Raptor's Reward

Story by Cheetahs on SoFurry

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Quick story I wrote last week, just after I returned from an exam. Logic and creativity hardly go hand in hand, and I think I wobbled a bit with this one. There are sentences I dislike, constructions I'd rather see deleted, and a few dialogues that itch my fuzzy spots. Anyway, you do get a fair amount of female human on male raptor action, so you'll have that going for you, which is nice.

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Sun flexed his toes. The damp cloth traversed between his fingers like the waters of a river, washing away the clogged blood smearing the raptor's pale scales. He had just eaten the unlucky deer whose remains were burning into the small fire pit just behind him. With his belly filled, Alyeena, his dearest companion, decided to embark upon the delightful task of grooming him. A cloth was always better than a tongue, she bragged. It held more moisture, maneuvered between narrow spaces, and was quite soft to the touch. Sun wanted to put her words to the test.

And so the spindly girl dug out a brown rag from her pack, bathed it with the contents of a water skin, and slid it all over her companion's snout.

Sun didn't like the coldness. Not at first. It made his lips shrivel in revulsion and his feathers stay on end. Alyeena found a convenient way to heat up the soaked rag. She held it before Sun's open maw until it got warm, then used the pesky thing to wash off the blood.

Sun quickly relaxed under her considerate touch. Alyeena rounded his head, cleaned his neck, and even took care of his limbs.

"That feels good," Sun spread his toes when she climbed up a leg, a blissful hiss escaping with each breath. It didn't happen often that a human touched a raptor's feet. Sun never felt the need to groom himself there. Feathers took his full attention, and none sprouted from any of his scaly legs.

"Everything feels good to you," Alyeena said. She circled the base of his toes a few more times and vigorously rubbed between them before she slid towards Sun's belly. The cloth brushed along his strong muscles until it met his furred belly, where scales receded into sensitive hide. Alyeena softened her grip and pushed between the raptor's legs, tickling the short fluff rising along the raptor's smooth hide. It brushed just past his slit, latching onto the base of his pale feathered tail.

Sun lifted it, making Alyeena's job a bit easier. She rubbed the underside quite hard, ruffling feathers and fur alike with her relentless scrubbing.

"How kind of you, to pester me on the messiest parts and relax when I'm almost done," she brushed between his short feathers with the cloth and smoothened them with her other hand free hand after every swipe.

"Maybe I like your hands around my tail more than I like them on my snout," Sun said as he watched her work.

"No doubt about that," Alyeena moved around the arrow shaped tip with trained expertise, kneading on the flesh below. "You always burned with embarrassment whenever I got close to your privates."

"It's not embarrassment," Sun flicked his tail, still keeping his eyes closed. He was honest about the massage. Alyeena's gentle touch always became rougher when impatience got the best of her, and that made for a most pleasant scratching for a feathered creature such as Sun. Too bad it always ended so quickly.

Alyeena dropped on her back with a sigh and looked back towards Sun. "What is it then?"

"Excitement," he said lazily as he scratched his chin with a short talon. "Touch feels good, no matter who inflicts it."

She threw the cloth into his belly. "I knew it! Raptor, dragon, cat, even dogs. The species never matters where arousal is involved."

Sun coiled his tail around himself. "It's not that type of excitement. Don't get your feathers ruffled." He collected the rag with a feathered arm and sniffed into it. Blood filled his nostrils, along with his natural musk. It had a sharper tinge than usual, and Sun knew exactly why. The massage did get him a bit more excited. His heart beat faster, his blood felt hotter, and his claws sought purchase onto the ground below.

It only took a single touch around his slit, and his member would spring out of its fleshy shelter as if a female in heat cuddled next to him. Luckily, Alyeena never had the courage to touch there. They shared an unspoken consent in that regard. Sun never groomed her past the waist, and she never ventured too deep between Sun's legs.

"I'm beginning to agree with you," Alyeena squinted her azure eyes as she inspected his slit. "There's nothing that show you are even male. If I didn't know better, I'd say-"

Sun interrupted her with a short hiss. "You'd say I am radiant, and keep it at that."

"And forget the part where you look like a female?" Alyeena tickled the inside of a foot. She always liked teasing, this one.

Sun opened his amber eyes. He didn't grab her hand, nor snarled in her face like she deserved. He merely waited until she stopped her giggling fit, then spoke out his words.

"Grab that cloth and linger around my neck a bit."

"Or what?" Alyeena challenged with a smug expression.

He knew exactly how to reward her benevolence. Sun stuck his tongue out and flicked it in her direction before retreating with an audible slurp.

She giggled and grabbed the rag with one hand. "It's always licking with you, isn't it?"

