A Brothers Love -Gift Story-

Story by Xinnova on SoFurry

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Fourth in my Artwork to Story gifts <3

This time it goes out to http://www.furaffinity.net/user/servo117

With permission also from http://www.furaffinity.net/user/silver-bluewolf

A story featuring the image : http://www.furaffinity.net/view/15581686/

A brother longs for the day he can finally claim the one woman in his life that has been out of his reach for far too long... His Sister.

A Brothers Love -Gift Story- By Xinnova

"Dear Diary..." A soft sing song voice spoke, breaking the silence of the night. A young lady of purple, yellow and a splash of orange lay in her own bed. Upon it she wrote in a small book with the words 'My Diary' written on the front.

There she was, that cute little slut just laying in her room naked and enjoying writing in her diary about what happened to her recently. Mom and Dad had left on vacation for the rest of the week, leaving me in charge alone with my dear sister. How she always looked so beautiful in her innocence, just enjoying petty things like writing in her diary about her latest crush. I would give her something to write about tonight, something she won't be able to record.

Having hidden myself in her closet, I waiting for her to close her door and turn off the lights. Creeping slowly from my hiding spot, she walked with such a teasing swing of her hips as I stopped and just enjoyed it. The gentle swing of her purple cock made my mouth water, she was such a rare beauty. That body reminded me so much of candy corn, I had to know just how she tasted. Waiting, patiently waiting... She was such a good girl, always following my orders and never trying to break the rules; it made me sick.

I would show her tonight, how the rules could be broken and she would be put to better use. She would learn what it is like to be part of anarchy, a part of real chaos. The moment she laid down on her side was the moment I slipped under her covers. Making sure that I didn't disturb her or the covering over her body so she wouldn't freak up till I was ready for her. The moment our bodies pressed close, my throbbing prick of a cock pressed itself between her ass cheeks to reveal its true length. An arm pressed around her belly to keep her pinned to me, while the other clasped around her mouth.

My ears swiveled to the sweet sound of her scream, oh how she had such a beautiful high pitch when she was frightened. When she glanced back she would take in my grey and white blending fur and glasses. Knowing well it was me, that fact alone seemed to calm her. She was so oblivious to what kind of monster lay in her bed with her. It was almost a pity that every woman I laid with could be as senseless as this one.

"B-Brother? ...Why are you here?" She whispered to me.

"Brother is here just to keep you safe little sister." I replied, almost rolling my eyes to my own words.

"I-Is that your dick?!" She squeaked out as the tip began to poke against her now.

My arm instantly gripped her harder, tongue moving to lick slowly over her ear in comfort as I replied with a soft whisper of my own.

"It is indeed little sister, it likes you so much..."

"Brother, It's so big... Make it stop... Please~"

"Shhh, just relax lil one. Let it ease into you, enjoy what it can bring you." I interrupted, gently biting down on her ear. She was so sweet, tender and soft hearted... it was almost a shame that I would now be breaking all of that.

The moment she began to resist, fighting against my advances I began to growl out. Teeth moving to gently bite down on the side of her neck in warning. Her toes curled, nails digging into her sheets as I eased her head down into a pillow right before my foreskin cock pierced her tight, fleshy pucker. After all, I wasn't a monster that would mate his own sister... It has nothing to do with the fact I just wanted to hear her scream out.

Mmm, there it was; barely hidden by the pillows cushion. A piercing scream that echoed her room.

My eyes seemed to roll back, enjoying the feeling of finally being able to taste and play with this woman. She had been the only one that I had to wait so long for, no one, not even my parents knew what I am. If they did, they would have made me wait longer and possibly sent me away for the rest of my life. Pity, for the female that my dick now speared, it was far too late for her now. My sister was the holy grail of my prey list, when the parents told me we'd be alone I nearly jizzed in my pants.

She continued to cry out, begging and pleading with me as the burning was no doubt at its peak. I merely licked slowly over her neck wound, comforting her as I was now to my knot inside of her and just relaxed inside. I wasn't her to fuck her after all, that would be a near waste of my time and energy. No, I was here for something far more devious than that and soon she would realize just what I was.

Soon enough, she would end her cries and struggling once her body eased its fight against what was now inevitable. My massive cock was inside and she wouldn't be removing it anytime soon, I just let it set inside, every now and then I would remind her of the large knot. Bringing another shriek, licking away the tears as they fell as my hand rubbed slowly against her stomach.

"Big Brother is here to protect you, the least you could do is be thankful." My thick voice like venom in her ears.

"I-It hurts so much Brother, make the pain stop. I beg you." Her wear, broken tone send a lustful shiver over my spine.

"Brother will take away the pain, make you feel really good." I lied, my tongue taking one last taste of her before rising up.

I would take away the pain, all of it, into me sister. How long has it been since you were adopted into this family of wolves? I had to wait, watch you grow up into a fine woman and even endure as other guys made out and loved on you. You even made such a lovely couple with another wolf in the neighborhood but even he knew what would happen eventually. I was happy to let your body grow, mature and just enjoy your beauty. I wasn't a pedophile, So the wait seemed fine until last year when you turned eighteen.

Mother and Father were always so protective of their little sweet candy corn daughter. Who now trembled naked below me on her own bed, hands clenching a big pillow as my cock slipped from her. Lifting the sheets off of us, I moved towards those sweet little feet and knew just what I would do to her. Someone I have been waiting a whole year to get alone with was now mine, I wasn't about to just let her get away now. She knew her big brother would come for her again, she would write it in her journal and tell our parents.

