Chapter 2: Carmen

Story by HachiHachi8 on SoFurry

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#2 of Trials

Marcus, Abel and Carmen start their training for the trial. Also Javier's an asshole!

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Update this story every Tuesday!

Chapter 2


I got home from school after graduation. I need time to myself to process everything, How do I deal with this? I walked inside, dad's passed out again on the sofa with empty beer bottles and the rancid stench of stale beer and mildew. The sound of the door closing woke him up.

"How was school?" Dad asked.

"Final exams were today, I passed." I snapped.

"Oh no. No." He shook back and forth and grabbed his head.

"I already had dinner with Marcus and Abel." I went to the bathroom and took a hot shower, then went to bed.

I stayed late after class, my grades were shit like always. The teachers tried to work with me, but nothing worked. I haven't been able to do Science magic, I barely know how it works.. Every race has a unique type of magic that only they can do.. and ours is called "Science." Magic.. It ruins everything.

"Maybe another student could help." Mr.. Blanco suggested.

"I don't play well with others." I said.

"Carmen, We all need friends at some point." He persisted.

"I'm special."

"Carmen what'd you have to lose? Try it, It won't hurt you." I nodded and walked into the hallway, the Hybrid kid got his books thrown to the floor by that rich snob Javier. He's on the boxing team with me. He's the only one that's beaten me.

"Asshole!" The Hybrid said, Javier slammed him into the lockers.

"What are you going to do? Nobodies going to help you, nobody fucking likes you!" I wanted to help just to see the look on Javier's face. I'm the only one who's beaten him in the ring. I didn't think it was my business so I walked away.

My alarm went off, the ringing sent me into an instant world of rage. I slammed it to turn it off. Put on new clothes and walked to the Living room where my dad was sober, and cooking! The room was completely clean. The smell of bacon, eggs and toast filled my nostrils."Hey! I made you breakfast kiddo!" He walked over, gently grabbed my hand and guided me to the dining table.

"Is everything okay?" He asked.

"Yeah." He pulled out a chair for me, I sat in it as he ran to the kitchen and brought back a plate with some Bacon and scrambled eggs. He placed a glass of cold orange juice in front of me then sat next to me.

"Go ahead! eat! We need to talk." I did as I was told. "I know I haven't been a good father to you. I've got to make up for that. We've only got a couple of days before you start your trial. Eat your going to need your strength for training." I wanted to tell him to shut the fuck up and drink a beer. He kept talking about how much he loves me for awhile until he finally tells me something interesting.

"One of my friends I met.. A Zibbermen, one of his children are waiting for you there.. Well you or Javier.."


"Yeah! Why didn't you become friends with him anyway?"

"Because I don't fucking like him, why do you care who I'm friends with?" I asked.

"Because now it's going to complicate things.. You have to get to that city first.. If his kid is anything like him.. He's going to be powerful.. and wise. You'll need him."

"Why do we have to get there before Javier?" My hand balled into a fist.

"Your mom and him were friends, we went on our trail together with the Zibbermen."

"Mom was friends with Javier's dad?"

"Yeah.. Don't you remember playing with Javier when you were younger?"

"No Why does any of this matter?" Just get to the fucking point Dad!

"Everything was set for you and Javier to go onto your trial together.. But after my drug failed.." I slammed the table with my fists and stood.

"WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH YOUR FUCKING DRUG!?" I could feel the muscles in my throat straining as I yell, But I don't care.


"Did Salazar tell you to make it! It killed mom!! What does that drug have to do with me and Javier?!" My fists were at my side, keep them there.. put them in your pocket. Don't do it!

"Everything will be explained when you meet Mr.. Salls in the Zibbermen City.."

"How nice of you to volunteer your friends. Go back to your bottle you asshole.. Me and Mom will never forgive you." I stormed out to the training center, Where I met up with Marcus and Abel. I decided not to bring it up, I'll tell them about Salls kid later..

It didn't take long for someone to come out and separate us into groups. Me, Abel and Marcus were in a group with Javier, Ester and one of Javier's friends Diego. Our training would be 10 different lessons on different subjects that we would need to survive out there.

We went to athletics first, they taught us how to sprint, climb, swim, run, and stretch properly, Marcus had a hard time. Javier made fun of him, which only made him try harder. Next class was map making and navigation which Abel picked up without a problem, I drew pictures on a piece of paper to pass the time. After that was field science, which better explained our magic in the wilderness. I'm not interested, it's all bad. Nobody can tell me any differently after mom took that pill that dad invented, I don't know what it was suppose to do but it made her die from a brain hemorrhage. I was lonely until the day I made friends with Marcus.

