Going Down Deeper - 3

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#3 of Going Down Deeper

Things heat up as Amy and Andrew's dreams continue to bleed into the real world, though the longer that remain sleep deprived the more they start to change. Is it merely a hallucination, or are far more diabolical forces at work?

commission for dorsal

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A beach... a moonlit beach as the waves gently cascaded against the shore. Andrew walked through the sand with Amy by his side, the two of them looking up at the full moon as the water rhythmically washed up against their feet. As they reached a small outcropping the two waited, watching the water as they continued to hold hands. There was no facade of their own romantic encounter anymore, they knew exactly what to wait for as the water began to bubble.

"I see you're waiting for us." One of the orca males said as the water cascaded off of his rubber skin, the muscular aquatic mammal grinning as he and the other male came up to them. "Which means you already know what to do."

Amy and Andrew gave each other a look before they both began to take off their swimsuits, their gazes down at the sand as they did so. Both of them were completely aware of the situation; that they were in a dream and these two naked orca men had come to have sex with them. Part of them wondered why they didn't make a break for it, but before they came out of the water the thought hadn't even occurred to them. Even now they seemed to be restricted to the confines of the dream, soon completely naked as they stood there and waited.

"Well, considering that little show I think we're ready to take this to the next level." The orca said as his hand glided down his silver rubber six-pack and down to his already hard cock. "I think introductions and some rules are necessary. My name is Master Issil, and my handsome partner is Master Rofan, though if you have trouble remembering then just Master is fine. Got it?"

Both humans shook slightly as they nodded, which caused the grins on the two orcas widen. "Fantastic, now I'm happy to say that we're going to do a little group exercise." Issil said as he clapped his hands together. "I know you've already started to ease into your roles a little, but in order to help you adapt I want you," he pointed to Amy, then moved to point to Andrew, "to fuck you."

Andrew and Amy were speechless, unable to fathom what the orcas were saying. Did they mean that Amy was just supposed to take charge like she had when they tried to have sex a few days go? Or did they have something even more nefarious in mind? Their questions were soon answered as Issil walked up to Andrew and pushed him down on all fours by the shoulders while Rofan got up behind Amy and hugged her tightly to his body.

"Don't worry, I got something to help you out." Rofan whispered in Amy's ear as she looked at her boyfriend with his butt up in the air and spread-eagled on the sand. As she felt the orca behind her shift her eyes widened as he showed her a large, tapered dildo that was at least eight inches long and made out of the same rubbery substance as their skin. Before she could say anything the strange object was pressed against her groin and her eyes nearly rolled back into her head as it seemed to suction itself right onto her feminine slit. "And while you fill him, I'm going to fill you."

Amy let out a small moan despite herself as she felt the male's large tool press against the small of her back, throbbing against her skin as she was slowly led forward towards Andrew's hole. As she did Andrew once more had Issil's cock touch against his nose and face. The human male knew that something was going on behind him, but all his eyes could fixate on was that rubbery appendage right in front of him. Before he knew it the tip was pressed against his lips, and instead of a protest a small moan escaped his mouth before it was filled with the latex cock.

Unlike last time Issil pushed his hips all the way forward until Andrew could feel it bump against the back of his throat, then begin to slide down it as his eyes widened. It wasn't long before his nose bumped up against the rubber of the orca's groin, the smell of rubber and sea salt filling his nostrils before a hand gripped him by the head and began to pull him off. In the back of his mind he knew that what was happening would be impossible, especially as he felt his throat muscles contracted against the rubbery shaft of the other male. Issil let out a soft moan while he throat-fucked the male beneath him, Andrew's eyes closing as he let the cock slid in and out of him.

"It's your turn." Rofan said as he began to nudge Amy's hips forward. Amy had been transfixed on watching as her straight boyfriend began to suck on the cock of the muscular orca in front of him, but as soon as she felt the other creature's tool press against her crack. The strange dildo that had been pressed against her groin had suffused the area with warmth, and as she was prompted to move closer to Andrew's rear the rubber tool began to rise up on its own accord. As it pressed against his boyfriend's skin a shudder passed through her body, and she realized that she could feel the sensations of the appendage as if it was her own.

Amy knew what she had to do, but even in the dream realm it was almost too surreal for her. "I... don't think..." she muttered as she felt those strong hands cup and massage her breasts. "He's my boyfriend."

