I love Halloween

Story by ShadowFox on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: this story has been rated R for retarded. and contains materials not suitable for children under the legal age of 18 such as our four legged friends walking on just 2 (gasp) blah blah blah you get it, over 18 good, under 18 bad.

I love halloween

by ShadowFox

She slowly lowered herself onto his throbbing cock eliciting a gasp from her lover, She then leaned foward to his ear "Beep Beep Beep Beep" "nooooo" Nick groaned almost pummeling his alarm clock to hit the snooze button. "Why do I always have to wake up when things get interesting" He whined and rolled over trying to get his dream back but sighed and got up to goto the bathroom. After doing his buisiness he filled out his daily routine, brush teeth, wash face, comb hair, and brush fur. which always where he would noticed dirt on his fur, white fur was always so hard to keep clean. The fox quickly jumped in the shower, he always liked morning showers anyway, they were refreshing and always woke him up. After drying himself off he went to the kitchen and made himself a quick breakfast followed by a rummaging through his closet for something decent to wear to school today, glancing at the clock he growled and just grabbed randomly as he dressed, grabbed his backpack and ran out the door. Feeling the crisp morning air on his slightly damp body, he quickly walked towards the end of his driveway for the bus. He made it just as the bus stopped in front of him. Nick sat all the way at the back and pulled out his walkman for the ride to school. He closed his eyes and leaned back listening to his favorite songs, a few minutes later he felt the bus stop again and heard the bus door open. thinking nothing of it and continued listening to his music when he felt a warm body slip up against him on his seat. His eyes popped open as he looked at a fem wolf sitting next to him. "Oh I'm sorry, do you mind if I sit here?" "Um no, go ahead" she smiled and placed her backpack under the seat. for the rest of the trip to school Nick couldn't help sneaking glances at her whenever he could. She looked maybe a little bit older than Nick, maybe 16 or 17, She wore a short, dark red blouse which showed off her slim abdomen and smooth grey stomach fur, and a pair of faded blue jeans. The blouse clung tightly to her chest as she had quite an ample bosom. Not too big, but not too small, just perfect. She had reddish brown hair, cut short and feathered outward, and she wore a black leather driving hat which gave her sort of a cute tomboyish look. Once she caught him looking at her and he turned his head quickly, but even over his music, he was sure he had heard a giggle. When they finally got to school Nick let her get up first and followed her off the bus to wait with everyone else in front of the school. "heh, she is hot, isn't she?" Nick jumped, "how do you keep doing that" It was Kalou, a black furred fox, and a good friend of his. Kalou smiled brightly. "Somebody has a crush on Sheryl" Kalou jeered. "I do not!" Nick said defensivley. "Pfft, uh huh right, thats why every time we pass her on our way to lunch, you stare at her almost panting" "So" Nick said defensively "soooo," Kalou continued, "I can help you get with her" Nick could never tell when his friend was serious. "You'd really help me out?" Nick said baffled. "Of course what are friends for. I'd go for her myself but, she's not my type" Kalou said patting his friend on the back. A thought came to Nick "You know, I don't think I've ever seen you with a girl" At this Kalou started blushing and rubbed the back of his neck, something he always did when he was nervous. "Well, that's just cuz I just haven't found any good ones, yet" said kalou quickly trying to find the words. "In fact" Nick continued. "I always see you hanging out with Michael over there" Nick indicated to the undeniably handsome Coyote sitting by the steps. This just made Kalou blush all the more "Well, I, It's just, well he's a friend. Hey! Do you want me to help you are not" said Kalou folding his arms. Nick chuckled "Okay, okay, I'm sorry that was out of line.....he is cute though, OW"

Later at lunch....

"Ok heres the plan, girls love to get asked out to dances right? right, anyway, they liked having money spent on them and they like it when a guy buys stuff for them so it's quite simple just ask her out to the halloween dance party I'm having at my house. Since I'm handing out the invitations, say you bought 2 invitations but your friend doesn't want to go"

"Wait, she'll think I have a girl friend then"

"Ok fine, uh, I know, say your my friend and you can get her in for free!"

"Ah ok, but then what will I be buying for her?"

"Uh, I dunno, Jewerly? A watch! get her watch"

"A watch?!? wtf man"

Kalou shrugs "have you looked at her? does it look like she wears any necklaces? Besides I think it would be moving too fast to buy her something like that on a first date."

