The Burning Earth: Wrath of a God

Story by SarahTheDragoness on SoFurry

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#3 of The Burning Earth

In book 3 of my Burning Earth series, I have decided I would change my writing style a little bit. instead of writing from Morgan's and Korvorym's points of view, I added in a few major plot characters, where their point of view is also added in. Basically, even though Morgan and Korvorym are still the main characters, in this book, there are many main characters. I should also add, this book is a bit darker than the first two; some scenes may be hard to read, so you have been warned!

The Northern Kingdom's do their best to recover from the dragon's attack, which left destruction and death in their cities. King Frederic of Garavor returns home, victorious over the war in Tiberia, only to discover his family isn't as rejoiced to see him as he thought they would be. Enemies from across the ocean arrive, and Frederic has plans to use them in his coming schemes.

Meanwhile, Morgan and her friends settle in to their new home, but it isn't as safe as they thought it was. The new clan is given a mission, which is to protect the Prince of Garavor. Civil war soon engulfs the Kingdom of Garavor, as certain events take place.

The cult's leader is identified, and it is discovered that whoever this mysterious person is, they have been playing both sides for decades, fooling everyone.

I'm sorry if the description is a little vague; I wanted to post this tonight and I am soo tired. I also want to add, I do plan on continuing this series, but I also want to write a few other stories, as well. I am happy with how the 3rd book turned out, but it is a bit different from the first two books. Also, I won't spoil anything, but I got so sick of writing about a certain character; in fact, I regret adding this character into the series to begin with, so this certain "character" meets an unexpected end.

Remember, this is only the 3rd story I have ever written in my life. If you, the reader, comes across anything that bothers you, or something I messed up, whether it be grammatical or some other error, please tell me. I want to improve :)

I hope you enjoy the 3rd book!

The Burning Earth: Wrath of a God

Book 3

Chapter 1: Triumph

With the business in Tiberia settled, King Frederic II and the rest of his army headed home. It had been raining, but Fred loved the rain. The clouds covered the annoying sun, and the land was dark and covered in shadows. He didn't really care for being wet, but that was why he was inside his massive carriage, in luxury, while his soldiers carried his home away from home. This had been a very costly war. He didn't anticipate dragons defending Tiberia, and only two of the blasted things nearly defeated him. It was only because of the use of those explosive arrows his alchemist had developed that finally allowed him and his allies to win. Fred hated losing, but he always won in the end. That was how it was for as long as he could remember.

King Fred sat on his luxurious bed inside his carriage. He looked out one of the windows, and saw the stainless steel helmets of his most trusted soldiers carrying the house-like carriage bob up and down as they marched. He almost pitied the soldiers. Being forced to carry him inside his travelling home while he was dry from the rain amused him. They were simply born from whores and peasants and were destined to serve their betters, like him.

Fred pulled away from the window, and shut the covers. It was rather cold out, despite it still being summer. He lied back down on the fluffy, comfortable mattress. It was velvet, and filled with cotton, as well as feathers. He put his arms behind his head, and dreamed of the welcome he would get when he returned to Garavor. He imagined himself marching into Ondinium in triumph, with cheers from the crowds applauding his victory, as he brought the head of Queen Valarie to the public square, where he would put it atop a spike here it would rot for an eternity; a warning to all his enemies.

The gesture of adorning a spike with the head of one of his most hated enemies would send a message to the troublesome populace of his kingdom that he wasn't someone to cross. If that stupid woman had surrendered, none of this would have happened. However, had she surrendered, he wouldn't have had the pleasure of executing her, or her foul lover.

Frederic didn't really care about who loved who, whether they be dragons loving humans, centaurs and goblins loving another, and so on, however, he did love to tear lovers apart. He had read some of the letters the wives would send his soldiers while they were in the field. He made it a personal mission to send soldiers who had gotten romantic letters on suicide missions. He wished he could be the one who delivered the news to their wives or lovers.

Frederic turned his attention to the door to the carriage. "Aston." Frederic yelled. "Come in here a moment."

A short man soon entered the carriage, dripping wet. He wasn't wearing any armor or carrying any weapons; Aston wasn't a soldier. Aston was the advisor to King Frederic, and an old friend of his. He was old and wrinkled, and wearing brown robes. Aston was completely bald, and had a white beard. He had big bushy eyebrows, and an abnormally large nose. He also had bucked teeth, which Frederic constantly made fun of.

The elderly man looked up at Frederic, sprawled out on the comfortable looking bed. "Yes, my liege?"

"How much further, Aston," Frederic asked him, while rubbing his short, black hair. "When do we reach the channel?"

Frederic took a bite out of a peach, causing juice to squirt out of it and run down his face. He grabbed ahold of Aston's brown robe, and wiped his face off with it. Aston didn't seem to mind at all, and didn't even seem to notice. He had grown use to the way the king treated him, as well as his subjects. Besides, the rewards for putting up with the king were quite grand, and Aston would gladly put up with him if it meant he got to do what he did, without suffering any punishment.

"We are still in Delinor, my liege," Aston responded, his voice sounding old and decrepit. "Another day until we reach the channel, and then we sail for home," the elderly man added.

Frederic groaned. That wasn't good enough for him. "Tell the men to march faster, then!"

Aston slowly bowed his head. "Yes, majesty, I will tell them to double time it."

Aston left the carriage, and Frederic smiled when he noticed them speeding up. He started to lie back down, and planned to doze off. He didn't even get to shut his eyes when the door opened again, and Aston barged in.

"My liege," Aston shouted, panic in his voice. "The capital of Delinor is on fire! We can see the smoke in the distance!"

King Frederic didn't even budge. King Lazlo of Delinor hardly even helped Frederic conquer Tiberia. It was Frederic who captured Lyria. It was Frederic who fought more battles. It was Garavor who conquered Tiberia, and Delinor only watched from the sidelines. He didn't care about the Kingdom of Delinor.

"March onwards, and avoid the capital city. Tell the army to stay on our original course," Frederic told his advisor, and shut his eyes when he left.

Aston shut the door to the carriage, and walked on the muddy road to the head of the army. It was still raining, but the clouds were slowly starting to go away. He had to run to keep up with the marching soldiers, until he reached General Carver at the head of the column.

"Keep on course, General," Aston told the commander. "Our allies will have to deal with their burning city by themselves, it would seem."

The general simply nodded, and continued to ride. Aston slowly walked back to where the carriage was, and stood atop the step to the door, hitching a ride. He saw the burning city in the distance, and noticed that smoke only rose from half the city, but the central palace was definitely on fire. Luckily, the fires were dying out, thanks to the rain. He couldn't help but wonder what had happened, but he knew many had to have perished in that inferno.

Aston could see heavily armed and armored men heading for the hills in the distance. They appeared to be dragon slayers, or they could simply be random explorers. Aston was old, and his eyesight was starting to go. Still, he longed to reach Ondinium, where his reward awaited him.

Due to his service of obeying his king without question, Frederic allowed Aston to bed his daughter, who was only 17 years of age. Aston was quite older than she was, and he didn't know why his king would allow an advisor to have his way with his only daughter, but Aston made no complaints. He didn't love the woman, but she was young, ripe, and beautiful, and she was his. Aston loved the way she fought back nearly every time, but she was property of the crown, and the crown had given her to him, to use as he saw fit. It has been nearly a year since he last lay with a woman, and his thoughts drifted towards beautiful Cecilia.

Once the army of Garavor reached the small channel separating the Kingdom of Delinor from Garavor, they boarded their boats, and docked at the royal port of Foris. Despite the boat riding lasting little more than ten minutes, Frederic boarded his private galleon, decorated in the finest wood and tapestries money could buy.

It was a massive vessel, with four decks, but was purely for luxury, and was not a combat ship. The lowest deck contained the servant and crewmen quarters, as well as their own kitchen. The second deck was used for storage, as well as a cargo hold. The second deck was where he put trophies, his personal carriage, and the occasional mistress. The third deck was the deck where the main kitchen and dining room were located, as well as guest quarters for important people. The fourth deck was the royal deck, where the King stayed. It contained his personal dining room, his personal bedroom, a lounge area, and a small library. The fourth deck also had windows with a door leading to a balcony at the rear of the vessel, where Frederic could stand and gaze at the ocean. Above the fourth deck was the top of the vessel, where the captain piloted the ship and where the sails and all that stuff Frederic didn't care about were found.

It didn't take long for the ship to reach the port town of Foris. When Frederic disembarked, he noticed his soldiers were dispersing, and started to blend back into civilian life. He also received many stares from the dock workers, as if something had happened while he was away.

While aboard his vessel, Frederic changed into a silken shirt and pants, and put on his large, golden crown. He must have been quite the sight leaving the ship. Frederic liked to think he had good fashion sense, and wondered why peasants and the common folk didn't wear silk instead of those pathetic rags they tended to wear instead. To Frederic, the common people were like an entirely separate race. Although they were human, like he, they acted like the savages he had given Tiberia to.

A royal messenger was waiting for Frederic, asking him to come with him immediately. Frederic simply nodded, and asked General Carver to handle unloading the ship. Frederic, however, wanted to be the one to carry the box containing Valarie's head. He planned to go right into the town square and set it atop a spike right when he entered Ondinium. He and the messenger, as well as Aston and a few of his royal guards, rode off to Ondinium, until they saw the city.

They all paused outside the city, or what was left of it. Frederic didn't even seem to care, and entered the city first, as the others followed his lead. Nearly every building he could see was burnt to the ground, and charred corpses of adults, children, and animals lined the streets. Some were in piles, and some were still inside burned buildings. Despite his retinue pausing and gasping at the sights, Frederic rode on, until he reached the city square.

Burnt townspeople were everywhere, most without clothes. Their skin was black, flesh was melted, and hair was singed on nearly every person Frederic saw, but he didn't seem to pay them any attention. These people were animals to begin with, and finally, the city was peaceful and quiet.

Frederic took the head out of the box, and jabbed it onto the spike, and raised it up so it was at the center of the square. Valarie's face was calm looking, as if she had found peace in death, which upset Frederic. He had hoped her face would have been marked with terror and agony, but she was dead, and that was all that mattered now.

He continued to gaze at the severed head of the woman he had defeated. It was a wonderful sight; a memento to last throughout the ages. Perhaps he would order his architects to build a massive triumphal arch in the center of the square, in honor of his victory of the dragon whore and her army of mongrels. However, he had more pressing matters to attend to, such as why a peasant was grabbing at his expensive outfit.

The boy grabbing him was completely black, his skin charred like coal. His breathing was labored, and he acted as if he wanted help. Frederic kicked the boy off him, where he fell to the cobbled stone of the city square and told the guards to arrest him. Anyone who touched him, the King, especially a peasant, without permission would pay. Perhaps a month in the dungeon, followed by the removal of his hands would teach the boy a lesson.

"He is dead, my king," one of his royal guards said, as he poked the lifeless boy with his pike, checking for movement.

"Very well, as long as he died, I suppose," Frederic mumbled to himself.

Frederic and his retinue continued to march throughout the ruined city, and passed by the great cathedral, which now lie in ruins. Frederic wasn't a spiritual man, so he didn't really care. However, that cathedral cost a fortune to construct, and it angered him to know someone or something destroyed it. Still, the thought of those hypocritical priests and religious women having the cathedral fall on top of them made him smile, despite noticing the frowns and tears on his retainer's faces.

It didn't take long for them to reach the royal palace, which was unscathed from whatever had destroyed the once large and bustling city. Frederic took this as a sign; whatever happened here spared his home, while destroying everyone else's. As it should be; he was the king after all, and his home was the most important structure not only in the city, but in the kingdom.

The royal palace was large; the largest man-made structure in the North of the Kingdom of Gordium, but was possibly the largest structure in all of Alshen. It contained seven levels, in addition to three levels of basements and dungeons. The deepest part of the palace was the torture and execution floor, where dismembered body parts lie in heaps. The next floor up was the main dungeon, where the prison was. It had many cells for Frederic's many enemies, or simply people who angered him. No sunlight reached the cells, and there were no torches. The prisoners lived in complete darkness for however long they were imprisoned for. The next floor up, below the first floor of the palace, was Frederic's alchemists' chambers and laboratory. It was a maze like floor, and Frederic rarely ever visited that area of the palace.

The upper levels of the palace were beautiful, and full of color. Frederic wasn't exactly proud of the beautiful interior of the palace, but never bothered to remodel everything. The palace was constructed a century ago, after all. The first floor was the largest floor of the palace, containing the throne room, the kitchen and larder, the dining area, the gallery, the private pool and spa, the servant's quarters, the guard barracks, and the armory, as well as many bedrooms.

The second level of the palace contained the royal library, a secondary kitchen, a secondary dining area, and more galleries full of artwork and statues, and the private chambers where the military leaders of Garavor would hold meetings. The second floor also housed the royal barracks, where the royal family's personal bodyguards' quarters were located.

The third floor of the palace contained 15 guest bedrooms for important people. It was also where Aston's quarters were located. In addition to bedrooms, the third floor also contained many offices for nobles and people that helped the monarchy run the kingdom. Lastly, a private lounge and spa for the important guests visiting Garavor was run by servants with special therapeutic skills. The levels of the third floor and up were off limits to people without permission.

The fourth floor contained the grand staircase, which led up to the fifth, sixth, and seventh floors. In addition to the grand staircase, the fourth floor contained offices, as well as the palace chapel. King Frederic rarely visited the fourth floor, and only passed through it to get higher up into his home.

The fifth floor contained the Kingdom's treasury, as well as the office of the treasurer of the kingdom, a man named Lyle, and his quarters. The fifth floor was the smallest floor of the palace, and only had three rooms, but had many balconies and stain glassed windows.

The sixth floor of the palace was larger than the fifth floor, in that it contained five bedrooms, one of which belonged to Prince Nicholas, and another to the princess Cecilia, Frederic's children. The other rooms were vacant for more royal family members. Sometimes, family members would stay in the palace, and would use these rooms.

The seventh floor of the palace was where the King and Queen lived. It contained a personal library, a lounge, a heated tub, a private dining room, two master bedrooms, one which Frederic used to hide his mistress', and the floor also contained a massive balcony, overlooking the city of Ondinium. The balcony was large, and was where the monarchy would host parties for important people.

King Frederic loved his palace, although it was a bit too colorful for his tastes. The stone used to build the palace was pure white. It was much better than that pathetic stone structure they called a keep in the center of Exikni, in Lyria. Even the palace of Delinor was not as luxurious, or as grand, as the royal palace in Garavor.

Frederic marched through the massive stone doors of his palace, where he saw servants and everyday people running about, in a panic. Frederic was also surprised to see burn victims, as well as the homeless, being sheltered in his palace. He simply told the guards to get these people out of here, and made his way to the queen, who no doubt let these people in.

The Queen of Garavor was a tall woman, taller than Frederic. She was a stern, but fair women, and cared about her people more than Frederic did. She had short black hair, put up in a bun. The crown she wore was smaller than Frederic's, but his wife wore jewelry that was worth a fortune. She noticed her husband approaching, and motioned for her children to leave the throne room. She didn't want them to see their father possibly lose his temper. However, Frederic motioned for them to stay.

"What are these peasants doing in our home, Brenda," Fred asked his queen. He didn't sound angry, but curious. Aston, as well as the King's personal guards were standing by his side.

Queen Brenda looked at the wounded and dying people being forced back outside, with sadness creeping into her heart. "The entire city has been burned to the ground, Frederic," she said quietly. "They need medical treatment, as well as shelter and food."

Aston was staring at Princess Cecilia. Though old and decrepit, he still had his wants and desires. The 17 year old Princess didn't meet his look, and instead moved behind her mother. Prince Nicholas, only 10, saw how the old man looked at his sister, and it angered him, but there was nothing he could do.

"I have been gone, for nearly a year, and this is the welcome I receive," King Frederic bellowed, so loud his voice echoed throughout the throne room. "Peasants wondering my palace, uninvited; get them out of here!"

King Frederic turned to Aston, and saw him looking his daughter up and down. Frederic only smiled. "Aston, go enjoy yourself, but try to be quick, I have need of you to help put the city back in order."

Aston grabbed Cecilia by the arm, and she struggled. "It has been nearly a year, my liege, it will be faster than you can imagine," Aston chuckled.

Queen Brenda only stared after her daughter, the expression of disgust on her face. There was nothing she could do. The last time she spoke up about it to her husband, he struck her.

Prince Nicholas started to run after them, hoping to rescue his sister, but Frederic grabbed him by his shirt. "Hello, son, I was hoping you would have grown a few inches taller while I was away."

The Prince only looked back at his father, confusion and sadness in his face. Nicholas was 10 years old, but was rather younger looking. He was a short boy, not even five feet tall yet. He had short, light brown hair, and sharp, green eyes, two traits his father didn't possess. Nicholas had a high pitched voice, and sounded like he was much younger than he was. Despite being heir to the kingdom, Nicholas was still very much a child, and behaved like one accordingly. Frederic knew he still played with toys, which he tried to remove them from him whenever he saw him playing.

"Father, did your campaign go well," Nicholas asked his father, with fake curiosity. Nicholas didn't care for warfare. He loved to read books, daydream, and run around outside.

Frederic looked back at his son. He knew he didn't care about what he had accomplished. Instead, he would tell him about what he did. Frederic knelt down, so he was eye level with his son.

"I executed that whore of a Queen, Nicholas," he whispered, while kneeling so he was more eye level with his son. "She had taken a dragon as a lover, son. I know how much you love dragons, but I had this one killed right in front of her." Frederic smiled at his son's expression.

Both Nicholas and the Queen stared at Frederic with disbelief; not by the fact that the Queen had a dragon as a lover, but because he executed him right in front of her. Nicholas loved dragons, and until recently, never saw one. Many of his toys were dragon figurines he bought at toy shops in poorer districts of the city. The toy makers were proud to have sold their items to the Prince of Garavor, and even custom made him red dragons. Red was his favorite color, and his favorite dragon toy was a red scaled dragon he slept with every night.

Prince Nicholas didn't respond to his father, and instead looked at the marbled floor of the throne room, and walked away. He headed upstairs, out of sight. Frederic only smiled at his son, as he walked away, defeated.

The throne room was massive, and the ceiling reached the third floor of the palace, the grand staircase directly above the ceiling, with balconies overlooking the throne room from the second and third floors. The throne was vacant, but was colored dark red, as was the tapestries and banners that hung from the ceiling. A massive, red carpet started at the enormous, stone doors, and led up to the throne. On either side of the throne room were staircases that led to the upper floors, where Nicholas walked off to.

Before Frederic resumed talking with his wife, he called for a messenger. "Assemble as many dragon slayers as you can, tell them a bounty of 1,000 gold coins is waiting for them for each head they bring back." The messenger was writing on a pamphlet, making to get every detail down. "Depending on the condition the heads are in, I may buy them from them, but I want to see them before I give them their gold."

The messenger finished writing and ran off to the exit of the throne room. "Brenda, it has been a long time since I last had a woman," he told her as he looked in her eyes. He saw her look back into his own eyes, and could see the disgust floating in them. "Go fetch that Orimarian slut from the kitchens, and tell her to come to my bedroom."

Queen Brenda only nodded slowly, and walked off. Frederic slowly walked upstairs, to his bedroom to await the arrival of the wild woman who would soon satisfy his needs. He needed some relaxation.

Prince Nicholas arrived in his room, and locked the wooden door behind him, so his father wouldn't bother him anymore. He hated his father, a feeling his sister and their mother also shared. He had hoped he would perish on the battlefield, but like most of his prayers, it went unanswered.

Prince Nicholas had a large room, with a massive bed in the center, shelves full of books, mostly about dragons he had taken from the royal library. He hid most of his toys, so his father wouldn't take them, but he left out his most loved red dragon figure so he could look at it every day.

Nicholas knew a dragon attacked the city not long ago, but he knew dragons. One wouldn't burn an entire city to the ground for no reason, and part of him thinks his father was the reason this one struck. He was awake when it happened, playing with his toys when his mother thought he slept. He heard a terrifying roar, and walked out to his balcony. He will never forget the sight of the moonlight bouncing off a bronze colored dragon as it crashed through the cathedral, causing it to collapse. Though it terrified him greatly, it was a sight that he will never forget as long as he lived. He couldn't help but wonder what had happened to this dragon to make it do the things it did.

Nicholas walked over to his bed, and grabbed his red dragon toy, and held it close to his chest as he slumped down, and cried. He usually had a dream every night about dragons, of him befriending one, rescuing one, or one rescuing him from some danger. He stopped crying when he heard footsteps outside his room, but they slowly went silent as whoever it was walked upstairs.

Nicholas put the toy on his dresser, and walked over to the balcony. It was relatively sunny outside, but clouds usually flew in front of the sun, blocking the light. He looked down in amazement at the people wondering around the ruined city. They were so small from where he was, and he noticed all the ruined structures. The cathedral was a pile of rubble, as were the wooden bridges that stood over the river running through the city. Nicholas caught sight of armored men walking below him, and noticed that they were wearing bone armor. Dragon bone armor. These people were dragon slayers, and when Nicholas became King, he would outlaw that practice for eternity. He only looked in disgust at the men who looked like ants walking below him.

The Prince backed away from the balcony, and grabbed his red dragon toy. He then walked over to his bed, where he put the toy next to his head, and took a nap. He was still awake when he heard knocking on his door. Reluctantly, he stood up, and walked over to it to ask who it was, fearing his father or Aston. He opened the door quickly when he discovered it was his sister.

"Cecilia, did Aston hurt you again," Nicholas whispered to his sister, as he hugged her.

She had a bruise on her face, no doubt from where the old man had struck her. He loved to hit her when she wouldn't do as he asked. Nicholas had once seen what that man did to his older sister, and he barged in and pulled her away from. His father found out, and forced Nicholas to watch the next time Aston had his way with her. He was only eight years old at the time, and he saw how he hit her and what he made her do.

Cecilia only cried into her little brother, having to bend over just to hug him. "Can I stay in here for a while, Nicholas," she asked in between sobs.

Nicholas nodded, and locked his door. Cecilia lay in his bed and took a nap; he handed his dragon toy to his sister, to comfort her, and she took it and held it close to her chest, as she cried herself to sleep, while Nicholas sat on a couch and read a story.

Nicholas also found himself dozing off, and slept for a few hours as well on his couch. When he awoke, it was dark outside, and the night chill was blowing into his room. He shut the balcony door, and closed the curtains. It was then when he heard banging on his door, a familiar knock that belonged to only one person: his father.

Nicholas quickly hid his toys, and went over to open the door, and his father barged in. Cecilia was awake now, clutching the red dragon toy against her grip. Nicholas had forgotten to hide his favorite one, and it immediately drew the attention of his father.

"You both missed supper, and Nicholas, what have I told you about those," Frederic shouted as he pointed towards the toy.

Before Nicholas could respond, his father ran over and yanked it from Cecilia's grasp, where he walked over to the balcony, opened the curtains and door, and chucked it as far as he could. Nicholas gasped in horror at what his father had done, and started to weep. Frederic then caught Nicholas looking at his dresser, and quickly looked away. Frederic walked over to it, looked inside, and grabbed all the wooden dragon toys he could find, and threw them into the fireplace in Nicholas's room, which was alright lit.

Nicholas only cried, and felt his father grab him by his hair. Cecilia only watched in sadness as her father dragged Nicholas out of his room and down the staircases until they reached the throne room. The two of them were the only ones in the massive chamber, and Nicholas noticed his father pointing up.

"Look at it, Nicholas," Frederic yelled to his son.

Nicholas looked up and gasped in horror as he saw the red head of a real life dragon hanging over the throne, against the wall. It looked just like his toy, and Nicholas knew this had to be the one he had killed in front of his lover. It had two large, black horns, orange eyes, and spikes around the edges of its mouth, which was open, allowing several dangerous looking teeth to be shown. Even in death, the creature looked regal; and more kingly than his father could ever aspire to.

King Frederic held his son's head, forcing him to look at the head of the dragon. Whenever he closed his eyes, his father would force them back open. Frederic only laughed at the sight of the once mighty creature. He had the beast's body cut up, and sold its parts for quite the hefty sum, but he wanted the head.

"Let me make myself clear, Nicholas," his father began. "If I see you playing with any toy again, I will mount their heads in your room, as I expect I shall have many dragon heads soon."

Nicholas only nodded, forcing back tears. His father finally let go of his hair, and walked off. Nicholas got down on his knees, and sobbed while staring up at the once great creature. He wondered what his name was, if he had any offspring, if he truly loved the Queen of Tiberia. He wondered if he ever came close to killing his father, and if he did, why he didn't succeed. Eventually, two royal guards came into the throne room and also looked at the mounted head. One simply shook his head, while the other laughed.

"Come, Prince Nicholas, let's get you back to your chambers," the disgusted guard said, while the other rolled his eyes, and walked alongside him.

When Nicholas entered his room, he didn't lock it. He had nothing to hide now. Cecilia was gone, so Nicholas undressed and got into his bathtub, behind a foldable wooden privacy wall. He simply sat inside the tub, so many thoughts going through his mind. How could his father do that to him? Why did it matter to him if he still played with toys? He quickly bathed himself, and got dressed in his night wear. When he was in bed, he heard a voice, a voice that calmed him down; soothed him. His entire body got warm, as if a warm, gentle presence filled him.