"Shhh... it's alright." Rofan whispered in her ear as he sensed her resistance. "Look at him, see how much he's enjoying servicing my friend's cock?" Amy looked down and saw that the orca wasn't lying, Andrew's face had a relaxed look of pleasure on his face as his throat bulged with the member that filled it while his own bobbed underneath him. "He loves it, can't get enough of it, and you need to help him get as much as possible."

Amy looked down at her boyfriend's backside the words of the male behind her soaked into her mind like a sponge. She realized that what the orca said appeared true, Andrew did appear to be enjoying himself. It wouldn't be unlike the lovemaking they had just done, but instead of her receiving the pleasure of something inside it would be him. As she felt the tip of the foreign member attached to her groin touch Andrew's body it gave her a pleasure she had never experienced before; that of a male organ.

Andrew's eyes snapped open as he felt something begin to push into him, and as much as he wished he could turn his head to see his entire neck was stiff with rubber orca cock in it. He had never imagined that he would be involved in such a thing as what was about to happen to him. Of course, he also didn't think he would ever have another male's organ in his mouth much less enjoy the feel of the throbbing tool in his maw, even in his dreams. His fingers dug into the sand as he was penetrated in a second orifice, his entire body shaking in pleasure as his eyes rolled into the back of his head.

"How's your protege?" Issil asked with a pleasured smirk as he continued to slide in and out of Andrew's throat.

"Doing just fine." Rofan replied as he placed his hands on Amy's hips and nibbled on her ear. "You're going to want to get a grip on his hips like this, and angle yourself just right so you can slide it in. Once you get in let your instincts guide you, and above all else enjoy yourself."

Amy nodded numbly as she felt the orca's tool push into her own anal opening. At his instruction she grabbed Andrew's hips and slowly began to push the alien appendage attached to her into him. The feeling was one of the most intense in her entire life, it was like having sex for the first time as she pushed it into him. At the same time he could feel Rofan penetrate her with the same speed, almost like he was guiding her actions with his thrusts.

Both Amy and Andrew were lost in the lust of pleasure as Amy continued to ram her hips forward, not more on her own accord then merely by Rofan's own shallow thrusts into her own hole. Something about the sight of her boyfriend beneath him who was only able to moan and shudder to her dominating thrusts made her see things in her mind that she would have never had dreamed of before. Any anxiety or fear that had remained in her mind was swept away by the images of others impaled on her new rubbery appendage, not only her boyfriend but other males and even some females as well. The more she thought about the possibilities the more the people in the visions shifted from human to rubbery aquatic creatures.

As the two humans continued in their blissful haze of unconventional lovemaking they could feel their orca partner's reaching their climax. Amy and Andrew's faces were frozen in pure pleasure as they were about to peak, but before they could the beach scene around them suddenly dissolved into blackness. When the couple reclaimed their vision once more they found themselves in their own beds, their sweaty bodies bolted upright as they looked at each other.

Two cold showers and a pot of coffee later Andrew sat sprawled out on their kitchen table as Amy logged onto the computer. "I don't know what you're going to find on there." He said as he drank down the last of his mug. "They're dreams, they're only loosely based on things in reality. We'll just have to get used to, you know... not sleeping for the next few days."

"I don't think so, tonight we got their names." Amy replied as she typed the commands onto the screen. "If this is something that is tied into reality then it could be our first real break on finding the source of it. You can sit there and cry about it if you want to, I'm not going to rest until I find out what happened to us."

Andrew sighed and got up, the towel he had used to cover his otherwise naked body hung limply from his waist as he moved through the kitchen. He had begun to make breakfast for the both of them and contemplated how they were going to work tomorrow with their current fatigue and the promise of yet another sleepless night on their minds, but they the entire day to think about it he reasoned. His thoughts were so preoccupied with their future prospects he hadn't even noticed that the bacon he was frying began to smoke, it was a sharp cry from Amy that snapped him back to his senses and caused him to jerk the pan back from the fire of the stove. As he did so the hot grease splashed back on his hand and caused him to drop the pan in shock.

Before he even had a chance to cry out Andrew felt a strong hand clasp around his wrist and drag him to the sink. While years of being a police officer had given Amy a good amount of physical acumen the strength that she used to pull him and nearly lifted him off his feet. He only could assume it was from the adrenaline of her boyfriend burning himself as she nearly jammed his hand under the sink and turned the tap on full blast. Even with her quick reaction it appeared the hot grease had already done its damage, Andrew's skin beginning to blister and turn an angry red under the water.

