Confessions of a Dragon: Chapter 4

Story by Montrosity on SoFurry

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#5 of Confessions of a Dragon: My Memiors of My Time on Earth

Confessions of a Dragon: Chapter 4

We have ways of making you talk :

My action might be considered extreme by some, as it should be. But desperate times deserves desperate measures. I would not be tormenting the witness if was not in such a hurry to get answers. The killer could do his dirty handiwork again at any time, a week or two at most. So I ramped up the display up higher.

After making sure the subject can see my actions and turning that large side of beef sideways, I wrap my jaws on the middle of it and clamp down. The two pieces from that sticks out from the corner of my mouth snap off like a twig, thumping on floor in a loud slapping thuds as one would expect from heavy chunks of meat landing on the hard floor. Then I lean in close again.

"Tell me! Tell me now!" I yell so loud that long spittles of my drool splatter on his face, just an inch away. I know he can feel the breath roaring pass his face and smell the raw meat. "I can snap your arms off just as easy, in fact, far far easier." I start to lick at his shoulder and feel him cracking now.

"Don't eat me! Please! I'll tell you! It was a cop! A god damned Cop!" Whoa, this is interesting indeed. I ponder and digest this bit of news. No wonder he is reluctant to tell the police anything. The homeless already holds a great distrust to the authorities, but this explains a lot. "A cop?" My whole demeanor change, no longer playing the "bad cop" role. In a much softer tone, almost a whisper I explain, "Look, I did this to get information on the murders. I know I was harsh but time is of the essence. The killer going to commit more of the horror soon and I intend to bring an end to it. But I need your help. Please, tell me everything you know. I know it is hard, but give me all the details. I require as much clues I can get to catch this guy. Understand?"

Through a lot of whimpering and sobbing, he begins the story as I console my new "friend". He began with, "I heard (sob) this noise while finding (sniff) a spot to lay low (whimper) for the night in this abandoned factory. I when to see (sniff) what is up. I heard the noise behind a locked door, so I found a way in from a busted air vent. Then I saw... (cries)"

"It is okay , tell me what you saw. It will be all right." I try my best to help him become at ease, not exactly an easy job to do when a dragon tries to with a human I tell you. "What happened?"

"I... was horrible. This cop... he had Mary all tied up and hanging... on a hook... her arms up high with her... hand bound to it. And he... I was so helpless. I was so scared... I couldn't help her. he..." The poor traumatized guy (twice even, once by the killer and then by me. I felt so sorry for him but I did what I had to do). I left his chin with a claw and look into his sobbing eyes, "My name is Alex. My friends call my Monty. You can call me that if you like. What is your name?" He responds through sniffs, "Fredrick though I go by Fredie".

"Well, I wish we met by better circumstances. I not here to harm you. I just need evidence to find that killer." He looks back, "But why? Why would you care? You can bite me in half with no effort. I saw what you did to that meat. I'm nothing compared to that... compared to you. I'm just just food to you, I am... nothing." I answer with, "No, I do not see it that way. Here on earth, your species hunted native dragons almost to extinction. Hardly any left here. But that is beside the point. I am not going to eat you, not even hurt you. I admire humans for the most part. In fact I came here to study them and their history. I cannot tell you much about my work, but I am not here to kill and maim" . (That last statement would prove fateful in the end).

His eyes clears a bit but still have a wavering voice as he says, "B...but, I still do not understand. Why go after the killer?" I answer, "Well, to be honest, I read the reports. Seems the police not able to get anywhere with the case. They have tons of physical evidence but the killer smart enough so that nothing could be linked to him. A cop would explain why he knows so much about concealing any trace. And any potential witness either did not know anything, or refused to talk. The former being you."

He blinked, beginning to understand, "so, all that was... for show? To get me to" I reply, "Yes. I am sorry the way I treated you. You forced my paw as it where. I took it as far as I need and it certainly got results. It is not a talent I am proud of, okay, a little. I do whatever it takes, my friend." He stares blankly for a minute and looks right at my jaws and then back at my eyes, "Ummm, Ahh. What to you going to do with the killer once you f..find him?" I smile, "Why I will turn him over to the authorities of course. Despite my salvage appearance, I am a civilize beast. The courts will know what to do with him. That is why they are there." (Foreshadowing? You bet).

"okay okay, I will tell you everything I know." Gulps, "It is so horrifying, so terrible what I saw that night. He, er, had Mary on those ropes, just hanging there barely with her feet touching the floor... and he took off his uniform to... to..." Cries again.