"Nicholas, everything will be okay, my child," a deep voice echoed throughout his head. At first, he thought he was hearing a ghost, but noticed the voice was coming from inside him, in a strange way.

"My name is Griloraax, the oldest dragon alive, and I live in Nomas," the voice said. "The dragon you saw in the throne room was named Buldurak, and he was a very, very, good being, who did not deserve what your... father... did to him."

Nicholas wasn't sure how to respond. Did he talk back? Did he try to respond in his mind? "I am sorry for everything my father has done, Griloraax," Nicholas whispered.

"Don't apologize, my son," Griloraax responded. "The fault is your father's. I see your soul, Nicholas, and I see how pure it is, as well as your mother's and sister's."

"What should I do," Nicholas asked the voice in his head, this time while crying. "I wish I had died the night that dragon burned our city."

"Hush, child, and know that soon, everything will work out."

"Also, know that I shall always be with you through the difficult times of your life," Griloraax said, reassuringly. "Suffering will soon be at an end in Garavor."

Before Nicholas could respond, he felt the warmth inside his body leave, and felt the presence no longer. Nicholas wasn't sure if he had just dreamed it, or if it was all real. He decided it didn't matter, and slowly shut his eyes, until he was dreaming about a big dragon named Griloraax coming to rescue him from his father.

The next morning, Nicholas saw a scary looking man in the throne room, wearing nothing but a hooded robe. He was completely barefooted and, although Nicholas couldn't see his face, he had a cold look about him. He knew his face would scare him if he saw it, so Nicholas made it an effort to not look at him, even when his father introduced him.

"Justinius, this is my youngest, Prince Nicholas," Frederic mumbled, his voice sounding bored.

Nicholas looked at the marbled floor of the throne room to avoid looking at the man's face. He only cackled, and ignored the child.

Nicholas was relieved when his father let go of him, and he ran outside, to the palace grounds. The grounds of the palace were large, and housed many points of interest. There was the royal mausoleum, where his ancestors were buried, a private park and garden, a large pond, and the groundskeeper' home, to name a few. In the center of the grounds was a large fountain, and Nicholas would sometimes throw coins into it and make wishes, though none ever came true.

With a sigh, Nicholas looked up at the sky, and wished a dragon would come by and rescue him from his prison. It was then when he saw an unfamiliar sight; two races he has never seen before. They were walking through the ruined city, just outside the palace courtyard, and headed for the palace. Nicholas only watched the two of them, and one looked in his direction, and glared.

One of the strange looking beings had purple skin, and looked like a walking reptile. It was hard to tell at this distance, but Nicholas noted he didn't have a tail, and looked similar to a human, only it had a reptilian head, purple skin, but tan skin underneath and on the sides of his mouth, leading down below his belly, which was hidden beneath his outfit. He was about the height of a regular sized man, but his companion was completely different.

The one that glared at him looked so alien and strange. He looked similar to a cat, but not completely. He had dark yellow skin, almost brown; the most obvious thing about him was that he had an enormous mane of brown hair behind his head that ran down his back and stomach. He also had sharp, yellow eyes. Unlike the reptilian man, this man was taller, maybe between 6 feet and 7 feet tall, and fiercer looking. It walked on two feet, but it appeared like it could use its' arms to get on all fours and run faster. Nicholas noticed a tail flying back and forth behind his butt, ending in a poof of brown hair, and saw the creature's private parts swinging back and forth as it walked, which caused Nicholas to giggle to himself. It wasn't dressed up like the reptilian man, but was completely naked; however his mane covered much of his body. The two strange looking men walked up the steps, leading into the palace, where the guards let them through.

Nicholas was curious to see who they were and what they were doing here, so he followed them into the throne room, where he saw his father and the robed man lead them into a room off the side of the throne room, and shut the door. Nicholas knew this room; it was a meeting room, and he wanted to know what was going on.

The throne room had many people walking about in it, so Nicholas didn't attract too much attention to himself. He leaned up against the door, and listened in.

"How far are your ships, Sedisk," Frederic asked one of the men inside the room.

"100 miles off the coast of Delinor, 200 ships, each filled with 200 soldiers, as you asked," a voice that sounded deep and alien replied.

"It sounds like your voyage across the ocean went smoothly, then?" Justinius asked one of the strange looking men.

"We lost 40 ships to the voyage, from the elements as well as the sea creatures," the deep, alien voice hissed.

"Then invade the continent when you are ready, Sedisk," Frederic replied. "The One wishes the Kingdom of Delinor removed from the earth, and that is what shall happen; my men will invade at the signal, as well."

"As it should be," a voice belonging to the robed man, Justinius, added.

Nicholas noticed the voices were quiet, and he almost walked away when he heard the alien sounding voice, belonging to this Sedisk, ask, "It has been a long voyage, King Frederic. My friend and I saw many beautiful women tending to the wounded outside. We would like to bring two of them back to our men, to prepare them for the pleasures of what is to come."

"Sure, sure, in the name of the crown, you are each allowed to name any two women you come across as your own, to do with as you wish," Frederic responded, quickly.

Without warning, the door opened, which knocked Nicholas down to the ground. When he looked up, he saw a pair of enormous yellow eyes looking down on him in confusion. They belonged to the cat-like man with the brown mane.

"That is my son, Prince Nicholas," Frederic, still inside the room, mumbled to the two alien looking men. "Though what he is doing listening in on our conversation is beyond me."

The massive eyes shifted their gaze from Nicholas to a young woman walked towards them. It was Princess Cecilia, coming to help her younger brother up. She froze when she saw her father in the doorway, with a bunch of others she didn't recognize.

"Her," the lion man said. "I want her, as mine."

Cecilia looked confused, and her face turned to shock when she heard her father say, "Very well."

Before Cecilia could do anything, the lion man leaped over to his sister, and pinned her to the ground. He noticed the lizard looking man walk over, to look at what his feline friend had found.

"My, she is a beauty," Sedisk said, in a hushed whisper. "On second thought, I think we will just take one; her."

"Then go about your business, and see to it your tasks are completed, Sedisk," Frederic told them as he walked away, the robed man following him.

Cecilia was kicking and screaming, causing everyone in the throne room to simply watch. The guards were given orders to not do anything, and the reptilian man had his way with her, while the lion man held her down, in front of everyone, including Nicholas who cried at the sight of it all. After they had finished, and Cecilia was no longer screaming, but crying, did they leave with his sister, and he knew he would probably never see her again. The lizard man left quite a mess, and servants had to come and clean up a small pool of white fluid, as well as blood.

Nicholas was still in tears at what he had just witnessed, and he ran as fast as he could up to his room. He locked the door and knelt down at his bed and prayed. Not to the gods, but to Griloraax.

"Please Griloraax," Nicholas pleaded, while sobbing. "Please don't let them hurt her, I am begging you."

Nicholas didn't hear a response, but he felt the warm presence he had felt before, as if he was loved in someone's eyes. Nicholas got on top of his bed, and curled up into a ball, crying himself to sleep.

Cecilia was carried by the strange looking men to their wooden boat, docked in the port town of Foris. Though many people gave her strange and even pitiful looks, no one did anything. No one would rescue her, and the strange men threw her into a small rowboat. The purple skinned reptilian man rowed the boat, while the strange, lion man forced her to sit on his lap. She felt him getting aroused at how she was struggling, so she just stopped, and decided to accept her fate.

They rowed out to sea for hours, until they reached a large fleet of ships. As Cecilia was brought aboard the biggest vessel, she saw hundreds of eyes belonging to the same races as the two creatures who had taken her, looking at her with amused, curious, and lustful looks.

"That foolish king actually gave us his only daughter, to do with as we please," Sedisk shouted to the crew on board. "But we do not answer to any king; we rape, we plunder, and we kill on no one's orders but our own!"

Cecilia looked around, and saw many smirks and lustful glances directed at her. "We will obey this king until the time is right, and then we shall invade his kingdom, as well, but first," Sedisk paused. "Have a little taste of what is to come on the shore, men."

He pushed Cecilia into the crowd of grasping men, each trying to get ahold of her. Cecilia knew that fighting back would be pointless, so she instead ran right for the largest being she could find. She thought that if she got to one of the big ones, he would want to have her first and make everyone else wait. She was right. She ran into the arms of a large lion man, and he threw a few sailors overboard, defending his prize, until the rest of them got the message.

Cecilia just closed her eyes as the monster poked and prodded her, the creature didn't force her to do anything; he merely grabbed hold of her and didn't let anyone near. "I claim this woman as my own," the man yelled. "I am the greatest warrior among my race, and no one shall touch her but me."

Cecilia was confused, but didn't complain. She felt she was rescued, in a way, and buried her face into the creature's mane, and sobbed. She was surprised when he actually held her close to him, and didn't force himself on her. Instead, he just let her cry, trying to comfort her, much to the disproval of the other sailors.

Chapter 2: A New Clan

Not a week had gone by since moving in, and their cavern underneath the waterfall was already as homely as it could be. Banak and Tavion had finished three beds, one for her, one for Morgan, and one for Seth, and they were working on another that was big enough for Banak. He had also built Kormor a crib made out of wood and twine. It rocked back and forth, and allowed the baby to sleep in peace. Morgan didn't use her bed, as she slept atop Korvorym. Her bed did make a good couch, though, where she could lay and rest. Korvorym never left her side; Percellyma would go out and hunt while they watched the children.

Tavion was helping Banak construct his bed made out of wood, and Morgan just admired the two of them. The girl still could hardly speak, but she had taken an interest in the huge bear, and he in her. Morgan smiled to herself when she saw Tavion reach for a piece of wood, right when Banak had also reached for it, and how they accidentally held hands, and slowly looked at each other in the eyes.

Banak's hand was enormous compared to Tavion's. It was padded, clawed, and furry, while hers was about three times smaller. Banak looked in the wild woman's dark eyes, and they simply stared at one another, until Tavion got red in the face and turned away. Banak knew he was coming out of his shorts, but the girl hadn't noticed just yet. He hadn't mated in months, and hadn't spilled his seed since the day he and Morgan had mated in his home. Just feeling the touch of the wild woman's hands caused him to go over the edge, and he felt a drip of liquid escape from his "second head."

Tavion let out a loud gasp, as she looked at his shorts, and saw the black shaft poking out, the tip wet. The wild woman looked around, and saw Morgan had left the cave. It was just the two of them, now. Tavion knew what she wanted, and what her large friend wanted as well.

Banak was already sitting, and Tavion was close enough to smell the scent his tool was giving off. She didn't care anymore. She may not have understood what he was saying most of the time, but she understood what he desired from her, and she knew what she wanted, as well. She looked up at Banak's face, and saw him simply looking at her in the eyes. Tavion stood up, and removed her strange clothes, so she was completely nude. Banak stared in awe at the sight of her body.

He had expected her to look wild, but her body was smooth; her skin fair. Banak had already taken off his shorts easily, so his black mating tool was pointing directly towards the cavern ceiling, oozing clear fluid. Tavion gently grabbed ahold of it, barely being able to wrap her hands around the width, and leaned her head in, opening her mouth as she squeezed it, and letting the copious amount of clear fluid gush onto her tongue. Banak let out a gasp, and spread his legs as far apart as possible, allowing his furry scrotum to hang and touch the cavern floor.

Tavion grabbed hold of his white, furry balls with one hand, and used the other to stroke his length as she took his spongy head into her mouth. She didn't do this long, as she knew he was very sensitive and wouldn't last. The warmth the shaft was giving off was incredible to Tavion. She was still a virgin, but had been taken advantage of by a monster in her village back in Tiberia. She pulled off his length, and looked up at him. He was looking down at her, with bestial lust in his dark eyes.

Tavion tried to make him understand, "I...Not broken..." was all she could say as she pointed to her genitalia.

Banak easily understood what she meant. He had never been with a virgin, but he needed Tavion right now. He let out a gasp as she stood up, and lowered herself onto him, and spread her legs as wide as she could as she tried to grasp on to his upper belly and lower chest. He noticed how she didn't stop while sliding down his length, even as she let out a wince of pain. Banak felt warm fluid running down his length, probably blood.

Tavion started to bounce up and down atop Banak, and he attempted to thrust into her as well, though it was difficult in his position, but he managed. Banak started to grunt, slowly and low at first, and as the feelings of pleasure and bliss built up, his grunts became louder and faster. His excitement didn't last long; less than a minute until he could no longer hold it back and erupted into her depths. Tavion gasped at the unexpected warmth of liquid entering her, and moaned in ecstasy as he filled her with his warm, sticky fluids, causing large amounts of warm, white liquid to escape and run down his shaft, even as her vagina clamped down, trying to trap his warm fluid inside her. The feeling was too much for her, and she quickly let out a gush of her own fluids, leaving a pool of mixed sexual fluids on Banak's fur and the cavern floor.

He hugged Tavion into his chest, as she gripped his sides and embraced him, not letting go. She could hear his heart thudding inside him, as her face was up against his chest. She leaned up to his head, and awkwardly kissed him on the snout.

The two of them simply stayed in that position; Banak could feel him still inside her, and could even feel fresh fluid escaping his length, despite him starting to soften up. He needed this, and it felt like such a load had been lifted from his shoulders, and more importantly, his scrotum. Although he once loved Morgan, he was starting to feel something incredible develop between him and the barbarian woman.

"Let's do that again soon, Tavion," Banak whispered into her ear. She probably didn't understand him, as she just smiled up at him, and continued to embrace his white, furry chest.

Tavion asked him a question that took Banak by surprise, "We have baby?"

Banak gasped at the thought. He wasn't necessarily ready for children yet, but continued to rub her back, and just said, "I don't know."

He didn't even know if she could carry his child. He heard stories about human women who had gotten pregnant by his kind, but they were just stories, and bad stories, to boot. He had heard the legend of how his race had almost gone extinct.

Morgan carried Kormor outside, to see what Seth, Korvorym and Romurlak were doing. The waterfall crashed down in to a large pool, and Seth was shirtless while swimming. He was holding his wooden spear in his hand, and was demonstrating to Korvorym how spear fishing worked. Korvorym knew how it worked, but if Seth caught him fish while he didn't have to even move, he was fine with it.

Korvorym looked at Morgan and his son in her arms, and smiled. Romurlak was also in the pool, diving for fish, and scaring the ones Seth was trying to spear. Seth didn't have it in him to yell at the hatchling to stop, so he just sighed and went along with it. It was a very nice image, and Morgan wanted to capture it all on paint, so that was what she did. Seth was in one spot for a long time, looking for fish, and Korvorym, now holding his son so Morgan could paint, simply watched Seth attempt to spear at the fish with no avail. Romurlak was the only one not moving, so Morgan just painted him in a dive landing right into the water.

The portrait was perfect, and was definitely one of the best paintings Morgan had done. It was a nice, tranquil scene, and Morgan wanted to put it up next to the portrait of Korvorym she had painted. She took the painting supplies and easel into the cave, and noticed that Tavion and Banak were both sleeping, with her on top of him. The smell of sex and bodily fluids was strong in the cave, so she exited as fast as possible.

When Morgan had entered the cave, Percellyma had returned, carrying two hogs and a moose. The moose was rather large for her, but she managed to bring it back. She started to walk up to the cave entrance when Morgan appeared and told her to drop them outside. Percellyma could smell the inside of the cave, and blushed.

"So the two of them finally mated," she laughed.

Morgan looked back at the dragoness, and simply nodded, a smile forming on her face. The two of them had a bet going on when Banak and Tavion would finally copulate, and Morgan lost the bet. She guessed after a month, whereas Percellyma said less than two weeks. That means that Morgan has to watch Romurlak for an entire day while Percellyma got the day to herself.

The two of them walked back to the pool, and Percellyma roasted the carcasses with fire. Romurlak immediately came scurrying from the water to dig in to one of the hogs, making quite the mess. It made Morgan laugh, until she heard her own son crying. Kormor must be hungry as well, and she noticed that Korvorym looked at Morgan, and stared at her breasts. She took the crying baby, and began to feed him.

Seth turned away, and continued to spear fishes, making only ripples in the water. He saw movement inside the cave, and noticed Banak and Tavion walking outside. Tavion was completely naked, and looked rather sticky. Banak had stained blood on his fur, and Seth only chuckled and went back to spearing. He let out a cry when Banak jumped into the pool, splashing him so his entire head was soaked. Everyone outside only laughed, and Tavion started to clap her hands together when she saw her man emerge from the water carrying three fish; one in his mouth, and one in each of his hands. Banak smiled at the nude woman, while he threw the fish to shore, where they flopped wildly. Seth mumbled to himself when he got out of the pool, dripping wet, as he speared the flopping fish.

"Hey Morgan, do you think you could bread these," Seth asked and turned to Morgan, only to immediately turn away, cursing under his breath when he saw the baby sucking on her left nipple.

Tavion, still nude, burst out laughing, and so did Banak, Korvorym, and Percellyma. Romurlak was still chowing down, and Morgan only shook her head. None of them expected Korvorym to say the next thing.

"Doesn't that hurt you, my sweet," Korvorym asked, with genuine curiosity.

Everyone else, including Seth, turned to Morgan, who simply laughed. "It did at first, but now it just feels... nice," she replied, trying to find the right word.

Korvorym rubbed his head against Morgan's shoulder, and laughed when his son gave a loud belch, which caused everyone to smile. Tavion yelled some foreign word, and Banak turned just in time to catch her as she jumped at him in the pool. The two of them made out in the water, until Tavion started to wash herself, as well as Banak, with a rag.

Seth and Morgan were now eating some of the burned food, now that Romurlak got back in the pool, pestering Banak and Tavion endlessly. The hatchling still hasn't said a word yet, and Morgan wondered if that was normal. He was about the size of a medium sized dog now.

After eating, Seth started to peel the scales off the fish he had speared, thanks to Banak. Banak had continued to throw seven more fish at Seth, which he continued to gut with a basic knife. Hog and moose for lunch, and it looked like fish was for dinner, Morgan thought.

This was the life Morgan had dreamed of; being with her friends, living off the land, away from settlements. She felt so warm inside, and she saw them all as a family; a clan.

The Waterfall Cave Clan.

Morgan looked at Korvorym, and saw the way he was looking at her. She wasn't sure she could mate just yet; she was still very sore and just moving around hurt her. But there was no reason she couldn't tend to the needs of her lover. She turned to Percellyma, who simply nodded.

"I will watch Kormor, and he, Romurlak, and I will take a nap inside." Percellyma shook her head, smiling.

Morgan walked to the cave with Percellyma and Romurlak, while holding Kormor. Thankfully, the scent of sex had aired out from the cave, and she gently put Kormor in his crib, and kissed him on the forehead; his yellow eyes looking back at her. Percellyma and Romurlak curled up beside the cradle, and started to doze off.

Morgan returned outside, and saw Seth was now in the pool with Banak and Tavion, and they appeared to be having a splashing fight. She smiled at them, until she reached Kor. The two of them followed the stream, until they were deeper into the woods. They came to a small clearing, and Morgan noticed he was already leaking and ready to mate.

"Kor, I don't know if I am ready to be penetrated again, but I have something else in mind," she told her mate, while slightly raising an eyebrow.

Korvorym only stared at her, his eyes filled with lust, as well as sorrow. Morgan looked up at him, confused. "What's wrong, Kor?"

Korvorym let out a sigh. "Everything Griloraax said was true, Morgan," he said quietly. "I want to tell you what I did, and if you forgive me, then I will happily be pleasured by you," he said, the last part with a smirk.

"Alright, alright, don't get cute," Morgan laughed as she folded her arms around her chest.

Korvorym told Morgan everything, how he laughed at the screams of the burning men, women, and children, and how he showed little remorse in doing what he did. His voice was full of shame, and he sounded completely disappointed in himself. To Korvorym, however, he didn't regret what he did.

"I wanted to make their people suffer, as they made the people of Tiberia suffer, Morgan."

Morgan was taken aback. She didn't judge him for doing what he thought was justifiable, but he had single-handedly killed tens of thousands of innocents. She looked around the clearing they were in. It reminded her of the clearing they had found back in Lyria, where she found the pistachio trees. She didn't care what her mate had done. If he were her husband she would have sworn an oath to be with him no matter what he had done. She had already strayed from that path once, and she didn't intend to do it again.

Korvorym was completely surprised to feel a familiar touch on his neck, and he looked down to see Morgan looking back up at him; deep blue eyes staring right back into his own yellow ones. Korvorym hadn't mated in over ten months, although he had masturbated quite a few times into Morgan's wool shirt; ironically the same one she was wearing now, only cleaned.

Morgan disappeared underneath Kor, and he decided to just close his eyes, and let her do her thing. He felt her touch his organ, and stroke it up and down. He then felt her warm, wet mouth around his spear-shaped head, and snarled, not in anger, but in pleasure. He hadn't felt another touch him like this in so long.

The two of them didn't want to be gone long, so Morgan tried to finish him off as quickly as she could. She got down on her knees, so she was rooted firmly in place, and Korvorym lowed himself a bit, as well. He then started to thrust into her a tiny bit, as if he were mounting a female. Morgan could only fit his head into her mouth, but she knew the purplish bumps around the base of his organ were sensitive, as was the slit where it hid. She rubbed both of these with her hands, and he thrusted into her mouth faster, and harder, until he soon roared and burst into her mouth.

Morgan was sure the other's back home could hear him roar; they were only about ten minutes away from the cave. She swallowed as much of it as she could, until she was forced pull her head back so she wouldn't choke. He continued to explode onto her face, until her head was covered in the hot, sticky stuff. She knew he loved the way she looked when he splattered her in his seed, so she decided to put on a little show.

She came out from under him, and saw his tongue hanging out from his mouth. Her look immediately caught his attention as he let out a small chuckle. Morgan then started to rub his fluid all over her face, as if it were a lotion. She rubbed some of it to her mouth, where she licked and swallowed it. Korvorym just stared at her intently, and Morgan saw he was slowly getting hard again. Although she was slightly grossed out by it, she was having a bit of fun as well. She wasn't ready to be pleasured yet, however.

"This was fun," Morgan said quietly, as she made her way over to the stream, and rinsed her face and hair off.

Korvorym simply made a funny noise, and got his foot wet. He then washed his mating organ off; he didn't want to smell funny in front of the others. Besides, Banak already did a good job of stinking up the den, from what he heard. Korvorym grabbed Morgan, and spun her around, causing a look of surprise to form on her face. He then gave her a smooch on the lips and the two of them made out for several minutes. Korvorym could taste a bit of himself in her mouth, but he didn't care. He loved tasting her tongue with his own.

Morgan felt dizzy afterwards, and felt herself getting wet. Now was not the time for her, though. She still hurt from time to time, and she wanted to heal completely before she would receive pleasure from Kor. The two of them started to head back; Morgan riding atop Kor's back, but they walked, not flew.

"Kor, I need to tell you something. Back in Nomas, a few days before you returned," she began, ducking slightly down to avoid getting hit by a tree branch. "Griloraax told me you were dead."

Korvorym didn't respond. He loved Griloraax; he was the father he never had, and he was still upset at how angry he got with him. The fact he told Morgan that he was dead didn't sit well with him either.

"Well, he was wrong, my love." Korvorym was puzzled; Griloraax was rarely, if ever, wrong.

Morgan noticed a few new scars on her mate. She had noticed many scars on his wings, as well as a shattered scale on his chest. The scale he had peeled off of himself to give to her had grown back, looking shiny and new. Morgan simply sprawled out on his back, hugging him hard. She had missed him so much these past few months, and just being back in his presence made her feel whole again. She had an ailment, and he was the cure she desperately needed.

"Korvorym," Morgan whispered to her lover, as he walked up the stream with her on his back. "What went wrong? How did Tiberia lose?"

Korvorym sighed. He knew his mate would ask him about the fighting sooner or later. He saw her looking at his fresh scars, and saw the way she winced at them. "To be honest, Morgan, I am not sure."

"At first, we did everything right. We won a huge victory, and it just went downhill from there, I guess," Korvorym said softly.

"Buldurak fell in love with the Queen, and she returned his love," Korvorym laughed. "He even gave her the White Crown, and she accepted it."

Morgan was silent for a long time. He must have seen herself every time he looked at his brother and the Queen, and it made her feel guilty. None of this should have happened.

Korvorym broke the silence. "Seth told me they had them both attached to some machine with a funny name, and how he saw the blade come down, killing my brother in front of a crowd."

Morgan gulped. She had seen an execution take place once when she was a girl, only it was death by hanging, not by guillotine. She wasn't sure how she thought about executions. She knew they were necessary, at times, but did Valarie and Buldurak truly deserve that fate?

"He also said he heard the second blade come down when he was leaving," Korvorym added, sorrow creeping into his voice. "They are both dead now, but I know they will find each other in the afterlife."

Morgan tried to think of other things. She had cried enough these past few months, more than the average person probably cries in a lifetime. They were still a few minutes away from the cave, so Morgan decided to tell Korvorym something of her own. She didn't want to hide it any longer.

"While you were away, Banak and I..." Morgan stopped, unsure how to proceed. "I was so...Korvorym, I didn't mean for it to...."

