
Story by PhantomIsaac on SoFurry

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At first Alice didn't think being captured by slavers would turn out to be too bad of an experience, but that was before she found out what they planned to do with her. She had expected to be sold as a housemaid, maybe a governess for the household's children. Not once did she plan to be sold as a sex slave. The one thing the slavers couldn't decide on for Alice's fate, however, was if they should pop the cervine's cherry before selling her or not.

"Just look at that fine piece of tail," whined Rags, a mouse whose only talent was to wheedle things from others. "I haven't had any in days. My balls ache. Surely Boss wouldn't mind if we snuck some?" To prove his point, the small rodent flicked aside his only garment, a scrap of cloth wound around his waist that served as a loincloth, to reveal his ridiculously oversized gonads. Each one was as big as the mouse's fist, if not slightly bigger, and was clearly blue even through his grey fur.

A cheetah snorted. "Lay off the numbing powder, Ragdoll. Then you'll actually be able to feel your cock long enough to jack yourself off like the rest of us." The rest of the group huddled around the campfire roared in laughter while the embarrassed rodent cast his gaze down at his feet.

Thaddeus, an appaloosa who had been silent up to this point, calmly interjected. "Boss won't be happy if we take her now. She might have the cock of the john who does it." Pausing, he cast a meaningful glance around the fire. "Besides, we'll get more coin if the bitch arrives with her cherry intact. And more gold means more tail for all of us." The furs, who had fallen silent at the beginning of the equine's speech, let out a collective cheer at his final words.

Alice, meanwhile, couldn't suppress a shudder. The slavers had been but a moment away from raping her, and it had only been the misplaced intentions of one of them that had prevented it from happening. The bound doe twisted herself against the rocky ground, doing her very best to get comfortable, but the very fact that she was bound and gagged prevented that from happening. Despite her discomfort, the cervine was finally able to drift into a restless sleep, filled with dreams of being violated by these beasts who had captured her.

The next day the group arrived at the slave market in Florentine, the capital of the region. Widely known for its slave trade, Alice had no doubts that within the day she would be sold. Indeed, almost as soon as she was brought up on the auctioneer's platform, bidding began, and at extravagant prices.

Her first bidder was a tall bull who was beginning to go grey around his muzzle. Despite his aging, he was extremely fit, and judging by his clothing, the doe guessed he was a noble of some sort. Although he seemed to be of some wealth, the bull soon dropped out of the bidding, and a collie soon joined the race for the cervine's fate.

The collie lady dressed humbly, so despite her apparent amount of coin, Alice couldn't tell from what class the woman hailed. Her dress worked in her favor, however, making the collie woman appear kind and non-threatening. The doe fervently prayed that she would end up in the hands of the dog-like woman.

That, however, was not to be. As her price climbed out of the hundreds and into the thousands of gold coins, a new voice joined the bidders. It was distinctly masculine, but elsewise Alice could tell nothing more about it, not even from whence it came. It was apparent that the crowd gathered to watch the auction had the same problem as heads everywhere turned to seek the source of the voice that drove the price so high.

One-by-one, all of the other competitors dropped out as the doe's price climbed ever-higher, from a thousand gold, to two thousand, finally reaching its peak at seven thousand gold coins. Everyone, even the frightened Alice, eagerly sought the winner of the auction to see just who would pay so much for a plain-looking doe. Curiosity was piqued, but not satisfied, when a similarly plain-looking cougar stepped up onto the platform to claim his prize. Angry murmurs filled the square as the furs below doubted the man's ability to pay for the deer, but without any seeming concern for the opinions of anyone else, the cougar pulled several large coin bags from his jacket and tossed them to the ground at the auctioneer's feet.

Something he saw in the feline's eyes made the auctioneer immediately pick up the bags and stash them away without even bothering to count the coinage inside. "Enjoy your new property, sir," the porcine simply said as he passed the still bound and gagged Alice over to her new owner.

The doe had no idea how long they travelled. The windows of the carriage they were travelling in were covered by curtains, leaving her no clue as to how long they journeyed or even what direction they were moving in. The cougar himself spoke very little, only a few words to reassure his captive and to tell the driver that they were ready to move.

After what seemed like an eternity, the carriage finally arrived at a modest house at the base of a flower-coated hill. Alice wasn't quite sure what to think when the cougar tipped the driver and, instead of forcing her to get out on her own, picked her up and carried the doe to the door. In all honesty she was a bit confused. She was supposed to be sold as a sex slave, wasn't she? Why was the predatory feline carrying her when he should be raping her brains out already?

Once inside the house, the cougar set her down on a plain but plush couch and untied her. Alice let out a sigh of relief as she was freed and rubbed her sore wrists.

"I'm going to lay down some ground rules," the large feline rumbled, fixing the cervine with a pointed stare. "I will only say these once. I expect you to remember and follow them. Any... deviance... will result in punishment." A lopsided smirk that didn't reach his eyes touched the cougar's mouth. "Do you understand?"

Alice hastily nodded, unwilling to face the punishment that was threatened. "Good. First: You will obey me above all others. You are my property now, no one else's. My wish is your command, even if that wish is for you to service another." The doe couldn't help but shudder at that mental image, causing the feline's smirk to spread further. "Second: You will learn to enjoy yourself. That is not necessary at first, but I do want the future mother of my cubs to enjoy her life here."

The doe felt her heart skip a beat. She supposed she should have expected this, but honestly it hadn't even occurred to her. Her vision of being a sex slave started and ended at being raped by her master. Alice had never anticipated becoming a mother, nor ever enjoying her situation. Despite her reluctant nod, she made a silent vow that she would never enjoy being a slave to this man.

