Self Improvement
One of two little transformation themed shorts I made not too long ago. Enjoy! :D
Self Improvement
It started off as an innocent enough thing. Buy some supplements from the fitness shop, to help with his self image. The trouble is it worked, just perhaps not entirely as intended. The instructions on the bottle of pills were simple. Take one every morning before food, desired results within one hour. Easy enough to remember, right?
It definitely seemed easy enough when he got started! And most definitely worth the investment. He'd been through all the fad diets, working off a few pounds only to put them back on again a few months later. Hitting the gym never seemed to help all that much, and had only left him painfully average. Average of weight, average of height, average features, average equipment... enough to not stand out in a crowd one way or another.
The pills were hailed as a one stop solution to all his problems by the people behind the counter, and it looked like they knew best. They convinced him to buy a 3 month supply from the get go. Little did he know the shop closed up and moved away not long after. Day one of his journey to self improvement began like many others, but with a new addition. Wake up, take a pill, have a shower, make breakfast, eat, get dressed... But something felt different. Looking in the mirror, it was as if an entirely new person stared right back.
His hair was sitting just right, his clean shaven face was more angular than he remembered. It seemed as if he'd finally lost those extra few pounds he'd been trying to get rid of, and if he didn't know better, he'd put on another inch or two in height. Some part of his mind told him it couldn't possibly be this easy, while the other argued that he'd given up a pretty penny for these pills, so they'd better be working good! The pending morning commute settled the argument, and soon he was out the door and off to work.
All day he felt like a new man. Everyone seemed to notice him, he was selected for extra training after a random staff meeting, and one of his managers wanted to go out for drinks sometime to get to know him better. Life was definitely looking up. By the end of the night however, life seemed to be doing its best to catch back up again. He felt tired, out of shape, and hungry despite the fact he'd just had a good meal. While enjoying a bowl of ice cream, he caught sight of himself in the mirror. His hair was a mess, he looked like he hadn't shaved for days, and his shorts didn't fit quite as well as he remembered. Surely it was all in his head, stress from the last few days playing tricks on his mind...
Thus he settled into routine. Wake up, take a pill, shower, eat, go to work. Or in the case of weekends, play around outside, go for a run, and enjoy himself. His evenings however started to become his own personal hell. It was soon entirely too clear that the changes he was experiencing were not only very real, but very drastic. By day he was fit and trim, by night he was growing ever fatter, and if anything more hairy. Soon he kept the lights dim or off entirely so he didn't have to see himself in the mirror, as the pill bottle very clearly said only one per day. With what he was already going through, the last thing he wanted was more side effects, or an overdose.
And wouldn't you know it, the complaint hotline printed on the back of the bottle rang through to a not in service message.
Despite his artificial appearance during the day, the stress of the nights leading up to the mornings could be seen by all. He wasn't quite as calm and reserved as before, or as self confident. Many were concerned, especially when he didn't want to come over for late night movies or to hang out. He promised to make it out again sometime, once he got a handle on some personal issues.
It was just into his second month on the pills when something changed. At first he thought he'd snapped, but later he realized an entirely different mental process was at work. He was sitting on the couch, 400 pound blob barely able to sit up and hit the fridge for more snacks, when a strange twinge went through his mind. He was letting himself go to pot, and his house at that. He was filthy at night, covered in his own crumbs and sweat, and he didn't even bother dusting the couch. Sitting here stuffing his face and watching TV certainly weren't helping either.
No, it was time to love himself again, despite his temporary appearance. So with that, he hauled himself up, and huffed across his condo to take a shower. Sometime between the bubbles and the hot water, he realized that he felt calm, at peace, and comfortable with himself. The longer he thought about it, the more he realized that being this big really wasn't that bad. Perhaps something he'd even learn to enjoy.
Before long, it was more like the form he took at work was his mask, and his true self was revealed at home, in all his round glory. But changes were still happening, ones that were both exciting and frightening at first. It was a Friday night, and he'd already begun to pork back out again after a long day at work. He barely made it in the door before filling out completely, and when he turned around to lock it, something knocked over his shoes on the ground. Blinking with surprise, and reaching behind his own plus sized butt, he found a fleshy tail of all things, resting on the ground. He felt itchy as he wandered into his living room, and found that his thick carpet of arm hair was shedding right off.
