forward, though, she felt her momentum building a little, along with her resolve. This wasn't just some random struggle - at stake was the tone of her entire contract with Rakal, and if she could pull it off, her stay would be so much more tolerable, probably considerably shorter and immeasurably more dignified. If she had to somehow endure another few minutes of this particularly novel brand of torture to achieve a better time over the subsequent weeks and months, the suffering would undoubtedly be worth it.

She made her way slowly, agonizingly, towards the entrance to the room, trying to remember if she'd even seen where the actual exit was when she'd been brought in, but even trying to dredge up the most basic of thoughts was an ordeal. The anticipation, that horrible tension and the not-nearly-enough subtle sensation between her legs only making the lack of real stimulation worse, seemed to suffuse every nerve, and tint every sensation. Everything felt too sensitive, even the carpet against her fur and hands was aggravating simply by virtue of being the wrong kind of stimulation. The need centered between her hips seemed all but absolute, a gnawing hunger for feeling that was devastatingly absent. And yet, what could she do? If there were muscles down there that could be flexed or clenched to provide at least some stimulation, her body wasn't familiar enough with them to consciously make them work, and given how Rakal had acted before, she doubted he would refrain from intervening if she attempted to paw at herself - in fact, if he considered such a thing as giving in, he would probably be on her in an instant, and she knew that in her current condition, if he were to press himself against her as he had before, her already strained resistance would instantly crumble. She didn't even dare to look back, to let his face or his cock tempt her, but she knew that he was almost certainly following along and watching her nonetheless - even setting the fact that he was probably enjoying her struggle aside, she was probably putting on another sort of show that most any man would find difficult to ignore, her tensed hips and glistening lips swaying behind her with each crawling movement forward. She couldn't even convince her anxious, twitching tail to curl down to obscure the view, and knew that the display probably put even more of a timer on things - unless Rakal had far more resolve than she did, her display might push him beyond his own threshold of arousal, and that meant he might just pounce on her and mate her anyway. With that in mind, she struggled forward, past the entryway and down the hall in the other direction, a door she hadn't seen before visible just down the hallway - and it even seemed to have a decorative window set high in it, through which light was streaming. She glanced back down the hall the other way - just the same sets of doors, and a blank wall at the end.

That had to be it, then. Just one door to get to, just a few tens of meters of hallway to traverse. There was even a pull-handle, not a knob, so she didn't even have to worry about somehow trying to prop herself up into a not-really-standing position to fiddle with it - all she had to do was jump up, hook her hand or even her arm around the handle, give it a pull, and this stupid, animalistic nonsense would be over. Then, she could allow herself to have relief. Then, she could fuck, not as an animal being pinned and rutted, but as at least a proprietor with some modicum of respect. Just make it to the door. Don't focus on the frustration, or the feeling, or anything else. Put it all out of your mind, and just focus on that one thing in front of you. The door. The handle. Grasp it, and you've won.

Every meter was an agonizing effort. Just putting one hand, one knee, in front of the other seemed to take all her concentration. The most base parts of her, the ones most compelled by the hormones, seemed to be doing everything they could to keep her from fighting against them. Even just going down the short length of hallway, her arms faltered twice, toppling her muzzle back down against the carpet as her body arched itself back into the position that it had favored before. Each time, nearly all of her just wanted to stay there, waiting for Rakal to inevitably approach, and it took close to the last of her meager remaining resolve to haul herself back up and keep pushing forward. She didn't really know what it meant to be a woman, didn't actually know what what sex in her new form would even feel like, but the base urges were coaxing at her mind enough that the notion had fully coalesced into words. She wanted to be fucked. She wanted to feel someone against her, inside her, taking all of that tension and frustration and thrusting against it until she was satisfied. More than money, more than freedom, all of a sudden if felt like the one and only thing she wanted. It was nearly impossible to struggle against it, the hormones doing everything they could to unite body and mind in uniform lust, but she somehow pushed through the last few meters, tensed her legs underneath her, and leaped up just enough to catch the door handle and pull it down. The door swung open before her, mostly under her own weight, as she all but collapsed into it with the last of her determination.

She looked around the bright room that the door had revealed, blinking in surprise. The door hadn't led to the outside, or even a hallway or atrium that would have signified a transition to the rest of the mansion. Instead, it seemed to be some sort of... sitting room, maybe, except that two full walls and the ceiling that curved up from them were made up entirely of long, clear panes of glass, almost like a greenhouse. Along each of the walls were low, padded benches, almost like some sort of full-length window-seat. The entire room was bathed in a soft, golden glow, from the sun creeping slowly below the trees in the sweeping, wooded vista that the room provided. From the vantage, though, the room must have been several stories up - and, apart from the door that she had just opened, the room had no other visible portals. She slumped forward, glaring at the admittedly impressive view with gritted teeth - at the moment, it was the last thing she needed. For all of her struggle, all of her hope, the exit lay elsewhere, and she had to admit that she didn't have the slightest clue where it might be.

She crawled out of the room, her tail sagging in defeat, knowing that as soon as Rakal came into view, the gambit would probably be over. Sure enough, she quickly spotted him standing in the entryway to the throne room, completely naked with his hands at his sides and his erection on full, unashamed display.

"Ah... I see you have found the solarium," he said, victory evident in both his tone and his smile. "Quite impressive, is it not? I look forward to seeing you lounging there, stretching and basking in exquisite sunlight. But that's for another day, I suppose." He paused, gesturing casually over his shoulder. "The exit is actually back there, behind the throne. The door next to the one leading to the bedroom, on the far left of the rear wall. Another short hallway, past a... utility room, and you will find the ornate double doors to the mansion proper. They are keypad-secured, of course - wouldn't want you to go wandering, after all. However, if you can even make it to the point where you can touch one of the doors with your hand, you will still win."

Rakal grinned even more widely as he stood in place in the middle of the entryway. There was some room on either side of him, and Terek might have been able to slip through, but not without coming in close proximity to him. Even just crouching there in the hallway, seeing his presence, seeing his cock, was just about to overcome her. She pulled herself forward, but only because the motion brought her towards him, towards relief. Between that and his musky, masculine scent, her thoughts were little more than a desperate, horny muddle, and when she was finally in front of him, she couldn't even find the resolve left to make one last, darting burst to either side of him. Instead, she just froze in front of him, actually panting from the strain and warmth of everything happening inside of her, and when he reached down, doing nothing more than trailing his fingers lightly down the fur along her back, it was all over. The last shred of resolve, the last hopeful push towards dignity, evaporated in a puff of breath as her shoulders gave up and her arms buckled beneath her. She felt her spine arch upward, seemingly guided by his fingers, her knees planting and hips jutting up into the air, cocked and tensing into some specific, instinctual position. Her body was ready, beyond ready, and she knew that that was it. The only way she was leaving that position was when that overpowering need had been met - or, put another, more depressing way, once Rakal was finished using her. Rakal surely knew, by now, that he'd won - indeed, he was already in motion, his feet moving out of her peripheral vision a moment before his hand settled into place on her hip. This time, though, it wasn't just a pat, but a firm, solid grip that seemed to cement things. It was over, her animal desires had won out, and now, she knew, Rakal would certainly give her an animalistic treatment in turn. Given that, it was unsurprising that the next thing she felt was the warm, intense tip pressing against her again - this time, though, there was no ceremony or teasing about it, just the feeling of her lips yielding to it until what felt like the entirety of the head was pressed up inside her. Even now, though, he still paused, and she felt his fur brushing against hers as he leaned down against her, all but whispering into her ear.

