Tales of a Changed Earth: Ewyon meets an old friend

Story by shetland on SoFurry

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#4 of Tales of a changed Earth

Tales of a changed world: Ewyon meets an old friend. By Raven Fox: Sandra saves Ewyon from Oblivion while Troy is at work. They talked of what happen to each other.

A large clearing near Parleys Pass.

The large gray anthro wolf with green head hair looked at the mountains inhaling the wet warm air. He curled his lips in a sneer. "I don't know what brought me here at this world, but according to Riva I am on a planet called Earth. I should of not of killed that mage, now I am stuck here. Riva said there are no magic users on this planet." An Airbus A320 flew overhead, Oblivion looked at it laughing. "So these beings use a metal beast to fly. What's wrong on riding on the back of a dragon?" The wolf morphed into a massive green dragon and flew off.

North of Salt Lake City, near Mc chord Air force base.

Dave gripped the control yoke of the Cessna 172 as he descended to the airport. The male human with black hair and green eyes looked at the skyline as the plane lined up for approach. "Man, I can't believe a large part of this valley is missing. Just like Seattle Washington, I can't believe those multi-million sports arenas vanished with the city of Olympia. What the hell is that?!" He said as a large green mass flew at his plane.

Oblivion snickered as the small airplane flipped upside down by the turbulence generated by his massive bulk. "Those metal birds don't fly well. Some of my followers don't have problems flying close to me." The dragon watched with detached interest as the small plane went out of control. "Oh that is going to hurt." He chuckled as the plane went into a spin. "I better check on Riva, my subjects can get real rough with new comers."

On the ground the same moment.

Sandra shook her head as the airplane leveled out, but it was to low. She sighed when it hit the ground. "You overgrown reptile, no strike that, I am part reptile. Cockroach, yeah cockroach, you're a dam overgrown cockroach Oblivion. Someday, someone is going to punch your clock Oblivion and I hope I witness it. I am not going to try it, because I am smart enough to stay away from you. I better see if the people on that metal beast are alright." The vixen walked to the wrecked plane wondering if she should help or not. "Why am I doing this? Oh hell, if Ewyon asked me if I did a good thing I can tell her I did." She thought to herself as she walked to the aircraft.

Troy's apartment.

Ewyon walked to the door when she heard the knocking. The vixen opened the door with a smile. "Hi Rynn, who is that?" She asked looking the blonde hair human.

Rynn grinned looking at the black colored fennec vixen with white head hair. "This is John, my new rider." She said looking at John.

John looked at the short vixen with amber colored eyes, and then shuddered. He examined her petite build remembering that he saw her dragon form a couple of days ago. Then of what he heard from Rynn and Samson of how deadly of fighter she is. "Man I can't believe a small female can change to a dragon that's deadly." The human thought to himself.

"Remember what Samson said; don't underestimate the lean form of a black dragon. They're deadly and cunning fighters." Said a female voice, John saw Ewyon looking at him.

"Ewyon, when was the last time you talked to Sandra?" Asked Rynn looking at Ewyon.

Ewyon looked at Rynn and shrugged, then sighed. "I know I just earned Samson's trust, just yesterday. The last time I contacted her was two years ago. She told me she was going to look for a quiet area north of our area to get away from us to live by herself. That's all I can say about her for now."

"Ewyon, while flying south of our cave, I sense her presence. She's here at this world right now. What would she do at the moment?" Asked Rynn looking at Ewyon.

Ewyon let Rynn and John in the apartment shrugging. "Well, she's a loner and she hates Oblivion. Sandra is still a good friend of mine, if she does harm anyone. I'll stop her, but I think she won't hurt anyone. Sandra is a nymphomaniac, she loves having sex with males. I can testify for that, from what I saw."

John chuckled. "I heard she had her rider have sex with her in her dragon form." Earning a look from the two females.

"Yes, she does, I saw that happen a few times John. You humans are the same size as the beings that were our riders, but your organs are slightly larger." Said Ewyon looking at John.

"Where's Troy Ewyon?" Asked Rynn looking around.

Ewyon smiled at Rynn. "He's at his place of employment, the tour business is reopening. Steve is in the process of restarting tours, so Troy is checking the buses over and doing small repairs."

