In Short Supply

Story by awesomeos on SoFurry

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#2 of Short Stories

Another short story. Hope you enjoy

WARNING: Rimming and Reaming are very different activities. Learn the difference to avoid embarrassment.

(Actual warning: This story contains soft, safe, semi-nonconsensual vore. If you don't like that sort of stuff #sorrynotsorry)

Anthony woke up to a long lick across his face.

"Come on Anthony, it's time to get up."

"Come on Sia, can't we just stay in today?"

"Not when we need food we can't, unless you want to be dinner tonight." Sia joked.

"Alright, jeez, dragons are so needy, do you know that?"

"Says the one who needs to cuddle up to me to ward off hypothermia."

Anthony looked up at Sia, the large fuzzy blue dragon staring right back at him, knowing that she won the argument. "Fine, you win this round."

"And every round that has ever happened," Sia gloated bouncing along like a child. "Now go get your quiver, we're going hunting."

Anthony trudged towards his bow and arrows that were lying beside a rock, along with all his other possessions that he was carrying with him when Sia found him. He remembered that day with such clarity.

He was hunting when she found him. He had no idea that such a large creature could be so sneaky; before he even knew what happened, she had pounced and grabbed him. He looked up to see her long fuzzy chest and magnificent wings as the spread to lift them away from the earth, the image of nature's most beautiful and efficient success. He looked down, noticing that they were well past the tall tree canopies, flying at a truly incredible speed towards a lone mountain that jutted out of the land like a great natural pyramid.

As they drew closer to the mountain, he saw an outcrop with a cave and assumed that was where they would land. His assumptions were correct about the location but were quite incorrect about her plans with him. Sia was apparently a very lonely creature who was only looking for a friend. Her food stores had been plenty back then and she had no need for human meat to sate her hunger, only human tongue to sate her boredom. They talked for hours each day. At first, Anthony would always sit against the wall, his trust only extending as far as his hands, but after only a week, he sat cupped in her paws, stroking her furry muzzle, afraid of nothing. Sia was in heaven. She had longed for a friend that loved to talk and she found one. They shared stories of past experiences, their past lives, their hopes for the future. Sia would talk about exotic places she had flown to. Anthony would talk about his home town and people that would visit from time to time before he left.

As the weeks went on, Sia grew more attached to the human and asked him if he would think about living with her. Anthony responded, "Well aren't I already?"


Anthony climbed up Sia's foreleg and sat on her shoulders, waiting for her to jump of the cliff and glide down to the forest below. He saw her wings tense slightly and knew that she was almost ready, he wrapped his arms around her long neck as she bounded towards her cave entrance and then off the cliff. The familiar feeling of freefall started to take hold as Sia dived downwards, catching the air with a precision that astounded Anthony; she pulled up just in time to barely float above the trees, before finding a spot to enter. She brought her wings inwards quickly and plummeted again, only to catch herself and land gracefully on the forest floor. She looked around, padding quietly forward. Anthony readied an arrow and scouted for any movement. They continued forward towards a stream, a place that likely had animals nearby. They reached the stream and walked along it for a while, slowly lowering their guard as nothing showed up continuously.

Hours had passed and they still had not found anything. Sia was getting worried. She kept a calm composure around Anthony but she hadn't eaten in far too long. She worried that her instincts wouldn't take over her better judgment as they did when dragons became desperate. She remembered hearing stories of dragons losing control and rampaging, eating anything that moved. It worried her deeply. She had never worried about that because there had always been food stored up, but this year had been tough. She had dipped into her stores quite often in the past month from low hunting yield and she had run out nearly two weeks ago, she survived on the little bits that they would find every so often but it wasn't nearly enough.

Anthony tapped her back, bringing her back to the present, a rabbit was hopping along near a few bushes, looking for berries. Anthony took aim, feeling sorry but also feeling hungry. The arrow flew silently, hitting the rabbit with an accuracy that killed it instantly. Sia padded over, picking up the meagre catch and walking back towards the cliff, hoping to conserve her energy. She knew that wouldn't be enough.

They finally reached the cliff edge and Anthony held on to her neck as she climbed the face. The trip up to her cave seemed slower than usual for some reason, Anthony couldn't reason why that would be. After finally making it to the top, Sia walked into the cave and laid down, curling up around the smoldering fire.

