Krystal, Blaire and Mitch 5 - Rouge Isn't A Maid!

Story by SPAMZZKRR on SoFurry

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#6 of KBM

Ruby was incredibly nervous with Chloe and Mitch. The two had been fighting as powerful warriors for most of their lives and Ruby had only been trained by Fang for a short while She could still feel the power of her dragon burn deep within her soul, now stronger than ever before with the crushing loss of her master. Mitch and Chloe took to the front seats of the craft as Ruby checked the weapons in the back. Terra had given the time a call about an advert she had found about a maid service. Me and my love, Lalon were on one of the leaflets as maids for hire. It was a far-cry from my usual job as treasure hunter and dominatrix yet, out of the others who had been captured, I guess we were lucky in a way. After the fight that had broken out, Ruby's team had taken the task of rescuing me and Lalon. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I slowly opened my eyes to a familiar chameleon staring relieved over me with a smile on her mug. "Rouge, you are unharmed!" she sighed in liberation. As she moved head away, I pulled myself into a sit-up position and held my splitting head. I could still feel the puncture where the dart was shot into my neck. As soon as I had checked myself and Lalon I noticed we were both dressed in a pristine, black and white maid uniforms complete with nettings, maid tiaras and frilled dress. We were in a small, concrete room with little decoration and a small light as sight. There were food and drink bowls on the floor and a firmly locked door in front of us. "Why are we wearing these?" I grilled Lalon with a snarl. "I'm not certain. I awoke in this attire. It makes me feel quite pretty in to be honest!" "You do but I don't!" I called as I began to remove the clothes. A charge of anguish pulsed through my body as all my muscles deceived me, dancing wildly about space with no will. Lalon cried in horror at my twisted display. The pain soon stopped as I held the floor in fear it would happen again. A figure stood in the doorway with a remote in his hand. He wore dark, armoured uniform like a true warrior with a smaller pigeon standing wisely by his side. "If they begin to act up," the warrior chuckled, "Through the switch and fill'em full of volts. Should put'em back in place. I'll be here for a little while longer to make sure nothing gets in the way of our transaction which I assume has been complete on your part." "Of course, Sir. The money has been transferred through my bank account directly to yours," replied the pigeon, astutely. "Good," he turned to me and Lalon, "Well then Rouge, Lalon, welcome to your new home." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Slaves!??! I never saw the done," I grunted in my anger, dusting the main coffee table. The house we were stationed in was a large mansion owned by the pigeon and his family and it seemed it was our task to keep it clean. The large halls and rooms of finely polished wood and royal red carpets seemed to span for eternity. Renamon always used to clean, not me. I was so humiliated. "It could be worse. We could have been separated," remarked Lalon with a weak smile. It was her resounding optimism that kept me going, even through the loss of our child and the death of my great friend, Fang. She was truly the Ying to my Yang. A large bull made his appearance in the lounge. He was of a huge stature, a few feet higher than me. He wore a stern suit and a microphone for communications with sunglasses hanging from his blazer pocket. "Like the uniforms?" he sniggered, "I ordered them. I hope they're not too small!" The bottom of our dresses barely covered out tight, white panties. We were just eye candy for the security. "I dressed you myself. If that old git wasn't watching I would have taken you to fucking town. Well I say that; I'm not really into freaks like you," he sneered point to me, then to Lalon, "But you. I would fucking ride you till next week!" Lalon was obviously intimidated by the remark and stepped back and away from him. I stood defensively between them and snarled at the large bull. "You lay a finger on her and I show you what a freak like me could do to a pathetic male like you." Gritting his teeth, the bull wisely backed away in anger, leaving the pair to their cleaning. I turned to Lalon with a grave expression on her face. "Listen to me. If he every comes within an inch of you again you need to tell me. Is that clear?" Lalon humbly nodded in agreement as I turned to continue her cleaning. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The silent opening of their cell door was enough for my eyelids to flutter open. The scratching and scrapping of a struggle echoed across the cement walls. I rolled over to have two enigmas of the dark grab my arms and hold me back. The larger bull from before laid over Lalon with his large member sticking through his fly. He ripped away Lalon's panties violently as I struggled in the power grip. It was no use; I could not come to her aid. She held her eyes shut tightly as the larger bull lined himself up with her tender entrance. All of a sudden a bright, blue light killed the darkness and appeared in the middle of the cell. A figure dressed in combat armour emerged and twisted the bull's neck and burnt the other two to a crisp. "Well, well, well if it isn't my little bat friend! I'm so glad that portal thing worked!!!" My eyes filled with tears of happiness as a merry Chloe stood in front of me. Lalon covered herself up as best she could as Chloe helped us to our feet. "I have them Mitch, I'm coming back now," she announced through her radio. "Copy that Chlo'. All clear out here." Before Chloe was able to teleport us away she flew from our presence and out the door, crashing into the smoothed mantle. The larger warrior stood belligerent at the door. "You're not fuckin' with things this time!" Chloe pulled out her radio, "Mitch! I need back up, plan B!" The warrior dived for her as she narrowly rolled out the way. Meanwhile, Mitch and Ruby grabbed all the ammo they could and left the craft. The two approached the