Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 7: Dark Machinations (The Ram’s Decision)

Story by Worlds Apart on SoFurry

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#8 of Counter Earth Chronicles

Last Chapter-

After experiencing a very disturbing dream, Alex is taken to the forest by Lady Ursa for a little field trip. While there the fierce warrior well, um, err, you see- opened up to him... literally.... (That is all I have to say).

Counter Earth Chronicles

Chapter 7 Dark Machinations (The Ram's Decision)

Day 3 continued

Before we drifted off to sleep my seductress had some questions for me. "I am quite surprised you didn't try to escape during our intimacy." Lady Ursa said.

"What? Out here in the forest?" I responded. "In the forest I am completely out of my element; I know nothing about surviving in this kind of environment. Besides there are- well you know, fierce, ravenous animals out there!"

(Come to think about it, there are fierce ravenous animals in here as well.)

"If this were Gaia, I would raid a shop or store- but in the forest I am completely at your mercy." I said to the inquisitive she beast.

"I am not without mercy." She said tightening her embrace on me. It was apparent that I would also be her prisoner for the night as well.

"Speaking of survival little human, what do you want out of life?" She asked.

"A personal question?" I countered. Lady Ursa had caught me off guard again.

"Yes, a personal question- answer it! What do you want out of life in particular, your life?"

"I guess something more than this, I mean the life I have lived. Like you thirty seasons ago, life on my world- Gaia was a struggle- search for food, avoid conflict, disease, aggression, war and death. It was no way to live. It was no life." I started.

"There was no stability." The she beast added.

"Yes- I guess that's true. Disease was rampant. Violence was everywhere and the streets if you can call them that, were littered with victims of the war. I hate to think about it. To answer your question, I just want a life full of joy, opportunity, adventure and even love- you know, a full rich life." I told her.

"Given what I saw of Gaia when Sir Ram probed your mind, that is not such an unreasonable request." She said. With that the fierce ursine warrior drifted off to sleep. I did soon as well. But not without nuzzling that warrior's fantastic rack- at least one more time.

Day 4

The night was too short and morning came too soon. In the predawn hours, we were awakened by Lady Ursa's communicator. It was one of her colleagues from the castle calling to remind her of some sort of meeting today. She answered it and then turned back to nuzzle me.

"How did you sleep Alex?"

"Extremely well." I replied. "You gave me the best night of my life. You can concur me any time, any place my warrior."

Hearing that, the she beast laughed.

"We had best get going- I have duties to perform and I need to return you back to your cell before anyone notices."

(That's right there was still Sir Ram's special 'something' he had planned for me.)

After thinking about that, I started to shake.

We made the trip back to Castle Wundagore in the predawn and I was back in my cell before daybreak. Mysteriously there was no one standing guard there as well. Lady Ursa had planned her rendezvous very well.

As she began to depart she noticed that I was still preoccupied about Sir Ram and my fate. I had a very bad feeling about this and one didn't have to be clairvoyant to see that. Seeing that I was clearly disturbed, Lady Ursa returned to my cell.

"Don't fret Alex, it will be all right." She said placing her paw on my shoulder adding- "I will have you."

With that she petted me on my head and then departed.

(What was that supposed to mean? Did that mean she became my friend?)

My morning began with me reflecting on the fabulous night I had spent with Lady Ursa. It had almost made up for the events of the past three days. Could I indeed consider her a friend now like Tauren and Lea or.... a lover? My thoughts were interrupted by my morning feeding.

It was 7 AM, Tauren was still not back from his assignment and I had yet another guest feeder- I looked up to see Sir Ram starring back at me through my cell window.

"Greetings little human! I trust that you slept well?" He asked in his smugness.

"Sir Ram." I responded. "So what do I owe the occasion?" I asked curiously.

"I decided to bring you your morning nourishment. The minotaur is still on assignment so I decided to feed you instead. We have much to discuss, but I bet you are hungry." He said.

"Oh goodie that yellow nourishment liquid again!" I exclaimed.

I decided not to complain anymore and just drink the concoction since I hadn't eaten anything since yesterday evening. After I drank the liquid- the he beast entered my cell and sat down on the bed next to me. Everybody seemed to be doing that lately and for some reason, I wasn't bothered by it.

"As you have guessed," he began- "when my master decided to let me determine your punishment and ultimately your fate, I took considerable time trying to figure out just what to do with you." He smirked. "What does one do with a traveler such as yourself? I had considered locking you up somewhere and taking your device to use for my own benefit." he continued. "However, that transporter has exhausted its power supply and is completely useless."

"Probably because the power supply is unknown to you and the destination heading is locked and can't be altered." I replied.

"That is correct." The ram warrior replied placing his paw on my shoulder.