Anthony stoked the flames until it started up again and sat next to her, preparing the rabbit for cooking. He placed a couple pieces on a stick and started to cook his supper. He moved the rest of the rabbit over to Sia. "Sorry, I know it's pretty small. Maybe we'll catch something bigger tomorrow."

Sia picked up the morsel and dropped it into her mouth, swallowing it whole easily. She didn't want to look at Anthony. It felt like a weight was on her heart. Every time she looked at him, she could feel her mouth water. Her body was already overwhelming her. She had to tell him. "Anthony..."

Anthony looked at her. Her voice seemed labored and anxious. "Yes Sia?"

She paused for a moment, thinking of what to say. "Um, nevermind."

Anthony looked up at her with a worried expression. "Are you okay?"

Sia was already feeling her primal instincts take over. She couldn't help but think about what she wanted to do with him, smiling at the thought. Like a virus, it took over her body, overwhelming everything, any rational thought. Her eyes focused on him, slitting in close to take in as much as possible. Her hunting instincts were active. Anthony stood up immediately after seeing that, backing away. Unfortunately, the cave entrance was blocked by her. He had nowhere to go.

"Sia, you're acting weird, I don't like this."

Sia licked her lips, baring her teeth and growling low, almost a purr but with intent to cause fear. He felt his back touch the cave wall as Sia closed in on him. She sniffed him, taking in his scent, smelling his fear and worry. Her tongue snaked out of her muzzle, sliding along one of his legs. He tried to move out of the way but Sia's paw came up and blocked any escape.

"SIA!" Anthony Shouted at her.

Sia shook her head, a confused expression on her face when she finally looked back at Anthony. "Anthony, what happened?"

Anthony looked at her worriedly. "You don't remember?"

"No, I just remember that we were sitting by the fire," she said, looking back towards the cave entrance. "Why are we over here?"

"I should be asking you. You got up and started stalking me like I was some sort of... prey."

Sia's eyes widened in realization. Tears began to well up. "I'm... I'm so sorry Anthony... I didn't mean to." She said between quiet sobs. "I... don't know how to say this."

"What's wrong, Sia? You can tell me." Anthony comforted cautiously.

"It's happened, It's happened and now I've ruined everything."

"What's happened?"

"I couldn't control myself, I'm sorry. When dragons get hungry, our instincts take over. We'll eat anything that moves and we can't control it." Sia said, slumping down and burying her face into her paws. "I'm sorry Anthony, I should have told you earlier, I... I just didn't think it would happen to me. You're my best friend and I never thought I would see you as food."

Anthony stepped back slightly, an instinctual fear creeping in on him. He saw Sia as a predator instead of a friend for the first time since their first week together. He fought the urge to run and pet her nose lightly.

"Why aren't you afraid of me?" Sia asked, befuddled.

"Well... I am, but you're my friend and I can't see myself living anywhere else so I'm staying," Anthony said simply.

"But, Anthony, I could lose control again and... I don't want to kill you."

"I'm not going anywhere Sia. If you eat me, then it's my fault for staying, not yours."

Sia looked down at him, upset at his decision, she almost couldn't move because of her hunger pains, she would not be able to drop him off away from her cave. It pained her that she couldn't get him away from her. His fate was sealed now. Eating him was inevitable.

Anthony knew it too. He heard her stomach rumble painfully. He wasn't sure if he was ready to give himself to Sia but he knew that he wanted to before she lost control and let her instincts take over. He had seen her eat things that she couldn't swallow whole. He shivered involuntarily, fear running through him. "Sia?"

Sia lifted her head. "Yeah?"

"I'm ready." Anthony said as he walked over to her.

Two words. Two words that pierced her soul like a knife cutting into her heart. Her best friend was giving himself to her. She should have never brought him here, she had condemned him from the beginning. Sia looked up to see her friend, standing naked in front of her.

"Hopefully I'll be enough to sate your hunger for at least a little while."

Tears rolled down her eyes as she brought him close, hugging him next to her. "I'm so sorry for bringing you here."