"You idiot, why weren't you watching what you were doing?" She scolded as they looked at his injured hand. "Do you need to go to the hospital, how much pain are you in?"

Andrew was about to answer when he seriously considered the question, looking down at his hand with a frown. "Actually, it doesn't really hurt at all." He confessed. "It just feels hot, though the water is making short work of that."

"Well go bandage it up and put some ointment on it." Amy ordered, Andrew bowing his head in slight shame and embarrassment as he did. As he walked out of the kitchen the towel he wore fell away and she couldn't help but watch his tight butt and hips sway slightly. Her body shivered slightly as he watched him go, there was a slight femininity to it that reminded her of their latest encounter at the dream beach. A foreign hunger rose up within her that made her rub against her slit, a small part of her wished that she still had the strange want for the dildo that the orcas had given her. She quickly shook her head and dismissed such a thought while she cleaned up the ruined pan of bacon and put it into the sink.

Once she was done with that Amy started to walk to the bathroom to see if Andrew was okay, but she found herself drawn once more towards the computer and the sat down in front of the screen once more. At first she thought she would try and continue her research as she waited for Andrew to finish bandaging himself, but all she found herself doing was looking at pictures of male, anthro orcas as she rubbed her sensitive groin. She knew it was counterproductive, if anything she should actively fight against looking at such things, but they were just so hot and she could feel her arousal build even more. After a few minutes she knew it wouldn't be enough and her head turned towards the open bedroom with a lewd grin...

Andrew sighed as he secured the last of the bandages on his hand, which had begun to throb slightly but was still without pain. When he walked back out into the bedroom itself he suddenly heard a rustle from their closet, but before he could even go up to investigate it he was suddenly surprised as Amy leapt out and pinned him to the bed. "I figured we'd try to give this sex thing another try." She said as she grabbed his cock and began to stroke it.

"Are you sure, this doesn't seem right." Andrew replied nervously as she rubbed her needy sex against him. For about a minute the two began to pant heavily as their bodies touched each other, but before long their sexual antics turned to frustration as Andrew's cock remained soft and even his fingers inside of her slit did nothing to slake her lusts. After they looked at each other in embarrassment they got off the bed as quickly as possible. For the rest of the day they hardly stayed in the same room; Amy continued to 'do research' and rub herself while Andrew replayed the orca movie they had rented and stroke himself, one hand between on his tool while the other couldn't stop rubbing the area just behind his sack...


More and more Andrew wished that he had called in sick for the week as he tried to focus on his task at his desk, though his thoughts continued to remain on his body. Surprisingly neither he nor Amy had met the dream orcas on Sunday night, though neither of them got much sleep anyway as they slept as far apart from each other as possible. The same thing happened for Monday, and by the time Tuesday rolled around his entire psyche was torn between frustratingly horny and insanely tired. The sleep deprivation was also not without its physical effects either, a rash had developed on his chest and there was an arousal in his groin that no amount of masturbation seemed to solve.

"Hey Andrew, you got those plans for the water treatment plant yet?" The voice of his boss suddenly said behind him, which caused him to look up. "You alright there, you don't look so well."

Andrew just shook his head, putting his hand on his stomach. "I actually don't feel that great, I was thinking about taking the rest of the day off." He confessed. "I don't... I just don't feel well. I haven't been sleeping all that great..."

Much to Andrew's surprise his boss put a key on his desk and told him to go use the executive break area in order to try and collect himself, then just return it to him when he was finished. He thanked him and took the key, then got up immediately to use it. When he got in he immediately shut the door behind him and looked around. The inside of the room was rather lavishly appointed, several large leather couches sat around a nice television while a small kitchen was set up in the background. Even though he was unsure of the privileges his boss had bestowed upon him he grabbed one of the sodas from the fridge and popped it open.

"Aren't you going to offer me one?" A familiar voice said behind him, the human spinning around to see the very naked rubber orca stand behind him. "Hello Andrew."

"Issil!" Andrew said nervously as he backed up against the bar. "This can't be... you're just a dream... a hallucination!"

"Well I hear that hallucinations can feel pretty real." Issil said with a sly grin. "I just wanted to see how you were coming along."