Crash site north of Salt Lake City.

The white colored vixen walked to the remains of the small airplane. Sandra looked around the surroundings. She exhaled looking at the twisted wreck. The tail section of the plane is broke off, plus the right wing is torn off. The vixen ran her hand over the bent propeller blade looking at the bend. "So this is what the beings use instead of dragons to fly around. Very flimsy construction, an impact like that, I would have been badly bruised." Sandra went to walk, and then heard a moan. She went to walk away, but there is a scream of pain. "Oh hell, I better or Ewyon will find out and make me feel guilty. I hope you don't mind white vixens." The vixen opens the cockpit door and looks at the pilot. Sandra examined the human with curiosity, said some strange words, and then placed her hands on the body. She saw the crouch area swell. "I think I'll take him with me." The vixen carries him off.

East of the Salt Lake Valley.

Riva looked around the area she's at. The vixen sighed noting that a being has to have the means of flight to leave this place. She has been at this place in the last three hours looking at the other dragons. Riva glared at the black colored fennec foxes looking at her with their amber colored eyes.

One male walked up to her sneering. "What's your problem vixen?"

"You remind me of someone." Replied Riva.

The fennec fox spat. "Ewyon, she's been a nuisance for the last one hundred and twenty years. We have been punished by Oblivion for her leaving us. So the traitor is here to, we don't stand a chance against her, but Oblivion will take care of her when he wants to." The fox glares at Riva one last time and sits down near a red female wolf.

Riva averted her eyes when the smaller fox mounted the larger female wolf and started having sex with her. The fennec looked at her grinning, and then kissed the wolf. Later the fox yelled and dismounted the wolf. He walked to Riva smelling of pussy with his musk scent. "Don't worry vixen, I won't do anything to you. Oblivion will rip me apart if I did, plus I want to see my seven hundredth birthday. Ewyon is my daughter; I don't know why she did what she did. The last time I saw her she was chasing me, Oblivion trained her well."

Riva looked at the fox. "Yesterday I saw her; I have gotten angry at her for taking Troy after I left him. I tried to slap her, but she caught my hand and squeezed it hard. I thought she was going to break it."

The fox laughed. "If you done that to her when she was with us, she would of killed you. I am honored of meeting a person who survived my daughter's anger." He said with sarcasm and doing a mocking bow. The fox went back to the female wolf and started licking her breasts.

Riva sighed and looked at the different wolves and foxes, plus large dragons walking around. "Well, I am going to get even with Ewyon, for embarrassing me yesterday." She thought to herself.

"You will need Oblivion to be with you for that vixen." Said Ewyon's father resting his muzzle between the female wolf's breasts. The fox looked at the wolf's red eyes grinning, then looked at Riva. "If you tried to fight my daughter by yourself, she'll rip you apart or have you for a meal."

"Aw come on, let her learn a painful lesson. Give it to me again, I am still horny." Said the female wolf spreading her legs. She moaned as the fox mounted her again.

Unknown place.

Dave opened his eyes feeling uncomfortable. He looked around finding himself in a cave. The human turned removing a fist size rock at the small of his back. Then he remembered what happened to him. "I crashed, but how did I get here. My legs were broken along with other bones, from remembering the pain."

A female voice said. "You're awake, don't worry, I mean you no harm. The flying machine you were on hit the ground. I carried you here to take care of your injuries."

Dave looked around seeing a dark cave. "Who are you and where are you?"

"My name is Sandra." The vixen walked into view from the entrance. She looked at him with her gray colored eyes. "My turn, who are you, plus what are you?"

Dave examined the white anthropomorphic vixen standing at five foot four. The vixen is stocky in build, not fat. He could tell that she had no problem in carrying him. The human found the vixen attractive regardless of her build. Dave saw that she is all white in color with the black socks and gloves, plus her ears and thin striping on her muzzle. Her figure is feminine, shapely, not a model. She walked up to him giving him a better look at her. All what she's wearing is a laced halter top and lion cloth. "My name is Dave, plus I am a human." He said looking at her 40 DD's.

