The Queen's Pet: Ch. 2

Story by Et2bruttus on SoFurry

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#2 of The Queen's Pet

Summary: Human guard Eric Dormer begins his rounds at the female prison and he meets the Queen inmate. He finds out the hard way that he shouldn't piss her off.

After being introduced to Captain Ara'lak and several of the other guards that he'd be working with, Eric began to make his rounds in earnest, hoping to prove himself and show initiative early on. It was midday, and many of the inmates would be in the mess hall to sit down for one of their meals, so he started on his patrol duties there. The Captain and several other guards accompanied him to patrol the cafeteria itself, though there were also armed guards on the catwalks to support them from overhead in the event of a riot.

Captain Ara'lak had programmed the neural shock device into his wrist communicator as a precaution and began to explain to him the ins and outs of the prison. She gave him a layout of the station and Zeta Wing, the cell block that he would be patrolling after lights out. She also gave him a rundown of which inmates were particular troublemakers in the past and which he should watch out for.

Eric decided that he rather liked his new Captain, who was a Kithar. She spoke quickly and he initially had a hard time picking up everything that she instructed him, but she seemed empathetic to the fact that he was a sole human male amongst alien females. To quell any insecurities he may have had, she explained that the residents of the station, guards and inmates alike, seemed more curious about him rather than angry that he was here.

Eric had smiled at her and nodded when she said that, but remembered keenly how some of the female guards had taken a peek or two at him when he was first changing into his new uniform in the locker room. He remembered the Warden's rule against fraternization, but he hoped that his fellow guards knew about that rule as well. Already he could tell that some of the looks that he was getting were suggestive and extended beyond mere curiosity.

He and the Captain arrived at the mess hall and the doors opened for them automatically after the Captain swiped her keypad.

Captain Ara'lak grinned at him with her feline muzzle. "Welcome to the hive, new meat," she said, stepping aside to let her new human colleague see into the mess hall.

Immediately, he was accosted with the color red, as each inmate wore a red prison jumpsuit. The mess hall was bustling as they lined up to collect their metal tray of food at the lunch line. Small groups of inmates were getting rowdy over something or another, but for the most part the inmates kept to themselves and ate their meals.

Eric also noticed that there was a general pattern of female members of different species mingling mostly with their own kind, though there were exceptions to that. Nearby, he noticed the Noors, of which there was a large number of inmates since they were the dominant species in this region of space. The draconic Noors were ravenous carnivores, and tore into their meat with gusto, seeming not to take notice of him or care at first. Beside them were the Kithars, the catlike aliens of which Eric was already familiar. Then there were the tall, slender, praying mantis-looking aliens called the Lithopes, whose females looked practically identical to the males that he'd seen in vids, much to Eric's amusement. Then there were the big, bulky aliens with the multiple eyes and arachnid features - the Kromonids. Then there were the short residents with green and grey skin tones - the Gelbins - which given their height and features looked similar to goblins that Eric had read about in fantasy literature. Finally, there were the two species who had the most human-like traits of all the alien species present - the Arzuri and the Jil'thal.

It was a lot to take in for him at first, but Eric had to admit from the start that the Arzuri were the most pleasing alien species to look at, given their physical similarities to humans. The only differences were the purple skin tones, pointed ears, and taloned fingers. The Jil'thal bore similar human qualities as well, but had darker skin tones and oily skin, pronounced ridges above their eyebrows, and slitted pupils, like the eyes of a snake. The other species in the room were entirely alien to him at first glance, though it mattered little either way since he would be seen as an outsider by all of the inmates here.

He pondered these things for so long that Eric didn't even realize at first that at least half of the mess hall had taken notice of his arrival and turned to look at him. Inmates of every species turned their heads to the door and conversations dissipated to hushed whispers as they made remarks about him. Eric tried his best not to lose his cool, and put on his best "strong man" façade that he'd used when he made his rounds at his old prison with male human inmates. But try as he might, he felt a thousand eyes looking at him at once and he partially wished that the world would swallow him whole right then and there.

Captain Ara'lak came to his rescue. She smacked her baton against the metal wall, causing it to echo through the room. "Get back to eating your meals, you ill-bred bitches!"

At once, the mess hall became a flurry of activity once again and the inmates turned back to their meals or their conversations with each other, though Eric could tell that many of the conversations were now about him. The Captain walked up beside him and he gave her a nod which she then returned.

"I appreciate the save," Eric said with a laugh.

She waved him off. "Think nothing of it. I'd be prepared for more of the same, though. I imagine you'll be the celebrity around here for at least another week or two, if not longer. Can't say that's necessarily a good thing," she said.

Eric looked back at the open mess hall for signs of disturbance or ruckus, but luckily found none for the time being. However, at the far end of the mess hall, there was one table that was isolated and separate from the rest of the tables. It took him only a few moments to deduce that the exile was self-imposed by the inmates sitting there, as every time an "outsider" passed by that particular table, they were hastily ushered away by table's current residents. There was one female inmate in particular, an Arzuri with violet skin, who sat at the head of the table, and all other inmates who passed by seemed to avoid her, whether out of fear or reverence, Eric could not say. The rest of this alien convict's cronies also seemed to defer to her, asking her questions and receiving a simple nod from her in return.

"Captain," Eric said, getting Ara'lak's attention. "Who is that?" he asked, pointing to the inmate in question who was sitting at the isolated table.

Captain Ara'lak looked to where he was pointing let out a sigh. "That, my human friend, is the most dangerous inmate in this entire prison. Ashlan Tevros," she said, practically spitting the name. Eric looked at her confusedly, and the Captain began to elaborate. "You could write a book about Ms. Tevros, but to put it plainly, she was and still is the drug queenpin of this entire sector of the galaxy."

Eric frowned, seeing only the purple-skinned, slender woman of average height and musculature. "She doesn't look like much," he replied.

"That's the impression that most people first get. But don't let it fool you. She controlled the Hesh trade on the outside, and I have no doubt that she has managed to smuggle a lot of it into this prison as well," Ara'lak explained.

"Hesh?" Eric asked.

"A hard drug that you can only get on the black market. I believe the closest human equivalent would be the party drug, Ecstasy, though this is far more potent. Hesh puts the user into a state of euphoria and bliss, among other things. It's dangerous, though. Overuse can kill brain cells and even drive some users insane."

The Captain shook her head. "Anyway, Tevros rose from the ground up in this sector. She eliminated rivals, expanded the Hesh market to other parts of the galaxy, bribed Confederacy officials in government, the list goes on. And it didn't stop after she was sentenced to this prison. She's got so many contacts, outside the prison and inside, that her drug empire has barely faltered despite her incarceration. In fact, I have no doubt that a number of guards under my command are taking bribes from her. The thing is, I can't prove it, because she never makes any deals personally anymore. She operates the same way she did on the outside - by having her cronies get their hands dirty for her."

"So how did she end up in here?" Eric asked.