Anthony lifted her chin so that she was looking into his eyes. "I wouldn't have made such a great friend if you hadn't. Now let me repay you for your love and good nature." Anthony kissed her nose, while simultaneously running his hand along her lips, pushing with enough pressure to force his hand inside. It was met with a wet warmth that mimicked her radiating body heat. He was reminded of the cold nights that he spent with her, wrapped up in her embrace, hugged by her wings and arms as they slept soundly together. His hand brushed past her teeth, touching her tongue for the first time. It quivered. He heard Sia let out an involuntary purr, she definitely liked his taste.

"I can't! I can't do this to you, Anthony. I'd never forgive myself," she said, rising from her laying position. Without another word, she pushed the rest of her strength outward and ran out of the cave without Anthony. She jumped off the cliff and spread her wings, diving down towards the trees with a woosh. She found a clearing in the trees and pushed through, landing and bounding forward, keeping her momentum going, searching desperately for a source of food. She just couldn't eat Anthony. Her heart raced painfully, begging for her to save her energy but she pushed on, she had to save her friend.

In front of her, lit up by the twilight sky, like a miracle being presented to her, a herd of deer grazed. She silenced her approach, jumping in for the kill and landed on the vast majority of them. She stuffed the closest one into her maw, swallowing it down ravenously. She killed the rest in her grasp quickly, crying from the miracle that had occurred.

Anthony sat and waited for something to happen, he drew in the dust that collected near the cave wall, waiting for his almost inevitable demise, thinking about how he had spent his life. He honestly counted himself lucky, not many people could be so content with such a short life but he felt as though he had lived it the way he wanted to. Suddenly he heard the flapping of wings. He turned his head towards the entrance of the cave to see Sia landing with all the deer she could carry.

"How did you find all those?"

"Luck was on my side today," She said, placing the deer in a pile near the coldest part of the cave so that they would last longer. She padded over to Anthony and lay down in front of him. She brought her paw up behind him, pushing him towards her.

Anthony sat in her cupped paw after being moved closer to her, she nuzzled him, her furry face tickling his exposed skin. He hugged her back, petting her nose and feeling her warm breath on his body. Suddenly, he felt her long tongue lap at his leg. He felt the cooling effect of the leftover saliva where her tongue had just been. "What was that for?" He asked.

"Well, I've been thinking about it and I kind of like your taste actually." Sia responded, licking his leg again.

"Don't be getting any ideas now, you have enough food to last you awhile." Anthony warned jokingly.

"I'm not... really thinking that." Sia lied obviously. She kept thinking about having him all to herself, swallowing him down, it got her salivating. She thought of his struggles against her throat, against her stomach, what a delightful feeling it would be. She was brought back to reality by the feeling of Anthony's struggles in her grasp, he tried to wiggle away but her strong grip kept him exactly where she wanted him. "Trust me, Anthony," she said, trying to calm him down.

Anthony dampened his struggles and relaxed a bit in her paw. He knew that she wouldn't hurt him on purpose; he decided he would give in and let her do what she wanted, as long as it didn't hurt him. He watched as her tongue exited her mouth and touched his leg again, running along it slowly and deliberately to capture all of his flavor. He immediately wanted to stop her but he bit his tongue, letting her have her fun. She continued her tongue bath, licking everywhere that she could, he wiggled as her tongue wrapped around one of his leg, tickling his inner thigh. Giggling, he closed his eyes and squirmed, trying to get her to stop tickling him. His leg seemed to get much warmer all of a sudden. He opened his eyes to see that his entire leg had disappeared inside her mouth. She opened her mouth just enough to lap his second leg inside, an audible murr escaping her throat as she tasted him. He felt so odd, his body was trying to fight her away but his mind was relaxed. He was almost enjoying the experience. It certainly felt interesting enough being tasted but he wasn't sure if his body could handle the stress of being so deliberately treated like food all that often, he could feel his heart racing inside of his body.

Suddenly, he felt a sucking sensation on his legs and watched more of his body disappear between her soft lips; his belly button disappeared when she finally stopped sucking. Her tongue lapped at the new skin introduced into her mouth, getting as much flavor as she could. She still tried to be playful, licking at his feet to tickle him and keep him calm. His situation still scared him. He was worried that Sia would lose control and swallow him down as food, but he trusted her and knew that she wouldn't hurt him.

Sia rumbled happily, feeling the satisfying sensation of her friend on her tongue. She never thought that she would enjoy her friend like she was. She wanted to feel him deeper. She decided that it was time to take him as deep as she could.