"My name is Sandra, I know we just meet, but it's been a while since I had a male." She said unlacing her top and removing it with the lion cloth.

Dave looked at the naked anthro vixen kneeling next to him. Thoughts raced thru his mind as he looked at the vixen. He undid his pants and removed his underwear. Sandra looked at his erect penis grinning and then straddled his hips. The human looked at the black colored vaginal lips thru the white fur. Dave looked as the lips touched the head of his penis. He felt wetness, pressure and felt them part as his member penetrated them. The human watched as his length slid inside her triggering a moan.

Sandra looked at the human she's sitting on. The vixen looked at the cave ceiling loving the feeling of a male member inside her. "When was the last time I felt this?" Thoughts raced thru her head as the human fondled her breasts. "Oh, it's been twenty years since I had sex with a male being. Yeah, that one labor at that one farm. The dam military drafted him and he gotten killed at a battle field. I razed the camps of those two armies fighting each other, and then they couldn't fight anymore. Better keep a low profile, Rynn felt me, which means I got to keep an eye out for Samson. He's another dragon I should avoid, out of the both of them I should worry about Rynn. I have speed and maneuverability over Samson, but Rynn is my equal in the air." The vixen shudders thinking of another dragon. "One dragon I am really worried about is Ewyon. She likes to climb and does a diving attack, but she has a faster rate of climb over me." Sandra grabs Dave's head stuffing it between her breasts, then moans as she orgasm. She held him stoking his black hair on the human's head. The vixen looks at the black hair thinking that it reminded her of her friend Ewyon. Sandra wondered where her friend is.

Dave inhaled the sweet musk odor of the vixen while feeling her hands stroke his hair. All he saw is snow white fur in his line of sight. His thoughts raced as he stroked the vixen's body. The male human has a fetish for females with some flesh on them, not fat. Dave didn't care for the rail thin females with fake breasts and starving themselves to keep a trimmed body. He is in ecstasy of having sex with this vixen. She has thick legs and arms with a slight small belly, plus long white head hair pass the shoulders tied in a ponytail. "I would say that she's an artic fox that will explain her stocky build. Screw it, I don't care, I just love having sex with real females, not the rail thin anorexic type. Love her furry belly, so what she's an anthro. I haven't seen a human female since the event...Oh boy, to short of time, dam I wanted it to last longer." He thought to himself as he yelled in pleasure.

He looked at the vixen after she released him from her furry cleavage. Dave looked at the large breasts with black areolas, then at her gray eyes looking at him. The human smiled rubbing her small belly. He noted that the vixen is giving him a strange look. "I am letting you know that I enjoyed myself. I sure like to do with you again later." Dave said to Sandra.

"It seems you enjoyed yourself Dave, my other form needs to be satisfied. I morph to another form." Said Sandra as she grabs Dave's hand placing it on her muzzle.

Dave felt a shock from her, the human saw a white colored dragon. He stared at her examining her white shiny scales. "Here I am being twenty six unemployed pilot who just lost everything, now I am friends with a dragon."

Sandra chuckled in his mind. "Don't worry Dave; I am not going to do anything to you." The large white dragon lies on her back. "My vagina is below my rear legs, climb on me."

Dave shrugged as climb on her by using her tail. The human crawled along her tail examining her scales. He saw the sideways slit which is her anus, then another foot he saw the vertical black slit. Dave noted it is almost two feet long. "That's one big pussy." He thought to himself as he stuck his penis inside it.

Sandra looked at the human mounted on her. She chuckled to herself from Dave's remark. The dragon hardly felt anything from him, but she's going to have him do something else to her in a while.

Dave had thoughts race thru his head as he pumped his penis inside Sandra. He looked up seeing her reptilian head looking at him with her gray eyes. The human smelled a familiar scent from the dragon. From the time he caught a lizard when he was living at Edmonds Washington. Dave let the lizard go after examining for a couple of minutes. He always liked reptiles when growing up, plus he watched movies that had dragons in it. The human knew they were myth, but after the strange event they suddenly appeared in the Salt Lake Valley. So he flew his plane here to see if he could see one, now here he is having sexual intercourse with a female white dragon being the size of an Airbus A330. Dave yelled as he release inside her.