Andrew was unsure of what the orca meant until the creature reached down and pulled up his shirt, the human gasping as he saw what had been causing his itching. The middle of his stomach shined unnaturally in the light, the large white patch bordered by flaky human skin that continued to come off even as they watched. The other thing he noticed was that his stomach itself, which used to be slightly flabby, had flattened and become very toned, but not muscular like the six pack abs Issil sported. In fact it looked more like his girlfriend's belly, athletic but without the hardness that usually come with such a thing.

"Like what you see?" Issil smirked.

"It's just a trick of the light, that's all." Andrew denied.

"Then perhaps we should see what else has changed, hmmm?" Before the human could react the rubber orca grabbed the bandage around his hand and ripped it off. Instead of the blistered flesh that he had expected the skin was completely smooth and black on the back of his hand, glinting unnaturally in the light just like his palm save the color was the same brilliant white as his abdomen. He looked at the appendage as something unnatural, holding it away from him like it would pop off of his arm any second and be replaced with his old hand. "Just wait though, I saved the best for last."

Andrew let out a gasp as Issil picked his body up like a rag doll and slammed him on the granite tabletop, the adornments shaking slightly. "Pull down the pants or I'll rip them off for you." Issil threatened. "Good luck explaining the latter to your coworkers."

At first the human thought about remaining defiant but after the muscular anthro easily picked him up he knew it wasn't a mere idle threat. Hesitantly he pulled his pants and underwear down, as soon as his flesh was exposed he felt a cool, slick hand press up past his groin and underneath his butt cheeks. "Oh yes, doing quite fine there." Issil cooed as Andrew felt him caress a small lump of flesh that he hadn't noticed just above his rear. "And now for the grand prize..."

Andrew's entire body shuddered as he felt the rubbery digit slide between his cheeks, tickling against his hole for only the briefest of seconds before it continued further down. As it slid against his taint he waited for him to undoubtedly feel up his cock and balls, but the tip of the finger stayed right where he had been trying not to itch for a while. His body squirmed as Issil began to tickle against his sensitive skin, after a few seconds he wondered if the orca male merely wanted to sexually tease him but an entirely new sensation caused him to gasp loudly. His eyes rolled back slightly as the normally solid skin between his legs began to yield to the soft pressure that was being applied there, the finger starting to sink into his body.

"WHA- hmmmf! Mmff!" Andrew cried out as Issil quickly clamped a hand over his mouth to silence him. The human tried to roll off of the table but the rubber creature quickly stepped up and pinned his body to the table as the finger continued to slip into the newly created hole. The squeak of rubber against rubber could be heard as Issil's finger continued to stimulate the virgin flesh.

When Andrew's shouts of protest turned into moans Issil slowly let his hand off of his mouth, the orca's grasp traveled lower and began to rub against his slightly swollen chest and nipples. Whispers of 'there you go' and 'good girl' flooded his ears as the human struggled to comprehend the new feminine pleasures he was feeling. Issil leaned down and licked against Andrew's non-transformed hand as he added a second finger to the pressing in of his rubberized hole, the human unable to do nothing more than writhe and moan as he felt that thick tongue suckle against his digits.

Suddenly there was a noise at the door of metal on metal and when Andrew looked up he was suddenly alone. He rolled off of the table and onto the floor with an unceremonious thud and crawled over behind the counter as the door was unlocked and opened. He could hear voices talking as he pulled up his pants and silently as he could and buckled them, thinking desperately on what he could possibly say to justify the situation. When he finally got the first thing to his mind he popped up and rubbed his eye, muttering 'there was my contact lens' as the two men looked at him in shock.

"Andrew, is that you?" The older man, whom he recognized as his boss' boss, said.

"Oh yes, Mr. Branson, I wasn't feeling well, and I was up and about when I lost my contact lens." Andrew tried to explain as he walked to leave. "I found it now and am ready to go back to work." When he saw the men were staring at his hands he realized with some horror that they were both now covered in black and white latex all the way up to his wrists. "Do you like these gloves? They really help with drafting and such... well... gotta go!"

He rushed by the two men before they demanded more of an explanation, though as he walked down the hallway the only question that they had was why the young man's shirt was untucked in the back and what the strange black and white object was that rested just above his compromised pants...


Amy was having similar problems, though hers seemed to have a slightly slower onset then her boyfriend... if she could call him that. After work on Tuesday Andrew could hardly seem to even look at her, much less be around her. They had taken to sleep in separate rooms as well, Andrew took the couch while she continued to sleep on the bed. The sleeping apart seemed to do the trick somewhat for the dreams, ever since their last encounter on the weekend they had not had a shared dream since then, though part of that was the fact that they were maybe getting one to two hours a night only.

