Troubled Together - Pt III

Brolin looked at the trees above him. The leaves were new and green, and let in light as they swayed out of the sun's path. The picture was one of beauty, but Brolin couldn't help but worry. The rustling of the leaves was calming, but the wolf could...

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Troubled Together - Pt II

Brolin lay himself down, What have I done!' he cried to himself. As if it weren't enough that he had kissed the limp body of his long time crush in front of a dozen furs, he was sure that Tirko was now avoiding him. Not only that, but his parents saw...

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Troubled Together - Pt I

The wolf stripped down to his boxers, laying on his bed over the covers. Determined, he focused himself on everything that was wrong. In truth, nothing was wrong. Puberty had just reached the point in which it decided to fuck with hormones, and while...

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