Troy's apartment.

Ewyon looked at Rynn and John smiling. "I'll keep an eye out for Sandra, but I can't sense her. My breed doesn't develop that talent till were two hundred and fifty years old. She won't do anything against either side, she's a loner. Sandra hates Oblivion's guts, but she won't strike against him. She's terrified of Samson, so she won't do anything against you." The vixen touched her muzzle with a slim finger. "Rynn, she won't do anything to you because years ago she told me that you're her equal in the air. So she avoids you, but to be on the safe side if I was Samson, I'll have the fully trained dragons flying with the younger ones while they're out training."

Rynn nodded looking at the black fennec vixen. "I'll tell Samson what you told me. Just let us know if you happen to run into her." She said as her and John walked out of the apartment.

Ewyon looked out the window as Rynn and John walked down the street. The vixen sat down on the couch picking up a book started reading it. She chuckled reading a chapter. "I like this story, but why would a dragon shoot acid in enclosed place. I would of kill the magic users on the ground with my tail and rip the warriors to shreds with my claws. Sandra what are you doing now?"

Sandra's cave.

Dave looked at the dragon and sighed. He made a fist with his right hand and stuck it in Sandra's vagina. The human felt a warm slime as his forearm went inside the vaginal canal. The dragon trembled as he made his arm reciprocate. "This is going to be an interesting relationship." Dave thought to himself as he watched the dragon twitch her limbs in the air. He saw that her head is pointing to the cave mouth. The human noted the strange sounds coming from the dragon.

A few minutes later, the dragon spasm and a long jet of flame shot out of the cave. Dave felt the vaginal canal pull on his arm, then a gallon of fluid shoot out of Sandra. She made him get off her. The dragon morphed to an anthro vixen and she walked up to him giving him a kiss. He felt her soft body against him. Sandra looked at him and cleaned off his arm. The human gave her a hug so he can feel her breasts against him. "I need to get some stuff from my plane; can you give me a lift?" She nodded at him leading him outside after they dressed.

Over the skies of Salt Lake City.

Ewyon roared shooting out a jet of flame as she flew thru the skies. The dragon did an aerial maneuver in the sky. She leveled off and looked around the valley. "I'll just fly around for awhile then go see Troy. This is such a nice place, love this warm weather, it makes me feel alive."

A green speck appeared from the East. The black dragon dove to the ground. Ewyon looked back seeing the large green dragon get closer. Oblivion got closer to her, and then his maw opened. The black dragon pulled up to avoid the large plume of fire directed at her. Ewyon climbed to gain attitude. At eight thousand feet she looked down seeing the massive green dragon climbing to get at her. "I am glad Troy is not riding me or I'll be gentle on my maneuvers. Got a good chance of getting out of this intact." She thought to herself as turned her body to attack. "What is your problem Oblivion, if you want to fight me? You must have at least one of your dragons with you. I know I can't defeat you, but I can cause you some harm." Ewyon dove to attack Oblivion.

A white dragon hit the large green dragon. Ewyon saw a human male on the back of the dragon. Oblivion dove to the ground, but Ewyon pursued the green dragon. She extended her claws raking the large body of the green dragon. Oblivion gained attitude to give his massive body some room to maneuver. Ewyon pressed him to the ground avoiding his snapping jaws and tail. The white dragon struck the large green dragon again causing him to lose more attitude. The black dragon let go gaining attitude and dove again grabbing the massive green dragon again causing more scratches on Oblivions hide. Oblivion jerked away from the smaller black dragon. Green eyes looked at her with hatred. "You win this round my apprentice, but I will defeat you." Said a male voice with hate. The large green dragon flew off to the East.

Ewyon turned to the white dragon. "Long time no see Sandra. I see that you're stuck here to. Who is that?"

Dave looked at the smaller black dragon. He saw that she has a slender body compared to Sandra's stocky body. The human stroked Sandra's neck looking at the amber colored eyes of the black dragon. Dave shuddered remembering the flying speed and quick maneuvers of the black dragon.

"Ewyon, how nice it is to see you again. For some reason I've been drawn here after I appeared on this planet. I mean you no harm friend; I just want to be left in peace." Said Sandra looking at the black dragon.

