A Day On The Farm: Chapter 4

Story by Tdrake on SoFurry

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#4 of A Day On The Farm

"I can't believe you let him stay the night!"

"He's in the barn!" Kelsey smiled, eating the meal Sarah had cooked. The rain was pouring outside and the girls could hear it on the roof.

"Still! What if he's a robber, or one of those Team Rocket members?"

"You think he's here to steal all our money?" Kelsey joked, gesturing to the house that, while homey, was in no way luxurious. Sarah smiled at the joke but still wasn't convinced.

"Still....What if he's dangerous?"

"We've got them!" Kelsey said, pointing over to both pokemon, who were resting in the living room as the girls finished eating. "Besides, he's not a bad guy....he's just a...." she started, trying to come up with the right word, "perv" she finished, smiling slightly.

Sarah caught her smile and flashed her a much bigger grin.

"Oh my God!" Sarah gasped, still grinning.


"You like him!"

"No!" Kelsey shot back, a slight blush on her face. "He's just a...nice guy."

"Whatever!" Sarah said, laughing as she got up and headed to her room. Ghost was quick behind.

Kelsey shook her head and walked over to Shadow. The arcanine slowly got up and nuzzled into her. She smiled into his fur as she rubbed his neck.

"Come on boy! Let's go to bed!"

The next morning, Kelsey awoke naturally. No sun, no moaning, no monstrous tongue had disturbed her morning sleep. Allowing herself a grin, she uncurled from her position on her sleep mate and started getting dressed. The sun hadn't arisen yet, but it would soon enough. The day promised to be another long one, but she had been enjoying herself for the past couple days, and Sarah promised that today would be "interesting."

As she started putting her clothes on, she heard movement from her bed. She watched as Shadow stretched his body and looked around for her.

"What? Did I mess up your morning play?" she asked smugly. The arcanine grinned, woofing his affirmative.

When they had come up to her bedroom last night, Kelsey had been way too tired to do anything but sleep, but she expected Shadow to be a little more...persuasive. To her surprise, the arcanine was even more tired that she was. Their session in the woods, combined with running through the rain with two people on his back had tired him out. Both had ended up collapsing on the bed.

She finished slipping into her shorts as Shadow stretched and moved off the bed. She grinned as he stopped right in front on her, watching as she put on her shirt. As she brought her hands to her hair in order to tame it into a ponytail, he moved in to kiss her. Grinning into the kiss, she allowed his tongue to slip into her mouth as she put the finishing touches on her hair. Sucking on his tongue, Kelsey brought her hands to each side of his cheeks. She allowed the kiss to go on for a few more seconds before gently pulling his head back. Both panted as they attempted to regain their regular breathing.

"Come on boy!" she said, as the orange light of the rising sun bathed her room. "It's time to get to work!"

After eating breakfast, Sarah and Kelsey, followed closely by Ghost and Shadow, moved to the barn. It was still early, and they usually wouldn't have begun work so soon, but Sarah had an interesting idea for a game and Sarah insisted they needed to finish their chores early in order to enjoy it.

Standing outside the barn, Kelsey was just about to open it, when Sarah stopped her.

"What if he's waiting to attack us?" Sarah asked, only partly joking.

Kelsey sighed and rolled her eyes before pulling the barn door open. There, lying on the floor in a corner of the barn, fast asleep, was Jason.

"Oh!" Sarah said, suddenly much less afraid of the trainer. "You didn't say he was hot!"

Kelsey sighed again at her friend's change of behavior and made her way over to the boy, who had set himself up in an area most untouched by the animals. She did have to admit he was kind of cute, curled up on the ground with a few stray locks of hair covering his eyes.

"Jason." She called, bending down to shake the boy in an attempt to wake him. They needed to get to work in here, and they didn't want him getting hurt inadvertently.

The boy stirred but did not wake up.

"Jason!" she said, pushing a little harder.

That seemed to do the trick. She watched as Jason opened his eyes groggily, not really realizing what was going on.

"Hey" he said, sleep still lacing his voice.

She grinned, "Hey."

Suddenly, as he realized what was going on, Jason's eyes shot open and he quickly got to his feet.

"Morning." She grinned as a slight blush coated his cheeks.

"Morning." He mumbled back, fighting the urge to yawn.

"We gotta let the arcanine in here to round up the milktank." She described, "It's time to start the chores."

Jason nodded and grabbed his things, before following her out of the barn to allow the arcanine to do their work.

"Hi!" Sarah said, the second the two were out of the barn. "I'm Sarah!"

"Jason." He said, smiling politely at the girl. Kelsey could tell he was still pretty groggy.

