the way of the dragon part 1

Story by NoobyGod on SoFurry

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#1 of way of the dragon

this is my first story so please tell me what I did wrong and how to make it better later on this story will have a fair bit of gay sex not much tho its mainly about a story

It was a cold night and Jack a tall lightly tanned 16 year old teenager with black short curly hair dark brown eyes only just showing the pupil with a bit of fat on him knew that unless he was able to find just a bet of cover and make a fire he would die for Shure, as it started lightly snowing jack started to move faster knowing what horrors where to came this night. Looking to his left all he saw where excessively high trees that want on into a endless void of white and brown patches and looking to his right was the same but less space between the void of trees, once jack let it sink into his mind that he was not going to be able to find cover he look for the biggest tree he could find ,and with the little hope he had tried to set up a camp he didn't even bother to set up a tent but just wrapped it around himself hoping it could sustain his body heat for jack to live one more day. sighing jack said to himself " I hope this will last tonight and maybe a few more tonight until I find better cover"

Soon the snow got bigger and heaver and already jack was freezing he and knew he'd not make the night so he started praying to any of gods out there willing to listen to his and grant jack a another night to live. A few hours had past and the light snow fall had turned into a fall on blizzard, Slowly jack was starting to fall asleep only keeping himself awake by biting down on his lips making them bleed a little, not able to forcibly keep himself awake jack drifted off into sleep and right as his eyes where about to close a black shadow stood over him easily being double his height shocked as he was jack still fall asleep

Moaning in pain as jack opened his eyes and stanching his arm and legs he noticed he was not under a tree but in a cave and quickly turned around to look for anything odd and saw a nice sized fire, looking around more he saw a dead dear close to him with a knife poking out of its belly, by seeing that jack stomach growled louder than it ever has. Jack slowly got up thinking this was a set up but his hunger got to him overriding his mind and walk over to the dead dear with a hungry look in his eyes and took out the knife and started to skin the dear by firstly stabbing the knife back into the belly and pulling it down opening it and its guts spilled out. After 20 minutes jack had a big fat meat piece he wanted to eat right away but knew better as without cooking it will make him sick. After looking around for a bit jack saw a big thick stick that will be perfect to prince his new meat witch he soon did and hold just above the fire to cook it, but soon jacks arms got tired and started to lower into the fire, jack not wanting to burn it pull it out to gives his arms a rest after about 2 mins he put the meat on a stick back above the fire this time cooking it just right for jack to eat, Jack looked around a again for anything useful to eat his meat with no luck in finding anything jack just ate it off the stick he took the first bite into it and it was mouth-watering wanting to saver the taste he slowly chewed it but lost the fight with his hunger and gobbed it down in a few seconds.

Having satisfy his hunger was when it really hit him "How did I get here!?"

Starting to look around he saw that exit with a tiny amount of light coming from it walking towards it slowly to not alert any one he was coming towards them.

Finally getting to the exit he saw that he was inside a massive tunnel system as the cave was round with 8 paths to going out 3 of them having light and 1 with sound coming from it the rest seemed to go off in to a dark void, walking towards the third one witch had light coming from it when he felt a tap on his shoulder from something sharp and long jack froze in place as his legs turned to jelly and almost screamed but hold it back slowly turning around he saw a massive head with deep light blue eyes on the sides of its head and a ridge coming of the back of its head with what looked like ice spicks coming them and a closed mouth but jack knew there where countless teeth that could rip him apart in a blink off a eyes jack opened his mouth to scream but was unable to as the beast pounced on him knocking jack over and then putting one off its massive dragon paws over his mouth stoping him from screaming and it worked as jack lay there like a statue horrified looking to the dragons eye, the dragon opened it mouth to show jacks it teeth, horrified as he was jack closed his eyes waiting for the dragon to rip in to him when suddenly he heard the dragon talk and sounded like a young teenager between the age of 15-16 not quite cracked but getting there " shhh don't scream otherwise they will here u and u will became there food''

Jack opened his eyes to see the ice dragon smiling at him with eyes of curiosity.

The dragon did not noticed he was stopping him from breathing until jack was starting to go blue moved his to let him breath Jack took a big breath trying to not be scared looks into the dragon's eyes and did not see a monster but saw a kids looking at something he was never seen before jack had a tear in his left eyes as he tried to talk but it only came out as a whisper " y-y...y-you bring here'' breathing in deeply and talked again " y-you bought me here did u why did u?

The dragon gave jack a bigger smile and said "oh um yea I did u look like u where going to die and since this is the first seeing a human I wanted to help u to see what they were like not what I have been told."

"Who are the others" jack said with a little less horror

"Oh I mean my mum and dad as well as the other older dragons" said the dragon trying to contain his excitement to a minimum " umm how old are u?'' jack said felling a little more comfortable " oh why do u want to know hmm well if u really want to know I'm 16" the dragon said this as he was slowly taking his massive weight of jack.

" funny you're the same age as me" witch jack said as he slowly got up into a sitting pose the dragon unable to contain his excitement " WHAT THATS COOL ,WHAT A COMIMCIDEMCE" realizing the dragon just yelled he said " oh shit I need to whisper"

"WHO YA TALKING TO SUMUKE" yell a another dragon that sounded about the same as the ice dragon just a bit older and coming closer "and what's that smell"

"Shit what am I goner do ahh sorry" the ice dragon said in a whisper and then sat on jack trying to hide him and facing the other dragon.

" oh hey there Hotto what are u doing!?'' the ice dragon said with a smile "what are u hiding Sumuke!?!" the other dragon said while trying to see what Sumuke was sitting on " Nothing I'm just by myself " the ice dragon said while trying not to put to much Wight on jack so jack is not crashed by Sumuke "stop lying I can tell when u are so what are u doing" the other dragon said getting ready to pounce on the ice dragon " ok I give up but don't hurt him want to see what he is like ok? the ice dragon said this as he slowly got up making jack take a deep breath "oh ok I wont hurt him??

Apon seeing jack a small weak human Hotto eyes opened wide as he saw a human for the first time and moved quickly to see the human, Opening his eyes jack saw a red dragon the radiated heat but look the same as Sumuke just with red horns coming out of his ridge " OH MY GOD where did u get him?" this sudden talk made jack jump back a little before looking up into the dragons eyes and saw the say kinder eyes Sumuke had when he looked into his eyes but they were red so jack thought he won't hurt him

" u do know your meant to kill any human that got close to our cave right? The red dragon said with a grin on his face making jack move back in fear a little only to notice a wall behind him " oh stop it your scaring him"