"Last chance, my dear Terek. Withstand this for one minute, or successfully pull away, and you can make one last attempt to win our little wager. Make one clear sound, though, or push back against me at all, and Aurora's life is irrevocably yours. And the very first thing Aurora is going to do, of course, is feel exactly what it means to be made for someone, down to the very last detail..."

One more tease, one more twist of the knife, one more condition in a battle that Terek couldn't hope to win. She gritted her teeth for a couple of seconds, but ultimately the feel of him, even just against that small stretch of her, was too much for her to handle. Her battle, as it was, ended with a very literal whimper, anxious and tremulous and almost agonizingly feminine, and once Rakal's other hand clutched her even more firmly into place, there was nothing more she could do but gasp and shudder at the flood of alien sensation as he plunged into that most female part of her.

Unbelievably, the sensation of relief was barely a part of it at all. True, the agonizing itch of barely-there sensation inside her vanished as soon as his shaft pushed all the way inside, but it was merely replaced with a different sort of strange, oversensitive agony. Rakal's presence hadn't merely stroked or rubbed along the flesh of her inverted insides - his diameter, it became immediately apparent, felt even larger inside than how it had looked before. The soft, yielding flesh inside her hadn't merely wrapped around him, but felt like it was stretched perfectly taut around his length, tensed so tightly that she felt like she could feel every subtlety of his contours against her. He seemed to fill her completely, from the edge of his fuzzy balls nuzzling against her outer ridges to the tip feeling like it was trying to somehow poke through a sensitive part deep inside that it was insistently nuzzling against. And, most of all, she could feel the rows of flared ridges that pressed out from him, not just lying taut against her insides but feeling like they were actually sinking in slightly against her pliant flesh. Those, of course, couldn't be anything other than Rakal's spines, and just the knowledge that they were so intimately engaged with her, and that there was no way to get free of them except to feel their curved points rake along the entire length of her strained insides, sent a weird, horrified thrill trembling through her.

For a moment, Rakal just held himself there, letting her feel his presence inside her, curled over her and nuzzling at a spot between her neck and shoulder, feeling his body close against hers in perfect alignment. His fingers dug into her hips, holding her tightly in place against him, and it was only then that he began to slowly and ever so deliberately pull back out of her.

Terek felt the motion early, and gritted her teeth as she anticipated what was to come. And indeed, for the first few seconds or so as he dragged perhaps a few centimeters along her inner walls, the pain was true to what she had expected - agony as the hooks dug into sensitive flesh, tugging at it until the points pushed deep enough to flash into pain, although strangely enough they didn't seem to be able to dig in enough to actually scratch and rip at it. Whatever armoring had been part of her transformation was apparently working, as instead of tearing under the impact of the spines, the flesh just seemed to catch for a few moments before somehow skittering off the points, freeing them for a brief moment before they caught anew against another section of flesh and dug painfully back in again. For a moment, her whole body tensed, wracked against undulating waves of pain emanating from deep inside her, and she yowled in unrestrained rage at what Rakal was causing her to feel.

A moment later, though, one of the spines caught against something different, and suddenly everything changed. The spot, she knew, was probably part of the not-quite-clit that Rakal had had modified from the ones implanted into all proprietors. It felt, though, for all the world like someone had taken the most sensitive flesh from the cockhead she'd previously had and condensed it down into a single, sensitive point, which burst with sensation as the hook caught against the flesh just above it, the pain of its point lost in the feeling of its rough caress of what lay beneath. It felt, in fact, like what would have happened if someone had grasped the tip the male Terek had possessed in their fist as tightly as they could, massaging it between their fingers to a near-impossible depth, a sensation so wonderfully intense and nearly impossible to bear at the same time. Just that one rough stroke across that one sensitive spot had been enough to make her cry out, and she soon found out that there were far more than one - when spines seemed to tug roughly across a half-dozen of them at once, the only thing she could do was shudder and whimper as the raw, blissful agony exploded across her mind. By the time his spines again plucked at her outer ridges, her tension had built to a fever pitch, and when he slid back in again, her entire body seemed to vibrate against and around him, hovering on the edge of something that was almost certainly the feminine version of climax, the feeling of him lingering motionless inside of her nearly as agonizing as anything she'd felt before, so close to relieving the tension that imbued every part of her, and yet still not quite there. It was because of that, perhaps, that when he pulled back again, the feeling was suddenly the best thing she had ever experienced, even the points of pain shivering through her in a sort of weird, blissful agony. Then the spines raked across her most sensitive parts once more, and the tension completely overtook her, her back arching to the maximum extent it was capable of and the most wonderful vibration shuddered between her hips as every ounce of tension that had built up seemed to burst all at once, sublimating into an overwhelming sensation of pure bliss. Even as his tip teased against her outer lips, she felt them clench against it, the first in a series of wonderful throbs that began at her entrance and rolled wonderfully upward towards that deep place inside her. It was on the third one that Rakal thrust back in, the stretching sensation pulling her taut again only improving their blissful intensity now that her walls had something to throb against. For a moment, the only things she could feel was the warmth permeating her insides and the intensity of each throb against him. By the time Rakal bottomed out with one final, forceful hump, groaning as he buried his tip firmly inside that deep, sensitive part, the contractions and sensations were already fading. It was Rakal's turn to throb, though, and as he did, it brought the shocking realization it had only been the first part of her climax that was receding.

