Troubled Together - Pt II

Story by Trahl on SoFurry

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Brolin lay himself down, What have I done!' he cried to himself. As if it weren't enough that he had kissed the limp body of his long time crush in front of a dozen furs, he was sure that Tirko was now avoiding him. Not only that, but his parents saw his razor marks, perhaps barely believing his excuse of "I fell."

His insides stirred themselves up severely. The razor called to him, offering its frozen comfort.

The wolf licked his wrist, enjoying the tingling sensation as he blew on it softly. It wasn't quiet enough though, and he opened his wallet to find his razor hidden safely. Brolin's heart quickened expectantly, already feeling aroused, as he attempted to grasp the thin bit of steel. This time, he did not hesitate to bring it across his wrist, applying just the right pressure across his soft fur. The taste of his own blood further excited the wolf, as he cleaned it off with a desirous tongue.

After three long and slow cuts, he forced himself to stop, not wanting to dilute the restorative effects. After wiping off the blade, and replacing it in its private pocket in his wallet, Brolin couldn't help but notice his long past erect wolfhood. Best not let this go to waste,' he told himself, almost delirious in his arousal.

The wolf opened his dummy-bible, passing his magazine clipping underwear and swimsuit models to find his picture of Tirko If only Tirko knew how much Brolin fantasized about the tiger. The picture was a grainy clipping from a school newspaper detailing the events at a district swim meet. The strong tiger stood in the middle of a crowd of teamates, brandishing a trophy high above his head. It was an excellent picture- the tiger's raised arms giving a perfect view of Tirko's flexing chest and bulging arms. The expertly placed camera gave an almost full body view, beginning from his huge paws, to his beautiful face, further to his rippling abs, past a distinct bulge, and ending midway down his strong legs. There was also his wonderful smile, but the newspaper's low definition did it no justice. Een so, it was more than Brolin needed to form an erotic mental image.

The wolf locked his door, lowered his pants, and lay back on the somewhat rought sheets, one paw behind his head, another wrapped purposefully around his cock.

His well practice imagination started playing, as if a moie, a long and extremely optimistic dream. The wolf began slowly stroking himself.

Tirko sat nude and alone on a bench in the showers. He looked sad, solitary. The tiger's head was down, allowing rivulets of water to run down his back and sides, outlining already defined muscle. Brolin casually wandered in, pretending to be unaware of what was to come. The wolf sat on the same bench as Tirko, though on another end. He was also nude, and much better built than in reality. A sigh of loneliness emanated from the tiger, drawing a concerned gaze from Brolin.

"Is anything wrong?" enquired the wolf, seductively but discreetly rearranging himself.

"I'm confused," admitted Tirko, following an age old script that Brolin wished for daily. "I lost herana, and I just don't know what to do."

Brolin grinned at the sense of control. "You don't need here," claimed the dream wolf, "not as long as I'm here." The confidence required to actually say this would have killed the wolf in real life. The sheer bravery required for the next part would have caused an explosion.

Tirko looked over. His face was not so confused as it was hopeful, "You? Do you really care for me that much?" The tiger moved closer.

"Always," ensured Brolin, bending himself to get a good look at Tirko's cock. "Anywhere," he said before enveloping the monstrous organ with an eager fury.

Tirko recovered from his shock quickly, massaging the shouloders of the wolf with one broad paw and exploring the area around Brolin's tail hole with the other.

The real Brolin began stroking himself faster and harder, putting solid pressure near the entrance to his real tail hole, attempting to add sensation to imagination.

Dream Brolin bobbed his head up and down on the long tiger meat, optimistically imagining rapturous moans from his partner. The organ began pulsing violent, precum flowing forth unabashedly, and Brolin slowed to a stop to delay Tirko's and his own orgasm. The wolf twisted himself around to sit on Tirko's lap, facing him. Their hard cocks would touch in the middle as Tirko's big arms held Brolin close and they kissed lovingly. Their tongues met passionately in the middle, attempting to bypass the other to access the warm maw on the opposite side. The kissing ended with the two staring deeply into each other's eyes- Tirko showing two cerulean blue irises, pale and pure.

