Regarding Mind Games, Or How I Lost It To A Reckloose Voodoo Queen

Story by Eightane on SoFurry

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So this being the last lemon or sex-focused... Thing I'll be doing for a good while, I tried to go all out. Help for ideas came from Drakkar Vance Cooner ( , and I hope he digs the result. Sincetheydigbootyalotinthisone

I still can't draw. I doubt I will. But I'll always have a place on here for what I do, and you guys've always made me feel welcome. This cud's for you. Chew on the gayness presented.

Thanks for many years, and many to come. ^^


I've never been one for misdirection.

You can ask Maia, too. Dishonesty's my kryptonite. In fact I'd give you the phone and her number, she's up the west Mulholland coast selling - oh, sorry dear, 'distributing' her new surrealist oil paints. Raking in, well, two bits next to her hedge-fund-consultant honey, but I'm glad she's active. A ray of sunshine once I'm through my clients and the books are kept, AKA when I'm all about her. I am the definition of married.

And I'm only away from our summer house about... Oh, eight days out of seven this time yearly? So she can relate maybe, mobile the way she is. She gets her Thursday pilates class, and Doug the wonder-tiger... He's cheeky, six-foot-twenty and looks like he was liquid when they poured him in his form-fitting blue leotard. I don't snap, I always say 'trust is strength'. The way she trusts me. 'Cause the guys and I, we get a week down at N'awlins.

The past summer's chock full of squandered brains. Lenny ran through the crowd with white jockey shorts as a hat; they weren't his. I couldn't wrap my brain around Kevin, swinging with the hooker under him on the tire swing with the streamers. Joel got clipped by Lenny's elephant thigh. The stilts he'd made from tape and an innocent chair's legs just didn't stay up how he'd plotted them.

Yyyyyyyes, last year's a fresh set of lesson-free memories.

These are all li'l puffs of nothing, as far as I cared, stepping as the third in a line of bastards down the sidewalk. It's Kevin whose blood tends to stay at about 12% port wine (or Courvoisier, if fate was good and kind to the White Sox), so he walks as point-man, shuffling his Dock Martins down the pavers. He's deadly-careful not to touch the cracks between. Everyone from the red-coated cheetah at the corner strumming pidgin ditties to the table-set vendors of crafts and dolls look at his craziness. I laugh, and Joel ends that from behind, bumping me forward where my buzzed legs swing me right again. God the man can't control his gut. It's the sixteenth month he's saying he'll eat slim and start running. As of this writing he's a bear made of breathing lard and fur, and breaking news on top of that, the sky's blue. I adjust my jacket to where the stripes of a Brooks Brothers exclusive line up again. Kevin slurs like no lion ever should; you've never heard a center-point between a roar, a song and garbled what-the-fuck.

"Shh-sheee won't cooooome to terrrrms with-my baggage... Ah guess ahhhh'll have-'em check her at the door-"

"For God's sakes, hairball." I leaned high that he should hear it, mane was mottled at his ears. "I'd rather a harmonica-"

"I simply. Want. To blend in." He tried intellectualizing, palms 'pressing' toward his feet and the whole thing. He truly thought and planned, like a moron. "The locals here won't know... Unless our*hic*- license plate..."

"We're nowhere near it and they don't grill Chicagoans just for hitting the French Quarter, Christ." This year he was in a rare form: paranoia's. I dodged the eyes of other patrons in these hopping intersections, out from the shops and into the proper hops for a growing twilight. Neon flickered on around us in impressive timing, maybe two seconds to fill most of the block's windows not permanently lit 24/7. Unusually, we might've been the only sods around looking extravagant. Maybe news hit that this town was dry for tourists of a certain breed, and we missed that memo. Or we were miles-early, sun just now sinking over Ponchartrain. Either would explain our best luck all night as being The Popping Prawn's Firekracken Steam-Broiler. As many kinds of high-grade whiskey as a careful man could count on all hands and feet.

I swear Lenny said something about rats being fascists when we carried him out. Me and Joel, walking an elephant. Damned good that mom and dad were bison.

Picture a sidewalk with the motif of a theater floor. Blackened gum-dots were, well, the nicer decor. Down this sluiceway we teetered, the waste-on-legs searching thrills as cheap as our health. Joel bumped me again, but before I turned and throttled him, he would have me find him leaned on a table. The thing suffered immediately; curves weren't meant to look like that on a brown panel between steel legs. And the green-eyed duck, a fine young thing in straw hat and mascara, was already barking him to step off. A Haitian effect just made her anger so lovely; Joel, as is his way, took 'til doomsday to spot when he'd offended.

"I said I'll take one." A grin while he dug for his wallet with one hand, and leaned ALL the weight on the other. If she leaned closer - gestiulating for him to stand and not splinter the 'display floor' - I think his breath would pickle her lashes. He thumbed through the contents of his money sleeve; dropped a five, and it blew away on the Gulf's inland breeze. "Y'can have double. They look good." He dug out about three times what the sign said before his fatass crotch blocked it. Rose his head by his chin, and goddamnit I knew what was coming. "Like their momma."

She understood that. Her flailing arms gave his cheek and neck some souvenirs, red and peeled by nails, before I captured him by the elbow. "Get going, before we're banned from the whole damn zip code!" As I pulled him on and gazed back, she was still cursing to hades. In a figurative sense, I hoped.

"You can't..." I started to speak at him, and stopped. Can't what? Is there a point to laying down some law, if all they'd do was find more creative tests of luck? And yes, it's "they". He, the wonder-Kevin, and Lenny's swishy tail at my 12 o' clock. It only wagged when he was blackout- or further. Contrasted to the other pair, though, he managed. Might look like a skeevy uncle who took style tips from Watson, but at least his mouth and brain had more tact. And with his trunk half-peeking around for how his head swiveled, he had purpose like mine. We needed seats, artificial light, A/C, all in a den of iniquity.

Lenny coughed; the trunk moved like a fat rope in earthquake. "It should be... Near... The brochure quoted this street..." Those couple of pauses were for his eyes darting like dragonfly's. More than one of the few other 'walkers' about us hid laughter in their hand.

I had to say it. "Yes, I'm sure the brochure had lots to say about Bourbon Street. You know, prominence?" I tripped, and gingerly corrected it; so I wasn't sober, looking high-and-mightily down on friends.

"But this in particular... It's not *hic* every d-" He finished the word 'day' through a prizefighter's belch. Sorry then and now, ladies. "-That you see 'food' and 'spells' together in an ad with 'whores'. C-consider that."

"... Well all I can piece out is they don't think much of their escorts. And 'spells'? The hell?"

Kevin missed a curb's transition to the asphalt. The car a few yards to the left made sure to honk the frightened piss right out him when he flat-kissed the tarmac. Lenny helped him up, leaning left and right while trying to stand him up. I helped Lenny help Kevin. My back feels a bit of that to this day.

Joel became a saviour. "There!! " He barked loud, like his stomach was a third lung. Nothing expelled, thank Jesus. Or... Alright, it's tacky to say that when he'd found our whorehouse-diner-bar... Shit, the fuck was this place.

"Shit, the fuck IS this place?" There, they were given the question too. And from Kevin's wavy lips, and bewilderment below Lenny's beret, I didn't wait for their help.

Again, Joel's voice rang my ears. "The... Y'know, the place where he... Let'sjustgoin." Strung together into one word; the bear would only do so when bold. On a mission, he shuffled to the cherrywood door. We'd be the other segments of this train rolling up to a corner entry.

I had maybe tenths of a second to see details. Glass in the entryway was stained jade; if you've ever seen old Coke bottles, you know the look. Beaded lights were strung up, the second we were inside, all over where the walls met ceiling, red and blue. The luminance could be described as calming and energizing. And who we met as the maitre'd, or usher, well, good luck covering up the cause for that feature, bubs. I could already smell the jasmine and oils.

She flashed her pearled teeth in grace; we clustered, a wayward troupe standing like four sides of a box. In this way not a one of us would be much further from such smooth iguana scales. Her hat's fabric escaped me in the paltry light, but the rainbow feathers stuck within weren't lost at all. She didn't pair them with a boa, either, like some in the annals of other years and faces. The gown she wore fastened with a leather belt over brown satin flow. Hers was an elegance shunning conventions. If not in front of me, flashing blue reflections from slitted sight, why would I think this existed?

Then she spoke. "Welcohm, welcohm. You good looking men, come on, we so glad for your type." Jamaican, maybe, or a vapor of that sound. It could be put-on, these were the places where showmanship was currency, or won it. This I think of now, and not at all right then. An angel like her forbade it... Heavenly in the stairstep-control of each syllable. Faint when it would scintillate, stronger when the shoulders of four clowns like us tipped forward to her manicured hand. Soft as human skin it looked, beckoning, her matte heels backing up to bring us with her. All beyond her was through another door; this one heavy, black, painted thickly. She pushed with the lightest nudge, and we were led to our Unholy Grail.

First the smell of andouille passed us. Sausage diced with local hot produce and bubbly in its own juice. The sow carrying a tray of it could be no more than eighteen, or more than a size two. Her Chanel scent and the pepper spices led us into docked booths, no high seats in this decadence. Frosted, bright-clothed beauties waited on an old tortoise, their locks down near his ring-decked fingers. Money talked here. Rafters with wooden beams had gazing balls chained with knives in croc-leather hilts and dark flowers. A couple at another table, moleman and wife I presumed, had a busty deer doing splits above them, dangling jeweled vines and fondling herself. At another, I was shocked into seeing this was no straight gentleman's club: a patron, male, shared some glowing ribbed toy-ride with an employee in pink. Try and guess the gender there.