A couple days after I walked away from that hybrid kid being picked on, I was tired I hadn't been sleeping well. He's smart, quiet, and has a temper.

Javier shoved Marcus to the ground. "Oh sorry Marcy didn't see you there."

"Stop calling me that!" The hybrid yelled, Javier grabbed him by his collar.

"Or what? You're going to tell your dad again?" Javier said, I ran to them and punched him in the jaw. One of his friends tried to hit me, I leaned out of his reach then got him with a left hook.

"What the hell!!!" Javier yelled grabbing his face. "This has nothing to do with you Ramos!" His top lip was turning purple, I loved it. I pushed him into the lockers and put my arm against his throat.

"Listen fucker. Leave me alone, leave him alone or I'll beat you so bad everyday until your children'll come out bruised, understand?!" I hopped in the air, fists ready. My body felt light and I gazed at the entire group ready to take them on.

"What's your problem Ramos!?" I could feel the fear and confusion in his eyes. Tightened my hands, and flung him into his friends.

"You want to pick on him? You'll deal with me! Now run home and cry!" My feet were flat on the floor and my back straight. I wanted them to do something.

"Watch your back Ramos!" Ester Said.

"We should just jump her!" Diego shouted.

"No! Not here! We'll get in trouble, do it after school.. See you later Ramos!" They walked away.

"Are you okay?" I asked the Hybrid.

"Thanks.. Yeah." He stood silently for awhile, I looked at him thinking about what to say.

"Aren't you going to introduce yourself?" I snapped.

"Marcus Azul." He spat out.

"I need someone to study, would you help me?" I asked.

"Yes I can.." he adjusted his glassed and leaned back cupping his arms.

"Good, see you after school over at the Tony's Pizza Parlor at 4." He agreed, then started following me. "What!?!"

"Can I walk with you to class?" I sighed, they could jump him again.

"Just don't piss me off."

Finally it was time to go to our next class, hunting and fishing. We learned about different lore's, rods, hooks, and traps. Marcus did well when it came to fishing, I was good with traps, Abel was a good tracker and of course he memorized everything.

Afterwards we went to hiking safety where we learned how we can die accidentally while hiking. All the information was making my head spin, Marcus and Abel were paying attention to everything. Marcus feels like he's going to rely on me, but I'm going to rely on him for a lot. I remembered how Marcus had helped me study. He related it to something I liked, Boxing. I picked up my pencil and started to write things down. Everything I wrote down was a punch to my enemy, I can't give up.

Next was politics and communication and we learned how to trade, barter, and how to negotiate. Abel's always had a hard time communicating. But what would expect from a golem, I don't trust him.. He's made from magic, I don't care what Marcus says he's dangerous. Next class was Demonology, The study of the monsters and their abilities, personalities, where they like to be, and how to avoid them. I payed close attention, I wanted to be prepared out there, not only for me but for Marcus and Abel. I focused on one thing, the weak points. How to find a demon's weak point and exploit it. I felt a lot more confident afterward.

The next class was health and medicine, We learned a lot about basic Human health and how it differs from the other races o Paix. Chamas, and Zibbermen are more susceptible to the cold. Aranyan can't breed with other races. Krove, Respetto, and Koyang can see in the dark. Hundo and Raed are resistant to Illness and disease. They gave everyone a large medical book that had facts for all ten races. We went to physical combat class, inside was a giant rack with different types of weapons. The instructor was waiting for us he was an older male, white, gray hair, muscular, 5'2'' scar down his face, he was scary looking. We lined up against a wall by the rack.

"Welcome to combats course, call me Boss. I've taught this class for 14 years. Those who come back, were the ones that listened to medo the same if you want to live. If you don't leave my class with a bruise or two then you didn't learn a thing!" I want him to be right, when I'm fighting I feel so alive. I don't feel anger or pain, I'm me. Sounds like this'll be fun. "I want you all to take your time and pick a weapon, it'll be your weapon for your trial. Look at each one, pick the one that calls to you." I browsed the selection at first: bows, knifes, short swords, knuckles. I didn't want anything heavy since we'd be walking.

I noticed a trench knife, it had knuckles along the handle, the blade's 7 inches long. It's beautiful, strong, and rough. I have to have it, I picked it up and curled my fingers around the handle.