"I know, Morgan," Korvorym laughed. He wasn't upset at all. "Banak actually told me; he said you embarrassed him in front of every dragon when you told him to leave you alone."

"Still, if you were human, you could kill me for not being faithful, you know," Morgan chuckled, rather nervously.

"I'm back, Morgan," Korvorym turned his neck back so he could nudge her with his head, and kissed her on the face. He meant to kiss her on the forehead, but she looked up right at the last second. The two of them laughed at the awkward kiss. "I'll never leave your side for that long again."

They reached the pool where only Tavion was visible. She was still nude, and smiled at them when they returned. Morgan made a mental note to herself to let Tavion wear some of her clothes. The nude woman got out of the pool, soaking wet. Tavion's brown hair looked black when it was wet, and it actually looked nice when it wasn't all wild and all over the place.

Morgan looked at the wet, naked woman. "Where are Banak and Seth," she asked as she dismounted Korvorym.

Tavion didn't seem to understand, but she looked to her left, and pointed. "Ba...Nak," she said as she sounded out the name. It sounded funny, but Morgan didn't laugh, and instead looked at where she was pointing.

Morgan saw Seth pulling out weeds, roots, and grass from the ground not far from them, and saw Banak completely knocking over trees with his huge body; his muscles were actually bulging underneath his white fur.

"I am going to go check on Kormor, Mor," Korvorym told her while he rubbed his snout to her face.

Morgan kissed him on the nose and rubbed the side of his face. She smiled at her love, and then started to walk to where the guys were. Tavion followed her, still nude. Morgan felt a bit bad for Seth, it was as if the wild woman was unknowingly flaunting her body to him, but he didn't seem to really mind.

Tavion sprinted to Banak, and leaped onto his back, or more accurately, his lower back. He turned around and picked her up, and set her atop his shoulders. Banak wasn't wearing any coverings as well, but his fur actually covered himself up rather well. However, Morgan could see his scrotum.

"Clearing the area, Morgan," Banak said, in between labored breaths. "Seth and I think it would be a good idea to build a field to plant crops."

Morgan actually thought that was an amazing idea, although she wasn't sure where they would get seeds. "Sounds amazing; corn, tomatoes, pumpkins, wheat," Morgan replied. She smiled at how Tavion was petting Banak's head, in between his round ears. She noticed how he shut his eyes, and sighed.

Banak told Morgan how he planned to build a little hut, right outside the cave, where he and Tavion would live. "Just so we can have our privacy," the huge, white bear said, while smirking.

"I am so happy for the two of you, Banak," Morgan smiled. Morgan was still a bit aroused from earlier, and the sight of Banak starting to show down below, no doubt because of Tavion rubbing his head, forced her to walk over to Seth, where she helped him pull out grass and roots.

The nude woman jumped off Banak, and noticed his little issue. With a laugh, she grabbed him by the hands and led him into the woods. Seth and Morgan just looked at each other and laughed.

"They're... cute," Seth told Morgan, still smiling.

Morgan just chuckled, and nodded. "Seth, I saw the way you were looking at Percellyma," Morgan whispered. "You should ask her, you know she had a human lover before."

Seth froze. His face reddened with embarrassment. "I have no idea what you are talking about," he said slowly, and continued to pull the roots and weeds from the ground.

That was fine, if Seth didn't want to talk about it, Morgan wouldn't continue to pry. It was none of her business, after all. They continued to pull roots and weeds from the ground for another hour. They cleared a large spot, when Seth finally spoke.

"She is beautiful," Seth stared at the ground. "She is strong, passionate, brave, and kind."

Morgan thought about it. She could tell Seth that he could simply ask her if she was interested, but knowing Seth, he probably feared rejection. Morgan stared at her oldest friend. He was always strong looking, but from being in a war, his body improved tremendously. He was probably the strongest looking human she had ever seen, at least. Seth now had long hair, from going so long without getting it cut, but was completely clean shaven. Morgan wasn't sure how he shaved, but he managed. He probably shaved just like she did, with a very sharp knife, though using a knife on the face seemed a bit scary to Morgan.

The bad thing about living the life of isolation was the lack of hygiene products. Morgan ran out of soap, so the only way to get clean was to simply get wet and scrub. Shaving her legs and underarms were rather difficult. Hair rarely grew on her legs or under her arms, but she still had to groom herself. Tavion was lucky, as far as Morgan was concerned. She didn't have under arm hair, or hair on her legs. Morgan wasn't entirely sure why, but she envied the wild woman for it.

Banak and Tavion returned, giggling to each other. Banak no longer had a "throbbing" issue, and Tavion looked a little sticky again. The wild woman headed back to the pool, where she jumped in to wash herself a second time. Banak got on all fours, and started to help them out. Tavion eventually came over to help as well, once she cleaned herself u, but it didn't take long for her to get dirty again from working in the dirt.

After a while, they stopped, and headed for the pool again to clean themselves off before supper. It was a hot day, and the cool water felt good against Morgan's skin. She wondered what Korvorym was doing, and why he didn't come out to help them. Morgan, Tavion, and Seth were all nude now, but Morgan felt awkward around Seth, and he around her. They both got over their modesty, and started to clean themselves.

"Sharing a pool with two, gorgeous women," Banak said out loud. "Now Seth, hurry up and get out and leave us alone for an hour or two," Banak winked at Seth.

Seth and Morgan both let out nervous laughter, while Tavion just wondered around the pool aimlessly. At the deepest parts of the pool, the three humans could hardly stand and not be completely underwater, however, the water only came up to Banak's mid-section when he was in the deepest part.

After they dried off, the four of them headed into the cavern beneath the waterfall, and Morgan's heart warmed at the sight. Percellyma and Romurlak were still taking a nap, and Korvorym was on his back, sleeping, with baby Kormor on his chest, also fast asleep. Morgan simply soaked in the image for a few moments, as did the three other bipeds.

Seth was carrying a platter of fish fillet, and he slowly walked over to the oven, where he set the platter down. He wasn't as quiet enough, and the sleeping dragons woke up at the sound of his footsteps. Romurlak charged at Seth, jumping at him trying to get the fish, and Percellyma had to hold him back. Seth was used to it, and didn't appear scared or frightened at all; he threw a fish at Romurlak, which he devoured in two bites.

Morgan kissed her love, as well as Kormor on the forehead. "Did my boys sleep well," Morgan asked them softly, while picking up Kormor.

Korvorym simply yawned and groaned, and rolled over, only to shut his eyes again. Morgan rolled her eyes, and turned away. She set Kormor in his crib, and he only looked back at her with a smile. He was a good baby. He hardly ever cried, only when he was hungry or when he needed to be washed.

Seth looked at Percellyma, who only smiled back. "Percellyma, I am thinking of making my way to a nearby human settlement to buy some supplies, like seeds and farming tools," Seth told the dragoness. "I was thinking that maybe you could fly me near one of the settlements, some time; just the two of us."

Everyone in the cavern got a bit quiet, and Percellyma looked a bit taken aback. "I suppose I could do that," she replied slowly, staring at Seth with suspicion.

Seth smiled at the dragoness. "Okay, let me go get some money, and I will be ready." Seth ran into the smaller chamber where the small hoard was located.

Percellyma looked a bit stunned. "What, right now?"

Seth only nodded, and had already returned to the main chamber, his pockets full of gold coins. "Let's go, Blue."

Percellyma chuckled. "It's Blue, now?"

Percellyma kissed Romurlak, and the two of them walked off, and Percellyma told everyone they would be back by nightfall. The sounds of wingbeats could be heard, but slowly faded into the distance. Morgan told Banak to try to get Tavion to wear some of her clothes, to see if they would fit.

"Aw, but I like her nude." Banak smiled. He looked at his nude girl, who was putting the painting up of the clan by the pool Morgan had painted earlier.

Even though she and Banak weren't in the painting, she set it up next to the portrait Morgan had painted of Kor. They didn't have any frames or any tools to hang them on the wall, so right now they were just lying awkwardly at the base of one of the walls of the cavern. Tavion seemed to take a liking to the painting, and was delighted when Morgan mentioned she could paint her sometime. It took a few minutes for Morgan to explain what she meant, but Tavion understood.

Morgan started her oven up, and while it heated, started to bread the fish Banak had caught earlier. Even though Seth filleted them, Banak was the one who caught them, relatively easy. Morgan didn't really care for fish. She no longer craved them like she did when she was pregnant, so Tavion and Banak would each get three pieces, and when Seth returned, he would also get three pieces. Korvorym didn't want any; he was going to go hunting for himself soon, and Percellyma mentioned she was good, before leaving with Seth.

Banak and Tavion took their fish, and ate outside, by the falls, while Morgan, Kor, Kormor, and Romurlak stayed inside the cavern. The enormous white bear and the small, still nude woman sat side by side on a rock, occasionally getting splashed by the falls. Tavion picked up one of Banak's fish, and gently fed him. He took it from her hands, and she giggled, while he chewed the breaded fish, and swallowed.

Banak did the same thing to Tavion; he lifted one of her pieces of fish, and dangled it in front of her mouth, but she could only take a bite of it, and not eat the entire thing. Banak didn't mind, and continued to feed her the rest of her fish like this. She then did the same thing to him again, and repeated this method until they were out of food. Tavion then scooted closer to Banak, where she hugged his side, and he raised his arm to squeeze her closer to him.

They saw Korvorym fly out of the cave; hunting for dinner for he and Morgan, and even Romurlak, even though he already had a fish. Banak and Tavion looked at the sun, as it was slowly setting. They continued to watch until it finally went down, and Korvorym returned carrying two dead stags, and even a wild turkey in his mouth.

Percellyma and Seth flew to the East, looking for any signs of settlements. Seth slowly rubbed her back, which she enjoyed immensely. They finally spotted a small farming village in the distance, and Percellyma started to fly low, to avoid being seen.

It was starting to get dark now, and Percellyma told Seth she would be watching the village, and would come to pick him up when he left. He wasn't entirely sure how she would be able to see him, but decided not to question her, and started to walk towards the village.

It was a small farming settlement, growing food for major cities and towns in the kingdom. There were only a few buildings, but there was a tavern, as well. That was where Seth headed, as farmers who would be able to sell him seeds would probably head to a tavern after working the fields all day.

The name of the tavern confused Seth. "The Dancing Molly" and the sign was an overweight woman in a dancing outfit. Seth headed into the tavern, and saw it was rather crowded. In the center of the tavern, there was a stage where an obese woman was dancing in a strange, revealing outfit.

Seth approached the bartender, a tall, burly man with a balding head and an enormous mustache. The man nodded at Seth as he approached.

"What can I get for you, sir," the burly man asked Seth, in a husky voice.

"Actually, I was wondering if you could tell me any news from Tiberia, and the Northern kingdoms." Seth stared at the bartender intently. He wanted to hear just what was going on in the north.

The man looked Seth up and down, and looked up at the roof, as if he was trying to think of some news he had heard from travelers. "Heard the Queen of Tiberia was executed, and the kingdom was given to savages, courtesy of that fool of a king, Frederic," he whispered to Seth.

Seth only nodded; he knew that already. The bartender was quiet again, but looked to still be thinking of some things. "I heard Ondinium was burned to the ground by a dragon, as well as the capital of Delinor," the burly man said, then let out a gasp, as if he just thought of something.

"I also heard a coastal terror had invaded Delinor." The bartender's eyes were wide, "Monsters that sailed across the ocean, looting, raping, and enslaving the folks of Delinor, although if you ask me, they had it coming; snobbish pricks, the lot of them."

That was news to Seth. No one had ever sailed across the ocean, and Seth was told that if you sailed too far, you would fall off the earth, but he didn't believe that. Seth asked the bartender where some farmers were, and he pointed him in their direction; sipping ale and mead at a table, while watching the obese woman dance exotically.

Seth was given pouches of pumpkin seeds, tomato seeds, cabbage seeds, turnip seeds and carrot seeds. Seth asked the farmers if they could sell him potato seeds, but they just looked at him and laughed so hard, the entire tavern shook. He knew potatoes technically didn't have seeds, but he didn't think it was that amusing. The farmers even gave him the turnip seeds for free, telling him no one in the village likes turnips.

Seth left the village, and when he walked about half a mile away, Percellyma swooped down in front of him. Although she had a bit of a laugh at how she scared him, Seth told her everything he learned in the tavern, and the two of them headed home. Seth even flirted with her, albeit unknowingly, on their return trip.

Chapter 3: Rescued

Now that his father was away on another military campaign, this time invading Delinor, Prince Nicholas and his mother could finally breathe easy, although his mother hasn't been the same since Cecilia was given to those monsters like a toy. Queen Brenda was so distraught over losing her daughter, she locked herself in her room for a week, which meant ruling the kingdom fell to Nicholas.

Despite only being ten years old, Nicholas was a much better ruler than his father could ever be. His first action as acting king was to take down the mounted head of Buldurak, as well as remove the decaying head of Queen Valarie. He ordered both the heads to be moved to the courtyard, where he ordered a large pyre to be built.

He had the heads of the dragon and the Queen of Tiberia placed on the pyre, and had it set alight. Nicholas remembered in a book he read about dragons that they liked to be burned, not buried. Even though the Queen was a human, he decided it would be a good gesture for them both to be burned together, as they were lovers. Nicholas knew his father would be livid at him for doing this, but he was his father's only son, and heir to the kingdom, so he had to deal with it.

That night, Nicholas felt the warmth enter his body again, and heard the familiar voice of Griloraax. "Thank you for doing that Nicholas, they can finally be at peace, now," Griloraax told him faintly. Before Nicholas could respond, he felt the warmth leave his body.

The next thing Prince Nicholas did as acting king was to use funds from the treasury to feed and clothe the wounded people of Ondinium, as well as start to rebuild the city. The Kingdom of Garavor was the richest kingdom on the continent of Alshen, and their treasury was so full, the sum required of reconstructing the city, and feed and give medical attention, as well as clothes to the wounded from the dragon attack barely even put a dent in their coffers.

Prince Nicholas opened the first three levels of the palace to the survivors, and let them sleep in any bed they could find that was unoccupied. This made the guards, and especially the royal guards, very nervous, and they were on alert at all times for thieves. It was because of this act, that Nicholas met Carley, a little girl who was orphaned from the attack, and who was suffering from minor wounds after her parent's house collapsed on them. Even though she was a peasant, Nicholas found himself developing a child-like crush on the girl.

Carley was nine years old, and had shoulder-length brown hair, as well as brown eyes. Her skin was fair colored, but from working outside with her parents, it was tan. Nicholas felt awful for the girl. She had no family left, and the orphanage had burned down during the attack, so she had nowhere to go.

The two of them made quite the pair. At first, Carley wouldn't look at Nicholas, as she knew he was the prince of the kingdom. Her parents had taught her to never look at nobility, as it was disrespectful for peasants to gaze at their betters. Nicholas assured her it was alright, and the two of them quickly became friends.

His father never allowed Nicholas to have friends his own age, so it was completely new for him to act like a kid. The two of them ran around the ruined city, which was now bustling with activity as craftsmen and builders arrived to repair the damage. They found a cart belonging to a female merchant who was giving out free sweets to the wounded. She quickly spotted the two youngsters, and gave them both a slice of cake. Nicholas had plenty of food in the palace, so he gave his to Carley, leaving her with two pieces of cake. The skinny and hungry girl scarfed the food down in seconds

. The two of them continued to run around, until they found the ruins of the old toy store that Nicholas had bought his dragons at. Everything inside was charred, and no toys, dragon or otherwise, survived. The two of them said a speech about how the toys were in a better place and would be missed, and Carley put a flower at the entryway where the door had been.

It was starting to get late, so Nicholas invited Carley to the palace. As acting king, no guard or servant would give her trouble, as long as she wore a badge that gave her permission to wander around. He pinned the badge to her shirt, and the two of them went into the kitchens.

The cooks in the kitchen seemed surprised to see the prince and a random little girl walking around. The cooks were working overtime, making enough food for everyone who needed it, but tolerated the two children as they walked around, putting food on plates. The two of them then made their way up the many stairs to the seventh floor.

They dined in the small dining room on the seventh floor, just the two of them, however if his mother left her bedroom, she would see them right away. The room was small, but was well lit. It had three windows, all lining the back wall, near the table. There were two portraits of men Nicholas didn't recognize on the wall, staring at them. The table had only four chairs. Nicholas didn't think his mother would mind; she was a caring woman, and completely different than his father.

His mother must have heard the two children enjoying themselves, and she opened the door, peeking her head out. Nicholas slowly turned his head up, expecting anger to be seen in his mother's face, but instead she smiled. She looked like a wreck. The queen had been crying for a week; not eating or bathing. Carley turned away when she felt the Queen look at her, but Nicholas told her it was okay.

Queen Brenda sat down with the two children, and ate with them. She didn't eat much, and eventually excused herself, as she headed back into her bedroom, not to cry, but to clean herself up. Nicholas told Carley what had happened to his sister, and she was saddened to hear about it.

The table was full of food. There were two large bowls of mashed potatoes, and three smaller bowls of gravy. They had a platter of seven rolls, all stacked up, with some butter and a knife to spread it with. They had an entire jug of Nicholas' favorite drink, apple cider, as well as a jug of water. Off to the side, there was a stuffed turkey, with stuffing pouring out of it. Cooked, buttered carrots were in a glass bowl next to the turkey, and in the center of the table was a warm, apple pie.

The two children had already eaten a few plates of food, when Carley looked at Nicholas. "I had a sister, but she was murdered by angry men when I was little," she said, very softly.

Nicholas looked at her, and saw the sadness in her eyes. He was sad, as well. His sister was the only friend he had, and although she was older than he was, he always looked out for her as if she was a younger sister.

Nicholas stood up, and walked over to the window. They were very high up, however it was black outside, and he couldn't really get a good view unless he opened the window. It was rather chilly out, so he decided not to, and walked with Carley downstairs. The two of them had eaten quite a bit, and were both stuffed.

Nicholas led her into his room, and showed her where his bathtub was, which he quickly filled with warm water, and lit the fireplace. The girl had never seen a room so decorated, and her eyes lit up at the sight of it all. She looked at every little detail in the room, studying everything carefully.

"Take a bath Carley," he told her. "I will be back up here soon, but I have to go check in with Aston."

Carley saw the disgust he put on the name of Aston, and giggled a bit. He was probably some silly old man who treated him like a child. She nodded at the prince, and he left the room, and shut the door.

Carley got in the tub, and started to wash herself. She wasn't sure why the Prince of Garavor was treating her, a peasant, like this. She had heard stories about the King, and was worried he might come back. Nicholas mentioned to her he wouldn't be back in many months, but the thought still worried her, as well as it did him. While she bathed, she thought of her parents, as well as her sister who was long dead. She cried; her tears adding to the soapy water.

Nicholas walked into the throne room, and saw Aston gawking at the homeless peasants wandering around. Nicholas hated that man with a passion. If he were still alive when he became king, the first thing he would do would be to exile him to some faraway land. The way he treated his sister infuriated him.

"Aston." Nicholas yelled from across the throne room. He wouldn't walk over to that creepy old man. That creepy old man would come to him.

Aston slowly walked across the throne room, until he was face to face with the Prince. "Is there anything I should know about," Nicholas asked the advisor, sounding as kingly as he could, but his voice cracked and he messed up.

Nicholas could tell Aston was laughing at him just by looking into the old fool's eyes. He wanted to tell him off right then and there, but decided against it.

Nicholas looked back at the man. "Well?"

As if coming out of some stupor, Aston finally responded. "Oh, yes, my Prince," Aston mumbled. "I think this peasant rabble should be disbanded, and set back outside."

"No, Aston, these people have lost everything, and the palace will shelter them until their homes are rebuilt," Nicholas stared directly into the man's eyes. "None of these people will be asked to leave. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes. Yes you do, my liege," Aston's face darkened; his voice sounding annoyed. "Now, if you will excuse me."

Aston stumbled, and tripped. He accidentally cut Nicholas with a pin, causing him to bleed. Despite wincing, it was only a cut, so he told him to go about his business.

Aston walked off, probably to intimidate the people who had lost everything. Nicholas only shook his head. It was fun to give that man a taste of his own medicine. Nicholas spun around and started to head for the staircase, when he saw his mother, the Queen, walk down the steps.

She looked beautiful, and looked nothing like she did upstairs. She walked over to her son, and gave him a motherly kiss on the forehead. "Thank you, for treating these people with respect," Brenda thanked her son. "You will be an amazing king one day."

His mother leaned in closer to him, and whispered, "The sooner that day comes, the better."

Nicholas headed back upstairs to his room, and saw Carley fast asleep, in his bed. Nicholas was a bit taken aback; he told her she could have her own room down the hall, not his! He didn't want to sleep in another bed, so he climbed into bed with Carley, and he dozed off quickly.

Aston made his way down to the dungeons, where he met with the apothecary. He didn't care for the man. He was pale, and had greasy, black hair. The years spent in the dungeon turned his skin a pasty white, and he wasn't exactly a pleasant man to be around, as well. However, Aston needed his assistance.

"Aston," the apothecary said quietly. "Why do you disturb me while I am performing my experiments?"

"I want you to take a look at this, sir," Aston replied as he slowly walked over to where the apothecary was, standing over a desk covered in beakers and lab equipment, some of the beakers were bubbling, and some were still.

Aston handed the apothecary the pin which had Prince Nicholas' blood stains on it. The apothecary took the pin from the old man's hand, and made his way over to another desk, where a small cauldron was on a stove. The cauldron contained what appeared to be water, but Aston knew it was probably some magical concoction.

The apothecary dropped the blood stained pin into the cauldron, which started to bubble up, and the liquid inside changed to a red color.

"Dragon's blood," the apothecary said in amazement. "Where did you get this?"

Aston had a feeling it was true. He remembered the stories of Queen Brenda having a dragon as a friend. She was from Lyria, so he wouldn't put it past the whore to mate with the monsters. But Nicholas was only ten, and she had been married to Frederic for more than 25 years. That must mean that she continued to see the dragon in secret. The Queen had committed treason, not to the country, but to the King.

"I want you to keep this between us, my friend," Aston stared at the greasy man. "That blood belongs to the Prince. You know what that means."

The pale man only bobbed his head back and forth. He had no interest in such matters to begin with, but Queen Brenda treated him with respect, so he was a bit upset at what Aston would do with this information. "Is that all you wanted, Aston? If so, I ask that you leave. I have experiments and work to do."

Aston bowed, and walked back upstairs. He walked to a podium, where he hastily wrote a message, then ran to the raven nest. The king had to be informed immediately.

The following day, the throne room was bustling with activity. Prince Nicholas sat atop the throne, and was holding court. Usually, his mother, the Queen, would be holding court while the King was absent; however, Queen Brenda transferred the responsibility of ruling the kingdom to her son, to see how he would do. She was amazed at how kingly he was, despite still being a child. However, she knew the reason why he was like this.

After Cecilia was born, Frederic was adamant for a male heir, however, he never touched Brenda. He would only spend time with his mistresses. Before becoming Queen, Brenda had a good friend from Lyria. An old love interest, before her father had her marry Frederick, then the Prince of Garavor.

Every night, she would pray to any god that would listen for help. She wanted a son, but not of Frederic's blood. One night, her prayers were answered when the King was out touring the Kingdom. Her old friend from Lyria, a green scaled dragon named Arskorvar flew to the seventh floor balcony of the palace, under the cover of night. He somehow knew she was crying, and claimed he was sent by some dragon god.

Queen Brenda felt badly for her friend. She knew he had a family and a mate of his own, but yet he came to her, and he seeded her. How it happened, Brenda still wasn't sure to this day. Her son has many characteristics of her old lover. He has the same courage, honor, and kindness, as well as the same eye color. Frederic has none of these characteristics, except perhaps courage, but in a foolhardy sort of way.

Seeing her son holding court made her miss her old friend so much more. If only he could see how his son was. He would make him so proud, she was sure of it. Brenda hadn't seen Arskorvar since the night they mated, and she hoped he was still alive and well. Saying goodbye to him after that night was one of the most difficult moments of her life.

Still, Brenda was proud of how Cecilia turned out, despite being Frederic's child. She missed her daughter with all her heart, and she hated her husband for giving her away like a common slave. Brenda was snapped out of her daze as she heard applause from the crowd. They were applauding her son.

She knew the people loved Nicholas more than Frederic, despite him only being a boy. She knew, deep down, nearly everybody in the kingdom was ready for a new monarch to rule. And if everything went as planned, that would be happening soon.

The applause died down as armored men entered the throne room. The walked up the velvet carpet, until they were within speaking distance of Nicholas. Brenda recognized these men; dragon slayers.

"My Prince Nicholas," the lead armored man said while giving a deep bow. "Our dragon hunting campaigns go well."

Prince Nicholas only glared at the men for what seemed like hours. "How many have you slain," he finally asked.

"We have slayed over 40 since the city burned, my Prince," the lead armored man told the Prince. "That means 40,000 gold; we have the skulls as proof."

Prince Nicholas looked away, trying to hold back tears. He didn't want to pay these men for murder. However, his father had already issued the order, and he had no choice.

"Very well," Nicholas said, defeated. "Lyle, see to it that these men are paid accordingly."

The treasurer, Lyle, nodded, and headed upstairs.

