My Territory (LL)

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#16 of Love Letters - The Whole Story

My Territory


Am I on the roll or what? Another installment so soon...but I felt inspired! So I do hope you'll enjoy it, and tell me what you think! *smiles* Do remember that all votes, faves and watches will let others to find these stories to enjoy as well!

Have a fun read!


Weather was lovely today, not that I could enjoy too much of it during my trip from the hospital to home, but at least I could see the almost cloudless sky from the bus window, occasionally, when the bus peeked onto open street between the taller buildings of the downtown. The trip to the other side of town took about half an hour, but it was a welcome break between the world of unspecified rectal pain, alcoholic varices, ear aches and runny noses, and the world of...civilian life? I was probably the least military man I could think of, especially considering my father had been to Vietnam, so I had something to compare to, as well. But the hospital was my service, and it was probably as bloody as any ongoing front, and indeed, getting out of the disinfect-stinking air really made me feel like I was a different man in a different place.

A text message from Dan in my phone told me that he had indeed went to do the shopping, which meant that I could simply jump off the bus and then make my merry way over to the pleasant duplex that we called home now.

I opened the door and - oh, good almighty...

"IS THAT PIZZA I'M SMELLING?" I yelped while I was putting my backpack on the coat hook by the door.


_ _

I passed the stairs and slipped into the living area, to find my lion lounging on the couch with a laptop over his legs. The TV was on but he didn't seem to be actively watching. A plate with definitely pizza stains sat on the small table next to the potted plant.

"Oh you pig," I shook my head a little while observing his poise and the remains of his meal.

Dan chuckled.

"Anthropomorphized projective racism!" he grunted. "Don't they teach you any cultural sensitive in the ER?"

I snuffled, good-natured, of course, my tail already wagging.

" glutton," I replied, "did you even leave anything for me?"

"Of course I did, there's an entire pizza in the kitchen just waiting for you."

I blew him a kiss.

"You're a sweetheart," I smiled. "I'm starving."

"That meatloaf not good at keeping then hunger away?"

"Not really," I chuckled.

"I'd gotten fries too but I wasn't sure when you were back so I didn't want to get them in case they'd go bad."

"Oh, it's fine, not really feeling like fries anyway," I smiled. "But I'm seriously ready for that pizza...Jesus..."

"It's on the counter," he said.

"You're sweet."


"Yes?" I turned to look at him.

"Can you put that into the dishwasher?" he pointed at the dirty plate.

I huffed.

"I come home and I find all these chores waiting..." I shook my head as I picked up the plate.

"I did do everything I promised!" Dan replied. "I even vacuumed!"

"Great," I smiled. I wandered into the kitchen. I found it welcoming in familiarity, being clean, cozy and smelling of our mingled scent on top of all the typical kitchen smells. And there was pizza, too, the closed white box sitting on top of the kitchen counter. I wondered if it was still warm...I felt it with the back of my maw, like I would assess body temperature, really, and decided that it might need a little time in the microwave before -

I was too concerned with the pizza to really notice too much, but someone as big as Dan really couldn't move that stealthily - none the less, he was only a couple yards away before I realized his presence, and I didn't have the time to react much before thick, warm, fuzzy arms closed around my waist and soft lips smecked the crown of my head.

"Hmmmrrr..." he purred.

My tail wagged against his thighs and Dan pulled me closer. His embrace felt even warmer, when it became firmer. His breath made the furs on the back of my neck stand out, a shock that moved along my spine and tingled all the way in my balls...which I suspected was his intention.

"Hello there," I rumbled.

"Hello..." he stroked my hips, and nuzzled my neck furs.

"What're you up to?" I whispered.

"Checking out my territory..." his voice was low and sexy.

I chuckled, breathily.

"Territory?" I asked. It wasn't unusual for him to express such possessive statements, for it was much like him, but he was always very gentle about it. He knew it made me feel loved, in a particular way. I suppose we were quite possessive of one another in that sense.

"Hmmm..." he rumbled in affirmation.

I leaned gently towards him, to put more warm contact between us, and still let him have his way with me. I shivered when I felt his tongue lap against my neck, wet and just a little rough.