Marcus keeps people away physically and mentally. It gives him an advantage when it comes to reach, he'll learn how to use it quickly and Abel's long sword is refined, symmetrical, versatile. But my knife What does it say about me? Boss allowed us to practice with our weapons on dummies for 30 minutes while being coached.

Afterward Boss paired us up for a sparing contest, whoever won would get an additional 30 minutes of training tomorrow. I got paired with Ester which made me excited. Abel got paired with someone I didn't know, and Marcus shit Marcus was paired up with Javier. Marcus can win if he doesn't freeze. But he probably will, He needs to realize how strong he really is. Whoever wins will be decided by boss. Abel won his fight easily, a couple of fights later it was Marcus and Javier's turn, Javier got excited and started to taunt Marcus in front of everyone. The match begun and he rushed Marcus, and slammed him to the ground then he straddled him and punched him repeatedly before Marcus suddenly grabbed his throat and head butted him. I wanted to jump in and help, it was killing me to watch. His face was going to bruise. I can't keep saving him the rest of my life. Marcus has to learn to defend himself. They wrestled around both getting hits in before Javier stood and started to kick him in the gut until Boss stopped the fight and decided that Javier won. I can tell that Marcus is disappointed, Then he got up and tried to attack Javier. I grabbed Marcus and held him back as Javier laughed at him.

"Its not worth it Marcus!" I said.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?! YOU'VE MADE MY LIFE A LIVING HELL YOU BASTERED!!" All the years of bullying, torture, and abuse were bubbling up. When he gets like this its best to wait it out.

"Alright, enough of this!!" Boss leaped forward.


"I said that's enough anymore out of either of you and I'll step in, you don't want that." Marcus settled down and landed hard on the floor, Abel got a rag from another student and cleaned Marcus's face. "Next fight Carmen versus Ester."

We took our places on the mat, I'm more then ready. Boss started the fight I surged forward punched her in the gut, grabbed her shoulder swung her over me, slammed her on the ground grabbed her arm and twisted it and placed the sole of my shoe on her chin. I turn my attention to Javier.

"You're LUCKY you didn't get paired with me.." My breathing's heavy, I turn to Boss. "I can snap her neck or break her arm, can I get the extra training now?"

"Yes.." Boss answered.

"Can I give it to someone?"

"Who would you like to give it to?"

"Marcus." I told him.

"I'd like to give him my training too." Abel said.

"You're friends?" Boss asked.

"Yes." I said.

"I'll see all of you for an hour of training together, as a reward for solidarity." Boss said, his posture loosened up and I think I noticed a smile.

"That's not fucking fair!" Javier whined.

"Don't be a fucking titty baby." Shortly after, we went to our next class frontiering. We learned survival skills and knowledge that we need to stay fed, hydrated and healthy in the wild, It wasn't structured. People were free to walk about to participate in any lesson they want. Marcus did amazing at it, He's a natural at fire making. I learned how to make good shelters, his muscles tensed up his pupils darted around and his hands and teeth would clench up for a few seconds.. He was still thinking about the fight.. Javier has done a lot of stuff to us over the years.. I found myself clenching my fists thinking about it.

Me and Marcus were out of school, we'd been friends for a month and were thick as thieves, we convinced the teachers to give us the same classes so he could tutor me better, my grades were way better and I was a good bodyguard. We were walking down a dirt road when Javier and his friends came out of nowhere from both sides of the street, and behind us. "What do you guys-." I got punched in the face and shoved to the ground, I caught myself before I hit the ground. Then kicked by 3 different people at the same time, then they started taking turns. My muscles and bones hurt every time I tried to move, I felt like I was falling apart, I was terrified that I was going to die because I couldn't breathe.

They took turns kicking us and hitting us with sticks for what seemed like forever before they walked away. I crawled over to Marcus, I was worried that he was seriously hurt. It's my fault, If I had left him alone, this wouldn't have happened. He opened his eyes and turned his head to me.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"No, I'm sorry. This wouldn't have happened to you if you weren't friends with me." Marcus replied.

"Don't worry, I'm a tough bitch besides, without you my life would be boring." My lungs were on fire and struggling to work, but I laughed anyway until I passed out.

We've been through a lot together. Afterward went out for pizza to unwind. Afterward their dad let me stay with them, together we got what was left of my stuff at my house and put it all in Marcus's room. I want to stay away from my dad, I know he's going to keep trying to get me to team up with Javier.. It's not going to happen.. I don't know what they're trying to do, but I'm not going to be apart of it.. I spent my last days training for whatever might be waiting for us out there.

We'll survive this.