Spoils of the Trade

Story by KeeperSeen on SoFurry

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#3 of Femboi/Trap Collection

Enjoy this lil gem, Pretty straight forward

Written by Kalem

The pleasures of being wealthy was not so much in what you could buy with your wealth, but rather with what you could make others do for you when you have what they do not. Being able to have the power and ability to make others do what you want them to, knowing that they had let themselves be trapped by your greater monetary status felt almost like an addictive drug. The fact that one had to sometimes remember that others were not tools or toys to use was often left them with a somewhat surreal feeling, like being pulled head first out of a deep pool. The breath of fresh air was very much needed, but often times really unwanted since it meant that the aftermath of such choices and decision made beforehand would come back to haunt one.

That wasn't the case for today for a certain merchant worgen. He was too busy enjoying himself as he relished within the lap of luxury with his manservants doting on him hand and foot. Having conned the three femmy looking elves, the lot of them looking more like females than males with their full lips, pouting almost by default every time they made an expressive motion with their face, thick lashes, and slim, almost delicate forms wrapped within tight leathery crimson and black like material made the lot of them appear to be something close to harem boys rather than house hands. Of course, that was what Syn wanted, the worgen loving how sexy the trio looked as they showered their 'master' with the pleasure of their flesh. Sitting in his large arm chair, his naked body being covered only with a silk robe, the fair skinned merchant couldn't ask for anything more at the moment.

That he had just finished a large merger between himself and another merchant guild on the island Shrine of the Twin Moon was something that made the worgen feel as though he deserved a much needed moment of relaxation. And since he who so 'stressed' from his long today the worgen decided he could take the day to goof off while allowing his three servants to dote over him with their slim hands and gentle touches. Resting within his small, but comfortable home, Syn splayed himself out in his chair, black haired laid out behind him like a blanket as his smoldering honey eyes looked down upon those in his employ, the wolfish man let out a pleased growl as he felt one of the traps take in the heavy girth of his twelve inch shaft. The three and a half inch girth was so heavy as it was nursed in between full, succulent lips that the elf suckling on the head could barely keep the mass hefted up from off of Syn's prodigious balls; the weighted orbs covered in the thick dew of black fur, one of the few signs that the other wasn't fully human anymore. Not that this mattered since the merchant had been immunized after having been found out to be a natural born worgen instead of one of the more uncommon victims of a rogue's bite.

Again, none of this mattered to Syn as he felt another of the elves busy work their thin, supple little tongue over and against his the flesh protecting his testicles. The smaller boy, so much like the others but different because of his his auburn hair and green eyes, seemed to be the most diligent of the three as he slurped and sucked along the underside of Syn's furry pouch.

"Good boy!" Syn groaned, his body arching somewhat within the plush chair as his golden eyes began to roll up within the back of his head, his sensitive flesh was treated to such delicious feeling pleasure. The warmth of the elves' mouths, the heat of their bodies as the three of them writhed against him was so erotic that it made the worgen feel as though he were about to come undo. The feeling of his claws threatening to come out from his nails, his back arching and then popping as his spine began to elongate were always sensations that the merchant wasn't sure he would ever get used to. However, Syn pulled it all back in.

Being human beat being a worgen in his opinion, after all, his cock seemed to remain much harder and his balls much larger as long as he kept the beast on a tight leash.

Shifting his back into the lounge chair so that he could focus on keeping the worgen part of himself down, Syn grunted and then lowered his eyes, only to find the third of the elven boys smiling at him, the other seeming to understand what his master was going through and decided to make himself somewhat useful. Flipping himself around, the green haired trap with the blue eyes turned his naked rear towards Syn, the elf having lost the thin piece of groin material he and his co-workers had been made to wear around their boss' place. Once he was turned around the servant boy tipped his bubbly ass up and then began to wag the thick mounds of perky tanned flesh in front of Syn's face. While the worgen never liked to go down on his houseboys he did like to see them writhe along whatever surface he had them place flush up against, usually while he was balls deep within their tight little holes.

Seeing the glistening wrinkled ring which had been properly oiled, as per Syn's orders, the black haired merchant reached up and around, moving over the auburn haired trap choking on his cock and giving the other a small pat for his continued services, to press his manicured fingers against the green haired elf boy's hole. Poking two fingers at the tired anus, Syn wasn't surprised to find that there was some give to the elf's netherend, but at the same time the resistance he felt made the wolfman smile, a fang poking out from underneath his lip. A shuddering moan split the air of the house after Syn pressed his digits into the boy, stuffing him full and causing the other to jerk around like a butterfly on a needle, the straining muscles of the elf's insides flexing and jerking around the merchant's fingertips.