"There is more, my Prince," the lead dragon slayer said, in a voice full of happiness. He was beaming at Nicholas now. "We have captured a live one, as well, and he is outside."

Prince Nicholas nearly leaped out of the throne. He looked at his mother, and saw she was frowning. Nicholas stood up, as the man continued to speak.

"I know your father, the king, said just their heads," the armored man said quickly. "But we figured the prince would like to execute this one himself."

"Where is he," Nicholas said loudly, nearly before the dragon slayer could finish his sentence. "The dragon," he added.

"In the courtyard, my Prince," his voice filled with sick pleasure.

Nicholas started to walk towards the large stone doors that lead outside, and everyone in the throne room followed him. There were lots of chatting, Nicholas heard some voices calling for the beasts' execution immediately, but he knew what he was going to do. He intended to do it in front of everyone so they could see just how he intended to treat dragons once he was king.

Outside, Nicholas saw the dragon tied down. He was small looking, and Nicholas figured he was an adolescent, probably not much older than he was, at least in dragon terms. The dragon was green colored, with a tan belly. He had horns coming out of his head, but they didn't look like they were fully grown yet. His tail was long and dangerous looking, despite his size. He had green eyes, and they looked at the approaching Prince and the mob of humans marching behind him with fear. As the Prince got closer, the green colored dragon froze and looked at the Prince with astonishment. He tried to talk, but his mouth was muzzled shut with some large, metal clamp.

Prince Nicholas got as close to the adolescent dragon as he could, and heard his mother gasp, no doubt due to how close he was to it. He looked at his mom stare at the dragon with amazement. She took her eyes off the adolescent dragon, and ran over to her son.

"Show this creature mercy," she pleaded with her son. "He didn't burn our city down, Nicholas."

Nicholas looked down at the dragon, which was sniffing the air in Nicholas' direction. Nicholas still saw astonishment in his eyes. He couldn't take his eyes off the Prince's own green eyes, and Nicholas looked back into them. The eyes looked so familiar.

"I demand this creature be set free," Nicholas yelled.

The crowd yelled back in disproval. He heard boo's and many angry words, but the royal guards were shoving the people back. A man came over, and gave Nicholas the key.

"You couldn't pay me enough to unlock the cage of a dragon, my Prince," the man said as he cowered away from the dragon, not taking his eyes off it.

Nicholas unlocked the dragon's muzzle, so the frightened thing could speak. Instead, the green dragon just stared into Nicholas' eyes. Other men started to unlock the straps holding the dragon down, until he was completely free to fly away. Instead, he continued to gaze at Nicholas.

The dragon finally looked at the Queen, who was also staring at the green dragon. She knew he was Arskorvar's son. She knew the reason the dragon was staring at Nicholas was because he knew he was looking at his brother.

Without warning, the adolescent green dragon grabbed Nicholas, and took to the skies, much to the screams of the mob on the ground. Queen Brenda didn't scream. She knew that he would be okay. She knew he was going to see his true father, the one who sired him.

Nicholas didn't scream. He wasn't terrified. This was what he always wanted. He prayed to be rescued by a dragon, and his prayer was answered. He was a little concerned, however.

Every time he tried to speak to the dragon, he didn't respond. He didn't even acknowledge him. In fact, Nicholas was a little worried the dragon may accidentally let him go, forgetting that he was even there.

The view from this high up was incredible. Nicholas could see the port city of Foris in the distance, the haunted forest to the east, the paved royal highway leading to other cities in the kingdom, and he could see the Gorvar river, leading into Ondinium, and out towards the sea. A few times, they flew through a cloud, and Nicholas was astonished to discover clouds weren't solid. He often thought about walking atop a fluffy cloud when he was younger.

They flew to a mountain, not too far away. Ondinium could be seen in the distance, but only just. They flew around the mountain for a little while, until the dragon descended, and flew into a cave. Nicholas was a bit worried now; two enormous dragons looked at him.

One was enormous, his skin was also green, and Nicholas assumed this must be the father of his rescuer. There was a slightly smaller, more feminine looking one with black skin.

"Taliskyrm, we heard you had been captured," the large female said with shock as the adolescent dragon walked towards them, still carrying Nicholas.

"I am okay, mother," the adolescent carrying Nicholas said quietly. "The Prince of Garavor actually saved me, but there is something strange about him."

Nicholas heard a gasp from the largest dragon in the room, and saw him approach Nicholas, slowly. He lowered his head, and looked at Nicholas face to face. Nicholas was actually frightened now. All that dragon had to do was open his mouth a tiny bit, and it would be over for Nicholas. Nicholas could feel his hot breath on him, sniffing him.

Nicholas kept his eyes closed, and started to tear up. He loved dragons, and wasn't exactly expecting to be devoured by his favorite living thing to ever exist. He heard the adolescent dragon that brought him here say something that confused him.

"That boy isn't a human, he smells like us," the adolescent whispered. "He smells like you, father."

"Open your eyes, my son," the largest dragon said, still exhaling hot air on his face.

Nicholas opened his eyes, and looked directly into the dragon's face. He felt strange; almost as if this dragon was familiar to him, in some way. "Is your name Griloraax?" Nicholas stared back at the large dragon.

The dragon arched his head back, while laughing. The other two dragons started to laugh, as well. "How does he know of Griloraax, father," the adolescent dragon behind him asked in confusion.

"He speaks to me sometimes before I go to sleep," Nicholas said while he turned around to face the adolescent who brought him here.

"I am not Griloraax," the male dragon said. "My name is Arskorvar, Nicholas, and I sired you."

He sired him? He was his father? No, his father was Frederic, Nicholas thought to himself.

Nicholas looked around the room, and saw the largest female dragon smiling at him. "Am I dreaming," Nicholas said quietly. "I wish you were my father, Orskilvar. My father is a cruel, mean man."

The rest of the dragons laughed. "Arskorvar, my son, not Orskilvar, or whatever you just said," Arskorvar corrected him while laughing.

Nicholas smiled up at the dragon; his father. This dragon hardly even knew him, and he looked at him with love the King never showed him. The other dragons were taken aback when Nicholas reached out and hugged his father around the neck, while crying.

"I knew I couldn't be the son of that man," Nicholas said while tears were running down his cheeks.

Arskorvar was a bit shocked at the straightforward gesture, but slowly brought his arm-like legs up, and wrapped them around the boy; his son. Arskorvar never thought he would see him in his life. A tear started to run down the side of Arskorvar's face.

"Nicholas," Arskorvar slowly said. "You need to return home, to Brenda."

Nicholas didn't let go of his father, but he instead hugged him tighter. He had just met his true father, and he wanted to send him away immediately? It wasn't fair.

"I would love to spend time with you, so I need to tell you some stuff," Arskorvar said, while holding his son to his neck. "Return home, tell Brenda what happened. Have her arrange it so you can travel for a few months, and we can spend some time with each other."

Nicholas slowly nodded, but didn't pull back from his father.

"Tonight, head up to the balcony of the palace, and Taliskyrm, your brother," Arskorvar nodded to the adolescent dragon that had carried him here, "will be there, and will bring you back."

Nicholas could feel Taliskyrm tug at his feet, but Nicholas wouldn't let go of his father. He finally pulled him off Arskorvar, and saw that he had tears in his eyes, as well. "Don't forget, tonight. Balcony," his father said to him, as Taliskyrm flew away, with Nicholas in his feet.

The two of them were quiet the entire flight back to Ondinium, where Taliskyrm dropped him off, away from any people. Nicholas was surprised when the adolescent dragon licked him on the face, and hugged him. "I'll be there tonight, little brother," the adolescent dragon told him reassuringly. Nicholas nodded at him, still in a bit of shock at everything that had happened. Taliskyrm flew off, in the direction they came.

Nicholas slowly walked back to the palace, and heard a few gasps and shouts as people saw him. A few of the royal guards ran over to him, and escorted him back into the palace, where he heard the familiar voice of Aston, arguing with his mother.

"You slept with a beast," Aston shouted, but in a whisper. "The King already knows, and he is on his way back. You and your son's heads will both be on spikes, you harlot!"

"The Prince is unharmed, my Queen," one of the royal guards said loudly.

Brenda, whose face was red with anger and embarrassment, glared at Aston. She then turned to the royal guards, and smiled as she saw her son. She knew he had just met his real father. Before she could say anything to her son, she turned to face Aston again, this time with fury and hatred in her face.

"Guards, arrest Aston, and send him to the chopping block immediately," Brenda shouted, so everyone in the throne room could hear. "No trial for him; have it done as soon as possible."

Aston gasped as the guards' grabbed hold of him. "You filthy whore," Aston shouted, as he was dragged away. "You are both dead when the King gets here!" Aston's voice echoed throughout the throne room.

Nicholas looked at his mother, and saw her face was red with anger, embarrassment, and sorrow. "Nicholas, you must listen to me," Brenda whispered to him. "I love you with my entire heart, but when your father..." Brenda paused. "When Frederic returns, you must be as far away from here as possible."

Nicholas was crying again, this time at what his mother was telling him. "No, mother," he sobbed. "Arskorvar can kill him!"

Brenda just shook her head. "Everything is true, my love," Brenda whispered as she cried. "Arskorvar is your father."

Nicholas hugged his mother, not wanting to let go. "We can go to Arskorvar together," Nicholas whimpered softly. He then told Brenda Arskorvar's plan.

Chapter 4: The Rogue Dragon

King Frederic and his army landed on the beaches of Northern Delinor, and proceeded to invade the country that had once been their ally. There wasn't much left over near the ocean; their new allies, the people across the ocean, left destruction in their path.

They came across villages, and entire towns that were all empty, with the signs of a massacre that took place in each one. The thought of it made Frederic happy. He had always hated the people of Delinor. The Kingdoms of Delinor and Garavor were always at war with one another, and Frederic saw the opportunity to crush them, once and for all, and he took it.

His father had invaded Delinor, and his father before him. It was only fitting he would invade Delinor in his life, as well. He had only allied with them to crush Tiberia simply so his army could pass through their lands. The kingdom of Delinor was a temperate land; it was similar to Lyria, only not nearly as many trees. Instead of trees, Delinor had many orchards of fruit, and were famous for their vineyards. Delinorian wine was prized across the kingdoms, and even Frederic enjoyed its taste.

His army marched on, heading for the capital city. Along the way, they passed a naked woman, who had clearly been raped. She asked if they were going to kill the "lizards" and "cats" who invaded the kingdom and not one soldier replied to her. It wasn't that they didn't pity the woman, but Frederic made it clear to them not to speak to any of the locals. He hated when his soldiers got soft, and started to care about civilians.

After a few days of marching slowly, they reached the capital of Delinor, which was already halfway destroyed. Frederic's allies were already besieging the city, and Frederic noticed that his allied army had quite the collection of prisoners in cages. No men, only women and children who were now their property. He wondered if his daughter was still with these savages, but the thought escaped him. None of his children mattered, after the loss of the child he truly loved; his first born son, who suffered a horrible ailment of the mind. He was only six when he finally died, and Frederic was never the same again.

His men set up camp, next to the besieging army. Frederic walked through the tents and soldiers, until he came near the border of the allied army of strange creatures. He saw they were enjoying themselves; the large, lion like men were busy with a few enslaved Delinorians, and the lizard like men simply watched. It was quite the sight to see, these snobbish women getting brutally raped by strange creatures amused Frederic.

It aroused Frederic quite a bit, and he watched and smiled at the spectacle. He started to even touch himself. One of the beasts climaxed inside a woman, and Frederic relished the howl of pain she made. The way the woman wanted to get away made it even better for Frederic. He smiled at the thought of that one who entered the palace doing the same thing to his daughter. Frederic was glad to be rid of the girl.

Frederic decided he had seen enough; more important things were on his mind right now, and he headed back to his carriage. He instructed General Carver to go on with the siege. They were going to starve out the defenders, which could take months, but with the shape the city was in already, it would probably only take a few days.

The following day, Frederic received a letter. It was a letter that made his face turn red and caused his blood to boil, and sent him into a fit of rage; he killed the raven that had sent the message. He summoned his top general to his carriage.

"General Carver, you are in total control of the army, until I return," Frederic told the general, as fire and fury filled his eyes. "I received news from home, and it cannot wait."

Morgan awoke, her head aching. Everyone was still sleeping, and she felt Korvorym's heart beating in his chest as she awoke. She enjoyed watching Korvorym sleep. He looked completely different while he slept then while he was awake. It was still night out, though she wasn't sure what time it was.

She tried to go back to sleep, when she heard a roar outside; a terrifying roar, the likes of which she had never heard. Both Percellyma and Korvorym darted up, Korvorym inadvertently knocking Morgan off him in the process. He apologized to her, but looked worried, as he stared at the entrance to the cave.

"What was that, Kor," Morgan asked her mate, her eyes wide.

Korvorym ignored her, and looked at Percellyma, who only nodded. Korvorym then looked at Banak.

"Banak, get everyone, including the kids at the very back of the cave, where the hoard is," Korvorym said quietly.

Banak did as he asked, and everyone, including Kormor and little Romurlak were inside the small chamber where the small chest containing the gold was. It was almost empty now; only a few gold coins and some jewelry remained.

Percellyma and Korvorym approached the mouth of the cave, where they saw a male dragon, looking up at them both with fire in his eyes.

He was black as night, with red eyes that looked like they were filled with nothing but hatred and anger.

"What are you doing in my lair," he snarled.

Korvorym and Percellyma looked at each slowly. Trespassing in another dragon's lair was a serious offense, though they hadn't even been here for two weeks. The black dragon sniffed the air, catching the scent of the inhabitants.

"Humans, hatchlings, and some other strange creature," he said slowly. "Get everyone outside, now!"

Korvorym wasn't sure what to do. A dragon who felt like his territory had been invaded would fight much fiercer, without mercy. He didn't want to anger the male.

"Everybody, come outside," Percellyma told everyone in the cave, while Korvorym was still thinking.

The inhabitants slowly walked outside, Morgan, carrying Kormor stood near Korvorym, Seth stood near Percellyma, and Tavion stood a little behind Banak, her eyes wide with fear. Romurlak jumped on top of Percellyma, staring at the very angry looking dragon.

The black dragon simply stared at them all. These two adult dragons let humans, and some bear invade his lair? He noticed they had a hatchling, as well as a human child, but he smelled two hatchlings yet only one was visible.

"Where is the other hatchling," the dark dragon said, his voice actually calm.

Morgan stepped forward, and held Kormor out. "This is my son, as well as his," she said as she pointed to Korvorym. "He has dragon blood in his veins."

Korvorym let out a sigh. Morgan, why did you say that, he thought. Now this dragon will want to get closer, and see this marvel all for himself. Instead, that didn't occur.

The dragon looked completely disgusted, and looked at Korvorym. "You mated with a human," he snarled. "What is wrong with you?"

Korvorym glared at the red-eyed dragon. Now, he was pushing his buttons. "What do you want from us? If you let us leave peacefully, we shall."

The large, black dragon stared at Kormor, curiosity in his eyes. He wasn't sure a dragon could reproduce with a human, and it did amaze him. He didn't take his eyes off of Kormor.

"You have two minutes to get your things, and leave," he snarled. "If you are not out of my sight by then, I will be eating myself a dragon-human hatchling."

Morgan ran back into the den, as did the others. Percellyma and Korvorym could surely take on this male. But, the chances of one of them getting mortally hurt were pretty high, not to mention one of the children. If they fought, it would be completely up to Percellyma and Korvorym to win, as the rest of the clan didn't have any weapons that would actually harm a dragon. Morgan, Tavion, Seth, and Banak grabbed everything they could, but Morgan had to leave behind the paintings she had painted, as well as her oven and cooking supplies. They were simply too big to carry.

The enemy dragon smirked as they returned to his view, each of them carrying items. "Now leave, before I change my mind," the black dragon bellowed.

In a matter of seconds, they were in the air, flying far away. The dark scaled dragon laughed as they flew away, until he felt a touch on his leg. He looked down, and saw his human woman rubbing his legs.

"Did you really have to do that, Gil," the woman asked, sounding disappointed. "They seemed like good people."

The dragon smiled, and kissed the woman. "We have a home to ourselves now, my love."

The gang flew into the night sky. None of them could believe what had just happened. They had been moving homes for so long now, and Korvorym was angry; the angriest Morgan had ever seen him. They had to leave nearly everything behind; their blankets, the oven, the cooking supplies; all of the good stuff. Morgan was distraught, as she and Seth rode on the back of Korvorym.

Banak was upset as well, although Tavion didn't even seem to know what was going on. They had finally found a spot they could form a life, and live together, and it was taken from them all. They continued to fly, until they heard a soothing, familiar voice.

"Fly to Garavor," Griloraax whispered into their ears. "The Prince of Garavor will soon do great and amazing things for our race. Protect him at all costs."

The words confused each of them. The Kingdom of Garavor just destroyed their lives, except for Banak, Percellyma, and Romurlak.

"First Griloraax exiles me, now he wants me to protect the son of one of my most hated enemies," Korvorym shouted. "The last time I listened to Griloraax, my brother died, his love died, and I almost died as well!"

Morgan gently rubbed his back, and started to massage him. She hadn't seen him this angry before. She hugged him around his neck, trying to get him to calm down.

"We should go," she whispered to him. "Everything happens for a reason, Korvorym."

Korvorym remembered Bill use to say that during the Great War. "That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard," Kor retorted.

"I don't know about you, Korvorym, but I am eager to see what you did to Ondinium," Seth said while laughing.

Korvorym didn't reply. He wasn't necessarily proud of what he had done, but he didn't regret it. The two dragons shifted their flight, and headed north. Korvorym was getting sick and tired of being forced out of his home, first his home in Lyria, then his home in Tiberia, then his home in Nomas, and now his lair in Gordium.

An idea came to Korvorym when he thought of Lyria. "Morgan, I want to stop in Lyria and show you my old den," he told her as he snaked his head back to view hers. "I still have that painting of your mother and father, if my lair wasn't ransacked already."

Morgan liked that idea. She missed her homeland, and was looking forward to seeing it again, as was Seth. They still had a long way to go, though.

They only stopped to eat and rest, and then they were back in flight. Morgan wasn't hurting too much anymore, and riding on Korvorym made her remember the first time she did a year ago.

Morgan looked over, and saw Tavion and Banak kissing, but it looked awkward. Banak had to hunch his back a little just to reach her lips. The wild woman was still naked, and how she didn't freeze to death this high up was beyond her.

Morgan wrapped Kormor tightly in his small blanket, trying to keep him warm. The last thing she wanted was for her baby to get a cold, or even catch pneumonia. Summer was coming to an end, and fall was rapidly approaching.

They reached Lyria, and Morgan and Seth were happy to see it. Seth had never seen it from the air before, and he laughed at the sights. He saw the Lyrius River, which actually made him cringe a little when he remembered floating down that river for days. Still, he loved this land, and hoped that one day he would be able to return.

Korvorym was on alert the entire trip. He was constantly looking at the ground below them, watching for camps or men in red. The entire forest was deserted. It didn't even look like it contained any wildlife.

Korvorym took the lead, and Percellyma followed close behind him. Lyria was such a large kingdom, it took them two days to reach Korvorym's old lair, which was built at the top of a small mountain, in a perfect little cave that was gleaming with gold. Korvorym really did have a huge hoard, and it was nice that his home wasn't looted while he was away. The two dragons landed outside the cave entrance, and their passengers dismounted.

Korvorym looked at Morgan, concern etched on his face. "We are close to where that cultist camp was located," he murmured. "I'll stay out here and keep watch; you go in with everyone else and grab what you can."

Morgan could see just how worried Kor was. He actually looked terrified, an emotion he rarely showed. With Kormor against her chest, she reached up and hugged him on the neck, and kissed his scales. He embraced her tightly, and then nudged her to go inside.

Morgan headed into the cave, and noticed that Percellyma stayed outside as well. She looked at her and smiled, then nodded as she offered to hold Kormor. The inside of the cave was small, but it was packed with treasure.

On the walls of the cave, Morgan noticed a few military medals, given for Korvorym's service in the war. Some were small and poorly made; others were large with beautiful designs. Morgan only looked at them with a smile on her face. She touched the medals to feel them, while she admired the fact that her mate was a war hero. He had five medals. Two of them were small, round, bronze colored ones; one was silver and shaped like a sword, and the two largest ones were gold; the smaller one of which was shaped like a crown, and the other, larger golden medal was shaped like a dragon.

Morgan decided she would take the medals with her. They were awarded to her mate, and she wanted him to keep them. She put the five of them in the pack she brought with her, which was mostly empty; save for Kor's scale and the White Crown he had given her. The next thing she saw made her gasp.

It was a portrait, but it was so large and so well done. It hung against the cavern wall, the faces looking down at her. She saw the familiar face of Korvorym; his bronze face lighting the middle of the painting. Alongside him were two humans, a man and a pregnant woman. She knew she was looking at her parents, and tears started to run down her face as she studied them. Her mother looked so much like her, it frightened her at first. She had long, blonde hair and a beautiful face; her deep, blue eyes staring back at her. On the other side of Korvorym was a man. He looked strong and hearty; definitely a soldier. Her father was a handsome man, and she saw herself in him a tiny bit.

Morgan simply stared at the portrait as the others walked around her, picking up everything they could find. Seth must have noticed the tears running down her face, and looked at the portrait for a minute, as well. He walked away, rubbing Morgan's shoulders as he did so.

Bill really was a good painter. The amount of detail he put into this painting astounded her. This was a painting that could be hung in a palace art gallery somewhere, and Morgan decided she would take it with her. It was large, but she didn't want to leave it behind. Luckily, Banak offered to carry it for her.

Banak was wearing his shorts, which had pockets that were filled with gold coins. Tavion was still nude, and could only take a small handful of coins in her hands. Seth put as much gold as he could in Morgan's pack, which was now very heavy, and he offered to carry it for her. Morgan was the only one who left the cavern empty handed, as Seth and Banak offered to carry her things. Although the cavern was still teeming with gold, she had already found her prize.

The four bipeds got atop the two dragons, and were off the ground in seconds. They continued to head north, to Delinor, and eventually, their destination, Garavor.

Morgan wasn't too sure what to think about their mission. She knew the Prince of Garavor was only a child, and she also knew his father was a vile, cruel man. Why would Griloraax ask Korvorym and the rest of them to protect the child of a madman? He mentioned that he would do amazing things for dragons, but he wouldn't be able to do those things until he was King, and Garavor had many enemies, thanks to the current king, Frederic the II.

Prince Nicholas waited atop the seventh floor balcony. It was the middle of the night, and he waited for his brother to come take him away. He told the plan to his mother, and he knew the king would be back any day. Nicholas was getting impatient; they were running out of time. He wasn't exactly sure what would happen to his mother. All she told him was that she had a plan. Queen Brenda would rule the kingdom while Nicholas was away, and while Frederic was still returning, which gave her time to prepare.

Finally, Nicholas saw the familiar silhouette of a flying creature heading his way. It was very dark on the balcony; all the candles and lights were off, so no one could see what was flying over the ruined city.

Taliskyrm landed on the large balcony as quietly as he could, and he walked over to his little brother and licked him on the face, nearly knocking him down. Nicholas wasn't sure how to respond. He thought about licking his brother back, and did just that. Taliskyrm started to roll around, laughing. Queen Brenda made her way out to the balcony as she saw what was happening, and smiled at the sight.

Although her son was human, at least in appearance, and his half-brother was dragon, and much larger, they looked like two brothers playing with each other, perhaps two brothers who hadn't seen each other in a long time, finally reunited. The sight made Brenda's heart swell with love. She saw so much of her old lover in that adolescent dragon. She wished that she could leave with her son, but she had to stay. She needed to stay.

Nicholas and Taliskyrm stopped playing with one another, so Nicholas could say goodbye to his mother.

"Stay safe, mother," Nicholas told her, concern in his eyes. "Watch over Carley; protect her from father."

Brenda nodded, and hugged her son. "Tell your father I miss him, Nicholas, and think about him often," she told her son, wiping a tear from her eye.

They embraced each other for a few more moments, until the adolescent dragon started to pull on Nicholas' shirt. He kissed his mother goodbye, and the boy got on top of the dragon, and they flew off towards the mountain. Queen Brenda started to cry, both in sorrow and in joy.

If things went according to plan, she would see her son again soon, and watch him as he became King. And what a king he would be. The thought made her smile, and she was no longer sad.

Brenda made her way back inside the palace, but didn't go to sleep. It was late, and she had things to do. She had guards to bribe, favors to call in, and friends whose help she needed. The first place she visited was the dungeons. She needed to speak with the apothecary. After that, she needed to visit the royal guard barracks, and speak with the captain.

Prince Nicholas rode atop Taliskyrm, and this time, the flight felt different. He felt like he had found his family; his true family. He screamed and hollered into the night sky, much to his brother's annoyance.

"Your girlish screams are giving me a headache, brother," Taliskyrm said as he snaked his head around to stare at his brother. "And what kind of name is Nicholas? It is so... Human."

Nicholas only laughed, "Taliskyrm and Arskorvar are funnier names," he replied

Taliskyrm looked insulted. "When we land, remind me to beat you up," Taliskyrm hissed, then smirked. "It is an older brothers right, after all."