By Thursday the sleep deprivation had reached such a critical point that she found it to be affecting her job. More than once she snapped at a co-worker that she later felt the need to apologize for, but between the lack of sleep and strange aches and pains on her body she couldn't help it. More and more she found herself taking control of things because she believed that her fellow officers were not doing it right or fast enough to her liking. At one point she even tried to take control of a formal interview of a suspect that got her chewed out by her superiors.

As Amy continued to sit at her desk stewing her hand gravitated to the front of her groin, the flesh there unusually bothersome around her clit as she tried to address it as discretely as possible while she pretended to adjust her slightly ill-fitting uniform. When she looked around she saw that people were looking at her strangely. They're just jealous, she thought to herself as she tapped her pencil against her desk, she could probably kick any of their asses... and as she looked around at some of the male officers she bit her lip as she wondered what it would be like to fuck them right then and there...

The strange thought caught her off-guard and it startled her enough to drop her writing utensil. She could see that she was starting to make a scene and quickly got up to leave, heading towards one of the bathrooms. The door opened with a bang as she made a bee-line right to one of the sinks and splashed water in her face. As he gave herself a second to breathe her hands once more went to her groin, feeling an uncomfortable tightness there as she doubled over slightly.

"Mmmm, you do show off a great ass." Amy suddenly heard behind her, seeing the figure of someone in an officer's uniform right behind her. "Perhaps you can tell me how you stay so taut."

Amy felt her blood boil as she felt a hand smack against her rear. "You son of a bi-" her threat was stopped short as she finally saw the orca male dressed in the officer's uniform. "Oh no, not you again."

"Oh yes, me again." Rofan said with a smirk as he tossed the officer's cap aside. "I figured you might be a sucker for a man in uniform, I know I am."

Amy was about to respond when the last statement caused her to pause before she spoke once more. "Wait, if you like men in uniform, then why did you pick me?" She asked bluntly, trying to slowly back away to keep an arms-length away from him. "Why not pick some other guy out there?"

"Because I like the way you think." Rofan replied as he closed the distance between them. "Now if I may ask a question, why are you in the men's bathroom?"

It took a second for Amy to realize what Rofan meant, looking around to see the tell-tale urinals behind her that signified it was a male's bathroom. Just as she was about to justify herself Rofan put a finger to her lips and shook his head slowly. "Do not worry my dear, it's completely natural." He reassured. "You belong here just as much as I do now."

Before Amy could say anything Rofan knelt down and unbuckled her pants, where she felt a sudden relief of pressure as her flesh was exposed. When she looked down to see what he was doing she was surprised to find that the area had been completely enveloped in white and black latex that bulged out slightly. Rofan breathed heavily on the area and it caused Amy to shudder and brace herself against the wall. Even covered in the strange rubber it was more sensitive then she had ever imagined before.

"Soon... soon you and Andrew will be able to fuck like you always wanted to." Rofan said before his thick tongue darted out and licked her from the bottom of her slit to the top of her groin. After several more passes it became clear what he was doing, the split in the rubbery skin had begun to creep up with every stroke upwards of his thick, pleasurable tongue against her body. Soon it was several inches to the point it was comically far up, and when it appeared that the creature had it right where he wanted it he stuck his tongue inside and caused Amy to buck up against the wall.

Amy's fingernails dug against the stone as the orca tongued her insides with a skill that she couldn't fathom, but the longer he did it the stranger it felt. Every time he withdrew it felt like he tried to pull something out of her, like there was something in there in the first place. His thick appendage began to probe less and less deep as whatever it felt like inside grew closer to surface with a building pleasure. When it finally surfaced she let out a loud gasp as the black tip of something poked out from her slit, Rofan pressed his lips and began to suckle against the emerging organ as Amy could do nothing but watch and pant.

"Beautiful." Rofan commented before he licked up and down the female's new tapered cock, his hands pressed against her thighs as they seemed to bulk up right before her eyes. "I'm afraid I can't give you your first orgasm with that new baby, but we're about to be interrupted. I suggest you zipper up."

In the next second the orca was gone, but that strange member continued to wiggle slightly in her presence as she heard someone come up to the door. Without thinking she burst into the first stall she could and pulled her pants all the way down, hearing male voices come into the bathroom. The thought of other men outside the door caused her new two inch member to harden and throb even further. He began to stroke herself slightly as she waited, though part of her wanted them to stay as long as they wanted so she had the excuse to touch herself...