For a moment, Terek felt a distinct, rolling throb as Rakal's member pulsed against her flesh, and then a burst of intense heat splashed up against the sensitive part deep inside her. As soon as it did, her body shuddered at the sudden sensation, at the part of her he was pressed up against instantly tensed before releasing an inexplicable spasm of its own, bearing down against the tip straining against it with a warm intensity powerful enough to force the air from her chest in a short, throaty, tremulous moan. She gasped desperately in as the sensation momentarily subsided, only to have another burst of heat pulse in against her. Now that the part of her was even more closely engaged, though, the heat seemed to penetrate even deeper, and the resulting spasm bathed her in intense, unstoppable pleasure, even managing to eclipse the first climax she had felt mere moments before. This one, though, was keyed to Rakal's presence inside her, and all she could do was desperately gasp at breaths as every pulse of his cum inside her set her shuddering anew with another shock of uncontrollable sensation. Each new wave seemed to come before the last one had subsided enough to even partially clear her mind, crashing atop one another and building in amplitude until all she could feel was the blissful, vivid release of being kept constantly frozen in one long moment of maximum climactic sensation. For a strange, indeterminate moment, there seemed to be nothing but blinding, overwhelming sensation, more than it felt like she could handle, and for another indeterminate moment the entire world seemed to go blankly, uniformly, senselessly white as the combined sensations actually went beyond the limit of what her converted mind was capable of processing. Then there was a tugging, aching, dully painful raking sensation as Rakal's spines slid out, and she returned to floaty, panting awareness lying prone face-down on the carpet, her hips still bucking gently on their own as the sensations in her belly slowly throbbed away to a warmth so enervatingly relaxing she wasn't sure she could even have moved if she wanted to. The most she could do was incline her head slightly as she noticed Rakal's feet pace in front of her, looking up to see him crouching down before her, with an expression she hadn't seen on his face before. Rakal's grin actually looked real, not predatory or malevolent, but genuinely pleased.

"Ah... now that's a face I like to see."

If Terek had been capable of even forming a coherent sentence, it probably would have been about trying to wrap her mind around what she had just experienced. Even the few sounds she was able to get out were still distorted by the effects of the vocal device, although she doubted they would have been particularly more coherent as actual words.

"Mrr, mrowl... hahh... mya?"

"I'll take that to mean it was good for you, too." He paused, reaching over and hooking a finger under her muzzle, tilting her head up to look him in the eyes. The rest of her body followed, to an extent - the sense of almost paralytic euphoria was dropping off far more quickly that she had thought it would, and while she still didn't feel particularly motivated to move very much, she at least managed to prop herself up on her elbows so that her neck didn't have to strain as much.

"That... really was remarkable. I suppose I probably should have told you about the second stage, but I really did want to see exactly how you'd react to it without even knowing it was coming. Believe it or not, I didn't actually know if it was going to work - when I asked the enigmatic doctor responsible for you whether it was possible to make you climax in actual response to my own, he said such a thing had never before been even attempted, but being the sort who lives, so to speak, on the cutting edge, he was more than up to the challenge. As simple, perhaps, as rewiring a few nerve clusters - ah, but what a result. The feeling of you beneath me, around me, as it happened... words fail entirely to do it justice. And the cries you made with each and every pulse, such sheer, unrestrained, animal beauty. True, the last couple were a bit... odd, but it seems hard to argue with near-perfection."

He glanced over to the side for a moment, making a quick motion with his hand, and a moment later the legs of Brint - or was it Brant? - strode into view, followed by a hand containing a pair of garments that Rakal quickly retrieved. They seemed to be the pair of boxer briefs he was wearing before, or perhaps some that were nearly identical, and a pair of lacy white panties. He set the latter on the ground next to him, standing up for a moment to pull on his underwear before returning back to sit cross-legged in front of her, continuing to talk as he did so.

"I suppose you might be wondering why, if you are here to serve me, I have placed so much emphasis on the progression of your own climax as opposed to mine. After all, if you are here to serve me, surely your own pleasure is essentially irrelevant? Ah, but that is not the case, not exactly. Of course, you have to climax, at least the first one, to fully recover from the state the the heat regulator arouses - without it, you would reach the safety threshold, the thing would shut off too quickly... and really, how much fun would that be?

"However, I admit that there is another motive at play. As with most men, including probably even you before all this, part of the enjoyment of sex has to do not just with your own satisfaction, but just how wild you can manage to drive your partner. With a standard proprietor, though, everything is either rote or artifice, uninspired or unbelievable. And Red Ones are so crazy all the time, it's hard to tell if you've managed to impress anything upon them at all. But you... to sense you react, in every possible way, to actually feel your body and mind driven to their absolute limits beneath me, it's an indescribable thrill to see someone so enraptured by such a simple, basic act. I must admit, given the way I had your body rewired, it seems presumptuous to claim that my own actions were entirely responsible, but at the same time, I suppose that's actually a large part of the allure - to know that however I treat you, expertly or ineptly, gently or roughly, to know that whatever I do will force you to the maximum climax your body is capable of providing, really does create such a delicious feeling of power. To have a pet with which I can be entirely complacent, and still bring them to such a true, raw, animal state whenever I desire... I have to say, I don't think I've ever been happier to win a wager. You might have been just fine as a proprietor, although somehow I doubt it would have been quite the same. I can already tell, though, that it is as a pet that you will truly shine... my dear Aurora."

He stood, and Terek found the energy to pull herself into a crouching position, even if her limbs did still feel a bit unsteady.

"Ah, but enough of that." He looked back down at her, his smile again becoming a little unsettling. "Hmm... I do wonder, though, whether that last modification will have an unanticipated effect. Such close content, the feeling of drawing things inside... I wonder, then, just how much will emerge again. Yes, more déclassé tastes, I suppose, yet another reason to avoid proprietors who think such things beneath them, or my more judgmental colleagues. Nevertheless, my pet, I have no qualms about admitting such desires to you, as you are, after all, here to serve them. Besides, given the perspective you've recently come from, surely you enjoy seeing the results of your conquest clearly marked, even if it required holding a Red One into place to see it. So, yes, I think the position you're in will do just fine for now."

Terek could feel her face flushing beneath her fur as Rakal spoke, and not because she had just realized the humiliating thing that Rakal had asked of her. It was because, admittedly, he wasn't wrong - it was true enough that on the occasions when Terek had had a bad day, before, he'd sought out a Red One to fully dominate. Not that it was uncommon - in fact nearly everyone else he knew did something at least similar - but there had been more than one time that he'd grabbed a Red One, roughly fucked her into the ground, and then stood over her as she shuddered and incoherently moaned, watching as his seed had slowly bubbled out of her abused, twitching sex. It had made Terek feel, well, powerful, and maybe a little guilty afterwards, but not really - no one exactly cared what a Red One felt, after all. Hearing such a sentiment coming from Rakal, though, made those memories feel even dirtier, and only seemed to reinforce the sense that being placed in her situation was a fitting penance. Of course, if that was true, every male in the world would probably have to be punished for that recklessness, for making some Red One squirm around their seed...

