Whims of Gods

Story by Jette on SoFurry

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Sorry about the editing! I finished this a while ago, but with school getting so hectic, I didn't have time to give it a true rewrite. I'll make it up to you furs next time ^^

I just hope I can get all of these tags before I have to go... ^^;

Widely regarded as one of the very first, and most powerful gods, Kzeka was a benevolent spirit. He served the world below and kept the peace between the gods, earning their unwavering respect not just for his strength, but his uncanny ability to seal away their strength. While not all gods bowed to him or showed their respect outright, there wasn't a soul bold enough to ignore or challenge his strength. Those facts combined were just enough to convince the gods that he was one of the few capable of dealing with Dane. After all, it was actually Kzeka who helped hone Dane's powers, and taught him to retain his humanity, but live like a god...for not every mortal had such a chance...

* * *

Only a moment after the knock, Dane opened the door to his room with a flick of his wrist from the other side of the room. He finished healing his bare chest with a glowing palm before pulling down his shirt with a sigh and a shake of his head. "Crazy dragon..." With a short smile into a mirror carefully set on a blackwood nightstand he slowly turned around to meet his visitor who hadn't made single sound since the door opened. The silence was a trait almost entirely unique to Noxa, but upon seeing Kzeka, Dane's smile faded and his body turned from the mirror.

The duo met near the middle of the room just after Kzeka used one of his many tails to shut the door, sitting on his hind legs at a comfortable 7 feet tall as Dane knelt down before him. The white-furred, giant kitsune chuckled softly at the gesture before placing a paw on Dane's shoulder, using just enough magic to lift his shoulder.

"Sorry about that..." Dane rubbed the back of his head with the common gesture, looking Kzeka directly in his eyes with a soft laugh of his own. "It's been a while since we've actually spoken outside of the meeting chamber. The only one who bothers to knock and wait patiently for me to open the door is Noxa...and half the time she just kinda...phases through the door. Not that I mind or anything..."

"I didn't think you would." Kzeka stood up and started around Dane in a slow, almost prowling manner. He looked over Dane's meager 5'4 and compact frame with minimal wonder and a slight smirk. It always amused him how something so small and tame could cause so much tension in a place where immortality was just as common as the ability to create entire worlds from nothingness. After a couple circles, he stopped just in front of Dane, who stepped away from him.

Dane plopped onto his bed, looking up to Kzeka from the short distance. "So, what's up? I'm guessing that you're not just here to talk. Huh?"

Kzeka stepped forward, his flurry of tails flowing behind him from side to side, his seven tails almost appearing like a stack of cards being fanned out. "You're correct. Unfortunately, quite a few of the gods aren't very happy with the way you treat your goddesses. They believe you're belittling their title and therefore disrespecting all of them."

Starting from Kzeka's paws, Dane slowly raised his head until he was looking directly into his glowing, blue eyes with a blank stare. It wasn't a stare of confusion, but rather, one of sheer disbelief, as though wondering who in hell had the audacity to say something so...ridiculous. Okay, so, telling a goddess to bend over and then pulling her horns while demanding she scream his name clearly wasn't the most respectful thing in the world...but if they had a problem, they would have said something to him. He couldn't help but frown a little.

"...and they would rather send you here to talk to me, than do it themselves."

"Unfortunately, they're asking for a little more than that." Kzeka raised up one of his front paws, and with a flick of it, he conjured up a fancy looking crystalline bottle between his digits before holding it out to Dane, using magic to uncork it. "Let's start with this..."

Dane's frown stayed constant throughout the bottle's creation, looking to it with an agitated expression before sighing it away. It wouldn't have been the first time that Kzeka had asked him to temporarily relinquish his strength, and just as before, he gave up his powers without much of a fight. There wasn't much a point in one, after all, especially with one of the few gods he actually got along with. Besides, if everything worked out, he'd continue to have his fun with Haven's beautiful, bodacious, divine beings and have his strength returned in no time. The thought shifted his frown to a rather neutral face.

"Alright." Almost as though it was more common than eating breakfast, lunch, or dinner, Dane sank his short, sharp claws into his arm and cut four deep lines into his flesh. Though the wound was deep, what left Dane's body wasn't blood, but a wildly glowing, shiny, silver fluid that snaked through the air and filled up the bottle. As the last drop left Dane's arm and fell into the bottle, it started to tremble violently, even moreso after it was corked, leaving Kzeka to take it up with one of his tails, where he hid it behind his back. As Dane watched the bottle of his essence retreat behind Kzeka only for his empty-handed tail to return, his wound healed up entirely, finally leaving him powerless, or rather, as powerless as a nearly immortal human could be. "Now what..."