My glare was to Lenny: mad at him less than me for trust I'd gave away like charity. "Didn't read the whole ad, eh."

"Hey, if I saw th-" He teetered and readjusted belly from the belt choke. "-The likes of this, I wouldn't."

"Well we are. Stay flossy, I'm turning us around-"

A rhesus monkey skated up to me; on the hard pine floor, able. I've never seen a girl so voluptuous. Her afro past all these curves at perfect angles, to the heel wheels in light blue, she spoke before her mouth did. And the sound was music. "Seat by the lounge, babe? I'll pour the finest cocktails in town. M'am demands it."

Joel sure caught that. "M'am, you say? And she's what, or whom?"

"She takes care. You'll meet her, sharp and fine as you dropped in tonight." By backing up, she ran a short eye-scan down me, tones of interest. I know she's paid to, but my feet didn't, following her right up the single step. An arbor by the room's round back, drooping fleshy leaves, and the fellas went right on led by the half-blinded me. I had my spine on the seatback before three others. Joel just crashed into his butt space, and Kevin sat faster than his heartbeat. The bump, his bone, came out as he scrunched those pants. A li'l drunk, I hid a chuckle for seein' him stiff by swigging the water that was already on the table. It was flavoured with honey and mints... Indescribable. My heart grooved to the soft jazz pumped in, voice from speakers in the headrests.

Once my ass was on the leopard vinyl plush, she already had her hands on the table. Charm bracelets wound her wrists, fur preened and wisped. I think Joel adjusted himself, maybe fat was choking his tool without him, badly. Sure took his time getting it settled again, but fuck... My hand was out of sight on my lap under table. I might've ran my thumb over something rock-hard as she excused and exposited. "I have the kitchen, she's due to walk the floor soon. You'll be glad she sees a quartet of you fellas. You have fun."

Fuck, I could pull it out and paint her. But liquor and its push steer a man to ruin... And truth be told my horns must've tuned me into broadcasts of the future, and I waited. M'am visits, eh? Just what would she offer me that you can't, vixen of primates? Or, you could skate away... Navel showing, back through that steaming door... And she did, when the lights flickered. Moans arose from the husband at that other table, his wife approving of his hard, vicious thrusts into... A male waiter, again, ass out and lynx claws on the table. But fuck that, the lights were pulsing. Thrice by when the arm appeared at that nook on the far side. The place immediately changed by her reveal. Her... It's here where I should quit that word's use. Because if her chest wasn't so firm, her hips so slim, her neck so sturdy, still the slight bump in the newt's cloth strung over the business existed. I don't know how someone looked so feminine despite it, empowered, dazzling in sparkled eyes and primped cheeks. She had legs. She had hair in golden curls. She had abs.

And I couldnt get up, even if my tool weren't a tree straight up in my pants. She-.... He had eyes on me as quick as I him. Over to us those hips would bear his lithe form when he swayed to us... Lenny, it looked like, would be the lucky one. Any of us at all, and not me, great... I could stick around, have this tale to tell at the water cooler. If I'm evil, it's on paper now.

Our elephant in hat and checkered vest leaned back as the "M'am" leaned down to him. She wouldn't splay over the counter like her kitchen-lovely. The grace was all as well-set and such as a born woman, in the smoothest scales around, and big-boned to begin with. Skeletally. The rest I hoped we wouldn't find out... Excluding Lenny, his was the hotseat. I assumed being an elephant, the front of his pants was always that full. I... I think it dawned on me the attention I was paying to my friends' laps. No sooner than I saw two of them twitch the fabric. I knew, the guys were throbbing, I was throbbing, this guy... This shaman shined from sapphire jewels on his choker, and a silver pendant on ribbed gold. His finger held out to the level of Lenny's trunk, a smile on some ruby lips. He didn't need a scent beyond himself, it was smooth, spiced, not truly feminine. From his eyes, their question held back by our host, I wondered. He saved me from that the next moment. "I must know you."

"H-hhhhhow do you figure?" The mumbling oaf provided. He moved his legs; it wasn't helping. "Before the night expires, mark my words." Oh, so he meant the other syntax... So damned forward. I should rethink this, I thought, and never did. Mists hung in the air, thick and so distinct, I found it hard to leave my seat. Around me, the mysticism of decor, the theme of our surroundings lay clearer. Classic, shady, charmed. A dumbass would say voodoo kept me there, magically.

This dumbass sat right on, transfixed. 'M'am' was in control, owned our eyes and time as well as this unlikely place. Matron... Or whatever he was, the most gorgeous of men... Wielded the focus of we four drunk fools. "You're hungry, I can fill you. Fresh and hot, or a cool drink instead, tonight's compliments. Red plum mojitos, on their way." A nod back to the door assured it. Meantime, we got to know more of the tempter's wiles. He turned a 180, chest away from us, butt non-subtly on the table's end. His end kept poise, sliding up and on. It was fine, we didn't plan on eating and the drinks were in-process. Bracelets fell to the wood with his hands propping him. He didn't truly look straight on to me, more to the side as if soothsaying. "An aura keeps this room, inside the deepest safety. Our guests live out desires." Her eyes moved, first to my tie, then following its end. Ties of course don't point up. "What do you aspire to, sugar?"

A detectable twang; a native son in his getup. Lenny's trunk reached further than his cravat; the move in it, the jig in vertical hang, I knew what he did. M'am did too; the tawny brown hair he whipped back, so close bear and elephant winced from a surprise wind. I should maybe answer, I thought, it could get weird. Yeah, 'get'. My mushmouthed thoughts drew his ear, decked with crescent-moon ring. "What does anyone here go for?" I could still work my charm through a pain in the slacks, something yearning to breathe free. Or throb and leak. "Strong drink and southern heat. Women come in all measures for me." I looked him down the core; so what if the tits were flat, just having them led to an array of thought. My grin's infamous. "... Before I'm done with them."

"They're ever done with horns like yours, sugah?" He bounced, in verbs and his fleshy rear. Further on our table now, his tail coiled amidst red rings and piercings. I'd seen barbells like his, laddered through a long object... Not often the behind. "Look at me, I'm your pet without a peep of your origins." A door swung open, the kitchen's. A tray with us in mind headed our way; the host disembarked, time enough for the one question while the slide off seduced. "Where do dreams like you four call home, and what does home call you?" Clever way to phrase; this boy knew his way around the trade, also known as the oldest profession.

Sure, I was the most sober - the least shitfaced - so I'd go around the table for her. Him. See, it's second nature... Never mind. I leaned forward to play it up for Lenny, whom I first indicted. "From the far side in, Leonard, sales executive and tusk polisher." He cocked his hat to me. "Kevin there's our village idiot, and in his spare time a decent coldcaller. The bear's Joel, CPA and food aficionado. Friends in business that Shi-town reared, they and I." Fingers of our host reached and combed his hair, synthetic silk. I think my chest pooched by reflex; I hoped he had a thing for half-pecs-half-donut and beer fat. "Vito Garbaldi, it's on my driver's license. Busty blondes are this bison's bread 'n' butter..." Our elephant friend might be fooled to think I saw M'am as a woman; fool him, fool my boner, which would beat down my fly had it arms. I had chin in my hand and games in the works. "Brunettes, though, they're dangerous. You might be too much for me."

He saw my tongue peek, it accounted for his lips; no one smooched the air like he could from those pillows, painted lavender. "Only danger in my den's spending your night, hon'. It's friendly magic here." Fuck, still forward; Joel adjusted himself and swear-to-God his pants ripped at the zipper. "Care for demonstrations?" F-forward started to fail us as a word. Joel nodded, Kevin's jaw was busy dropping like Wall Street. I and Lenny had our shocked smiles in common. He wouldn't hear a 'no', and no time for one anyway: A flick of his wrist up derailed us with the flash it created. Like a light blue, I wanna say, so soon it was over. But the area seemed brighter coming off that; in fact, our table itself shone in a lurid glow, bright but to such a soft, low pitch it just repped the casual outfit. Coulda shat myself, and not to be crude but a few more rum shots and nothing's impossible.

Kevin opened his big mouth. "The hell, I didn't think we'd see parlor tricks by a shh--hemale..." He acted like he coughed on that certain word; fucking liar, I know his fake like I know the size shoe I wear. Speaking of big numbers, he was doing one on our host, as the glow atop us permeated. A calming set over him. "At least... Bring a pair of legs like that doe at the couple's table... Got more gash like hers?"

Jesus fuck, you flushed animal. And I thought we'd be kicked out, as Joel sat fidgeting, a bit doe-eyed himself as he would often be at these 'night runs'. But Madam host, he hid his teeth behind left hand, shy to smile or more plausibly taken aback. But lo and behold, what he fumbled paid off. "I see you come to eat. I start you off with an appetizer."