Anthony felt a tug on his feet as Sia swallowed, her esophagus claiming the first part of him. "Hey, Sia, what are you doing?"

Sia only smiled slyly and gulped once more, taking Anthony deeper into her throat. Her tongue slid up his back and licked at his shoulders comfortingly. Cupping her dexterous tongue around one of Anthony's shoulders, she pulled him inside, swallowing reflexively as more of him entered her mouth.

Anthony started to panic. "Sia, wait, don't eat me; I thought you just wanted to lick me. I thought I was your friend."

Sia tried to lick him reassuringly but feared that it may have come off as more tasting. She felt Anthony start to struggle, trying to pull his legs out from her throat. It was no use, she knew that he was going down her throat whether he wanted to or not. She swallowed again watching Anthony disappear between her jaws. She finally closed them with a soft click, sealing him in darkness.

Anthony's struggles intensified as he was relentlessly pulled towards her stomach. He couldn't resist her gullet's strength, it was overwhelming. The heat of her mouth tired him out too quickly for him to put up a decent fight. Laying back, Anthony finally submitted to his friend, feeling an overwhelming sense of betrayal. He felt the tightness of her throat travel up his body as she continued to swallow, sealing his fait. He tried his best to move but he couldn't move anything. He tried one last time to grab onto one of her teeth and pull himself out but his hands were too slippery from the saliva. It was a defeating feeling being so hopelessly trapped. He felt her swallow once more, a rippling suction that pulled his head inside her throat.

Sia swallowed with satisfaction, feeling only his arms in her mouth. She wrapped her tongue around his hand, holding it before swallowing hard to send him down. Smacking her lips, she curled up and started to clean her fur.

It was hard to breath. Anthony held his breath for as long as he could. Luckily, he the pressure on his feet started to subside. The sensation continued up his body until his head finally popped out into what he assumed was her stomach. He breathed in with relief as he was deposited into the cushy sack. A small pool of saliva submerged his bottom half. He sat waiting for his inevitable demise. He knew it would be quick. The deer was nowhere to be found. Suddenly, a familiar yet slightly muffled voice was heard from outside.

"Hey, how are you doing in there?" Sia asked.

"Well, I'm not dead yet but it seems like your body takes care of business pretty quick in here. I don't see the deer anywhere. So if you don't mind, I'd like to live my last minutes without hearing from my killer!"

Sia giggled. "That deer has only barely digested silly, you're in my storage stomach. I'm not going to kill you, you're my best friend. Who else would I go hunting with?"

Anthony paused to think. He was certainly not feeling any pain where he was, maybe she was telling the truth. "Are you serious? Why didn't you tell me?"

"We'll I was going to but it's more fun when my prey fights a bit on the way down, it feels good."

"So I guess it would feel great if I did THIS!" Anthony yelled, punching her stomach walls. He heard a low purr reverberate around him.

"Oooh, that does feel good. Keep doing that." Sia purred.

Anthony giggled. He kicked and struggled inside of her, stretching and pushing against her stomach walls. The purring continued. "What does that even feel like?"

"It's like you're massaging my insides, it feels really nice." Sia responded in bliss. "Why don't you take a nap and I'll let you out later after I've had my fun."

Anthony settled down, quitting his assault on her storage stomach and curled up to rest. The intense heat of Sia's stomach lulled him to sleep within seconds.

Sia swallowed a bunch of air down to where she kept Anthony and curled up around her stomach, feeling his small heart beat within her. She slept soundly knowing that her friend was closer to her than ever.

Lark and Her Dragon

WARNING: This short story is a short story... (actually contains safe willing vore) Lark toppled over as her dragon pounced on her, licking her continuously. She giggled, pushing away playfully as Draan pinned her down. "Come on Draan, let me go!"...

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A Deeper Friendship 11: Home (Final)

WARNING: This story contains peanuts. It's kind of weird that I haven't used that one before. (Actually contains mention of vore. Also contains fighting) "Go on, eat him." Kara said nothing. "Either you eat him or I will; it's your choice."...

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A Deeper Friendship 10: More Guilt

WARNING: This story contains a cliffhanger. Seriously, its hung like a horse. (Actually contains vore and guilt. It also contains 1810 words, including these ones.) As Zack settled in, Kara laid down on her stomach, the pressure that her body made...

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