Seed. All of a sudden, the term had meaning on an entirely different level. It was no longer just the result of a climax, something to deposit carelessly, but something that was actually sitting inside her, inside her... womb, she guessed, which for a woman had the potential for very real consequences. Rakal had activated the heat regulator, but nothing else that she knew of - and the heat, and the action of his spines, were designed to force a woman to release her own kind of seed. For that matter, she didn't know what Rakal's long-term plans for her really were. And while getting fucked for money was one thing, being impregnated, actually carrying Rakal's litter inside her, was another. It was something, in fact, that was so alien she couldn't even properly fathom what it would actually mean, for her body, or her sense of herself as a person. Requiring that seemed so beyond the pale... he couldn't actually want that, could he? But the look on his face, the way that he wanted to see her marked, wanted to see his seed dripping out of her as a visual reminder of what he'd just done to her...

Terek felt a wave of panic wash over her, the notion of her fear suddenly becoming far too real. She looked desperately up at Rakal, trying to ask him what he'd actually done to her, but of course all that came out was a pathetic mewling. Without any other way to communicate, she desperately propped herself up well enough on legs that still didn't want to stand, just enough so that she could pantomime the question with her arms, tracing a big, pregnant belly in the air in front of her slim, tight abdomen.

For a moment, Rakal looked surprised, then confused for another, and then oddly mirthful, laughing audibly as he seemed to understand her statement.

"Really? You actually think I would have you involved in something so painfully pedestrian? Surely you haven't forgotten why you are here - to entertain and please me in the ways I desire, including sexually. To do that, to provide the reactions I want from you, you have to be in heat, and if you are pregnant, heat is the one thing that it is in fact impossible for you to be. I certainly don't desire offspring nearly enough to deny myself the pleasure of my pet for such an extended length of time, especially not when I could hire an amenable proprietor for that specific purpose for a far less exorbitant price. No, my dear, your ovulation blocker is quite solidly in place, and as this particular wing is shielded from all of the relevant government frequencies, it will not risk an override while you remain here. So, if that is what you are concerned about, you can safely set such thoughts aside."

"However," he said, his grin looking dangerous again, "whatever your concern, such a crass pantomime is hardly something a cat would do, is it? No, a true pet would be wholly unconcerned, or if it was, I am sure that it would have found a much more appropriate way to convey it. You are a pet now, after all, and that means if you misbehave, you must face the repercussions of your behavior. Hmm, yes, what should those repercussions be..."

He glanced around for a moment before his gaze locked on something. "Ah, yes. Fitting enough, I suppose. If you are having trouble acting like an animal, then perhaps it makes sense to ensure that you are more well-acquainted with their natural state." He reached down, retrieving the pair of panties beside him and balling them up into his fist before tossing them aside for one of the servants to retrieve. "Yes, I think you will do without undergarments for the remainder of the evening. Not that I will mind all that much - I must say that I am getting quite happily accustomed to see you on display."

Rakal stood up and began walking back to his throne, although he kept his head turned towards her. "Come, now - I won't always be this explicit, of course, but for now I will make my desire known. What I desire, for now, is to see you crouched in front of me and showing me what I want to see. I would follow along, then, unless you would like Brant to retrieve the lead that attaches to that collar. In fact, perhaps now is a good time to practice that feline hygiene that I mentioned earlier - I would like to see just how flexible you are, and I do think that there are few things that I would enjoy more greatly at the moment than to see your reaction to the taste of my seed against your tongue..."

As unappealing as that sounded, there was little else she could do, so she crawled on all fours behind him, crouching down in front of him as he settled back onto his throne. Even as what last shred of dignity she had started to protest somewhere in the back of her mind, it was hard to find the energy to even care about them. As much as she hated to admit it, aside from the moment of clarity the brief panic had imparted, both her body and mind still felt sort of half-dazed from the crazed intensity they had just been witness to. She'd truly had no idea that women were even capable of climaxing like that! Of course, she realized, most women couldn't - whatever Rakal had had done to her was what had made her body capable of such an overwhelming orgasmic response, and seemingly incapable of anything less, at least as long as Rakal was involved with them. Just thinking about it, disturbingly enough, brought back vivid memories of it, along with a troubling longing in her nethers - now that her body was fully aware of the sensations they were capable of, the sensation of feeling herself stretched exquisitely around his cock was actually something that she, intentionally or not, felt eager to experience again.

Embarrassed, she glanced down at the floor - and then back at Rakal, as his fingers drew her muzzle back up again. He locked her with his gaze again, looking at her expectantly, then releasing her and using his fingers to gesture towards her - specifically, between her legs. It was more than clear what he wanted her to do - and given that he seemed to be back in a mode where punishment was a potential reaction, she wasn't eager to find out what else he might take away, or potentially inflict. If what she had just gone through was a reflection of what only Rakal could do to her, she didn't even want to think of the havoc that Brant could cause inside her.

Trying to do what he asked while crouched over seemed more difficult than her sense of balance could handle at the moment, though, so she plunked herself down on the carpet, spreading her legs out to either side as she arched herself over. She knew from before that her new form was flexible, far more than Terek had been before, but even she was surprised to find that her back was only just barely beginning to feel the strain with her face only inches away from her nethers.

It was the first time, she realized, that she'd actually seen up close what her new sex looked like. At first glance, the most surprising thing was that something so, well, petite had been capable of so easily accepting Rakal. Even after what had happened, the twinned ridges seemed almost... cute, she guessed, soft, seemingly delicate, and almost daintily pink, a dramatic contrast to the thick red cock that had been there before - and, for that matter, the one that had actually been there just a few minutes ago. Unlike the quick glimpse in the mirror, though, the ridges were no longer pressed quite as closely together - instead, they seemed spread apart a little towards the bottom, revealing flesh in between that was puffy and slickly, vividly red. As she looked closer, she realized that the lips were glisteningly slick too, well-coated with something slick and transparent that gave off the same overwhelmingly feminine smell. The same sort of stuff coated the fur surrounding it, matting it down into a sodden mess, and despite herself, Terek had a sudden urge to get it cleaned up. Of course, that may have also had something to do with the male sort of scent that was also intermingled with it, something that was still newly and uncannily intriguing, and one combined with something else masculine that Terek was also more than familiar with. Indeed, she realized that she could in fact feel something lingering inside her, creeping lower and lower, and a moment later something white and pungent and thick dripped down along the slick red flesh of what must have been her opening, tickling slightly as it oozed along the lower edge of her ridges. As she watched, though, suddenly the smell of it became more than just familiar, more than just intriguing, and before she even realized what she was doing her muzzle pressed in against the soft flesh, her tongue flicking out and lapping up the droplet of seed in a single, deft stroke. The subtle roughness of her tongue left her nether lips thrumming happily for a moment, but the feeling all but faded from her mind as Rakal's cum suddenly permeated her taste buds.