In the midst of this silent gaze, Brolin rose up slowly until his tight tail hole sat precariously on Tirko's throbbing tigermeat. They returned to their warm kiss as the wolf gradually lowered himself, taking the tiger's length with him. He imagined the pain of having his tail hole spread so wide being covered up by the much stronger pleasure.

In reality, Broin began stroking himself quickly again, his index finger no longer producing pressure around his hole, choosing instead to have it actually enter, if only an inch or so.

Tirko broke their kiss again and began nibbling on Brolin's neck as they worked together to force the entirety of the eleven inch cock inside the narrow passage, releasing growls and moans of perfection the entire way.

Brolin howled as his cheeks finally rested on Tirko's striped legs and he wasted no time before grinding his hips to make sure the long cock touched everything. Both were squirting precum copiously until there was hopefully enough for lubrication and Brolin began moving himself up and down on the erect tiger meat as Tirko rubbed the wolf's legs and chewed on the wolf's neck.

Brolin began finding it hard to concentrate. He was two close to continue the dream and ended up cumming globs onto his chest before the imaginary Tirko or Brolin could.

The wolf relaxed at last, casually rubbing the cum into his fur. He licked a bit off his paw, gauging the taste, but chose to wipe the rest off with a tissue or two. Brolin used the last of his strength to put his boxers back on and was quickly asleep.

* * *

Tirko could find no relief. Coach Berat's promise of "You'll figure it out eventually" offered no defense. The sun long ago sank far beneath the horizon, effectively ending the enlightening day.

Make awkward conversation,' Tirko reminded himself, Touch his wrists a lot... the more nervous you seem, the more comfortable hell get.' These bits of advice played through his mind as he tried to imagine a course of events.

I'll make small talk until he misses the bus,' planned Tirko, He rides a bus right?'

I'll offer to drive him home. I should bring water before hand in case he gets nervous. I'll talk about Herana, how I can't seem to love a female. That will start him talking.' It was at this time that Tirko realized he had never heard Brolin speak. Is he a mute or just shy?' he panicked, Am I coming on too strong? Do I really know anything about him?' The tiger's panic developed into confusion and then dizziness. How was Coach Berat so sure about Brolin?'

Tirko, for a moment, felt apologetic for possibly letting his coach down in the shower, but his thoughts turned from the lion straight back to the wolf, What if I can't please him?' A thought for his partner's pleasure had never occurred to him before, even during his relationship with that homophobic bitch, Herana. She was a pretty, thin rabbit. Tan fur and long blonde hair; but still a bitch.

An idea struck Tirko- he had better ask. He called Herana's cell phone to find himself blocked. He called her home phone to be hung up on less than a second after announcing himself. He tried his laptop, counting every second it took to turn on. She had blocked and deleted him from messenger. At long last, she forgot to block him on furspace. Scrolling quickly past the forged images of homosexuality, Tirko clicked into the IM feature.

"Herana? I need to talk," he typed simply.

Her reply was slow. The screen announced her movements and before she finally sent a meager, "What do you want, queer?" she had written and deleted at least six messages.

"I'm sorry," Tirko responded submissively, "But I just need to know some things." He wasn't about to reveal the presence of this new love interest, so he tried to remain discreet.

Hermana's silence was enough answer, so he continued, "Why did you ever spend so much time with me?"

"You were cute and I needed a strong fur to stop all those creeps from throwing themselves at me." Her response was quick and it hurt Tirko to find that he held so little appeal for this girl.

He pretended to be all right with it, "Was I at least nice to be with?"

Herana wrote and deleted several more messages, probably battling between an honest admition of her euphoria, or more rude quips. "You were okay," she admitted. Tirko could feel her let go of her anger, even through the pixels of text.

The tiger searched for words, trying his best not to sound too proud. "was I really?" came his intentionally weak answer. "I just need to know for old time's sake."

Her response didn't come. The screen didn't show her typing and Tirko shivered in the long silence.

"I never wanted to lose your kiss," she typed after some time. "You were just so god?" Tirko watched the typing sense, noticing lengthy pauses throughout her typing. "You made me feel so special. Even near the end when you seemed to stop trying, I still felt so strange."