The Captain snorted. "She slipped up, made a mistake. She killed a guy, a Kromonid rival of hers, and over a dozen witnesses saw it happen. That's what was strange though; she'd always been an expert at covering her tracks. She'd supposedly killed a lot more than just one guy, but this was the only time she got caught doing it. With so many witnesses, she didn't stand a chance in the courts. She was given a life sentence, and since Arzuri have a lengthy lifespan, that means she's going to be here for a long time, unless by some miracle she gets early parole."

Eric turned to look back at the table where Tevros and her cronies in red jumpsuits were sitting. He saw four others with her - a lanky greenish/yellowish insectoid alien, a Lithope, who was currently picking idly at her food, a hulking, muscled Kromonid female who served as the table's "bodyguard," a black and golden striped Kithar who was busy tearing into the alien meat that had been served for lunch, and finally, a draconic Noor who was currently speaking to Tevros herself about something while Tevros slowly nodded back to her.

He shook his head and turned his gaze away from them for the time being to continue his rounds. He broke up a few minor scuffles when some of the inmates got particularly rowdy, but they seemed not to give him much trouble when he approached. Though it would be more accurate to say that the inmates were so enthralled by the arrival of their new human male guard that they seemed to forget what they were even fighting with each other about in the first place.

He broke up some brief infighting at one table before he heard someone approach behind him.


Eric spun around and saw the very same Noor inmate from Tevros' inner circle now standing before him with her arms crossed. The draconic inmate with bronze scales looked him up and down, and Eric had to admit that he found himself doing the same, given that this was the first time he'd seen a Noor female up close, besides Warden Hecula. It was surprising to Eric that despite having reptilian features, she was all female beneath the jumpsuit, with the obvious feminine swells of breasts and subtle curves in the right places.

The man shook his head before his mind wandered down a dangerous path. Remembering his position, his hand instinctively went to the handle of his baton. He didn't want to have to strike an inmate, but he would if he was threatened.

"What do you want, inmate?" Eric asked commandingly, puffing out his chest just slightly and trying to sound intimidating. Eric was a big guy and could handle himself in a scuffle, as he had in a few situations with human lowlifes at previous prison assignments.

But in this case, the Noor did not seem impressed. A thin smile stretched across her maw.

"So, human, huh?" she asked before flicking her bifurcated tongue across her lips as reptiles do.

Eric ignored her question and pulled his baton out for good measure, taking a cautionary step toward her. "I asked what you wanted," he repeated more forcefully.

The draconic woman's grin widened but she took a step back. "Mmm now, feissssssty," she said, drawing the word out playfully like a snake. She gave a gratuitous curtsy and bow before him. "My name is Shaala, and I come on behalf of her revered majesty," she said, making a motion of her head toward Tevros, who was gazing intently at Eric from the other side of the room.

Eric snorted, knowing immediately that both this woman and Tevros were likely about to mock him in some way. "And what does 'her revered majesty' want?"

Shaala's grin widened and she cocked her head at him. "Tevros extends a message: she wants to congratulate you on your new posting and wishes you many years of a successful career here. In addition, she would like you to know that her door is always open should you wish to engage in any dealings with her for mutual benefit. She also wanted me to specifically tell you...that her cell can be found at 501 in Zeta Wing. Perhaps you might slip in one night after evening roll call and have a private meeting of an intimate nature. Even in prison, a queen does need a consort, after all."

Eric's face went red with anger. He pointed his baton at her. "Back the fuck away from me, now! And politely tell her royal highness to go fuck herself too. If you, or her, or any of her little minions try to bribe me again, I would be happy to send a couple thousand volts of electricity your way whenever I feel like it," Eric said sternly, pointing to the electromagnetic anti-riot countermeasure that had been installed into his wrist device.

Shaala did not seem too put off by his answer, like she was expecting it. She shrugged. "Sssssuit yourself, pretty boy." She turned on her heel and walked off, but not before looking over her shoulder at him and saying, "But she will remember this. Oh, yesssss," she cackled, "she will remember."

Eric watched her walk off and shook his head, refusing to let that convict or her words get under his skin. These may have been females that he was dealing with, but he had familiarity with scum like Tevros at other prisons as well; self-proclaimed rulers on the inside who think that they can control everything and everyone through power and fear. He wouldn't take her bait or succumb to either her bribes or her apparent seductions. He had morals and he was above either of those things.

The human guard shrugged it off and returned the baton to his belt before continuing his rounds. He took only one more glance in the direction of Tevros' table in the mess hall. Shaala by now had relayed his response back to Tevros, but he could see that just as Shaala had shrugged off his angry reply, so too did Tevros. She sat at her high chair and continued eating as if nothing had happened.

On one occasion, however, Tevros met Eric's gaze, and the violet-skinned convict winked at him.


Eric started off his first week of guard duty at Ascalon without any untoward incidents. The general curiosity that the prison residents had toward him did not seem to decline at all, however. If anything, the inmates grew more and more curious about the human, and some were very vocal about wanting to get some attention from him.

More than once, he would get catcalled by inmates when he walked the cell block on patrol. Their boisterous calls ranged anywhere from, "Can I just see what that pink skin feels like?" to "Drop your pants and let me see a human's male parts, pretty boy! Give us a show!"

"Pretty Boy" seemed to be the general nickname that they'd assigned to him, and it confirmed his suspicions that not only were male guards a rarity here, but that these alien inmates obviously approved of his human looks, even if they were previously unfamiliar to many of the inmates before he came here. For most of these "women," the only time that they'd seen a human since the humans joined the intergalactic community was in the vids that they were occasionally allowed to watch in the rec room.

Of Tevros and her band of bootlicking underlings, Eric saw little. They kept to themselves at their isolated table whenever Eric made the rounds at the mess hall and they, surprisingly, were among the few inmates not to catcall him whenever he patrolled Zeta Wing. However, although he never came into direct contact with the "Queen Bitch" and her gang, more and more he noticed many looks coming from Tevros herself. In the mess hall, she would glare across at him with an expression that was impossible to read, not making any threatening or suggestive gestures, but just staring at him for the longest time. It was unnerving, but he couldn't do anything about it except ignore it. He decided not to dwell on it, assuming that her apparent interest in him would fade away over time - such was the nature of static prison life.

When Eric was on break and not making his rounds, he would send long distance vid calls back and forth with his wife, Sarah. He would return home to her over the weekends, taking a shuttle to the nearby colony world of Ithael, but he passed the time between those weekly visits by chatting with Sarah about his new duties at the prison and listening to his wife's excited stories about the various alien kids who lived on the colony who she taught lessons to. He was thankful to have had his wrist device improved to allow for seamless long-distance communication to his wife via his communicator; along with the increased salary, the improved equipment was one of the other perks of this job to balance out the discomfort of being the sole male human guard on staff.

One day, Eric was making his rounds in the middle of the day, when most of the inmates were being put to work in various details across the station. However, he received word that one of the inmates in his cell block, Zeta Wing, had refused to get out of bed since early morning roll call, apparently over some serious illness or another. One of his fellow guards radioed him on his communicator and told him to proceed to Zeta Wing to check on the inmate and call for medical attention if need be.