"I've never actually played with another, before," Nicholas slowly said. He saw his brothers' face change to a confused look, but slowly turned away, looking forward.

They soon arrived at the familiar den, where Nicholas' father waited; his true father, who actually loved him. Taliskyrm flew around in circles for a few minutes, and then slowly descended, until he flew into the dark cave. It was only earlier that day when Nicholas met his real father, but it felt like it had been so long since he had last seen him. Before Taliskyrm could even set his feet down on the ground, Nicholas leaped off, and ran over to his large, scaly father, and hugged him with all his strength.

Arskorvar wasn't expecting it, and gasped at the force of his young son's charge. He laughed at the youngster, and brought him close to him with his front legs, where they hugged each other, like father and son, finally reunited. It was a touching moment, and his mate, Axilian, as well as Taliskyrm, smiled at the sight.

"The King knows about me, father," Nicholas whimpered. "He is coming back, to punish mother, and kill me."

Arskorvar was silent. He only gently patted his son with his feet, savoring the moment. Taliskyrm broke the silence.

"We have to save her, father," Taliskyrm exclaimed. "The three of us find him as he approaches the city, and we kill him!"

Arskorvar shook his head, and looked at his adolescent son. "No, Brenda made me promise years ago, that under no circumstances was I to interfere with her marriage," Arskorvar told Taliskyrm, his voice firm.

Before Taliskyrm could reply, Arskorvar put his enormous head on top of Nicholas' own, but didn't put any weight on it. "Ten years ago Nicholas, your mother asked me to sire a son with her, one who wasn't tainted with Frederic's blood," Arskorvar said softly. "It would be too dangerous for me to see you, and now I finally can hold you, and look at you, and see the person you are growing into."

Before Nicholas or anyone else could reply, they all felt warmth enter their bodies, and a voice that sounded in their heads. "Arskorvar, help is arriving, and will be their soon," Griloraax told them. "They will arrive in four days; look for a male and female dragon, two hatchlings, three humans, and a large male Ursor."

Arskorvar had never seen an Ursor. He had heard stories of the almost extinct polar bear race. After all, it was dragons that elevated their species to become intelligent, just like what they did with humans. Only a few dragons knew that they created all intelligent life on earth, and Arskorvar was one of them.

"You must protect the Prince, your son, at all costs, Arskorvar," Griloraax said, this time only to the three dragons, and not Nicholas.

The warmth left their bodies, and Griloraax's presence left them in silence. The four of them were still; Nicholas still clutching on to Arskorvar, and Axilian and Taliskyrm just looked at each other.

Nicholas hugged his father, and wouldn't let go. He was thinking about how Griloraax said help was arriving. Help for what, he wondered. Still, four days was too far away, and he knew his father would return to Ondinium either tomorrow or the next day. He knew his mother was on her own, and it made him fear for her.

Nicholas knew the Kingdom's laws, having been forced to study them his entire life. Any woman who was not faithful to her husband could be executed, without a trial. Since Frederic was King, he could do it faster than most, and if Nicholas was present in the palace, he would probably have him killed, as well.

Before long, Nicholas found himself dozing off, the worries and fears slowly leaving him, and he fell asleep in his real father's arm-like legs; his father who cared for him, and loved him, despite him hardly even knowing who he was. It made Nicholas feel so warm and safe in his father's embrace and he never felt so secure in his life.

Taliskyrm quickly dozed off as well. Taliskyrm was still a young dragon, and if he were a human, he would only be a few years older than his brother, and he needed sleep like any other growing child. His parents still called him hatchling sometimes, which annoyed him, but he still enjoyed their love.

Axilian looked at her mate, and at his son sleeping in his embrace. She snuggled up close to Arskorvar, and they both sprawled out on their backs. Arskorvar gently lifted his human-like son atop him, and placed him on his chest. The four of them drifted off to sleep peacefully.

King Frederic rode into the city of Ondinium with only four of his royal guards, but as he entered the city, more of his guards followed him, until he had 30. Frederic rode through the city with anger and fury in his mind. He was so angry, he even made his horse trample three stupid peasants, who were still wounded and weren't able to move out of his way in time. The rest of the surviving city folk, as well as the builders and craftsmen who were repairing the city all turned away from the angry King. Frederic didn't realize it, but he was the most hated man in the Kingdom, and possibly the most hated man on the entire continent of Alshen. But he had supreme power; his word was law, and there was nothing the common folk could do about it.

Frederic made his way into the center of the city, until he reached the royal palace, towering the skyline for miles and miles in every direction. Frederic wasn't happy to be home, and he would only be here for a day, at the most. He needed to speak with Aston, about finding a new wife, and naming a new heir. The kingdom will need a new Queen, and a new Prince, after knowing what he had in store for the current royal family.

The king dismounted his horse, and paced back and forth, waiting for the royal guards to catch up, as they were on foot. When they finally arrived, they marched with him into the palace. The throne room was crowded, as Queen Brenda was holding court. The return of the king interrupted a petition for acquiring new land for farming, and he ordered a royal guard to throw the farmer out of the throne room. King Frederic stood in the center of the throne room, looking at his wife with disgust. He then had his men form up. All 30 of them looked intimidating.

Queen Brenda stood up. She looked as Queenly as she could, although she was terrified. She had never been so frightened in her life. She looked around, and noticed everyone was in position.

"Where is the bastard, Brenda," Frederic shouted, with nothing but hatred in his voice. "Where is the bastard you gave birth to; the product of a dragon."

Queen Brenda looked her husband up and down, and instead of feeling fear as she did before, she now felt nothing but anger and hatred. "He is far from here, to avoid having to listen to your nonsense," Brenda said, as if she couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"You have finally lost your mind, my King," Brenda said softly. "You think your son is a dragon?"

Frederic only looked at her, and smiled when he saw the apothecary, standing in the dungeon doorway. "You saw my son's blood; Aston mentioned it in a letter," Frederic shouted. "What did you see?"

The apothecary slowly walked out in the open. He saw hundreds of people in the throne room staring right at him. He knew what he had to do, and he would do it. The Queen was the only one kind to him, and who appreciated everything he did for the kingdom. He was the one who found cures of diseases and plagues, and she respected him for it. Frederic only forced him to create awful weapons to be used on man and beast alike.

"With all due respect, my king," the apothecary whispered. "Aston was a senile old fool, he actually believed a dragon and a human could mate, and create children."

Before the king could shout some more, the apothecary quickly added, "I entertained him, I played along. I didn't know whose blood it was until he told me it belonged to your son's."

The crowd stared at King Frederic, and some even started to laugh at him. "You are lying to me," Frederic yelled at the top of his lungs. "Where is Aston?"

Queen Brenda spoke softly, "He accused me of being a whore, so, as acting ruler, your son and I had him executed."

King Frederic had heard enough. Frederic was now furious. "Guards, arrest this whore, and then search the palace for that spawn of an animal!"

Of his 30 royal guards, four of them walked forward, the four he entered the city with. They turned around and noticed how none of the other guards were moving. Confused, they got back in formation. King Frederic looked around, and saw his men were not doing what he asked.

"King Frederic, you have clearly finally lost your mind," Queen Brenda said loudly. "As everyone in the throne room is my witness, I hereby declare that you are no longer fit to rule Garavor."

Frederic let out a scream of anger, and charged at his wife. Before he could even get three feet, one of his guards put their pike right into his leg, forcing him to fall to the marble floor of the throne room. Now in pain, Frederic let out gasps of denial.

"As Queen, I shall rule the Kingdom of Garavor, until your son returns from hiding from your psychotic ranting," Queen Brenda shouted. Much to her surprise, the entire throne room was clapping.

"Guards, escort him to the dungeon, where he will stay until Prince Nicholas decides to judge him," the Queen told the guards.

The guards all saluted the Queen, and carried the deposed King Frederic to the dungeon.

Chapter 5: Peace at Last

After several days of flying, Korvorym and Percellyma made it across the sea and flew into the cloudy and depressing kingdom of Garavor. The clouds provided good cover for the dragons, and they could only sometimes see the earth below them. They flew in circles for a while; Korvorym wasn't entirely sure what to do. Griloraax only told them to protect the Prince, but odds were he was inside the palace in Ondinium, and something told him he would not be welcome in that city. They flew around outside the countryside, still very far away from Ondinium, and the destruction Korvorym caused could still be seen from miles away. It had almost been a month since he burned the city to the ground, and part of him thought that they would have rebuilt by now.

While they were flying around, Korvorym was startled to see a young, adolescent green dragon flying up to them. He wasn't worried, he and Percellyma could easily take an adolescent down, but he was a bit concerned for the people on their backs. Percellyma noticed the adolescent as well, and he soon caught up to their altitude.

"Are you the ones Griloraax sent," Taliskyrm asked, while yelling. His voice was still developing, and it cracked when he said Griloraax, causing Korvorym and Percellyma to laugh loudly.

The young dragon didn't seem to care that they were laughing at him, but he was staring at their passengers with interest, particularly the nude woman, and the enormous white creature behind her.

"We are," Korvorym yelled back, his voice sounding strong and deep.

The adolescent only replied, "Follow me."

He led them to the small mountain, where his father, mother, and brother were waiting. Taliskyrm wasn't entirely sure why his brother was so important. He knew he was the Prince of the land, but why was he so valuable, he wondered. Taliskyrm was actually worried that these people might hurt his brother, and if they did that, he would defend his newly discovered family member to the death.

Arskorvar, Nicholas, and Axilian were outside, looking at the approaching dragons. Nicholas was a bit worried, as the bigger looking one looked familiar to him. It couldn't be the same dragon that burned the city down.

Korvorym and Percellyma landed, and introduced themselves to the dragons. After they introduced themselves, the three humans and Banak then did the same thing. Romurlak did his own little thing. The two dragons were fascinated at baby Kormor when Morgan told them about her and Korvorym. She, as well as everyone else, were shocked when they told them about them Prince.

"Your baby is like me, too," Nicholas asked Morgan, curiosity on his face.

Morgan looked at the child, and noticed his piercing, green eyes, which were identical to the large green dragon, Arskorvar, she believed his name was. "Yes, he is, Korvorym and I are mates, my Prince," Morgan told him.

Korvorym only looked at the small child. He didn't have that king's blood in him, after all, but the blood of a dragon coursed through his veins. He was fascinated at the boy, and realized if his son turned out like this child, he would be happy.

Arskorvar told the newcomers what had happened, and how they saw the King return to the city, but haven't heard anything since then. Prince Nicholas started to weep; asking if his mother was dead.

"Seth and I can enter the city, and ask around," Morgan told them all. "But someone needs to watch Kormor."

No one responded, and Morgan noticed that the three new dragons, as well as Nicholas, had finally spotted Tavion, still nude, and were simply staring at her. After a while, they snapped out of it, and agreed to Morgan's plan. The city could be seen from here, and they would reach it on foot.

Nicholas approached the two new dragons, and touched them both with each of his hands. Despite them looking at him curiously, he looked at them both in the eyes, and smiled. He turned around, and saw the clothed woman, and the strong man, head off.

"When I am king, your kind will always be welcome in this land," Nicholas said quietly. "Dragon slaying will be a capital offense."

The child's words warmed Korvorym's heart. Korvorym could see this boy had a heart of gold, and knew his mother must have raised him, and not his fake father. He could only hope Kormor would turn into such a decent lad.

Seth and Morgan walked along the road heading into Ondinium. It was still cloudy, but it was relatively warm outside, and it appeared to have rained either earlier that day or the day before, as the dirt roads were slightly muddy. From their distance, the city didn't look like it was destroyed; the walls were still surrounding the inside. They were tall and made of stone, but they were nowhere near as high as the enormous palace that loomed in the distance.

The city gates were open, and Seth and Morgan gasped at the sights inside. Destroyed buildings filled their view. Everywhere they looked, they saw a home or structure that was charred and had collapsed. Grass along the roads had died, and the trees looked strange. Instead of brown bark, it was black, like the wood used to fuel a campfire. The trees also were barren of leaves.

A few random people were walking about, not paying attention to the newcomers. Morgan saw a few charred bodies inside houses; some appeared to be in burned beds, others were in chairs, and she even saw the corpse of what appeared to be a baby, being held by a charred skeleton. Her heart ached at the sight, and her heart ached even more knowing it was Korvorym who had done this.

The two of them reached the city square, which was actually bustling with activity. There were tables of food set out for the homeless, and surgeons and healers were tending to the burned victims. It had been almost a month since Korvorym destroyed this city, but it looked like it had all just happened yesterday.

There were a few men in silver-colored armor. Seth grumbled at their sight, having seen that armor many times in Tiberia. Morgan elbowed him in the side, to avoid drawing attention to them. When they reached the palace, they were both in awe at its magnificence. Morgan had never seen any structure that looked so grand looking, or so tall. It towered over the city, and it was beautiful to behold.

The two of them entered through the enormous doors, which were already open. The throne room was packed with people, but it was easy to see the Queen sitting on the throne. Morgan and Seth smiled at each other. The Queen was still alive, even though the King had returned a few days ago.

The Queen didn't look busy, and no one was speaking to her, so Morgan took it as an opportunity to approach her. She was quickly stopped by men in large, gold-colored armor, with silver capes behind them. The Queen seemed to notice what was going on in front of her.

"Let her pass," Brenda told the guards, and they did as she asked.

Morgan could see the Queen properly now, and she noticed a little girl standing next to her. The Queen was beautiful to look at. She was middle-aged, but not quite greying in the hair. She had dark hair that was put up in a bun, an authoritative, yet fair looking face, and she was wearing beautiful silk attire.

Morgan bowed, although she wasn't sure that was quite what she should do. Seth was still behind her, but wasn't getting any closer. The Queen smiled at her, and told her to rise.

"My Queen," Morgan told her. "I have a message from..." Morgan hesitated. There were a lot of people in the throne room, and she didn't want any wrong ears to hear. "From an old friend," Morgan finished.

Morgan could see the look on the Queen's face, and she knew then that the Queen knew who she was speaking of. The Queen stood up, and beckoned her to follow.

Seth followed as well, and they headed upstairs. The stairs never ended, and if Morgan wasn't so used to hiking, she would have had to stop for a break. They climbed the stairs, until there were no more stairs to climb. The Queen opened a door, which led into a small lounge.

"Have a seat and get comfortable, my friends," Brenda told them.

Seth and Morgan both took a seat on a very comfortable sofa, and the Queen shut the door, and sat across from them, on a similar sofa. A beautifully carved wooden table separated them, and the entire room was equally as beautiful. The paintings, the drapes, the windows, and even the carpet they stepped on were fancy.

"My name is Morgan, and this is Seth," Morgan told the Queen, in a whisper. She didn't know why she was whispering.

"We just arrived from Gordium with a few friends, hiding in the mountains," Seth said, speaking in a normal tone.

The Queen looked at them both. "My name is Queen Brenda, but you may call me Brenda," she said with a smile. "Is everyone alright? Nicholas, Arskorvar?"

"Yes, your son is very kind," Morgan reassured her. "He wants to know if it is safe for him to return yet. He misses you."

Brenda took a deep breath. Earlier that day, she sent messages to the armies of Garavor in Delinor, telling them to retreat back home. She knew that some soldiers, mostly generals with their own men, would still be loyal to Frederic, and that scared her. She feared a civil war.

"Frederic has been arrested, and is in the dungeon," Brenda told them. "It is safe for Nicholas to return, and be crowned King, but Frederic has many powerful allies. I think hardship is in store for Garavor."

Seth stood up, and did something Morgan did not expect. "My Queen, I served Queen Valarie of Tiberia, and fought for her honorably while Frederic invaded, and eventually destroyed the kingdom," Seth told her. He then knelt down. "I hereby offer my services to you, Queen Brenda, and your son, to help with the hardship that is in store for your family, and your kingdom."

Morgan scoffed at Seth. What was he thinking, she wondered. The Queen's response shocked both of them. "Valarie was my niece, you know," she said softly.

A couple of hours went by, and Korvorym was getting antsy. He just watched his mate walk into the capital city of Garavor, a city he burned down. She would witness first hand his wrath and fury, and it scared him. He knew she would see the things he had done, and was nervous how she would judge him after seeing it for herself

It did warm Korvorym's heart to see the Prince and his father, a big green dragon named Arskorvar playing. He wasn't entirely sure how a fully grown dragon would play with a human child, but he simply watched in amazement. He watched as Nicholas climbed on top of his father, and instead of looking annoyed, like most dragons probably would at the feeling of a human child climbing all over them, he only looked at the child with love. That was his son, and one day, Korvorym would do the same thing for his own son.

Nicholas and his brother also played a tiny bit with Romurlak. Percellyma noticed this and the thought made her laugh; Romurlak, Taliskyrm, Nicholas, and Kormor all males, yet all were playing so loving with one another, except perhaps Kormor, but he was still a baby. Most male dragons have difficulty playing nicely with one another, especially young ones.

Axilian and Arskorvar were fascinated at Kormor. The two of them thought Nicholas was the only child who had dragon blood, but Kormor proved them wrong. It was nice to see other dragons and humans form loving relationships.

Arskorvar had to turn away when he saw the nude wild woman. He didn't want to get aroused in front of both of his children, and the woman had a very nice body. Axilian simply laughed, as she knew her mate was having difficulty, and a few times would have to go into the den to calm down after a while. Banak finally got the message, and brought his woman close to him. She was so small compared to him, he easily covered her up.

Everyone was getting along, and they were getting to know each other. No one would hurt the prince when four fully grown dragons were watching over him. However, when he became King, they wouldn't be able to protect him. He would be inside the palace, and inside the city. Even if they were allowed to go into the city, they would have a hard time fitting through the streets.

It was getting dark when Morgan returned, absent Seth. "Seth just became the captain of the palace guard," she said, as she approached. "Banak, take the Prince and Tavion back to Ondinium. The Queen mentioned something about a balcony." Morgan winked at Arskorvar.

Arskorvar and Taliskyrm laughed, as did Nicholas. The laughter slowly died down, when Nicholas realized he had to leave his father again. "When will I see you again, father," Nicholas asked the large, green dragon as he hugged him on his long neck.

"You know where to find me, my son," was all Arskorvar said, but he sounded sad.

The sight of them hugging each other made Morgan start to tear up; a father and son's love when they only just met. Morgan turned herself away from the scene, and went through her pack. It was filled with so much gold, but she managed to find them. She pulled out a pair of pants and a shirt for Tavion. A nude, wild looking woman wondering around the palace seemed like a bad idea.

She was invited to stay at the palace as well, but she wouldn't go where her mate couldn't so Morgan decided to stay at the dragon den, with Kor, Kormor, Romurlak, and Percellyma, as well as the three other dragons. Korvorym urged her to go back, but Morgan could tell he was happy she decided to stay with him. Arskorvar volunteered to fly the three bipeds back to the palace, where he could see the Queen again.

A few moments later, after cuddling with Korvorym, Morgan wanted more. They stared at each other lustfully in the eyes. "Percellyma, would you mind watching Kormor for a few minutes while Korvorym and I take a walk," Morgan asked the dragoness. She felt bad asking Percellyma to always watch Kormor, but she felt she was finally ready to mate again.

Percellyma agreed, and Korvorym and Morgan walked off to find a private spot along the mountain path. They both felt bad leaving Percellyma behind with Kormor, Romurlak, and Taliskyrm, all youngsters, but Axilian was with her. They wouldn't be gone long.

The two lovers found a perfect spot, in a small grove on the mountain side, except this time, Morgan wanted something different. "Korvorym, I want you to mount me, like I was a dragon," Morgan told him slowly. Korvorym frowned at her, and she knew he could really hurt her if they did it like this.

"Morgan, I don't want to hurt you, or worse," he whispered to her, leaning his head down to hers.

Morgan looked up at Kor, and could see the concern in his eyes. "If it gets too rough, I'll tell you," she smiled, as she stroked the side of his head.

"Be sure to tell me, Mor," Korvorym said cautiously. He had always wanted to take charge while mating with her, but he knew it was risky. He could crush her on accident or thrust too hard. However, the idea of mating with his lover like two dragons would normally do did arouse him.

Morgan took off her clothes, and Korvorym admired her beauty. Her body had changed from the pregnancy, but not much. She still had some fat she accumulated, and she had a few stretch marks here and there, but none of that mattered to Korvorym. He only saw the one he chose as his life-long mate when he looked at her.

Korvorym was getting aroused just by her appearance alone. Her face could make any male dragons head turn in her direction, whether they were into humans or not. He saw her walk underneath him, and felt her grab him.

Although Morgan loved to look into Kor's face when they mated, not being able to look at him aroused her, in a way. She handed his shaft with her hands, and guided it to lips. She was still somewhat stretched out from giving birth, so his spear-shaped head fit in rather easily. They hadn't even started yet, and Morgan was already growing wet. She went a long time without mating. She felt the dragon slowly lower himself down, his belly gently touching and rubbing her backside, as she got on all fours.

"Oh, and Kor," Morgan whispered. "Could you pull out? I am not ready to get pregnant again." She didn't want to ruin the mood, but she was being serious.

Korvorym snaked his head down to look at her, although she was upside down to him. "Of course, my love," he replied, and with a laugh added, "But we can have more sometime, right?"

"Yes, Korvorym, I would love to have more children with you, sometime," she said, as she looked at his upside down head, smiling at him.

Morgan was ready, and so was Korvorym. He snaked his neck back the front of his body, and started to move in and out. They both gasped at the feeling.

From Morgan's perspective, all she could see was the ground, and Korvorym's underside. Because she was still loose, his mating organ easily slipped in and out of her, although only the head and one or two inches were all that it could accommodate. He started to pick up the pace, slightly, and his speed caused Morgan's breasts to bounce around wildly.

Korvorym had barely even started, and the feeling was too much for Morgan. The force with which he rammed into her, the warmth of his shaft, and her long dry spell caught up with her, and she gasped as she climaxed, her juices lubricating his member even more, making him thrust into her harder and faster. It wasn't hurting Morgan, though she could see if Korvorym was some mindless monster, hell-bent on mating with a human and not caring for her safety, the damage he could do to her would be severe, and even fatal.

He felt how she already climaxed, but Korvorym wasn't anywhere near done. He continued to thrust in and out for several minutes, slowing down as well as speeding up, but not going too fast so he didn't hurt her. He could feel his own orgasm coming, and started to speed up, making Morgan moan loudly, until she had another orgasm. This time, her orgasm triggered his own, and he pulled out so his shaft fell atop her back, where he climaxed. He didn't actually climax on Morgan, but rather used her back as a sort of pedestal, and he shot directly over her.

Morgan could see, as well as smell, his fertile seed shooting directly over her, where it landed on the soft grass, forming a small little puddle of white fluid. Morgan was actually surprised with her mate. She was nearly positive he would explode inside her, and blame it on how he just lost control.

The two of them stayed in that position for a few minutes, breathing heavily. Morgan enjoyed that one, but she would have enjoyed it much more if she didn't make him pull out. The warm gush of his fluids exploding inside her would have probably made her have a third orgasm.

"You have no idea how much I needed that," Morgan said to her mate, in between breaths. "You truly are a god at making women, happy, Kor," Morgan laughed, stroking his ego. She could feel his shaft, still leaking fluid onto her back, start to recede back into its home, and she crawled out from under him.

Korvorym was still catching his breath; he kissed Morgan on the lips as she walked around to his head. "Come, let's get back to the others," Korvorym told her as he lifted her onto his back.

Banak, Tavion, and Nicholas eventually landed atop the enormous palace balcony, where Queen Brenda was waiting. She ran to her son, but paused immediately when she saw Arskorvar, looking back at her. She didn't even notice Banak and Tavion, still atop the dragon's back, but Nicholas jumped off, and ran to his mother, hugging her tightly.

"Arskorvar," Brenda whispered. "It has been a long time, my friend."

Arskorvar looked back at the Queen, who appeared to have been sleeping but recently woke up. "I think about how I had to leave you and my son with that man every day, Brenda," Arskorvar told the Queen, staring deeply into her eyes.

"Everything is over, Arskorvar," Brenda happily said, beaming up at the dragon. "Frederic is in the dungeon; the kingdom is Nicholas' now! He could make Garavor into a dragon-friendly kingdom, just like Lyria!"

Nicholas looked up at his father. "I will," Nicholas happily shouted. "Dragon slaying is now a crime punishable by death!"

Arskorvar only laughed. "Unfortunately, my son, dragons will be slain no matter where they are, given the opportunity."

Nicholas was taken aback by what his father said, and looked at him confusion. "No, as soon as I am king, no dragon will ever be harmed in Garavor again!"

Changing the subject, Arskorvar motioned to Banak and Tavion. "These are Seth and Morgan's friends, and Nicholas has taken a liking to them," Arskorvar told the Brenda. "Morgan decided to stay, with her child and her mate."

Brenda looked at the large white bear, and the wild looking woman. "I see, they will be given their own rooms," Brenda told them both, although the wild looking woman just looked at her in confusion. "Nicholas will need all the friends he can get right now."

Banak looked at the Queen, confused. "Ma'am, this lady is actually my mate," Banak told her, as he rubbed Tavion's shoulders, and with a wink, added, "One room will suffice, but one with a large bed."

Brenda looked back at them. She wasn't judging them, but it was a bit shocking to her. She had never seen someone like Banak before.