It was finally Friday night and for once the young couple was in the same room with each other, albeit on couches on the opposite sides. They both had on a pair of loose-fitting pajama pants and sweatshirts, and despite their continued lack of sleep neither of them felt like going to bed for the night. Instead they watched the television wordlessly throughout the night, until finally Amy threw down the remote in frustration and looked at Andrew.

"Andrew, I need to tell you something!" She blurted out, looking away when she saw the surprised look on his face. "Well, actually, I need to show you something. I thought that maybe it was a severe hallucination, but the more I... look at it, the more I'm starting to think that this is real. Either way I need to show you so you can at least tell me if I'm crazy or not."

Andrew gulped slightly and nodded, to which Amy stood up and dropped her pants around her ankles. His eyes widened when he saw what his girlfriend was referring too, sticking out from her normally smooth patch was a six inch, tapered, black rubber cock that hung from a slit in her groin that had grown broader and more masculine like the thick thighs that framed it. Even as he stared at it the appendage began to grow erect, which caused Amy to flush with embarrassment and cover the area with a pillow.

"No no, it's alright!" Andrew called out before he stood up and stripped completely naked. "Look, the same thing is happening to me... I thought I was crazy too." Amy gasped as he saw the changes that had happened to her boyfriend, his stomach tapered and taut as white latex flowed up to his chest where swollen lumps had begun to protrude outward. Below that was his cock, or what was left of it as it hung there at a demure inch or two with no testicles beneath it. Before she could ask he spread his lips a bit and showed her a pair of lips that bordered his developing pussy.

"Oh my God... and there's something behind you too!" Amy cried out as she pointed. Andrew turned and showed her the small triangle of latex that pushed out from his upper spine and the seven inches of black rubbery tail that protrude over his pert butt, the appendage seemed to twitch and wiggle of its own accord. Soon though it wasn't the beginnings of the tail that she watched but what was hidden beneath it. "So, that slit of yours, is it fully functional?"

Andrew shrugged slightly, feeling a bit exposed. "I've managed to get three fingers in, but it's extremely tight." He bemused, unknown that Amy had started to approach him with a predatory grin on her face. "I think that it won't be able to handle anything other than fingers until my penis completely disappears, hopefully we can find a solution before that happens."

"Too bad, but I can make it work." Andrew suddenly heard behind him, but before he could turn around he felt he yelped as he felt the full weight of his girlfriend behind him. He fell forward and grabbed the couch while Amy spread his legs, her still human fingers pressed against the rubber that lined his tailhole. It was the first time that she had even touched him in a week and she was going to take his anal virginity, but as much as he wanted to say something he found he couldn't. A strange part of him held back... as though he wanted to be in this position as he felt the former female's cock press between his cheeks.

"This is going to feel so good Andrew, finally we can fuck the way we wanted to." Amy said, Rofan's voice echoed in her mind as she watched her submissive boy toy present his ass to her. She gripped his hips and pushed forward, the virgin muscles sliding open with surprising ease as Andrew's face was frozen in a blissful gasp. She let out a very masculine groan as those muscles clamp down on her new member, her entire body shuddering as he began to rock her hips back. As she speared herself into him again and again she could feel the knot in her spine unravel, her dorsal fin and tail sliding out of her rubberized flesh until it grew to a proper length. Her already shrinking breasts grew even smaller, becoming nothing more than small bumps while her boyfriend's chest expanded outward with each thrust that jiggled them.

"Oh God, Amy!" Andrew shouted out as he rubbed his hand against his tiny member, only to find that it had disappeared completely into nothing more than a slightly oversized latex clit at the top of his new vaginal opening. "It feels... so... good!"

"Yeah, moan for me girl." Amy nearly growled, her already decent member stretched and expanded each time she buried it in her boyfriend's ass. "Your ass is mine, just like that sweet snatch of yours once I can fit this monster inside it!"

Andrew was about to reply when she increased her thrusts twofold, the sound of their rubbery groins rubbing together filling the air as they had sex for what felt like the first time. It didn't take long for Amy's inexperience to show through though as she came around a minute later. Both let out a cry as Andrew felt his ass filled with seed for the first time, his girlfriend behind him panting in approval. After some time passed she pulled out of him with a satisfying pop and carried him into the bedroom with a strength she didn't know she possessed but clearly enjoyed. "Time for bed, lover boy..."