"Well..." Kzeka started toward Dane and sat down before him, holding a paw over his head before his eyes began to glow alongside Dane's body. Originally, the few gods who approached him with their problem had suggested to turn Dane into a powerless woman, knowing that if he were caught, those he had wronged wouldn't be kind to him...but the longer he thought about the punishment, the further his mind delved into what he could gain from Dane's punishment. Kzeka softly began to smile as Dane's transformation started to take place, complete with a loud, gasp of surprise.

"Kzeka!" Dane started to pick himself up only to be pushed backward toward the middle of the bed. He reached down and gripped his member, which was the first thing to vanish, quickly being replaced with an awkward, orgasmic sensation that spiderwebbed through his new body. The newly feminized Dane shut her legs tight and wrapped her arm around her body, gripping her sides tight as her small frame became even smaller and more shapely.

As the transformation continued Kzeka grinned wide as Dane's long, disheveled, jet black hair grew even longer alongside shifting from spiky to soft and smooth, jet black to a near snow white. He looked deep into Dane's silvery eyes whenever he got the chance, using his magic to change the color to a soft, cutesy pink. Suddenly, he couldn't wait for Dane's transformation to complete, turning a near, ordinary human body into something of his own desire, light, tanned skin, small fangs, short, vicious claws with a widened hips and disproportionate breasts. He didn't want them ­too large, but big enough for him to comfortably squeeze his monstrous, and currently erecting show of excitement between.

The deed left Kzeka with a wicked, dirty grin on his face that he barely managed to stifle as Dane slowly looked up to him, sprawled out on the bed with deep panting. "Kzeka...what the fuck did you just do to me...?" Dane continued to grip her sides, not out of pain, but shock, and admittedly, pleasure, trying to physically restrain the feeling surging through her being. Slowly and surely, she managed to.

Kzeka cleared his throat, an action that made Dane raise an eyebrow, before standing up fully and picking himself up onto the bed with his front two paws. "The gods voted that this would be the most effective way of putting you in your place. However..." Kzeka tried his hardest to keep a straight face as Dane looked down to his massive, erect cock, almost dark red in color with a thick at its base. "I would personally prefer to reward you for your newfound confidence. It's been quite some time since I've actually seen gods band together for a single cause."

"Unngh...!" Dane moaned softly before rolling off of the other side of the bed and staggering back into a wall and just in front of a window. As her breasts jiggled and her somewhat baggy pants started to fall, Kzeka's cock throbbed before spewing a small jet of precum onto the bed toward Dane. "I hope you don't think I'm going to let you 'reward' me with...that."

Dane balled her fists before taking a step to the side, fumbling over her falling pants before she managed to force them up. While her powers were gone, she was still immortal and an extraordinary human, completely ignoring Kzeka as she braced herself. In a near blur, Dane pushed herself forward, rocketing toward the door only to be caught by Kzeka's flurry of tails at once, finding herself high in the air and then held down to the bed at Kzeka's side.

"Come now, Dane." Kzeka fondled his delicate little catch in his thick, furry tails, using magic to lift Dane's shirt against her will, revealing her large, soft breasts. "You should feel honored..." He couldn't help but grin wide as he spoke, holding Dane down against her will. "It's not every century that I decide to grace another body with my own."

"It's because you're anti-Ah...!" Dane clenched her legs tight as Kzeka cupped her sex, her arms falling limp just long enough for Kzeka to relieve her body of its shirt and her legs from their pants. She panted hard as she soon found herself not only naked, but wet as well, flooding the room with an irresistibly sweet scent, one that could have only been Kzeka's design. "Goddammit, K.Z. Get off of me!"

Despite Dane gripping as many tails as she could, Kzeka's attempts remained aggressive and overpowering, but playful and taunting, distracting Dane from the main threat until suddenly all struggles stopped. Kzeka smothered the sight of Dane's beautiful body with his own as he planted his paws at both of her sides, his throbbing cock above her and spewing pre forth and all over Dane like a broken water faucet. Dane attempted to turn away, but it took a mere moment to pull Dane's tired arms and legs apart, pinning her to the bed.