"So what other contribution to our great society could you make?" He continued. "I then realized that you might make a wondrous test subject for several experiments I have been running."

"You mean like the human/beast creatures you have been creating from your hapless victims?" I asked.

"Precisely!" He said.

"I was attacked by some of those two days ago. They are quite different from beastials- and humans, evil, soul-less things. I take it those experiments are not turning out too well." I added.

"It is true- there have been some ah, set backs. However, I have an endless supply of human fodder for those experiments." He said. Which brings me back to you." He smirked. "You are a very unique individual- one of a few, that spiderman rebel being the other, that has transversed different realities. I wonder what affect does that have on one's physiology? Mentally? Physically? What about prolonged effects?"

"You are going to give me more tests?" I asked.

"No." The ram replied with an evil grin.

"You're going to experiment on me?"

"No, no, no dear boy, think bigger." He replied.

I paused for a moment dumbfounded. By that time that evil grin had widened to something quite demonic.

"You are to be dissected!" He said glaring at me. My heart stopped.

"Sir Ram you would be that despicable?"

"I would!" He replied without hesitation. "And just think the value to science would be incalculable! I would remove an unwanted variable- you from my master's grand experiment and create a new field of study as well!"


"Now don't think about resisting or screaming, I have given you a sedative that has rendered you completely passive."

"Sir Ram, please don't do this!" I pleaded. "I am not a threat to you or anyone! I just want to live!" I said collapsing at the evil beastial's hooves.

"Tut tut boy, you will have plenty of time to beg for your life later. Come along, the morning is young and I have much, much to do."

With that he picked my PDA and myself up and leaned me over his shoulder and exited the holding area nearly bumping into Tauren who was entering the room with my morning breakfast.

Sir Ram brought me back to room B and placed me back into the chair I had sat in when I was given the mind probe three days ago. I wasn't restrained at all which meant I was in bad, bad shape.

I realized that while on the way to the lab, We had passed several beastials in the corridors of the castle, including the beaver from the arboretum I had helped the day before. I tried to yell out, tried to scream for help but for some reason I couldn't. I came to shockingly realize that today would be my last day alive and what's worse- I would meet my end at the hands of this individual, this horrid, evil individual.

All of this was such crap- I survived the destruction of my world and everyone I knew and cared about, only to die on another. Now that is irony.

Sir Ram removed his knight uniform and put on his lab coat.

"So many, many things to do!" He exclaimed.

He went to the far wall of the lab and pressed a button on a panel. The same one I had seen Lea press during my physical. Once a again my clothes were transported from my body and appeared on a table next to the chair. I was naked again.

"Why is this happening to me?" I whimpered. "I am not an evil person. I don't kick cats. I am not a thief or ax murder!"

Sir Ram returned to my chair with a shaver and started shaving my pubic hair, chest hair, leg hair and armpit hair.

The ram warrior stared at me while listening to me complain. "And you were a perfect citizen on your world? You never violated any rule or law?" He asked me point blankly.

"Only when survival was necessary." I replied.

"Well when you entered this world you did so without permission and that is a very big no, no." He wickedly chided.

"But I didn't know!" I stammered.

"Ignorance can't be used as an excuse for breaking the law!" The ram retorted. "Ah there we go." He said putting away the shaver.

"Uh what was that for?" I asked examining my now completely hairless crotch and torso.

"I don't like obstructions when performing my work." The ram responded. "Which reminds me..."

Sir Ram went back to the far wall and removed the urine cylinder Lea had used on me two days ago. He brought it and a tube back to the chair I was lying on. Carefully he connected the tube to my penis and placed the cylinder on the adjoining table.

"I also don't like excessive liquids in my subjects either- relieve yourself!" He ordered me.

"It was hard to do that in front of Lea the other day what makes you think I can do it now?" I said to the beastial scientist.

Sir Ram gave me the weirdest look as he started rubbing my bladder rather lewdly.

"Tell me dear boy, have you ever been in a situation where you were so powerless, so defenseless, so helpless to prevent what was happening- all you could do was pee?"

I thought for a minute but didn't answer.

"Well you are now!" He exclaimed producing a portable hand-saw from his lab coat.

It was the same one he had threatened me with the day of my arrival. With that I loss control of my bladder and emptied its contents into the cylinder.

Sir Ram laughed as he placed the saw back into the pocket of his lab coat and studied the contents of the cylinder.

"Your urine is clear and has a nice consistency- your kidneys are quite healthy little human. I can't wait to see them in person." Sir Ram said as he removed the tube from my penis, picked up the cylinder and placed it on a table at the far wall and pressed another button on the panel.

"Next task..." he said returning to my chair. As he did the lab floor parted in front of the room and a tub rose from the floor. "Consider this your last bath you filthy stinking human!" He cackled.

"You are going to bathe me?"