"Third," the cougar continued, "you will cook and clean the house every day. Trust me when I say that what I paid for you was a mere pittance compared to the cost of continued maid service." He shook his head in wonder. "Besides, I'll get much more use out of you than I could out of those wrinkly old women." The cocksure cougar grinned at her lasciviously.

Alice glanced around what she could see of the house in despair. Despite its well-kept outward appearance, the inside of the house was in shambles. Discarded clothing - whom they came from, the doe wasn't sure she wanted to know - was strewn over haphazardly placed items of furniture. The air was permeated with the stench of sex, and she could spot several stains on the floor that she was fairly certain weren't caused by water damage.

It was only when the cat grabbed Alice's jaw that she realized he'd been speaking to her. "Have you got all that?" the tawny-furred feline repeated, staring unblinkingly into the cervine's eyes.

"Yes, I... what do I call you?" Alice mumbled, speaking for the first time since her purchase.

The cougar smirked, releasing the young doe. "You'll earn the right to call me Darius in the future. For now, call me something else. 'Sir' will do nicely." The cocky feline smiled wider. Falling silent, Darius stared intently at her in a way that made her feel incredibly vulnerable. When Alice made a move to get away from his gaze, the cougar pinned her back against the couch, chortling. "Not so fast. You haven't served me yet."

'Served'? What did he mean, 'served'? Alice's head spun as the cougar slowly unlaced his breeches, keeping the doe immobilized with his leer. Darius' hard shaft quickly sprung free, the veins along its underside throbbing slowly with each heartbeat. The young doe couldn't help but gawk at the barbed member, the tip of which was already oozing a steady stream of precum.

"Like it, do you? Good. You'll be seeing a lot more of it in the future." Grabbing Alice by one of her long ears, the cougar yanked her off the couch, where she fell to her knees in front of him. Darius forced open the doe's jaw, grinding the tip of his pink cock against her lips. Though the deer struggled against his grip, the feline was much stronger than her and his prick slid into her mouth.

Alice wasn't sure what she expected a man's cock to taste like. To her surprise, save for the tangy liquid that oozed from the tip, the flavor was simply that of sweat and flesh. It wasn't at all unpleasant, though she wasn't about to show the cougar that. The only discomfort came when the head of Darius' cock knocked against the back of her throat, causing her to choke a little.

"Ah, don't worry. You'll get the, ah, hang of it soon enough," assured the tawny cougar, stroking a hand down the doe's spine. Despite her disgust with the situation, she couldn't help but feel a rush of pleasure at his approval. As Darius withdrew from her maw, Alice gave a small lick to the tip of his shaft, feeling a mixture of shame and arousal settle in her belly. She heard a chuckle above her. "A bit of a cockslut, aren't you?" he teased, causing the doe to flush.

Alice's ministrations gave the puma plenty of lubrication for his next act. Pushing her onto her back, Darius positioned his barbed member against the entrance of her small slit. Fearing what came next - she had always been told a maiden's deflowering was painful - Alice tried to squirm out of his grasp, but the stronger fur easily held her to the floor. "This will hurt," the cougar assured her as he began to push himself in.

Oh! The pain was incredible at first, but the barbs on the feline's cock soon rubbed away the hurt and replaced it with something far better - pleasure. Despite her vow not to enjoy anything the cougar did to her, Alice soon found her body disobeying her, pushing back against her owner with every thrust he made.

And oh, did he make a lot of them. The doe didn't know much about speed or stamina, this being her first time, but it seemed to her that Darius was well-versed in both. He seemed to know exactly when to back off to keep her from cumming before him, and exactly which spots to hit to make her disobedient body cry out in pleasure. Above all, he seemed to enjoy making her body betray her wishes. Alice no longer held the idea in her mind of escaping or fighting back, and the cougar seemed to revel in the power he held over her.

"Are you ready to be filled with my kits, pet?" Darius growled. The doe could scarcely hear him over the slap of flesh-on-flesh that repeatedly filled the room.

"Yes!" the cervine cried out between squeals of satisfaction.

The puma lowered his head so that his fangs brushed against the deer woman's exposed neck. "Yes... what?" he queried.

A brief moment of panic sparked through Alice's lust-addled mind. What had she forgotten? There had to be something. Something that would make her owner pleased with her. "Yes... sir!"

"Good girl," snarled the cougar in response. He bit down on the side of her neck, not hard enough to break the skin, but enough to ensure that she received the message - she was his now, and nothing could change that. After a few more pumps, Darius practically exploded inside of her, his seed coating her insides and triggering an orgasm from the exhausted cervine.

When his balls finally stopped twitching, the cougar pulled out, wiping his jizz-stained cock on Alice's brown fur. "When you can stand again, get yourself cleaned up," he ordered. "Then get to work on the rest of this place." Darius then walked off to another part of the house, not even bothering to give the doe he'd just deflowered a second glance.

With a sigh, Alice curled up, feeling a wonderful soreness between her legs. Life here would be difficult, that was for sure, especially because it meant having to deal with the man who now called himself her owner. But then again, if the sex would always be like that, maybe it would be worth it. Alice slowly pushed herself to her hooves and looked around the room for something she could use to clean up, already looking forward to the next time her owner decided to take her.

Don't Mess With Magical Objects

\*\* I don't believe there are any potentially offensive fetishes in this story, unless you find transformation offensive. In fact, there isn't even any sex in this story. Sorry, my lovely little smut fans, but I felt like writing a...

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Her Brother's Children

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Herms and Cuntboys and Incest, Oh My!

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