Gypsy Life

Story by Seigfreid Zelfried on SoFurry

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A Gypsy's Life Part 1

Setting: A Desert Town in the Badlands

As the Light Shined through my Window I Glanced outside to find the area was Filled with Hustle and Bustle and other sorts of Commotion the Road now filled with people of all shapes and sizes made it all the more Exciting...I quickly got dressed and left my Home in my casual sweat shirt and sweat pants i admit i didn't look very Intimidating not being muscular and all but that doesn't mean that i wasn't any less of a threat. I just chose to act timid and i walked down the road several people started Whistling at me and saying awkward stuff Most likely because they couldn't tell a boy From the Girl but upon rolling my Eyes i bumped into a Large Figure that Felt like a bloody wall Looking up i saw a Large Fur whose Size was almost as Intimidating as his Face as he looked down and said

"Watch where your walking or ill Skin you alive"

Not letting the sensation of Fear overwhelm me a stood and looking at the Large Fur but looking closer i saw it was a Large Siberian Tiger but still grabbing him by the cheek i said"Id watch your tongue we wouldn't want anything bad to happen to it now would we??"

patting the large tigers face i turned to leave however as i left i heard footsteps following me picking up the pace i weaved back and forth between people trying to lose the chaser however to no avail, as the Footsteps grew louder and louder as i darted into an Alley and for a relief i let out a loud sigh but it was Short lived as i heard a loud thump come from behind me i turned and gasped.

"why a-"

being muffled by a large claw i looked up seeing the same Tiger i threatened

"Shah don't speak....I have to ask you something"

the large Tiger removed his claw from my face

"Why are you Following me, What do you want, and WHY THE HELL DID YOU COVER MY MOUTH"

"Well to Answer your Questions in order: first im following you because hell i don't know your the only one who looked at me dead in the Face and never scream, 2nd answer is because......i think i kind of like you but i don't know, as for me putting my Claw over your mouth...well its simply because i didn't want you to scream from shock"

Thinking it Over I grabbed his face and gave him a slight Kiss on the Cheek.

looking at him i said" are you Honestly saying that you Trust a Romany??"

The Tiger looked at me with gentle eyes and grabbed my arm shoving me against the wall saying "does this prove it??" as the Big Tiger Rubbed my chest he licked my neck, although that did get me a little horny i Controlled my self and looked him in the eyes saying "Not here lets go someplace a little more private" grabbing the Tiger by the hand i lead him out of the alley way and into the Roads and ran dragging him with a broad smile and brought him out into the dessert to a Secret Oasis i had found....although the trip took all day the Night made it a little bit more Romantic.

as the Night grew colder and colder i actually started to feel a little Flame between the 2 of us...but who knows "the most ive ever gotten close to someone they turned me into the Police/Or they tried to kill me"

"That's Terrible...what happened??"

"well it happened like this"

(Flash back) "are you actually positive they wont find us hear" Looking over to Young Female Puma i saw a figure hiding behind her and grasped her waist and kissed her turning her the other way so she could see the Figure however this was Short lived as she took out a Dagger pointed at my Back...feeling the Point i heard rapid footsteps heading towards us as she Grinned evilly

"heh Gotcha"

"what's going on"

looking around i found my self Surrounded by Coppers as i sighed sadly

"you never had cared for me have you??"

"not really i was Just interested in the bounty on your head"

gripping her waist tighter i kissed her again but this time...I bit her tongue as the Female Puma screamed in pain the Cops closed in attacking as 13 tails shot out from under my cloak wrapping around there necks Choking them to the point to where there heads turn blue then twisted cracking each of there necks. As for the Female Puma i had left her bleeding from the inside of her mouth were she soon had suffocated.

"and that's what happened...afterwards i picked my life back up and became who i am today"

"However i never trusted a single person for fear that the same thing would happen all over again"

The Large Tiger looked at me and asked

"Do you think id do that???"

"....No...i don't"

i got closer to him and started rubbing his chest slowly as my tails came out from Under my Cloak...only this time they began to move freely over and around his the Tails moved i began kissing his neck and biting it softly hearing an occasional -Gasp-..this act made the tiger lean back onto the Grass of the Oasis as i proceeded to rub his muscular i rubbed his chest i looked down seeing a bulge underneath His cloak as i rubbed it gently he let out a soft moan...Noticing this i stood up and looked at him in a Sinful way taking off my Clothes showing my body and everyone of my tails as i stepped into the water and moved my Finger motioning him to come and join me.