"Yes." The evil beastial replied. "I like my cadavers to to be sparkling clean and not filthy and smelly." Sir Ram said lifting me from the chair and placing me into the tub. I was horrified.

I realized by the evil beastial's actions that this was my final hour alive and I started crying.

"Now, now," the ram said as he started washing my shoulders and mid section. "Your sacrifice will completely blow the doors open on this new segment of science! Besides, all lives must come to an end, some sooner than others." He said to me coldly.

(Yeah, my sacrifice would open up the doors on interdimensional travel, but my sacrifice was not voluntary!) I remember thinking as the evil scientist continued to bathe me.

"I bet when you left your world four days ago you would have never in you wildest imagination realized that you would be leaving that world for the last time!" Sir Ram said to me.

I was silent.

All too soon Sir Ram finished my bath, dried me off, making an off handed comment that he thought humans were disgusting because they didn't have tails, and returned me to the chair.

"There we go no longer filthy and stinking." The evil beastial said. "Just one more thing to do...."

Sir Ram approached my chair once more, dried my tears and started giving me an initial examination- pre-dissection. He checked my forehead, eyes, respiration and temperature.

"You are probably wondering why I am doing this if I am only going to kill you anyway?" He asked as I looked at him. "You see boy, I like to have a before 'snap shot' when I start my dissections. Your temperature is normal and your breathing and blood pressure are elevated most likely because you are under extreme duress."

"Sir Ram you don't have to do this." I pleaded. "There are other ways..."

"No, I don't have to dear boy." He said. "But I WANT TO! But please continue- I want to hear you beg for your life." He said condescendingly.

I was incensed. I knew if I was going to die, I wasn't going to go to the great beyond meekly.

"You know for someone that claims to be the ultimate life form, you are extremely evil."

"Oh?" He said.

"During my time among you furries I have met some who were quite nice, kind and tolerant of species other than their own. I have also met some that were indifferent who didn't care either way and then there is you. You are a prejudiced close minded individual who has love only for his own kind and extreme hatred for anyone or anything different then you.You practice science without conscience, ethics or empathy. In doing so you exhibit great cruelty and sadism toward your test subjects and revel in their grief, despair, suffering and demise. If you were really the ultimate life form like you claim to be- instead of bragging about it- you would prove it through your actions- having compassion, empathy and mercy for those you believe are inferior. But instead you choose to oppress those you believe are not worthy to breathe the same air as you do. You sir, are despicable!"

He looked at me curiously. "That was one of the better swan songs I have heard, well delivered and well articulated."

It was apparent he heard this from a lot of his test subjects and victims.

"Do you have anything else you want to say? Continue to beg for your life, make a last minute deal?"

"Oh great, wise and benevolent scientist please spare my life! In return I will give you my PDA for you to analyze and to study and possibly perfect for the benefit of all beastial kind." I said mocking him.

"Sorry, not going to happen. Besides I am just going to confiscate it anyway after your demise." The evil beastial scientist said lightly touching my PDA which was off to his side.

"Then I have nothing else to say to you- well nothing you would want to hear oh great compassionate scientist."

Sir Ram snickered at hearing that.

"You know little human, your words did move me he said suddenly. In fact, I will show you compassion and mercy."

I looked at him.

"Your demise will be painless; I decided I will put you under before I cut you WIDE open." He said. "It is the least I can do. I will also give you a moment to make peace with whatever deity you serve."


I looked at the ram with such hatred and disgust.

"Moment is over." He grinned.

With that he reached for what looked like an oxygen mask with a canister affixed to it- and attached it securely to my mouth and nose before opening the canister. I assumed what was in the canister was some powerful anesthetic. Instantly, I started to feel very, very sleepy. Sir Ram placed his paw on my forehead as I started to drift off.

"You have had a very, very tough life little human- it's over now."

His intentions were to make sure that he would be the last thing I heard- ever. But the last thing I did hear was the door of the lab opening....

To Be Continued....

Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 8: The Life That I Have Lived... And What Remains...

Counter Earth Chronicles **Chapter 8 The Life That I Have Lived... And What Remains...** Day 4 continued I heard that when you die there is supposed to be a white light one sees greeting one at the entrance to eternity. I saw that light and...

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Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 6: Meanwhile In The Forest....

Counter Earth Chronicles **Chapter 6: Meanwhile In The Forest....** Day 3 continued Late that afternoon Lea brought me my dinner- another vile of the orange liquid known as nourishment. She sat and listened while I told her of the day's events....

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Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 5: Absence of Justice

Counter Earth Chronicles **Chapter 5: Absence of Justice** Day 3 continued After Tauren's departure I spent the rest of the morning sorting out my feelings and reflecting on what had happened. In reality, there wasn't much to sort out. The humans...

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