"Kelsey told me a lot about you!"

Jason shot Kelsey a worried look, but the girl shook her head in response to his unasked question. Sarah continued on, not catching the look.

"But she didn't say how cute you were!"

That got a more noticeable reaction out of the boy, who stammered at the compliment and looked away, a blush returning to his face.

"Oh leave him alone Sarah!" Kelsey laughed, pushing the girl away from Jason and towards the barn.

"Fine fine! I get it! I know when I'm not wanted!" Sarah fake pouted, causing Kelsey to laugh. After making sure Sarah was safely in the barn and out of her way, Kelsey walked back to Jason, who also had a smile on his face.

"Sorry about her!"

"It's ok." He grinned, a little more confident now that he was more awake. "You guys usually up this early?"

Kelsey grinned, "you didn't grow up on a farm?"

"City boy. Where people know how to sleep in!"

Both laughed, watching as the arcanine began to move the milktank to the pasture.

"Thanks for letting me sleep here last night! The storm was pretty bad."

"No problem! What do you plan on doing next?"

Jason removed his hat and rubbed the back of his head. "I've got nothing planned. Do you....need help with the....chores?"

"You sure?" she asked, raising an eyebrow at his willingness to help. "City boys don't do very well with farm chores."

"Oh" he said, grinning at her joke, "so I'm not the only city boy you lured to your barn."

Kelsey laughed, "You would be the first, but that's what I heard."

"Well then, allow me and my pokemon to correct that rumor!" Jason responded, bowing slightly before pulling out five pokeballs.

Jason threw them in the air, releasing the five pokemon that made up his team. The first was Talia, the ninetales that Kelsey had met earlier. The fox yipped at being released but looked away from Kelsey, instead choosing to look at her trainer. The next pokemon, Kelsey had to stop from cooing over. Standing a little below her waist was a sylveon, the fairy pokemon whose evolution had been discovered last year. It's cream colored fur seemed very well groomed and its feelers waived lazily around, projecting a calm aura. Standing next to the sylveon was a pokemon that she hadn't seen very much of, an infernape. The fire type was big, coming up to her shoulder, with a lean body and a flame atop its head. The pokemon's brown and white fur was interrupted by gold plates at various points on its body, which only added to the muscular frame. When she made eye contact with the pokemon, it looked away. Then came a pokemon that was one she had seen a lot of. A lucario. The muscular pokemon was a little taller than the infernape. Finally, floating above the ground, was a gorgeous gardevoir. The pokemon's flowing white dress twirled as it floated. In total it was an impressive team

"So" he grinned, watching as she looked over his team, "how may we be of assistance?"

With all of them working together, the farm work had managed to go by quickly. Well, most of it anyway. There were several instances where Kesley had to go help Jason with some particular chore, but all in all the group was done by mid afternoon. When they were finished, they lounged around the front yard, eating.

"My whole body hurts!" Jason said, lying flat on the ground. Talia had her head on his chest, resting. The rest of his team had been given free reign to roam the farm.

Kelsey and Sarah laughed, each leaning on their respective pokemon. It was nice to finish early, to get everything done.

"At least now we have time for the game!" Sarah exclaimed excitedly, pulling out an old fashioned top hat with pieces of paper folded in them. Kelsey eyed her suspiciously.

"What kind of game?" Jason asked, gazing over at the girls.

Sarah gasped as she realized that he may not be particularly ok with this kind of game. She had pulled out the hat prematurely.

"It's a game for people that have.....particular tastes...." She said, doing her best to improvise but not give anything away.

Kelsey laughed at how awkward Sarah was being, and glanced over to Jason. "VERY particular tastes." She added, smiling.

Jason smiled as he caught her meaning. Kelsey was wondering what he would do. He had been concerned about Sarah knowing earlier this morning, but with the revelation that she was ok with it too, coupled with the fact that all had become pretty good friends may change his mind.

"I guess...." He said, looking over to Kelsey as he spoke, "that I'm good to play too."

Kelsey smiled and nodded at him, signaling that she would make sure Sarah kept the secret.

"Well alright!" Sarah said, pulling out a few extra pieces of paper before writing something extra and putting it into the hat. "So here's the deal. You pick a slip from the hat, it has a particular...thing you have to do. When you're done, return it! We will do one today, and see how it goes. If all goes well, tomorrow will be even more fun!"

"Provided I get to stay another night." Jason added, shooting Kelsey a sly smile.

"I guess you can stay! You did the chores and everything." Kelsey smiled back.

"Then it's set!" Sarah said, passing the hat the Jason, who accepted it with a grin.