Looking down i could tell he enjoyed the Display as i saw his Bulge Expand in both length and width So i left the Water and grabbed his hand as i led him to the water only to have him grab my waist and kiss me as his hands roamed over my body making my Cock hard as stone as he Undressed himself and pushed me down getting on top as he continued kissing me although he did use a bit more tongue than necessary I didn't care i loved it, the Tiger sat up and lifted me up and onto a large 12 inch cock and began moving me up and down slowly


"does it hurt???"

"A little but i Love it, try taking a little bit faster k?"

"fine but let me Give you a little Tenderness with this Experience hmm??"

without warning The Tiger Licked my Chest as the Cold water splashed onto us from the Oasis making it even more Enjoyable feeling that Jolt as it runs up my spine, The tiger Sensing this moved his head down and began to suck me off

"Damnit,Ahhh!dont stop keep it going" The large beast was going all over my Sensitive spots with his tongue as I got closer and closer to My Climax....until

I felt a surge of Warm liquid shoot into me making me Release as well....

as the Night went on we Laid on the Ground as i rubbed his Chest spent and heard him Purring, however shockingly I asked "So...What's your name anyway??"

"My names Altora D. Gantz im here looking for someone."

"what's his name i have some Connections around the Town and i could probably Find him for you??"

"that would be nice it beats wondering all alone in this god forsaken place, his name is Dietrich ZelFreid he's a Top Bounty Hunter with a Big Bounty on his head he also has several other Aliases i know 1 of them is Siegfried but the other 2 i don't know."

Looking at him i sighed, Sat up and put my Clothes back on and said in a serious tone much like the one you'd hear before a person was about to get eviscerated "His Other ones Are Graham and Zehn" both shocked and in awe he asked

"By the way what's your name??"

Looking at him I answered Truthfully but i wished i hadn't

"My Name is Siegfried Von Seele....but as you Say my Other Name is Dietrich ZelFreid"

An Awkward Silence filled the Oasis as i Quickly Drew 2 Curved Daggers pointing them at his Neck and Kidneys as he looked at me wide eyed and Shocked. And with that our Short love life went to hell.

See Next Chapter :3

The Gypsy Life Pt2


Dessert Oasis

as I Stared down Altora i slowly began to lose all sense of the word Sanity my eyes slowly began to change from Both red and blue to just plain red as my Tails began to merge into one while my Fur Changed all black except for my Left eye which had a crescent shaped patch of fur on it..... i couldn't take the strain so i spun the daggers without warning and began slashing at Altoros body.....with a Crazed look on my face you could say this was an "Out of body experience" for me as my entire body was Now Pitch black Except for the Patch on my left i slashed madly Altoro picked up a Large sword and slashed at my back....escaping i noticed a large gaping hole in the back of my Cloak exposing my back....getting mad i ripped my cloak off Exposing my Pitch black body as the Sign for Devil appeared on my back...Grinning i said

"heh now i see the Hunter Altoro D. Gantz who cant even take out a Fox. And you call yourself a hunt-"


ears perking up i grew more and more enraged but then relaxed and spun my daggers on my Finger tips saying

"you know i told you to watch your mouth did i not....i suppose ill just have to take that pretty tongue out of your head now"

"Heh well Id love to se-"

with a flash my hand shot into Altora's mouth and pulled hard ripping out...

looking in my hand i saw a pink flailing muscle as Altora began to scream in agonizing pain yelling


without even caring i took my 2 daggers and slashed out his eyes making blood fly everywhere upon the Grassy floor grinning madly as i slowly felt my body all over looking at Altoras bloody body as my breathing picked up rapidly making me Extremely horny for some odd reason.