He clapped his wrists, bracelets knocking; we all detected the new voice, rising in a moan. The philly was the freak mole's wife; God she sounded into it, fingering her cunt I had to guess. If I outright-rubbed myself, looking back up to M'am with shock, I knew we'd be safe. I knew her meaning, and I knew the guys were on-board like this sap. Sap... Yeah, that's what I'll say leaked outta me, 'cause fuck my sperm banks couldn't have thicker stocks than this buildup.

He lifted arms, and proper claps in a pair summoned the server. She took the burden off the tray he brought in his tight, pressed suit. Tight suit. Around the chest and the thighs... W-anyway, we were handed our drinks that way, his touch getting personal. He played like when his nail brushed my shoulder, a mistake he'd made. Everyone bought it but Joel; sweating a bit, and Lenny's eyes were the size of his trunk. Behind the waiter's male charms were two very female damsels. Supple. Unblemished, curved, had to be two huskies fresh out of high school. A strong-boned breed, maybe, but their feather bikins they wore well. Big T's, big A's. They were... Approaching M'am. They took their stances, gracefully to his either arm. Either he was the strangest man to own a harem, or... Fuck it, either way they were offerings. Drunk as I'd been they were clearly items on a menu, and M'am danced from his bright lips to tell me so. "Accessory for your drinks, handsome? They take you where you've never been, and I mean what you're thinking." I... Hoped I was paranoid. 'He just knows what we'd probably construct here' I cooled my alarms. 'Magic's in the ambience, it's just doing its job.'

I made it past the jolt and rebuffed it, had to be our living hard. Hours from now I'd be face-down in a cotton field praying to either die or pass back out again. Damn those sweet young things had my eyes while he had our ears. "Permit me one parting spell and they're yours an hour. Take turns, fellas, they love when daddy plays hard."

Lenny's tusk twitched, speechless and I'm sure you're surprised. I blabbed the "Sure!" for us collectively; spells and shit were ruses, to fear one was baseless and if it had him cart his sweet ass away so we could six it up, bring on the Criss Angel show-closer and get the hell outta dodge, dragdoll. This I felt right then, and never again; for his pendant glistened from the chain his neck held it on. He sent colour from his eyes, a lime green; the pendant danced, emitting a fuzzy strobe. Suddenly, all things were fuzzy.

They came back into focus. What the... Weren't there two buxom dishes for the taking? Gone completely. The fuck were hungry sinners meant to do if the man sent'em away, and...

... I saw on Joel's face a stupor. Lenny had the same. Our lion with issues sat more catatonic, but still eyes-presented; I think his was theirs with seven years of spirits as a chaser. If they were like that, was I? I looked around; alert, and they did jack squat. NO, then, I couldn't be... But what, and how... M'am had a new look on that mug to divert me. I could swing my head, and I tried to stand and ask what the fuck about my buddies. My legs were like cement, moving my head was my one ability. Our host cocked his lids low on shrinking eyes; two figures appeared like the broads had, on each shoulder, but these guys were... Guys, and short, and gangly crocs in fishnets. He had answers to our plight, indirectly. "Hand their wallets in to Rocko. Regroup here with Marc, we have FINE meat tonight."

He enunciated and stroked those last three words in saying them... Did he need to, or was it that I'd been spotted, head turning. A second time he went right into the doubt of mine, as the twink reptiles fished through our pants, slow and enticing our helplessness. "My pet's the bison. He had respect, I sensed it. He'll get to like remembering and feeling it."

Mother of God, what was this, what happened, WHY are we statues and is this just robbery. I had to think it all, and did that last one replay in my head... But the boys in nets hopped to their evasion with our money and ID's. Inside I was ripping his smug, saucy head off. Outside, I think I whimpered as he sat taller on the table. He put eyes on Joel and Lenny, two of three with eyes glazed and purple-in-iris. This... Naw, can't be voodoo... I blinked, sweat poured down my crow's feet like it did on Joel's neck, and denied until I realized we never sipped our drinks. Couldn't be a drug. Couldn't be airborne, that's daffy. He tossed his hair, took a fistful in his acrylic nails and pulled it off. A bald, 1%-more-natural newt put beady gaze on me for an instant; the rest of our minute alone, he spoke down, transmitting to four stocky ragdolls. I noticed what was still awake on me, and damn it throbbed, up and at'em. Think Lenny's vest creased a bit too, about in time with what his pulse would be. I got on M'am's good side being genuine; clues of another man's dick didn't make mine go down a bit. College was about the last of where I'd bent on urge like this.

M'am's eyes were steady switching now, Lenny's lap to mine and back. "Too good... I can't be asked to wait. We'll start with the elephant, he needs to unzip those." A wrinkle of his nose, a wave in his neck and I saw a single light shine on Leonard's stare, so brief. His arm moved, then his other one, and the hands went right to his front below the table. Fuck, he was doing it, I heard the ziptab slide down. The bastard was controlled... M'am's smirk held under his glow, more radiant from a goon 'transmitting' alright.

He had shit to say while lifting Lenny's dignity, too. "Revolting, isn't it? I apologize, you just don't know how hard it is for men like you to be open, and for powers like mine to have use for good. Or, I amend that, this is good from the right point of view..." Lenny's hands had no more of the zipper noise. I heard rustling, like when you have to scratch after waking up, on that walk to the bathroom in your boxers... He was gonna pull it out. I still throbbed, M'am revealed his true name a while through his ploy, one hand down on top of the flagpole his dress obscured. "It's the only good worth time. To you I'm Ka'lo and the duke of intemperance, and I'm out of this play, and this gaudy number..." He rolled his shoulders, and in a freak scent of bayberry the sequined gown thinned, melted, blew away on a wind. A breeze inside the building. I sat as a new believer, and his fresh-revealed body was the kind of narrow that screams 'flexible'. Ka'lo brushed the smooth arm of his naked form past my nose; the cologne I hadn't sensed before, who knew if it was minted from dark forces. His sweet spice fogged my nose, his eyes on Lenny's lap. "Your souls lay here, amusing each his bounty and loins..." His tongue peeked out amidst speaking, as Lenny's member met our sight at that precise click.

Or whip, because first thing I know that big thing's been slapped on the table by our elephant, who's curved it up the edge in spite of sitting. Figured he's long, leave it to a shaman-thief-villain to solve the mystery. Veins run up the low reach of what I can see, with thick foreskin taking over, a dull dark grey hiding helmet. I had urges, none were to complain. Ka'lo trained his grin on our exposed friend, and Joel and Kevin followed; they looked happy, though the openness to dick lied, no doubt forced on them. Mr. K had fun cajoling him, quite attached to the praise he gave bear and lion, and as the crocs returned in their see-through shirts came the directive for a poor, endowed victim.

"Rub, you grey dandy. Lemme see you max that tip..." Quite an exhibit or two: the man's elegance he buried under broad voice, controlling in his lust, and Lenny had no choice. Thin, pleasant grooves furrowed and met by the glide of his huge hand. It had a lot to skim, and no way could he hide the lowered eyes, the open gob. In the state his mind took up, pleasure easily shone. Hypnotized, exposed and switching skim-to-tug. Slow and loving his thick fingers stroked that meatstick; at least ten inches, hard and flexing with boosts to wood. Ka'lo twitched his nose, teeth out and pearly... Lenny just then took his crank by the base and hit it on the table. That 'thud' was healthy. One croc had his hand up his fishnet, rubbing nipples. The other slipped his down for something finer to rub. Ka'lo throbbed in his gown, a flow I'm surprised he kept on a while. In his place, I'd be stark-nude if Leonard had his out tending it around me.

The wife doesn't know. We'll keep it as such.

Ka'lo batted those lashy eyes; two buds on his chest were hard as me. "Aren't you business dads. Long day of parties and suds left you dumb 'n' full of cum. Sit back, we can help." Lenny's grip went at himself faster... It's like whatever host said got to him, the best way. Drowsy joy in that face while he jacked off for them, and they all three went reflecting that. Four hot, hard knobs were gettin love, and mine coulda burst out or busted hard in my pants needing the same.

The croc guy closest to me had nerve; did a strut right up to me - silent in my chair with mouth open, horned as fuck - and pressed his hand slow on my fly. Felt me out, and his tongue's swoop liked what it saw, circling the lips. If he gave me back free will for another two seconds, I'da used those to beg that he drop my trousers and suck me. For now, he only flashed a sneer to Ka'lo, the variety of an 'OK' hand gesture. And... Well, that came right along after. Hard, gratified and now praised for what I have, I couldn't more be liking torture. It qualified well before he winked, a blue teal coloured the room and I left my seat.

Hands of mine had their own intentions; I ripped the button as quick as I undid my pants, and none of it I had reign over. Sideward in my vision Joel stood up, faster than a drunk obese bear should have physics grant him. Turns out his sausage-fingers were speeding to unhook his fly. Kevin had always been the one hateful seed about alt lifestyles; so what a hoot to see his dick already out, jerked furious by his veiny palm, while he stood with Lenny. Ka'lo laughed through his active tongue, and I thought about who got to whom worse. "Sublime. The bison's pet, but I'd like the bear as a dog. He should lick my toes and whine." Adjustments were made for what I knew chased that idea; two croc twinks picked him up by the biceps, like handling the four-pole taxis of ancient royals. Set up on the polish amidst us, he was radiant. Leisurely, splayed with a hard tent in silk. His feet he had at Joel's neck, preeminent; I hesitate to call mine bigger. The bear's red licker came out alright, stubby out from his puffed lips. A whimper from the bear, a blush in his blank face... I'd think it was sweet honey he lapped from the splits of those immaculate toes.