"Reminding me about my allegiances?" I chuckled.


I let out a small chuckle.

"Are you genuinely jealous over Nev?" I asked him.

"Do I need to be?"

I looked up to him, over my shoulder, to see his amused grin. I poked my tongue out of my maw.

"No," I told him while looking at him, "he's almost painfully straight."

"You thought I was straight," he said.

"While having lots of dirty sex fantasies about the hot, straight as an arrow firelion..." I replied in my best teasing voice.

Dan smothered me with a kiss, and one of his paws cupped my chin, to gently stroke along my jaw while his wet tongue pushed into my maw. If he was good in some aspect of lovemaking, kissing certainly came close to his top skills...and being swept onto his arms like that, and feeling his big, warm body all over me and against me.

"Maybe I should make you jealous more often," I chuckled, "I better tell Nev to make sure to rile you up the next time you two meet..."

He growled, oh so sexily, and grabbed my ass.

"Let's not talk about your at-work boyfriend," Dan rumbled, "got better things to do."

"Things?" I panted a little.

"Things," his paw squeezed on my rump with assurance.

"I guess I'll be having my pizza cold, then," I suggested wryly, "but something else is hot..."

I grabbed his very special package and have it a squeeze, which only brought another extra deep murr from my lion's big chest.

"Bedroom?" he breathed.

"Depends on what you want," I replied, pressing myself onto him, "I think I'm in the mood for something hard and barbed in my maw..."

I brushed the underside of his muzzle with my fingers, and I knew from the throbbing against my belly that I'd gotten him by the balls. And I hadn't even fondled them yet.

"Yes please..." he grumbled.

"Couch," I said.

It was quite difficult to tell who was leading why by the penis by the time we were in the living room and crashed onto the comfortable couch, arms and muzzles entwined together. It didn't really matter at that point, since we had pawfuls of warm fur, and proud erections rubbing against out bodies, and our clothes.

I dipped my paw into his waistband and massaged his lovely, spined tool while he plundered my muzzle with his tongue, and growled in much delight when I pumped my fingers gently along his shaft.


That was the sexiest sound, and I wanted to hear it again, even huffed against my lips like he was having trouble breathing. His paws ran over my sides and my belly while I rubbed on him some more, and I grabbed a pectoral muscle through his shirt.

He nipped on my lower lip.

"Together?" he rumbled.

"Whatever, as long as it's sex," I replied quietly.

He groped me through my pants, and shuffled on the couch.

"Make room. I think it's easier if I lie down."

We were so much into each other, we didn't even bother to take off our clothes, beyond shucking pants down to our knees for most part, which made balancing myself on to of him...difficult, for sure, since his head was buried in my boxers, but once his lips wrapped around my tip...I gasped even before I put my own maw into his boy places and we made sweet gay love to one another.

I lapped along his length until my tongue tingled, and he slurped and bumped his lips against my knot, munched on my shaft and let me almost slip out before gobbling all of me inside his maw again. His tail swished against the touch and I pressed fingers onto its pace, not really onto his hole, but the effect was still strong enough. Sweet fluid leaked into my maw and I'm sure he was getting his own share, too, from my pent-up shaft.

We were a well-musky, nicely sweaty mess by the time we finished and shared a deep kiss where we could taste each other on our respective lips, but that hardly was something to bother about.

"I've been wanting to do that all day," my lion confessed once we were huddled on the couch in a nice furpile of boyfriendly fun.

"That in particular?" I asked him. I felt pleasantly drowsy, in the good post-sex way. It'd almost made me forget the strains of the work. Truth be, I was still half-hard, too. His scent had a way of keeping it up for quite some time, when we cuddled in our blissful togetherness.

"Or something like that, at least," he grinned.

I nudged his muzzle with my knuckles and felt his tail squeeze on my legs. That was a really nice reminder of his presence, too. I almost envied him for being able to do that.

"Well I was certainly not thinking about Doctor Yanev Berkowitz while I was sucking your dick," I told him sweetly.


I chuckled.

"You're silly," I stroked his fragrant mane.


Thank you for reading! I hope you had a good time, and I look forward to hearing your comments!

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