However regaining control i Clutched my head tightly as my Mind began to return to normal making my once Pitch black fur Return to its natural 2 colored self with white on the left and black on the right....sighing i looked over at Altoros now dead Corpse as i began digging a grave for him and dropped his body in it saying"Hes Maggot food now" looking over at my Cloak i picked it up and sighed thinking to myself..."I guess ill need to repair this, some bounty hunter he couldn't even beat me...."i had pilfered Altoros body removing his clothes and Possessions before i buried him...looking at his grave and sighed i waved my hand over it as thousands of Black flowers rolled over it as i said"Noone should be Buried in an Unfit grave" and then i returned back to the Town where i would eventually forget about the day went on my mind was completely Void of the Siberian tigers Day turned to night i heard a loud thump and left the room and out the house looking around hearing nothing but the sound off Scarab Beetles...

Listening more closely he heard the faint sounds of crackling and looking around i found the ground had gotten significantly Colder looking around  i saw a hooded figure walking along the roof tops with Ice crystals on his for-arm looking as if he was out for blood worried about the people who are still out like the fool i was i had decided to follow the it time went on the figure stayed in my sights however turning away for a brief moment he vanished into thin air...Picking up the pace i ran to the spot where he vanished and saw my breath in the air.

my eyes shifted left to right then my ears perked up hearing the air split as a large Frozen claw slashed through my cloak from above me evading easily wearing my Casual clothing underneath it and yelled at the figure"HEY I JUST REPAIRED THAT!!" for a split second i hadn't sensed a murderous intent coming from him and just relaxed....but as i relaxed 40 figures jumped onto the Roof tops each holding a Serrated Edged blade backing away i felt the figures back against mind as we both said in Unison"Heh Friends of yours?"

"you mean there not with you?"

"not as far as i know"

"well if we aren't done sharing what's your name stranger"

"the Names Omega and yourself?"

"The names Siegfried but im also called Dietrich Zelfreid

if you'd like to know the real me."

"that's nice but enough chatter its time we sent these

SoBs to the grave don't you think."

"heh i agree."

as the figures came in closer they attacked with speed and Strength however we were just a bit stronger in both Categories.....Minutes passed as Omega and i stood there, Omegas Pile was still breathing however my pile were dead via loss of blood

or punctured organs. Omega looking over at me said "wow you don't let them live do you"

"this is as close to a merciful death that they will

get from me i could do much worse believe you me."

looking over at Omega i removed his hood without him noticing and said

"wow so that's what you really look like and i thought you were a rough looking

person from the way you fight but now i see your just a regular Black wolf.

Now if you'll excuse me it seems i have some repairs to do"

looking over at Omegas clothes i offered.

"you know i could fix yours 2 if you'd like it would be no problem"

Agreeing i grabbed Omega by the hand and took him to my house. As soon as we got there I pointed to a room to where omega could undress and that is where he removed his clothing he looked like a chilled Puppy but then sneezed laughing I had handed him a large quilt to cover himself up with. Time had Passed .

And after mending Omegas clothes I handed them back to him and turned away while he got dressed and said .

"so are you here alone or do you have Company??"

"im here traveling with a Friend of mine im sure you'd like him"

"if he fights as well as you do i seriously doubt that either of us like him."

"Either of you?"

"unfortunately yes...i suffer from Schizophrenia and it only happens when im under extreme stress or Depression."

"just the other day...i did something not very nice."

looking at me with strange eyes Omega put his hand on my shoulder

"listen whatever you did it cant be that horrible than what you just did on the rooftop i mean honestly you could show a teensy bit of restraint you know."

"heh yeah i know."

looking at omega i was starting to feel a bit warm feeling my face

in my instincts i knew he was someone i could probably trust

"so we going to meet this friend of your or what??"

"sure why not he'd be glad to meet someone like you"

getting up i grabbed Omegas hand again and lead him up to the roof making it a lot easier to see our destination from my small house.....Looking at the full moon i knew it would happen tonight....the night that the wolves bane blooms and the autumn moon is bright.

"what say we pick up our pace Seig its not very safe being out and about during a full moon you know"

"yeah i agree things do lurk in the darkness but something's that wait in the dark are much more pleasant than those that don't."

Running for the Inn the screen Zooms out showing Omega and seig running through the night as there shadows Depict a Large Demonic looking wolf and an Equally Fearsome Fox like shape

Ok people this is some early Story work i did...i didnt want to have to go through the proses of adding the Quotation Marks since it would take to dang here ya go the first to Chapters of Gypsy Life