Reassuring Words, Drunken Night

Story by Alexander Shadow Wolf on SoFurry

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#4 of Dawn of a New Day

Disclaimer: The following story contains mature content between two consenting teens. They are of age and the are both male. So if homosexuality isn't your thing, leave. If you are not older enough (18 or 21) leave but remember the site so you can come back and read it later. These characters are mine to the best of my knowledge, and can be reproduced(or drawn what have you) with my permission. (Which I would gladly give.) I think I got all the mandatory stuff out of the way, so, as always post comments. Postive or negative. And be sure to leave suggestions or the like. Enjoy.

Yours in Writing,

Alexander Shadow Wolf


Arcadia stepped into the shower; his clothes neatly stacked over the stall wall. He stood off to the side as the cold water worked it's way out of the pipes. Arcadia moved under the spray, shocked at the pressure. "Hey, these college showers actually work. I'll have to make sure I tell Justin this one works."

His ears pressed against his head as it leaned backward into the spray. Slowly the bar of soap was rubbed across Arcadia's neck and chest; continuing it's way down his well built abdomen. Arcadia spent extra time around his groin, which caused a small a soft growl to escape his lips. Arcadia snapped back into reality as he heard the outer door to the shower open. "Looks like I'm not going to get complete privacy now. I'll just wait till later when no one can hear me." Arcadia thought as he moved the bar down his thighs.

He washed out the soap and coated his fur in a thick conditioner. Arcadia spending extra time grooming and conditioning his tail; the usually thick and bushy fur was mated against the flesh beneath. Arcadia turned after allowing the conditioner to worked out and switched off the showerhead. He chuckled as he shook the extra water from his fur before toweling off.

Arcadia wrapped the towel around his waist looping it below his tail, and gathering his old clothing under arm walked back to the room. Justin turned as Arcadia entered; his gaze traveling down the Anthro's form. His eyes lingered at the towel's top, black pubic fur in sight. Arcadia smirked noticing the once over his roommate was giving. His grin widened as the towel was dropped to the ground; quickly flicking his tail up and between his legs. Justin got a brief view of Arcadia and another when he turned lifting his tail to pull on boxers. "So Justin, enjoying the tease?"

"You are a very cruel person. But now I need to know, are you gay?" Justin's voice was slightly meek.

Arcadia sighed pulling on a pair of gothic bondage pants. "I don't know anymore. I had these dreams last night, and there is this tiger. My body definitely reacts to him, but that is about all I fell. That and he is probably straight."

"Have you checked out guys before? I mean you might have wrote it off as envy. God knows that what I did for a very brief period of time." Justin asked closing his laptop for a third time.

"I might have or I managed to repress it for this long. I don't remember my body ever having that kind of reaction to any male before. It is like I don't know myself anymore; its all so confusing. I was actually thinking of talking to my ex-girlfriend about it." Arcadia replied while stroking the small goatee of his chin fur.

"If you need to talk, you can always come to me. And the confusion might pass; it all depends on your willingness to accept the truth, whatever it may be. I'm here for you, always." Justin paused a moment before continuing with a sigh. The words were repeated as if he heard them many times, but only recently discovered their worth. "You are who you are. Embrace it and don't try to fight it back. You only run the risk of drowning in the undertow. Trust me, I have personal experience in the matter. Nobody can run forever, Arcadia."

Arcadia nodded thoughtfully as he pondered the advice he had been given. "I'll keep that in mind. But enough seriousness; do you want to go catch breakfast?" Justin nodded and changed into jeans and a shirt. As they walked out of the door, Arcadia pulled on a plain black shirt. The two worked through the lunch lines after they entered the café, and once eating was approached by a random upper classman. Invitations for a party later that evening were given. Justin gladly accepted and shoved the paper into his pocket.

The remainder of the day crawled by; the two spending most of it in the room. The time came to go to the party and dressed for a good time. Justin wore a tight fitting shirt and kakis while Arcadia simply changed his shirt. The words "I Bite" were written in white script against a black background and he finished the outfit with a dog collar complete with vaccination tags.