"Because it never fails," Sun rolled on his back, wings splayed to the sides and belly fully exposed to the whims of his companion.

Alyeena stared for a moment. Sun believed he saw admiration inside her eyes, until a frown replaced her intense stare.

"This is the last time I'm cleaning you," Alyeena straddled his chest, one leg on either side of his neck.

"Make it count then."

Sun wasn't big enough to be a proper mount, but he could hold a lazy human onto his chest. After all the time spent on her knees, Alyeena's legs probably felt like the branches of a dried tree, brittle and weak. Sun didn't complain about her weight once her hands worked along his sinuous neck. He was too focused on her touch, and the cloth that rounded his neck. It felt so calm. So soothing.

She threw it aside once she was done and touched around the raptor's head. Her fingers pushed between clumps of wet fur, inspecting for missed stains. Sun loved her touch. The way her fingers moved along the tuft rising along his neck and sunk into his short feathery mane was a lot better than his clumsy talons. They tended to sting more than they scratched, a most annoying sensation for a raptor's delicate hide.

"Should be clean enough," Alyeena whispered. Her frown lessened and her demeanor relaxed. She scratched under his chin, forcing a short hiss from the raptor's throat.

"Keep doing that," Sun said, grabbing her petite body with his arms.

"Maybe I will. Just maybe."

They both stared at each other until Alyeena complied with a sweet smile. She kneaded along his neck slower and longer, until her motions became soft like a summer breeze. Sun trilled happily, swishing his tail from side to side while his short feathered wings trembled with glee. He breathed slowly, enjoying the cool air of the evening until something pressed between his nostrils.

He opened his eyes to Alyeena's azure stare. She sat there, with her chin propped between his nostrils.

"Everything is warm about you, Sun," she said softly, washing two fingers along a nostril. "Your breath..." she whispered and followed his snout along until the fluff along his head turned into feathers. "Your fluff, your feathers...Even this barren chest of yours radiates heat," she patted two times.

The raptor waited a bit, but no further words came out. "Is that all?" he asked, knowing that Alyeena had more to say.

"Does the lazy half bird desire more compliments?" Alyeena smiled, teasing him with a quick scratching around his forehead.

"Always, my dear fur wearing, featherless creature," Sun nuzzled into her chest. "After the buck I hunted for you, I deserve a few more of your words."

Alyeena hugged his head. She murmured something to herself, then bit her tongue when Sun poked his tongue out. He slid the tip along her jaw, catching the salt of her skin and flakes of dirt upon his tongue.

Alyeena allowed him two strokes before she pushed his snout back. "I'm clean enough. No reason to get that pesky tongue out."

"I cannot taste this cleanliness to speak of," Sun sneaked his tongue into her chest. Alyeena caught it with both hands and approached the raptor's head so close she almost kissed him.

"Too bad, because I'm not taking a bath right now." She held the slimy eel until Sun managed to retrieve his tongue with a sharp slurp.

The raptor licked his lips and hissed defiantly. "Your loss. If you wish to keep that salty mess on your skin, then you-"

"I'll use the water," Alyeena jumped off before he finished. She threw three more chopped twigs into the fire pit, then cleaned herself with a fresh rag. When she finished her quick bathing ritual, she made a quick sign for Sun to switch positions.

Sun shifted onto his side, allowing the young woman to crawl into his embrace. She pressed her back against his belly, grabbed one of Sun's meaty legs with her own, and pulled a feathered arm over her head without saying a word.

Sun didn't mind. He got used to Alyeena's courageous nature. She fought with words like no other and knew what bargains to make. That is why their mission had such a generous time span. A moon almost passed since they left the city, and they didn't even track the bandit caravan. If Alyeena was lousy at something, it had to be fighting. She never had the skill she bragged about. Arrows missed their mark, swords slid between her fingers every time steel clashed with steel, and axes exhausted her grip after a few short swings.

Yet she still chose to be a tracker, and discover the world alongside a companion. Not that Sun ever worth that much. He was bred for speed rather than fighting, and bags loaded with potions and trade crafts honed no skill other than running. He never faced danger; he ran from it, and that stopped working when Alyeena showed up. She made the payments, bought only the bare necessities for an extended journey, and left the city with nothing but a raptor and her will to explore.

Sun still wondered why he agreed to accompany a human when fingers slid between his arm feathers.

"I'm glad you aren't human," Alyeena poked around the side of his arm. "They lack the softness of your feathers... or the warmth of your belly."

"And make lousy beds, I take it?" Sun grabbed her arm between four clawed fingers.

She took one of his sandy claws and played it between her fingers. "They are needy and deceitful. Few speak straight, and fewer look you in the face when they talk."

"What distracts them from their purpose?" Sun asked.