Eric walked through Level 5 of Zeta Wing to the steel-reinforced cell unit where the sick inmate was. The cell's door was open and unsealed. Peering inside, he could see the female inmate, a Kithar, curled up on her cot, letting out a guttural, throaty sound, like she was in a lot of pain. He hesitantly stepped into the cell, pulling out his baton just in case.

He tapped into his wrist communicator and spoke into it. "Captain? I'm at 516. The inmate is making a lot of noise and convulsing a bit. I think she's in a lot of pain. I'll check it out."

"Alright, but use caution. They sometimes try to fake these things so that they can make a grab for your weapon," Captain Ara'lak responded.

"Understood," Eric said, signing off.

He warily approached the sick Kithar at the end of cell, seeing her shaking and letting out a catlike whine from her cot. He was somewhat concerned for her, but also for himself, holding out his baton just in case.

"Inmate?" he asked, approaching the feline alien.

The high-pitched pained, whining noise got louder and the inmate kept shaking as he got closer.

"Inmate, do you need a doctor? I can have you taken to the infirmary?"

The whining continued, but then became a hacking sound, almost like a cough. To Eric's surprise, it sounded almost like a chuckle, but with the inmate's back turned to him he couldn't tell for sure.

"Why don't we take _you_somewhere instead?"

Eric's eyes widened, realizing for the first time how stupid he'd been not to notice that this Kithar inmate had golden and black stripes - the exact same as the Kithar that he'd seen sitting with Tevros and their gang in the mess hall week after week.

He discovered the ruse too late. Before he could react, he felt a pair of strong, muscular arms clamp themselves around his neck from behind, putting him in a firm chokehold. Working together, another pair of hands stuffed a gag into his mouth while someone else grabbed his arms, relieving him of his baton and preventing him from using his wrist device to call other guards for help. He activated the neural defense measure at the last second, but to his astonishment, it did not seem to function properly. He'd been told that it would deliver a crippling shock to nearby inmates with their surgical implants, but nothing of the sort seemed to happen.

Surrounded by red jumpsuits and with three pairs of hands working together, it was impossible for him to fight back, despite his struggles. He saw the Kithar get up from the cot - obviously well and not sick - and assist her three cohorts. Eric tried to kick her while simultaneously reaching for his side arm at his holster. He succeeded at the first, pushing the Kithar back, but failed at the second, having his side arm and holster pulled from his belt and tossed aside. All the while, the strong inmate behind him - most likely Tevros' Kromonid bodyguard judging by the sheer size and strength - kept him in a headlock that he had no hope of getting out of.

Muffled by the gag, Eric cursed at the females, but he felt his head pounding and his vision becoming blurry. He struggled for many more moments, but the fight gradually slipped out of him. The Kromonid pressed down hard on a pressure point of nerves on the back of his neck while keeping him in the firm headlock and he finally lost consciousness, slumping to the ground but being caught by two pairs of hands before he could hit the hard floor. Before he passed out he saw the Kithar inmate leaning over him along with Shaala, the Noor that he'd encountered in the mess hall. They grinned down at him with their hands (paws? claws?) on their hips.

"We'll take good care of you, Pretty Boy." He heard Shaala laugh along with her three compatriots.


When Eric came to, he had one hell of a pounding headache. He immediately found out that his hands were cuffed behind his back and he was half sitting, half laying on a cot inside one of the prison cells with his back against the wall. His vision was still fuzzy and he couldn't tell whose cell he was in, but suspected that it was still midday and the rest of the cell block would be otherwise empty, most likely.

The second major thing that Eric realized was that he had been stripped of all his gear and all his clothing down to his underwear. His chest and torso was completely bare and he was damn near completely exposed to the frigid cold air of the cell block. Immediately, he struggled against his cuffs and gave a muffled yell for help, realizing again that he was gagged.

"Oh now, look who's awake!" A high-pitched voice exclaimed to the right of him. Shaala was there with the Kithar and the insectoid Lithope. The hulking Kromonid who'd put him into unconsciousness was there too, guarding the entrance to the cell like a sentry.

"Rise and shine, Pretty Boy. You took quite a stumble," Eric heard an unfamiliar, smooth voice from the other side of the cell.

He saw Tevros up close for the first time. Her silverish hair was braided and tied back, and her azure/violet skin was practically luminescent under the single illuminating light in the cell. Her face had a pert, natural beauty to it, though it bore a few scars from old fights that came with a life of crime. The red sleeves of her jumpsuit were rolled up and Eric noticed a trail of ritualistic tattoos inked up the length of her arm. Captain Ara'lak had explained briefly that Arzuri had a spiritual side to their culture, and in this case Tevros had chosen to mark a small tattoo on her arm for each of her sins, and she had many tattoos on her arm for her many sins.

Still, though she was not the most threatening person, human or alien, that he had ever seen, he knew what she was capable of, and he didn't relish being at her mercy. He struggled against his bondage and scanned the cell with his eyes for his equipment. He finally saw that the Kithar was brandishing his pistol and the Lithope was tweaking with his wrist device.

Seeing his struggling, Tevros smirked and made a motion of her head to her cohorts. "Shaala, Raine," Tevros said, addressing the Noor and Kithar, respectively, "take off his gag for a moment and give our patient a bit of medicine to make him feel better before we start."

The two alien females approached him and knelt down to his level on the cot. Raine procured a makeshift knife made of glass from her pocket, showing it to him.

"I'm gonna take out your gag, Pretty Boy, and if you squeal or shout or make any sound, I'm gonna paint the walls of this cell with your blood! Got it, human?"

Eric was fuming with anger behind his gag, but he kept that anger in check. He would not die in some cell, half naked before a gang of depraved criminals. He would not leave his wife in such an undignified manner. He reluctantly nodded his head to the feline female.

Raine took two of her claws and dipped them into his mouth, yanking out the cloth that was gagging him, and Eric took the time to breathe freely. Before he could object, Shaala was on him next. She shoved a pill of some kind into his mouth and down his throat, cocking his head back and pinching his nose to force him to swallow it. She then took out a canteen of water and pressed it to his lips, forcing him to drink.

Eric coughed, feeling the water go down the wrong pipe. Regaining his breathing he looked at Tevros frantically. "What was that pill?! What did you fucking give me?!"

Tevros crossed her arms and smirked at him. "I take it that since you're a human, you've never experienced the bliss of Hesh before. Well, Pretty Boy, be prepared to have your world opened up like it has never been before. The effects should kick in pretty quickly, so we'll just sit back and chat for a few minutes before they do."

Eric began to panic, realizing that he'd just swallowed a dose of an illegal black market drug. What effect would it have on him?! What would Warden Hecula do to him if the security scanners found this in his system?!

Eric turned back to Tevros. "What the fuck do you want with me?"

Tevros tapped a talon to her mouth and hummed. "Well, me and the girls are here for class."

Eric shook his head, already feeling his vision becoming hypersensitive. "C- class?" he repeated her words.

"Yup," Tevros replied. "We're here for Anatomy 101. Or wait, maybe it was Xenobiology 101? I forget."

Raine spat on the ground. "Naw bitch, I'm here for Sex Education!" She and the other inmates erupted into a chorus of laughs at that, except for Tevros.