"Also, my Queen," Banak said quickly. "I would like to be your sons' private bodyguard. I have taken quite the liking to the boy, and his enemies will think twice before hurting him if I am around."

Nicholas smiled at Banak, and Banak only winked at him. The Queen nodded again, as if she was getting impatient.

"Nicholas, why don't you show your friends to their room," she asked her son. "I would like to speak with your father alone."

Nicholas nodded, and slowly walked to the door of the balcony, but then stopped. He then turned around, and ran over to Arskorvar's green leg, which he hugged tightly. He had already said his goodbye on their way to the palace, but he still needed to hug his father again.

"I promise you father," Nicholas slowly said as he looked at the green dragon in the eyes. "Garavor will be your home, and you will be able to live here with your family peacefully."

Arskorvar slowly embraced his son, and kissed him on the forehead, which took Nicholas by surprise. "Now go, get some rest, my son," Arskorvar told him as he patted him on the back.

Nicholas walked back inside, and waved goodbye. Banak and Tavion followed him into the seventh floor of the palace, and Banak had to bend over to fit through the balcony door. Luckily, the ceiling inside was high enough for him to fit.

When they were gone, Brenda finally embraced Arskorvar, and cried into his scales. She told him everything that has happened; what Frederic had done to her and her family in the past 10 years, the invasion of Delinor, how he gave her daughter away. He stayed with her for as long as he could.

Prince Nicholas led Banak and Tavion down one floor, to his room. He pinned his royal badge on the two of them, and told them to always remember to put it back on, although Tavion looked clueless, like usual. Nicholas walked Banak down the hall, one bedroom away, and opened the door.

The room was grand, indeed. Banak and Tavion were both used to living in small houses, or simply sleeping outside, and were not used to sleeping in a bedroom fit for a king. The room was spacious, and had its own little door leading out to another balcony. There was a large bed lined up again the wall, and portraits and tapestries adorned the walls behind it. The room had a fireplace, and in front of it was a large tub, although Banak probably couldn't fit into it. The room had a small bookcase, and a few chairs, as well.

"Tomorrow, I will have another bed brought in and you can put them together, Banak," the boy said as he tilted his head to look up at the large bear. "Now, get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day. Good night."

The prince left the room, and shut the door. Tavion leaped onto the bed, and Banak joined her. He actually felt like a king, and he felt like Tavion was his queen. It was rather late, but Banak had other things on his mind. He laughed as Tavion took her clothes off, and got into the warm tub, somehow already heated.

Banak lit the fireplace, and sat on the bed, watching her clean herself. Watching her bathe herself was getting the already aroused Banak even more aroused, and she only smiled at him as she saw a large bulge forming in his pants.

"We...Mate...Soon," Tavion slowly said, sounding out each word carefully.

Banak only smiled at her, as he took off his own clothes, setting both their royal pins on an end table. He started to stroke himself in front of Tavion, putting on a little show for her. She smiled at him, and started to dry off, and they finally did their business.

The lion man who protected Cecilia didn't let anyone touch her. He was the captain of the ship they were on, so he and only a handful of others remained aboard as the rest of the war party landed with the other boats. He claimed he didn't speak Cecilia's language, and she didn't speak his, but they were starting to form a bond. Although they couldn't communicate with one another, they understood each other well enough.

Despite not being to understand the lion man, Cecilia knew his name was Benroy, and he was from a faraway land across the ocean. Although she didn't fully trust him, he was kind to her, and she found out he was once the greatest warrior of his race, but liked to sail, so he became a ship captain. At least, that was what she gathered. She wasn't entirely sure, herself.

Benroy was kind to Cecilia, even giving her food and water, and not violating her at all. Cecilia was amazed at the way he looked. He had light brown fur, with a golden mane of hair around his head, and it ran down his back and underneath him, getting darker in color as it got near his hind legs. His yellow eyes could light up the darkest rooms, and Cecilia once caught sight of his genitals, and saw how they hung right below his tail, which was constantly swinging.

Cecilia was amazed at how he treated her. No man had ever treated her so kindly, except perhaps her brother. She was taken many days ago, and she had spent a lot of time with the lion. She even started to think she was falling in love with him.

One night, Cecilia decided she would attempt to reward him for helping her. It was a foolish thing to do, but she wanted him to know she cared for him, and wanted to thank him. She sat naked atop his bed, which was mostly the hide of some large animal, and waited for him to walk in.

The look of surprise on his face was rather funny, and Cecilia laughed. He couldn't keep his yellow eyes off the young woman, and stared first at her breasts, and then his gaze wondered far below. Cecilia saw Benroy was getting excited at her sight. She noticed a strange, pink looking member poking it's way out of his furry underside, coming out of a strange looking sheath like a sword. She couldn't keep her eyes off of it. It was slightly larger than a human organ, but Aston was the only man whose genitals she had seen, and he was very old. Unlike Aston's, it had strange looking barbs covering the head, and they looked painful.

Benroy approached Cecilia, but he didn't mate with her. He instead laid down next her, and wrapped his body around hers, and fell asleep. Cecilia was confused, but she fell asleep as well.

The next morning, she saw Benroy's face inches away from hers, and the sight was rather terrifying. She stared into his bestial yellow eyes, and became lost in them. Her daze was broken, and her heart leapt in her chest at what he told her.

"I'll take you home, now."

She had a feeling he was lying when he claimed he didn't understand her language. She laughed to herself when she called him a lying lion, although he wasn't amused. The two of them headed up to the top deck of the ship.

Chapter 6: The Crown

Banak woke the next morning to the sound of birds chirping on the balcony. He hadn't slept this well in his life, despite him hanging off the bed. Tavion was curled up against him, her backside against his underside, still sleeping. The sun was shining through the curtains, and Banak was sure it was probably noon already.

The bear gently shook Tavion, waking her up. "Wake up, sweet pea," he whispered to her. He had never called her sweet pea before, but he liked the way it sounded.

Tavion simply groaned, and didn't budge. Banak instead got out of the bed, the mattress leveling out due to his weight shifting. He stretched, and hit his head on the stone ceiling, making him curse as he rubbed his head with a paw.

Tavion was giggling, even though she hadn't seen what he had done. "Laugh it up, woman," he mumbled, gritting his teeth in pain.

Banak noticed some things on the end table, that hadn't been there previously. One was a small box, containing a formal dress and slippers, with a note. Banak took the note, and read it aloud.

"This is Tavion's new outfit; mother wants her as a handmaiden," Banak said aloud. If he didn't have white fur over his face, it would have been red in embarrassment. He didn't want the Prince to see him and Tavion canoodling, which he no doubt saw.

The other thing on the end table was simply a note, and Banak read this one to himself. "Banak, as you are becoming my bodyguard and friend, I have requested a new suit of armor be made specially for you, but it isn't ready yet," Banak read to himself. He saw the writing was childlike, and smiled.

The two of them got dressed, or at least Tavion did. She wasn't sure if she liked the dress or not. She had never worn anything like this strange thing before, and Banak laughed as he saw her trying to adjust to it.

"I think you look beautiful," Banak whispered to her. She did; like a stunning royal princess that was given to him. The dress was pink, and the slippers were white.

When they were ready, they made their way down the stairs, into the throne room, where Nicholas was already sitting atop the throne, in front of a large crowd. The Queen was sitting next to him, along with a little girl, and they smiled as they saw the two of them approach. Banak saw Seth, wearing gold colored armor, off to the side, and he even saw Morgan sitting in the crowd, but none of his dragon friends.

"There you two are," Prince Nicholas said aloud, with a smile on his face. He beckoned them over, and Tavion sat next to the Queen, and Banak stood next to the seated Prince.

A man in a brown robe walked towards them slowly, holding a pillow with a large, golden crown atop it. Banak didn't notice it before, but the throne room was packed; not just the first level, but he saw faces looking down from the second and third levels, as well. Banak tried to look tall and imposing standing next to the child Prince. He wanted to send the message that anyone who intended to harm the Prince had to go through him, first.

The man in the brown robe walked up a few steps, where the throne was located, and knelt down in front of Nicholas, holding the pillow and crown out to him. Nicholas slowly grabbed the crown, and put it on top of his head. It was rather loose, and didn't fit his small head. He laughed as it slid down his face, as did some members of the crowd, including the Queen.

The man in the brown robe stood up, and faced the crowd. "I now present King Nicholas, first of his name!"

The crowd all applauded, as did Banak, Seth, and Morgan, but Tavion looked a little confused, until she started to clap as well. The new King brought with him the possibility of change, which the people of Garavor desperately needed after Frederic's reign of terror.

King Nicholas stood up, and motioned for everyone to stop clapping. "My first order as King of Garavor," Nicholas said loudly, while smiling, "is to outlaw the practice of dragon slaying!"

There were some whisperings in the crowd, and no one clapped. Morgan started to clap, as did Brenda, followed by Seth and Banak, then Tavion. The rest of the throne room soon followed, but it didn't seem like they were legitimately clapping their approval. After all, a dragon had recently taken everything from them.

"I realize that many of you are confused by my decision," Nicholas said slowly. "But I ask that you trust me, and have faith."

A rugged looking man in the crowd approached the throne, and knelt down. "My King," he said loudly. "The fires from the city spread to the countryside, and destroyed my crops, as well as a bountiful harvest. I beg the crown for assistance."

Before King Nicholas could respond, Seth stood out. "I have many seeds in my quarters you can have," Seth told the kneeling man. "King Nicholas, with your permission, I would like to help this man."

Nicholas paused but smiled. "Of course," he said then looked at the rest of the crowd. "I don't care who you are, if you see the opportunity to help someone in need, take it. We are all in this together."

King Nicholas sat down. "Now I ask that everyone in the throne room move to the sides; we have a guest who is arriving," Nicholas told the men and women in the throne room. They did as he asked, but wondered why someone would need so much space.

"I ask you all to be calm, and trust me," Nicholas told the crowd. "Send him in."

The massive palace doors opened, and Arskorvar slowly walked in. At first, the people inside the palace turned pale white, some screamed, some ran, but most stayed, whether it was because of fear or curiosity, Nicholas wasn't sure. He saw Morgan try to calm the crowd down, and it made him smile.

Arskorvar slowly walked around, trying to look as non-threatening as possible, until he reached his son on the throne room. He was careful not to move too carelessly, lest he accidentally knock a support over, causing the palace to collapse around them. The father and son only looked at each, while smiling. Nicholas wanted to hug him right then and there, but knew it wasn't the time.

"This is Arskorvar," Nicholas shouted to the crowd. "He is a good friend of mine, and he, as well as three other dragons, agreed to lend their help to rebuilding our ruined city."

"I ask that you trust him, and he will trust you," Nicholas continued. Nicholas knew that his armies in Garavor had been recalled, but he received news that the general in charge had no intention of obeying him, and was instead marching for Ondinium, ready for a war. He would need Arskorvar, Axilian, Korvorym, and Percellyma's help.

Nicholas no longer cared about privacy, and got up to hug his father on his leg, and heard several shocked gasps from the crowd. Carley, Nicholas' best friend, even walked over and hugged him as well. Even Tavion ran over to hug the dragon, and the scene seemed to calm down most the crowd.

"We are on your side, people of Garavor," Arskorvar shouted, a little too loud, as some people of the crowd covered their ears. "My friends and I will help to rebuild your city, as long as you trust us, and not threaten any of us."

Before any of them could continue, the massive throne room door opened again, and instead of any more dragons walking in, the crowd simply stared. Princess Cecilia, as well as Benroy following behind her, walked toward the throne. King Nicholas let go of his father's embrace, and charged at his sister. He could hear his mother soon follow suit, and they both hugged her, and the three of them started to cry.

Benroy smiled at the sight, and simply watched the family, now reunited. Benroy didn't mind the stares, and even glares he was receiving; he had brought the princess home, where she belonged, and now he could return home, as well. He turned away, and headed for the door when Cecilia called out to him.

"Benroy, don't go," she shouted after him. He paused for a moment, but then continued to walk to the door.

Cecilia let go of her brother and mother, and ran after him. She was quite shorter than he was, and embraced him. He hugged her back, but continued to look at the door.

"You saved my life. I want you to stay," she whispered to the lion man. "Please, don't go."

Benroy stared at her in her eyes, and glanced at the door, then back at the Princess. He sighed, and reluctantly nodded, and she kissed him on his muzzle, which shocked him, and he slowly pulled away.

Princess Cecilia looked at him in confusion, and he avoided her gaze. He only hugged her, and walked back to where the Queen and the King were standing, who have been watching them.

"King, I have news, from Delinor," Benroy told the King, speaking surprisingly well for someone who claimed to not know their language.

"So, you are telling me that this rogue Garavorian general," King Nicholas said softly, "has formed an alliance with your people, and some cult."

"Not just any cult, your majesty," Benroy told the King. "The cult; the remnants of the mad cult who almost destroyed your continent decades ago," Benroy corrected him.

"Yes, your majesty," Benroy continued. "Many of my kin, myself included, joined forces with those cultists' decades ago."

Nicholas was confused. He didn't realize people had crossed the ocean so long ago.

King Nicholas took Benroy to a private room in the throne room, along with Banak, the Queen, and Seth. He left the door cracked open, so his father, Arskorvar could hear what was going on, as well.

"Majesty, I have seen what those cultists' can do," Benroy slowly told him. He looked out the door, and saw Arskorvar looking right back at him, suspicion on his scaled face. "They could turn your dragon 'friends' against you, and kill us all before the battle even began."

"My father would never..." Nicholas paused. "They would never hurt me," Nicholas slowly told the lion man.

Benroy looked at the dragon in the other room, and looked back at the child king. "They abandoned the siege in Delinor; they are headed this way, and will be here in a matter of days," Benroy whispered.

"I say we take our chances," Seth said aloud. He did see what Justinius, his father, could do, but he didn't believe he or this cult could take control of living creatures and make them do their bidding.

Nicholas looked to Seth. "No, we need to get all the dragons together, and ask them what they think we should do," Nicholas responded.

"Look, everybody stay here, and continue to strategize," King Nicholas told them all as he headed for the door. He saw Morgan and Tavion near his father, and approached them.

"Morgan, I want you to take my father back to his home, and bring everybody back here," Nicholas told her. "I will start clearing the throne room out to make space."

Morgan nodded at the boy-king, and looked at Arskorvar. She hadn't flown on another dragon that wasn't Korvorym. The green dragon nodded at her, and helped her get on top of him. He was slightly larger than Korvorym was, but didn't look as vicious. He only had a few spikes, and the horns on his head were smaller than Kor's.

They waited for the throne room to empty, which was taking a long time because of the amount of people from the kingdom that arrived to see the new king be crowned. The throne room was completely empty 15 minutes later, and the massive doors remained open. With a running start, Arskorvar dashed to the doorway, and took to the skies.

Korvorym, as well as the other dragons, were surprised at what she told them. It actually made Korvorym very nervous. He had just killed more than 90 percent of the city's population, and now he was invited to the throne room. He was worried that somehow, everyone would find out.

Arskorvar seemed to notice his reluctance to go, and told him his son needed him. It was Morgan, however, that made him agree to come with them. Korvorym couldn't say no to his mate, after all. Morgan took Kormor from her mate, and climbed atop Korvorym this time, and he, Arskorvar, Taliskyrm, Axilian, and Percellyma, carrying Romurlak, made their way back to the slowly rebuilding city.

The throne room was massive, but it held all the dragons, although they looked rather awkward. A claw might accidentally scratch the marble tile, or a tale may inadvertently smack into a wall, but King Nicholas assured them it was alright, and to just relax. He then told his friends everything that had been discussed.

"You have to take out the cultists' first," Korvorym said without hesitation. "They really can take control of other beings."

Benroy nodded at the bronze colored dragon, and Seth became convinced. If anyone would know, it was Korvorym.

"Then this is what we should do," Arskorvar said loudly. "One dragon patrols the coast, near that port town, and the second they see ships approaching, they fly back here."

"If they can truly control others," Percellyma spoke slowly, "Maybe we should sit the fight out. If they could control even one of us..."

Seth spoke up, "What if we concentrated all our forces on the cult, first, then we somehow give the all clear to the dragons."

"We actually do not even have much of an army," Brenda slowly said. "Most of the city watch was killed in the dragon attack, and the majority of our forces are now our enemies."

Korvorym flinched when she said dragon attack. He really messed up when he decided to burn the city, all those days ago. Guilt crept over his face, and he almost confessed right then and there, but he felt Morgan's warm touch against his hip, rubbing him up and down. He didn't really want to be there; he had half a mind to take Morgan and fly as far away as possible.

"We could ambush them," Banak said. "Hide some of our forces along the most likely path they would take to the city, and go after the men in red, then retreat."

The companions thought about that, when Brenda spoke up. "Benroy, you said your people had 200 ships, with 200 men aboard each one," she said slowly. "That is about 40,000 men right there."

Benroy slowly nodded, looking at the ground. He knew what his brethren, along with his scaly allies would do to the people in this city, and it angered him tremendously. In his youth, he would have been the same way.

"40,000 in addition to our own men, who are following the rogue general," Nicholas slowly said. "That means about 70,000 men coming for us, right?"

Brenda rubbed her son on the head, and Arskorvar smiled at them both.

"It could also be risky, letting the dragons join the fight, at any time," Seth said, as he looked at Korvorym. "Explosive arrows," he mumbled to himself.

Korvorym let out a loud sigh. "Of course, how could I forget those," Korvorym replied.

"It is a risk we must take, though," Percellyma told them firmly. "I will fly around the coast, and fly back as fast as I can if I see the approaching invasion force."

"That settles that, then," Brenda said, then looked at Seth. "Captain, I want you to start asking around for volunteers to join the defense of the city."

"Yes, my Queen," Seth replied. "The walls of the city are still mostly intact, and we could easily repel the attackers, should they attack right away, and not besiege the city."

"They wouldn't besiege the city; it would take too long. They could use those explosive arrows on the walls, though," Arskorvar said.

"No, they would save those arrows for one thing: us," Korvorym replied.

Morgan was getting bored. She knew this was important, but she had no mind for military matters. She could see King Nicholas getting a bit bored, as well. He was only a child, and he probably didn't find this fun at all.

Morgan looked at Tavion, who looked so strange in that pink dress. The Queen had offered to make Morgan a handmaiden as well, but Morgan had no intention of living in a bustling city. She wanted to live in the wild, with Korvorym. Tavion looked back at Morgan, and rolled her eyes.

"I think I am going to take my leave," Morgan said loudly. "I'll leave you all here to discuss these things. Brenda, is there any spa in the palace?"

Brenda looked at Morgan, and smiled. She pointed to a hallway at the west of the throne room. "Just follow that hallway, Morgan."

Morgan kissed Korvorym, and he kissed her back on the lips, and his baby son on his forehead. Morgan carried Kormor and walked down the hallway the Queen had pointed at, and Tavion ran after her. Morgan and Tavion never really got the chance to bond, partly due to the language boundary, but now would be a good time for that.

They followed the hallway, until they reached a large room. In the center of the room was a large pool, constructed into the floor. Outside the main pool were a few smaller ones, that had bubbles and steam coming out of them. The two of them were the only ones there, although a guard was walking up and down the hallway, patrolling.

Morgan gently put the sleeping Kormor down on a bench, and then undressed herself. Tavion did the same, overeager to get her beautiful dress off so she could be naked again. Morgan simply smiled at the wild woman; she admired how she had no modesty for her body at all, and didn't look embarrassed at the least.

Morgan slowly lowered herself into one of the smaller pools. It was hot, and made her jump back out. It took the two of them many tries to lower themselves down, until they got used to the warm water. It felt incredible, like the mountain hot spring near Jeh's Crossing back home.

The two women giggled at the feeling of the warm water, exfoliating their bodies. It was almost like a bathtub, except the warm water was being forced out of a pipe at the bottom, causing bubbles to shoot out, and making the water wavy and wild. Morgan sat across from the bench she put Kormor on, so she could keep an eye on him at all times.

"You and... Dragon... Well," Tavion asked Morgan, sounding out each word.

Morgan looked back at the wild woman, and she seemed genuinely interested in how she and Korvorym were doing. "We are doing okay, Tavion," she responded while smiling. "How are you and Banak?"

"We... mate last night," Tavion said loudly, while laughing.

The way she said it made Morgan laugh, as well, and Tavion just beamed at her.

The two young women splashed each other, while giggling. Although it was such a simple activity, she was actually having fun, until she saw Romurlak come running down the hallway, and leaped right into the small pool where the two women were.

The water must have been too hot for the poor hatchling; he immediately shot right back out, as if he were an arrow that had just been let loose. The two women burst out in laughter, as the little hatchling, desperate to cool his body off, went from pool to pool, similarly jumping out of each one, until he got to the largest pool. He didn't shoot out of that one, but only swam around with a big smile on his face.

Soon after, Taliskyrm managed to enter the room. He was just the right size to fit through the hallways, and he squeezed into the doorway, where he paused as he saw the two nude women staring at him. He just stared at them for a long moment, with his mouth open. Finally, he snapped his head away, and leapt into the large pool with Romurlak.

Tavion and Morgan both laughed at the sight of him. Morgan was sure she could see a familiar looking pink protrusion starting to poke its way out from under him, and she was glad he jumped into the pool when he did. He was only an adolescent, and it felt awkward for Morgan to look at that part of him.

Morgan and Tavion, as well as the children, returned to the throne room a few hours later, and saw that everyone was still there, although Seth was still out and about looking for recruits. Tavion immediately ran over to Banak, and he braced himself to catch her as she leapt right into his embrace. Romurlak scurried about on the floor, and Taliskyrm was chasing after him. She saw Percellyma looking at her, and approached.

"While I am out flying around the coast, can you look after Romurlak for me," Percellyma asked Morgan.

Morgan just stared back at the dragoness. "You don't even have to ask, Percellyma," Morgan laughed.

Percellyma thanked her, and kissed Romurlak goodbye, but he wiggled his way out of her embrace, and scurried away. Percellyma then flew out the massive doors, and headed into the sky.

The throne room was awkward looking, as three fully grown dragons all lay about, and a hatchling as well as an adolescent dragon ran around. It was almost as if this palace belonged to dragons, not humans. Morgan saw King Nicholas sitting up against his father, as he engaged in regular conversation.

She also saw the Princess Cecilia staring at the lion man, Benroy, and although he met her gaze a few times, he quickly turned away every time. She had never seen anything quite like him before. He was rather handsome, in a strange way. He had a few scars over his face, but his yellow eyes were full of guilt and sorrow, as if he had done something bad in his past. Morgan couldn't fault him for that, as everyone has done things they aren't proud of. To her, that was what made them all living beings.

She soon spotted the familiar yellow eyes of her love, Korvorym staring at her. He was curled up in the corner of the throne room, and he only smiled at her as she approached him. It made her heart jump with joy to know that soon, they could finally start their life together, and not be scared of humans in the process.

The palace dungeons were dark, cold, and damp. There were absolutely no light sources; no lamps, no lanterns, and certainly, no torches. It was a very scary place, and most guards rarely came down here; they only patrolled the entrance.

Frederic sat against the cold wall of his cell. He wasn't sure how large the cell he was in was, and he didn't care. He was finished. He was betrayed, and he told himself he would have his revenge. Before they executed him, he would kill his wife, and her bastard son. He was certain that child was not his. Frederic knew it in his heart. A boy who had no relation to him was now ruling his kingdom.

He would also kill his apothecary for lying to him, and he would kill his guards for not obeying him. He would kill the guard who stabbed him in the leg last, and have him drawn and quartered. How dare a man he employed stab him while his back was turned?

For hours, Frederic slowly sunk further and further into insanity. He was filled with anger and hatred, and the silence, as well as the darkness was starting to get to him. Over time, he no longer remembered what he was angry about, and he slowly became docile.

A few days went by, and Frederic started to descend into madness. He tried to get out of his cell, and even punched the stone dungeon wall until each of his knuckles was broken, and bleeding. He only stopped when he heard voices. The voices weren't approaching, but were coming from his head.

The voices wouldn't stop speaking to him, and desperate for the silence to return, he grabbed hold of his ear, and with all his might, tore it off. When the voices didn't go away, he ripped his other ear off. When that didn't work, Frederic screamed at the top of his lungs, but had trouble hearing his own voice. He continued to scream until he could scream no longer, and passed out from the pain coming from his head.

Chapter 7: Cursed

The next day, King Nicholas refused to open the throne room to the public. The throne room was a place where his friends and family could stay, and not be constantly looked and pointed at by citizens. Fortunately, hastily constructed housing was completed, and could house the homeless citizens that needed a roof over their head. He felt guilty about it, but he would only leave the throne room closed for the next couple of days.

King Nicholas also sent word for skilled architects from around the world to start an immense building project. The dragon attack had destroyed the tranquil gardens behind the palace, and Nicholas intended to add on to the palace, not for him or the crown, but for his dragon friends. He had schematics drawn up, and instead of being a new wing of the palace, it would instead be five stories tall, but would only contain a single floor. He planned to make the entryway as high as the ceiling, so his friends and family could come and go with ease.

Nicholas had only told his father about the project so far; not even his mother knew yet. Arskorvar was surprised that his son would build a separate palace for his kind, but he had come to expect that from the boy. He was looking forward to living so close to his other son. He did make it clear they had to win this thing, first.