Ewyon sighed letting out a puff of fire. "Sandra, can we talk for a while?"

Sandra exhaled a stream of fire. "Alright, we'll talk. I am being rude, this is Dave. Oblivion caused his plane to crash by flying to close to it. Let's fly dark sister and talk."

On the ground heading north.

John shuddered while seeing the green dragon flying East. He turned to Rynn with a shocked expression. "Dam, Ewyon maneuvers like a fighter jet." They were out of John's van watching the fight. Rynn is in her dragon form, she was going to help Ewyon, but Sandra showed up.

Rynn nodded watching the green speck getting small, then morphed into her wolf form. "He's out of commission for awhile. I heard some bones break when Sandra struck him. That's Ewyon's tactic, she gets high in the air and dives with her claws extended. She did that attack on me a couple of times; she likes to hide in the sunlight."

"Fighter pilots did that stunt in WW1. The Red Baron is famous for pulling that stunt." Said John looking at Rynn.

"I almost felt sorry for Oblivion, I heard Ewyon's thoughts. She said to Oblivion; if you want to fight me, you must have one of your dragons with you." Rynn grinned at John. "I better send a message to Samson about this."

John stayed quiet as he saw Rynn's expression become blank as she sent a message to Samson.

Place East of the Salt Lake Valley.

Riva watched as Oblivion flew in, the green dragon morphed into a large gray wolf. He snarled as he limped to an area to sit down. The vixen saw bloodied cuts on Oblivions torso and saw the large wolf holding his right arm. The wolf yelled. "Those dam vixens, I am going to kill them soon!"

Riva backed away from the area, but she bumped into Ewyon's father. The male fox whispered to her. "Ewyon had Sandra with her. Sandra use to be with us, but Oblivion exiled her after a battle one hundred twenty years ago. He blamed Sandra after his defeat, so he took his anger out on her. Ewyon left us the day after Oblivion banished her." The fox walked to a secluded place, then laughed. "My daughter sure messed up your day Oblivion."

Over West Jordan.

"I'll think about it Ewyon, since Oblivion banished me, I just want a quiet life." Said Sandra looking at Ewyon.

"There's nothing wrong in having a good life, but what side are you going to choose?" Said Ewyon to Sandra.

"Ewyon, I known you since you hatched. You're like a younger sister to me, but since I was kicked out of Oblivion's group I just want to have a quiet life. I still can't believe that you're part of Samson's group." Replied Sandra.

"You getting banish was the reason I left Oblivion. I totally changed my lifestyle; it took one hundred and twenty years for me to earn Samson's trust to allow me to be part of his group." Said Ewyon.

"So, I am the reason you left Oblivion, I am flattered. Ewyon let me think about this, give me a few days ok." Sandra said to Ewyon, and then flew north. A thought went in Ewyon's mind. "Take it easy little sister; yes we have the same mother little sister."

Ewyon watched as the white speck grow faint in the distance. The black dragon landed on the ground, then morphed into a black fennec vixen. The vixen wiped her eyes then walked the last mile to Troy's place of employment.

A male black anthro fennec fox stepped in front of Ewyon. He held up a hand making a sign. "Parley dear daughter. It has been fifty years since we last seen each other."

Ewyon glared at the male fox. "What do you want father?"

The male fox laughed. "Come on, can't a father have a talk with his daughter. I came over to say; good job on Oblivion. That ancient old fart is out of commission for eight weeks. You and Sandra broke his left leg and right arm. Personally, I think he should retire and let a younger dragon take over."

"You're really brave saying that stuff dad, if he was around. He will make your death slow and painful." Replied Ewyon looking at her dad.

"Well take it easy my lovely daughter, see you around." Said the fox as he walked off.

Ewyon sighed as she resumed walking, a large male blonde colored wolf missing a finger on his right hand walked in front of her. "Rynn told me about Sandra, what are her intentions?"

"She told me that she wants to have the quiet life. Sandra has a male human with her, plus she helped me fight off Oblivion. She told me that she'll think of what side she's going to be on. Samson, she told me that I am her younger sister. Then my father showed up telling me that I and Sandra put him out of commission for two months." Said Ewyon looking at Samson.