"My gender," Alyeena turned her head around to look Sun in the eyes. "Humans are like beasts in that regard. They want to spill their seed inside the first female they encounter."

Sun flicked his tail. The mention of females stirred his blood. How long has it been since he smelled one? Two moons? Three? Five? Only the tingle around his slit became a certainty. Alyeena pressed her bottom right against the sensitive flesh, stirring the raptor's lust after every beat of his heart.

Sun pressed his jaws together, trapping the hiss that threatened to leave his throat. He could either kick her away, or keep her close. That choice was no choice at all.

"Maybe I desire the same," he slowly slid his lengthy, feathered tail along her chest and pushed her closer.

Alyeena frowned, then burst into laughter. "You want to mate me? You?"

"You are the first female I stumbled upon. Going by what you said-"

Alyeena slapped his snout. "I was talking about similar species, dear featherhead. I never- I mean it crossed my mind, but...Gahahaha," Alyeena said between fits. She patted around Sun's snout, laughing heartily.

"Ah, you stirred my curiosity with that quip of yours. I wonder how a raptor like you would breed a woman. She'd have to ram herself into your cock or...something of that sort. It. Is. Ridiculous!" she descended into another fit, using the tail to steady herself.

Sun waited until she recovered, thinking how odd it would be to mate a human. They were improper in every regard. Fake furs covered their sensitive skin, covering their natural smell. Their females had a strange sort of heat, but unlike a raptor they could choose whether to breed or not. Sun smelled the alluring fragrance of his species a few times, and his thoughts became as enraged as his cock. The urge smothered him until the female in question vanished. For males, that meant days of constant arousal, and more seed wasted than the water they drank.

He scrunched his eyes at the thought of seed and buried his nose inside the feathers of a forearm.

"Haah, you gave me quite an amusing thought, Sun," Alyeena took at deep breath and smiled. "Mating a raptor...I must be the first one to hear such an unearthly idea."

"Do you think it cannot be achieved?" Sun licked and nibbled his claws to distract himself from the raising arousal.

"I don't feel your maleness poking me, do I? If you were a man, your member would have bruised my ass with all that throbbing and poking."

If only she knew how close she was to the truth.

"I am quite smoother than your males, Alyeena," Sun scratched at the ground. "It makes little sense to have your most sensitive parts laying outside."

"Agreed, and agreed," the girl pulled Sun's arm over her neck. "Men are trouble. I am comfortable with a single male in my life, and you fill that position quite nicely."

Sun lowered his head on the ground and pushed the tip of his snout into Alyeena's chest. "I am pleased to hear that."

She kissed his snout, smiled brightly, and whispered a few sweet words that left Sun staring for several seconds. Humans were indeed quite a strange lot. Sun fell asleep rather hard, thinking of mundane tasks until his blood cooled.

When morning came, he scouted the surroundings, making sure no enemy trackers lay nearby. This morning was just like the others: peaceful and boring. The two of them traveled farther inland, staying away from the mountains rising in the distance. That's where the bandit caravan headed, and none of the two was eager to follow its tracks.

Sun and Alyeena enjoyed a few more care free days. Then the full moon ascended on the star speckled sky, reminding them both of the borrowed time they had. Within three days, they had to hunt down the bandits, recover the supply mules, and return to the city.

The prospect of fighting made Alyeena nervous. She had fidgeted since morning. Sun soothed her as best as he could. He made fun of the bandits and their weak training, yet none of that worked. They had a group, whereas Alyeena was a scout girl with her own feathered mule for company.

"Maybe if you distract them while I shoot the arrows..." Alyeena got up and paced around the campfire. The night creatures were already going about their routine, and even the hoot of an owl made her jumpy.

"We work better together," Sun said. He sat a short distance away, clawing patterns into the dirt.

"And we will die the same if we rush into their camp," Alyeena sighed. She came over to him, leaned against his chest and ran a hand across his forehead. "Why can't you agree with my plan for once?"

"Because we never tried that," Sun blinked and pushed into the caress. "What we did before worked, Alyeena."

"It worked because we killed robbers and peasants," Alyeena retrieved her hand and folded it below her breasts. "These are trained men, who pillaged and killed for their goods."

"We did the same."

"No. Not the same, Sun," Alyeena turned towards her fire. She crouched, grabbed her bow, and pulled on the string. "We're like arrows fired by a drunkard. We may have an aim and means to reach it, but we never fly straight."

Sun got up from his comfortable position. He disliked seeing Alyeena like that. Doubts turned her into a common wench, and he never appreciated those very much.

"We will find a way," Sun approached slowly. "It is not our hardest task, and you know it."

