Year's End

Story by XennyDiemes on SoFurry

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A late Christmas gift to Rinji featuring his character and my Launa. Set years after the events of the still yet to be done Chronicles of a Trickster.

Characters (c) Their creators.

Year's End

by Xenny Diemes

Launa © Xenny Diemes/TSG

Rinji Pantera © RinjiPantera

December 31st 2199, 12:50 PM

There's a big party going on in her new home in London. Her Amsterdam days are long over and needed a new place to stay. London became that place. There, she hosts a party to ring in the new year with everyone both human and non-human. Thanks to miracles in genetic engineering and even more radical societal changes, Launa can feel more welcome being her real self around the smaller mortals and just pass off as a "altered individual". Walking out onto the balcony she looks out to the cityscape watching hover cars zoom by and large ships launching in and out. Launa looks back at a full century of everything that has happened and what would have been should she haven't wiped the horror out of everyone's mind. It has been a full ninety-nine years since the world bared witness to the wonders and horrors of what came to be known as the War of Amsterdam.

A clash of the modern and the supernatural as a long planned battle between her former husband and the woman who cursed her fought for domination of this world and another. The days that followed were also the first Launa is free from her curse but at a bigger price than when she had it in the first place. In the end, she came out stronger, defeated her enemies and freed the world. Leaving a world into a new uncertain future, one Launa is happier to have than what could have been if it wasn't for that girl. She also reflects on her dear friends who helped her through the battle. The great white werewolf Sabrina and her close friend David, the Lady Azrealle and her great knowledge of the magical arts and from the shadows. The long-awaited warrior. Rinji. Ever since the day they met, what should have been a one night stand felt like it can last forever. It was also the first time she fully knew she can erupt like a busted fire hydrant.

But all that came to an end when Rinji on that day disappeared leaving with no real reason why but it left her to continue moving on just like her immortality. She did find a new love with Roland and he was the first real person who showed her how to be human, and by that, really human again. Even so much to refuse being granted the gift of immortality just to keep that promise all the way to his grave. It came to be known what it really means for her to loose someone to death's grip. Rinji on the other hand, knows of her great exploits and adventures even to that day he fought alongside her in the War where everyone was turned into monsters. Little does she know that he had the unfortunate luck of reuniting with her again in her death bed along with that mysterious stranger.

But that is all in the past now. Though Rolo has been long gone by now, she still feels hesitant to fully let go or to move on, so she distracts herself throughout the decades doing what she does best even as the ferocious superhero Sabrecat. But it won't wash away the pain of losing Rolo until Rinji came along and endured into what could be described as the worst unorthodox therapy session ever! But it ultimately worked but it would still be awhile before they could ever truly meet again.

As she reflects more, another stranger walks in behind her and softly grabs her attention holding a glass of simple whiskey and a smile on his face. But even for a moment that calm exterior could not hide the simmering pain in his heart. He knows that their time together during the war was going to be the only other time they had together for a long time. It's truly since then, that he is going through a brutal torrent of emotions. Ranging from complete sadness to inconsolable rage. So much he made vast forest clearings with his brutal moves just to get his mind off. But it wasn't any use it would not shake off what could have been the greatest mistake of his life. The only thing he can do is just to live through it while Launa found happiness in the mortal Rolo. Even at the party, he sheds a few tears before mustering up the strength to face Launa again. Nearly a century is good enough for him to finally get himself to pour his true feelings and express how much he regrets leaving her centuries ago.

He sees Launa in her long red dress, looking just as strong and powerful as she was a long time ago. Except now, her hair now dons the true color of dark brown, taking up three-quarters of her mane while a significant lock still remains white as pure snow.. That, and the much larger, heavier bust she has gained. Just barely fitting over her already tensed top. But that is the least of his problems. It was just talking to her where the real challenge begins.

He walks up to the balcony, takes a slow, deep breath and finally speaks before Launa.

"Hello, Launa." Says Rinji.

Her ears perk up and she turns around to see a face she thought was long gone but now stands before her holding that whiskey in his hand trying to somber himself up to what he might say next but for now, she will start the conversation.

"Rinji... It's a surprise! What are you doing here in London? But... then again, knowing you it didn't came as a surprise being a ninja and all."

"For someone who's been pretty active all these years, I'm surprised you didn't forget me."

"How can I forget a face, even one who fought by my side and vanish again."


"A lot has happened when you were gone. Since then I got married, had more adventures and spent a lot of what it's like to at least 'be' human, thought it was a pursuit I gave up a long time ago."

Rinji stands there as Launa rants, not knowing when to cut in or just to let it all out but hearing this was like a constant knife to his heart.

"But that's what it's like to be Immortal, you can deny it for so long but..."

"I'm sorry Launa. I'm really sorry for what happened to your husband, but I know you are strong enough to not let it get to you.

"I was thinking the same about you."

"I don't know what you are talking about." Rinji said in a poor attempt at denial.

"Rinji please, no amount of magic or soul reading is necessary to tell that you are in much pain as I was."

Surprised, Rinji does confess of the very night he left her after that night of hot sex. But even that could have gone further if he had stayed.

"Launa, you have no idea how much I feel. I've regretted ever since the day I left and it had left a hole in my heart for so long, it became unbearable everytime I see you. But I know, Rolo became the one who helped fill that hole in your own heart. I... I am really sorry about the loss of your husband. I know he really means much to you even to show that you're still capable of humanity. If it was any real consolation. However, I wish I could have feel that I should have been there to fill the hole in your heart myself. Maybe it was for the best that things happen the way they did. I wasn't as seasoned or mature of a warrior back then. And while I had eventually defeated you in battle, it really showed that I have gotten stronger; enough to prove that I can be on par with you. Yet through it all, I have lived with the unbearable regret of letting you slip away when clearly, I didn't have to."