"Such good boys you are." The worgen didn't seem to mind how condescending to those who work within his home, his lupine nature demanding that he dominate the three who served as his pseudo-pack in all respects, not just sexually.

The elves didn't mind so much, the three traps even going so far as to play along with their master, having him do somewhat humiliating things, like dress them up in leather dog paws and collars while fucking them deep into the day. Thankfully this wasn't the case for the day. Instead, the three naked elves worked their nude forms over Syn, their slightly sweaty forms filling the merchant's nose with a thick musk, the scent going deep within the worgen's nose making Syn's cock throb just a little harder. That gelatinous pre-come was slipping out from the thick stalk of flesh, the fat orbs in between his legs drawing down just a little further to fill the blonde haired elf's mouth just a tad more as potent worgen cum filled up the spherical spaces. Being a natural born worgen Syn's sacs were able to fill and then refill at a much quicker pace than those who were bitten, the curse having mutated within his body to allow him to drain his orbs within his servant's throats or buttholes until his seed was left splashing out against their nubile flesh.

Syn always enjoyed the sight of seeing those whom he kept on his payroll, or in this case who was working to pay off the debt which he had suckered the three into several years ago on the pretense of a loan, being coated in his spunk. The knowledge that he was marking them in a way that would leave the lot of them with a part of him that would be hard to wash off exciting the merchant to the point where his overly aroused body would be ready to go once again in the space of only a few minutes. That made breeding the three traps a very easy thing to do at least once a day. It did mean that sometimes his days spent building his influence within the Pandarian region slipped into a gray haze of sexual bliss for which Syn lost track of, but during those times the worgen could barely care about such trivial things.

At this point he already had enough gold to retire at least three times over, but Syn didn't want to slip within the reign he held over the region of the island where he lived. His competition wouldn't show him any mercy if he did so.

All of this was unimportant at the moment as the raven haired man pumped his hips in a steadying motion, his lower half having gotten into the motion of filling the auburn haired elf's esophagus to the brink, the thick flesh actually touching far past the young trap's gullet. The bobbing motion that the extremely feminine boy was making came to almost to a complete halt, Syn's powerful hips doing more of the work for him as the mushroomed head of the worgen's phallus flexed in between the darkness of the elven servant's mouth. Down below the green haired elf was making something of a muffled noise, his nose being pressed down into the silk of the chair below his face as his boss rolled his balls against the younger male's still open mouth. Groaning from the silent whisper of pleasure streaming through his blood, Syn could feel the first of his multiple orgasms quickly approaching.

The slim waif he was fingering seemed to be able to tell that something was going on with his boss, the fingers within his backside seemed to be slowing down and his hungry hole wasn't enjoying that in the least. Pushing back with a quick flip of his backside the blonde elf bit the lower end of his overly fleshy lip as he tried to get the blunted nail of his master's twin fingers pressing against the bundle of nerves inside of his anus. The fleshy gland seemed to be all but pulsating as it was aggravated by the wolfman who, himself, was all but panting like a dog in heat as he thrust his foot plus long cock into the backside of the servant he had below him. That Syn had placed his other hand along the top of the younger boy's bushy head, holding the other while at the same time guiding the other so that the trap's nose was buried deep within the forest of black fur along Syn's groin. The result was something very amusing to the merchant. Watching as the other was forced to breath in the heady musk of the older man's sweaty, sexual odor, Syn ground his pelvis side to side, clenching down on his inner muscles to pour out more pre-seminal fluid into the bright eyed elf's throat.

"Choke on it, little one." Syn whispered, his beastly need to dominant and conquer the body underneath him, to see the other flailing and struggling, the boy's nose and face being covered in his spooge from the backed up fluids spilling out from the elf's nostrils.

That was always such a good look for his servants.

The days when Syn would coat his slave's faces, the three of them kneeling before him with open mouths as he 'anointed' their faces with his cum, his hot seed dousing the trio of elves with white paint, the hot ooze sticking to their hair and skin, always served to make the merchant nearly lose his mind with lust. Having each other them sucking the gooey mess off of each other, the three of them rolling around together on the floor, he never liked to have his bed made filthy unless he was in a rather virile mood and didn't care about the sheets sticking to his skin in the morn, was a sight that usually served to bring out the animal in the raven haired businessman. Allowing them walk around the house the pale sheen of cum onto their faces usually ended with Syn stuffing the three full, fucking them hard and deep until their stomach rounded and their own tiny, in comparison with his own, nuts spilled out a miniscule amount of spunk onto the floor.