Earlier that day, Nicholas learned that Arskorvar couldn't read, so he did something to surprise his father. The King brought a cart full of books to the throne room, and sat down by his father and made him pick a book out to read. He laughed when Arskorvar picked out an encyclopedia.

"I am not too sure you want me to read this to you, father," the King said while giggling. He wasn't sure why he decided to bring an encyclopedia down, but it was a funny moment.

"I like the way the cover looks," the green dragon replied with a smirk.

Nicholas looked up at his father and smiled. Frederic never read to him, or listened to Nicholas while he read aloud. Nicholas gently shoved the large, leather back encyclopedia away and instead pulled out one of his favorite childhood books.

It was one his mother used to read to him, and she would read it to Cecilia before he came along. It was about three funny men, who had a knack for trouble, and would usually end up getting hurt in funny ways.

"I will read you the story about how Dylan hit Tom in the face with a fish, and how David got upset, so he hit them both with fishes," Nicholas laughed to his father.

Nicholas read the story to his father, giggling at certain parts. Arskorvar simply listened, and looked at the drawings in the pages. Soon, Morgan and Korvorym came over, as well as Axilian, Taliskyrm, and Romurlak. The dragons as well as Morgan didn't really laugh at the funny parts; instead they only looked at one another and smile when Nicholas started to chuckle.

Morgan started to rub Korvorym's nose. "Maybe one day, little Kormor can read to us," she whispered into his ear.

Korvorym liked that idea, but he was getting antsy waiting for this army to come to them. "It's possible the enemy may be here tomorrow night," Korvorym replied, ignoring her statement. "Are you sure you don't want to simply fly somewhere safe, and avoid this conflict?"

Morgan tugged on Korvorym's ear, telling him to follow her so no one else could hear. They reached a section of the throne room that was out of earshot of the others, near the throne itself. "Kor, I am sick and tired of running," Morgan told him while looking into his yellow eyes. "I am tired of fleeing. If we defeat this enemy, we can choose to live anywhere we want, and finally live in peace!"

Korvorym was still unconvinced; however he wasn't going to argue with his mate. She was right about them constantly running away. She had seen most of Alshen in the past year, living in many locations. He was tired of running as well, but he just had a bad feeling about this.

The throne room doors opened, and Seth walked inside; about a hundred men, and even a few women, followed him. He had returned from recruiting volunteers, and appeared to be successful. "My King, these are all the recruits I could find," Seth shouted as he walked, still not in range of a normal conversation.

Nicholas looked at the cluster of men and women walking into the throne room, most of which stopped dead in their tracks at the sight of the dragons gathered around the king, as well as at the sight of a large one near the throne itself. They appeared to be strong and hardy, no doubt farmers and miners from the nearest towns and villages nearby. Nicholas didn't expect many to come, but one hundred was a good number, even if the enemy did have 70,000.

"Captain, see to it that they are equipped for battle, and give them their orders," Queen Brenda told him, before Nicholas could reply. "Also, make sure they get all the practice they can tonight."

Brenda did most of the math in her head. Some of the town watch survived the dragon attack, as their barracks are located in the palace. They had at least 600 guards, as well as 200 palace guards, and now 100 volunteers. It was less than 1,000 men to face up against 70,000. The dragons are going to be their lifeline.

Nicholas closed his book, and hugged his father before walking over to his mother and Seth. "Seth, when you go out to the blacksmith, ask him if the thing I requested is finished," the King told him. "He will know what I am talking about, and if it is, bring it to Banak."

"Yes, Nicholas..." Seth paused, and went wide-eyed. "My King," he corrected himself while he gave a salute, and took the volunteers out of the throne room.

After being given armor and weapons from the blacksmith, as well as from the palace armory, Seth and one hundred men spent the rest of the day in the training yard, located on the palace grounds. Some of the villagers were decent in combat; many farmers who had to fend off coyotes and wolves on some occasions. However, Seth knew these men would be slaughtered by a professional army, but he had plans for them anyhow. If everything goes according to plan, these villagers will hopefully not even be forced to engage in combat.

Seth met every single one of the villagers, and assigned them positions that best suited their skills. Some were given pikes, while others were given bows. Some were given swords, while others were assigned to the wall's trebuchets. Sometime tomorrow, the enemies would land on the large island kingdom, and they needed to practice, yet also rest for the coming battle.

Seth's plan was to line up all his men on the walls, and have them defend the city, while the guards fought on the battlefield. Seth and his men would be the last line of defense, should the city guard and palace guard fail. He knew this plan was hopeless. He knew the city would fall. 900 men defending against 70,000 would be a massacre. The only way they could have a hope at winning was if the battlefield was safe of those cultists.

An idea slowly entered Seth's head. As much as he hated the thought, he knew what he would have to do to get the cultists to not join the battle. He told his men to keep practicing, and returned to the palace throne room to tell the others what he had planned.

"You can't be serious, Seth," Morgan gasped. "It is too dangerous!"

Morgan was the only one who spoke after he gave his idea. The dragons, as well as the King and Queen just stared at him, as if absorbing what he had just said.

"How do you know they will even listen to you," Brenda told Seth suspiciously. "If you approach them and tell them you will join only if they abandon the siege, what is stopping them from simply doing it anyway after they have you?"

"Why do you think they will even want you to join them in the first place, let alone listen to you if you do," Korvorym asked the man, who had become his second best human friend.

Seth swallowed hard, and looked at everyone as their eyes stared right into him. He closed his eyes. "Justinius, their leader, is my father," he told them, ashamed.

No one in the room said anything. Nicholas and Tavion didn't even seem to know what he was talking about. Nicholas was too young to know about the cult, and Tavion didn't understand what Seth was saying, but everyone else knew, even Taliskyrm looked shocked.

"That man....That monster," Korvorym said, and then corrected himself, "is your father?"

Morgan looked up at Korvorym. "Justinius, he was the one who controlled you, all those years ago, right?"

Korvorym looked down at the marble tile. "Aric killed him," he whispered. "He shouldn't even be alive, but I thought it was him who tortured me in Lyria. Seth mentioned something to me about him, as well, when he escaped from Lyria."

"I know the man you speak of," Nicholas spoke up. "I met him, when Frederic was still king. They were friends."

"Frederic had just become King of Garavor when the Great War began," Korvorym told everyone. "He hardly even sent aid to help stop the cultists, and now we know why."

"I know I can convince him to not attack with the other armies," Seth said quietly. "If I ask to take my spot as his rightful son, we will return to their camp in Lyria."

Everyone was quiet again, and Seth noticed the strange looking lion man, Benroy, just smiling at him. The way he smirked didn't make Seth happy. "You got something to say, cat?" Seth glared at the lion.

Everyone turned to Benroy, and Cecilia ran over, as if to protect him somehow. He looked at Cecilia, and chuckled, but pushed her away, much to her embarrassment. "You are going to die, but go ahead," he told Seth as he continued to smirk.

Seth simply shrugged. "We are all going to die if we continue to do nothing, my furry friend," Seth said as he glared at the lion man.

"I made up my mind," Seth told everyone loudly. "Banak, your new armor is in the training yard, see if you can help train the recruits. They know what they have to do."

The King or Queen didn't object to Seth's offer. Truthfully, the circumstances were dire, and they needed to take this chance, however likely or not it would succeed. Seth went to everyone in the room, except Benroy, and either hugged, or shook their hand. For the dragons he had just met, he simply nodded. He hugged Morgan, and even Korvorym, who hugged him back.

"I regret we will not be fighting together on the front lines again, my friend," Seth whispered to Korvorym as he hugged him.

Korvorym patted him back. "Make the skies safe, my brother."

Seth was a little taken aback by Korvorym referring to him as a brother. It was true, they spent many months fighting enemies together in Tiberia, and they formed a good brother in arms relationship. If Korvorym was human, he wouldn't hesitate to call him a brother. He being a dragon shouldn't matter, as well, and he was proud to refer to him as a brother.

Seth made his way to the massive doors of the throne room, but turned back. "If Percellyma returns, tell her I..." Seth stopped, unsure how to proceed.

Morgan walked up to him, and nodded. "I'll tell her," she told him as she hugged him. A tear ran down her cheek. She remembered what the cultists were like, and knew the kind of power they had at their disposal.

Seth broke free of her embrace, and headed for the door, where he turned around a corner, no longer seen. He started to run for the stables, where he quickly mounted a horse. If he hurried, he could reach the town of Foris and sail for Delinor, before the main enemy army arrived.

Chapter 8: The Coastal Terror

General Carver continued to march with his army, heading for the coast of Delinor. He had fierce determination, as well as ambition, glistening in his eyes. He loved King Frederic as a brother, it was true, but with the throne occupied by a bastard, all Carver had to do was take it for himself, and the kingdom would be his. Nothing could stop him; he had 30,000 men at his back, as well as 40,000 of those strange looking beings from across the ocean. He also had some strange, hooded figures accompanying him, but he welcomed their help.

General Carver didn't like his ocean sailing allies. They smelled, they were loud, and he wasn't too thrilled how they had thousands of human women as sex slaves now. As far as he was concerned, sex slavery was alright, as long as it was kept within the same race. The fact these vile creatures were raping humans didn't sit well with him. He was also appalled at how the bastard sitting on the throne was the spawn of a dragon. He read the letter Frederic received, after he had heard his friend had been imprisoned.

General Carver was going through his strategy in his head. He knew the bastard had less than 1,000 soldiers, while he had 70,000 at his disposal, and he knew that at least one dragon waited for him; the boy's father, no doubt. General Carver smiled to himself, as he thought about gutting the boy right in front of his dragon father, tied up. Or better yet, force the dragon to watch as he crucified his son in front of him. The last idea he had amused him, which was to feed his son to the dragon, after starving the beast. They were mindless animals, and would no doubt devour a child, even if they were their own offspring.

He also thought about what he should do with the Queen. He could simply hand her over to his new 'allies' or simply have her killed, as well. Earlier that day, he had received word the Princess Cecilia was no longer in his allies custody. It is believed that she mated with one of the beasts, and forced him to take her home, although that didn't make sense with Carver. He had 'special' plans in store with the princess, and those made him smile as much as the thoughts of murdering the bastard son of the Queen.

General Carver was upset he had to abandon the siege of Delinor. He always loathed these people, and was upset at forming an alliance with them to conquer Tiberia and Lyria. He was jumping for joy when he heard that Frederic had plans to invade Delinor. Still, he enjoyed the sight of their destroyed capital city, as well as besieging the pathetic and desperate survivors inside. He wasn't sure if the same dragon destroyed his city, as well, but he did praise the beast for burning Delinor to the ground.

If only he was there to witness it; fire raining down on these people who thought themselves perfect. Carver chuckled as he imagined King Lazlo burning to death in his keep. Part of him wished his oceanic allies had simply sacked the city, rather than besiege it. Although he didn't approve of those beasts keeping humans as slaves, it did amuse him to imagine the horror they would have experienced. After surviving a dragon attack, the fate of the survivors would have been a life of rape and abuse, at least for the women. They would no doubt kill the men and either kill or enslave the children, as well. As far as Carver was concerned, the Delinorians deserved that fate, no matter who they were. If one was born in Delinor, they deserved that fate, in his eyes.

General Carver snapped out of his day dream as a robed man approached him on a horse. He wasn't sure, but he believed the man's name was Justinius. He was hooded, and gave off a creepy vibe, but Carver knew that Frederic trusted the man. He could only see his lower face, as the rest was covered by the hood, but the paleness of his skin, as well as his sinister smile made Carver smile as well.

"Word from our allies, General," Justinius quietly spoke. "Their ships have been redeployed along a different section of the coast. They will instead raid villages and unprotected towns still loyal to the new king."

General Carver didn't like that order; within two days, the bastard king and his city watch would be crushed, and there wouldn't be any need for villages and towns that would be paying taxes to burn. However, Carver wanted the villagers to pay. None of them had supported Frederic, or revolted when the bastard came to power. They had to be punished, and he guessed rape and death would be sufficient, if not by his hands, then his allies.

"Very well, we are still 30,000 strong to assault Ondinium, then," General Carver replied.

Justinius rode off, toward a few other cultists further down the marching line. There were only 25 cultists in all, but Carver remembered Justinius mention he had an entire town sized encampment of his followers in Lyria. Carver wasn't entirely sure why they were even coming with him; unarmed men in robes were no soldiers.

General Carver looked to his left, and saw the cloud of dust in the distance caused by his allied army. He was glad to be rid of them, at least for the time being. There was a small part of Carver that didn't want them to invade his home island. They were too unpredictable. He couldn't help but wonder if they would betray him once the dragon-boy was dead.

Carver shook the thoughts from his head, and focused on the task at hand. His army was getting near the sea; the scent of salt water filled the air. Carver could see the shining sea in front of him, as well as the transport ships. Further away, across the sea, he could see Garavor, soon to be his.

His men started to slowly get aboard their ships, which was a time consuming process. Loading 30,000 armored men into transport ships took them a few hours, and they were only halfway loaded when a small sailboat appeared off the coast, headed their way. Carver noted it wasn't a military vessel, but he wasn't too keen on taking any chances. It could be a spy or a scout, and he alerted his men.

The small boat landed on the beach, in between the larger troop ships, and Seth disembarked. Nearly everyone's eyes were fixated on him as he slowly approached the armored man on the horse, General Carver, he presumed.

"I must speak with Justinius," Seth told the horseman. He wasn't scared, and he didn't show it.

General Carver stared at the young man, looking him up and down. "Who might you be," he asked.

Before Seth could reply, he saw the familiar looking robes of about two dozen men approaching him. He easily saw the hooded figure of their leader, looking directly at him.

"Father," Seth said slowly, when Justinius was close enough. "I must speak to you, alone."

Without hesitation, Justinius nodded, and led Seth down the beach, away from the ears of the others. The hooded man looked curious, despite not being able to see his eyes, but Seth could tell by his body language.

Justinius slowly backed away from his son, and looked him over. He noticed the frightened boy he had seen a year ago had grown into a strong young man, complete with a few battle scars, and large muscles.

"You mustn't follow these people, father," Seth whispered. "It is a trap, and you and everyone with you will die a horrible death."

Justinius smirked at his son, his lower face the only visible part of his hooded head. "And why is that my son? We know there is at least one dragon defending the capital."

Seth tried his best to look at the shadowy part of his father's face. "No, there are 12 fully grown dragons, each of whom has sworn an oath to protect the new king," Seth told his father, trying to sound as serious as he could.

"I do not care about these men you are with, father," Seth continued. "I am here because I want to take my spot at your side, but I want to return home, to Lyria."

Justinius slowly smiled, and started to make that chilling cackle. "I had a feeling you would one day realize your destiny was with us, boy," he said, this time loudly.

The two of them simply looked at one another, and Justinius turned his head to look at General Carver, who was still directing his men into the transport ships. He didn't even have to say anything before his cultist companions rode towards the two of them.

"This is my son, brothers," Justinius told them. "I want you all to take him back to our home in Lyria, and have him complete the initiation rite. I will stay here, and join the assault on Garavor."

The cultists simultaneously said, "Yes, master," then scooped Seth atop one of the horses.

"Come with me father," Seth yelled. "They will kill you!"

Justinius looked up at his son, and smirked. "No, they won't," he replied, while cackling.

Seth didn't even get a chance to say anything else before his mount was riding away with the others, away from the shore. He accomplished his mission, somewhat. Justinius was the one he wanted to lead away from the battle, not the regular cultists, but now his father stood alone, and hopefully, that battlefield will be his grave.

General Carver saw Justinius make his way back towards him, although he saw the other robed men ride away. "What was that all about," he asked the hooded man.

"None of your concern, general," Justinius replied, coldly. "How soon before we can set sail for Garavor?"

General Carver looked the hooded man up and down. He wasn't happy about a conversation being none of his concern, especially when it involved a strange man that came from Garavor. Carver let out a sigh.

"Any moment, now," Carver responded, somewhat annoyed. "After I take the throne and proclaim myself King, as well as execute the traitors, I am going to return my army to Delinor, and destroy this kingdom once and for all."

Justinius nodded. "The One still wishes Delinor wiped off the face of the earth, and it shall be done, if not today, than tomorrow; if not tomorrow, than in a month; if not in a month, than in a year."

Carver lifted his hand, as if telling the robed man to stop. "I get it," the armored man firmly stated. "Regardless, soon Delinor will no longer exist."

The two men headed for a ship, and an hour later, the invasion force of 30,000 men headed for the port town of Foris, Garavor's primary trading center.

Morgan paced back and forth from one end of the throne room to the other while carrying Kormor. Korvorym watched her as she walked back and forth, until he couldn't take it any longer. He knew she loved Seth as a brother, as did he, and he knew they would probably never see him again. However, he couldn't stand to see her like this. He could only imagine what she was like when he, her mate, was off fighting in the war in Tiberia.

"Mor, get over here," Korvorym told the pacing woman, beckoning her over to him with his scaly leg.

Morgan looked in his direction, and paused. She approached him with a frown, while looking down, until she was close enough for him to scoop her up and hug her tightly to his chest. His gesture at least caused her to smile, albeit temporarily.

"I just don't like the idea of him going with those people," she mumbled. She could hear his heart beating beneath his chest.

Korvorym continued to hold her tightly to himself. "You were up all night worrying," he told her. "You need to rest, my love."

Korvorym was right. She sighed, and slumped down so her back was up against the front side of his chest; his neck and head above her own. She closed her eyes, holding Kormor tightly against her, but didn't dose off.

"After this is over, I want to find a nice cave, not far from the city, and live out the rest of my life with you, Kor," Morgan said in a hushed whisper. "Just you, me, and Kormor... And maybe more children," she added with a grin.

Korvorym gently set hit massive head atop Morgan's, not putting his full weight on it. "Sounds like a plan," Korvorym replied. "And sounds like a lot of mating," he said while chuckling.

Morgan looked up, only to see the underside of his head. "Yeah, mating is involved to create children," Morgan laughed. "Or did you think Kormor spawned from the sea in Nomas?"

Korvorym sighed. He wished he was there when his son was born. If he hadn't destroyed the cities in the North, he would have arrived in time to see Morgan give birth, but he had to give in to vengeance and revenge, and he would never forgive himself. He was starting to regret burning Ondinium to the ground. He wasn't yet sure if he should tell Nicholas and the Queen it was him who did it.

"Should I tell them that it was me," Korvorym slowly asked.

Morgan bit her lip. She was all for telling the truth, but she wasn't sure telling the King, no matter how young or friendly he was, that Korvorym burned his city and killed thousands of citizens was a good idea.

"No, Kor," Morgan answered. "It is not a good idea, at least not yet."

Korvorym simply grunted, and then sighed. He had shifted the position of his head to look down at his love and his child, and licked them both.

"What should we tell Percellyma," Morgan asked her mate. "About Seth, I mean."

Before Korvorym could respond, Percellyma flew right through the entrance to the throne room, the moonlight shining through the windows bouncing off her dark blue skin.

"They have landed at Foris, and will be here soon," Percellyma shouted. Despite her flying her as fast as she could, she didn't appear to be out of breath, and her voice sounded eager. Her voice got everyone else in the throne room's attention, as well.

King Nicholas, who was reading to Arskorvar, immediately jumped up, as did the green dragon. "We all have our jobs to do," he said as loud as he could, in a child-like voice.

"Let's hope Seth's plan worked, or we are so dead," Banak said quietly, while putting on his custom made armor.

Percellyma brought her glance toward Banak. "Seth? What was his plan," she asked, not necessarily to Banak but to everybody. "Where is he, anyway?"

Everyone in the throne room went quiet, and Percellyma looked at everyone, expecting someone to answer. Before anyone could respond, the city bell started to ring, which signified the city was under threat. That was the signal for everyone to get into position, and everyone started to move to their assigned locations.

Brenda, Cecilia, and Nicholas, as well as Morgan, Tavion, Benroy, Kormor, and Romurlak, headed for the dungeons. Taliskyrm would join them once his job was complete. They would go to the deepest part of the palace, where they would hide until the fighting was over. Banak was going to be guarding them as a last line of defense, but with Seth gone, the defense of the city now fell to him. The dragons would fly into the mountains, and watch the city carefully while they waited for the signal to engage. Many of the townspeople took cover in their lodges, as well as the palace.

Banak, now strapped in his massive steel plate armor, looked more like a giant than a soldier. He made his way to the castle armory, and grabbed the largest two-handed hammer he could find, and marched to the city walls, where the defenders prepared.

After what seemed like hours of waiting, the massive enemy army could be seen, under the glimpse of the moonlight. It was an unusual night; no cloud could be seen in the sky, and the moon lit up the earth almost as well as the sun would.

Banak looked at the defenders on the walls and ramparts, and then turned to look at the approaching army. They were vastly outnumbered, but if everything went according to plan, the odds would be balanced.

Chapter 9: Fields of Fire

General Carver positioned his army a few hundred feet away from the city walls. He could see the silhouettes of the defenders manning the ramparts, and could see the trebuchet's being fired at his army. He brought artillery, as well, but he wanted to take the city intact, so he would only use them as a last resort. Looking around, his men were in perfect formation. Column after column, row after row, all perfectly assembled. Unlike the men he was going to face, his men were professionally trained soldiers. The men inside the city were simply militiamen. He also didn't see any dragons, which made him smile.

General Carver blew into his horn, and gave the order to advance. His men had ten siege towers, as well as dozens of ladders to scale the city walls. He also had a battering ram that was now heading towards the city gates. Carver smiled to himself when he saw volleys of flaming arrows launch from the walls, and decimated some of his soldiers. He had an unlimited supply of manpower, and getting rid of some soldiers just meant not having to pay them anymore. He even had a plan to 'mistakenly' kill a few of his officers, already overpaid as they were.

Before Carver could laugh again, a shrieking sound made him fall off of his horse, as he desperately tried to cover his ears.

Taliskyrm, now on the top of the palace balcony, let out the loudest shriek an adolescent dragon could make, a noise that had a hatchling shriek mixed with an adult roar. That was the signal, and any moment now, the adult dragons would arrive to make the enemy army flee in terror. Taliskyrm then headed towards the dungeons, to be with his brother and guard him with his life.

Banak looked to the horizon, and smiled when he saw multiple pairs of wings heading towards them at lightning speed. The enemy didn't even see them coming, as they set the field ablaze, destroying three siege towers, as well as burning many enemy soldiers, now screaming in agony. The dragons then flew away from the battle as fast as they could, as the sky was already riddled with explosions from archers firing their special arrows. The plan was for the dragons to attack from each direction: Arskorvar would fly from the North, and then when he made his attack, would fly from the South. Axilian would do the same, except come from the South, then from the North. Percellyma and Korvorym did the same technique, only from East and West. This confused their archers, and forced them to attack on four sides.

The dragons failed to destroy the battering ram, now battering down the already weak gates. Banak saw that the siege towers were very far away, and with luck, the dragons would destroy those. He made the tactical decision to remove all melee soldiers from the walls, and instead bring them to the ground, ready to strike when the battering ram destroyed the gates. The archers, still on the wall, continued to pepper the enemy forces with flaming arrows.

Banak had never actually been in a battle before, but as he was twice the size of every soldier around him, he knew he would draw a lot of attention from the enemy. With each thud against the wooden gate, he readied his hammer. Any moment now, and the enemy soldiers would be swarming through that gate. Banak's job was to hold the enemy here, and not let any of them into the city. The dragons would not be able to fight the enemy in the city, as they could easily accidentally set the city aflame for a second time.

Banak went over the plan in his head. He had 200 men surrounding him, as well as a few on the wall. Behind him, closer to the palace, the rest of the forces waited, ready to reinforce the front line. The volunteer villagers gathered around him, ready to defend against the enemy.

"The ram is destroyed," an archer on the wall shouted down to Banak.

Banak smiled, relieved, and the soldiers surrounded sighed with relief, as well. "Oh no, get ready down there," the same voice yelled.

Banak was confused, the ram was destroyed, how else could they batter the gate down? The wooden gates flung open, and his answer was right in front of him: a very large, angry looking Minotaur with a large battle axe staring right at him.

The minotaur was nearly as tall as Banak, but it was wider, and appeared to be stronger looking. He completely ignored the defending soldiers, except to kick one of them out of the way so he could face Banak.

The Minotaur lunged at Banak, and actually hit him right in the chest, which his plate armor deflected. That was too close for Banak, and he saw his life end right there. The thing that entered his mind was Tavion, and he thought about her. How he almost just died, and how he would never see her again. That was enough for Banak, and he roared angrily at the Minotaur, who roared back in a bestial yell. Banak was angry, especially because he knew what a Minotaur had done to Tavion when she was younger. He was going to pretend this was the same one.

Around them, both allied and enemy soldiers engaged one another, ignoring the two massive beasts fighting each other. The two of them attacked each other, blocking, as well as missing the other. The fight went on, and on one occasion, a man attempted to attack the Minotaur from behind, but he simply lifted a hoof, and kicked him right in the face, shattering his skull.