Lenny took one arm out his vest, with the other at work. he changed off, and the vest dropped while he whacked for a croc, this one shirtless and reaching out to make him alike. A third 'helper' came up to me; this I knew by the breath on my neck, and I recognized a stoat's arm, thin and rubbing fur from his wrist through my jet Italian pubes. Hand was already on me. I swole so big in that moment I think he coo'ed in my ear. He stroked me, Lenny had his own to milk as they unclothed him. His chest patch, steel wool in blonde, breathed as lion and bear were cock-out. Keep in mind I'd only thought as bi, never checked them out or had the opening. 'Huh, Joel's foreskin's a sock,' I tossed around my subconscious. Our husky bear had it, the kind of sleeve so tight as a tip it's a Hershey kiss. Succulent, but then I got to Kevin's, seeing what he packed.

The sad li'l... Okay, time out, that's mean of me. But when I see an acorn on an oak tree I'm reminded, since that moment I knew. POOR guy, but in our enchantment the same. Privacy was moot, shame a world away. He rubbed that head like it was adequate; though a croc giggled and Ka'lo didn't bar that from his speech as well. "A man in spirit, body indeterminate. I felt'cha rage, dear, I knew you hate me with a heart turned inward." Host-ladyboy flipped his finger out; a croc, the one with maybe bits more muscle tone than the rest, dipped down with ego and flicked it; Kevin's stub of a staff, he rapped it and had the lack of hang go like a tuning fork. I blushed some myself, not able to think I didn't laugh on the inside with these thoughts trapped behind a trance. Kevin let out aroused sighs; the fact he could have no guard made our situation bleak.

Ka'lo nodded lazily, approvingly, one hand slipped on the gown around its tenting. His one foot he extended high, a dancer's form, and the other had Joel's name on it. The tongue made its odyssey through dips and joints and bubble-round toe tips. His hand reached under, graceful even fumbling for a dick. Coordination went to holding us captive I'm sure. "Join me, lovelies. Let it out and chase its pulse." He didn't lie; Soon the garment fell away around his loins, held high. Seven inches maybe, more remarkable for ridges like waves in water, fleshed scale contours. And a thicket of hair. On a newt, this one flummaxed me again. I stroked mine, teased like he said the driving force for all the blood and stiffness in our 'presence'.

Lenny's stark naked. The blonde chest muff's a good showcase; exhibited when he's looking down to face it. He's like all of us, past our prime a bit; the chest of his sags, some moob-type-action rockin' his suit I learned. Whaddayou know, he's got a set of fingers clibing up on it, wrapping the sides... Lifts it, and the weight goes with a fight. I wonder what he'll do until he does it, his lips opening, between those tusks and under the trunk he's taken it. Drags his tongue, impressive like all his appendages, to plot the outer edge. Areola, teased and tasted, out to the innermost of hairs outside it.

I couldn't fathom what I now saw. It gave up a leak... White and milky, while he lapped it. Suckling his own... Damn, this was like a male 'squirting' to me. All around his wet, sweetened collagen were manly fields of blonde, chest-to-mouth. Kevin tended himself; it was like giant fingers pulling an old radio dial. I saw wisps around the knuckles of Ka'lo, not the ones used to stroke his manridges... A spell had given Lenny to lactate. Peculiar, but small potatoes here, let's be real. I was hugely turned on; I stroked like all the rest of us, right there with the stoat next to me and the crocodilian aides.

Ka'lo lifted his free hand; a smoking rise of green, and first thing Kevin starts to move. He comes out from the table; I'm sweating, automatic response all I can squeeze out from mind-prison. He stands before me, closer than his true self would dare. I stand too, not of my own volition. In my peripheral Ka'lo beams his fangy grin, and I'm dying to know what I'm up to. A snap of newt's fingers and the tiny lion just *BWOMPHS* down at my feet, oh my God that kneel. Obedient to me as we all were to host... A con-artist, stroking and groaning pleasue as his jacking-hand lit a creamy blue, a cantrip he'd cast to liven up his own feel.

I'm standing over Kevin. Dick's poking out my pants flaps. Kevin's looks up at me, a mini-dessert cup filled with stuff besides PB. Creamier. I'm into it, fuck if I'm not hugely fine with the pleasure we're forced to. Stoat's chin peers over my shoudler, hissing snickers. I think shit's about to go down. And that's figurative, but this is literal, yellow out of nowhere, or out of one hard, seasoned bison dick.

I'm pissing on my work friend. In my suit. In his suit. He's in his sharpest look, professional fabric where my wizz rains down. Party fuel recycled on him, some making it as far as his acorn. Inside I laugh, and for a moment it's more to me. 'Homophobe every day, sure wouldn't accept AC/DC's. I taint you and your shame, well, as much as I can hit that small a target...' I wonder to this day if host could read minds, know the things he didn't plant in me. At the time he took the foot from Joel's maw, and the blubberbutt groaned a bit. Clearly wanted them back in. Ka'lo's cruelty meant they didn't go, for now. Speaking of taint, it's that I saw now, his gown pulled away by deceptive strength in his arm. Naked from waist-down, his undershirt put pale pink above his throbbing pink, he leaned back and the tender grooves of perineum were next to us. I, my fat pecker and the lion whose hands rubbed the musk right in his Brooks Brothers. Collar splashed its aim at points, and Lenny licked his own nipple, bounced his dick in his hand, tipswings.

Croc groaned, gasped and took his hand off his dick; it very nearly betrayed him, and he stepped back to breathe. I gathered that they all prefer it lasting; so do I, with the wife or solo, why refute that. Ka'lo blustered, his platitudes cornering accent and arousal, hedonism. "Wet his mane, handsome." I obeyed, and Kevin's head wreath flooded through the curls. Ka'lo slinked up to me, a snake with arms and a sack of cream to dump like his subjects. He scrounged up chatter from the warmest black arts. "Bath for the bother... It becomes him. A pinch of sulfur and some fly dander-" To his palm my sightline skewed, and saw the makings he named. He mumbled incantations; Kevin's stub was rock-hard, and it remained the same. Plenty else didn't.

His chest grew out, muscle in purity. The paunch recessed; golden gut was now golden abs. I watched a transformation, and wondered why a man with ill will was made to look heroic by one of Ka'lo's... Persuasion. Then I saw, and put two and two together; he didn't change between the legs. I thought of jokes about how real bodybuilders have the same 'syndrome'. I washed down the fur of that tiny-dicked tank... I related to the humour spun into our setup. Joel toyed with his foreskin, turned it up over his thumb and twiddled that digit, a massage I thought only I partook of. Lenny was stripped down to his hat; thirsty no more, out of milk to express, he moved steadily. Dancing, exquisite as a greyed exec comes. He made over-the-hill look chic, arms up next to his ivory, tufts of yellow in those creased bowed pits. The yellow I gave was running dry; no worries, Kevin's bitch-trance had him at my knees, wizz from my hanger wetting big-cat nose.

Do we sound like half the parties behind the French markets? Congrats, you've seen the Big Easy at its best. Ka'lo crumbled ash into a croc's palm; it glowed with shadow, a curtained black that flew from the hand up its arm. In a hurry the brown reptile broke his fishnet, made too swole to keep its tightness safe. Jacked like Kevin but having what he lacked, a masher like a porn legend's. Just flexing, busting out the veined arm-curls made that fucker swing. Ka'lo stroked about as hard as Joel and I, which says something. 'Fuck Ringling Brothers, THIS show needs mobility,' I thought, feeling pre come on. Colour in Kevin's eye-glaze comprised random pastels; two Easter eggs I couldn't laugh about since they tipped toward my unit, burying his nose and mouth downtown. Ka'lo swirled his hand, twisting the wrist; Kevin came back off it, and I moaned, knowing the lion's mouth. Teeth were missing from the botched bottle trick two years ago, and this had merits.

Another snapjawed helper stood by his beefed-up 'cousin', drooling over pecs and rubbing Pringles-can-package. Mister Host threw off the gown he'd dug through, back arched with lusty leer, nude and opulent. Sweaty down his shoulders and quad scales, he pleasured himself and got to me through simple promise. "Crave me. Your enhanced friend needs you, and my supporter's... Huge and pent up..." He looked his ally up and down, the croc now seven feet in height and twice that many inches out 'n' offered. I'm fairly hard to fleece. No improv here, I knew it occurred to him the tangled web he weaved. The orgy he shepherded. "Ours is the air, the night. Release with me. Explore your friends' drive. Their habits getting off." He stroked, jaw not quite closing again... Too stimulated. Joel looked up to beefcroc with stars in his eyes. The big'un swung his pendulum to the portly one.

Here's where heat turned up. Got me a lion hooked on my scent, my black tufts and the sizzlin' brat they surround. He nibbles fren, tongue nudges it, lips break contact just to slip him on and slide down the cylinder. Dear God, my eyes roll back hard. Gives head like the fruits he badmouths, and an orb of spit hits thick on my seam, center of the balls. I know this from the feel, tingles right to my hole in polyester hamholders.