The tiger was dumbstruck. Was he her One? Then why wasn't she his? It seemed crule to leave her if there was only one One for her. All he could muster was another, "I'm sorry."

"Well you damn well should be!" she lashed out before blocking him from Furspace.

Unsure on whethero r not he had a real answer, Tirko was finally able to sleep.

* * *

Brolin's good mood persisted through the next morning. His blade once again secure, his cuts hidden under dark fur, this thoughts still singly purposed towards Tirko.

He again wished his parents a good day, and half skipped into the world. Confidence exuded from his every orifice, he imagined, and he was going to catch his tiger.

Brolin sat in front of the pool hall, pretending to be enthralled in a book, but actually was only watching the area. Eternities passed behind those meaningless pages as the wolf sat blissfully unaware of his prey's own internal conflict. He calmly anticipated Tirkos arrival- having already waited nearly eighteen years anyway, this was no stress.

But the tiger did not arrive for his usual morning swim and the wolf felt his confidence drip away with each passing minute. He's avoiding me. I'm sure.' Before long, Brolin's confidence completely fell away, leaving only a completely new species of sadness. He ran to the nearest restroom.

* * *

Tirko wasn't even going to try to force himself to swim today, but his parents weren't going to let him drop his future career in professional swimming- as if it was a sport that anybody really cared about. So he fled the house and drove away, pulling up behind an old antique store down the street from the high school just to park and think. His grand plan was being gradually reconstructed from the previous night.

Everything should go well except for sixth and eighth periods,' he told himself, How can I avoid him until then?' The tiger was unprepared as it was. If this didn't happen just right, he feared, there would be no chance.

A confused Tirko lay on his steering wheel, his heart beating madly, accounting for every eventuality. Or at least that was the plan. He continued this fervent thinking until the owner of the antique store, an angry looking Siamese cat, came out and started rapping violently on the window. "You get out of my alley, stupid tiger!"

The shock caused Tirko to accidentally shift into reverse and hit a dumpster. "Fuck!" he yelled before shifting correctly and speeding off, just missing the old cat.

* * *

This new brand of depression wasn't like his regular hormonal shit. It was deeper and covered in layers of anxiety and regret, but Brolin had only one way of looking at it.

In a locked stall, in a quiet restroom, he pulled out the razor again, his sadness covering his fear of being walked in on. There was no ritualistic appreciation for the blade this time. He just took it to his wrist and slid it sideways. There was no pain, but there was no pleasure either. Brolin, out of habit, attempted to lick the blood off, as usual, but found himself sickened by its taste now. He cut again- and the feelings of emptiness persisted.

"God dammit!" he yelled in the echoing, urine stained room. It just wasn't working. The wolf gave up and just rinsed off the blood in a sink. His sadness developed into anger. He wandered into fifth period, and brooded the entire class. In sixth period, he found himself too busy with work to brood and look at Tirko at the same time, so he continued to brood.

If the bastard cared, he would have shown up ,' Brolin thought. That's not fair, though. He couldn't have known,' contested another side of Brolin. Well its not like he's doing shit now,' finished the first side.

Seventh period rolled along, with barely any acknowledgement from Brolin, but after almost four hours, his misplaced anger was degrading into nothingness. What concerned him now was the yellowing of his marks. It was an infection, he was sure. I should have known that some piss stained public school restroom would do something like that.'

The coming of eighth period marked a time of shame for Brolin. He wrongfully accused Tirko of rejecting him, seconds from clawing the tiger for not regularly exercising in a schedule befitting his own plans, and now they were just inches away from each other. He doesn't usually sit here. What is he doing!?!' Brolin asked his mind, quivering heavily.

Tirko turned towards Brolin, noticing the shivers, "Do you need a jacket?" he asked innocently, "I'll let you borrow mine."

"I... uh-" stuttered the wolf, "Its cold." Tirko turned away quickly to work on his assignment. Smooth move retard,' smirked the back of Brolin's mind.

More time passed between the two, Brolin begging for an opportunity to make up for his hiccup.

After some time of relative silence in the room, Tirko turns again to Brolin, "Can- would you," he stuttered, "I need..."

"Help?" Brolin offered enthusiastically.