Worried, he checked the mirror in his bathroom, and what he saw was alarming to say the least. One of his eyes was bigger than the other, and seemed to be turning black. His iris was a nearly glowing shade of amber, and practically flashed when it caught the light. His jaw felt funny too, and seemed to stick out more than he remembered. Wiggling his lips around, he soon found one of his teeth had become a large rounded fang, and was much more comfortable sitting outside of his mouth than inside it. Now was not the time to panic, though that proved difficult after his third attempt at calling the number on yet another empty pill bottle.
Rolling out of bed the next day, he took his morning pill more out of habit than thought, and soon found himself enjoying a nice bagel and a cup of coffee at his local bakery. There was shopping to do, bills to be paid, and errands to run. He could barely focus however, and nearly found himself in a car accident from the distraction of it all. What would he be like tonight? Just what was he becoming? It was all a mystery, and one that seemed to be coming to him one pill at a time.
That night he found himself mostly covered in scales, thick and green ones of various shades, turning darker the farther around back they went on his body. His tail had thickened, and his feet and hands seemed more like that of some beast than that of a man. His bulk had spread out to his limbs as well, leaving him built like a blacksmith, with a giant gut to match. Finally his face was stretched all wrong, not quite the face of a man, and not quite the face of an animal. It was both alarming and attention grabbing, and he found himself eager to find out what the next night would bring.
By the end of his weekend, he found himself gripping the sides of his bathroom sink with two enormous scaled and leathery hands, tipped with black claw tips upon each thick finger. His tail filled out to the ground and curved back up a tad, and was very thick with muscle and fat. He'd put on a whole foot and stood easily 7 foot 3, and had to duck to get through the doorway. He was built like a tank, looked like he'd eaten an entire buffet and gone back for seconds, and was covered in thick scales and dense hide. Running a hand over his face and blinking his dark eyes, he could only gawk at himself all the more. A bipedal monster of an Alligator was staring right back, very naked, and more than a little aroused.
He felt like he could tear a whole in the wall with his bare hands, and was quite sure he could pull it off too. Grunting with amused self satisfaction, he began what would become a new nightly ritual. Shower up, and explore his new body, followed by stuffing his face and watching cartoons. Using the kitchen was a bit awkward, but he got used to it. His dirty little secret had turned into something else entirely, and something he rather enjoyed.
By the end of the third month the tables had most definitely turned. His workplace guise had become the chore, and the payment for the bliss of being his new self at home. Every night he'd swell with power and pleasure, and could barely get in the door without making a mess of himself there in the hallway. Other residents of the complex occasionally complained of the loud pleasure filled moans, and a few commented on the odd smells coming from his unit, but nothing ever came of it. After all, he was a single man in the prime of his life. His nightly activities were to be expected, were they not?
On the night of his third month, the final pill long since consumed, he looked at himself one last time in the mirror. He'd found no trace of the wonderful company who'd given him such a gift, and had no idea what would greet him in the morning. Would it wear off all at once? Would he have to call in sick for a week as his body adjusted? He simply didn't know. He'd grown even larger over the past few weeks, pushing 800 pounds of thick gator muscle, flab, and expanded assets. He felt like a million bucks every second, and didn't want to give up this new-found high no matter the cost. After all, he felt he'd earned it with the first few weeks of turmoil.
So that night he made the most of it, and ate a big meal he'd picked up on his way home, with ample seconds and thirds. He watched a great movie, and dragged his oversized hide to bed only when he felt like he could keep his eyes open no-longer. He dreaded the morning, but it had to come. Sleep washed over him like a warm blanket, and he awoke to a very pleasant sight indeed. His new self met his sight in the mirror the next day, and he flashed a many toothed grin at himself. He'd gotten is wish after all, and achieved a better self image than he ever could have hoped. Chalk up one for self improvement.
With an almost feral grin, he stomped outside wearing a very large pair of pants he'd managed to have made up online some weeks back, just so he could be dressed at home. Over his immense torso he draped an equally large cloth vest, and called it a day. Locking up the door behind himself, he waved casually at other people in the hallway, and tried to look innocent as they ran screaming for the fire escape.
His car no-longer fit his bulk which was no surprise, so he jogged to work. Everyone kept their distance, including several cars of police that felt there really wasn't much to be done about a well dressed monster going for a run. Security didn't bother him as he walked into his office, and a few brave souls decided to see who this creature was sitting at their friends desk. He introduced himself again, and answered most questions about his appearance with a cheeky grin and a simple statement about self improvement month.
He didn't care what happened to his job, his condo, or even any unseen future changes in his life. All he knew was that he was happy, and that was all that mattered. He stood up with a grin and adjusted his vest, and made a b-line for the bosses office. It was time to talk about that raise he'd been wanting, and there was of course no time like the present to make some changes for the better...