"I wish I would," Alyeena brushed the raven locks away from her forehead, then turned her azure eyes upon Sun. "Lets just go back to the city. I will deal with all the consequences on my own."

"You will remain homeless."

"But not alone. I will still have you," she lurched forward and hugged Sun's neck.

Hugs were uncommon for raptors, but Sun still gripped and pushed her closer with his wings. "That works wonderfully until the guards come for me. Defectors cannot have any possessions. You know that as well as I."

Alyeena drew her head back and scowled. "You are NOT an object I can carry around," she said, pressing her forehead to Sun's snout. "We are companions. Friends. Those bastards have no right to separate us!"

Sun looked at her, then into the blazing firelight before closing his eyes. "I haven't earned my freedom yet, Alyeena. The city still owes me, even if-"

"Screw those bastards. We'll run," she gripped his head and pressed it into her chest. "We can live off the land and...run very far away until we get lost in the wilderness."

Sun wanted to bask in her warmth, but the fear slithering under his hide prevented that. The empire was large, and the trackers more diverse than the feathers on a raptor.

"There is no place where wing guard cannot find us, Aly." Sun pulled back from the girl's shaky grip. "If we run, we will get caught. Do we want our lives to end under the earth, with only rocks and mould above us?"

Silence followed. They both knew the outcomes of that, and none wanted to speak further details. Alyeena broke the silence first with a short sniffle. She rubbed her eyes with a hand and dropped by the fire pit. "Stupid idea, I know. Dragons can smell us from the air, and gryphons can fly from one end of the empire to the other in less than a day."

"Humans make easier prey," Sun said. "Let us hunt the humans, Aly, and relieve them of their possessions."

"Yeah. Yeah you're right," she nodded and reached with a hand for her bow.

Sun blocked it with a short emerald wing. "Playing with weapons makes you tense, just like the string of that wood thrower."

She still grabbed it, pushing Sun's wing away. "I have to train with this wood thrower, since our only option is to kill those bastards."

She tried to be serious, but a smile cracked on her lips after those last two words. Sun crouched and pushed the bow away, placing his head on her lap instead.

"You know how to fight, Aly."

"Goddess tits I do. I know fighting as well as raptor anatomy!" she blurted out with a mixture of both annoyance and mirth.

"I can teach you," Sun licked her hand.

"Yeah. I'm sure you will walk me through every part of your beautiful body," Alyenna pushed his tongue back into his maw, then grabbed him with both hands and kissed his forehead. "Now let me train, you devious reptile."

Sun pushed her down just when she tried to get up. Alyenna fell on her back, quickly finding herself trapped between feathers, fur, and two flaring nostrils.

"Gah. You're such a stubborn featherhead!"

"And you are a most impatient female."

"Goes with the kind, I guess," Alyenna patted his neck. "Now let me up before I resort to trickery."

Sun turned his head away before she had the chance to tickle his nostrils. "I will let you train if you agree to delight me with a short game of wit and skill."

Alyenna's eyes widened. Her lips opened, then closed. A palm followed swiftly, falling right between Sun's sensitive nostrils. The raptor hissed and stumbled back from the impact.

"Our lives are at stake, you stupid featherbutt, and you are thinking of games?!"

Sun shook his head to wash off the stinging sensation. He licked and rubbed, yet the tickling persisted. Alyeena fumbled for her weapons, stuffed them inside her pack and ran towards the forest while Sun was still distracted.

That didn't matter much. Within four strides, he matched her speed, and with a single leap he soared above her, landing just ahead. His claws tore gashes into the ground, and his lips pulled up, revealing rows of sharp, snowy teeth.

"You are not leaving on your own, Aly."

"Psh. I just want to train. Stop defending me like a glorified egg!" she ran past Sun, only to be pushed back.

"You are worse than our females during a heat cycle."


Sun dipped his head.

"There should be an obvious effect to that," she squatted and tilted her head this way and that. "I'm not seeing any sign that validates your claims. Now let me pass before you further embarrass your intelligence."

"Maybe a closer look will help?" Sun smiled toothily and tried lifting a leg.

"Oh no," Alyeena slapped his leg."I know how it looks like. No need for a demonstration."

"When did you-"

"I did. Now please place that leg back before you fall over."

Sun snorted and walked back towards the campfire, with a grumbling Alyeena following at his side. Once he reached the smoldering embers, he settled onto the ground, growling happily. He appreciated the warmth radiating around the heated stones, but not singed feathers. Sun kept his wings safely tucked below his chest, and his tail wrapped around his tawny bulk.

"It's unusual for you to get quiet," Alyeena scratched the raptor under his chin.

Sun closed his eyes and basked in the pleasant treatment with a soft, guttural hiss. "I was thinking of better ways to turn your thoughts away from that fight."