A moan followed with a low whimper and soon Syn grunted a growl before going silent. The three traps were more than aware of what was happening with their master, having been with him for so long the lot of them knew how to work the businessman over, forcing him to cum as soon as they wanted, often times by nursing on Syn's sensitive cockflesh, somewhat squishy balls, or by even rolling their fingers alongside the raven haired man's side and spine, touching every erogenous zone the other had before sending their boss off the deep end. The feel of his potent load, the mixture of male cum spilling out and then into whatever orifice the older male wanted to have wrapped around his foot plus length. Thankfully it wasn't often that Syn felt the need to use all six of their holes more than twice a day, the three elves knew that if that happened they'd be left gaping by the time the worgen would be through with them.

And yet, at this moment, when Syn's voice howled out loud that those outside could halfway hear him, his cock bobbed and then surged, a large mound swelling within the tight tube and then traveling upwards into the auburn haired elf's mouth. The wide eyes trap didn't have much time to prepare, not with half of his master's shaft buried deep within his throat. The green haired elf could do nothing more than lick at the churning balls, the hot weight pulling up and down at the same time, like pumps at the local water tower pushing out another bulb of liquid out and into the younger male's stomach. The audible noise of Syn's testicles giving up their contents, the burbling noise so humiliating sexy that all three elves were left blushing as they knew just why that noise was being made, and accepting their part in making this happen for the uptenth time since they had been in the merchant's service, had all three femmy boys squirming and arching, though for different reasons.

Syn thought he had died and gone to the seventh Heaven. His body was alive with euphoric bliss while his mind felt like it had exploded. Had he had a tail the worgen was sure that the long, furry appendage would have been beating against the back of the worn cushion of the chair he was sitting within. Since he didn't have one however, the raven haired youth was left bumping his ass back and forth, his chest and torso snapping back and forth as his entire front came alive with bursting sexual energy. Heart hammering so loud that he could almost hear it, nose twitching, drinking in the fragrances of boy, musk, sweat, pre-come and cum all mixing together, stomach churning, and vision blurring, Syn felt as though he was about to come undone at the seams.

That the elf boy below him was chugging down on his thick seed, the smaller male's throat was literally bulging before collapsing as he tried to suck down as much of his master's gift as he could before it came back up and out of his mouth.

The trap still trying to drill himself along the length of Syn's fingers, the boy sighing and hissing as his internal muscles gripped at his boss' fingers so tightly that the grip would have felt almost bruising to anyone else not experience by the vice tight ass the digits were ploughing into.

Neither boy would come though, they had been trained well over the years to know that they weren't allowed to do so unless they were given permission to by the older man. That wasn't so much a problem for the trio, though. It actually made the feeling of nearly coming much sweeter in a way. Their tight balls squeezing tightly against their thighs, six and a half inch cocks pulsing and spitting out ribbons of pre-come until they would promise anything to have an orgasm, were sensations that the traps would love to experience again and again and again...

It would be such a delight to feel, and only their master could bring them to such physical highs that they were left begging for more and more, which made their devotion to him almost absolute.

The auburn haired elf made a strange 'gurlp' sound as he forced himself back off of Syn's dick, the still pulsing flesh blurbling and shoot out large streaks of of white froth onto the smaller boy's body. Syn didn't bother to admonish the other for not keeping himself pressed flush against himself, the worgen was too lost within a daze to bother. Later on he would probably say something, but right now he busied himself with humping forward, his cockhead kissing against the front of the young trap's face, covering his eyes and nose and hair before slowly the flood died down.

The two other elves didn't waste time at this point when the merchant began to huff and pant in a somewhat measured manner. The three knowing that it wouldn't be soon before the raven haired male would be ready to go again. Pulling themselves away from where they were, with strangely erotic slurping sounds coming from both up above and down below, the green and blonde haired elves worked to quickly worry their tongues along the rim of their auburn haired companion's skin, cleaning the other off even as Syn continued to unleashing his almost endless muck over them. Multicolored eyes gleamed between one another as they kissed and breathed all over each other, their tanned flesh growing very gamey as Syn finally finished cumming, his massive orgasm dying with a majestic flare before finally...

"Good, very good, all of you." Syn chuckled, his honeyed eyes, stained somewhat black from the lust which overtook him, stared down at the three traps with a look that spoke of a greater hunger arising.

All three elves looked to each other, the lot of them smiling knowingly, before they, as one single being, turned and then offered their asses to their master.

"Thank you, sir!" Syn would never know who spoke first since the three sounded all the same.

Instead, the black haired worgen merely chuckled, his cock jumping two inches against the air, the vein strained manhood jerking as it seemed to point to the three males with single minded determination.