"Ugh...!" Dane turned her head to the side, blushing hard as the feel of Kzeka's precum sent surges of pleasure through her new body. She clenched her legs together hard, a sentiment that Kzeka could only chuckle over as he started to pick himself up further onto the bed.

Kzeka stood over Dane dominantly, bringing his member over her breasts and marking them with his pre, making them glisten with a show of his strength and dominance. "You'll have to excuse me. It's been quite some time since I've seen a maiden as beautiful as you. I can't help but claim you as my own."

Dane bared her teeth at the sight of Kzeka's cock wasting its shaftful over her breasts, but in a mere instant her growling stopped as Kzeka drizzled his essence on her face. Shortly afterward, Kzeka pressed his monstrous cock between Dane's breasts, pressing them together with his tails and a grunt before beginning to roughly hump his flawless specimen.

"Ahh...!" Kzeka sighed a sigh of utter dominance, almost though he had just won a great war or found the most perfect place in the world to relax (which, coincidentally, he had), smiling wide at the sight of Dane's submissiveness to him. Though Dane clearly didn't agree with what was happening, a steady pump of his precum into her face and over her hair kept her quiet. "Your beauty is truly something to behold..."

She couldn't help but rub her inner thighs together as Kzeka's cock throbbed hard between her breasts. As much as the entire situation bothered the hell out of her, she couldn't deny that it felt good, or that deep down, as a female, Kzeka of all gods was the one to court her. With an even louder growl, she looked up to Kzeka and opened her mouth for a short-lived roar. She couldn't help but hate her tastebuds after a single gulp.

Kzeka's member started to throb wildly as he smothered it with Dane's massive breasts, quickly nearing his release with no sign of slowing down or stopping. It had been so long that controlling himself, alongside letting Dane up, for that matter, were the furthest thoughts from his mind, leaving him a slave to his impending release. "A-almost, Dane...!"

"I swear to god, Kzeka...!"

Just as Dane opened her mouth to finish speaking her captor's name, the grunt of a god echoed about the room before a jet of extra thick, sticky white overflowed Dane's cleavage, washing over her underbreasts and face, filling the hole that was her mouth. "G-Gragh...!" One pump at a time, Kzeka relieved what seemed to be centuries of pent up excitement with a trembling of his hind legs. He stepped forward as Dane turned her head, resisting as much as she possibly could until he used his tails to force her mouth to the tip of his cock.

Despite what eventually became choking and garbled threats, Kzeka hosed Dane's face and overflowed her throat with his seed. He sighed deeply as she struggled below him and reached down to grab his cock, doing nothing more than helping him get off. Eventually Kzeka relieved Dane's tongue of his cock, stepping far backward to finish up with his paw over Dane's belly and sex, leaving a trail of his dominance over Dane's body and to the side of the bed. "Ah...Dane..."

"Ulgh..." Dane shut her mouth and closed her mouth before hurling Kzeka's seed to her side and onto the bed like a hose. Only a moment later she licked her lips and gulped as much air as she could fill her lungs with. As much as she hated Kzeka's guts, she couldn't deny, even for a moment, that he was delicious. "Asshole..." She coughed, flinging Kzeka's spunk left and right with a shake of her head. A sudden tug at her body left her frowning at Kzeka with one eye open, the other closed and covered with cum as she pushed a few of his tails away. "Hey!"

"Turn over." Kzeka tugged at Dane's arm and leg, turning her to her side, but her weakened resistance denied him. "Surely one that looks as beautiful and benevolent as you wouldn't leave me to finish alone."

Dane hissed. "It's not like I had a choice in the matter." She snarled with a snap of her jaws as Kzeka used more force, getting her onto her belly. With a swift kick, she returned to her side with deep pants, knowing that she wouldn't be able to resist him if he wanted to simply force himself on her. At the same time, his scent, taste, and the mere sight of his glistening cock was driving her crazy...if it would make him leave and her body stop, she was almost willing to do anything. Immediately following another hard tug, Dane kicked Kzeka's tails away. "Alright! Alright! Fi-" Before she could even finish, Kzeka forced her onto her hands and knees, mounting her with his paws on her shoulders.

"I've just one complaint..."

Dane kicked back toward Kzeka, missing entirely and struggling to keep her face out of Kzeka's spilled seed, as impossible as it had become. "Screw yours- g-ghah...!"

