Long Story Short

Story by awesomeos on SoFurry

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#3 of Short Stories

A short story that I made to show that I was still alive. Hope you enjoy

WARNING: This story contains evidence that midterms and finals are keeping me busy; I'm still alive though. (Actually, the story below contains soft vore and implied digestion... and camping)

Long story short, Sarah picked the wrong weekend to go camping.

After packing as little as possible into her tiny car, she drove off, excited for the exhilarating weekend that she had planned. She really wanted to experience the wild as completely as she could without having to hunt. All she brought with her was food, a tent, a knife, some blankets, a lighter and water. She had survived on about the same on previous outings but this time, there was a little more danger. She decided that she would camp a twenty mile hike away from her car, totally cut off from any other humans.

The tiny red Toyota zipped around the guard rail enclosed corner as she drove up the base of her destination, a mountain about an hour drive away from her town. The winding road twisted and turned as it slowly climbed the decently sized peak. About half way up, a dirt parking lot appeared directly in front of Sarah. After parking her car, she unloaded her tent bag and metal jug of water and locked her car. She would follow a trail for a short while before diverging into the thickest part of the coniferous forest that blanketed most of the mountain.

Rays of sun sneaked through the cracks between trees, lighting the path that she hiked, warming her skin and keeping her relaxed. She continued to hike for quite a while before deciding that she wanted to leave the path. As the path turned right, she turned left, pushing through bushes and tree rot, following deer trails to make her hike easier.

Sarah shivered as she watched the golden rays of sun start to disappear behind another mountain in the distance, the night was going to be a cold one. She decided that she should start setting up camp. Using her boot, she drove in the stakes that held the tent in place and pitched the tent. She wiggled the tent, satisfied at its resistance to her attacks, and unrolled a blanket from her backpack. Her body ached from the long walk and she decided that she would not light a fire and just go to sleep. Curling up inside a blanket cocoon, sleep washed over her quickly.

A deafening crash woke Sarah, her eyes darted around her tent which swayed and fluttered under the harsh barrage of rain and wind hitting it. A storm had popped up while she was sleeping and it looked as though mother nature was not being kind to her tonight.

Suddenly, she felt an increasing breeze as the bottom of her tent started to lift up. She dived downwards to push it back down but the wind had won. The tent sprang into the air, thrashing away from her, through the trees. She darted after it, shielding herself from the onslaught of the storm with her blanket. She ran but the tent continued to evade her. She soon tired and watched helplessly as the tent flew away. She needed to find shelter and fast, her blanket was already soaked and she was starting to feel cold.

She trudged back to her campsite and picked up her bag and walked up the mountain, hoping to find some relief from the storm near the Cliffside nearby. As she approached the cliff, she noticed a cave and walked straight towards it, hoping to get out of the cold.

Once inside she walked in as far as she could while still being able to see and sat down. The storm picked up even more and Sarah counted herself as lucky to not be out there any longer. Looking into the cave farther, she noticed a slight flickering glow farther in, she got up, her need for heat outweighing her logical side. As she walked, the light grew in intensity, she could almost feel the warmth of whatever was producing that. It was around a corner. Sarah continued to walk right around the corner. A larger dome, shaped room opened up, a fire burning in the center. She ran towards the fire and sat down right next to it, holding out her hands to welcome the warmth towards her. As she warmed herself, she looked up past the fire and saw a massive scaled creature sleeping behind it. Its dark scales blended into the cave wall so well, she wasn't surprised that she didn't see the creature beforehand.

Sarah didn't know what to do, she wanted to run but she couldn't bring herself away from the warmth. Suddenly, the creature stirred. A reptilian eye opened, staring through the dancing flames right into her eyes. She wanted to run but fear glued her to her seat instead of the need for warmth. The large creature stood up, immediately circling around behind her and sat upright in front of her only exit. She was trapped. The scaled creature ruffled its wings slightly as it relaxed. Sarah couldn't believe her eyes, it was a dragon.

"why hello there, little human, what a delightful treat that you came to visit. I trust that you are a bit warmer now?" The dragon said, startling Sarah. She was not expecting to dragon to talk.

Sarah just stared back dumfounded. She didn't know how to react.

"Well, come on then, what is your name? I know you can speak."

Sarah took a second to get her bearings and then spoke up. "I- I'm Sarah."