Croc-hulk's hand finds the scalp of Joel; bear's rainbow-eyes are a whore's, and of course his neck folds a bit as it angles, giving a worthy male what Kevin did for me. Suckling and slurping that gun, man candy with a surefire cream center. Some serious bass rocks us, the joy in that muscle-grown throat. My buttons were SO pressed; alone at home, or when Maia spats with me, I've went for porn like the everyday American. Browsed vixens with whipped-cream on tits, but also hunks with zero body fat rubbing off, shooting seed while their mad-strong bodies bend and roll the manly spread. Nothing's hot as an ideal stud that masculine, except his own climax. I thought of this and spurted pre down Kevin's throat. Watched Ka'lo, double-jointed as he advertised. Head sank to the table, body went in the air above it and slung back down. Knees were on the polish, tender feet, and his face brought in to his unit... Close as I'd ever seen... 'Fuuuuck,' I groaned to myself, 'He's suckin' his own..."

And his eyes stayed open, hazy, not on Kevin gobbing my fat one or even Joel getting that croc's giant clubber. Lenny inspired him. A twitch from the newt's left eye, a shudder with his gums working his own tool, and honest-to-God sparkle lit the elephant's cheeks. I'd seen his front, every unclothed fold... Now he turned, ran his fingers down the biggest, smoothest ass I'd seen in person. His arm came up machinelike; mechanically he slapped the fuck out his own butt, and the jiggle chased his grunt, a dazed shout for a pain he got into. He reared back and spanked harder. Silvery asscheek clouded, accepting some red.

Joel's gifted, or either the croc's a vocal stack of bulges. The sounds split my absorption, a bareassed Lenny's yearn for it or the top groaning while his bear choked on ginormous cock, exceedingly too big for normal mouths. Why'd I not know an overeater could excel here too. Brown lips drove down a foot's worth of veiny cold-blooded stick, nothing cold about its salty pores and ribs at-base. I'd seen 'gator dong, all the smut I surf; never any this special, the all-of-twice I could study when Joel didn't bottom out, cough when the godly fucker probed lungs. That deep. Lenny's spank-hand hiked down the crack. Is it odd to call it 'dignified', the way he manoevered fingers, explored under tail and where the action starts? Rattles of a groan shook his neck waddles; the pachyderm sure loved goin' up his own bum.

Ka'lo laid with pubes to his chin, pumping hips to fuck his throat, push it down coiled tongue. When he came up to breathe it's with me he conversed. Yes, you read that right; I'd been granted to speak, such the free thinker. So he started. "You work with them. Has to be that you think of them." He put a pause between sentences, to put his own length back down his gob. I imagined the taste, and the feel of going down on one's self. Kevin sucked mine at the hardest it could be.

Ka'lo pulled out again; now he kept it close, licking at the head while it pulsed in show of his will to have it back in. "Do you think of them in briefs?... *laplap*... Mmm, I do..." Damn this crossdresser wanted it, his gentle deeds and hints of beast inside. I broke through the trance for an instant, perhaps he let me; I nodded with verve. He giggled in his lightness; pushed his hips down and nursed himself more. The lion who once called every player for Green Bay the F-word - a bundle of sticks or a Brit's smoke - smoked my sweaty black pipe alright.

Beef-highrise croc had Joel's belly jiggle, pitching it far down the bear. If not for the film on those eyes, fluorescent, I'd think he loved it anyway, the soda-bottle buster and its side-artery choking his cakehole. The stud sure loved it, flashing utter control, that ever-placeable yoke on a bitch praising dick. Down with gusto Joel went on him, to where I questioned if the croc had poured some flavour on his bone. Apple-turnover, or steak, maybe, whichever accounted for the extra hundred kilograms of cushion. Ka'lo looked him over, humming as the inches went down like butter through hands.

His eyes he stuck to that, and taking breaths he took his thoughts to me. Knew I owned the same itch, but scratched it only now. "They work around you, and their basket's there. All day... *lick, slurp*... Warm in their pants, walled away in thread weaves..." God, yes. Shit I'd thought about, when Kevin handed me copy or the classic-style Leonard tipped his hat in the hall. Long before he entered our lives, or himself with us prisoner, I wanted to see. First thing a straight-ish man thinks of with his fellas is voyeur, urge to see. Provided here, and then some. I mixed words, my brain short-circuited by Kevin. Fucker worked my junk; our host's magic gave talent? Yeah. I'm so certain.

Lenny's howl made it a ho-down; his fingers went down his starfish, the 'ho. Middle and ring fingers - including his gold ring, from wedded, straight promise to Erin - scooped his opening. No guilt, nor scandal, inhibitions, anything to keep his class. I saw as much his pert hole as I'd seen of his hung hammer. To think he preferred to take... Or did I think in the wrong terms? Did he choose a thing, roped in with sweet voodoo to turn him out, as with us each. Kevin's lips folded and picked at my thick spigot, ripples in their wet, subby puffs. I filled that 'phobe with pre, inhabiting a pride. Take that, views and comments I put up with. Badmouth the 'bears' or twinks or others with this much manhood at your trachea.

Stoat draped his hands on my shoulders; they were soft, massaging me, and a certain bump rubbed its way up my rear seam. I tried to smile; if he saw me, or Ka'lo, I strived for them to know I approved. Ka'lo had enough of his errand and leaned up, bending out, unrolling to right himself. Head once again topped the skinny form, feet were out and on a mission to Lenny. Was I the favourite, or he? Yeah, I noticed... Hard to be aloof about a smooth lizard touching those fingers with a big toe. They were Lenny's, and the ones in and out his cave, loosening. Ka'lo I dare say profited... Easing into an elephant, prepped enough for a toe to dig in tail's heat without a hitch. I moaned; Kevin swallowed a mouthful of my pecker lube, and Joel's nose went red, throttled by the croc's pounding it, like throat was pussy. Or ass, the kind a grey, seasoned gent had right out there. Ka'lo moaned ever-louder, femmy but taking Lenny for his lavish backside. Just the toes... Fuckin' hell, how would it go if and when the newt's weapon weaseled in.

On the note of weasels, this stoat edged back from me and I heard a zipper. Next thing I felt his shape down there, and I'd FEEL that if he went in. He took my pants button, undid it, cementing that I would know. I thought of Lenny, stooped over, warbling half-from his trunk. Thought of his lactation, the milk his chest gave, manly and furred all the same. Of Joel downing a monster, and the giant body hooked on, forcing him to please it. Of what my nose caught; GOddamn Kevin reeked of my piss, and I'm sure my dong reeked to him, plump and leaking for as long as he'd feast on it. Even nibbled at my hood; used caution, even hypnotized, and the mild pain excited. Two lithe, non-'spellstruck' gators made out and frotted next to Ka'lo; loving one another's mouths, dicks, nipples. A scream hit me from the table adjoining us; clearly a climax, and that husband went to town shooting off. I felt cool on my shoulder; the cad fired that far, I was cumstruck. I shook and croaked groans, just shy of an early retirement. Kevin's hungry slobbering, the fact he had me squeezd by that tongue and webs of male spit through a curled nest, connect-the-dots in bush, upped the peril.

Lenny moaned to be penetrated, words coming slurred in state of him. Ka'lo's chuckle as he slid smooth from the table told all; snakily he laid those baubled paws on our Sherlock-lookalike. Elephant blushed, from cheeks not by his eyes, turned away as they were. No, the colour came to those buns, stately surfaces for two hands to glide on, then leave and slap. Objects in motion tend to stay that way; his ass in motion moved such weight the hole peeked out sparingly. And then Ka'lo stood closer, naked, wood-sporting. My view was cut off, excepting a tusk, waving vertical with a man who bucked up and took it. The reserved, mature man of good breeding, made meek to have this gay boy ram dick up his third eye. Fourth if counting that endowment's tip, sure to swing during Ka'lo's push-in, the pop of an executive's black cherry.

For one breath I envied him. Kevin then sank down on me, twirling neck to love this dick. Jealousy over.

Ka'lo had observed here, too. From his bright lips they fell, hot as white flames in the lamps of this place. "Ohhh-hh that's gold... Strong man, put this build to use..." I didn't have to study, I sensed the elephant constrict where best to happen. Ka'lo's knees bowed out around him, thighs up on the rippled transition of daddy's legs to assmeat. Lenny must've been a ride - our shaman murmured like his soft words were authentic sex, apart. "Take me, old fuck..." His hips abused that rear, just beat on it... God and my ears knew what effect it had, how fast Ka'lo must be railing it, slipping Lenny the length. The trunk jigged, even trumpeted when thrust ramped up. By the tenth second in, he fucked Lenny like the 'steroid' Croc screwed Joel's oral chute. Elephant shook and begged in tongues; this versus the newt's grit and dialogue, more legible. "That hole... Parts... It's ordained... Fuckyes, ohhhFUCK you're a born bitch..." Slimy thoughts through closed teeth. Each time he went on I wanted him, or any male that spoke here. Verbs could only be groaned, arousing us. "Grey guncozy... Typical, you're an Aries... The firmest, rhh-hhbest... F'cking... Boipussy..." The last part, well, 'za bit contrived, eh? He 'cherry-picked' that word, talking to four men who were Mars-for-Venuses... Venusii, whatever. If Kevin's stable, unreactive there, I knew the guys were out cold...