Kzeka stuffed his monstrous girth between Dane's thighs, teasing her sex with a wide, boastful grin. "While I'm sure we can agree that the name 'Dane' had a certain...special ring to it...it's not very fitting for a goddess as stunning as yourself." He teased Dane with a playful, but commanding humping, sliding his length against Dane's sex. "Perhaps while you're in this form, you can be my Rayne..."

Dane gripped the sheets tight in her palms, struggling hard to pick herself up even without Kzeka's weight on her. The more Kzeka teased her, the less she wanted to fight her new pet name and simply submit. Whether she simply wanted the moment to be over or continue was quickly becoming drowned out with pleasure that she struggled to deny. God, how she hated to lose. "Grrgh..."

Kzeka lowered his head and breathed warm breath over Rayne's neck, whispering into her ear with a much slower, almost loving, hump forward. "Soft, soothing, warm, and gentle..." He quivered Rayne's body below him with each whisper into her ear and echo through her mind, slowly positioning himself behind her and pressing the tip of his member against her sex.

She knew what was coming next, and somehow, somewhere in the sea of compliments that redefined what was even possible of regular rain, denying him access to her temple had become the furthest thing from her mind. With a cling to the last shred of Dane in her being, she shook her head in resistance, but loosened her grip as Kzeka traced her new name on the back of her neck with gentle licks and kisses. Her blurred gaze narrowed with her eyes and a growl escaped between her fangs from the depths of her throat as Kzeka melted her body with his words. "My name...is Dane...!"

Only a moment later, Kzeka pierced her body with a grunt and she pierced the heavens with the most angelic sound he'd ever heard. He was much bigger than she was, and as impossible as it was for him to fit, he couldn't help but try. The harder he pushed, the louder Rayne screamed, her sex forced apart by his throbbing flesh, but accepting it as it came, almost as though she were made for him. He stopped at the knot, giving Rayne a moment's break, looking down onto her almost endearingly even.

"You feel even better than you smell..." Kzeka pressed hard against the bed as he shifted his stillness to a slow, deep pounding. The more he pushed and the deeper he sank, the harder Rayne clenched about his member, desperately clinging to him despite her growls of resistance. It wasn't long before Rayne's half-moans and yelps of pain and resistance became drowned out by the echoing sound of her shapely, soft ass smacking hard against his sopping pelvic fur. Her small size had become nothing more than an obstacle to overcome and her screams of denial and resistance were simply the fruits of his labor. "Rayne..."

Her legs started to go limp under him and her breasts became the only thing holding her up as Kzeka had his way with her. As degrading and demeaning as it was, the surges of pleasure through her body, told another story, leaving her completely powerless beneath her captor. A heavy blush spread across her face as she neared her very first orgasm as 'Rayne,' feeling Kzeka's knot inflate and slam relentlessly against her sex.

From whimpers to desperately muffled moans, Rayne clenched her God's member tight, knowing it was only a matter of time until they'd be stuck together. It was only unfortunate for her that it only took a couple minutes and several hard rear-rippling humps later, Kzeka roared loud toward the heavens, forcing his knot inside. All the while, Rayne's screams masked the sound of her sweet scent coating Kzeka's throbbing cock and their combined fluids splashing against her thighs and pooling up between them on the bed, unable to be contained by Kzeka's knot.

"Unngh...! Rayne...!" Despite his knot, Kzeka only picked up speed and force, pinning her down by the shoulders as he emptied his ungodly load within her, one pump at a time. "Y-you're so warm..."

Rayne grunted hard, clenching her teeth as she desperately attempted to catch her breath, but to no avail as her orgasm sent a sensation unlike anything she'd ever felt before to her extremities. A soft growl had become a full-on moan and her grip on the covers had turned into ripping them apart as her thoughts, one by one, faded away and her well-trained mind became mush.

The moment, though it seemed to last an eternity, it faded to an ending just as suddenly as it began, leaving Kzeka's soft panting echoing throughout the room. He chuckled softly at the sight of Rayne laying limp under him, her eyes glazed over and her body covered with his proof of dominance over her. He reveled in the feel of his knot, the entirety of his member, clasped in her sex, but most importantly, he grinned wide...knowing that before Rayne punishment would be all over, she'd have to visit him one last time of her own free will.

"Enjoy your punishment, Rayne. I know I will..."

Rayne barely managed a cough before taking a breath, her glazed expression unchanged "Dane...asshole..."