She shook her head and rolled her eyes, looking back at Eric. "Do not mind my furry colleague, Mr. Dormer. She has no tact, no understanding of social conduct. She spent years killing males across the galaxy and taking their penises and testicles as trophies, after all." When Eric blinked at her with his mouth agape, Tevros continued. "Ah, you know how Kithar are, right? Tribal honor and all that? They like collecting their trophies. Raine here just has a preference."

Raine unclenched her furry hand, showing off her sharp claws. "Speaking of which, can I take his after we're done? Pretty please, Tevros!"

Tevros shook her head, declining. "No castration, Raine. What good is a toy if you go breaking it?"

The Queen Bitch shook her head and looked back at Eric. "Anyway, I'm going to tell you why you're here, Mr. Human Hunk Boy. The inmates in this place have been talking about you for weeks. Sure, we've had the occasional male guard in the past, but never a human. Most of us in here have never even met a human, seeing as they're still new around this sector. Hell, most of us haven't been able to get a good look at you for more than a couple minutes. You walk around, strutting your stuff on patrol, and you've got a prison full of females who want to get to know you. Now that doesn't seem right to me," Tevros babbled. "I extend you a friendly invitation via my associate, Shaala, here in the mess hall, and you turned me down flat." She made a series of tsk sounds. "Very rude, Mr. Dormer. Very rude."

Eric struggled to follow everything that she was saying. His vision became jumbled and everything seemed much brighter all of a sudden.

"Now," Tevros said, continuing. "As you can see, the girls and I have already taken off most of your clothes, so at least some of our curiosity is sated. You were unconscious for it, but we all got a good feel for your smooth skin and those solid, chiseled abs and arms of yours."

She licked her lips. "I don't know if you are the exception or the norm to other human males, Mr. Dormer but, well, let's just say that if you went the rest of your patrol rounds just like this, and without that ugly uniform on from now on, I think you'd make a lot of the inmates in here very happy. Like our own personal male model, right?" Tevros said before whistling.

Try as he might to distance himself from this entire ordeal, the sultry talk from Tevros and the Hesh flowing through his veins was having an entirely new effect on Eric. Not only was he light-headed and his senses heightened, but he was being overcome with a state of intense arousal. His underwear felt tight, and blood began to flow to his cock like a water balloon. Eric had always been proud of his endowment, seeing that he was considerably above average as far as human men went, but even now he felt as if he'd gained another inch or so out of nowhere. He also felt as hard as steel, like he would be able to keep an erection for the rest of his life.

"Well well, what have we here?" Zillia, the insectoid female asked, clicking her mandibles. She pointed a long, chitinous finger at the erection that was tenting in the human guard's underwear.

Eric looked frantically back and forth between his growing cock and the four females who were staring hungrily at it, awaiting its unveiling. Borka, the hulking Kromonid female guarding the cell, had seemed disinterested in this entire affair, but she did look over her shoulder at his tenting erection out of curiosity nonetheless. Raine, meanwhile, was licking her lips and whiskers; out of arousal or a sociopathic desire to take his cock as one of her "trophies," Eric couldn't say.

Even Tevros was blushing a little bit, anticipating seeing her first cock in the flesh in a very long time. She licked her lips. "Raine, I do believe Mr. Dormer may have smuggled contraband into the prison. He's certainly packing something bulky in his underwear. Please, relieve him of that underwear so we can see what he's brought in with him."

By now, the other inmates crowded in around his cot with the exception of Borka, who stood guard. Raine approached him and made quick work of his underwear, but kept his private parts intact at Tevros' stern urging once again. Her claws shredded his underwear, causing his thick, imposing ten inch erection to spring out for all the females to see. With his Hesh-induced arousal, Eric's cock was pulsing and jumping with his heartbeat and the mushroom head had become a shade of purple, drooling out a steady flow of precum.

The inmates collectively gasped, staring at his prick like it was a scepter of the gods.

Shaala gave a pleasured hiss, a wide grin stretching across her reptilian maw. "Now that is nice."

Zillia tittered and nodded. "Makes the males of my species look like straw-dicks."

Raine was simply salivating like she was looking at a cat treat.

Tevros chewed her lip. "Thing is fucking big. Think I've only seen bigger on a Kromonid male, but those dumb fuckers spill their load after just a few pumps. Aint that right, Borka?"

The big Kromonid female shrugged from her place at the door. "Wouldn't know. I only go for females."

Shaala laughed at that. "Maybe that's the reason why."

Eric, in his euphoric haze, didn't know what to make of all these female convicts staring at his man meat with such reverence. He realized by now that this entire humiliating ordeal was Tevros' revenge against him for slighting her, that day in the mess hall. Still, what he did not anticipate was that Tevros and her lackeys actually found him to be appealing, and yet here they were, practically fawning over him. Their curiosity and lack of male affection for years had obviously given them some built up lust when it came to him.

Tevros was chewing her lip, staring at his cock with lust blazing in her azure eyes. She seemed to be debating something, looking between him and the door into the cell block, weighing how much time she had.

Tevros stood up onto her feet. "Fuck it," she said. Eric heard an unzipping sound. He looked up and saw Tevros pulling off her red jumpsuit, baring more of her radiant violet skin to him. She wore a tank top underneath, shielding much of her upper half from him, but she wore only a thin pair of panties to shield her womanly parts from him. She made quick work of sliding her panties down her legs and kicking them off with her jumpsuit, leaving herself with only her tanktop and boots on.

Eric tried to turn his head away, to put himself in another place and continue resisting this indignity, but Shaala tilted his head forcefully back in Tevros' direction. He watched her sway her hips seductively as she approached his prone form. A lump formed in the back of his throat as he saw the flushed, dark purple lips of her labia glisten with wetness, and a drop of juice trickle down her inner thigh.

Tevros reached down and stroked her aroused slit as she straddled his cot, staring him in the face with a determined yet hungry expression, like she had done to him silently for the past several weeks in the mess hall. "I have always taken what I want, Mr. Dormer, inside the prison and out. And now, I want you."

She climbed up his well-defined chest until she was straddling his head, her dripping alien pussy just inches away from his face. He could smell the heady, musky scent of her arousal. Perhaps it was the Hesh screwing with his brain, but it smelled like sweet spices to him.

Regardless, Eric saw through his haze of forced arousal enough to remember his wife, and how much he loved her and would never wish to betray her. Sure, he'd been coerced and physically overpowered by these convicts, but perhaps he could have done more to stop them? And even now, despite being drugged, he should put up more resistance.

Eric ignored the single trickle of her love juice that dripped onto his chin. He slammed his eyes shut. "I...can't! Please don't do this. I have a wife!" Eric pleaded, both to Tevros and to himself.

Tevros slapped his face, causing his head to jerk back. "And if you satisfy me, I'll keep you nice and pretty for when you go home to your wife. But if you don't cooperate, I'll have Raine and Borka do what they wish with you, and they are a lot rougher than me, believe me. If you think that that prissy human wife of yours can keep this," she ran a hand up and down his muscled chest, "and this," she said, reaching back and squeezing his thick cock, causing him to gasp, "all to herself, you're wrong. I think your wife should share."