The two walked in light conversation to the frat house which was only a few blocks away. The music hitting both of them in heavy pulsating waves as they entered; the scent of alcohol, sweat and smoke was a miasma to Arcadia's lupine nose. The small house was filled past bursting with grinding, drunken bodies. And as they walked through the throng more than one girl groped at either Justin or Arcadia. One particularly drunk anthropomorphic fox attempted to pull Arcadia in by the collar, but Arcadia gently caught her hand releasing it only after a charming kiss across her knuckles.

The two eventually made it to the makeshift bar and ordered two shots. The jock working didn't ask for I.D., but instead filled the shot glasses. Moments passed and the two friends shared another shot, before Arcadia yipped due to his tail being pulled. He expected to see some asshole or random female; Arcadia was surprised when he turned to see a rosy-cheeked Mathos standing behind him, beer in hand.

His words were slurred as he addressed the two, "Heya, didn't expect to run into you here, Arc."

Arcadia grinned meekly, his heart in his throat. "Yeah, we got the invite and decided to come. Having a good time?"

Mathos simply nodded and held up his beer; the three sharing a laugh before Mathos staggered off through the crowd. The two ventured onto the dance floor only to return after a few songs spent in boredom. More shots were served with the majority going to Justin while Arcadia remained slightly reserved. He made the suggestion that they leave after he noticed the condition his friend was in. Justin complied with a drunken slur and leaned on Arcadia for the walk home.

Avoiding the RA in the lobby, Arcadia drug his friend up the stairs and into their room. Justin smirked and when he was placed on the bed pulled Arcadia down on top of him. There was a blush that had more to do with lust than booze rising up Justin's face. The words meshed together as he spoke, the scent of alcohol heavy on his breath, "You know, you are really fucking hot. Would you be interested in testing if your gay?"

Arcadia opened his mouth to reply, but Justin interrupted by pulling him into a kiss. Their tongues met as Arcadia briefly returned the embrace, eyes closing as passion overtook their minds. Wiping his muzzle Arcadia pulled away, wide eyed. He quickly got off the bed and walked for the door. Justin pleaded with him to stop as he spurted drunken apologizes Arcadia paused before continuing out the door, "You didn't do anything wrong; I just need a smoke. Will you be alright for tonight?" Justin gave a small nod, prompting a response. "Ok, good. Stay right there, you don't need to worry. You did nothing wrong." His voice was even and soothing, a voice to be used on small children or drunken teens.

Thoughts surged through his mind as he made it down the stairwell. "You just kissed your roomie and liked it, a lot. You can't deny under all that vodka that you enjoyed it. You would do it again wouldn't you?" Arcadia nervously lit a cigarette and tried to sort out his confused yet painfully obvious thoughts. As the torrent of brutal ideas began to settle an inebriated Mathos rounded the corner, a sway in his walk. "Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse." Mathos smiled to Arcadia as he stumbled up the steps, nearly falling numerous times.

"Hey Arc, Why did you leave the party so early?" Mathos asked as he walked over to Arcadia, hanging on the nearest shoulder. A hand stroked up the black shirt on Arcadia's stomach causing the shirt to lazily rise with it. The white fur of his underbelly contrasted the darkness of the gothic clothing.

"My...uh... roommate can't hold his liquor very well, so I thought it best to leave." Arcadia replied, ignoring his bodies reaction to Mathos's touch.

"Yeah, I think I should be going in. Don't wanna get an underage." Arcadia's ass was slapped as Mathos walked away, and he made it as far as the door before stumbling against a wall. Arcadia sighed and ducked under Mathos's arm; supporting him on one shoulder prior to opening the door.

Mathos was able to lead them to his room and fish out the appropriate key. Once inside Arcadia flipped on the lights and after closing the door escorted Mathos to his bed. While removing his friend's shoes, Arcadia couldn't help but stare at the groin in front of him. A knowing smirk crossed Mathos's face as he gazed down to Arcadia. "Oh shit! He saw me. He knows. What am I going to say? Come on, think." Arcadia thought as he was pulled upward.

Mathos locked Arcadia in place by wrapping his legs around him. Once again Arcadia went to speak but was cut off by Mathos's muzzle. A soft moan escaping his lips as his tongue explored Mathos's mouth. Electric shockwaves rippled through Arcadia's body; his ass ruthlessly being massaged. The hands moved upward and their embrace was broken as Arcadia's shirt was peeled off. A soft murmur escaping his thrown back head as Mathos licked at his chest and neck.

Arcadia began to push away as fear took root, "I can't. I can't, not tonight. I have to go."