Samson looked at Ewyon nodding. "I think the best thing to do is wait to see what she does. Rynn told me about the fight with Oblivion, but I got a feeling that something is bothering you."

Ewyon cleared her throat. "My dad told me that Oblivion should retire and that a young dragon should take over. It bothered me when he said that Samson, I thought it was wrong when he said that."

The wolf looked at Ewyon. "I am glad you told me that, take it easy. When Sandra tells you her answer, let me or Rynn know. I am taking your advice about having the fully trained dragons flying with the younger ones, I'll be seeing you." Samson walks off.

Ewyon watched as the tall wolf walked away. The vixen grins. "Sorry, I count Samson as my father, not the mutinous fox who wants to retire Oblivion because he got his ass kicked by a couple of sisters. I better keep my guard up from now on. Oblivion is going to be pissed off when he recovers."

Crash site north of Salt Lake City.

Dave walked around his airplane in silence running his hand on the bent propeller. The human sighed and looked at Sandra. "I just got done paying this plane off."

Sandra just watched as the human crawled inside the wreckage. The vixen thought to herself while hearing stuff move around the inside of the plane. "I don't know, do I join Ewyon or just find a place to live the rest of my years in peace."

"Dam, that green monster! The sword I bought in Japan is ruined. I saved for two years so I can buy one." Yelled Dave's voice from in the airplane. Two pieces of metal flew out of the airplane. "I went through a lot of paper work to get it here, now it's junk."

Sandra walked to the pieces of metal. She saw a long curved skinny sword badly bent and the sheathe broken. The vixen picked up the sword admiring the craftsmanship. "Nice sword, really light. But from looking at a different way, I can tell it took skilled sword maker to layer different types of metal to make this blade." Sandra saw Dave walking out of the airplane with a duffel bag on his back. "What kind of sword is this?"

Dave looked at the vixen with a sad look. "It's a Katana; I spent fifteen thousand dollars for it. It also came with this Shoto with this obi belt. This sword is three hundred years old, but now it's ruined. I don't know if I can get it fixed." The human sits on the ground looking in the distance.

Sandra picked up the sheathe examining the wood construction. She sighed picking up the bent sword, again admiring the thin blade. "I like the white and gold coloring on the handle and sheathe. I made my decision, I'll help the good dragons out, but after this is over I am finding a quiet place to live." The vixen thought to herself as she muttered some strange words picking up the Japanese weapons.

Dave turned to Sandra after hearing something. He saw the vixen holding the Katana in her hands. The human saw that the blade is now straight and curved, but now the blade is a white in color. The vixen walked up to him handing the obi belt with the Shoto dagger. "You fixed it, but the blade is now white."

The vixen grinned showing her teeth. "I made your sword indestructible, it won't break now or bend. Also I gave the Shoto the same treatment. Dave, I made up my mind, I am going to help Ewyon and the other good dragons." She sheathes the Katana giving it to Dave.

The human hugs the vixen giving her a kiss on the muzzle. "I am glad to hear that, just to let you know, I have six years of training on this sword."

Sandra returned the hug brushing her body against Dave. "Let's go tell Ewyon, I know where she is." The vixen morphs into a dragon taking off.

Thirty minutes later Sandy's tours.

Troy sat at a table talking to Steve and filling out paper work. "Well, all buses are ready to start making trips. Here's a list of repairs we need to do in the intermediate future."

The wolf looks at the list nodding. "I'll order the parts we need in a week. What is it like living with her?"

Troy chuckled, looking at his best friend. "Great, instead of driving over an hour to go to Lagoon, it now takes less then thirty minutes. I really love her, she's way nicer than Riva."

"Oh Troy, how sweet of you." Said Ewyon walking in the office.

Steve looks over at the black fennec vixen walking in wearing a dark gray outfit. "Hello Ewyon, what do you think of this world so far?"

The vixen grins smoothing her white head hair. "Just love this warm weather, kind of reminds me of our other world." She replied sitting next to Troy running her fingers thru his hair.