Eric struggled, turning his head to the side again and cursing under his breath while apologizing, saying his wife's name profusely. Tevros looked down at him and, to his astonishment, seemed to have a look of sympathy come over her face.

She rubbed the top of his head. "We're forcing you to do this, Mr. Dormer. Find solace in that. You are not betraying your bond-mate. We are using you. You are a man-sized sex toy for us, nothing more."

With that, Tevros grew impatient once again and she straddled his head, lowering her wet pussy down to his mouth. Eric couldn't believe it; he couldn't believe that he was being forced to eat out the pussy of one of the most dangerous and infamous criminals in the galaxy. He sighed, realizing that putting up a fight would be futile. There were no other guards in sight to help him, he was cuffed and without a weapon, and if he refused to cooperate then Tevros would likely let her psychotic Kithar sidekick castrate him for her own amusement, or worse.

Eric shuddered and snaked out his tongue. He wanted to get this over with quickly. The Hesh was making it hard for him to think, making him somehow feel both dizzy and acutely alert simultaneously, if that were even possible.

Tevros took his head into her hands, purring, appreciating his cooperation. She lowered her juicy snatch down onto the human's tongue, sighing in bliss as the wet appendage made contact with her sensitive purple folds. It had been far too long since she'd had a good cum, and she was desperate for release. For a time, her cohorts had been happy to satisfy her needs, and that had worked for her, for a while. But she wanted something new, she wanted a man, and she wanted to add a human to her list of conquests.

"That's it, pet," Tevros sighed, swaying her lithe purple hips over his face, wetting his chin and feeling his tongue parting her folds and sweeping across her Arzuri pussy. Opening her eyes, she looked down at his wide-eyed visage beneath her. "Have you done this to your wife, before?"

Eric wished that this evil bitch would shut up and stop talking to him. But when he looked up and saw her impatiently waiting for his answer with a cold glare, he nodded. He and his wife had had a lot of time to get acquainted with each other in bed, and they were both still very active in that respect whenever he came home to her. He loved eating Sarah's pussy, hearing her moan and orgasm atop his tongue, clutching the bedsheets and crying out his name over and over again. This sort of thing was not new to him, except for the fact that it was an alien female hovered above him.

"Get to it then," Tevros said, tapping his cheek.

Again she started to sway her hips and grind her pussy across his tongue, urging him to explore every pleasure point and tender nerve inside her alien cunt. He closed his eyes and let the Hesh control his actions. He ran his tongue across her lips, tasting the tart flavor of her arousal that, he admitted, was not all that unpleasant. Tevros spread her lips open with two of her talons, and without even thinking, Eric snaked his tongue into her, slurping into her honeypot with deep licks and lewd slurps.

"Ah yesss, that's it, pet, get in there nice and deep. Ugh, pussy-eating is a favored pastime in a female prison. Let's see if you can put a few of these bitches to shame, human," Tevros grunted and then moaned in pleasure as he found a particularly sensitive spot inside her.

Eric found out soon enough that an Arzuri's clitoris was deeper inside the vagina than a human female's, which was no doubt more pleasurable for her during mating since a male's rod could rub directly against it. He found her clit at the roof of her pussy and he flicked his tongue against the sensitive nub, causing Tevros to flinch and gasp out in bliss. His skin was on fire and his mind was foggy from the Hesh, and for some reason all he could think about was submitting to carnal pleasures of the flesh. He buried his tongue into her divine pussy before pulling it back out and giving attention to her tender labia, before diving in again and giving her clit much needed attention.

As Tevros was working up a sweat, riding the human's vigorous tongue and clearly working herself up to an orgasm, her three compatriots were watching this unfold. They had long since relieved themselves of their own jumpsuits, feeling hot and stifled inside them, and they buried their respective fingers into their own snatches as this free cross-species porn show played out right in front of them.

However, Shaala was the first to realize that as all this was going on, poor Eric's erection was pulsing like a lightning rod, flushed purple with intense arousal and trickling out precum at an unnatural rate, wetting the cot. The Noor licked her reptilian lips, deciding that the human male's monstrous meat stick was too appetizing to resist.

"Tevros?" she asked, causing her Queen Bitch to cease rocking atop the human's face for a moment to look at her questioningly. "I think someone or something else deserves a bit of attention, don't you? I'd love to get a taste for this thing."

Tevros grinned. "Of course, Shaala." When Eric looked dizzily up at her, Tevros winked at him. "Noors have long tongues, as you can imagine. You're in for a real treat, Pretty Boy. Now," she shook her hips and slapped his cheek with her hand. "get fucking licking again."

Eric complied, slickly licking the Arzuri convict's pussy once again. Meanwhile, he felt the weight of someone else settle in at the other side of the cot. A pair of leathery hands touched his thighs, and Eric realized that it had to be Shaala. The Queen Bitch's second-in-command took hold of Eric's immense erection, causing him to gasp. The Hesh had kept him super sensitive, so every stroke of the reptilian woman's fingers over his inches of cockflesh sent sparks of pleasure coursing through him.

Then, the inevitable came. He felt Shaala cradle his balls with one hand, stroking them. Then, another hand clasped his cock at its base before a long, thin tongue trailed itself up the length of his cock, collecting the river of precum that coated its surface. Eric's eyes rolled back into his head as Shaala licked the length of his ten-incher with her bifurcated tongue before she sucked the meaty head of his cock into her draconic maw.

The human couldn't contain his moans of pleasure as the alien woman sucked his cock. His moans were muffled into Tevros' pussy, but this didn't seem to bother her. Tevros looked back at her cohort, smirking.

"How's the taste of human meat, Shaala?"

The rumbling "mmmm" that came from the draconic woman's maw as she sucked and slurped on the human's cock was a good enough answer. Had Eric's mind not been foggy with Hesh, he'd have been concerned with having his cock in the Noor's maw, given that it was filled with sharp teeth. But as it was, the reptilian female was going to town on his cock, drinking down his salty precum and swallowing his cock, bobbing her head and slurping all over it like it was the last thing that she'd ever taste. It had been over twenty Noorish years since she'd touched a male's cock, let alone sucked one, after all.

Tevros was swiftly approaching orgasm; the human guard was getting into his task with more enthusiasm than she was expecting, even with the Hesh. He was practically worshipping her pussy and clit with her tongue, drinking in her abundant juices as he did. As she rode his face, moaning, she noticed that he was closing his eyes throughout the entire process. Perhaps he was imagining going down on his human wife, Tevros thought with a smirk.

But despite her pleasure, the sounds of Shaala sucking the human's meat into her maw was getting to her. She knew that thanks to the effects of the Hesh, the human could cum over and over again without tiring, at least until the effects wore off. But why should she allow Shaala to waste the human's load of seed by swallowing it? It had been a very long time since she'd felt a male fill her pussy with seed, and few of those male trysts had ever been pleasant for her. But thus far this human had been a good find, and she wanted to orgasm with a male truly inside her once again. And she wanted to see the despair on his face, to see the reluctant pleasure written all over him as he filled up another female other than his wife, and an alien at that, with his potent seed.