gate as Mitch called to Ruby to open it. Lunastra flared up within her as her dragon burst forth. With a deep breath, Ruby blasted the gate with a white hot stream of flame, melting the metal of the gate. Ruby's dragon withdrew as the pair rushed inside. The security of the mansion had lined up by the door and kept their ground. Taking his sword, Mitch gave a mighty chop to a near-by tree, dropping it to the ground on the path to act as cover. As the guards began to fire, Ruby and Mitch dived behind the tree in shelter of the heavy fire. Mitch pulled out Shorty as Ruby cocked her rifle and began to blind fire at the guards. Inside the house, the merc grabbed Chloe by the back of her vest and flung her across the floor, into the next room. I gave him a sharp axe kick to the back of the head yet he did not flinch and spun round with a powerful hook. Chloe held her hands in front of her and in an attempt to engulf the merc in searing heat. He dived behind the wall for cover. Chloe's whole body burned with a deadly flame as she prepared herself for the coming battle. Pulling out two pistols, the merc began to fire on Chloe. The bullets melted and boiled before they even touched her. Chloe did not let her guard down as the merc removed what seemed to be a large combat knife with a serrated edge and charge back in the hilt. Throwing it across the gap from one hand to another, the merc charged in at Chloe, scantily dodging the first swipe. Materialising her famous swords, Chloe parried each swipe with others following in quick succession. None of his hits were connecting yet Chloe was growing ever drained. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Meanwhile, Mitch was being held down by the tight line of security with Ruby. It could hear the bullets break through the weakening wood, splintering the wood in need to draw blood. Mitch knew Chloe needed him at time was running out. Ruby threw away her last, empty magazine. The rage filled him once again; his blue fur fainting into it's aggressive black-stained counterpart. Loading two more shells into his shotgun, he tapped a frightened Ruby on the arm. "We need to get closer!" he cried over the gun-fire, "I'll distract them and you flank. Got it?" She gave him a nod which lacked absolute confidence. Waiting for the familiar noise of reloading, Mitch jumped from his ground position and made a desperate run into the thick garden. Both shells hit their mark on the front rank as Mitch sought cover behind a thin fountain. Sprinting stealthily around them, Ruby took the back rank out. Pulling the first one back, she pulled the hand of the second and shot through his stomach, hitting the third through his wound. Cracking the heads of the two of the first rank together, she dispatched the last with a powerful blast of her dragon cannon. Making sure everything was at calm, she rushed over to the shredded fountain to find a bleeding Mitch tending to his wound. A bullet had hit him in the upper arm and the wound was bleeding profusely. "Oh my God! I'll get you a..." "No!" interrupted Mitch, holding the wound firmly, "We need to help Chloe!!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With a kick to the stomach, Chloe fell to her knees in exhaustion. The merc thrust his knife deep into her thigh, shocking her and cutting her deep. As I tried once again to help, the merc easily elbowed me in the face, sending me back a few feet. Looking back down at his defeated foe, the merc pulled Chloe up by her knee and allowed her to hang in the air. She struggled for breath and gripped his burly arm in anguish, running out of air. The merc rested the knife on her neck, "Say goodbye pesky vixen..." "DRAGON CANNON!!!" came a cry from out of nowhere. The wall to the mansion shattered to pieces as a powerful drop kick from Mitch sent the merc flying. "Chloe, NOW!!!" cried Mitch. With new life, Chloe stood proud ready to receive Mitch. Trapping the merc in a powerful pillar of fire, Mitch unsheathed his sword and slashed heavily diagonal through the parting flame. The explosion blew pieces of the merc across the room as Mitch callously cleaned his blade off by scrapping the surface across the floor. "That, my friends," called Mitch, folding his arms, "Was the slash..." "And burn!" cried Chloe, resting her back on Mitch's and folding her arms. The two were obviously very happy with their technique, giving each other a merry high five and hugging each other. Chloe and Mitch...the invincible team! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The flight back to the lair was quite a lengthy one and I fell into a deep sleep from my injuries. Before I knew it I was in a large lair of stone and furnishings. My room was lit with several lights on the walls and ceiling and I was tucked up in a thick sheeted bed with water by the side table. My thoughts, however, were concentrated on something far more important. In the conflict, I caught no sight of Lalon's safety and I wanted to reassure myself she was alright. I wouldn't know what I would do if I lost her and it would have been my fault. Exiting my room, I found myself in a long, spanning corridor with many doors; it would take me quite a while to find her. The next room I came to was silent yet the lights were on. Opening the door, I found something that reminded me of good times. In the bed was concealed a small child just entering her teens, beaten and bruised from deep battles. A pair of sparkling, pristine, crystal daggers laid on the end table by her bed. Her slight whimpers and groans in her sleep told tales of horrific nightmares and ancients curses that tore at the soul. An enigma laid asleep in front of me; a girl the world never knew and never accept. I knew her well... (((BAM!!! KBM and the others with rescues from now on HAPPEN AT THE SAME TIME!!! Each team is conducting their rescue at the same time so don't get confused. Hope you liked it! Blaire, Ruby, Lalon and Mitch and under copyright of me, SPAMZZKRR. Chloe is under copyright of ChloeTheFirefox. Lunastra, dragon Queen of flame, is under copyright of Dragon Knight. Rouge is under copyright of SEGA.)))

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