Was a shame, she wouldn't be leaving this bed tonight...

My meaty penis seemed to jerk to life at my thoughts, closing my eyes and just standing on my knees over her. She no longer even looked my way and that was fine for me, I didn't need her approval as I took up both her feet by the ankles. She trembled at my touch, then moaned out as my tongue licked over her padded soles. She seemed to enjoy it quite a bit when her boy toy did such, it also helped provide me with a bit of lube to start.

It wasn't for me to complain that she enjoyed it, after all, she didn't even realize that I had already placed the wet soles in a more cramped fleshy cylinder. My hands rubbing over those cute, thin calves as I gripped and steadily pulled her legs deeper into that prison of moist pre. Oh how I enjoyed the expression when the ladies realized just what was happening. This time, it was my little sister who turned to take in the sight of her legs disappearing into my massive cock. Her expression of pure terror warmed my heart, it meant that I was on top of my game.

She struggled so fiercely, clawed fingers tearing at the bed to try and prevent this nightmarish tragedy from happening. I half wanted to wait, give her time to just tire herself out a while, but, I really was so tired of waiting like a good brother. Tired of being the good son protecting his sister, when I, wanted to be the one to end her. I did keep the others from touching her, they too met their end just like her boyfriend. As her thighs slipped inside of my great dick I could only revel in my own hunts, removing my glasses to set them down on the nearby lamp stand.

He was such a beefy treat, thinking he was something amazing with his sports and training. Unfortunately for him, my blitz wasn't to take away his football, but, to take away his whole body into mine. Chuckling out caused the little lady below me to let out another scream for help. A wicked grin crossed my lips as I reveals my pearly white, sharp fangs to give my sister a final look at what I really was.

Sister, I am a monster and you are my prey!

Her chest rose and fell hard, lose of breath from screaming and fighting. It was silly of her to waste so much energy, because now, it would be child's play to consume her. Why couldn't she enjoy this moment like I was, we were now closer to each other than ever before and soon we would be one. I gripped her flailing arms, they didn't give me too much trouble as half of her body was now within me. Her legs kicked wildly in the encasement of my ball sack, like a giant empty expanded balloon.

She stilled cried out for her brother to stop, tears still falling as I wanted to just try and convince this piece of meat that I was no longer her brother. Pulling her arms behind her lower back so my viciously hungry shaft could take them in and pin her inside its ravenous maw. Urethra stretching out easily to take in what she was, beginning to slide down on my back in the bed. She would give me no more trouble tonight, her screaming now turned to soft squeals as she ultimately lost her voice.

Finally, I had her where she belonged and she was now mine. Her upper body trembled, realizing she could no longer move and the cock was just rising further up her lithe form. A hand moved to take off her cute glasses, laying them on my belly while I watched her start to plummet further. Tongue licking over that same ear, empty comfort as I enjoyed her last minute pleading.

"Brother, I-I don't want to die. I don't want to be a part of you!" Her words pierced my train of thought.

Those words filled me with desire, to complete my task even more now that I knew she truly resisted what was happening. She was powerless to stop fate now, no parents were here to stop me and there wouldn't be any boys climbing up to her window anymore. I had singled her out, removed anything that may interrupt this task. She was alone without me, and now, she would become a part of me forever.

"Shh, Big Brother wants to enjoy this. So why don't you just quiet down and settle in my balls hmm?" I would tease deviously just to feel her whole body panic struggle with new vigor.

Fingers moving up to her cute candy corn horns, pressing down as I tired of all the talking with my prey. It was almost unheard of for me to break from my committed acts of lust driven carnivorism. Aiding my massive malehood in its task of taking in the cute sister that was now being forced to curl into a fetal position within my sack. Nothing could beat this feeling of being filled up, even more so when it was something you had been stalking for a whole year. The waiting paid off, she was far more wonderful than I had ever dreamed of. My own lust driven desire caused my cock to stiffen, only to drive her faster into the abyss of my balls.

All that was left now was that still nagging head of hers, babbling on about how it was wrong and how she hated me..

'Silly Girl, you will be forced to love and serve this body.' I thought, hand gripping her muzzle and pressing it down roughly.

I was tired of this, and of her... She had kept me waiting long enough and now she needed to be put to bed. With a heavy squelch from my cock as it sucked in air around the head of my once beautiful sister. Sealing her inside and immediately she thrashed like a cornered animal and I just laid back, hand idly stroking over my penis as it leaked a bit of pre. I had to wait just a little longer, at least this wait would be enjoyable. The fleshy walls of my sack would immediately begin to contort around her and churn, coating her in my juices. Forcing her body to begin to melt into the cum.

How silent it was, peaceful even, without her constant flood of begging and pleading. The room seemed to carry with it a nice comforting air about it. Glancing over, I took out her diary and began to read it with a grin. It would make quite a nice trophy, though I had more plans for it tonight as I felt the one within weakening. My balls began to fill out so nicely, desire rising and before I knew it I was already leaking a colorful new pre. Laughing to myself as it smelt strongly of candy corn, I knew it was time, my hand quickly beginning to stroke my mighty shaft firmly!

Letting out a great howl, hand opening the diary as I aimed into it, moving it as best as I can with one hand. Cumming hard into the empty page she was writing on, a stream of colorful jizz painted onto my fur and onto the page. Panting hard after the last burst of my seed onto my body, I could only lay back as if life had now been complete. Looking to the diary page, I used my finger to smear on it.

'With Love, Your Brother'

~The End

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