She lets him continue for what he says next might give him something he would not expect.

"Launa, even when you don't know it, You made me a better person than Rolo did with you making you one as well. Ever since the day you defeated me in battle, I have spent years on end, training to get better, stronger and faster than ever before to one day be up to your level."

"You know Rinji, I always keep hearing that and to me that feels like a bitter irony no matter what."

"What do you mean Launa?"

"What I mean is that to those who encounter me say later that they want to become stronger, everyone that is except me."

Rinji doesn't understand at first at what she meant by that but considering everything that she has been through and leading up to Rolo's death. Every strength is nothing compared to the one thing she has been fighting against: Her immortality which her true weakness is showing since then. Launa has been in a sense, Nonchalant and coping with the idea of not becoming just another immortal: bitter, cruel and childishly jealous of those who have the gift of death. Launa has been pretty strong up until this moment but now after everything she begins to doubt that and feels Rinji's own promise might be for naught.

"Don't ever say that Launa, you were strong then and still strong now. After everything that has happened. You are beyond unique to me or anyone else. Goddess or not, you changed so much, it's unfathomable that you would think that you're weak now."

"Rinji, you really have a way with words, but still... What should I... we do now?"

That is the question that has struck the panther like a stake through the heart. He knows that she has lifetimes to consider but the way she included the "we" makes it sound like she is saying something extra. But Rinji wants to say something about it before Launa gets a chance to say first.

"Launa. That's the question I asked myself ever since that night. You have no idea of how much pain I felt since. Every day I see you do something awesome, it aches me that I wasn't there by your side to enjoy it. The only time we have been even been together was the war and in the hospital.."

"Wait, you were in the hospital"

"I... was there with a friend when I saw you save Rolo from the truck that was coming down the road and then..." Rinji can't bring up seeing the moment, Launa has met the end of her given mortality. But he continues on.

"When I saw you in the hospital bed. After Rolo left I... I... was afraid. More afraid that the woman who drive me to become stronger would be like this and hoped that you come out of it. I know you did in the end."

"Did you.. Say anything while I was there?" Says Launa.

"No..." Says Rinji "I was just there, by your side hoping that you... don't die.

"Liar... I may be out but I wasn't that far out. But I want you to confirm it." Launa says with semi-stern stare down at Rinji but with a bit of concern as well. After everything he just told her could it be possibly that he has feelings for her?

"It's before you came back. I said... I love you."

Those words were a shock to her. She could have said or done many things to Rinji. She could give him the riot act, punch him in the stomach until he falls to his knees, walked away and break his heart for good. But she didn't do any of those things. She's not a monster but she can't let Rinji get away with saying that without telling her how she feels now after this.

"Rinji. You must know by then that I was a married woman. To a man who taught me the one thing no one not even myself could give: Humanity. For all my strength and power, you don't know what it is like to be human especially when you live your life under a curse. But now, two of those are gone: Rolo and my pursuit for my humanity. At least in the physical sense. Rolo showed me the things that I never could just by being a giant cat if you know what I mean..."

As she talks, the first lines of that statement makes Rinji wonder what he has to offer. He feels that Rolo has beaten him to the punch with Humanity. But Launa continues even while he was contemplating it all.

"Rinji. If you do love me, can you do one thing and can you really mean it?"

"Anything Launa. I did not came this far to have doubts now."

As soon as he finished that sentence the countdown begins.


"Can you stay?"




"I mean" As she walks up close and takes his hand "Stay with with me and decide for yourself."


"Launa, I do want to stay with you. There is nothing for me now that can ever take me away from you."


"Then show me white warrior. Show me the other side of my personal 'coin'. I know humanity, now show me immortality."






"I love you Launa Viander"


"Then shut up, show me and stay."


Launa and Rinji embraced each other in their arms and kiss, everything was spinning as both the moment and their combined magical powers swirl the snow around them, amplified, their ambient energies spark up into the sky and fire off like fireworks with brilliant radiance All over London, the night sky is filled with both the glow of ignited gunpowder and magical energy all throughout the night. Rinji and Launa then finally separate, dizzy from the huge rush of such a phenomenon. As a playful gesture. Launa decides to let Rinji pick off a few buttons off his shirt to expose his chest. A good look at those pecs of his reminded her of how strong they were they last time. Then she decides to find a good place to make their night more complete.

The first rays of the morning sun falls on Launa, sleeping on her back with only half her body exposed to the open light of the coming sunrise. Slowly waking up, she feels a bit lighter than before, oddly lighter and she looks down at her breasts and discovers that they are now two sizes smaller than they were the night before. She thought she might had time to "unload" herself but then she remembers that night. the night that started all of this between him and her, the night that caused them so much pain after the pleasure. Feeling that this so-called "second chance" be for naught. But then without even noticing,felt a heavy weight pressing on her chest and abs.

Launa then looks down and sees the white, muscular arms wrapping around her under cleavage and a muff of brown hair, indicating his comical use of her tits as pillows. But that is not what it means to feel the funny touch of her lover. Instead, it means that he chose to stay for good. He is willing to take that second chance and show her the other side of accepting her fate for real this time. She looks down and sees the white arms cupped around her heaving breasts and sleeping soundly. Much to her soft excitement, it is Rinji, here with her. This time, he finally does stay with her.

"Thank you." Says Launa while Rinji is still asleep. "For staying this time."

The end...

... Or it would be, if Rinji did not made a long, sloppy belch and knowing where all that extra milk went.

"Uh oh."

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