"Yeah! That's it," Tirko responded, scribbling something on the corner of his worksheet and pointing to it. Brolin lightly touched Tirko's shoulder to pull himself up and over, trying not to feel around but making sure they were close.

"Tirko's eyes closed and his breathing became forcibly slow. "We need to talk after class," read the little scribble. Brolin turned in shock at the tiger. Tirko did the same towards the wolf. Their noses almost met, their eyes momentarily locked. Both turned away blushing, before returning to business.

Neither spoke for some time, but there was no progress made in their work. "Yes," Brolin finally agreed, and a sigh of relief shook them both.

The wolf found himself unable to work at all from there onward, but Brolin felt relieved to see Tirko make just as much progress. It was all he could do to sit there, imagining what might happen next.

As the class and school day drew slowly to their close, Brolin began feeling nauseous. Why am I looking forward to this?' he questioned. He hasn't given me a single signal. Tirko's probably going to tell me to stop stalking him.' He began quivering again, I went too far. If there was ever a chance, I blew it at the pool.' Brolin felt his head fall on the desk hard and he began muttering madly under his breath.

* * *

The incident with the antique cat left Tirko with a bit of a rush. Something greatly agitated by the presence of a lone wolf outside the pool hall. Not now,' he reminded himself. Wait until everything is set.' His plans ran through his mind again and again as he sat in his old grey sportscar, idling in the parking lot. With each rotation, the whole ordeal sounded more ridiculous. It continued through fifth period, where he found himself unable to use a computer mouse with any efficiency.

Then came sixth period; a class with Brolin. There was no need for evasion here. Not only was physics a perfect excuse for inaction, but Brolin was hiding himself. It worried Tirko that the wolf might be depressed- the thought that his wolf might be in pain, but he didn't know what to do about it and tried to leave it behind.

It didn't go away though. He worried all through seventh period- If Brolin was depressed, could he help? What if Brolin was a cutter? The thoughts of what the wolf might do to himself were terrifying, but upon their second meeting in eighth period he looked much happier... or at least less dead inside. Tirko pushed the thoughts away and began laying the base work with Brolin.

Lets begin with scheduling,' planned the tiger. Ask him to come with me after class.'

Tirko turned towards Brolin, who was focusing on his work and shivering madly. "Do you need a jacket? I'll let you borrow mine." There goes that plan.'

"I... uh-" stuttered the wolf. "Its cold."

Tirko turned around, afraid that he had already spooked Brolin. If THAT was coming on too strong, this would be much harder than he thought.

Step one again! Repair the last wall, then hop it.'

"Can- would you," Tirko mumbled quite intentionally, "I need..." The last word got lost.

"Help?" offered Brolin, enthusiastically.

"Yeah! That's it," Tirko responded. This is perfect- I'll just pretend I can't talk,' he lied. He couldn't talk. He scribbled, "We need to talk after class" onto the corner of his paper.

Brolin grabbed onto Tirko's shoulder, causing a wave of excitement to pass through him in the form of a short shiver up his back. The tiger tried to calm himself down.

He almost did, too, but the urge to see Brolin's response was too strong. He looked over. The wolf was looking back. His eyes are such a pretty gold,' came Tirko's only response. The trance was too strong, and its breaking took some work.

Finally, he turned forward again, trying to hide his smile.

It took a while for Brolin to respond, but Tirko counted every second eagerly. "Yes," it finally came.

The rest of the period was spent imagining what they might do together after they got each other figured out.

* * *

The closing bell rang and Brolin darted from the class room, squeezing himself between other furs in an attempt to escape the tiger. Hiding in a bathroom would be too obvious. The hall would be suicide,' he thought, weighing options, If I walk home, he can just drive up to me.' Brolin wandered the school building as randomly as he could before colliding physically with a large stomach.

"Brolin!" exclaimed the stomach, "You know Tirko's looking for you? Congratulations!" It was more than a stomach. It was Keri, a somewhat chubby bear that Brolin had known since elementary school. That, and the first and possibly only fur to know of Brolin's sexuality. "How'd you get him to turn?" he continued.

"What?" Brolin asked, trying to sound innocent. "That doesn't matter; I just have to get out of here."