Banak wasn't sure why a Minotaur was fighting for the enemy, but such thoughts didn't linger long in his mind as he narrowly dodged a crushing blow from the massive battle axe. Banak kicked the Minotaur with his clawed foot, right in the leg, drawing blood. The Minotaur wasn't wearing any armor, only some sort of leather. The Minotaur swung his axe in a fury, and sliced Banak with the edge of it across his forehead, and blood started to drip down into Banak's eyes, causing him to lose sight for a moment.

The Minotaur took this time to kick Banak in the stomach, his hoof actually denting his armor, as well as causing pain. Banak was no warrior, but he would not let this mindless oaf best him. He smiled thankfully when one of the archers shot the Minotaur with a flaming arrow, right in the arm, causing him to stagger and drop the axe. This was the moment Banak needed. He hit the Minotaur in the face with the pommel of his hammer, knocking him down. With all of his might, he brought the hammer down on the Minotaur's skull, causing the head to explode in a mist of blood and brains.

Banak slowly turned away from the disgusting sight, and noticed that many of his men had fallen, and were replaced with reinforcements. However, many enemy corpses were also plentiful, although more and more enemy soldiers kept coming through the gates. The dragons were doing their jobs; he could see what looked like Axilian fly over-head, flames escaping from her mouth and raining down on the enemies outside the city. A loud crashing noise shook the earth, as one of their towers along the wall crumbled into debris. It didn't take long for Banak to realize the enemy was now using catapults on them, and other explosions could be heard, as well.

Once the tower wall crumbled, rubble fell all over Banak, but none of it actually affected him. It was during this time, when he was distracted, that an enemy soldier using a pike thrust up into the back of Banak's helmet, penetrating his skull. Banak fell to the ground, blood gushing from his helmet. Banak was dead before he hit the ground.

Dust rained down on Morgan from the ceiling of the dungeon. She held Kormor close to her as Tavion, Cecilia, Brenda, Nicholas, Romurlak and Taliskyrm huddled against one another. Carley, the little girl, also came down with them. Benroy was off on his own, walking about, as a very loud noise shook the dungeon, and for a second, Morgan thought the palace would fall down on top of them.

Romurlak started to cry for his mother, Percellyma. His crying caused Kormor to cry. Taliskyrm and Nicholas were huddled together, and both appeared to be sobbing as well. Tavion looked worried, probably thinking of Banak. Morgan started to think of Korvorym, and everything about him.

Morgan thought of his smile, his yellow eyes, his bronze scales, his brown underbelly, his tail, his horns, everything. The mental image of him calmed her, as she gently snuggled Kormor to her face. Her attention seemed to calm him down a little bit, and she did her best to calm Romurlak down, as well.

A few times, they heard a roar coming from one of the dragons, and every time Morgan heard it, her blood turned to ice. She didn't know if it was a roar of pain, a roar of victory, or what, but she didn't like not knowing what was going on. She started to pray to Griloraax, and beg him to watch over the dragons defending them all.

Nicholas saw Morgan, and sighed. "I'll be right back," he said, as he ran off into the darkness of the dungeon.

Brenda gasped, as did Taliskyrm. "Nicholas, get back here!" Brenda screamed, her voice causing echoes.

Nicholas ran through the dungeons, until he reached the throne room. It was still vacant, and the sound of battle in the distance reassured him that they were not yet defeated. He ran to the stairs, and made his way up to the seventh floor as fast as he could.

Nicholas flung the balcony doors open, and made his way out so he could get a view of the battlefield. Below him, he could see the massive bulk of the enemy force, although it appeared to be diminishing, still making its way into the city, and he saw how Banak had fallen, his massive lifeless body hugging the ground. He also saw his own soldiers, fighting valiantly at the city gates. In the hills outside the city, he saw catapults lobbing stones at the walls, but they quickly caught fire by a dragon. In the distance, he saw the four dragons still burning the enemies on the ground, when something strange happened.

The battle was going perfectly, as far as Arskorvar was concerned. None of the dragons had been wounded, and they constantly roared in triumph after each successful pass on the enemy. All of the enemy archers had been neutralized, and none of them had encountered any strange cultists yet. However, something caught Arskorvar's eyes; a figure on the balcony of the palace, and he knew who it was. However, Nicholas was perfectly safe watching the battle that was almost over.

Arskorvar let out a roar to his son, only nothing came out. He also realized he was no longer flying in the direction he wanted, but was instead heading for the city. Arskorvar knew what was happening, and he knew what he was about to be forced to do. He desperately tried to look for the other dragons, but none of them seemed to notice him.

He headed right for the balcony, until he could see the white of his son's eyes. Arskorvar landed on the perch of the balcony. He could see his son, but he couldn't do anything, he truly was no longer in control of his body, and was startled when he started to speak.

"Hello, King Nicholas," Arskorvar said happily. "Remember me? It's Justinius."

Nicholas froze in terror. He remembered that man, and he remembered hearing what he could do. Did he just take control of his father?

Arskorvar started to laugh, "Your own father will devour and kill you, and then Garavor will belong to the One, not that foolish general."

Arskorvar lunged at Nicholas, only for his prey to jump out of the way, causing him to headbutt the stone balcony. The force of the headbutt sent cracks into the platform, which ripped through the entire balcony. Nicholas jumped through the glass window, getting cut up, and turned around to see the platform holding his father break away, and watched as his helpless father fell with it, not in control of his body.

Nicholas screamed in terror at the sight, and looked out of the window, where he slowly looked down. He saw his father lie at the base of the palace, with rubble atop him, not moving. Nicholas then quickly made his way to his father as fast as he could, running down staircases and flinging open doors along the way.

Korvorym flew around the battlefield, and saw what had just happened at the palace. He knew Seth's plan didn't work, and part of him was glad. He had a score to settle with Justinius, and he spotted him, standing on top of a large rock, not far from the city walls, in a sort of trance. He saw he had taken control of Arskorvar, and now was his chance to strike. Just like when Aric ran him through with his sword while the cultist was controlling Korvorym, he dived towards the man in red.

He was easy enough to see; Korvorym had excellent night vision, and he would show this cultist no mercy. For what he made him do to Johanna, for how he nearly destroyed Lyria and all the lives lost in that final battle and for how he tortured him while he was helpless at the encampment, Korvorym swooped down, and in one bite, snapped the man in half. He knew it was Justinius; no man had ever tasted so foul, and Korvorym was not interested in consuming something so rotten. He tossed his head back and forth, and flung the dismembered man as far as he could throw him into the night sky.

Almost immediately, the fighting on the ground stopped. Every enemy soldier surrendered on the spot, no longer fighting with the ferocity they had moments ago. Korvorym, as well as Axilian, flew toward the city to assess the damage, while Percellyma checked the bodies for General Carver.

Korvorym flew over to where Arskorvar was lying, beneath rubble, as Nicholas was doing everything in his power to remove the stones and debris from his father. Nicholas was too small to lift most of the rubble, but he didn't give up. Korvorym landed, and started to help him move the rubble. Only Arskorvar's head was visible, and he appeared to be breathing, but it was labored.

"Don't die, father," Nicholas screamed, as Arskorvar slowly opened and closed his eyes, his breathing getting fainter with each second.

Korvorym saw a friendly soldier approach, and told him to get Morgan, and for her to bring her bag.

The soldier ran to the palace, and soon Axilian and Percellyma arrived and started to help lift the debris off Arskorvar. It didn't take them long before his body was visible, and Nicholas as well as Axilian gasped at the sight, and both started to cry.

Korvorym looked at Arskorvar's body, and saw blood and mangled, crushed limbs. His wings were horrible; they looked like crumbled pieces of parchment a scribe had thrown away. The only way they could save him is with the White Crown Korvorym had given Morgan, but he could always give her another.

Nicholas slowly made his way to his fathers' head, and hugged him tightly while sobbing, while the rest of the dragons continued to remove rubble and debris from atop him. It was a sad sight, and Korvorym was heartbroken at the sight of a human boy begging his draconic father not to die. Soon, Axilian started to break down as well, at the sight of her mate trying to lick his son, only for blood to ooze out of his mouth, instead of his tongue.

Morgan and everyone from the dungeon soon arrived, and Taliskyrm rushed over to his father. "Everyone needs to give me some space," Morgan shouted, while looking at Korvorym, who simply nodded back.

Morgan rummaged through her pack and grabbed the white flower Korvorym had given her to signify them being mates. She didn't hesitate, although it did feel a bit strange to smash this one up. It was a gift from her mate, after all, but someone's life was on the line.

Morgan continued to smash it up, using a piece of stone she grabbed from a pile of rubble. She then put it in a little bowl, also from her pack, and poured some water she had into it, where she continued to mix it up. Nicholas stared at her, and nodded when she looked at him with the mixture in hand.

Morgan approached Arskorvar's mouth, which was already open; his tongue lying still against the earth. "Arskorvar, you have to swallow this," she mumbled. "It will heal you, I promise."

Arskorvar slowly moved his head, so his mouth was pointed upwards, as Morgan dumped the mixture into his maw. For a while, it simply lay against the back of his mouth, as he did his best to swallow. With great pain, he managed to swallow it, and quickly fell asleep, although Morgan wasn't sure if he passed out or if he fell asleep from the mixture.

Brenda, still sobbing, looked at the dragons. "What about Carver," she asked, her voice full of hatred. "Does he live?"

Percellyma looked at her and smiled. "He is a little on the crispier side now, my Queen."

Brenda gave a sigh of relief. The way she was feeling right now, she would kill him herself if given the opportunity.

"I will stay with him, but he needs to rest, now," Morgan told everyone. "It took Korvorym many hours to recover when I first met him, and gave him this mixture."

"Axilian and Taliskyrm, you can stay, as well as you, my King," she said softly. "But do not disturb him."

The debris around Arskorvar was completely clear; although Morgan wasn't entirely sure the mixture would fix his wings. It should, but she had never seen such a mangled mess before.

Chapter 10: A Long Recovery

Percellyma wasn't too thrilled when she learned what Seth did for them. She knew it was necessary, however she never got to say goodbye, and she even attempted to fly after him twice; Korvorym stopped her both times. Even though they had just made Garavor a kingdom safe for their kind, it didn't feel any different.

The White Crown seemed to work on Arskorvar, but he didn't speak at all once he recovered. His wings were permanently misshapen, and all of the dragons knew he wouldn't fly again. None of that seemed to upset him; he was upset with himself, and wouldn't look at Nicholas or anyone else in the eyes. For a day, he stayed at the spot where he fell, although Nicholas never left his side.

Tavion didn't say a word about her fallen lover, and Morgan assumed she had her own way or mourning. When Morgan tried to comfort the barbarian woman, she didn't respond to her, or cry, or show any sadness at all. Korvorym, as well as the two other dragons were making repairs to the walls, as well as flying construction workers to hard-to-reach places, although none of the workers were too thrilled to ride atop a dragon.

Nicholas knelt in front of his father's head, and Arskorvar quickly turned away. "Please, father," Nicholas whispered. "Why do you ignore me?"

Arskorvar didn't speak for a long time, until he finally told his son, "I was being controlled; I wasn't in command of my body, however," Arskorvar slowly said, "I wasn't even trying to fight back. I let him in, and I simply watched everything he made me do."

Nicholas looked into Arskorvar's deep green, emerald-like eyes. "I know you would never hurt me, and even if you did, you would still be a much better father than the one who previously had the title," Nicholas told him while smiling.

Arskorvar slowly grinned. He wasn't too thrilled about the idea of devouring his son, whether or not he was in control of his body, but he made no attempt to fight back from the cultist invading his mind. He knew it would be futile, but he simply didn't even try.

"I want you to carefully make your way into the throne room, father," his son told him. "I plan on inviting everybody for a speech."

Arskorvar finally started to get up, and realized he wasn't in pain any more, but he couldn't move his wings. They must have healed in a strange position, and he decided to let it go. Nicholas mentioned he could live with him now, and even though he loved to fly, he may never need to again.

It took a few hours for everyone in the ruined city to make their way to the throne room, which was now packed with people. The four dragons, as well as the younger ones and Tavion, Morgan, Cecilia, and Benroy all stood against the back wall of the room, near the throne. Nicholas sat on the throne, while Brenda and Carley sat in chairs next to it.

The throne room was decorated, albeit hastily for the occasion. Nicholas stood up, and all eyes were on him. "Citizens of our great city," he began. "Not long ago, our livelihood was threatened by a renegade soldier, General Carver, one of our own."

"He planned to usurp the throne, and crown himself as king, using military force to accomplish his goal, as well as using forbidden magic to enslave his army," Nicholas told the crowd.

Nicholas turned to the dragons behind him, all staring at him. "It is because of these brave fellows that our city is still standing, and although a dragon had destroyed our city a few months ago," he paused slowly, and glanced at Korvorym, who immediately turned away. "These beings are now welcome into my Kingdom, and will be treated with the respect they deserve, and have earned."

"I, King Nicholas, first of my name, hereby name Arskorvar, Korvorym, Percellyma, and Axilian as defenders of the Kingdom, and knight them," Nicholas looked at the four dragons, who stared back at him. "I also grant the four of you 5,000 gold coins, each."

Each of the dragons smiled, except for Arskorvar. Dragons loved gold, especially when it was given freely, but Arskorvar had too much on his mind to think about gifts. He wouldn't be able to fly again, but none of that mattered to him. His sons were safe, as well as his mate.

Nicholas looked toward the crowd again, and saw many nods and smiles, unlike last time when Arskorvar was brought in. "My main priority right now is to rebuild the city, bigger and better than it was previously, and open the doors for everybody looking for shelter within the walls," Nicholas shouted to his audience. "If we work together, we can lead the kingdom to prosperity, and usher in a golden age the likes of which have never been seen before!"

Nicholas received applause, from the crowd as well as his friends. Soon, architects would be arriving to begin construction of the dragon habitat that would be attached to the rear of the palace, and it would be a place of safety and refuge for his family, as well as any of their friends. The kingdom's treasury was still overflowing with gold and riches, and although it would cost some money, Nicholas had plans to make things right.

"As our city is now a haven for dragons, as well as other races, I hereby rename the city of Ondinium to New Haven," Nicholas told the crowd loudly.

"Lastly, every person in the throne room will receive a gift of 1,000 gold coins, to do with as they please," Nicholas told the audience, who were overjoyed at his news.

The palace cooks and servants soon brought out many dining tables, all filled with food belonging to the royal family, and the civilians who were hungry and desperate were allowed to dine freely, as Nicholas stepped off the throne and ran to his father, hugging him. His friend, Carley, also ran up to the green dragon where the two of them played and hugged him.

Princess Cecilia kept looking at Benroy, who ignored her glances and kept looking at the door, as if waiting for the perfect time to leave. She slowly walked over to him, and he grumbled as she approached. Benroy folded his arms over his chest, as if waiting for her to speak, and getting ready to either scold her or tell her no.

"What is your problem," Cecilia asked him coldly.

Benroy looked at the young woman. She was young and attractive, with long dark hair, smooth skin, and big brown eyes staring back at him. He didn't really care for her dress; he didn't care for formal attire. As long as the hairless humans were clothed, it didn't matter to him. Why go through all that trouble to spend all that money on useless outfits, is what he always thought.

Benroy looked at her, confused. "My kind didn't participate in the battle," he told her, ignoring her question. "That means they are either raiding Garavor somewhere else, or they headed home, without me."

Cecilia looked back at the lion man, and shook her head in disbelief. "I said, what is your problem, Benroy?"

He looked at her and shrugged. "I don't have a problem, Cecilia."

Cecilia touched him on his furry arm, folded in his chest. She just stared at him in his yellow eyes, and he stared back. Finally, Cecilia let out a sigh.

"Why don't you like me," she said while her eyes filled with tears. She had slowly begun to care for the man, and he didn't show any feelings toward her at all.

Benroy looked back at her, confused. "You are a young woman, Cecilia," he said quickly. "Do you even have any idea how old I am?"

Cecilia studied his face, and she did actually see some grey hairs in his mane. For the first time, she also noticed he had many scars all around his body. She simply shook her head, indicating she didn't know the answer to his question.

Benroy looked back at her, and frowned. "I am 52 years old, Cecilia, and my race has a similar life span to yours," he mumbled. "Why do you want to be with an old guy like me, when you are so young?"

Cecilia paused. She had no idea he was that old. She had guessed he was at least 10 years older than her, but none of that mattered to her. She had never felt this way toward any man in her life.

The princess smiled at him, and shook her head, "Age is just a number, sweetheart," she whispered to him as she leaned in and kissed him on the mouth.

Benroy leaned away at first, but then slowly lost himself and kissed her back. He then pulled his mouth off hers so he could speak. "I have done terrible things to humans in my life, Cecilia," he slowly whispered to her. "Especially the women," he grumbled.

"Don't ruin the mood, Benroy," Cecilia mumbled, and she grabbed him by the paw and headed upstairs with him.

Benroy stumbled in her grip. "I have no intentions of doing anything to you yet, just so you are aware."

Cecilia, still pulling him forward, looked back at him and smiled. "What about if I have intentions of doing things to you," she responded.

Benroy chuckled. "I...suppose I would like that?"

No one noticed the two of them; everyone was busy stuffing their faces, although Nicholas did see his sister. He didn't care, she had finally found someone she cares about, and his sister deserves that with everything she was put through. He smiled at the two of them when they walked by, and started to giggle. He hoped that he would never be with a woman. That stuff grossed him out. When Nicholas looked at Carley eating mashed potatoes, with gravy on her face, the thoughts went away, and he blushed at the sight of her.

The dragons each received two boars and a stag, as well as ten sheep for the four of them. They were each in heaven, as each carcass was seasoned with the white powdery stuff Morgan would put on Korvorym's. Little Romurlak ate an entire boar, however Percellyma hardly ate anything. Her mind was elsewhere.

Percellyma walked over to Morgan and Korvorym, and the two of them knew what she was going to say. "I'm leaving, you guys," the dark blue dragoness told them. "I have to get him back."

This time, Korvorym didn't lecture her, or tell her no. "We will look after Romurlak for you, Percellyma," Korvorym told her. "I can come with you, and help you look."

Morgan nodded, as well. Seth was her best friend, and she couldn't just abandon him to those horrible people. However, Percellyma looked past the two of them, and slowly shook her head.

"No," the dragoness told the two of them. "I must do this alone."

"Then find him, Percellyma," Morgan told her friend, while a tear ran down her cheek. "Bring him back."

Percellyma hugged the two of them, and said goodbye to Romurlak, who still didn't say a word, which was unusual for his age. He did whine, but he hugged her back, and started to cry as Percellyma walked to the doors of the throne room, and then took flight.

After a few hours, the throne room started to clear, and when it cleared completely, there was one last matter that needed to be settled. Only Nicholas, as well as his mother and friends, were in the massive room, as well as a few guards. Even Cecilia was present; she waited for this day to arrive. Everyone gasped in disbelief as the guards dragged Frederic into the center of the throne room, waiting for judgment.

His ears were torn off, but he could still hear, just not as well. Only bloodied holes were in their place, and his head was purple from being bruised. Everyone in the room stared in shock, except for Arskorvar, who snarled at the man who had tormented his lover and their son, as well as a poor girl, who was the man's own daughter.

Arskorvar simply didn't care if the man appeared to be insane. He was ready to jump onto him, right then and there. However, Arskorvar noticed that the former King looked dizzy, and didn't appear to be looking at anyone in the room. In fact, he looked cross-eyed; the fool had definitely sunken into madness.

Nicholas looked at his mother, who just shook her head at him, and then looked back at her husband, in disgust. Cecilia also looked at her father with hatred in her eyes, and Benroy had to rub her shoulders to keep her calmed. Nicholas, on the other hand, didn't look at the man with disgust or scorn. He pitied him.

Nicholas continued to look at the man who he had once thought was his father, and sighed. "Frederic Canmore the Second, I hereby exile you to the Kingdom of Delinor, whose rulers will judge you for your crimes," King Nicholas said as he addressed the former King, then turned his gaze towards an armored man standing near the prisoner. "Knight Martin, I task you with escorting the prisoner to Delinor. Take 30 men with you, and tell the current rulers of Delinor I will soon send help once our affairs are in order."

Nicholas stood up, and walked over to Korvorym and Morgan, who were both staring at the pathetic former king, being dragged away. "Hey you guys," Nicholas said as he approached them, taking off his golden crown, which had to be re-adjusted to fit his head.

Morgan chuckled to herself. First the boy was sounding all kingly, and then he went back to sounding like a child again. She rubbed Korvorym's hip as Nicholas approached.

"What is it, my King," Morgan asked him, her voice sounding amused. Korvorym also looked at the approaching child.

"Morgan, I know you want to live with Korvorym far away from the city," Nicholas started. "But with your abilities, I am asking that you stay here for a few days, at least."

Morgan held her breath. As much as she loved to live in the wilds, she was starting to enjoy palace life. It would also be so much easier for her and Kormor.

"Go on," Korvorym sighed, and then smiled. "It would be better for Kormor, as well, but just for a few days,"

Morgan looked up at her mate, unsure. "I will go wherever you go, my love."

"Well, I am staying here; help reconstruct the city," Korvorym told Morgan, as well as Nicholas. He then turned to Nicholas, and looked down at the marble floor, and shut his eyes. "It is the least I could do, considering all this is my fault."

Nicholas touched Korvorym on the neck. "It was my father's fault all this happened, Korvorym," he whispered to him. "I saw you that night from the balcony, you know."

Korvorym took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled. "Then you saw me at one of my worst moments, my King," Korvorym replied, as he slowly opened his eyes.

"The red dragon, he was your brother, wasn't he," Nicholas asked the dragon, although he already knew the answer.

Korvorym looked at Morgan, and saw the sadness in her eyes. "His name was Buldurak, and he stayed behind in Tiberia, even though he knew the war was lost," the bronze dragon shook his head. "He stayed, because he wanted to die with his mate, the Queen."

Before Nicholas could respond, Korvorym quickly spoke. "I take it Frederic brought his head back, then," Korvorym said to Nicholas, as a tear ran down his face.

Nicholas closed his eyes, and slowly nodded. "When Frederic was away, I took it down, as well as Valarie's, and I burned the two of them together," he told him.

Korvorym gasped. He didn't think Nicholas would have done that. In fact, he was getting ready to ask the King if he could have his brother's head, so he could burn it himself. It warmed Korvorym's heart to know that Buldurak was burned with his love, and he knew the two of them were together for eternity now.

Nicholas patted Korvorym on the hip, and slowly turned towards Morgan. "Morgan, let me show you to your room; it is next door to Tavion's."

Nicholas looked at Tavion across the throne room. "Is she doing okay?"

Morgan looked at her as well. She didn't appear sad, but she did look different. Before she looked like a child, now she looked like a woman. "I do not know, Nicholas."

"I am going to go assist in the rebuilding of New Haven," Korvorym told the two of them, while he accepted a kiss by Morgan before he headed towards the massive doors.

Morgan followed Nicholas up the many staircases of the palace, engaging in everyday conversation. Nicholas asked her about Griloraax, and he didn't believe her when she told him he didn't have wings, and that he looked like a very large lizard.

Finally, they reached the sixth floor, and Nicholas opened her bedroom door for her, and then shut it as he gave her and Kormor some privacy. Morgan was in awe at the size and overall luxury of the room. There were paintings, tapestries, torches, windows, and a door to a balcony, a fireplace, a bathtub, a lounge, a few book shelves, and a large bed. She noticed there was even a crib for Kormor, and she gently set him down in it. Morgan smiled as she saw that one of the paintings was the one she had brought from Lyria, of Korvorym and her parents, and it hung directly above her head. She wasn't sure how it was brought here from the den outside the city.

Morgan looked at the bed, and slowly lowered herself down onto it. She moaned at the feeling of the cushion against her body, but it was nothing compared to the warmth of sleeping atop Korvorym. She reluctantly got off the bed, and headed for the door leading for the balcony. It was a small balcony, but it had enough room for a chair or two.

The view was incredible, although she could simply ride atop Korvorym for an even better aerial view of the city. It was still daylight outside, but the sun was slowly starting to go down. On the ground below her, she saw the sun bouncing off Korvorym's bronze scales, making them appear golden from her viewpoint.

Morgan backed away from the balcony, and shut the doors, as well as the curtains. First she bathed for an hour, soaking in the warm water and soap; not having a proper bath in a long time caused her to never want to leave the tub, but she managed to pull herself out of it, and dry off. By the time she had finished drying, she noticed that the sun was down, and she slowly eased herself into her comfortable bed, and fell asleep with a smile on her face.

Justinius had died before, nearly 21 years ago. This time, however, it felt different. His spirit did not linger between heaven and hell as it did last time, when he was given the opportunity to be reborn. Instead, his spirit plummeted until it was set aflame, the fires of hell scorching him.

"Give me another chance, master," Justinius screamed through the agony.

"You have failed me again, mortal," the One replied. "I will find someone else to do my work."

"Please," Justinius shouted. "Give me one more chance, I beg you."

"Your pathetic cult exists because I allowed it to," the One responded. "I will no longer play two sides."

"No mercy, no forgiveness. Not anymore," the One whispered through Justinius. "You will burn forever, mortal."

"Griloraax, please, have mercy!" Justinius no longer felt the presence of the One in his soul; instead he only felt pain and agony, as his soul passed into the lowest layer of hell, where he would burn forever.