"Mhm," Alyeena sat in front of him, cross legged. "And what mysterious paths have you uncovered, my dear feather?"

"A guessing game," Sun's blackened slits shrunk in the ruddy light of the fire.

Alyeena sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "We are seriously postponing training to play child games?"

She didn't sound very pleased, but Sun added nothing. He allowed his proposition to sink in. Alyeena loved winning, and even a verbal contest made for an exciting fight.

As expected, she nodded her head, arms folded beneath her chest. "A few guesses. That's all."

Sun bowed his head in acknowledgement.

"And I get to start first," Alyeena pressed on.

"I'm already waiting," the raptor said calmly. It was quite amusing to see Alyeena scrunch her eyes like that. She looked around the camp, switched her gaze back to sun Sun, then placed her chin on a clumped fist, looking thoughtful.

"Are you sure you want to"

"You were born from an unhealthy union between dragons and gryphons," Alyeena interrupted with a raised finger. "It explains the feathers and the tail. You have the eyes of a dragon, yet bear the plumes of a gryphon."

Sun looked inside her eyes as she picked up one of his winged forearms. She was tense. Focused. Just like she was when danger loomed near.

"It feels just right. Somehow, the seed malformed inside a foreign womb, and instead of proud wings, you got these," Alyeena ran a hand along the short line of feathers until she met Sun's claws. "Neither a gryphon's proud wing, nor a dragon's deft paw."

"Close," Sun said. "But my kind roamed the land long before the first wings met the sky."

"Impossible," Alyeena scowled. "You can't deceive me. I know my tales, my fables, my-"

Sun gripped her frail hand and nuzzled along her arm until his breath ruffled her hair. "I believe I know my kind better than you do, my dear companion."

Alyeena allowed him only two sniffs before she pushed him back. "Alright, you win. But that doesn't give you the right to get your mucus all over my hair."

"Of course it does," Sun's nostrils flared with excitement. "This is a contest of knowledge. I can sniff and touch wherever I want."

"Only in your dreams, you naughty featherhead," Alyeena twisted away from the encroaching snout.

Sun grabbed her and pinned her with a quick shove of his snout. "There has to be a reward for the winner."

"And that includes touching wherever you please?"

"For both of us," Sun said. "Win, and you get to sniff, lick, and touch me."

She remained silent for a moment. Her eyes closed, then opened back as a smile stretched across her lips.

"You just exposed yourself to my whims, raptor," Alyeena rolled to the side. "Just a couple of obvious guesses, and I will be plunging my hand right through that mysterious slit of yours."

"You're off to a good start," Sun growled with amusement.

Alyeena ignored the taunting. She resumed her cross legged position just an arm's length away from Sun's side.

"What are you looking at? Take your turn."

"As soon as you allow me to reap my reward."

"Goddess- just get your pesky snout here already."

Sun started with her hair. It was always curious how humans had so much on their heads, yet so little to cover the rest of their bodies. He got several whiffs, then retreated with a customary slap from an annoyed Alyeena.

"No tongue."

"I couldn't help myself."

"Like I believe you. Now guess."

Sun looked upon her, from the top of her forehead to her sheltered feet. Nothing stood out as much as the bumps weighting her chest.

"Those mounds you carry on your chest serve absolutely no purpose."

"Nuh huh," Alyeena shook her head. "We use them to feed our young. They don't come into the world crammed inside eggs like your kin."

"That's just a particularity," Sun hissed.

"A particularity that matters," Alyeena smirked and waved him closer. "Now bring that pretty head closer. I'm still curious about these head feathers of yours."

Sun waited while she scratched, picked, and touched. "Satisfied?"

"Quite so," Alyeena drew back. "Try again."

"It's your turn."

"I insist," Alyeena pursed her lips.

Sun squinted his eyes and brushed his chin with the tip of his lengthy tail. There were many things to talk about humans, but few intrigued him more than mating.

"You don't go into heat cycles."


Sun blinked.

"Expand. I'm not about to get cheated by a feather nibbler."

"The urges pressed upon by instincts are unknown to your kind. That is how you avoid breeding on a whim."

"Perceptive, but wrong," Alyeena lowered herself on her side, a hand propped on the ground for support. "We do have instincts. Our intellect is just a step above them."

Sun hissed. He was convinced he had this one. And now, instead of a few well placed licks, he got Alyeena's pesky hands all over him. She touched his chest, then his back, inquiring about the purpose of feathers and fur. Sun explained the importance of warmth, especially when she inched closer and closer to his slit.

Alyeena avoided it. She picked his tail instead and dug her head into the feathery tip.

"It feels rough to the touch, but so soft when you hold it still," she murmured.