Jason reached into the hat, shuffling the papers quickly before picking one up and passing it to Kelsey.

"I don't know about this..." Kelsey said, knowing Sarah and her devious ways.

"What's the matter? Chicken?" she heard, expecting the comment to come from Sarah. Instead, she was surprised to see that it had come from Jason, who shot her a huge grin. Sarah busted out laughing.

Kelsey rolled her eyes but smiled as she pulled a slip out from the hat and passed it to Sarah, who took one quickly.

"Give milk to the rapidash..." Jason read, "I'm assuming that's a euphemism?"

"A bad one." Kelsey commented, earning a slap from Sarah.

"I got ride a milktank..." Sarah said, looking over to Kelsey.

Kelsey unfolded the paper.

"Arcanine shower...." She read, eyes rolling at what the task entailed. "This is gonna suck!"

Sarah smiled. "Shadow doesn't count. It's gotta be the others. Plus, tomorrow you have to go with other pokemon. You've had too much arcanine lately!"

Kelsey sighed, "Fine!

"Alright! We'll meet back here for dinner! Have fun!"

Kelsey sighed as she made her way over to the arcanine enclosure. Her family had 6 arcanine, not including Shadow, all but two of them were males. Usually her family would loan a few out to other farms, but right now they were all here, in the arcanine enclosure. The room was pretty spacious, but split. On one side, the male arcanine were kept, allowed to roam the open room and move outside if they wanted. The other half housed both the female arcanine, with an opposite door for them to go out of. Usually the males and females were kept separate, as they were now.

As she stepped into the male side, she watched as the four arcanine turned to look at her. They were all smaller than Shadow but not by much. Captain was the one closest to the door. He was a little older than Shadow, but was very regal, and the black marks on top of his head resembled a crown. He was well respected by the others. Speedy was a little further off. He was the fastest of the group, having the most energy, and had a large collection of black spots on the fur on his legs. Blaze was near the back, sitting by himself. He was the youngest, a follower. Compared to the others, Blaze had only a few black spots on his fur. Last was Bolt, who was the most shy of the group. On both sides of his fur were black lightning bolts.

She knew, and had named, all of them personally. She had grown up with them, and while they knew that she and Shadow shared a special relationship, she had experimented with each of them before, when she was a little younger. But it had been years since she was last with them, and she had never been with all of them at the same time. She wasn't even really sure how this would work.

Closing the door behind her, she watched as Captain came up to her and nodded over to some of the farm equipment, expecting there to be more work to be done. Kelsey shook her heat.

"No more work today Cap!" she told the arcanine, petting him on the head. The pokemon cocked his head in confusion.

"We're going to try something a little....different." she said, removing her hand from his head and instead focused on removing her shirt.

This got the attention of the other arcanine, who watched as Captain admired the now topless young girl. The older arcanine licked his muzzle while he eyed Kelsey's curves and sun kissed skin. She allowed him a few more seconds of looking before she offered him a taste. He responded with slow, deliberate licks down her exposed flesh. His warm tongue sent excited shivers down her spine. She encouraged him, rubbing his head as he explored her body with his tongue.

Then she called Speedy over. This seemed to confuse the others, but she calmed them, explaining that today she was theirs to share.

Slowly, Speedy made his way over and nuzzled her outstretched hand. He wasted no time once invited, lapping repeatedly at her breasts while Captain focused on her stomach. Kelsey gasped in pleasure as the two arcanine worked her over. Their breath was hot on her skin and their tongues were even hotter, covering her in their warmth.

Next she called Bolt over, and laughed as he ran quickly to her. He chose to focus on her back, licking between her shoulder blades and claiming the uncontested territory for himself. All three no longer needed any encouragement from her, as they licked her with reckless abandon, enjoying the youth of her body.

Finally she called Blaze over, and smiled as he slowly made his way over to her. Not counting Shadow, Blaze was by far her favorite. He was the youngest of the group, but also the most shy. He had taken quite a liking to her when her family had purchased him from another farm. It had taken a while for the pack of arcanine to fully accept him, and in the meantime, she would often sneak him some extra food or treats. As a result, he was only really affectionate with her.

She could see his worry as he made his way over to them. He was worried for her, and when he got to her, he licked her cheek, which caused her to smile.

"Come here you!" she grinned, pulling him close. Blaze had to stand to her side, as she was surrounded by giant pokemon, but that gave him the perfect position to lap at her neck and face.

Kelsey was enjoying the attention, but she knew that the arcanine were getting more and more passionate. They wanted more. Champ and Bolt were already licking where the hem of her shorts and skin met, trying to push their tongue deeper into a relatively unknown territory.

