Peeping Jen

Story by PhantomIsaac on SoFurry

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Jennifer knew it was incredibly wrong, peeking into her son's bedroom like this. As far as she was aware, Simon didn't even know that her company had let its staff go early today. After all, each one of her calls had gone to voicemail. And from what the mare could see inside the room, her son was far too busy to have had time to check his phone.

The bay stallion was relaxed on his bed, hands folded behind his head. His girlfriend of six months, Kristy, was positioned between between his legs. Jennifer had to admire the fervor with which the filly rode her son. It had been a while since she had had the vigor to perform acts like that.

The dun mare's heart pounded in her chest as she brought her face closer to the crack in the doorway. She felt incredible shame at the knowledge that she was watching her son have sex with his girlfriend, but she couldn't subdue the extreme arousal she also felt as she watched the black horsecock slide in and out of the filly's slit. As Kristy let out a high-pitched moan, Jen found herself working at the button on her slacks, her hand slipping inside to push aside her underwear.

It surprised the mare just how wet she was. As a single mother, she had a collection of sex toys that she used on occasion, but none of them had ever turned her on as much as the scene before her. She tried to remind herself that it was her son she was spying on, but the lust-crazed part of her mind insisted that he was a healthy, virile young stud, and what was the harm in simply watching? Jen easily slipped the first three fingers of her hand into her slit, her thumb rubbing against the raised button at the front.

Simon withdrew his hands from behind his head, wrapping them against his girlfriend's waist. Using the extra leverage, he began to lift the filly almost to the tip of his cock with each withdrawal before slamming back in, his hips leaving the bed with each thrust. The mare had to bite down on her hand to keep from crying out as she added a fourth digit to her furious fingering.

Kristy was not so quiet. Her wail filled the entire house as Jennifer watched her muscles clamp down around her son's cock. The stallion only managed a few short thrusts before reaching an orgasm of his own, the filly's stomach distending as he filled her. It was only when Jen felt her own fluids slick her thighs and hand that she realized the sight brought her to a climax as well. Flushing with shame and embarrassment, the dun mare buttoned her pants back up and hurried off to her room to get cleaned up... and maybe have a few rounds with one of her toys as well.


Simon was outstretched on his bed, flipping through a Playboy magazine. The nearly-nude furs contained within the pages were enticing, sure, but none of them compared to Kristy. The stallion found himself grinning as he thought back to the romp they'd had earlier that afternoon. Tossing the magazine aside, he headed for the kitchen to get a drink.

He paused outside his mother's room. The equine wasn't sure, but he thought he could hear faint noises coming from inside. No, that wasn't possible - his mother should have been at work still, shouldn't she? Simon retrieved his phone from his pocket and scrolled down to his call log. There were a handful of calls from his mother, each gone unanswered. Finally his mother had given up on calling him and sent him a single text: "I'LL BE HOME IN 15. WORK LET OFF EARLY TODAY. LOVE YOU. -MOM."

He quickly checked the time at which the text was sent. 2:56. Simon did some mental calculations, heat rising to his face when he realized that his mom had come home while he and Kristy were fucking. Shit. He was going to be in so much trouble when she came out of her room to yell at him.

Deciding to see just how screwed he was, the equine pressed his ear against the door to his mother's room. He had expected to hear her ranting on the phone to Kristy's mom, or perhaps listening to that new-age music like she did when she got stressed. What he didn't expect to hear were quiet whimpers and squelching noises.

Suffering from a sudden lack of air, the stallion inhaled deeply, unintentionally breathing in the scent of his mother - a scent he'd known all his life, but was somehow highly more erotic now. Although he had been with Kristy not long before, he could already feel his pole begin to slide out of his sheathe at the combination of scent and sound. Simon shifted his weight awkwardly as the tent in his shorts grew, unable to tear himself away from his mother's door.

Well... he couldn't exactly get in more trouble, could he? And the stallion found himself really, really wanting to know just what Jennifer was doing in there. He turned the doorknob, carefully pushing the door inwards just enough so that he could see the bed.