Keri looked skeptical, "You've been crushing all over Brolin since you were thirteen. Now he's chasing you. Its an opportunity. Now use it!" He pulled Brolin by the paw down the hall a bit.

"No!" cried the wolf. "I can't face him like this. I don't even think he wants to see me."

"Then why is he trying to find you?" pointed out Keri.

"I..." stammered Brolin, "You must have heard about yesterday?"

"You pulled him out of the pool." the bear shrugged.

"Yes, and then I kissed him!" he confessed. "He was passed out, and I kissed him. I don't know about you, but I don't think straight furs respond well to being kissed by other male furs."

"Did he kiss back?"

Brolin didn't know how to respond, unable to accept reality.

"Fine- I'll drive you to my house." Keri conceded, "You can hide out there for a bit."

Brolin leapt up and hugged the bear, "Thank you sooooo much!"

They walked out together, Keri pretending to peek around corners as if attempting to dodge armed guards, talking about Tirko the entire way. The walls were, by now empty, but the grounds were still littered with furs as they passed through.

As they continued talking, Brolins head dropped lower and lower, feeling shameful of himself. According to Keri, Tirko looked worried as he searched- not like he was planning to rip the wolf to shreds.

Keri stopped in the middle of the parking lot. "I'll get my car. Wait here," instructed the bear.

Moments later, Keri's truck could be seen speeding away, a paw waving out the window. "You fat bastard!" screamed Brolin, realizing just whose car he was standing next to, only to be shaken further by the sight of a sad tiger in the distance.

Tirko's head shot up immediately and he looked directly at Brolin. Its too late to run now,' he groaned as he fell to the ground.

* * *

The closing bell rang and Brolin darted from the class room, Tirko holding an arm out to the wolf, as if hoping to pull him back.

That wasn't working very well though, and he finally got up and ran out after Brolin. He had been building himself up all day and wasn't going to just drop it.

Tirko guarded the busses until most of them were gone. He searched the bathrooms, going so far as to ask passing females to search their rooms. He ran though halways, bending to all fours to circle the school building. No luck. He asked every fur he passed. Still no luck: few of them even knew Brolin.

It had been at least a half hour. The halls were empty, save the occasional janitor vacuuming or secretary running notes around. He gave up.

The tiger no longer had the strength to hold up his head, letting it fall in front of him as he quietly cried on the way to the car. First carpet, then concrete, then grass passed below his dripping eyes until he barely dodged a speeding truck. "He's waiting for you!" laughed a bear, before continuing on his way.

A vain hope ignited within Tirko. He had no idea who the bear was, but who else could he be talking about? The tiger looked up and around, barely seeing a wolf duck behind his car on the other side of the moderately crowded parking lot. Tirko was overtaken with a strange laughter, beginning with a little celebration dance and ending with an energetic sprint..

* * *

Brolin sat on the cool ground and leaned against the old grey sportscar. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god," he repeated to himself out loud. He wasn't ready, it was obvious, and tigers run quickly. There was no time.

Tirko arried in no time, completely blocking one side of the gap between his and another car with his broad shoulders. The wolf looked up at Tirko, admiring his muscles through a tight shirt, but turned around to eye the remaining exist, feeling a hot blush envelop his face.

The large tiger stared down softly at his wolf. "I was looking for you," he said quietly, kneeling down to meet eyes with Brolin. Brolin was paralyzed.

Tirko continued, "I wanted to thank you," he said, trying to swallow a lump in his throat, "to thank you for pulling me out of the pool. I don't know what I was doing down there, but... I'm glad you stopped me."

Brolin looked up again. He was unable to speak, but Tirko was in total control- and he liked it. "And thank you," mumbled the tiger awkwardly," for... the second part."

Brolin's insides constricted after that. Tirko lowered himself to sit cross legged before Brolin. The car behind him drove away without taking notice.

"I just want you to know," Tirko's paw moved forward to rest on Brolin's much slenderer paw, "that I-" He didn't finish, seemingly absorbed with petting Brolin's paw. Brolin was similarly enthralled with watching it.