Troy felt his muscles relaxed in his back. He liked it when Ewyon did this to him. The human wondered if she's using a magic spell on him when she did this to him. At the moment he didn't cared, after a hard days work doing heavy work, the vixen's gentle touch made him feel good. "Riva is now with that large green dragon Oblivion. She is now his rider, but I don't want to hear her name again."

Steve nodded looking at Ewyon looking at him with her amber colored eyes. "That vixen scares the shit out of me, because she changes into a large dragon."

"If you think I am big, you should see Oblivion. He makes me look small, but I don't recommend getting close to him." Said Ewyon's voice in Steve's head.

Ewyon looked at Steve one last time and stretched. "Speaking of Oblivion, we don't have to worry about him for another two months. He had gotten badly injured an hour ago."

Troy looked at Ewyon. "How do you know that?"

Ewyon shrugged, placed her bare feet on the desk. "He picked a fight with me while I was flying over Midvale. Me and Sandra, a white dragon teamed up against him and fought him. Sandra broke his arm and leg; I gave him some new scars."

Troy and Steve looked at the vixen. Troy sighed. "Aren't white dragons evil like Oblivion?"

"Sandra is an exiled or banished White dragon. She's neutral and won't pick a side. I spent the last one hundred and twenty years trying to get her to the side of good." Answered Ewyon, the vixen turned her head looking at a bus parked in the garage. She reached behind herself handing a large dark green feather to Troy. "A souvenir from my battle, one of Oblivion's feathers."

Troy examined the emerald colored feather. He felt it running his finger thru it, it felt like it came off a large bird. The human has two feathers from a Canadian goose. "Thanks Ewyon, I'll add it to my collection."

"Well hello little sister, so glad to see you again. I stopped by to let you know that I am going to pick the side of good to help you out, plus my new rider is going to help out in sword training. He told me that he has six years of training." Said Sandra walking in.

Ewyon looked at Dave examining him. She saw the Katana on Dave's hip. "Whoa, I have seen that sword style back home. The sword is small and moves quick, plus they're flexible." The vixen clears her throat, mutters some strange words. Two katana shapes appeared in Ewyon's hands. Ewyon grinned at Dave tightening her grip on the Katana. "Ok, these are a spell I use for training swordsmen or women. They won't harm you, but when they touch, they act like two sword colliding."

Dave grinned starting his attack.

Ten minutes later, the two combatants stopped their duel. Ewyon smiled. "You have talent Dave. Thanks for the workout; I won't mind sparing with you once in a while." She said making the fake swords disappear.

Dave put his arm around Sandra's waist feeling her. The human enjoyed the sparing session with Ewyon. He didn't touch the smaller vixen and he barely deflected her attacks. Dave knew if it was a real fight, he might have been badly injured. "Well, what now?"

Troy shrugged looking at Ewyon. "Since it's time for me to go home. Let's go to my place and work out at the cabana. I need to improve my sword fighting."

Steve cleared his throat. "Just don't injure yourself Troy, you got to do some oil changes tomorrow."

Ewyon looked at the wolf. "Steve, Rynn told me that her rider lost his job due to his place of employment disappearing. Do you have any openings here?"

The wolf shrugged. "I have five openings here for a bus cleaner, some personal in dispatch and a mechanic."

Sandra sighed. "I'll take the cleaning job, because I hate offices."

Dave shrugged. "My place vanished at Lynnwood, I was an accountant, and I have a copy of my license."

Ewyon looked at Steve. "Well, I am familiar with office work. Rynn is Samson's right hand female so she will be good at dispatch. Her rider was a car mechanic."

Steve grinned showing his teeth. "Alright, we'll get this settled tomorrow, then maybe in a couple of days this business will up and going again."

Ewyon walked outside seeing a gold colored dragon circling. She saw that it's Samson, the vixen grinned. Ewyon sent a message to the leader of the good dragons. The gold dragon circled one more time and flew north. "He's glad Sandra picked a side. Now I got to get Troy to improve on his sword fighting. With Dave's and Lynn's help, I might get him to defend himself in two months. Such a shame Oblivion didn't learn the healing spells. I learned it after I left Oblivion from that one mage along with Sandra." The vixen got in Troy's car with Sandra and Dave.

To be continued.