... Yyyyyyep, his mane kept right on sinking as he dove on me like I'd piss Jack Daniels next. Kinda wished I had more wizz for a good lay like him, lapping my bellend on half the dunks. Even caught my sank often, lifting like a dog drinks water. They dropped, twitched and felt like steaming with the load he so nearly took. Ka'lo got nosy... Looking sideward, I was marked by his wandering lust. Fucking Lenny's hole, tapping its open flesh, tantalizing me. "He holds it in... Ff-fuckyesss... He's no stranger to this..." Holy f-... Tell me how I didn't flood Kevin's gums with salty DNA, I'm stumped. Lenny's fat, smooth ass would grind the shaman, get him sounding as close as how the petite lion did for me. He split that grey, cultured ass like I wanted to. Kevin pulled off me, nosed my cock and got a string of pre between the nostrils for the effort. His mouth would be clean of that, swallowing the whole time; he wanted dick like I wanted soft, hot hole. If I couldn't have Lenny's, I'd spend this payload elsewhere, if only the fancy newt knew.

Guess what he then asked me, while an impossibly-big croc fed Joel and our elephant moaned long, low and gutteral with Ka'lo in those guts. "Pet, I may trust you... Rrngh, speak while I violate the tusk-bearer."

Not many thoughts to gather up; the will sat on the tip of my tongue, and I on Kevin's. "I want... To blow... Inside this cat." Breaks were compulsive; a little of the trance's power, hard to contain, and some of Kevin's barbed licker, as gentle on the firm flesh as talent garners. Lenny could've taken it below tail before, and the tiny lion served like he knew his way around mine.

I pleased Ka'lo; it's not intuition if the man sent his widest grin my way. Hips shoved on Lenny's buttocks hard; his loins spanked the buns, and dong whipped his access like cake batter. "Kevin, right?... His name... HHHHGod this ride..." He multi-tasked, and I sympathized. "You heard your second master. Rise. Turn." He groped handfuls of Lenny's arse; the sluttiest sighs broke out. I internalized the term: second master. Fuckin' hell, to think of dicks had mine want to shoot loads, and Kevin's licking my length had me dodge exploding, but it's like my balls inflated with twice their weight. He listened like a good cat, better than his sober self could, up on his feet and spun with haste. Down on all-fours with the same speed, my hands on his ribcage. But I didn't want him down like Lenny, it wouldn't do. While I still could speak, I could will my body; the arms wrenched him up, bumping his spine to me. Standing, all up on the everyday 'phobe, I found his hole in no time and entered in even less.

That sphincter was the right size where his toy wasn't. I felt hot around my every inch; Kevin boiled inside, about half like he would by the end of being used. Mewls of a light and feline type came out for my pace, five seconds in and already winning him by sodomy. There'd be time later to bask in the 'idea soup', a man like him capitulating, dominated like I'm sure were none his female flings. For now, hulk-croc's hulk cock ran the bear through to the stomach, right where he'd always placed joy. Big ol' guy stood tall, pecs each big as his head and jutted out, formidable and in the clearest ecstacy, feeling so good right where Joel took his Vitamin D'.

To be bi this way- a man married and stable - could be many things, I don't project myself to the rest of us, but my bread and butter with the male side was to share it. Lenny's monster swung, hard as Ka'lo's could make him by topping that trunkard. Joel stroked, in pure pleasure and giving that to crocman. Kevin, near as I could tell, stuck out as hard as he might go. Every member throbbed to chase relief. This alone... All the times when Maia slept, and I sneaked on the computer to chat, show off to guys and stroke and praise each other and blow jizz... This could set me the fuck off. Ka'lo went harder on the poor lucky pachyderm, Kevin smelled so strongly of my beer-piss, mane to my temple. I whispered things to him I'd never dare repeat, humiliating jabs. They fueled him, he backed it up on me, a power-bottom. A twink croc by his muscle-grown Joel-feeder friend rued the bigassed dude, arched his eyebrows and blew seed all the fuck over. The table, Kevin's neck, my left horn. Second time in an hour I had sperm coat me. Disregarding that's beyond a monk to do, if that monk had the manthirst of mine.

Kevin purred. The husky, rank, abusive motherfucker purred. Fat bison shaft thrust like a piston, and his crankshaft he cranked. I looked down once to see two fingers working it; back up, growling while my neck sweat, balls ached and swole in prep. Kevin's ass opened up for this dick ramming on, vacant of mercy. Beefy croc put his hips out like his chest, into a suckling bear, groaning and gape-mouthed in a peak's approach. I felt another urge: compelled to look at Ka'lo, see the newt's status. Before he'd been a bit faced away, Lenny's ass more visible than he. He'd swung the ex-gentleman around. I saw less of straight-on cheeks and a fuckin' bunch more of host's dick. He'd sped up to match how hard I hammered lion. The smug, controlling wad took my rhythm, watched me through his eye's corner. He did and felt exactly what I did.

I bridged a moo and a scream, it came on so hard.

Lenny's ass took a shotgun. Cream as thick as mine sprayed that fast. His neck recoiled, I roared and latched on his mane with teeth. Maybe that saved the windows from breaking, safe in fog and our jinxed orgy, my being mufled and at the same time tasting the piss I'd given him. Jabbing rear, filling his asshole, ejecta down my thighs. He mrowr'd and I already knew the newt's hiss when I heard it. How positive it came, I'd confirmed him, the faith of a witch-priest. Dearly beloved, we were gathered here to get off, and a skinny croc still made known his moans, still tugged and milked his orgasm. Mine was barely underway yet I owned that lion. Big croc let out his lengthy howl, releasing. Joel's hums quit when surely forced to gulp all that cum that quick. I pieced together moans from outside of us, satisfied guests, so many male. The ropes left me like a nuclear blast, I shoved them in the weak-kneed cat, in as much control as host-lizard.

The spell weakened with that point of peak and not a goddamn thing else for me did. Ka'lo sassed with lungs faltering; I pulled him right along and he'd shoot before his next sentence wrapped. The room went warmer, brighter, when voodoo's instigator put calves to Lenny's and reached wild station. "Fuck his fat, haired, SUB-by MALE ASS!!! " Lights flickered; I heard voices, figments of bliss like every man's climax he'd borne before we knew of him. Black magic for white torrents, and his sent a single sprig up past his neck, ghostly pearl, his lean core contorting in hedonism. One set of nails tweaked his nipple; Lenny trumpeted, announcing his own peak. Newt's mess I called ghostly since his other hand swirled before it, next to it, and in the air it stayed. No way could I open my eyes, and still I knew. He had it 'pour' in streams around us, under my nose and I'm sure the rest's in series. Cumming his perky ass off and rubbing in the fact he did. More injected Lenny and I heard the floor get splattered... Ka'lo kept the rest hemmed in his taker and the elephant himself made this new hot tide.

Halfway through the climax I fucked into Kevin, my eyes could adjust for one stay of looking. They focused one place, the croc Joel gobbled. Never will I see that much jizz again, the storage of thirty men from one gasping, yowling, shooting reptile. A fire hose had been turned on the bear's gums. Splashback hooked the puddle of his to Lenny's, to the ropes from littler croc, to trails from and down my toes. Part of Ka'lo's load moved around us, slinked like an airborne snake, now behind my ear. Taught me the pleasure of wet heat tracing my lobe. Found Kevin's nipples, circled them. Ka'lo shuddered when it found him, ran his cheek's height, his hairline, between the eyes. He tongued it on its pass, and I'm sure that cued its next move, going high above us, balling up and in a mind-bending bang blew out like fireworks.

Ten times as much as its beginnings showered us. Drenched our every part as male munitions, us shooting our ordinance. All men, loving men, treats I retain but none of us missed out on. Kevin dripped off his slut back, though the threads held plenty to drench and warm him. We who wore the manly rears on our hammers shot savage as a Chi-town blizzard; our bitches roared like the local hurricanes, catching seed and giving up theirs. I'll hand it to Ka'lo, the only time I could feel close to our lion had to be when he played my condom; his whole goddamn colon made a keen reservoir tip. My hips just fracked him, automated, muscle memory draining me and a fat unit.

I saw, to my left, Ka'lo reeling. Presence of mind came around, and not just his. Lenny's head swung to the left, trunk and face in view. His eyeglaze faded; into the black centers stole a shock, I was seeing sentience break through. I, in my dropped, wheezing jaw, saw the teeth of a newt again. Our room flashed green, one strobe and done. Shock left his bitch without a touch of ceremony... Whatever spell held us in check he'd renewed. White splotches below him could only be a drip from heavy balls, Lenny's globes whose silky strands of blonde were in view under his dom, not due to hair's length but the sack's dip. There's nothing like a hung bottom, but... No, strike that. There's plenty, if criteria's to heat up my breath again. Released, not relieved, I wanted more.

In good time, Ka'lo showed me. Lenny went to crumple, dip his chest and head, but a smack on his tusk seized this away. "You think it's over? You're in Madade K's, nothing's EVER spent! " The tusks he grabbed; as handles they were good use, and Ka'lo pushed on them, popping himelf out. Lenny rolled his soft wrinkles, an old hairy body made to be a worm. A pro like our host spotted the perfect time to catch his starfish, pulling those tusks. Just like that he was back in. Repeating, reducing two tons of man to a sniveling sperm sink. Lenny's dick slapped the reptile's calf; that low. And I maybe couldn't reach that, but I'd like to see Leonard put more seed up our asshole cat's hole. It pushed on my glans; pressure alone, no wonder it felt how it did escaping me.