The sight brought his half-hard shaft to full mast almost immediately. His mother was laying on her back, knees drawn up to her sandy chest. A hand mauled freely at one of the glorious orbs housed there while the other worked between her legs, pumping a silicon horsecock in and out of her puffy gash. Simon caught himself nearly drooling at the erotic sight.

A soft sigh that escaped from Jen's lips caught his attention. "Oh, Simon... fill me..." The equine barely stopped himself from snorting in surprise. His mother was masturbating to the thought of him - was it possible that she had seen him and Kristy earlier? Simon quickly ran through all of his options. If he walked away now, no harm would be done, and his mother would likely be too embarrassed to confront him about Kristy. But if he did that, he thought with a grin, he wouldn't get to have any fun...


"Oh, Simon... fill me..." Jen couldn't help the words that escaped from her mouth. Watching her son pump his girlfriend full of his spunk had turned the mare on beyond measure, and using her favorite dildo had only just eased the intense arousal. She had worked her way up to two climaxes beyond the one she had experienced outside of Simon's door, and still her body was tingly and warm with need. She was just thinking about switching to a vibrator when the door opened.

"Can I help?"

The equine gave a small shriek of horror, fumbling to cover herself with a pillow. "Simon! You - you shouldn't be in here!" Jen could feel the heat flooding her cheeks as she gazed at her smiling son. Damn, but he was handsome. She forced herself to shake her head, pushing the thought away.

"Aww, but then I wouldn't get to have any fun." The bay stallion leaned between his mother's legs, pulling out the floppy dildo. He gave it a lewd lick before tossing it aside. "Mmmm... tasty."

Jen squeaked indignantly, forcing her legs shut. Her entire body was awash with heat, but she forced herself to retain some composure. "Simon! L-leave right now, and... and we can f-forget this ever happened, okay?" Even as she said the words, she knew it wasn't going to work. Simon was already climbing onto the bed, pushing the pillow away from her body so he could look at her.

"You're so sexy, Mom. How have I never seen that before?" he teased, fingers playing at her entrance. The stallion kissed her stomach, tongue tracing a wet trail down to her engorged vulva. Jen was frozen with a mix of shock and arousal, unable to make herself push him away. Simon looked up at her with a bemused smirk before gently grazing his teeth along her hypersensitive clit. The sensation was intense, but not painfully so, and the mare couldn't help but moan.

He gave her sodden box several long licks before moving his attentions to her breasts. He suckled on them as if he was a colt once more, kneading her flesh in his eagerness. Jen was overwhelmed by the electric current running through her body and simply held him there as he lavished her tits with attention. Finally he trailed kisses up her collarbone and to her neck. "Now for the fun part."

She could feel his eager shaft pressing against her sweltering slit. She needed him, NOW, and damn whoever said it was wrong. Spreading her legs, she silently crooked a finger at him, a gesture that needed no explanation. The young equine eagerly sheathed himself within his mother's folds, causing the pair of them to let out a synchronised satisfied sigh. As her son began to properly rut her, Jen reflected that THIS was what she had been missing during all those years as a single parent: someone to actually give her the attention her body craved, not just a lifeless silicon dildo.

His next thrust managed to hit that special spot deep within her. The female equine cried out in ecstasy, wrapping her legs around the stallion's waist. Encouraged, Simon began to aim specifically for that spot each time he pushed his length back into her. Jen could feel her peak rapidly approaching, and she opened her mouth to warn her son.

"Simon, I'm going to--" She was cut off by a kiss, the velvety texture of Simon's tongue surprising her as it swirled around her mouth. Unable to warn him, her orgasm crashed over her like a tidal wave, her inner muscles going to town in an attempt to milk the male of all the precious seed he could deliver.

And deliver he did. Each spurt of the creamy liquid cooled Jen's inner fire. There was so much of it that the mare could hardly believe all of it had been contained within the stallions balls, let alone that it was now contained within herself. Each subsequent jet stretched her further and further until, by the time he was finally finished, the mare looked about six months pregnant by her son.

By her son... With a belated groan, Jen remembered she hadn't taken birth control in a long time. She'd had no need to, being single and all.


"Mhm?" The stallion gave his mother an affectionate nuzzle.

"You're so grounded for this."

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