Nick lays his head on the table with a thud "What was I thinking, I don't have a chance with her"

"Aw come on now, sure she'd like you, your a fun guy to be around, you just gotta be yourself with her"

"That's what I'm afraid of"

Kalou just rolled his eyes, "Hey, she's coming over here now, dammit don't look just act casual, I'll go to another table, remember to ask her" with that kalou with his tray went off to sit with a certain coyote.

Nick sat up and tried to act normal eating from his plate as she came up behind him.

"Hi, all the other seats are taken, you mind if I sit here with you?

"Sure, uh here" Nick scooted to the right to make room on the bench, accidently bumping into the person next to him. "err sorry" The other kid just ignored Nick and continued eating.

"Hope you don't mind, I'm new here and don't have any friends to sit with" She said slightly sad

She had sort of an accent, Nick recognized it but couldn't place it.

"I moved here from louisiana with my father, his work brought him here, oh my name is Sheryl"

That's the accent Nick thought, imagine a french and southern states accents mixed, if you've ever heard it, it sounds quite charming.

"And my name's Nick, welcome to Hillrun High" Said nick smiling

Sheryl smiled back and began eating her cafitria food.

"You know" Nick began nervously and Sheryl looked up from her sandwhich listening

"A friend of mine is throwing a halloween party tomorrow, it being the weekend and all, and I was thinking if maybe you could come, I could introduce you to everybody, you could meet new friends and we maybe we could hangout?"

She smiled and put down her sandwhich, "I'd have to ask my father. But if I know him he'll let me come"

"Great" Nick said excited

"What time should I pick you up" Sheryl asked smiling

"Oh, uh, well the party is on from 8:00 till 1:00 so I guess pick me up 7:20?"

"Sounds good" Sheryl said smiling and wrote the down the directions to Nick's house.

After lunch Kalou caught up with Nick as they walked to their next class.

"So how'd it go?" kalou asked excited

"She's picking me up at 7:20 tomorrow" Said Nick with a broad smile.

"Alright my man" said kalou giving Nick an affectinate noogie.

Nick eventually escaped the headlock.

"Oh wait, I don't have a costume, and I'm sure all the costume stores are sold out" Nick slapped himself in the foorhead.

"Ahh, don't fret, I know a place, We'll go there after school" said Kalou reasurringly.

After what felt like forever, the clock finally struck 3:00 and everyone rushed off to their lockers "Thank God it's Friday"

Nick pulled out his backpack and leather jacket, it was a bit chilly out. And made his way outside through the crowd where his friend Kalou pulled up and opened the passenger door "come on, they might close early" Nick threw his stuff in the back and hopped in. "ooh, this thing has seat warmers?" "yep" smiled kalou chuckling a little, as Nick turned the passenger seat to max. Later they pulled up to the shop Kalou spoke of. "This is it?" asked Nick looking the place over "yep, they make the costumes here from scratch, none of that cheap stuff that comes in packages, the real deal" Nick nodded looking around as they entered.

The camera shows Nick standing in front of the mirror with Kalou next to him examining one of the outfits

Nick in a YMCA Biker outfit

Shakes his head

Nick in a YMCA Indian outift

Shakes his head more exagerated

Nick in a Scream outfit chasing Kalou back and fourth through the room with a knife

Nick in a fluffly moulan rouge trans outfit dancing back in fourth, seeing Kalou and chasing him

Nick in a matrix outfit as neo

Both nod their head in approval (XD funny little scene I got from watching a movie)

Nick pays for his Neo outfit of a long trenchcoat and black trousers and shirt and Kalou buys a were wolf outfit with a tattered shirt and pants and a little red "fur stain" to look like blood on his hands.