It was, perhaps, the only miscue of her transformation, the only detail thus far that hadn't met or exceeded expectations. It might have been something as simple as crossed wires in her nerves somewhere, but the experience of tasting Rakal's seed seemed to involve nearly every sense other than taste. As soon as the stuff hit her tongue, for a moment all the colors in the room flashed into a more vivid shade, coinciding with a clear, perfect musical tone sounding in her ears, and a sudden, intense sensation of warmth flushing quickly across her chest, but nowhere else. It was unusual enough that she paused for a moment, shaking her head as she tried to parse what had just happened. She knew, of course, that it wasn't impossible for such a thing to happen, that sometimes senses could be confused, but it was still quite a disjunct to actually experience such a thing. That being said, though, it was actually kind of intriguing, and admittedly not at all unpleasant. At the very least, that impression seemed to have been conveyed to Rakal, who appeared to be looking on eagerly when she chanced a glance upward. The peculiar focus on his scent emanating from her drove her head quickly lower again, and when another droplet of his seed leaked out, she'd lapped it up again before her mind had finished consciously considering doing it.

For several more licks, the novel sensations were distraction enough from the actual nature of what she was doing, along with the lingering effects of her climax that seemed to blunt the contemplative impact of her actions. After a while, though, the sensation faded fully, unmasking both the slightly resurgent itch of heat and the situation that she was no longer sufficiently distracted from. All of a sudden, she was painfully aware of where she was - lying on the floor completely naked with her head between her legs, lapping up the spunk of the guy who now ostensibly owned her. Even her mercenary nature had a hard time justifying the indignity of the situation. Now that the euphoria that had masked it had completely fled, her loss was beginning to sting. Sure, the bet had effectively been rigged, but for that moment, for that one, brief moment, there was actually some hope, and for that one moment, for the first time since signing that fateful document, she'd actually felt like she'd had a choice, that for one crucial instant her fate had actually once more been in her hands. It was that hope, probably, that actually made the situation smart. Before the proposal, she'd actually been resigned to her fate, not loving it, but accepting it nonetheless. Having felt that hope, knowing it was gone, and knowing that she was, in a certain way, responsible for it being dashed, was what made it feel truly miserable. She could no longer avoid the sensation of guilty hindsight that was flowing through her mind - if she'd just had a bit more resolve, if she'd been more observant before, if she could have just held it together through that one last touch, maybe she'd still be fucked, but at least she'd have at least a few shreds left of her dignity.

And yet, even as she growled futilely at her own crotch in despair, another thought rang out in her mind with remarkable clarity: despite everything, despite the humiliation, it was still the right path. For all that, even the notion of being someone's pet, or even personal fucktoy, was still miles better than being a Red One, or whatever else might have been in store for her. For all that she'd felt so far under Rakal's rule, the one thing she hadn't felt that much of was fear, the thing that, combined with animal lust, resided at the core of a Red One's existence. And if Terek had gone the other route, fear would soon have been all that he knew, fear of being asked to take a life, fear of having his own constantly at risk. It was a cold comfort, to be sure, to know that her current position was still close to the best possible outcome, even if it was a long way to fall from that probably false hope.

Eventually, after a few more low growls that were starting to attract Rakal's notice, she came to much the same conclusion from before - which was, basically, fuck it. It was safe to say, at that point, that she really didn't have any dignity left that hadn't already been ruthlessly exposed and exploited. About the only thing left, something that was probably inevitable, was Rakal watching as she took a piss, and she wasn't even sure that such a thing would be any more humiliating than what she was doing. So, if there was to be no more dignity, no more respect of her as an actual person, what did any of it matter? Maybe she should just act like an animal and see how Rakal really liked it. True, Terek didn't know a whole lot about it, but she'd seen enough random shows about their feral ancestors, and other feral creatures that still existed to that day, to know that for the most part they didn't bother to change what they did no matter who was watching. And why not? If that's what he actually wanted, rather than the play-acting that was supposedly beneath him, then she would be happy to oblige. Maybe, with person-like touching being forbidden, she had to clean her own nethers with her tongue, but that didn't mean she had to put on such a show of it. She could do so more easily, and comfortably, curled up into a ball, and if Rakal wanted to watch that badly, then he'd just have to come down to her level.

She did as much, rolling onto her side, and curling her body up tightly, not even bothering to look at Rakal as she did so. In a weird sort of way, it was actually kind of a rush - maybe, just maybe, she'd figured out a loophole in Rakal's domineering. Of course, it was a risk, but given what had already been stripped away, for the moment it felt like she had nothing more to lose. Admittedly, the specter of Brint and Brant still loomed as a consequence, but if Rakal wanted to bring them into it, she was sure he would hint at it beforehand, providing ample time to go back to obedience. Maybe it was still a gamble, but she wanted to play out that theory, to see if there was any level of power that she could still exert.

When Rakal made no noticeable complaint, she set about doing what she had originally intended, cleaning up the rest of the matted mess between her legs. Not caring about it whatsoever, in fact, meant that it actually felt a little less humiliating, and in truth, it wasn't the worst thing ever. While she was still not quite to the point of her heat fully resurfacing, and so the occasional lap against her ridges didn't feel particularly sensitive or arousing, it still felt nice, and certainly didn't discourage further touch. And while the synesthesia had subsided, the peripheral areas soaked more with her own juices rather than anything from Rakal, she didn't particularly mind that either - for whatever reason, there was still enough residual allure from Terek's male side, at least for that sense, that the taste was actually comfortably pleasant. Of course, there were also the errant bits of fur that her tongue also managed to rake up, and then had to be spat back out onto the carpet - surely, though, that was something an animal would do as well, and therefore something that Rakal could hardly protest about.

Indeed, when her actions were only met by silence, after a while she looked up - to see Rakal lying on his stomach nearby, head laying on crossed arms propped in front of him, grinning his happy, confident grin as he watched her tongue work.

"Ah, now that's a very interesting sight," he said, as she broke her glance and went back to what she was doing. "I must say, I hadn't expected you to take on your role with such eagerness, such... authenticity. Perhaps you have finally realized what you are to be, now. Perhaps, even, that little punishment was, in fact, just the right sort of motivation. In any case, maybe I don't have to be quite so explicit anymore... ah, but we shall see. For now, though, know that you are pleasing me, and as there are punishments, there are also rewards..."

He trailed off, almost seeming to purr for a moment, and Terek carried on, using her muzzle to finish tidying her fur back into place, now that it was less matted and more properly fluffy again. It still looked a little messy, but it certainly felt better, and Terek spent a few additional moments nudging her muzzle against her nethers to verify that, at least for the moment, they were basically dry as well. Even so, she still felt the itch beginning to creep back low in her belly, sated enough by her overwhelming climax to give her perhaps a longer break than normal, but she was well enough aware that their cleaned state was only temporary. When she next looked back up, though, Rakal was back on the throne, fiddling with one of the remotes. It must have been the one for the regulator, for while she still couldn't say anything without it turning into a mewing noise, the itch crept back in a little more but seemed content to simply settle into the background of her feelings, rather than trying to take over her body and mind as it had before.