Mathos's eyes pleaded with Arcadia, his voice came out pained and desperate. "Please, please stay with me. I've wanted you since the moment I saw you." The adrenaline pumping through his veins having a sobering effect. "Give in to your desires. I can tell that you want this."

Arcadia pulled away and grabbed his shirt, "Mathos, your attractive, very attractive. But... but I just can't do this. It's all too much to handle, not tonight."

"If not tonight, when?"

"I don't know. I need time to think." With that Arcadia left the room, lingering on the other side of the doorway. He sighed heavily and started off to his room.

Justin's words rang out in his mind, "You are who you are. Embrace it and don't try to fight it back. You only run the risk of drowning in the undertow. Trust me, I have personal experience in the matter. Nobody can run forever, Arcadia." Arcadia froze to the spot the words replaying in his mind. The voice faded and he was left in utter, suffocating silence. Soft thudding slowly became audible as his heart beat in his ears.

The waters of Arcadia's mind stilled; it's surface reflective and still. He turned on his heels and walked back to the tiger's room. The still remained with him even as he knocked on the door. Mathos answered the door still fully dressed; a pain in his lightly reddened eyes. Those eyes widened as Arcadia gave him a playful push into the room. Once into the room Arcadia closed the door and locked it.

Mathos's eyes remained wide until he saw the grin on Arcadia's face; it was a look that promised sex and if you were naughty, a bit of pain. An expression came across Mathos's face that was unreadable. Part of him seemed uncertain and afraid; the other half pleaded. It cried out for the feel of naked flesh pressed against the line of his own body.

The space between them closed as Mathos walked forward slowly. His hand reached out slowly and barely brushed Arcadia's chest. A moment passed as he waited for Arcadia to pull back; to deny him as once before. The calm in Arcadia burned away as passion consumed him.

Arcadia reached out and pressed Mathos to him; their bodies reacting to the contact. The hands that pulled them together traveled downward and found the ample swell of Mathos's ass. Who pulled Arcadia's face into a kiss with his hands. Their heights placed them in the perfect position as neither had to crane their necks. The embrace was a dance of tongues traveling from on muzzle to other.

Arcadia was the first to pull away; his breath coming in ragged bursts. His hands rose up Mathos's back taking the cloth of the blue shirt with them. The hands returned and caressed the well built stomach before him. The muscles were tight and well defined below the short hairs. A sex flush beneath the white fur lent a pink hue to his chest and face. Mathos pulled Arcadia in for another kiss before working his way to the wolf's strong neck. His mouth nibbled on the pulse, then stayed there. Mathos could taste Arcadia's pulse in his mouth; could drink down the lust like a fine wine.

A growl of contentment came from Arcadia's throat as his shirt was removed again. Then Mathos leaned down and licked across the piercing in Arcadia's nipple. And taking the loop between his teeth tugged lightly. A moan rolled out of Arcadia's mouth as Mathos ran his hands downward. The tiger's fingertips grazing against the metal of a silver belt buckle. His mouth following his hands; Mathos's lips were a light brush of flesh down the trail of darker hair.

While kneeling Mathos undid the belt with his mouth. Slowly he rose back up, his hands releasing the buttons that held Arcadia's pants in place. The pants falling with a chime of metal rubbing together, and with his bondage pants on the floor Arcadia's boxers were not able to fully contain him. The pink tip had slipped from the sheath and poked through the boxers.

Arcadia pushed Mathos onto the bed then began to undo the buttons on Mathos's jeans. He pulled down both the jeans and boxers in one fluid motion. The movement left Mathos laying in striped, naked glory. Arcadia couldn't help but be in awe of the sight before him. Mathos had already began to emerge from his thick sheath; the rest of him hanging as two full orbs. Arcadia's face came down into Mathos's groin and inhaled deeply the scent of musk and gently massaged the heaviness of Mathos's balls.

A purr escaped Mathos's mouth as Arcadia licked the swelling pink of the phallic before him. His mouth sensually moved up the shaft and wrapping his lips around the head slowly slid back down. Pre coated Arcadia's tongue; the new taste thrilling him. The sounds from Mathos's throat only encouraged Arcadia to continue and he made up for a lack of experience with pure lust.