"Ok boys! Hold on!" she laughed, kicking off her shoes so that she could slide out of her pants. The second her pants hit the ground, they were on her. Tongues fought for control as one managed to brush against her while another pushed inside of her. Bolt's tongue added to the fight, still positioned behind her. She jumped as she felt his tongue lapping the other side. She knew that she would have to come up with something fast in order to prevent a fight.

"Ok boys! Hold on!" she said, moving out of their reach. She was already pretty turned on and one look at the boys told her that they were too. She lay down on the ground, but propped herself up on her arms so she could see them.

"Here's the rule boys. You gotta cum on me, no tying!"

The arcanine barked their agreement, tails wagging and tongues lolling.

"Ok. Speedy you get to take me. Captain you sit on my left and Bolt sit on my right. Blaze, you stand above me, each hind leg next to by shoulder."

Slowly she lowered herself back down and the arcanine began to move, and a few seconds later, she had them exactly where she wanted them. It was a little awkward, as the pokemon were so big and she was much smaller, but they were so horny that Kelsey doubted they cared. In fact, seeing them all surrounding her, waiting to release some of their pent up energy, Kelsey began to get nervous. She had never tried anything like this before. Why did she suddenly think she could take on all four of them?

'Just take it slow Kelsey...' she thought to herself, looking at Captain to her left.

The older pokemon sat right next to her, giving her a perfect view of his underbelly. Tentatively, she lifted her hand and wrapped it around his base. Captain shivered at the contact. Slowly, she pumped him, using her extended thumb to tease his tip. The other arcanine watched as she worked on the older pokemon, Captain's panting filled the room. Kelsey took her time with her strokes, her hand becoming even more coated with each pump.

Nerves a little calmer, Kelsey reached out with her other hand, grabbing Bolt and jerking him. She jerked the two pokemon in rhythm, up then down, causing their tongues to loll to the side of their mouths. Gradually Kelsey grew bolder, confident in the fact that the arcanine were submitting themselves to her.

"Speedy" she called, breath already quick with anticipation, "take me!"

The arcanine barked a response and then pushed himself inside her, hilting on the first try.

Kelsey's eyes shot wide as the pokemon started humping her again and again with rapid succession. Each thrust pushed her body forward and she had to struggle to remember to keep pumping the others. After the third thrust, her cheek rubbed the underside of Blaze's shaft, already coated with his anticipation. Kelsey used the forward movement to her advantage, licking Blaze with each thrust. Soon she developed a rhythm.

Kelsey closed her eyes and took in the pleasurable sensations. Her hands were warm and slick, each pump generating a noise that, when combined with the sound of Speedy's pounding and her moaning, filled the room with their ecstasy. Speedy had only gotten faster in his thrusts, powerful muscles flexing as he pounded into her. Her back, acting almost on its own, arched from the pleasure, allowing him to push even deeper into her. Speedy wasn't as big as Shadow, but he was faster, his hips a blur of powerful thrusts.

She could feel her body begin to respond to the stimulation, walls tightening around the arcanine, trying to lock him inside. Speedy growled lightly at the increased friction, ancient instincts telling him to tie the girl under him like a proper male. She moaned into Blaze, tongue swirling. The others were close too. She could feel the swelling of both Captain and Bolt in her hands. Blaze was close, and would thrust himself along her cheeks periodically, allowing the softness of her skin to stimulate him.

"That's it!" she cooed, hands stroking faster. "Come on boys! Paint me!"

Captain and Bolt started growling, their hips humping into her hands.

Blaze humped faster against her face, forcing Kelsey to close her eyes.

She came without warning, her insides exploding in a frenzy of passion and desire that coated the pokemon inside her with her juices. Her walls contracted, molding around Speedy and attempting to draw him inside of her. This sent him over the edge. With a howl, Speedy pulled himself out of her tight, wet entrance and exploded. His muscles contracted quickly, three times, before each long steady pulsation sent a wave of milky white pokemon seed onto her body.

"Mmmmm" Kelsey moaned, as blast after blast coated her stomach and chest. "It's so warm!"

Seeing her body receive wave after wave of Speedy's spunk sent Captain and Bolt over the edge. After a few desperate humps into her hands, both arcanine gave howls of their own before spraying their pent up desires all over the girl next to them.

Blaze was the sole holdout, but Kelsey could tell he wasn't that far off.

"Come on Blaze!" she moaned, licking and kissing him as he continued humping her face. "Coat me!"

Blaze whined in pleasure, his thrusts desperate. Kelsey gave him a small, butterfly kiss before he too submitted, each forceful shot coating her face.