Big croc pulled out himself, and now Joel licked mess off his lips, doing no good as the monster red pole kept painting, slapped on him, crashing and drizzling more endleak. Trickles of milk left the croc's huge nipples, nowhere to go but down ab after ab. If I was the kind to think then - not later - that maybe his chest had a sorta climax, I wouldn't wait to go off twice. But I jigged free, hard as it was to escape an ass that tight, unused 'til now, and...

... Mother of fuck, you can knock me down with a feather. Ka'lo's comment about Lenny, an Aries... How in hell did he know? No one spoke a damn thing about birthdays. Here in our suits, save for Lenny's poor abused ass in a literal type, and Madame's betrayed himself. He might see in my head space after all. So the fruit knew I'm bi... Have a wife, and he still...

We're flying down next year. Heh... Hell, you wanna know the rest I'm guessing? Doesn't end there, not since two twink henchmen stepped up and the stoat's one of them. Whispered in Ka'lo's ear while his hand guided down, undoubtedly his cock stroking Lenny's bag-sag with a wet 'eye'. What he asked the master agreed to... Helper stepped away and swung around - his bod and his veined shaft, dripping white like none of us didn't - and put a vacant hand up, fingers branched out in the air.

My arm moved. I didn't will it. This mitt shot down again, bashed the fire outta Kevin and his grunt turned to squeal. I knew what we were facing: voodoo's got its clichès, and what's the major one? Limb control. Only dolls were absent, and if Ka'lo had sense to hold us all his hostages, the stoat appealed and bade me whip that meaty ass. Kevin flushed where I throttled, mane shaking. His whine purred. Lenny made like a truck's engine, the newt friendly with his taint, palming the bulge while his other hand clutched the dick that went on drawing webs down ballsack. The big croc, resting meat on Joel's scalp, lifted his brick-pole of an arm. All the sudden our bear was too apt to reach and fondle the 'hat' he wore. We were harnessed and they chuckled, making action figures of the men whose shame they loved.

Skinny croc on Ka'lo's other flank clapped his hands together; Kevin's tail dove to my exposed pipe, its bristles cupping independently, tickling. In afterglow it hobbled me, so good right down to my last inch. These bison knees clipped each other; hand that stoat controlled sped to the anus, a finger moving in for the hunt. I'd be sticking it... No, chiseling it in with malice from the stoat's control. Kevin bitched in fractured words, and Ka'lo praised his posse. "Your deeds are mine. Loyal to me, my staff and these hunks..." He shuddered, still leaking cobbed white. Lenny howled; I could almost feel him throb in K's hand through the vocal arrest. His huge sub dick, the way his mouth dwarfed all moans around him, he WAS exhuberance. And Ka'lo stepped aside, stroking our naked friend, revealing his everything, cum roped down the vert's of a raw rear crease.

I stared like Joel, and the other aides; when shown off, the assets just compelled us. Ka'lo wasn't there to fuck more into him; forsook palming the prostate, and his hand slipped under elephant gut. It wobbled as he rose, turned and stood proud, the guidance of our mage. Eyes bright, legs open, throbbing, hanging. I don't think a one of us saved our drool from the floorboards. He'd submit us to the whim, our magic sheik. "So much there. Who wants first serve?... Nnngh..." K's coaxing suffered with his knuckles on himself, stroking backhand. "Just pulling your legs. Climb down and share."

His bliss worked through us; Joel slipped free of beefy croc, Kevin tumbled away and I chased him, not chasing him, but driven to our target. Two feet away I smelled the old boy, musk that normally fermented in the back pockets of pants he had off. Joel's mouth got there first; on its high root, the zigzag of veins tunneling in a mega-sack. That's the smell I tingled in my dick for, sweat all over his nuts with K's seed spotting it. Just under me bear's tongue wrapped and hugged the monster, but it was me feeling the tension, when dick straightened on the service and poufed the sack to hit my nose. A smattering of scent, pubes entangling the straight wisps in my nose, and I planted kisses, tongue put out, my first taste of him.

Kevin pushed the side of my head, crowding in his mindless hope to get at it. Nope, little men like him could wait their turn, worthy men were getting Leonard off. Those nuggets felt so heavy, full of cream to wash our mouths when we'd loved on them enough. No chance to envy Joel, side-suckling the pipe, when I'd popped a ball behind my lips. Like a fuckin' baseball, on my gums, and I worshipped it. Ka'lo's laughs, his bliss as he sashayed beyond us, under grey chest, tongue forked I'm sure to sponge an older man's blonde matting.

We worshipped Lenny, how large his weapon, the berth of a living, warming air freshener. The smell of oils and smoke in the place failed to pierce this. Ka'lo muttered words in some language, and things around me looked purple... Heavier... Good God, all my senses had tripled their strength. Tasting him was pure. His aroma possessed me. The stoat's moans were from behind, clarified when hot steaming goo hit my back. It was... Bare now? Had my clothes disappeared, or... No. I'd been so taken in, it took a minute to register the hands unbuttoned my top. We pleased our hung friend as they undressed us, made us naked as him. Seemed my work caused Lenny coo's more than Joel's, and by fuck the bear didn't slack off hungering for dick.

Kevin finally set up above me; Lenny's hole could use a good rimming, once the creampie from 'Madame' he'd lapped off. I heard the gulping of it. Ka'lo's wee-est aide, a croc of course, appealed to him. "Sir, can I share... His chest, please allow me-"

He didn't show much regard there; distracted, sure, but denying with pinache between slurps of moob. "Demand nothing, you'll get the same. Help our other guests, make their hands of use." The twink sighed - more hunger than depression - and I felt the light change. He must've moved hands, the next I knew Joel breathed harder. I focused on the power I might borrow, in K's favour as I was, and a vision occurred; Joel stuck fingers up his bum, as tight a squeeze as pudgy hands could manage. Kevin seemed quieter; honestly he dug his tongue in Lenny's ass like I couldn't even do to the sack. Talents not explained by simple trance. I'll always think he owns history before us... A past with males, as I've cranked myself to think of in the after-months.

Lenny trembled; no less than four men had him down and adored. I sucked ball, each for a minute and then switching off; the more I did, the more I swore the fluid moved inside. Could it hope to stay in? Joel pleased his shooter, I revered his basket and the two others did their own programs. Ka'lo spoke again, when fog shrouded us and moans from other tables scaled up. "HHhhhyeees, this one... He thrives, feed on him..." He was back on it, tail swishing under Joel and I, ourselves under a huffing Kevin. Took a break from tonguing man's hole to breathe it in... I thought of what he took, and nearly blew on Joel's haunch. Its rubbing me a bit conributed. Wet in lust's sweat, plus cum that hadn't dried from showering us, hysterical with crave, I slid tongue up and down the nuts, their turf on taste buds. Ka'lo broke again to break our inhibitions, if we'd even had them accessed. Jolly's how I describe him. "He'll go off, now fight for position to be drenched."

I feel it was a tease for the others; Kevin was outside the running when not even a bear could fight my strength. Our cheeks dueled a moment, then mine pushed him free, licking up that hot cane. Lenny brayed, yelled and exhibited that climax. The jiz I thought would bathe me, pressure-washed me snout-first. Amazed I didn't get it up my sinuses, but the green-tint haze could maybe do anything. Mojo danced around us, and so many things it did. A man I'd known for years, his sperm gushed on me, cascaded to a bear I still envisioned. Knowing he lay with mouth wide as his fave meatball subs. What flowed off my neck, he captured. His throat and mine took down the jizz spray. Ka'lo quivered, certain to be pleased by these facts. smooching, sucking furry nipples, maybe drinking man's milk of his own design and our submittal. It wouldn't cease, his cumming and the screams of hedonism. Big croc sighed above me, and something smacked my low spine... I knew this too, his barrel-size unit appreciated. Trails of this 'emotion' made my back fur a bog, grassy and pre'd on.

"He... He loves it all..." The first I'd heard of Ka'lo sound bottom-like, with Lenny over him, in whinnies like a deep horse, hung likewise to boot. Five senses still lay enriched; my sixth, my discretion sensed another play oncoming. Correct again. "... The superior's had his... A comfort he'll feel for days... But you all remain..." He kissed once more the pachyderm's core; Lenny glowed so much he'd not breathe sans-whine, seed still more than trickling on my open lips. I figured he'd go down the line, and I'm the next-biggest; I had goosebumps just to rue the imminent. But no, it had to be now that I erred. "... The longest gun's gone off... And there's a shortest... One I'm sure gets less honor." I knew in a second; Kevin. Ka'lo finished his thought and licked slobber to clean chops. "The lion wants play. Give it, once you find his."

We... We were leaning back, going for the douche's nozzle? Well I could be okay with this... Kevin's mind, enslaved, yanked him fast to a good pose. I looked on his body, de-clothed as I'd been, his palms down to hold his padded belly up. Curls as course as his other mane bound a short one; its head peeked out, hard as it stood, clear-and-white in patches surrounding. Well it'd be easy, I conjectured, no choking on this. Again I fought Joel off, or Ka'lo let me win it, either way... I pursed lips in an 'O' tight enough to hide its two inches. Also unlike Lenny, the roar, the unkempt bliss when I'd barely even took it and constricted.