For the moment, at least, Rakal had seemed to have his fill of entertainment, as he called one of the servants over and instructed them to bring in dinner. It appeared to be a steak of some sort, although of a more exotic meat than Terek had usually been accustomed to having, Rakal's portion brought out on a rolling tray, complete with a polished-metal serving dome that Brant lifted off with a flourish to reveal the meal beneath. Terek's meal, true to form, was displayed with less panache, wordlessly placed into the gold-plated bowl on the floor. Rakal had apparently kept his word, though - the meat looked the same and seemed to be seasoned the same way, only neatly cubed before serving. It wasn't the nicest way to eat, to be sure, but again, with little alternative, there was little reason to care how it appeared. Besides, as soon as the smell hit her, she realized she was hungry enough that getting food into her stomach seemed far more important than how she looked doing it. She simply dipped her head down, scarfing up the food rapidly, ignoring whether or not the sauce from the dish got smeared all over her muzzle, or how it looked to lick of some of it with her tongue afterwards. As unattractive as she was sure such a thing must have looked, when she glanced back up she realized that the display had somehow perversely turned Rakal on, his barely-restrained bulge more than noticeable. After eating, though, he gestured for one of the servants to mop up her face with a spare cloth napkin before moving on to the night's entertainment.

The entertainment, such as it was, consisted of Rakal throwing her what seemed like a stuffed rodent of some sort, which she dutifully batted around for a bit, trying to keep the same nonchalance from before. It seemed like the thing had some sort of herbs inside it, and puffed out an unusual scent as she smacked it randomly across the room, although other than smelling strange, it didn't seem to have any other effect. For a little while, Rakal seemed disappointed, but was soon once again enraptured by her play, even though she made a point not to intentionally put on a show this time. Nevertheless, even though the heat never felt like it was going to overwhelm her, or even become anywhere near as prominent as it had been before, there was still enough of an itch that her nethers still felt... intriguing as she moved about, and a little ways into the play, she could feel that her ridges were once again subtly coated with the slick warmth of her own juices. Even though there wasn't the same desire from before, there was no question that she was ready for more, if Rakal decided to demand it.

For a while, it seemed like Rakal was actually happy just watching her again, whether or not the bulge in his underwear portrayed different, perhaps even unconscious, intentions. As she was flicking the odd little toy on the ground between her paws, though, Rakal stood up abruptly and strode over to her.

While she had been aware enough of Rakal's musculature, and how unshakable his grip had been as he'd mated her, she wasn't fully aware of his strength and athletic prowess until he reached down for her. One quick movement, and she was suddenly on her back, her limbs flailing about in surprise, even as she felt one arm hook under her knees and the other around her back. Then, in a movement that seemed just as effortless, he lifted her bodily up into the air, and she was quickly tucked into his chest, her head resting back against his shoulder, his arms solid and unwavering as they supported her. He hadn't looked that strong, had he? Of course, a moment later, she realized that it probably had less to do with his muscles, and more to do with the fact that unlike Terek's previously average frame, she was now a woman, and a slim, petite one at that - whatever she weighed now was probably only a fraction of what it had been before. Nevertheless, it still felt strange and a little unsettling to be handled quite so effortlessly. There wasn't a lot of time to think about it though, as Rakal was already in motion, his body swaying against her as he paced back past the throne. As he moved, he spoke up again, and Terek was close enough to his chest that she could actually feel it thrum as he talked.

"You have done well, my dear Aurora... not perfectly, perhaps, but well enough for a modest reward, although I suppose it will be a reward for both of us. You have earned a place in my bed for the night. And I suppose we will sleep... eventually." He paused, his head close enough that Aurora could actually hear the sound of his tongue running along his muzzle. "Enough words, though. I think it's time for both of us to be animals for a while..."

One of the servants hurried in front of them to fling open the door they were approaching, and Terek managed to get a quick glance around the room during the few steps it took Rakal to reach the bed. If the desert-sultan theme had been obvious enough in the throne room, it was undeniable here, from the canopied bed draped in tapestry-patterned fabric to the exotic artwork adorning the walls and the arched cutouts of the window frames. The surface of the bed itself was the only thing in the room that seemed at all understated, covered with a cream-colored sheet and a handful of similarly-colored pillows were scattered about. There was nothing else atop it, although in a place where she felt more than comfortably warm in her bare fur, it probably didn't matter. As she was thinking that, though, she suddenly found herself much closer to the bed than before, as a quick motion from Rakal's arms suddenly sent her sailing through the air the last few feet. The bed, though, was resilient enough that instead of thudding into the surface of the mattress, she felt it give under her and then spring back, and she bounced softly a couple of times before settling into its surface. It was, admittedly, supremely comfortable, and she had half a mind to curl up against it, but there was no time to do any of that. She barely had enough time to get oriented enough to look back up at Rakal, and the first thing she saw was him yanking down on his boxer briefs, actually shredding the fabric with his claws in impatience when they refused to give way as easily as he wanted them to. She started at the sudden, aggressive motion, but before she could do anything else at all, Rakal pounced forward and was suddenly, heavily on top of her.

There was a moment of panic as her petite form struggled to breathe under his weight, but a moment later Rakal got his arms braced on either side and the pressure lifted. His body still lingered intensely against her, though, and even as he rose slightly off of her, other parts of him were already in motion. His muzzle dug in between her neck and shoulder, and a moment later she felt his teeth, not pressed in enough to hurt, but just enough clench meaningfully against something that lay underneath. A weird twinge suddenly spiked through her, and she felt her body involuntarily shift to conform even more closely to his, her legs suddenly feeling weak and shivery even as she felt Rakal's own rubbing against them, his feet hooking firmly underneath her ankles. Then they pulled apart, spreading her own legs effortlessly along with them, and as soon as they did she felt the extra warmth against her belly abruptly shift lower, trailing down her pelvis until it seemed to jump downward between her legs, his tip suddenly hot and hard as it roughly forced her ridges to conform around it. This time, there was no teasing, no testing, just the shock as his hips slammed down, her entire body rocking against the bed from the powerful thrust as he was suddenly, overwhelmingly inside her.

Although the heat wasn't as intense as it had been before, once Rakal rammed home and let her body instantly stretched and straining around his cock, her response was just as immediate and rapid, if not more so. This time, there was more than just the feeling of Rakal's hands on her hips and the sensation of him lingering inside her. Now, their entire bodies were in contact, and while his teeth had retreated from their instinctual, preparatory bite, his muzzle still pressed intently against the same sensitive spot, nuzzling forcefully and puffing rapid, hot breaths against it. At the same time, his fur shifted softly against hers, and she could feel every brush as the sudden entry seemed to have immediately stoked every part of her into rapidly swelling sensitivity. Even more intense, though, was the feel of his fur against the rows of nipples along her chest, the bare flesh suddenly engulfed in a sea of sensation as Rakal's soft fur brushed against them with an intensity so great that for a moment her body tried to pull away from it, but Rakal simply lowered slightly against her in response, pushing his fur even closer and causing her to shudder and moan as the unstoppable sensation washed across her chest.