"Keeping warm is important, but those feathers are neither for heat nor for flying."

"What's their purpose, then?" Alyeena turned her eyes towards him.

"Balance," Sun nuzzled her arm. "Keeps us steady during a chase."

"When you have two arms like that, something has to up the scales," she giggled.

Sun said nothing at her remark. Right now, he appreciated her touch and suave scent more than her words. It came in waves, pushing inside his nostrils with every breath. Sun pushed into her chest. Sweat mixed with her natural odor in a sharp, wild fragrance. He knew that smell well, unlike the sweeter aroma hiding underneath.


The raptor pushed his snout further and harder. He sunk past her breasts, slid below her belly, and pressed right into her crotch.

"That tickles quite a bit," Alyeena giggled as her weakened arms tried to push him away.

Sun didn't budge. He never smelled such rich female fragrance until now. His greedy nostrils widened, taking a lengthy breath. Alyeena gasped over Sun's heated hiss. He returned the air through an abrupt sneeze, pushing all that warmth past the layer of cloth, leather, and whatever stood between the source of the scent and his nostrils.

"Sun, what-"

Alyeena's words were cut again once a presence pushed right between her legs. Sun licked several times. He had to catch a taste of that delightful aroma. His saliva seeped into the fabric, forcing a gasp out of Alyeena's throat.

"Ghaah!" she kicked Sun away and pushed herself on her back.

The raptor shook his head, blinking thrice.

"Gods above," she pressed her legs shut to conceal the wet spot between her thighs. "What kind of savage lust struck you?"

"It's...it's nothing," Sun turned his head away, unable to match her gaze.

"It didn't feel like nothing, Sun." Footsteps followed, and then a hand touched and scratched the side of his head. "I'm not judging. Just trying to understand."

Sun licked his lips and took a deep breath before looking at her. "I got carried away. You are the only female I smelled since we left the city."

"Oh..." Alyeena blinked. She kept silent, then gently rubbed his jaw. "You are still young and feisty. There's no reason to apologize, especially not to me."

Sun leaned into her embrace, seeking her warmth and her comforting scent. Alyeena squeezed his head tight and directed his nostrils towards her chest.

"I know. I know," she said between a few shaky breaths. "The absence of a mate makes the crave sharper, especially for a beast burdened by wild instincts."

Sun stood limp in her embrace. Her words have never been warmer. Tingles of delight rushed through his body, perking his feathers and making his tail twitch.

"Males have to unburden themselves. You know that. When was the last time you spent your seed, Sun?"

"Two moons ago."

"Gods," Alyeena squeezed him tighter. "No wonder you are so worked up. All that pressure must be on the verge of bursting."

"It is hard...but I can handle it," Sun stumbled back. He felt embarrassed. Hot. Aroused.

"Don't go away, you silly featherhead," Alyeena patted the ground. "Come here, and tell me more about mating. I have to know the basics before I...you know," she caressed his chest.

"You don't have to."

"It's what I want, Sun," she kissed him just below his chin. "Now start talking."

He settled comfortably, with his legs under him, arms wrapped around Alyeena, and his tail splayed behind.

"The mating is the easy part. It's the chase that is complicated. Heat stirs the females as much as it enrages us males. They become picky and annoying. Even after they find a suitable mate, they taunt him by spraying their fertile scent on their snout, or lifting their tails, only to slap the male whenever he tries to taste their delightful scent. Some females even go as far as licking the males. Our organs are completely exposed when we are aroused, and the desire becomes overwhelming. When sheer desperation claims the males and the only thing rushing through their minds is release, the female finally allows herself to be mounted."

"That is harsh! What is the point of all this teasing?"

Sun licked his snout, lips twitching with lust and desire. "It isn't that hard to guess."

"Humor me," Alyeena said.

"Our seed shoots harder. Pierces deeper. Inseminates quicker."

"Mhmm. I can only imagine how much seed a male spends after that horrendous teasing," Alyeena rubbed him comfortingly.

"The same question pesters me too."


Sun looked at the tips of his curving claws. "I never mated a female. My own tongue is the only warmth I knew for years."

"Oh, I'm...I'm sure that will change soon," Alyeena raised the raptor's head. "What female can resist your radiant looks?"

"There were a few before..." Sun said softly.

"Peh," she waved dismissively. "It's me who will have issues finding a proper mate, but I'd rather think about something else right now. Something like your member."

Sun's tongue froze on her arm.

"Don't be so surprised. I never had the opportunity to see it properly. You are always so private and careful around me."

It did become a habit to shy away from her. Sun nuzzled her neck, allowing his tongue to wash over her skin. Alyeena hummed softly. Her arms wrapped around his neck, pushing the raptor closer in her embrace.