He made music while I pulled it, blowing meat that reached to maybe mid-tongue. Joel's hands went on my ass cheeks; the shadow of a helper moved and took to nuzzle my end. Sure the giant croc had wanted him, he was no doubt the devoted one, munching my ass end more than if I'd sat on his face, buried him in round stank. I swept Kevin up in my licks, looping my tongue to cradle that mini-dick. Too easy to curve around it, almost touching sides up top; he made hoarse cries and I made a pig-in-a-blanket, retreating and just teasing while the lips did more. He melted by it; the heaves of his thick, strong gut meant nothing else.

Lenny gasped for air; breath was taken and belonged to K', as colours changed around us. I felt drugged. Joel went quicker on me, licking in my hole, my reverse-popsicle. I felt muscle twitch in Kevin's tool, pretty fuckin' strong for its span. He'd blow again... This time I'd eat the chowder, hearing croc moan as he twisted his nip, held his chubbed ball-bat-pecker. He waggled it, flapped it; I knew all around me by the spells, but either way I knew the sound of meat hitting a man's abs. Vids the 'net over had garnered that for me. Kevin's chest expanded; held high and full of air; five seconds with with rigid prick sucked, Joel's tongue like an eel in me, men around us in their stages of fulfilled.

Funnily the night's hottest tidbit was a small man ejecting it: Kevin rocking, flattening his lungs as the broth ran in and almost choked me. I tamped this down, swallowed, hummed while he jerked and shimmied.

Joel made such a slave for my ass I blew in seconds, hands free of dick.

Ka'lo hissed, a snake in newt's hide. He tossed words again alien to me; Joel left my back and the cool of air rushed in. My butthole squeezed shut. The bear's fat grip hit my buns; shut no more. We stood ourselves up, even Kevin, once his taxed bod got its tail off the floor. We had juice left in us still; voodoo didn't have to help, we ran off the fuel and sweat of each other. We congregated. Shoulders rubbed and we rubbed each other, the parts and the paunches. So much wet hair, naked skin, and scales when Lenny propped up and came with K' to join us. If there's one more event to hold, any braintrust would know what remained. Senses high, heat rising, we lined up single-file. Mouths to necks, cocks to asses.

Ka'lo asked of me, of his pet: "Are you wise to this? " Without question. "A train... Cars loud, and... Dumping freight..." "You were made for this." A little after, with us each pressed together: "All of you."

We dug into our front pals' cracks. Located them, touched the ring, dug our heads in. Synchronized penetrating. Lenny in the front, me behind him, Ka'lo to my rear, then Joel, the huge croc, and Kevin in the back. Bear got it the worst, while his top took the least. Right and well, and the aides were like arms, cranking, objectifying. We heard it all. "Line 'em up... Yehhhhh" One croc huffed, leaving lines of his own with pre drips flung wildly from his tended bone.

Limber young stoat stood opposing him, in body only. Words came as a decadent match. "Thick studs... Mmnnghh ass-plowin' tycoons..." He stuck a finger back behind; fingered his hole, and I cooked up which of us he'd wanted it to be.

Big croc had his own input, being one of them hisself only modulated. "The fatty's deeeeep... Ngh-Nhh-NGHH!! " I almost fell; shockwaves he'd sent by thrusting, up in Joel to the extent of his monster. We recovered; I might say our pacing didn't, but rhythm never coicided anyway. Too hot, too enraptured we were, even Ka'lo didn't try and cast some timing for us. United in our using, filling each other... Lenny's ass was oven-hot, I fucked the same willing sleeve our 'madame' had first broken. My fat cock had to rake past the sweat and jizz he'd left. I don't think now that Lenny moaned louder for me than him, but fuck I thought as much. That much closer to his edge-teetering sub gasps. Their height was every time I plowed the pecker's head up to his kidneys.

A spritz dabbled on the floor. I made him piss a little. Ka'lo went ferociously on me, my ass burned in the best way. Sounded like the bear held up just fine too, a newt's seething moans suggested that. Joel's sonnets, a screaming-hot despair for the work of too much size inside him, pounded in our ears and brains. We fucked each other harder.

Ka'lo couldn't hope to be heard in this, but I knew he commanded; the elements heard him, fog thickened, my dick felt... Like never before. Like it was all of me. Burrowing in Lenny, owning a longtime friend. I felt I'd made him my atmosphere; I breathed him, his knees weak but holding, so ready for what I gave.

Stoat teased us, his dick slimed in its own leakings. "Crow's feet, grey wisps, y' classic f'ckers... Wear each other..." His footpads moved, one down while the other lifted. Horned up to the point he could dance, spanking his tool while we used ours. He infected slim-'gator, getting him to shake, almost spray on us.

I heard Ka'lo, this time clear as a bell: "Esperti cum t'ya... Hnnff... Mor-do manti... Hahahahah, ff- Fhhck!!-"

The whole place went dark. Men continued groaning elsewhere in the cave of cheer. Sinners around us made their chairs squeak; the legs noisily moved. In a moment I felt warmer... Breathing harder, we all were... They surrounded us. I've never heard so many sliding hands, or knees touching floor. We were circled. They jerked theirs, or mouthed each other's. We might be the only ones in clammy, tight ass. The windows let in starlight; shines from the patrons' eyes sourced from this. As if ghastly, living fans delighted in us. So what if they didn't join? I was joined to Lenny, and our chieftain, and the rest down the line. All my nose could t ake in were the smells from every cock-bearer, his skin, his sweat, breath, crotch, armpits, musk from up in cracks or inner thighs. Taints. I... I couldn't hold out. Lenny never got less tight, and he wailed for me, and Ka'lo BORED into me, touching things I barely knew I had, things a man could know and hit with his, and...

... Two-thirds of the room intensified when I started to blow. My head bobbed; I lived my climax and the "poor" possessed-I'm-sure auxillaries of ours got off on us.

I was covered thickly when my first load shot in Lenny.

I had my arm on him, so he didn't fall. I didn't think of it, Ka'lo had. He leapt on me; I shot off, shrieked while he bit my neck. Marked me, roared on me, swole in my rear and began his peak. Stoatboy sounded so nice, letting out his seed with the others; boy was a loud one. Skinny croc I didn't hear, but I think his brew was the first to smack my nose. Once our master put his pints of juice in me, rocking me to the core, I heard chandeliers rattle. Big-damn-croc had his gallons forced in Joel, who took it like a soldier. SO glad I was for what K' allowed me to know, free of sight. Kevin even gave it his all, huffing, a light orgasm from a lesser man.

Lenny trumpeted full-blast. The ropes of many strangers, anonymous lads, dressed our naked fur and skin. His second coming sped to where it fractured the pine boards. I sloshed with pivots, thanks to Ka'lo's release. He bit once but shot in tens of portions. I felt just like the pet he'd called me, with my own pet ahead, Lenny, friend and catcher. His dong gave my nuts breeze, flapping, a stiff branch in motion. Sperm ran down my cheeks, my hips and legs. The club's smell became manbatter and nothing but.

I wound down steadily... Must have been twice as much leaving my balls, my dick, than the first round. Lenny caught it all. I took Ka'lo's just the same. Big croc's climax had bear's butt fail him, too fast to hold in total. Something like a bucketful splashed under us from that, repeated. I had trouble hearing some of the men above myself. My climax refused to stop, shooting off had only started it. It hung on; all ours did, and all of us social in it. Ka'lo's public orgy. His engineering, invaluable. I wanted to reach back and kiss that evil fuck, romance him for giving this dark privelege. If my body had let me, conducting my relief in every synapse, every bit of me existing.

By grace - his or mine - I shouted with the hope he'd hear. "You... Are... Wonder... A miracle... F-fffuck me, charlatain-nnhhh!! "

As he did, and wouldn't quit, chortling, licking where he'd nibbled me. My peak carried on, but its time dimmed; so too did the moon set on our group around, more and more on my legs and not higher. Tingles as the early ropes ran down, every side and part of us. Lenny breathed so hard his belly shook he and I, overspent. I held strong, held him. No man felt better than his canal'd, hairy front felt on my hand and wrist. His heart jumped, in league with bliss, what Ka'lo set up but I finished.

The big croc moaned long and low, and many males sighed also. The house of sin was rested. Ammo from the last man slapped my toes, and discounting all our lungs, the building lay quiet.

Fun was yet to leave us; the cleanup commenced, in which tongues, lips of every ripe age and species found each other, helped themselves. Ka'lo at last came in range for my kiss, and how he let it happen the intent had reached his knowledge, the gratitude. For the first time things were hazy to me, going forward by the hour; I can picture his face, felicitous, waving in the kindest way a villain can. The humid Southern night hit our clothes, half as muggy as their threads. Some sets of eyes on the stagger back are burned to my mind to this day; curious, or horrified, or knowing.

I believe the trance on my three amigos slipped away sometime near dawn. Lenny asked me for a week straight how drunk he'd been to get that limp. I told him he fell off a table, onto Joel; killing two birds in traction with one stone.

It can't be hard getting them on-board with these tickets I've bought . This spring the same hotel should be accomodating. Maia understands; the drinking story's half a lie. My decent misdirection.

~Thanks to all. ^^~

On Brutish Waves: The Lewdz Continuez

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Power Balance (For Charkonian)

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Nine To One

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