The wolf wanted to say something. He wanted to do things, too, but he could not break his eyes away from Tiirko's. Thus, they sat in silence as the tiger lightly massaged Broin's paw, moving up his arm.

I t was perfect- until he stopped. Tirko's eyes widened, feeling up and down Brolin's wrist. The wolf suddenly felt self conscious of his infected cuts while Tirko stroked their length. "No," he whispered.

* * *

Tirko skipped up to Brolin, who merely watched the tiger block the gap between cars. Tirko looked back. "I was looking for you," he said quietly.

The tiger kneeled down to meet Brolin on even ground. "I wanted to thank you," a lump formed in his throat, "to thank you for pulling me out of the pool. I don't know what I was doing down there, but... I'm glad you stopped me."

"And thank you for..." the memory and the feelings flashed before Tirko, "the second part."

It was going well, Tirko thought. Brolin hadn't run away or resisted. He just sat there and accepted his gaze. Tirko lowered himself all the way to the ground and began stroking the wolf's thin paw, taking no notice as the car behind him drove off.

"I just wanted you to know that I," Tirko stopped, engrossed in the feel of the wolf's fur. The proximity was enough to arouse him- the touch was almost too much. Then he felt a lump that stretched all the way across the underside of Brolin's wrist. There were several. "No," he whispered. Not this wolf. It can't be. Not again.

* * *

Brolin winced as his paw was forcefully turned in the wrong direction. "No!" protested Tirko, ignoring Brolin's shock.

"What is this!" he yelled.

Brolin could barely answer, "I scratched myself," he lied, "on a tree."

An angry growl sounded from the tiger. "Don't lie to me!" he roared, pulling Brolin up by his paws. "What is this!" he repeated, waving the wrist in question.

"What do you care?" Brolin questioned defensively.

"I'm not letting you do this to yourself."

"Its none of your business," the wolf retorted, "Let me go!"

"No. Im not letting you do this." Tirko repeated quietly.

Brolin spun himself around, throwing off the tiger's grip. "Stay the hell away from me," he ordered.

Tirko took a step forward, "Please, Brolin. Please don-" He was silenced by Brolin's claw as it tore his shirt. Brolin fled and didn't look back.

He ran and ran and tripped on occasion, but he didn't care. He ran past his house, barely pausing to throw his book bag behind some bushes, and then kept running. The suburbs and minor shopping districts passed by and eventually ended, yielding to agricultural areas. Concrete became gravel and then dirt. He continued past farmhouses and fields of allow and fruit, finally finding Keri's home. The sun was setting as he stomped up to the door, panting heavily.

Brolin knocked, Keri answered. "You're a god damn son of a bitch" he barked at the bear angrily, promptly collapsing on the stone porch.

* * *

Brolin winced as his paw was forcefully turned the wrong direction, but Tirko didn't care. "No!" he yelled with a tear in his eye, "What is this!"

The wolf looked as if he were trying to crawl away. "I scratched myself on a tree," Brolin explained, but Tirko was too family with those marks to fall for that.

Tirko lifted the scared wolf to his feet. "Don't lie to me!" he roared much louder than he intended. He found it hard to control himself. "What is this!" he repeated, shaking the wolf's paw violently.

"What do you care!" Brolin countered.

The tiger wanted to explain about his mother's suicide. How he found her at the age of six holding a butcher knife, still cutting herself as the blood pooled around her. How she fell to the ground with a sickening splash. How the knife flew from her hand, almost killing the young Tirko, but instead leaving a long gash across his upper leg. How he blamed himself.

"I'm not letting you do this to yourself," not another loved one, not this soon. Tirko's paw tightened.

"Its none of your business," Brolin barked, "Let me go!"

"No! I'm not letting you do this to yourself." Tirko repeated quietly.

Brolin spun around, breaking the tiger's loosening grip. "Stay the hell away from me," he growled.

Tirko opened his arms and took a step forward, trying to look open and defenseless, "Please Brolin. Please don-" Brolin took advantage of the opening and clawed a hale into Tirko's shirt, running away before Tirko could go on.

The tiger was alone, shaking and crying. He looked down on his ripped shirt, seeing the blood flow from the fresh gash, and fainted.