"Shaala, shove off for now," Tevros commanded, wiping a sweat from her brow.

Shaala looked disappointed, but she complied with her command. She pulled her maw from Eric's cock and stepped away. His pulsing shaft looked even meaner and more engorged than before, and was now covered in a sloppy sheen of Shaala's saliva.

Eric watched, wide-eyed as Tevros shimmied down his body, trailing a glaze of her juices across his chest as she did. When she was straddling his groin, she took hold of his cock delicately and with more gentleness than he was expecting from her. He watched as a trickle of juice landed on his cockhead, and she pressed the mushroom head of his slippery rod into her folds, grinding her pussy against his cock to stimulate both of them before the main event.

She ground her purple labia along the length of his flushed human cock, already creating a frothy concoction of his precum and her juices and getting their sexes lubricated. He marveled at the contrast between her purple alien pussy and his lighter skinned human cock. Had he not been married, it would have been a thing of wonder to him, and something that he could probably boast about under different circumstances - to perhaps be one of the first human males to claim an Arzuri female. As such, he was one thrust away from betraying his wife in a fundamental way, and he had no way of stopping it from happening at this point.

"Zillia," Tevros said, idly stroking Eric's hard pole. "Steer him in for me, would you?"

The insectoid female clicked and lumbered up to the two of them. Zillia took a hold of Eric's cock with a firm grip. He shuddered at first, feeling the abnormal texture of her insect-like fingers clasping his shaft. She rubbed the head of his sizable cock up and down Tevros' saturated pussylips. She then pressed it in and the crown began to stretch her pussy, as Tevros used her fingers to spread her lips apart to alleviate the pressure. Thanks to the lubrication, his cock popped wetly into the alien convict's tight pussy and a couple inches slid in.

"Fucking hell, it's big!" Tevros grunted, gyrating her hips gently atop his groin, gently sliding those first two inches of his cock in and out of her pussy. "Gimme a minute. It's been so long," she gasped.

Eric watched in awe as her tight, slick purple lips kissed his cockflesh and trickled more juices down his shaft. She was incredibly tight on the inside, like a virgin, and he could already feel her walls clasping and milking his pole. Since Arzuri had a long lifespan and since Tevros had already been in this prison for over thirty years, it made sense that she would be tight from lack of intimacy with a male for so long.

Tevros took a deep breath and then began her ascent, rising up from his cock before sinking back down, plunging another inch or so into her silken depths. All the while, Zillia would stroke the base of Eric's cock and assist him in sliding in and out of Tevros with each of her downward thrusts. Soon enough, Tevros was bouncing up and down Eric's cock, gasping and moaning while a chorus of lewd slaps and wet smacks echoed through the cell. She had not yet taken the entirety of his cock, but there were only about two inches left before she had the entire thick meat stuffed inside her.

Raine and Zillia and Shaala watched her bounce up and down on the human's lap, moaning.

Shaala looked up at her, wide-eyed. "How does it feel?" she asked.

Tevros' breathing was labored and her eyes rolled back into her head as she felt his cock brush her clit with every inward stroke. She turned her half-lidded gaze to Shaala. "Ah, mmm, feels g- good. So full," she gasped.

Eric felt the entire cot rock with the convict's motion as she rode him like a mechanical bull. He turned his gaze to the side, staring at the wall and biting his lip to stifle his moans of pleasure. His mind was foggy with lust and the vice-like squeezing of her silky alien walls around his sensitive cock was unbearable, but he did not want to show that he was in pleasure. Every thrust felt like a stab in the heart and a defilation of his marriage to Sarah. He even tried to imagine that it was Sarah in Tevros' place, and if Tevros had been a human woman, that may have worked. But as it was, it was a lithe alien criminal seductress that was bouncing on top of his cock, bringing him ever closer to a pent-up orgasm, and he could no longer pretend that anyone else was fucking him.

"Oh Gods, going to cum," Tevros moaned, placing her hands on Eric's chiseled chest as she bounced up and down on him. Her feminine juices were so abundant by now that they were soaking his groin and making every downward thrust onto his rampant cock faster and slicker.

She slapped his chest, getting his attention. "Move your hips, get into it with me. Now!" she shouted at him forcefully.

Eric slowly nodded his head and complied, moaning as he felt her tight walls ripple up the length of his cock until the moist petals kissed his cockhead, before she sank down and the process repeated. He could not use his hands, with them cuffed as they were, but he began to lift his hips up and down, timing his thrusts with her and sliding his cock in and out of her channel along with her efforts. They soon built up a rhythm, and convict and guard began to fuck each other into oblivion. His thick cockhead bumped her clit with every thrust and brushed hidden pleasure points in her pussy that she didn't even know existed. Her cervix began to take the brunt of his thrusts at the end of each stroke, adding to the myriad of sensations that coursed through her loins. Between the fullness, the delicious abuse to her cervix, the constant stimulation of her clit, and the slurping and smacking sounds coming from their fucking, Tevros was about the have the most explosive orgasm she'd ever had since coming to prison.

She slammed down against his groin hard, letting loose a long gasping groan. Her pussy squeezed the life out of the human's cock as she cried out, announcing her intense orgasm. She began to squirt, and once again the human man's groin was soaked with femcum. But still she bounced atop his cock as he moaned and the cot rocked, drawing out her orgasm for as long as possible and using him as a living dildo to get herself off.

Finally the intense squeezing of her pussy along his cock abated, and the alien woman collapsed atop the reluctant male. She began to sway her hips, feeling his steel hard cock giving more pleasure to her sensitive nethers.

Just when Eric thought that Tevros was done, she rose up and looked into his face, the lust seemingly amplified in her eyes tenfold.

"More," she said simply.

Before Eric could utter anything, the Queen Bitch began to ride him yet again. He had not yet cum and would not go soft anytime soon anyway, but he felt his arousal spike from the sheer lust and determination that emanated from the inmate. She bounced on his cock at twice the pace as last time, and with the Hesh running through him, he found himself returning her thrusts, sliding his wet cock in and out of her well-fucked purple pussy, causing them both to moan and nearly collapse the cot with their movements.

"That's it, Tevros! Fuck that human!"

"Ride that fucking male meat!"

Her cohorts urged her on while they continued to finger themselves to the tune of the Human and Arzuri fucking each other on the cot. Eventually though, it became too much for them to resist staying out of things until their leader was finished with the human.

Being the outgoing one of the remaining inmates, Shaala looked at Tevros.

"Please, Tevros, let me take that handsome face of his for a ride?"

Tevros gasped and sighed, dripping sweat. "F- fine," she replied, sighing when she felt his cock hit a good spot deep inside her.

Shaala squealed and wasted no time. She ripped off her panties, and the reptilian woman mounted Eric's gasping face. The reptilian alien female's copper-colored sex was glistening with her arousal and obviously desperate for attention.

Lacking the same tact that Tevros had employed, Shaala simply thrust her drooling cunt down onto the helpless human guard's open mouth, smothering him with her sex. He sputtered even as Tevros continued to amorously ride his cock on the other end of the cot. He then regained himself however, and, to avoid being smothered to death by the draconic inmate, he began to slurp and lick away at Shaala's pussy. She tasted earthier and a bit more bitter, but the taste was also not the worst thing to grace his tastebuds. Shaala moaned and trilled in pleasure as the human circled her folds and burrowed his tongue into her snatch, finding her clit immediately and sucking that into her mouth and between his teeth and lips.