Between all of it together, even the few moments Rakal lingered inside her had already managed to stoke her to a fever pitch, and when his first, quicker withdrawal set his hooks rapidly against all of Terek's sensitive nubs in quick succession, the sensation engulfed her body and mind and sent her instantly, almost painfully, over the edge. Her body tensed and spasmed beneath him, and by the time his second thrust bottomed out inside her, her rapid, throbbing climax was already pulsing against him.

Rakal, though, wanted more, and whether it was by choice or done on pure instinct, whether or not he was fully aware of Terek climaxing beneath him, midway through her pulsating rhythm she felt the distinctive tug of Rakal's spines as he pulled out for another stroke.

If the sensation of his spines had been intense before, they were almost excruciatingly overpowering now, flashing for a moment past pleasure and into pure, raw agony, and then for the briefest time through a weird, trembling numbness as her body, and climax, seemed to somehow reset from the overstimulation. Her body froze in mid-pulse as the initial shock of climax slammed through her anew, her entire body arching and tensing against Rakal to what seemed their absolute limit, trembling like a plucked string as the second stage of her climax soared prematurely through her. Each pulse seemed to explode between her legs, reverberating shockwaves out to every other part of her, coming further apart than before, although each one was longer and stronger, not just a quick shock but a full second of tense, throbbing ecstasy that bore down on Rakal as tightly as her body was able and provided him with a small fraction of the intensity that she was feeling. It was far too much for him, though, and it only took a few of them before he groaned heavily into her neck and started pulsing on his own. Unlike before, though, her secondary climax seemed to key something else in her, and when the sensitive part inside her began to spasm against the onslaught of his seed as well, it pulsed in synchrony with everything else. Terek was only able to marvel at the unified sensation for a moment, though, before the sense of bliss completely overtook her. While her nervous system had apparently already acclimated slightly to the intensity, which meant that she didn't shut down entirely when she reached the point of being completely overwhelmed by sensation, for a moment she was still all but lost to the world as everything seemed to dissolve into nothing more than the pure sensation of seemingly unending climax that engulfed every fiber of her being, washing over her again and again until it felt almost unreal, somehow going beyond what she could normally sense. All she could do, though, was admire the sensation as it flowed through her, uncomprehending. Then the world began to seep back in around the edges, slowly at first and then suddenly all at once, leaving her again panting and thrumming and thoroughly, totally relaxed beneath Rakal, the pulses of her climax receding for several seconds even after he pulled tremulously out. For a moment, they just lay there, trembling against each other and desperately drawing in breath, Terek feeling Rakal's chest heaving against her own.

Trying to bring herself fully back to the present, she shifted slightly, trying to bring herself upright and pull away from the fog of afterglow laying dazedly across her mind, but Rakal wasn't going anywhere. She'd half-expected him to roll off of her, pull away like he had before, perhaps even roll over himself and go to sleep after the exertion of what had surely been an intense climax for him. Apparently, though, he wasn't done yet, keeping her wordlessly pinned beneath him as he rubbed sensuously against her, happily nuzzling one side of her neck and then the other until a lingering moan escaped her lips. As he did so, she could feel him swelling again, a shaft of warmth extending along her uppermost thigh until his tip nudged back against the edge of her ridges, rubbing intently and pressing harder against that particular spot until the ridge yielded and allowed him to slip in between them again. Then he slammed in, as quick and hard as before, and even before the afterglow had cleared her body was once again flooded with uncontrolled stimulation.

Energized by her climactic reactions, he took her several times more in quick succession, taking only as long as he needed to get hard again before ensuring she was stretched back around him. One climax hardly seemed to end before another began, and soon they all blended together into an inescapable state of bliss where it seemed impossible to even tell where the buildup, climax and afterglow truly began and ended. All she could do was experience it, letting wave after wave of sensation crash against her, pulse after pulse throbbing through a body no longer under even the slightest amount of conscious control. The only thing left for her to do was react to every orgasm Rakal stoked and consummated within her, arching and bucking and moaning around thrust after relentless thrust, jet after relentless jet filling her with a burgeoning warmth that throbbed at the core of every sensation.

Finally, after hours that felt like eons, the last barbed thrust pulled out across her inner walls in a series of pinpoint tremors, Rakal gasping and moaning before tucking his arms gently underneath her and rolling them both over onto their sides in a loose embrace. Rakal, though, was completely spent, and after a few moments his trembling grip weakened and his arms fell away from her back as he crashed instantly into a softly snoring slumber. The sensations that had been overwhelmingly stoked in Terek, though, still had yet to be fully processed and abated, and she remained tightly against him, her thighs locked tightly around his hips, shivering and letting out short, high-pitched cries as her insides pulsed, unabated and uncontrolled, for several more blissful minutes before a deep cloak of relaxation finally and suddenly overtook her. Every bit of energy in her completely spent, she crashed almost as quickly as he did, pausing only to nuzzle in against the soft fur on his chest, too spent to feel even slightly ashamed of their closeness.

Her body was too spent to consider dreaming, and even when she awoke, she could still feel vestiges of the deep, relaxing afterglow settled in certain parts of her, especially the ones that were also filled with the sort of satiated ache that was actually a pleasure to have.

For a moment, she felt slightly disoriented to wake up in the unfamiliar room, especially with the light filtering in at angles far different from the ones she was used to. When she tried to roll over to get a better view, though, she found herself constrained, sensing a moment later the feeling of Rakal's body against her. They were both still on their sides, but somehow she had turned around, and Rakal was now at her back, gripping her at some point in the night in another embrace. One arm was wrapped across her chest, hand pressed in tightly against a pair of her breastlets, and the other hooked across her hip with his hand flat against her pelvis, his fingers just barely above the point where the delicate ridges tucked in between her legs. She was still naked, with him close in against her, close enough that she could even feel the warmth of his relaxed member subtly against her own soft flesh, not arousing at all but still oddly comfortable. Whatever had happened last night had been enough to trigger the heat regulator's safety protocols, and there wasn't even a hint of the arousal that she had felt before.

In its place, though, was a strange sort of comfort, and it took her a moment to realize why. She had probably been a small child, if it had even happened then, when she had last spent the night in someone's arms. There had never been any reason to with other men, and it had been pricey enough just to spend a few minutes getting what he'd wanted from a proprietor, let alone the cost of spending an entire night with one. And a Red One, well, that just wasn't going to happen. As a result, it was a rare, uniquely comforting feeling, and one that she realized, after a moment of contemplation, she was able to experience only due to her conversion.