Kelsey kept her eyes closed as she felt each of them release a couple months' worth of desire on her body. Each stream was warm, and Kelsey didn't have to look to tell that her chest had taken the brunt of it. She milked what was left of Captain and Bolt with her hands while the arcanine finished. After about fifteen seconds, they were done, and had moved off of her.

Kelsey had to bring a hand to her face in order to wipe her eyes. When she finally opened them, she surveyed the damage.

She was drenched...completely drenched.

"Crap...I'm going to need a shower."

Luckily no one else was back at the house when she got there, so she was free to take a shower.

A very very long shower.

After about ten minutes, and quite a bit of shampoo, Kelsey was finally able to run her fingers through her hair. After toweling off and changing into a fresh set of clothes, Kelsey headed into the living room, still toweling off her damp hair. The day was coming to an end, and as she crossed into the living room, she saw Jason passed out on the couch. She smiled as she passed him, impressed at how hard he had worked. She headed into the kitchen and started making dinner. As the smell of pasta began filling the air, she heard stirring from the living room.

"Mmmm...smells good!" Jason moaned, opening his eyes to look towards the kitchen, but not moving from the couch.

"I figured I might as well feed you, considering how helpful you were."

"Mmhmm" Jason said, still drowsy from his nap, "My whole body hurts!"

Kelsey laughed, putting the finishing touches on the pasta, before making them both a plate.

"You're going to have to come get this!" she teased, stepping out of the kitchen and into the living room. She held his plate in her hands.

Jason narrowed his eyes but didn't move. "You're mean."

Kelsey laughed again, before giving in and bringing him over his food. She watched as he got up very gingerly. She brought over a couple small tables her family had for when they wanted to eat and watch TV, and sat down next to him. The two ate in comfortable silence, watching the local pokemon competitions. A few minutes later, the front door opened and in walked Sarah, looking completely exhausted.

"Milktank a little too much for you?" Kelsey smirked, which earned her a scowl from the other girl.

Sarah stopped though as she passed the two on the couch, a smirk now gracing her face.

"Am I interrupting your date?"

Kelsey rolled her eyes at her friends poking, but she felt her cheeks heat a little. If Sarah noticed she didn't say anything.

"Go get food!" Kelsey said. Sarah laughed, but headed into the kitchen and emerged a few seconds later.

The three kept talking well into the night, sharing stories and jokes. When it was time to go to bed, Kelsey headed into her room, Shadow behind her. She allowed Jason to sleep on the couch, seeing that he didn't want to move. As she entered the room, she caught the jar of peanut butter she had left on her counter a few nights before. As Shadow got on the bed, she moved over to the jar and held it in her hand.

"This would have been useful earlier...." She thought to herself, mind flashing back to the events of earlier in the day. She could almost still feel their cum on her body. As her mind replayed the events of the day, she paused, realization dawning on her.

She hadn't closed the door to the arcanine enclosure....

"Shit!" she said aloud, moving towards the door. "I'll be back buddy!"

Peanut Butter still in her hand, Kelsey ran as fast she could to the enclosure. When she finally got there, she ran inside, eyes darting around to see if any were missing. She breathed a sigh of relief as she counted all of them. The boys were exhausted, passed out on the floor. She closed the door with a smile and headed back to the house.

As she climbed the steps to the back porch, she heard movement close to her.

"Hello?" she asked, eyes darting around in an attempt to see past the darkness.

There was no response, but she heard the noise get closer. She was nervous, heart pounding hard in her chest. She was paranoid with possibilities, until she caught sight of the pokemon heading towards her.

It was Jason's Infernape.

"Hey there!" she called out to the pokemon as it continued moving towards her. "Did you get locked out?"

"Nape!" the pokemon said, shaking its head. She knitted her eyes in confusion as the pokemon stopped close to her.

The infernape had been acting strange around her all day. Often she had caught the pokemon looking at her, but the second they made eye contact, the infernape had looked away. She had thought nothing of it, until now. The infernape was still shy, but something had changed.

Looking over the pokemon, her gaze stopped at its crotch, where a throbbing shaft pointed towards her.

"Oh!" She said, realization dawning on her. She had assumed that the infernape was a girl, considering the....relationship Jason had with his pokemon. "You want something else..."

The infernape looked down, embarrassed. Kelsey couldn't help but smile. The pokemon had clearly been holding in his urges for a while. Having a male trainer must have been particularly difficult. She was tired, but she had to admit that the temptation of a new pokemon was incredibly alluring. She licked her lips as she eyed the pokemon.

"Let's see what I can do..."