The next day Nick was so excited he wore the outfit all around the house it even came with a pair of really cool looking boots. When the time finally came to close to 7:10 Nick counted by the seconds. Later he heard a friendly honk and saw a yellow jeep outside. excitedly he rushed outside to greet his date, err friend. When he came up to the car she looked him over with an dropped jaw. "Wow, that's a nice costume... who are you supposed to be?" She laughed and he knew she was joking. She was in a long flowing black dress which had a hood in the back, and sticking out of the back of the jeep was a realistic looking sickle. "Ahh the Mistriss of death" Nick took her paw and kissed it making her giggle and pull her hand away. "hehe, let's go, I hope you know the way" Nick climbed in th seat next to her and she pulled out of his driveway. On the way Nick gave directions to his friends house. When they got there, Sheryl parked with the other cars on the grass and the two made it up the walkway to the back yard where the party was being held, it was a bit empty as it was still early and people we showing up. But as the party picked up momentum it was a blast food, drinks, a dancing area with a stereo set up. A hay ride where Sheryl got close to Nick, as he held her from the "scaries" and later a scary movie, no i mean everybody watched "Scary Movie" where Sheryl, even though it was a comedy let Nick hold her. Later as the party started to die down and people started to leave, Sheryl brought nick to the dancing floor "Don't you think we should go home, err I mean our homes" Nick said realizing it was well after 1:00 "But I still want to have some fun" Said Sheryl licking her lips and pulling Nick a little closer sliding her body against his. "Actually" She said "why don't we go home" She led Nick to her jeep after saying their goodbyes and pulled out and onto the street. After awhile Nick noticed that Sheryl was driving away from his house not to it. "Uhh Sheryl, my house is that way, aren't you going to drop me off?" Said nick pointing. "Were not going to your house silly" said Sheryl "I kind of lied, my father thinks the party ends at 3:00, so for 2 hours I have you all to myself" Nick just stared at her dumfounded, he recalled dreaming aobut something like this. "ahh here we are, Sheryl had pulled up to a deserted parking lot, completely empty and the main road couldn't see them. Sheryl then pulled Nick into the back seat, The jeeps cover was on, and despite it's looks the backseat was quite roomy. Thats when she pulled him into a deep kiss. probing her tongue in as he melted in her arms. then she broke the kiss, Nick gasped. Sheryl just smiled and waited till he caught his breath. "First time there foxy?" Nick nodded "uh yes, but Sheryl I--" she cut him off by kissing him again, this time Nick responded and hesitantly at first, let his hands roam over her body, then he realized it "your not wearing anything under that dress!" "hehe, nope, now come on foxy, come and get me." She layed back on the seat and pulled her dress up and over her head slowly revealing her long legs at first then her wet vulva and over her abdomen the dress flowed and slowly up and over her breasts and finally over her head as she then layed the dress aside. Nick just stared at her elegant lupine form, with slender curves in all the right places. Sheryl leaned up and started to undue his pants, Nick pulled his shirt off and Sheryl pulled off his pants, leaving only his boxers. "Ohh someones excited", she reached in through the top of the boxers and wrapped her hand around his stiffining cock, kissing him again. making him gasp under the kiss. she broke the kiss and lowered his boxers leaving both of them completely naked. She sat him down on the backseat and kneeling in front of him kissed him from his lips to his chest and slowly kssing him down to his crotch, Nick just moaned and shuddered from her actions. She breathed lightly on his cock sending chills up his spine. Then slowly slid her muzzle down his cock to the hilt nick could feel his cock slide down her throat which almost made him cum right there. with her hands on his legs for support she slowly suckled at his cock lubing it up with all her saliva. Nick shuddered and instinctively pumped her throat and mouth. She slowly pulled off him to his dismay which made him growl she smiled and licked his tip then turning around and laying her upper body between the two front seats of the jeep and moving her tail aside. "come on foxy, come and get me" she said looking back at him smiling and licking her lips. Nick just gulped and moved towards her holding both her hips in his hands and as slowly as he could slid himself inside her lubed with her saliva. He gasped at her warmth and tightness she moaned as he slid in all the way. After he was in, he layed on her back panting, getting used to the feeling of her and just enjoying it all. After awhile he reached up and groped her breasts and abdomen as he slowly rocked back and fourth into her. "mmm oh yes foxy harder" Nick obliged rocking into her harder with stronger thrusts, feeling his balls slap against her. feeling her firm breasts in his hands he licked her neck as he pumped into her harder and harder. he could feel his climax building, her warm walls squeezing his cock with every thrust, "Ungh, Sheryl, Ungh, I think I'm gonna mmm" he thrust into her one last time deep, letting his entire load pump into her filling her up and dripping out. Sheryl screamed in escasy as her orgasm hit her juices filling up with Nick's. Spent, Nick collapsed on top of her panting heavily. Slowly Sheryl and Nick repossitioned themselves on the floor still connected, spooning. her warm furry body pressed up against his. Sheryl was breathing steadily, probbably asleep Nick thought. WOW, he couldn't believe this had all happened. He finally finished his dream. Chuckling Nick thought to himself "I definitely oh Kalou on this one...wait what time is it?"

Alright XD my second story is up, this story is dedicated to my friend, and he knows who the black fox is ;3

all characters belong to me, ME, well except for my friends character which belongs to HIM. (clears throat) okay please I'm begging, send me emails, please :'( even flames to [email protected] I'm dying to know what you think or any improvements you could suggest cuz I'm still learning. Peace