It was a weird state to be in, to be sure, warmly wrapped up in the arms of someone who all but owned her and had no qualms in dominating her however he saw fit, a man that by all rights she ought to loathe after the humiliation he'd heaped on her - even now, the proof of his complete domination of her still slowly dripped and lingered along her inner walls. And yet... somehow, she couldn't. Perhaps it was due to the fact that along with her humiliation had come heights of pleasure she hadn't imagined even existed during her time as a man, and forcibly engineered or not, were a powerful, blissful counterpoint to everything else. Not to mention, while she'd had to suffer through enough nonsense that hadn't furthered her goals, his overzealousness from the night before had surely gone some ways towards paying down her debt, perhaps even bringing her freedom a few days closer already. Really, from an objective standpoint, it was actually an ideal arrangement, with the thing that paid her closer to her goal also providing a dose of guaranteed ecstasy to go along with it, drowning out the slight pain involved to leave almost no drawbacks. The counterpoint to that, of course, was the man wrapped around her: arrogant, unpredictable, and used to getting whatever he wanted. In sleep, at least, he was warm and comforting, but there was no telling how he would act once he awoke. There was the distinct possibility that he would jump on her soon after waking, and with the heat regulator shut off entirely, she didn't even want to imagine how that would feel without the preparation it provided.

Even as she thought that, she felt him stir against her, and he nuzzled gently against her neck as he awoke. "Mmh... tell me last night wasn't a dream."

"Myo," she replied, slightly irked that her words were still missing, but less so than she'd been the day before.

"Ah... right. Good enough." He released her, rustling drawers behind her, and by the time she turned around and propped herself up in bed to look at him, he already had his underwear on and was finishing buttoning up his shirt. This time, though, he didn't stop at that, adding a pair of smartly pressed pinstripe slacks and a matching suit jacket.

He looked back at her, grinning at her quizzical expression. "You do know, my pet, that everything here is merely my relaxation - my day job, sadly enough, is calling. Thanks to your presence, of course, I had the wonderful experience of blissfully out-sleeping my alarm, and my servants are of course strictly forbidden from disturbing me when I am, well, otherwise occupied. As much as I might desire to take you with me, and parade your compliant form before my jealous colleagues, somehow that does not seem advisable. I will, however, have an assuredly delightful day, knowing just how much my pet is eagerly awaiting my return."

He turned away, retrieving something from another drawer. It actually turned out to be several somethings - both of the remotes from before, as well as a stack of folded, brightly-colored clothing. He tossed the latter onto the bed next to her, scattering to reveal several pairs of soft, brightly-colored panties. She reached over, running a hand across them, as something else thunked down on the bed nearby: the thin, narrow box housing one of the remotes.

"I think your performance last night earned these - extra points for effort, by the way. I doubt there's another proprietor alive that could inspire me to such heights of primal excitement, and the sensation of you climaxing against me continues to be exquisite. I shall look forward to more of the same. As for that," he said, gesturing to the remote, "while you should refrain from touching it until I am gone, afterwards you are free to set it as you see fit - restore your voice and full locomotion, or leave them in place and enjoy practicing your animal nature." He waved the hand with the other remote before tucking it into his pocket. "I do think I'll keep this one with me, though, perhaps play around with it throughout my workday, enjoying the feelings that I know it will elicit in you. You might have imagined that it's just a short-range transmitter, but it's actually tied to a datanet address, so as long as I have any wireless access at all, the signals will be relayed to you. After all, that's the reason I didn't give you just a single pair of panties - I have every intention of ensuring that you are good and ready before I even return, and while I have no intention of setting a level that would be torturous without my presence to relieve it, I imagine that you'll go through quite a number of pairs of those nonetheless. Do be sure to keep them around, though - when I get back, I'll want to handle each and every one of them to remind me of the desires that have been awaiting me all day long. Now, pull on a pair of them, and follow me."

She did as he requested, hopping off of the bed and back onto all fours, even though she was already grumbling a little inside - whatever had happened between them, it didn't seem that Rakal had changed his opinion of her much at all. Still, she probably should have expected that. He'd wanted something to toy with, and to fuck, and so far she'd supplied him with both - it only stood to reason that he'd have come up with some new way to mess with her. At the very least, though, she knew now at the end of it precisely what the payoff would be, in more ways then one.

She followed Rakal as he walked back out into the throne-room, only to do an about-face and turn towards the blank white door directly next to the one he'd just exited. It led down a short hall, and there, as predicted, were the solid, engraved-wood double doors and the keypad lock next to them. Rakal punched something into it, using his body to shield the keypad from Terek's view, and a moment later the doors swung open to reveal what looked like a balcony over some sort of open atrium.

"Yes, the mansion proper," Rakal said by way of explanation. "Quite a nice place, although I suppose this will be the only vantage you'll see it from anytime soon." He pulled a phone from the pocket of his suit jacket, glancing at its screen briefly. "Oh, and just out of curiosity, I calculated the precise distance you would have further needed to travel in order to have been victorious yesterday. It came out to precisely... thirty-seven point nine meters, or approximately sixty-one more crawling strides from the point where you forfeited. Ah, well... technically a loss, perhaps, but somehow I'm sure that we're both going to be so much happier this way." He glanced down at her, grinning. "Goodbye for now, my beautiful Aurora. I will enjoy knowing that you're thinking of me while I'm away. After all, that is something I can guarantee." He returned the phone to his pocket, retrieving the remote instead, twirling the device between his fingers as he turned and walked through the doorway, laughing. Nearly as soon as he passed through them, the doors were closing again, and a second later they slammed shut, leaving Terek staring glaringly after him for a moment before she turned away from the doors demarcating the outer edge of her tiny new world and padded back into the bedroom.

One activation of the remote later, and she was standing again, stretching muscles that were already unaccustomed to the posture they'd been prevented from taking, and clearing a throat that had done far too much mewing for a while. Besides, there was one thing that she realized she absolutely needed to hear.

"Terek. Your name is Terek." She repeated it a couple of times, as though to reassure herself. And yet... there she was, trapped in someone else's place, completely transformed so as to be unrecognizable and built to conform entirely to the pleasures of another who could control every aspect of her life from that point on. Could she truly hold tight to her identity, while in effect serving as a living accessory to someone else? Every day, she knew, would take her closer to her goal, closer to the freedom to do whatever she wanted with her new form, but at the same time she could feel the weight of the collar against her, the name Aurora rustling the fur on her neck, as inescapable now as the past that had led her there. Even as she thought that, she felt the distinctive thrum in her chest that meant an impatient Rakal had already begun to bring the heat regulator to life, and as she felt her body begin to react, for the first time she truly wondered whether it would be Terek or Aurora who would emerge from Rakal's perverse palace...