Eric's cock began to throb even more within the Arzuri's tight sheath. His balls began to churn and he felt that a tremendous load was about to be released. He pumped his hips even harder, growling ferociously into Shaala's pussy and licking her with more intensity, putting almost constant tongue action onto her clit purposely, just to spite her. With his rampant thrusting and vigorous tongue, he was turning both Shaala and Tevros into writhing wanton sluts who were on the verge of cumming.

Shaala reached orgasm first. She dug her talons into Eric's scalp and clenched down, clamping his head between her thighs as his tongue was bathed in a rush of her heady, earthly flavored juices. She rode his tongue, grinding herself against the wet appendage to extend the orgasm for as long as she could.

Eric felt Tevros clasping his cock with her slick yet super tight walls once again, and he could not take the stimulation anymore. The Hesh only amplified every feeling in his manhood, and when his cockhead bumped her cervix one final time, Eric clamped his eyes shut and gasped as a rush of frothy human cum rushed up his shaft. Spurt after spurt of warm cum basted her cervix and womb, filling her up with a swirl of his seed.

This feeling of warmth and stimulation triggered a second orgasm for Tevros as well. She clenched down hard, laying her head on his chest and biting one of his nipples to stifle a loud moan as her pussy milked his cock for every rope of cum that he had to give. As another side effect of the Hesh, Eric was forced to endure one long, continuous orgasm, and he filled Tevros' tight cunt up with so much pearly seed that it began to squirt out of the side of her pussy from the seal made by their connected sexes.

Eventually, their orgasms died down and both Tevros and Shaala collapsed atop their human guard-turned-sex slave.

Tevros was covered in sweat by now, and she smiled with immense satisfaction, her purple skin radiant with the glow of post-coital bliss. She rose up from Eric's body and his big cock popped out of her, followed by deluge of his frothy cum. She sighed and rubbed her belly, feeling the warmth there.

"I think I like humans very much, Mr. Dormer." She turned and looked at Raine and Zillia. "He's all yours, girls."

At that, the Kithar alien and Lithope alien sprang into action. Shaala was still practically passed out atop Eric's chest after his tongue brought her into a semi-comatose state.

Raine took Shaala by the scaly arm and tugged her off of the human with a catlike snarl. "Shove off, bitch! My turn!"

Raine mounted Eric on one end while Zillia, with her exceptionally skinny, chitinous body, straddled him on the other end. Raine took him by the ears and jerked him awake before he could pass out from exhaustion.

Eric realized that the next two female inmates of Tevros' group were having their turn with him, and his ordeal was not yet done. In fact, even after having just released a torrent of cum into Tevros' pussy and womb, his cock had not softened in the slightest. He knew it was unnatural, and had to be a result of the drug.

Zillia took hold of Eric's cock and lowered her triangle-shaped sex toward the human's meat stick. The insectoid alien did not even bother cleaning his cock of his cum and Tevros' juices (for which he was rather thankful since a Lithope's insect mandibles were off-putting, and Eric didn't want his cock anywhere near her mouth). Zillia simply took hold of his cock and squatted down, feeding the slickened head into her mating hole.

Eric's eyes rolled back into his head from how ultra tight the Lithope female was on his cock. Tevros had been tight, but Zillia was another level of tight due to her super skinny bug-like anatomy. And from what she'd said earlier, Lithope males had small, skinny cocks, which meant that his own cock would make for a tight fit by comparison.

Zillia hissed and made pleasured clicking noises as her skinny plated hips smacked against Eric's fleshy human ones and she fed inch after inch of his huge shaft into her pussy. Raine meanwhile began to grind herself across Eric's face, from his chin up to his nose and then finally onto his mouth and tongue. Raine was completely animalistic and devoid of any compassion for his well-being, and Eric thought for a while that this hulking feline alien really did intend to smother him to death. It was only after Tevros urged her to take it easier on him, that she finally relented and began to grind herself onto his tongue instead, though she was still rough with him even then.

The feeling of having Raine's furry thighs braced above his head while he licked dutifully at her pink pussy was new to him, but he had been forced into a series of new occurrences that day already. When he originally signed up for this posting, he never in a thousand years thought that he would be tied down onto a cot and raped by a gang of female inmates - and an alien feline, lizard, insect, and...whatever Tevros was, at that.

The next couple hours were a blur to him, thanks to the wonders of Hesh. He brought Raine to an orgasm with his tongue, and she growled in a terrifying way when she finally came. He filled Zillia's tight pussy with a load of cum and brought her to orgasm as well. Then Raine took a turn riding his cock while Shaala rode his face again. Raine in particular seemed downright insatiable; her orgasms bled from one into the next as she fucked herself to bliss atop his cock, snarling and growling with those feral sounds of hers. The others joked with Raine all the while, asking her if she was glad that she had kept Eric's cock attached to his body instead of taking it as a trophy.

Eventually, Eric passed out for several hours and neither Tevros nor her cohorts roused him for another fuckfest again. Raine was snoring contentedly atop him, her silky fur matted down by her juices and two loads of cum from Eric. His softening cock rested inside of her still as she fell asleep atop his chest, growling and purring while she did.

Eric, before losing consciousness for the second time that day, stared up at the ceiling with bodies draped around him on the too-small cot. He felt drained and emptied like he never had before in his life, but he remembered how explosive each of his orgasms had been and how he had moaned over and over again in tandem with them.

How far had he fallen? How much would he hate himself for this once the drugs wore off and he regained his reason?

Those were questions for another time. Sleep was the most important thing to him in that instant.


Eric woke up with the mother of all hangovers. Luckily, the Hesh had mostly cleared from his system by now, though he still felt a little dizzy and his skin was still warm. His hands were finally uncuffed, and he relished the chance to move them freely again.

Rubbing his eyes, he realized that he was not alone. He was lying down on a cot entangled in a mass of bodies. He looked to the left of him, seeing Shaala with a scaly leg draped over his. Raine was entangled around his right side snoring lazily as if taking a cat nap, while a claw traced lazily over his muscled chest. Meanwhile, her other furry hand was cupped over his softening cock and balls, making him immediately uncomfortable with how close her claws were to his man bits.

Eric blinked, not believing what he was seeing in that moment. Then, despair came crashing down on him as the details of the previous day's events came flooding back into his brain. He'd been taken, drugged and essentially raped by these inmates, and he'd moaned in pleasure while it had happened.

Oh Sarah, dear god, Sarah! How could I do this to her?! Eric thought to himself.

Then panic swept over him as he remembered Warden Hecula's strict rule against fraternization. He'd been here a couple weeks and he'd already been captured and forced into bed with a group of wanton female inmates. How could this have happened?! Had any of the guards seen him?!

"Rise and shine."

