College Fun

Story by PrettyPanther on SoFurry

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#2 of Random fun

I looked at the paper once more, then up at the door in front of me. "This appears to be the right number.." For a moment, I hesitated. What if he gave me the wrong dorm number at that party and sent me to some random fur's room? I thought about leaving, then shook the idea. One, two knocks. A pause. Two more knocks. Still no one.. I changed my footing, ready to leave, then the door opened. Cameron stood at the doorway, panting a little. "Haha, hey there! Sorry, I was cleaning up some things. You're early!" I looked at my watch and saw that I came half an hour before we agreed and blushed. "Sorry." He smiled and waved for me to come in. I entered and closed the door behind me, looking around. "So, Jessie yeah? What you want, I got some pepsi, moutain dew, bud wiser.." He glanced up. "Uh, anything is fine." I smiled, taking the soda he gave me.

As I looked, I took note of things around here, seeing what interested him. Wait a minute.. One, two.. "Three beds?" I asked, looking to him." His ears perked and he smiled. "Oh yeah! Mine-" he pointed to the messier of beds, "my room mates-" he pointed to the cleaner bed, "and the vacant bed. It's just kinda there, we normally throw stuff on there when we clean the floors." I nodded. "I see." I sat on the vacant bed and slipped my shoes off. setting my soda off to the side on a table. Cameron came and sat next to me. "I'm glad you came Jess, I was worried you wouldn't show." I returned the smile. "I was worried you gave me the wrong room number." He chuckled and leaned in; I giggled slightly and leaned in as well. Our lips touched and the familiar warmth of his touch returned to me.

His hand slid up my thigh and I moved closer to him. We turned and laid next to each other on the bed, kissing. He felt further up my thigh and I felt for the belt around my waist, undoing it and tossing it to the floor. I pulled my lips from his, just far enough to speak. "Where's you're roomie?" I asked in a low voice, his lips trailing down my neck to my shoulder. "Study group. Goes every Thursday. Leaves at 5, comes back at 8." I shivered as his fingers bushed up on my panties. "Now I see why you wanted me here at 5:30. Had he been here~" I started, then trailed off as his hand began a slow rhythmic motion, still outside of my panties. "Had he been here, you would just be here to pick up a bag you left behind in a class. I texted you telling you I had it and you were coming to get it." He smiled.

Using his other hand, he felt up my belly to my bra, massaging a little before slipping under to hold my breast. I leaned into him. "I should take this dress off, it's getting annoyingly in the way don't you agree?" I offered. He nodded. I sat up and lifted it over my head, throwing it on top of my belt. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me in to a deeper kiss, unlatching and removing my bra himself, leaving it on the bed just behind me. I pushed my hands up under his shirt and pulled it over his head, rubbing his hot chest. Warm lips brushed on my nipple and kissed softly before opening to suck it, his hand returning below to this time hook under my panties to feel my inside. I bit my lip and moaned a little, scratching up his side lightly. He took his lips away and lightly pushed against me. "Lay back." he told me.

I did so and he went from using one finger to using three and pushing into me. My back arched slightly and I took a slight breath. As his rhythm started again, I felt my way to his shaft and began my own rhythm. Our lips locked as we shared moans and thrusts. "Hey Cam, Corey was sick so we all-" he stopped. Cameron pulled out of me and I pulled back as well, covering myself as Cameron threw a blanket over my body. For a few moments, we all sat in silence. I was blushing madly and didn't know which way to look. "Don't mind me.." he finally said. "Keep going."

Blushing still, I looked up to see that he very much enjoyed what he saw. I then looked to Cameron who returned my gaze. Hesitantly, I leaned in a little, unsure of myself. Cameron closed the gap and kissed me once more. I let myself melt in his warmth and forget about the third party guest. Cam pushed the covers away and returned inside. With one hand, I continued stroking him, and with the other I felt my breast. We again shared moans and this time, behind Cameron, there was a third set of moans as his friend sat in his bed and began to masturbate to us. I then decided that if he was going to watch, lets at least make it a show worth watching.

Cam slid out a bit and rubbed my clit between two of his fingers, drawing a gasp of pleasure from me. He smiled, then thrust his fingers back inside. I took this as a challenge and rubbed the sensitive spots on and near the head, drawing a moan from him. In return, he pressed a little deeper and began rubbing a key spot. As I neared orgasm, my hand quickened and he got harder in my hand. "I- I'm gonna cum." I panted. A few seconds later, climax came and as I hit, I moved my hand faster on him. Just as I finished, he came too and sprayed all over my belly. We both panted for a moment before looking up to see that his friend too had released. After that, we agreed that I would come over each Wednesday so Cam and I could do as we wished, his room mate always staying to watch.