"Ah...you are so warm. So dear... Maybe I should allow you to continue your sniffing."

"That will not be needed."

"But you were so insistent about it."

Sun trailed his tongue between her breasts. Alyeena breathed out a soft sigh. She expected him to go lower, until the raptor pulled away. Alyeena panted softly, unlike the raptor's laborious breath. His tongue poked from his maw, slipping between his teeth with every breath.

Alyeena opened her mouth to say something, but the sight of Sun's slit interrupted her. The raptor lifted a leg and pointed towards the budged ridge just below his tail.

"Touch me however you want."

"Sun...are you sure-"

A warm lick made her shudder all over.

"I trust you," the raptor said softly.

"Close your eyes then. Imagine I am one of your females."

Sun was prepared for her gentle hands, not for the quick plunge that invaded his slit. His muscles shuddered and clenched at the unexpected invasion. Alyeena's hand delved right inside, with no regards for his sensitive ridge.

Sun hissed wildly, toes flexing with unexpected bliss. His muscles contracted hard, trapping the invading hand within. Alyeena didn't relent. She flexed and grabbed whatever she could, poking and rubbing the shuddering flesh until she found his half aroused member.

Sun roared weakly once he found himself inside her fierce grip. Alyeena was never so rough before. Her hand squeezed with purpose, providing strong bursts of stimulation. With one messy shove, Alyeena pulled out the throbbing cock out of its shelter.

Sun couldn't hold himself back. He tensed and growled, squirting translucent ropes all over her arm. His slit was completely soaked. Fluids dribbled down his belly, with more being squirted by his rapidly expanding cock. Within a couple of throbs, Sun got harder than the ground below him.

"I got you now." Alyeena gripped the fleshy rod and squeezed it tight.

Sun kicked one of his spasming legs, missing her by a short berth.

"Careful with that!"

"I can't. It'sss-" Sun licked his twitching lips. "Feels so...consuming."

"You deserve to release, my dear. Just tell me more about..." Alyeena slid a thumb over a bump.

"Those-those are sensitive," the raptor stammered.

"I noticed that," Alyeena slid towards the tip, poking one of her fingers at the spiky protrusions surrounding the tapered tip.

Sun growled, tearing the earth with a paw.

"Sensitive too, I take it?"

He jerked his head once, then threw it back as heated bliss crashed into him like an avalanche.

Alyeena huffed once, then squeezed his member with both of her hands. Gone was her silky caress, replaced by savage determination. Her palms passed over the sensitive bumps in a rush, sliding along the throbbing flesh until they returned to the tip. Barbed ridges flanked it from three sides. Their purpose was to scratch and force the female to contract in order to trap a male's erupting seed. Only now the female was human, and her grip hard and wild. Alyeena curled her fingers and rubbed the barbs vigorously, summoning a loud roar from the helpless raptor.

"You like that, don't you?"

Sun choked on his words. The stimulation overloaded his senses. Heat was everything he knew, along with the strong pulsations traveling along his exposed member. He kicked his legs helplessly as his member convulsed with unbearable pleasure. Waves of pure lust washed over his tightening muscles, trapping the air in his throat and forcing his limbs to claw and thrash. Sun was unprepared for such unbridled arousal. His sensitive barbs burned with heat, and his slit felt numb under the rising pressure.

"You're so hard," Alyeena's voice dispersed among his desperate hissing. She slid up and down, scratching at the bumps and rubbing the sensitive tip with a continuous circling motion.

"I can tell you are close. Surrender your seed to me, Sun. Release all your burden."

He was just about to. With his tail planted onto the ground, he started thrusting into Alyeena's grip. She squeezed his member in a vice grip, using the oozing precum to lubricate his whole length. No bump left untouched, and no crevice unscratched. She slid a finger inside the tip, pushing Sun's lust to new heights.

He shoved hard into her grip, and remained still as his member tensed and bulged. Sun pressed his jaws shut. His eyelids too closed, allowing errant tears to fall on either side of his snout. A heated surge washed through him, traveling from his spine and exploding into his trembling crotch. Sun knew he had no chance of resisting it. He threw his head back and opened his maw, preparing to unleash the wildest cry of his life.

"Not done yet," Alyeena groaned.

She sheltered his barbed head inside a closed fist, while the other hand plunged back into the raptor's spasming slit. Muscles swallowed her, adding extra pressure on Sun's rock hard member.

The raptor hissed desperately, slapped his tail and squeezed hard as the girl tickled and stimulated his shuddering depths. It was too much, too fast. Seed trickled from Sun's tip in a continuous stream, warning of the humongous pressure that threatened to explode.