"Sarah," the dragon said, dragging it out, almost tasting the words, the thought brought a shiver down Sarah's spine. "What a delicious name. Well, Sarah, I'd like to thank you for coming for dinner, it was awfully kind of you."

"No, please mister dragon, please don't eat me." Sarah pleaded.

"I'm sorry, Sarah but you see, It wouldn't be right for me to just pass up the fateful opportunity that has been presented to me at this moment. How could I expect Mother Nature to provide me with food when I willingly pass it up? It would not be right."

In a flash, his tail struck, wrapping around Sarah's ankle and dragging her away from the fire. His dexterous claws worked quickly, stripping Sarah of all of her clothes. Sarah started to shiver. "Oh don't you worry now Sarah, you'll be warm soon enough." He said, pinning her to the floor with a foot. His long blue tongue licked his lips in anticipation as he brought his head down to smell his prey. Sarah whimpered. The dragon smiled, showing off his razor teeth. "Don't worry Sarah, this won't hurt a bit, I promise." Sarah watched in horror as more blue flesh was exposed when he yawned wide. A long, drawn out lick smeared across her body. "Mmmm, you're more delicious than you smell."

She felt his long dexterous tail wrap around her midsection and lift her up. Vertigo only barely started to set in when suddenly his tail tossed her into the air. She cried out in fear and panic as she flew upwards towards the ceiling. Just before touching the ceiling, she slowed down to a stop. Looking down, she saw the dragon's mouth yawn open underneath her. She started to plummet towards the wide open maw, watching her life flash before her eyes. She was in a state of shock. It just didn't seem real. She plummeted in slow motion towards her inevitable destination. The tongue undulated, snaking out past his lips to make sure that he caught all of her. With a soft splat, she landed on the tongue scrambling up immediately away from his throat. The dragon closed his mouth, sealing her in near darkness. The only light came from his innards which glowed a faint blue. The glowing tongue assaulted her, tasting her, pushing her up against his palate, Sarah didn't even know what to think, everything was happening so fast. A low rumble from below shook her. He was enjoying her taste.

Now, completely covered in saliva, she slid around easily on the large tongue. She slowly felt her world shift. The dragon was lifting his head up, she started to slide towards the back of his maw, towards his gullet. She saw it open in anticipation. Her mind flashed to the first sight of her predator, his long grey neck, scales shimmering with the light of the fire; she knew that she would be traveling down that long neck soon. She tried to climb away from the back of his mouth but, in turn, the dragon, lifted his head up more and more. It was futile. She started to lose her footing on the spongy tongue, sliding ever closer to her inevitable demise. She cried out as she finally slipped, plunging into the throat. As soon as she entered, his gullet contracted around her, tightening around her upper body and loosening below.

Outside, the dragon licked his lips, feeling satisfied and full. A defined bulge could be seen travelling down his throat, disappearing into his chest. He walked back over to where he was sleeping and curled up again, the taste of the human he had just eaten still tickling his taste-buds as he drifted off to sleep.

Sarah felt her world shift as the dragon lay down to sleep. She could hear his heartbeat slow down as she traveled along. She felt her feet travel through a tight ring into a slightly more spacious area. She knew where she was about to be and she dreaded it. She slowly entered his stomach, curling up slightly to fit. Her energy had been almost completely drained; she couldn't bring herself to struggle any longer. She gave in. She now belonged to the dragon that claimed her. She could feel her eyes start to get heavy, her body begging her to sleep. She couldn't help it, her eyes closed and she drifted off to the constant beating of the dragon's heart.

The dragon slept soundly, his body starting to already work on its meal.

In Short Supply

WARNING: Rimming and Reaming are very different activities. Learn the difference to avoid embarrassment. (Actual warning: This story contains soft, safe, semi-nonconsensual vore. If you don't like that sort of stuff #sorrynotsorry) Anthony woke up...

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Lark and Her Dragon

WARNING: This short story is a short story... (actually contains safe willing vore) Lark toppled over as her dragon pounced on her, licking her continuously. She giggled, pushing away playfully as Draan pinned her down. "Come on Draan, let me go!"...

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A Deeper Friendship 11: Home (Final)

WARNING: This story contains peanuts. It's kind of weird that I haven't used that one before. (Actually contains mention of vore. Also contains fighting) "Go on, eat him." Kara said nothing. "Either you eat him or I will; it's your choice."...

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