Eric looked up and saw Tevros fully clothed in her red jumpsuit once again. Zillia was beside her, still naked, and was fiddling with Eric's wrist device. Borka was there too, still fully clothed and guarding the door like the glorified bodyguard that she was.

Tevros walked up to the cot and smacked both Shaala and Raine on their buttocks to rouse them. "Hey! You too, bitches! It's going to be evening roll call soon, so get your lazy asses up!"

Raine growled at her and Shaala yawned, rubbing her serpentine eyes. The two reluctantly untangled themselves from Eric's sweat-glistening body. They both stood up and began pulling on their red jumpsuits and afterward, Raine flashed Eric a fiendish, toothy grin and Shaala blew him a kiss. The two convicts sidestepped the hulking Borka and left to return to their respective cells.

Eric rubbed his eyes and then looked down at the floor to search for his clothes. Every fiber of his being wanted to kill Tevros in that very instant - to wrap his hands around her neck and choke the life out of her for the humiliation that he'd suffered at her hands.

He heard Zillia tweaking with his wrist device and his looked up at her, and then glanced back at Tevros. "What is she doing?!"

Tevros smirked at him. "Just a little parting gift for you, Mr. Dormer. You see, Zillia is a wiz with tech, and she was kind enough to record all of our little fun earlier from start to finish, right on your personal device. Well, we did cut out the bits of me threatening you with a knife, Borka knocking you out, tying you to the bed, stripping off your clothes, and so on. But we looped together an extended vid of you moaning delightfully as we all rode your cock, and of course, you snacking on our pussies like a man dying of thrist!" Tevros chuckled.

Eric's eyes widened with horror. Sure enough, Zillia flicked on a button and a small projection of a vid began to play on his wrist device. It was when Zillia was riding his cock while Raine was being eaten out by him. He watched the projection play out before his eyes as if it was some other man, not him, in the midst of coital bliss with two alien females.

He struggled to speak, to shout, to come up with any retort, but he couldn't. His mouth was agape as he stared at the screen. But Tevros continued.

"We also toyed with your device and found some interesting things. That wife of yours, Sarah Dormer," Tevros whistled. "that is one pretty human you've got. Tell me, what would your pretty human wife think if I were to send this little gem of a vid to her for her to masturbate to?"

Eric paled, realizing what Tevros was intending. He felt a stab at his heart.

"I'd give it a few days, maybe a week, before she files for divorce. Not to mention of course, you'd probably lose your job because of the whole fraternization rule around here," Tevros continued.

Eric grit his teeth, feeling hatred for this scumbag welling up inside him. "Why the fuck would you do that to me?! What have I ever done to you, except come to work and just do my job?!"

Tevros smiled sweetly. "And I can respect that, Mr. Dormer, truly I can. I like a hardworking man. But I like a man with a nice ass, a nice bod, and a nice cock even more. I'm not blackmailing you because I hate you, oh no, quite the contrary. Me and my girls had such a good time earlier that we just want to have many, many more repeat performances in the future. This vid is just a little incentive to get you moving. You do as I say and continue to please me, and your wife never has to see any of this. Not to mention, I can offer you protection from inmates in here who are worse than me."

Eric spat at her. "There's no one in here worse than you, you conniving cunt!"

Tevros shook her head. "That's where you're wrong, mister human. I just wanted to have sex with you, but there are female inmates in here who've spent their whole life getting raped by males. Given the chance, they would cut off your cock and shove it down your throat just for the fun of it. I command a lot of respect among the inmates, and if I tell them to back off and leave you be, they will back off and leave you be."

Eric shook his head, not believing this turn of events. "So...this was all a scheme you came up with to make me slave?!" He glanced at his gear nearby. "Why did you not just take my gun and my wrist device and try to escape? Why bother with these games?!"

Tevros laughed, wiping a tear from her eye. "Escape? Escape to where? We're on a space station, you buffoon. I could have attempted it, sure. And I command enough respect among the inmates to mount a riot if I really wanted to, but how far would that really get me out here? If Warden Hecula ever put me to something like that, she'd lock me up in solitary confinement for the rest of my existence. I'd rather not take my chances. I live like a Queen in here, and I want things to stay that way."

Eric said nothing. In retrospect, he decided that Tevros being locked up in here, raping him, was better than her running rampant through the galaxy ruining more lives. Perhaps it was better that she didn't attempt escape.

"In any case," Tevros continued, "I didn't want you for escape. I wanted you because I wanted you. Haven't I made that abundantly clear?"

She approached him, picking up his uniform and tossing it to him. He stared at her angrily, but reluctantly began to pull it on after a few moments.

"So like I said, I can send off this vid to the Warden and to your wife, and you can lose your job and your marriage. Zillia has already forwarded the vid to a couple of my contacts on the outside. All it takes is for me to bribe one of the guards and make one long distance call, and bang, instant prison porno streaming directly to your wife's house. Not to mention, of course, I can let the worst scum in this prison have their way with you. But that isn't much fun, is it?"

She came within arms reach of him and batted his hands away, buttoning up his uniform and dressing him herself. Eric stood there stoically, trying his hardest not to strangle her out of impulse.

"Instead, you buff up this uniform, you show up to work every day and do your rounds, and you keep getting paid that hefty salary, and on the weekends you go back home to your pretty human wife and make love to her as much as you want." She finished buttoning his uniform, and then she smoothed it out for him and looked up into his face. "But while you're here, you just give me and my girls some of your attention, mmk?"

Eric's lip quivered, but Tevros cocked her head, awaiting an answer.

"Yes," he finally said, practically spitting the word.

Tevros tweaked his chin. "Ah ah, yes what?"

Red-faced, Eric replied, "Yes...mam."

Tevros stroked his cheek. "Good boy."

Then, just as quickly, her expression became all business once again. She shoved him away from her abruptly. "Now, get out of my cell. It will be lights out soon, and you don't want to be caught in here, and I sure as hell don't want to be caught with you in here."

Eric scowled at her, picking up his baton, his wrist device, and his gun and holster. Taking account of all his belongings, he looked back at Tevros and scowled, lamenting the fact that she now had him by the balls for as long as she pleased.

Wanting to be out of her sight for as long as possible, Eric stomped past Zillia and Borka and out of the cell without looking back. As prisoners began to file into Zeta Wing for evening roll call, he shook his head with an exasperated sigh. Life as a prison guard at Ascalon II would be quite different than he was expecting.

The Queen's Pet: Ch. 1

**Hi all! This is the introduction for a little story that I am whipping up. I promise that I won't take long to release the rest of the story; I'm in the process of writing it now. It will probably be around 10K words in total, so not exceptionally...

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Alien vs Predator: Insemination Ch. 5: Secreted From What?

Note: I want to thank Xenolover Laura for giving me tips and suggestions for this chapter. I couldn't have done it without her :D _xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_ _"You listen to me, you colony farm boy fuck! You ain't shit, you hear?! This is the...

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Anduin Wrynn's Adventures: Ch. 8 - A Friendly Escort

This chapter is loosely based on the Cataclysm quest for Alliance players called "My Son, the Prince," in which ally players have to escort Anduin around Stormwind before the Twilight Highlands questline. This chapter is a play off of that quest with a...

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