Arcadia moved so his groin was over Mathos's face, which prompted him to pull off Arcadia's boxers. Mathos slowly began to run his hands over the wolf's firmness. Being slick with pre, made the movements of Mathos's hands easier. A moan vibrated around his cock from Arcadia's muzzle, causing the tiger to mimic him. The two changed positions so Mathos could take Arcadia into his muzzle. Their movements were nearly identical; a bobbing of heads and the soft thrust of hips. The flavor in their mouths driving them further into blinding lust.

Arcadia pulled out of Mathos's mouth and turned pressing their hips together. The two ground into each other with Arcadia's face hovering an inch above his partners. Their muzzles locked together; Arcadia pushing Mathos's lips open his skilled tongue. The world melted away and all that remained was the contact of their naked bodies.

Arcadia's knot began to form as the grinding became more needy. Mathos reached between them and took them into his hand. The fluid coated hand gliding easily over their lengths even as Arcadia continued to pump himself forward. He moved down and licked Mathos's nipple; teasing on the flesh with tongue and teeth. But didn't remain there for long and once again took Mathos into his muzzle.

Using one hand to aid his mouth, Arcadia used the other to play with Mathos's balls. Arcadia's tongue rolled around the head; lapping across the tip. As Mathos moaned, he pumped into Arcadia's snout. He gasped as the tip slid down the throat of his partner. Arcadia fought against the urge to gag at the sudden intrusion. He could feel Mathos's body tense in anticipation of orgasm. With a final thrust, Mathos screamed as the climax overtook him.

Arcadia savored the flavor as Mathos's seed was pumped down his awaiting throat. He swallowed the salty, sweet nectar, but pulled away before Mathos was finished. Two remaining shots landed on Mathos's chest till he stopped writhing. Slowly he returned to himself and while his eyes were glazed over they still craved more. It was then that Mathos moved so he could return the favor to Arcadia.

The first caress of tongue was soft and tentative, just lolling over the tip. Arcadia's eyes begged for Mathos to take him in as far as possible, and Mathos did as he was bade. The motion only stopped when his nose touched Arcadia's swollen knot. One of Mathos's hands went to pull on the metallic loop through Arcadia's nipple, the other moving over the wolf's tail hole. Arcadia gasped at the new sensation and thrust his hips into Mathos's jaw. The moans of pleasure soon turned to a howl of release as Arcadia came. Mathos continued to swallow until his partner had finished then move up to kiss him deeply. Arcadia could taste himself on Mathias's tongue. The two then rolled onto their sides facing each other; still panting from release the two pressed the line of their bodies together. The mistress of sleep claimed the two without either one saying a word; only content grins were shared. And for the first time since he arrived, Arcadia's sleep was deep and peaceful.


Point of No Return

Phantom of the Opera

Disclaimer: Not mine. Don't Ask. Don't Tell. Don't Sue.


You have come here

in pursuit of

your deepest urge,

in pursuit of

that wish,

which till now

has been silent,

silent . . .

I have brought you,

that our passions

may fuse and merge -

in your mind

you've already

succumbed to me

dropped all defences

completely succumbed to me -

now you are here with me:

no second thoughts,

you've decided,

decided . . .

Past the point

of no return -

no backward glances:

the games we've played

till now are at

an end . . .

Past all thought

of "if" or "when" -

no use resisting:

abandon thought,

and let the dream

descend . . .

What raging fire

shall flood the soul?

What rich desire

unlocks its door?

What sweet seduction

lies before

us . . .?

Past the point

of no return,

the final threshold -

what warm,

unspoken secrets

will we learn?

Beyond the point

of no return . . .


You have brought me

to that moment

where words run dry,

to that moment

where speech


into silence,

silence . . .

I have come here,

hardly knowing

the reason why . . .

In my mind,

I've already

imagined our

bodies entwining

defenceless and silent -

and now I am

here with you:

no second thoughts,

I've decided,

decided . . .

Past the point

of no return -

no going back now:

our passion-play

has now, at last,

begun . . .

Past all thought

of right or wrong -

one final question:

how long should we

two wait, before

we're one . . .?

When will the blood

begin to race

the sleeping bud

burst into bloom?

When will the flames,

at last, consume

us . . .?


Past the point

of no return

the final threshold -

the bridge

is crossed, so stand

and watch it burn . . .

We've passed the point

of no return . . .