Reacharound (LL)

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#17 of Love Letters - The Whole Story

Saturdays are the best!

Damn, another one? But I doubt you mind...enjoy the read!



His paws gripped onto my hips and held them firmly, which only encouraged me to roll them, gently, to send another rough moan from my muzzle, and pleasure flowing through my body.

"Y-you alright?"

His eyes were heavy and...well, hot, looking up to me. I looked down to him. My eyes were really ravenous for him, his golden-furred body sprawled on the middle of the bed and taking up all the space like it should be. The straining muscles...the smooth mane he'd been letting to grow back no that he wasn't really doing fireman gigs exotic and new under my paws, though right now they were gripping onto my own thighs while another part of my body was going through other kind of grabbing actions as I tried to get used to my lion's presence inside me.

"Y-yep," I bit my lip.

"I...ah...I can't always tell - "

I swatted my tail against his thigh and spared one of my paws to grip on his belly furs, so warm and musky.

"I just sat down on your c-cock.." I harrumphed, his thick, pulsing tool doing a real job spreading me open, barbs already pressing onto my prostate, "...I...I think I know what I wanted..."


His whole chest rumbled. Maybe it was him trying to get used to being inside me and not the other way around. It was very kindly of him to make sure I was alright, of course. It only really hurt for a few seconds. anyway, and that couldn't be helped. It didn't hurt, even...more like...that little middle ground between OUCH and OH YEAH where it was just overwhelming. After that was over, there was just fullness and pleasurable contractions of all my good fun muscles, and throbbing of my cock, dropping off from my groin and drooling a nasty trickle onto Dan's belly. He was all in...and that curve of his, and that pointy tip, it felt like it was made to fit there.

"Nhhhgghh..." I hissed.

He tugged my head down for a kiss, which meant I ended up bent over my lion, riding the crest of his hips with knees on either side and stretched comfortably. I gripped onto his pelt with my paws and pushed my tongue into his muzzle. He held me, held me with his arms and paws much like I was holding him in my own special grip, and we kissed, slow and unhurried, even if our bodies were on sexual fire.

Dan sure knew what he was after when he started kissing my neck this morning...barely fifteen minutes later and a trip to the bathroom and I was bouncing on his lap. I didn't even have to do much to work, now that he started moving his hips...the bedsprings did the rest, and added gentle undulating variations into his rhythm. He didn't move all that much inside inch there, another here, before he was all the way in there. There wasn't need for anything more vigorous than that, not now, when the simple rocking was enough to send us both into a sweating mess of a state.



"I'll never complain about staying in bed too long on Saturdays..." I rumbled.

"You better not," he mouthed against my muzzle.

I forced myself upright and swung my hips back and forth to give a good ride on him. I was rumbling very soon and practically yipping once he started putting some of that good seesawing pressure on my fun parts.


He was staring at me again...and that lazy bastard had his paws folded behind his back while I rode him, cowboy style. I didn't even have to put on a show when I threw my head back and groaned.


His cheeks were puffing out with his breaths. I could feel the tension in his legs building up, like a rocket preparing for launch.



"Getting close?" I hissed.

"Lets...lets move..." he replied.

Somehow he managed to maneuver us two without him pulling out. We ended up on our sides, with Dan behind me, embracing me with the full length of his body, one leg thrown over my hips, and his muzzle making a meal of my neck while the heated rocking of our bodies resumed without much of a pause. His paws stroked my belly sensually, and I strained against him, trying my best to turn my head so that we could kiss while everything became more urgent until there was no stopping the inevitable end, really, which struck us both soon enough. There was no way we'd last that long.

Moments later, we were still close, him nuzzling me softly, while the odd fingerpad or two toyed with my still hard, musky, slick knot. That felt nice, a bit teasing, but still pleasant. He knew when the stimulation would go over the edge to discomfort...he had an expert touch like that. His fuzzy hips were quite flush with my rump, considering he was still inside me, and not going anywhere yet if I had the choice on that matter. He held me close and rumbled with each breath that ruffled the furs on my neck.


"I hope you're not asleep there..." I said.

He chuckled, and nipped on my crown with his lips, without much real pressure.

"Nah. Why'd you think so?"

"You made that sound you make sometimes when you're sleeping."

"I do?"

"You're a noisy sleeper."

"Do I snore?" he murmured.

"It's not really snoring, just...noisy breathing?"

He chucked, and hugged me closer to him with his knee. That felt sensual, and good. I smiled a little.

"Noisy, huh?"


"Hah. So is it like...gurgling...wheezing...crowing...grunting..."

He kissed me with each statement, and I giggled.

"Well you were grunting before. And that was a terrible joke."

"I'll try to come up with better ones once my brain is working properly again."

I swatted his thigh with my tail.

"So now you're saying I fucked it out of you?" I asked him.

"You should do it more often," he nuzzled my shoulder before dropping his head against the slightly askew pillow.

"Hah. We had sex twice last night, and now this," I said. "We're gonna wear each other out."

"I don't feel worn out..." he rumbled.

"You're a lion, you can go half a dozen times to my once," I told him.

"Speaking of which," his leonine rumbles gained another, sensuous edge, while his hips ground against mine. That caused his barbed shaft to tickle my insides, and he certainly wasn't showing any signs of really wilting down yet. The sensation made my own dick to throb, as if trying to ooze some of my juices out to show I wasn't entirely done either.

"I'm already pretty squishy," I said, "I think you're trickling down my thighs."

"Sexy..." he put up a totally ridiculous growl, which would've just made me giggle if it didn't cause vibrations all the way to my prostate.

With all those kisses, his pads teasing my prostate, and the warmth of his body, the outcome probably wasn't a surprise.

"Okay, okay."

I let him have his way with me again- doggystyle, this time around. It left me pent up and needy, and he finished me up in his muzzle...

Yeah. We did a lot of fooling around on that Friday.


Thank you for reading! Leave me a comment, if you like! ^^

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