Sun crossed his wings, curled his toes, and slapped the ground with his tail. Surging warmth traversed his cock, bursting through the tip of his tensing member. The milky jet flew in an arc, splashing hard along the raptor's belly.

It felt so good. So hot! Alyeena rubbed harder and faster. She used the warm seed to lubricate the oozing cock, while her other hand squelched inside Sun's flooded slit.

The raptor went completely limp, his throbbing member being the only part that twitched and moved. It thickened and unloaded spurt after spurt of rich seed, releasing the pent up pressure of three months worth of abstinence. His burning muscles gave everything they got. They relaxed, then squeezed, pumping out waves of fertile seed. Sun's jaws clacked with pure bliss as his snout and tongue received repeated tastes of his load.

He breathed hard, squeezed hard, and burst hard, melting inside Alyeena's determined grip until his fiery throbs lessened.

"You still have a bit more to give," she squeezed around the tip, pressing into the semen soaked flesh.

Sun blinked the tears from his eyes. They shined with delight, and his tongue lolled on the ground, wet and sticky. His member felt weak and spent, just like the rest of his body. Only a few trickles emerged from the twitching tip, and those too stopped after a few weaker squirts. Alyeena milked them carefully by sliding her fingers between the sensitive ridges.

"Your other hand...get it out," Sun hissed.

Alyeena pulled out her dribbling hand from Sun's shivering slit. Fluid fled the squirming flesh, wetting the ground with its sticky sheen. Sun kicked a leg, clacking his jaws. His member jerked two more times, then started retreating back inside its glistening shelter. Alyeena licked her lips, then pressed them against each other.

"How...how did it feel?"

"Better than words can ever describe," Sun growled silently. The orgasm took its toll, and he had yet to recover.

Alyeena scooped up the seed around his retreating cock. She tested the thick consistency between her fingers, then sniffed it.

"It's so warm. So sticky. And it smells so...I don't know. I kind of like it."

Sun bathed his drying tongue inside his maw before speaking. "You never touched a male's seed before?"

"Not exactly," Alyeena licked her finger, puckering her lips at the taste. "It tastes like fruits mixed with meat."

"The taste isn't important, Aly," Sun said. He dipped two claws into a patch of seed and brought it upon his stretched tongue. He scooped the fertile goo and played along his tongue before swallowing. It had been a while since he feasted on his own essence, yet the taste remained equally pleasing.

"Good?" Alyeena winked.

"Agreeable," Sun rubbed his tail along one of her legs.

Alyeena pushed it away and dropped onto Sun's chest with a wet squelch. She pressed herself against him, despite the hefty amounts of warm semen coating the raptor's clumped fur.

"I wish I was one of your females. Wasting your seed like this is..." she shook her head and kissed the tip of his snout. "It's painful, isn't it?"

"Not when your touch spills it," Sun licked her with a soft, measured lick.

"You're making me compliments now?"

"I make worthy observations."

Alyeena hugged his neck. "You shrewd featherhead. Surely know how to treat your females."

"I like to keep them clean, for start," Sun shifted on his side. Globs of semen dribbled and stuck onto the grass.

"No," Alyeena pressed his head back on the ground. "Please stay here. I like the smell and feel of your seed, among your other assets."

"Such as?" Sun inquired.

She waited a bit before cupping his snout between her petite hands. "Your cute snout," she kissed it three times. "Your feathers, your belly, your warmth... that playful tail slapping my butt."

"I'm not-"

"I was joking," She grabbed the tip and tickled Sun's nostrils with it. "You don't slap butts. You lick them."

"Every joke hides a desire," Sun growled with delight.

"Oh!" Alyeena laughed. "So that's how it is. I will let you know when I desire to have my butt licked then."

Sun hugged her with both wings, then wrapped his feathery tail around her torso. "Anything for my dearest companion."

"Anything?" Alyeena squinted her eyes. "That might be a promise you may not keep."

Sun poked the tip of his tongue and touched her lips in the semblance of a kiss. "Anything."

"I will have to think about that," Alyeena buried her head under his neck. "Meantime, be a good male and keep me warm."

Sun covered her with everything he had. Alyeena made a joke about raptor mating habits. Sun quickly dismissed it. If he wanted to mate her, he would do it from behind, like any proper raptor.

He also preferred to clean all that gooey seed from her before attempting such a coupling, but for the moment he was pleased to share her warmth, scent and touch, just like mates did after a heated copulation. She may have had no feathers or claws or wings of her own, but Alyeena was as precious to Sun as any prospective mate.


Want to keep reading and see what Alyeena and Sun are up to next? Consider buying book containing the sequel in it. I polished it further, slapped a 13.000 words or so continuation to this story, and brought it to a climactic finale(Oh, it ends up with a climax, believe me!).

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